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  • Contemporary children's poets: our latest discoveries! What kind of horses! Russian poets for children.

    Contemporary children's poets: our latest discoveries!  What kind of horses!  Russian poets for children.

    These poems will learn on their own! The best contemporary children's poets

    Marshak, Chukovsky and Agnia Barto are, of course, the three pillars on which our childhood stood and jumped, and our grandchildren will not escape them. But the child does not live by the clicking sound alone!

    He has a lot of wonderful contemporaries who write amazing poems for kids from two to ninety-two. Envy! Better yet, read it with your descendants. The positive result will be two, no, a hundred times more!

    Masha Rupasova

    “I live in a small town on the Pacific coast, write poetry and fairy tales, and watch my child grow up. A child is a window to a new dimension, and I spend a lot of time at this window.”

    Yes, Masha Rupasova’s Facebook stories about her son Maxon, the main tester of her work, and the various experiences of a great soul are a separate and constant pleasure.

    Mom is at home?
    Mom is gone.
    Mom left.
    In Internet.
    Mom is looking
    In the Internet,
    How are you
    In the white world.
    Drinks coffee
    Leads with his eyes -
    What's out there in the world
    Mom, I'll tell you!
    In the world I come from!

    Vadim Levin

    “I was lucky when I was born. This happened a very long time ago - in 1933... As a child, I had many wonderful books with kind, smart and funny poems. I memorized these poems, played with them... and tried to compose my own. I tried, tried, tried and got used to it.”

    Levin is an ex-Kharkov resident, now a citizen of Marburg, a living classic, author of the immortal “Stupid Horse” and more.

    Poems with Dragon

    In my poems in the morning
    One Dragon wandered
    Said: “It’s high time!” –
    And swallowed the balcony.
    Slept for half a day, yawned
    And he announced: “Lunch.”
    He stood up and ate the chair,
    Buffet and office.
    I don't know what Dragon is
    Eats at the end of the day...
    What if he comes for dinner?
    Will you include Me in the menu?
    Imposing your taste
    I won't fight the dragon
    And I'm afraid to say
    That I am a bad dish.
    Of course he can
    What does he want to eat for dinner?
    But I'm such a Dragon
    Not needed in my poems.

    Andrey Usachev

    “At first I wanted to be a traveler, then I wanted to be a geologist, then a musician, and in the end I became a writer. Not every writer knows right away that he will become a writer. Tolstoy, for example, was first a military man..."

    And Usachev is also a playwright and screenwriter. Remember “The Smart Dog Sonya”? It was he who came up with it. Because instead of his daughter Sonya, his son Misha was born - so such a good name could not be lost!..

    Three brothers
    Three acrobat brothers
    One day we went to the park:
    One with an umbrella
    The other one is with a cat,
    And the third - just like that.
    Suddenly it began to rain...
    Hurry under the umbrella!
    But there is little use in:
    The three of us can’t fit under the umbrella,
    Especially with a cat.
    And yet brothers in the rain
    Came home dry:
    One with an umbrella
    The other one is with a cat,
    And the third - with the rest!

    Arthur Givargizov

    “As I remember now: “Givargizov, so that by the next lesson the essay about summer will be on my table!” Well, in the next lesson, of course, a broken pointer, a cry: “In what Hades?!” What other brother of Zeus?! Get out!" In general, right in the school corridor, I felt like a great writer. Then, however, he went out into the street and very quickly ran to Kolomenskoye for a walk. And I felt like a great runner...”

    It’s easy to recognize Givargizov’s poetry: if at first you laugh loudly, and then, puffing away, mutter: “What a hooligan, and also such a big guy...” - that’s definitely him!

    “Why are you, Seryozha, in a bad mood today?” –
    Two flies asked, biting Seryozha.
    “He was exhausted from the intense heat,”
    They said mosquitoes biting him.
    “Come on, smile and dry your tears,”
    They said, leeches and wasps bite.
    “It’s unusual for us, he was always cheerful,” -
    They said, biting, dogs and bees.
    “Or maybe he got sick and that’s why he’s sad?”
    “Leave the boy alone, the main thing is that it’s delicious!”

    Tim Sobakin

    “When I felt that my poems might be published today or tomorrow, I thought about a pseudonym. But nothing worthwhile came to my mind. And then I saw a children's film on TV. There is a boy standing in front of the squadron, so thin... And the commander solemnly: “For the courage and heroism shown, I express my gratitude to Gregory... what’s your last name?” He replies: “Yes, we are Dogs...” And I immediately realized: this is mine.”

    In fact, he is Andrei Ivanov - but just read his poetry and prose... And you will immediately exclaim: as he writes, Sobakin! He was also the editor-in-chief of the great and immortal magazine “Tram”.

