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  • Akathist to George the Victorious when read. Akathist to the holy great martyr george the victorious

    Akathist to George the Victorious when read. Akathist to the holy great martyr george the victorious


    The Holy Great Martyr George lived in the years 284-305. during the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian. He was the son of wealthy and noble parents who professed the Christian faith. When George was still a child, his father was tortured for confessing Christ. Having received a brilliant education and distinguished by a strong physique, beauty and courage, at the age of 20, the young man became one of the people closest to the emperor. But, having honored George for his outstanding bravery with the title of governor, Diocletian did not yet know what kind of faith he was.

    But how did this brilliant young man behave when the emperor decided to exterminate all Christians and at the same time replaced the practiced forms of torture with more fierce, more cruel torments?

    Having learned that this inhuman decision could not be reversed, Saint George realized that the time had come that would serve to save his soul. As a Christian, he could not feel happy under a pagan emperor. Having distributed all his property to the poor and having set free the slaves, George arrived at the last meeting of the emperor with like-minded people and boldly stepped forward:

    How long will you, king, and you, princes and counselors, do evil deeds and persecute the innocent? You are deluded in worshiping idols. The true God is Jesus Christ.

    Everyone was surprised at George's bold speech. The king ordered the grandee Magnentius to ask the young man what kind of truth it was that prompted George to such impudent words.

    This truth is Jesus Christ Himself, persecuted by you, - answered the saint, - I am a servant of Christ, My God, and I came here to testify to the truth.

    The enraged king ordered his squires to confine Saint George in prison, hammer his legs into logs, and put a heavy stone on his chest. Having endured the torture with God's help, George answered the king when he began to persuade him: “Do you really think, king, that suffering will distract me from my faith? Rather, you will get tired of tormenting me, than I - to endure torment. "

    After these words, Diocletian ordered to bring a newly-invented instrument of torture - a wheel with iron points. After the wheel, when everyone recognized the righteous as dead, suddenly there was a thunderclap and the words were heard: “Do not be afraid, George! I'm with you". George, healed by the Angel, himself got off the wheel, glorifying God.

    The royal dignitaries Anatoly and Protoleon, who watched the suffering of the great martyr, as well as Queen Alexandra, saw a miraculous salvation and also declared themselves Christians. For their confession of Christ, the tsar ordered both nobles to be executed, Tsarina Alexandra - to be locked up in the palace, and Saint George was ordered to fall asleep with quicklime for three days. On the third day, the emperor ordered the bones of the martyr to be dug up, thinking that he was burned in the ditch. But the servants, who were raking the lime, found Saint George unharmed and brought him to the king.

    Tell me, George, - began Diocletian, - where does such power come from in you and what magic do you use? I think you are pretending to be a Christian to surprise everyone with your magic and to prove yourself great.

    Tsar, - answered George, you only blaspheme God. Deceived by the devil, you are so deeply mired in the delusions of paganism that you call the miracles and charms of my God, performed before your eyes.

    Diocletian gave orders to put on the feet of St. George boots with hot nails inside. In this shoe, the martyr was persecuted to the very dungeon with beatings and abuse. A friend of the emperor Magnentius advised Diocletian to turn to the famous sorcerer Athanasius. When the sorcerer appeared at the palace, the emperor told him: "Either defeat and destroy the magic of George and make him obedient to us, or immediately deprive him of his life with magic herbs, and may he thus perish from the same cunning that he learned."

    Athanasius promised to fulfill the king's desire. In the morning in court, he showed those present two vessels and ordered: “Bring the condemned man here, and he will see the power of our gods and my spells. If the madman drinks from the first vessel, - said the sorcerer, - he will be subject to the royal will in everything. From the second drink he will die. "

    But, having drunk from both vessels, George remained unharmed. Magus Athanasius, seeing the grace of God protecting Saint George, himself believed and confessed Christ before everyone as an all-powerful God. For this, the emperor ordered his execution.

    Saint George was again imprisoned. People who saw his miracles and converted to Christianity began to come here to him. Gold opened the prison doors for them, and for those who came the dark dungeon became a light of Truth, a source of the Word of God. Many were martyred for confessing Christ. Among them are the holy martyrs Valery, Donat, Ferin.

    After this, the king's advisers asked to condemn Saint George, saying that he attracts a multitude of people to his prison and with his sorcery turns them away from the pagan gods to the Crucified.

    Then Diocletian gave orders to bring Saint George to the temple of Apollo and for the last time began to persuade him to offer sacrifices to idols. The saint once again proved the powerlessness of the pagan gods, and then a crowd of angry pagans pounced on him, demanding the death of the condemned from the emperor. Hearing noise and cries, Queen Alexandra, Diocletian's wife, hurried to the church and threw herself at George's feet with the words: "God George, have mercy on me, for you are true and almighty God!" The emperor, seeing his wife at the feet of the condemned man, asked in amazement: "What happened to you, Alexandra, and why do you join the sorcerer and sorcerer, shamelessly renouncing our gods?" Alexandra did not answer the king and turned away from him. The enraged Diocletian immediately pronounced the death sentence on both.

    Saint George, arriving at the place of execution, prayed and joyfully bowed his head under the sword on April 23 (May 6) 305 BC.

    Saint George performed many feats. Of these, the following is noted as the most glorious.

    In the homeland of the saint, near the city of Beirut, there was a lake in which a huge and terrible snake lived. Coming out of