    Caterpillar Revelation
    As soon as the moon
    Framed by windows
    He will enter as a voluntary prisoner,
    I'm under the blanket
    Like a quilted cocoon,
    I crawl in like a nasty caterpillar.
    And there I think
    About something wise
    Frozen with a cylindrical stick.
    And it seems to me
    What from the cocoon in the morning
    I'll flutter out like a cute butterfly.
    But the morning comes -
    And the sun on the puddle
    Through the cloud
    It shines confused...
    From the cocoon
    I'm crawling out
    Innocent people spoil plants.

    Lyudmila Ulanova

    “I live in Kazan, I work as a translator in a computer company. Most often I write for children and for those adults who do not want to part with childhood. But my main achievement is, of course, my daughter Sashka. By the way, she also sometimes tries her hand at poetry. She and I often play “rhymes” and “poems” - it’s a very fun activity, I recommend it to everyone!”

    And we suspect that Mila Ulanova is actually a circus performer at heart. You admire how she manages to juggle words - and your heart is filled with pure white envy. Well, and more joy.

    Household bug
    The bug is puffing - he is dragging a dandelion,
    To make a sofa out of it.
    He carries a red pepper into his bag,
    After all, it is empty - it will do as a wardrobe.
    He will make shelves out of pine cones,
    The table is made of stone, and the doors are made of wood chips.
    Only with the chandelier the question is still unclear,
    And Firefly stubbornly disagrees!
    Friend, it's called...

    Grigory Kruzhkov

    “Perhaps the most vivid childhood experience of meeting poetry is associated with the time when I was sick with something, had a high fever. I was two years old, just a baby. My mother carried me around the room in her arms and, to calm me down, read: “The poet died, a slave of honor, fell by slandered rumors...”. That’s how it got into me from then on.”

    Kruzhkov is simultaneously a physicist, a translator, a teacher, and a philosopher. And in his children's works there are no less paradoxes, irony and cheerful absurdity than in his favorite English classics, which he actively translated.

    Leo came out
    From behind the mountain
    And, after thinking,
    - Rrrry!
    Cockatoos flew up:
    What did you mean?
    Will I tear it apart and tear it apart?
    Will I smash it and scatter it?
    Will I scare everyone away?
    Lev said:
    – I’m just RRRAD!

    Mikhail Yasnov

    “As a child, I was sure that I would become a great, serious poet. Then translation, children’s poetry, essays, reviews, articles, history were added to the poems... The result was a centaur.”

    Yasnov gave children's literature (that is, to us!) a huge number of translations from French - and as many as sixty books of his own poems for children.

    I walked out the door this morning -
    Spring was all around,
    And a flock of soap bubbles
    Flew from the window.
    She flew this way and that,
    And to the side, and into the distance, and in breadth,
    And the leader flew ahead -
    Such a big bubble.
    First forward, then back,
    And down and up again, -
    But bubbles and bubbles
    I couldn't put it together.
    Alone, cheerful as in a dream,
    Hanging on the wires
    Another, climbing the wall,
    He sat down on the ledge.
    And the third, blinded by the sun,
    Whistled: “Fa-mi-re-do...”
    And flew to the old maple -
    Probably to build a nest.

    Peter Sinyavsky

    “Sometimes I’m sitting in a restaurant or walking down the street, and suddenly something comes up. I wrote the book “Mushroom Train” for about forty minutes, and “Green Pharmacy” took seven years.”

    Sinyavsky began writing poetry at the age of forty, but his first song at twenty-five. Before becoming a writer and poet, he was a musician. And now he performs his songs with a guitar. The audience sings along with pleasure!

    Weird story
    Met a beetle in one forest
    A cute wasp.
    - Oh, what a fashionista!
    Allow me to meet you.
    Dear passer-by,
    Well, that's a hundred percent similar!
    You have no idea
    How sultry you are!
    And the beautiful wasp
    Flew off into the sky.
    Strange citizen
    Probably a foreigner.
    Annoyance bug with pretzels
    Running around the clearing.
    - It had to be like that
    Go crazy!
    How not to end up again
    In such a situation -
    We urgently need to get married
    In a foreign language.

    Sergey Makhotin

    “It often happens that some child wakes up in the morning in a bad mood. The slipper got stuck under the bed, I don’t feel like having breakfast, and I don’t even want to go to school. This happens to adults too: they don’t want to go to work at all. There is a wonderful recipe: you need to remember and read a small funny poem!”

    Well, Makhotin’s own poems are very suitable for this noble goal. And when he writes adult prose, and when he edits an adult magazine, he correctly does not forget that “children's poems are the happiest occupation in the world”!

    We are on duty
    We've been here for an hour today
    They cleaned out the new class.
    A hundred toffee papers
    A hundred bits and notes
    We discovered it.
    There were only three lessons
    Not five
    And not six.
    How did we manage to do so much?
    Write, read and eat?!

    Vyacheslav Leikin

    “THEY were already waiting, looking at me, silent. I told him my name, said how old I was, and added that as a child I also tried to write poetry, but nothing good came of it...”

    So Leikin, in his book “Playing Poetry,” begins a story about the children’s literary studio, which he led - and which, thanks to him, from “Lenin’s Sparks” became “Leikin’s” - and raised many excellent poets. Reading the works of his students is sometimes no less fun than his own. What can be said better about a teacher?

    Baraboshka lived in the world,
    Weighed twenty kilograms
    I looked out the window all day,
    At night he ran around the yards.
    He chewed only the humpbacks
    And I read only the covers,
    And neither boyfriend nor girlfriend
    Baraboshka didn’t have it.
    Having obtained a piece of lard,
    He lured a cat to visit,
    A day later she ran away
    Scratching Baraboshka.
    He calls the bulldog to him -
    The bulldog eats an awful lot
    The turtle will be invited -
    The turtle sleeps and sleeps.
    Baraboshka is bored and sad
    To live alone in the world;
    Hides his head in his hands
    And not a word to anyone.
    Days fly, nights flash by,
    And he doesn’t know, poor thing,
    What lives opposite is very
    Lonely Cheburashka.

    Mikhail Veksler

    “I came up with this definition for myself: “writer.” I even avoid the word “poetry.” Either I replace it with the word “texts,” or I call them—I came up with a word—“vekslerostishya.”

    Odessa Veksler is the very talent whose closest relative is brevity. Any of his poems, both children's and non-children's, are remembered instantly - and are perfectly quoted at every step!

    Walking my own path,
    I eat pies with potatoes.
    Then I go and think:
    “Where am I going?”
    I walked along the shore. I missed you.
    He knocked on the clam's house.
    "Welcome!" - I heard
    But he didn't go in. And he didn't come out.
    And with a dog's tongue,
    And I am familiar with the cat:
    I understand dogs and cats
    Half woof, half meow.

    Marina Boroditskaya

    “I'm like a three-headed dragon. One head composes for children, the other writes completely adult lyrics, the third translates. A fourth head regularly grows, and then I broadcast on the radio. And I started writing my children’s work when my eldest son Andryusha was one and a half years old...”

    Thanks to Marina's third head, we can communicate in Russian with Chaucer, Burns, Browning, Stevenson, Kipling, Milne, Carroll, Hugo... And thanks to the first, with her own sweetest and funniest characters.

    Bear school
    First of April,
    On the first day of school,
    The cubs are writing
    Essays at school.
    Topic posted
    On a big pine tree:

    Natalia Khrushcheva

    “The area of ​​my research was the processes that take place in solids when irradiated with electrons. There was a kind of poetry in all this: “Maxwell’s demon”, “Ewald’s sphere”, “Brillouin’s zone”…”

    After the birth of her daughter Nastya, a miracle happened: a serious physicist hit the ground and turned into a children's lyricist! In addition to the children's audience in general, the St. Petersburg Zazerkalye Theater, where Natalya is in charge of the literary department, was particularly lucky.

    My dad is a scientist-philosopher
    My dad is a scientist-philosopher,
    He believes: teaching is light,
    He asks a lot of questions
    And looking for every answer.
    Blowing smoke rings
    Putting glasses on your nose,
    “What can be indelible?” –
    He once asked a question.
    Here everyone thought a little
    And he expressed his opinion:
    I cheerfully shouted: “Cat!”
    And mom sighed: “Underwear...”

    Galina Dyadina

    “So as not to waste / Useful words from the dictionary on myself, / I’ll just say about myself / Two modest words “Me” and “Be.”

    This is the kind of modesty that adorns the author, who, already in three decades, has already become decorated with a carriage and a small cart of poems, in which a sea of ​​love for children splashes. Despite the fact that Galina is not only a mother twice, but also a school teacher by profession! :)

    In the thick, thick, thick grass
    One day an ant disappeared...
    After all, he is not an elephant or a giraffe,
    Just a little ant...
    An ordinary mushroom is already a mountain
    Compared to drip mura...
    And even a leaf is too much
    Big for a tiny mur...
    And who will find mu... in the grass?
    I give him a cow!

    Photo: Shutterstock
    Text: Yulia Sheket

    Want to receive one interesting unread article per day?

    Galina Dyadina writes enchanted poems - you want to take them away from the child and secretly read them yourself. And her poems also bring knowledge to readers in the most convenient form for assimilation - the poetess, in collaboration with Andrei Usachev, wrote four poetic encyclopedias: about the stars, the sea, the treasures of the Hermitage and music.

    From « Star Book »

    Big Dipper
    Big Dipper
    In the big sky
    Why Big
    Pretended to be Ladle.
    Probably for the night
    She's from the bucket
    Gives him milk
    Your baby.
    For the cream
    The Path goes to the Milky Way.
    After all, Ursa Minor
    We need to grow!

    Buy a collection of poems:

    Arthur Givargizov

    Givargizov's poems are simply crazy! They seem awkward, but once you read them out loud, a rhythmic structure and non-standard rhymes will appear. And how much imagination and reckless absurdity there is in his poetry! Among adults, Givargizov’s work evokes mixed reactions: from bewilderment to delight. What about children? , roaring with laughter.

    From book « Astronauts »

    Don't fly far
    The astronaut must go into outer space.
    The astronaut is watched by his mother, television and newspapers.
    Came out! Hooray! Mom's voice in the headphones:
    “Seryozha, do you hear?! Only around the rocket!”

    In the underground
    Earth. Metro. Astronaut in a spacesuit
    rides on the subway, smiles at all the girls.
    Girls like men in spacesuits.
    Here's an astronaut who doesn't change his clothes
    after work.

    Buy a collection of poems:

    Anastasia Orlova

    Anastasia said a new word in nursery poetry: she came up with modern nursery rhymes for the little ones. No angry gray tops that try to bite the side. However, Anastasia’s poems are not only for kids - older preschoolers and their parents also have something to gain from her poetry. The joy of children's discoveries is contagious.

    From book « Daisies »

    I'm this morning
    I'm this morning
    Got up on the wrong foot
    Mamagi to me, mom!
    Dad, papagi!

    T-shirt turned out
    There's a hole in the toe
    How difficult is it?
    Life goes on in the morning.

    There is no end to compote,
    There is no end to the porridge!
    Where are you, daddy?
    Where is ma-

    They don't fit me
    These boots!
    Pama, pa-ma-gi-i-i!

    Buy a collection of poems:

    Yulia Simbirskaya

    In a laconic poetic form, Julia talks about very touching things that accompany childhood. Her poems vary in mood - some are cheerful, energetic, and some are thoughtful, inviting you to philosophize. The book “Pea Soup” contains lyrical kitchen stories from the life of baking, hot dishes and drinks. Carefully! After reading this book, you will never be able to eat pancakes and cutlets with indifference.

    From book« Pea soup»

    A frying pan sizzles on a hot stove,
    It contains oil for pancakes up to the chin.
    Bouncing in oil - what a miracle!
    Then use a spatula to reach the dish.

    Sniffle and sigh tirelessly for an hour,
    Having relaxed to your heart's content in the sour cream.
    Flour and kefir in a triangular bag
    They said: “What beautiful children!”

    Buy a collection of poems:

    Dmitry Sirotin

    Dmitry's poems - with a secret. You start reading - it seems like a verse, but in the very middle there is a surprise! Either an unexpected plot device or an amazing hero. And often both at the same time. In Dmitry's poetry, play is in charge. After all, the poet himself played in plays on the theater stage for many years, and then composed songs for theatrical productions.

    From book « Cautionary stories »

    Unusual cat
    It was unusual
    Flying cat!
    Well, how did we know?!
    Lives and lives...
    And he hid his wings,
    Extremely shy
    And he was not flying in the center,
    And on the outskirts...

    Buy a collection of poems:

    Anna Ignatova

    Anna Ignatova's poems are atmospheric - they always have a spirit of adventure. Even in the whistle of the train you can hear the roll call of elephants. Along the way, readers absorb all the beautiful things that our language is rich in. This is not surprising: Anna Ignatova is a Russian language teacher and an avid traveler.

    From book « About elephants, trolleybuses and princes »

    Yesterday at the store
    Yesterday at the store
    On Bronnaya street
    Crows flew into the confectionery hall
    And so that the seller does not look gloomily,
    They croaked important:
    “Kilo “Kar-rakuma”!”
    However, then they looked into the wallet
    And they croaked more quietly:
    “Kilo car-rameli...”

    Buy a collection of poems:

    Natalia Volkova

    What ingredients do you need to make a great children's rhyme? Image, plot and masterly verbal play. In the lyrical stories of Natalia Volkova there is the first, and the second, and the third! She writes about the current realities of children's lives, as mundane as a concrete mixer, and as magical as elves and gnomes in mom's kitchen. And Natalia Volkova, in collaboration with Anna Ignatova, wrote a lifesaver for kindergarten graduations and school classes - a book with short humorous poems about first-grader animals, “First-Class Poems.”

    From book « I have a secret island »

    Ships and pier
    Three ships
    Or maybe five
    We thought about going to the Pier
    Stick to,
    But suddenly angry
    They are heart-rending
    - Yes, how much is possible?!
    I'm tired!
    I've been here all year
    Didn't rest!
    I want to be in silence...
    Don't pester me!

    Buy a collection of poems:

    Elena Yaryshevskaya

    Children love stories: funny, fantastic, especially if everything in them is turned upside down. Even the jacket - and that one in Elena Yaryshevskaya’s poetry goes to work on its own (without dad!), mechanically performing the usual actions of its owner. This kind of reading is also useful for adults: an effective vaccination against monotony.

    From book « A jacket was walking down the street »

    Insomnia remedy
    The tired sun hides in the river,
    Night comes, darkness deepens...
    The sheep can't sleep today,
    Sleep doesn't come to the poor guy!
    But the sheep have a reliable remedy.
    Again the sheep closes its eyes:
    - One, little man,
    - Two, little man,
    - Three, little man...
    And falls asleep...

    Buy a collection of poems:

    Masha Rupasova

    For this poetess, writing seems to be quite simple. Because she herself has not yet fully grown. So they sign it not like an adult, “Maria,” but like a girl, “Masha.” She writes about childhood so infectiously that adults instantly remember how to be boys and girls, and are no longer so disciplined in scolding their fidgets for petty hooliganism. And during lunch breaks, they read these poems to their colleagues, some even by heart.

    From book « Old ladies fell from the sky »

    I- news
    Mom is at home?
    Mom is gone.
    Mom came out
    In Internet.
    Mom is looking
    In the Internet
    How are you
    In the white world.
    Drinks coffee
    Leads with his eyes:
    What's there
    What's happening in the world?
    I will tell you!
    In the world I
    I'm happening!

    Buy a collection of poems:

    There are a lot of bad and outrageously simple children's poems, so usually the hand reaches out to the proven collections of Chukovsky and Marshak. In fact, the world of children's poetry is much more extensive. Journalist Lisa Birger chose 8 excellent contemporary children's poets writing in Russian.

    Anastasia Orlova

    A young poet from Yaroslavl, she has a very strong and mature voice - it would seem that she made her debut only yesterday, and today she already has several collections of books and poems with pictures. And it’s absolutely clear that no one writes better poetry for very young children than she does. All her refrains, nursery rhymes, and little rhymes are a perfect fit right into the heart of the children's world. (It’s not easy for a little one, / What is a trifle for a big one / The snow reaches the roofs, / But it doesn’t reach the ground. / The little snow is falling. / When will it grow up?). The main thing in Orlova is the ability to integrate the huge surrounding world into children's optics, to see exactly what a small child will be interested in and admire it with him - be it the first snow or a long trip of a heavily loaded truck with a trailer:

    “The sky is high above,

    The sky is deep in the puddle.

    If you stumble into a puddle,

    You can fall into the sky!”

    Eduard Shenderovich

    When several years ago Eduard Shenderovich's poems were first published as a separate book, readers could not help but experience a feeling of joyful recognition. In these light, seemingly spontaneously born lines, you can hear the cheerful absurdity of the poems of Kharms and Vvedensky. So, Shenderovich seems to be the most faithful successor of this beloved children's poetic tradition. It’s a pity that there are so few of his collections, and all because in fact Eduard Shenderovich is a venture investor and a professional businessman, and he writes poetry in his free time, apparently without realizing how well it turns out. What is striking and attractive in his poems is the absolute freedom, including freedom from any influence. He doesn’t have to look far for topics: he can write a whole book about how boys play in imaginary battles (“About battles and battles”) or how children and Chinese wander around Moscow and St. Petersburg (“About one, two, 3, 4 and 5"). The verse flows as it lives (“Together with my mother/ I walked/ along the canals,/ along the Neva - / my mother took me for a ride / on a large winged lion. / We twisted through the alleys / we just walked / somewhere. / We walked and got tired - / and sat down to rest"), and this makes it seem that Shenderovich’s poetry is spontaneous and momentary, like a child’s game. But in fact, it is children's play that inspires him.

    "And Jack says

    "Bill, you didn't

    I didn’t kill you!”

    And Bill answers:

    Jack, I'm still


    After all, if you chase after everyone,

    then who should I go with later?


    Vadim Levin

    Someone knows Vadim Levin’s poems from childhood, but, surprisingly, many parents are still not familiar with them: neither the stupid horse in galoshes, nor the translations from English “so new that the British have not yet managed to compose most of them in their own language.” language,” nor songs based on his poems, nor poetic duets with Renata Mukha. And one can only sympathize with these non-readers of Levin - after all, they are missing out on such sincere happiness from reading children's poetry. And the point is not even that he is a wonderful poet and writes wonderful poetry. Levin is also a child psychologist and teacher, co-author of the famous “Primer”; he perfectly understands and feels how children read poetry and what they learn with their help.

    "A whole month in the rain

    The roof gets wet

    The house is getting wet,

    Leaves and flowers are getting wet,

    Puddles and umbrellas get wet,

    Parks and fields are getting wet,

    The wet ground gets wet,

    And far from the earth

    Get wet

    In the sea


    Mikhail Yasnov

    You don't have to be an expert in children's literature to know and love Mikhail Yasnov - a wonderful poet, writer and translator, and a tireless popularizer of children's reading. After all, it is precisely the collections he compiled (for example, “Ferris Wheel” in the Klever publishing house) and his seminars that we owe to the fact that there are so many names in our children’s literature. His own ode to children's poetry is the recently published book “Journey to Miracle.” This is the history of children's poetry in Russia, and a story about new names in it, and a conversation about children's reading in general, a little nostalgic, but always relevant. Fortunately, new poetry collections by Mikhail Yasnov are published here with amazing regularity, so that he will definitely not remain in people’s memory as the author of “The Scarecrow-Meow” alone. His alphabet, for example, is a pure source of endless linguistic happiness.

    “What do we have in the forest starting with the letter Sh?

    This cone flopped, rustling.

    A bumblebee and a hornet are noisily rummaging through the porridge.

    Bugs rustling in the rose hips

    What else in the forest begins with the letter Sh?

    Noise and rustling near the hut.

    Well, if your mouth is full of cloudberries -

    Broads and short legs!

    Masha Rupasova

    Masha Rupasova’s debut collection (“Old Women Were Falling from the Sky”) was released only in 2015, but by that time her poems already had a crowd of fans on the Internet, and this crowd is only growing. Despite the fact that Rupasova actually writes all her children's poems through the eyes of an adult, through his optics, and most of her poems become nostalgia for her readers for their own childhood. But it is in this way that she manages to stretch a thread between the children's world and the adult world, between our memory and children's feelings. That is why mothers and grandmothers (and Masha Rupasova’s books are addressed specifically to them) fall in love with these poems and share their love with their children.

    "Mom is at home?

    Mom is gone.

    Mom left.

    In Internet.

    Mom is looking

    In the Internet,

    How are you

    In the white world.

    Drinks coffee

    With your eyes


    What's out there in the world


    Mom, I'll tell you

    I'll tell you!

    In the world

    I'm happening!

    Andrey Usachev

    Andrei Usachev is a poet of outstanding productivity: one hundred books, fifteen cartoons, including one full-length, and half the country of enthusiastic admirers. And somehow you are not at all surprised by this popular love, because Usachev writes exactly the way parents and even the smallest children love - understandable and simple. And even somewhat artless.

    "Three acrobat brothers"

    One day we went to the park

    One - with an umbrella,

    The other one is with a cat,

    And the third - just like that.

    Suddenly it began to rain...

    Hurry under the umbrella!

    But there is little use in:

    The three of us can’t fit under the umbrella,

    Especially with a cat.

    And yet brothers in the rain

    Came home dry:

    One - with an umbrella,

    The other one is with a cat,

    And the third - with the rest! "

    Igor Shevchuk

    Petersburg poet, whose poems we read back in the 80s in the magazine “Tram”, and today we know as one of the authors of “Smeshariki”. Basically, Shevchuk writes books for the same “Smeshariki” and “Fixies” - his “Fixie-ABC” and “Big Developmental Book. Smeshariki" turns out to be head and shoulders above everything ever written for various franchises under bright covers. But little by little, his simple poems for children are beginning to appear in separate collections - “The Law of the Average Humorous” in “Compass Guide”, “On the Edge of Childhood” in “Detgiz”. And, in general, this is good news, because Shevchuk has a rare quality - to always remain funny and understandable, and at the same time reach completely adult literary heights.

    “Although it is small, it is a children’s room,

    The room, I’ll tell you straight, is huge!

    Parquet rivers, ceiling heights...

    And I’m not sitting on a chair stupidly -

    And on high at the very top I

    She hid her head in a blue cloud...

    If suddenly mom comes into the room -

    Mom will never find me!”

    Alexander Timofeevsky

    Of course, everyone remembers “Gena the Crocodile’s Song,” but not everyone knows that Alexander Timofeevsky continues to publish collections of wonderful new poems for children. It is impossible to praise Timofeevsky, just as it is impossible to read enough of him - any line, jumping out of the text, jumps straight into the reader’s head and spins there for a long, long time. The point is probably that Timofeevsky’s children’s poems find roots in his adult poetry. The observer here always goes into the experience of what he sees, and each meeting becomes a separate internal journey. Compass Guide recently published two wonderful collections by Timofeevsky with illustrations by outstanding contemporary artists: “Zoo” with drawings by Marina Pavlikovskaya and “Jolly Geometry”, the artist of which was Leonid Shmelkov.

    “He should jump over the jump rope

    Or jump over a rope.

    To avoid hitting the ceiling,

    The giraffe bent its head slightly.

    So big, big, tall,

    So big and lonely

    So unlike a horse

    And so similar to me."

    In order not to miss anything useful and interesting about children's entertainment, development and psychology, subscribe to our channel on Telegram. Just 1-2 posts a day.

    No one will deny that the peak of development of children's literature occurred during the Soviet Union. We all grew up on the poems of Chukovsky, Mikhalkov, Barto... If poetry “for adults” (in the good sense of the word) continues to develop - at least a couple of names of modern authors are known to almost everyone - then name some children's poems It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to describe modern Russian poets right away.

    Nevertheless, there are still poets writing for children, but in most cases they are little known or unknown at all. In this collection we tried to combine all the interesting poems for children, found by us on the Internet. We hope you find it useful :)

    Igor Tsarev


    In a colorful coat, a tail in a ring,
    At night he guards the porch.
    Answer the question:
    Who can bark? ...

    * * *
    Who has a Meek character,
    Thick coat, short tail?
    Who digs the underground grotto?
    Who's afraid of the sun? ...

    * * *
    Who UNDERSTANDS boys?
    Doesn't he take them off his back?
    In a red velvet blanket
    Takes kids for rides...

    * * *
    In a black body made of leather,
    Looks like a big ship.
    Fishermen along the fountain
    Find out what it is...

    * * *
    People doubt:
    Who lives in the pool there?
    Spins the water like a wheel
    Under the snag there is a thick...

    * * *
    Who is at the bottom of the river in the darkness
    Always starting fights?
    Whose claws is the enemy afraid of?
    Who's walking backwards? ...

    * * *
    Rolls, turns,
    Shoals and whirlpools.
    Erasing the shores
    The fast one is rushing...

    * * *
    Who has a wide back
    PERCHED over the wave?
    The path is very simple,
    If there is a river...

    * * *
    What do we sometimes bully?
    What do we wipe with a handkerchief?
    Caulk and a little sniffle
    Warmed up between my cheeks...

    * * *
    Who is standing in our dining room,
    Propping up a bowl of porridge?
    The hem is embroidered with lace.
    Who got under the tablecloth? ...

    Elena Ranneva

    Mila helped my mother -
    She set the table for dinner.
    Even though the assistant is small,
    She carried cups and saucers.
    I stumbled at the threshold,
    Cup - ding! - and suddenly it crashed...
    Mom screamed: “Poor thing!
    How did you break the cup?
    “And so,” said Mila
    And she dropped the other one.


    - Why did it break?
    Do you have a pocket?
    - Because he ate
    Eraser and banana
    A piece of glass, a coin,
    Carnation and whistle.
    Swallowed the candy
    Chalk and boxes.
    I would eat a tiger
    He's probably
    Just saw a tiger
    It's in the book for now.
    Yesterday I tried
    Eat a drum.
    Ate too much and burst
    My greedy pocket!

    Anastasia Orlova

    We're crackling with the frost,
    We are friends like brothers -
    In winter, when
    I go out for a walk
    I breathe in the frost
    And I warm him in my chest,
    So that he becomes
    At least a little warmer!

    Yulia Simbirskaya

    Can't sleep

    The window is open.
    Darkness. Silence.
    Got lost in a cloud
    Big moon.
    And you can hear how loud it is
    In the distant night
    At the fast train
    Heart is beating.

    Mikhail Yasnov

    Morning song

    When I woke up, I shouted to my mother:
    - Goodbye, my Pajamas!
    Long live Tuflyandiya!..
    And my mother answered me:
    - According to the course - Switterland!
    Hats - hello!
    - Hurray for Big Paltonia!
    Scarfancy - vivat!..
    And if you don't understand,
    It's not my fault!

    Cup went out for a walk

    One two three four five -
    The cup went out for a walk.
    A teapot flies past -
    Fills a cup with tea:
    - Bul-bull!..
    Need lump sugar!

    One two three four five -
    Sugar went out for a walk.
    A spoon flies past -
    Sugar in a cup dissolves:
    - Ding-ding!..
    Need a painted gingerbread!

    One two three four five -
    Gingerbread went out for a walk.
    The teeth are waiting nearby -
    They play hide and seek with gingerbread:
    - Crunch-crunch!..
    Oh no no no!
    Tea spilled all over the table!

    One two three four five -
    The rag went out for a walk.
    The rag was fiddled with in the tea,
    The rag snorted and got angry:
    - One two three four five -
    I don't want to play with you!

    Hello, tail!

    - Hello, tail!
    How are you doing?

    - Hello, make a face!
    Don't bite us!..

    This is what the puppy with the tail said -
    And I still couldn’t catch him!

    Igor Kalish

    An eccentric was walking down the street,
    He was wearing a green tailcoat.
    He smiled at everyone passing by,
    For no reason, just like that.

    The sailors followed him
    With a clear step, along the river,
    And one kept stumbling,
    Stepping on shoelaces.

    Five old women followed them
    And they fired from firecrackers,
    I walked with them and kept laughing
    Grandfather with a huge bunch of dry goods.

    A sullen pedestrian walked
    He muttered: -What kind of people?
    And then he burst out laughing
    And he waded through the puddles.

    Vadim Smolyak

    Crocodile sometimes early
    I caught piranhas in the pond.
    It was a crocodile thing,
    Time passed quickly.
    Sees a full bucket,
    He grins slyly:
    “Just right for my ears!”
    That's the end of the story.

    Marina Boroditskaya

    Truant and Truant

    Truant and Truant
    Walked for the day:
    We wandered together through the white light
    And a blue shadow

    Along the best of roads
    Tried and old
    And we passed the lesson
    One and a half boulevards.

    Truant and Truant
    They couldn't part.
    When the boulevards end
    They entered the museum.

    Hanging jackets on hooks,
    In the Egyptian department
    In plastic numbers
    They put their fingers in each other.

    These poets are our contemporaries. They work as teachers, librarians, and sometimes just mothers. They also convincingly prove that children's poetry can be interesting to both children and adults. We recommend!

    1. Yulia Simbirskaya

    The sea was yesterday

    The spotlights will turn on
    At the lighthouse.
    And a butterfly sail
    Flashes in the distance.
    Extinct sky
    Will drop a star.
    And tomorrow I'll go to the sea
    I won't come again.
    Packed a long time ago
    Catch of shells...

    I say goodbye to the sea
    I can do it without words.

    2. Galina Dyadina

    Galina Dyadina’s poems will be relevant, for example, in connection with the upcoming New Year holidays - after all, she has a whole collection of “Yolka toys from the floor to the top.” And in collaboration with Andrei Usachev, this poetess managed to write four poetic encyclopedias: about the stars, the sea, the treasures of the Hermitage and music. In general, she has a lot of poems and you can choose one for every taste.

    Nanny for a poet

    There is a notice hanging on a pole:

    “The poet needs a nanny immediately!
    1. She didn’t know how to cook.
    2. And don’t sing a lullaby at night.
    3. And I forgot to water the flowers.
    4. And I didn’t give tea with lemon to the guests.
    5. And a nanny is not supposed to darn socks -

    The nanny is supposed to lie on the sofa
    And instead of pancakes, jam, marmalade
    Prepare poems and poems!
    For a poet, writing poetry is a burden.
    He needs a nanny named

    3. Artur Givargizov

    The poems of Artur Givargizov must be read aloud. After all, if you read them to yourself, they may seem awkward. But start reading them to your child - and you will be surprised at what extraordinary rhymes they have, what a bewitching rhythm! And the author certainly has plenty of imagination! Maybe his poems are “non-pedagogical”, but they are very funny. The author also writes very exciting stories.

    How can you charge a cat?

    The cat jumped onto the bench.
    He is tired and wants to sleep.
    And him, like a battery,
    need to charge again.
    (A fish, not an electric shock, of course. Otherwise you’ll be his electric shock,
    and then you will say that I advised it.)
    No fish, maybe meat.
    Sausage will also work.
    True, there is enough sausage
    just for an hour and a half.

    4. Dmitry Sirotin

    Smart move

    There lived a cutlet in a frying pan,
    and a cat lived next door to her
    and thought: “This is wrong,
    that the lady lives in the dishes:
    and hard, and dirty, and windy,
    anyone can get it and eat it...
    Quite a few exist around
    much more comfortable places!
    Don’t be angry, mistress, don’t argue!”
    And now the frying pan is empty:
    cutlet in warmth and comfort
    lives in the cat's stomach.

    5. Anna Ignatova

    Anna Ignatova is a poet and visionary. The amazingly harmonious poems she created seem to grow from one phrase and expand into a huge world, alive and real, populated by many characters and details.

    Spring Metamorphosis

    Imagine, in a garbage dump
    May morning
    In the middle
    Two flowers bloomed soft blue!

    The blooming landfill has become more dignified:
    “Once it blooms on me,
    So I'm no longer a dump
    Get by without me
    as you wish!"

    And so that everyone around
    all clear,
    very large and clear
    On the box of Tulumba cookies:


    6. Masha Rupasova

    Masha Rupasova’s poems are a little “hooligan”. So if you are not a very strict parent, and you yourself are not too serious, you will probably like them.

    I am news

    Mom is at home?
    Mom is gone.
    Mom came out
    In Internet.
    Mom is looking
    In the Internet
    How are you
    In the white world.
    Drinks coffee
    Leads with his eyes:
    What's there
    What's happening in the world?
    I will tell you!
    In the world I
    I'm happening!

    7. Elena Yaryshevskaya

    Already the title of one collection, “A Jacket Was Walking Down the Street,” makes it clear to us: Elena Yaryshevskaya’s poems are funny, witty, and often contain some kind of “subtext” for adults. So fun reading for the whole family is guaranteed!

    Insomnia remedy

    The tired sun hides in the river,
    The night comes, the darkness deepens...
    The sheep can't sleep today,
    Sleep doesn't come to the poor guy!

    But the sheep have a reliable remedy.
    Again the sheep closes its eyes:
    - One, little man,
    - Two, little man,
    - Three, little man...
    And falls asleep...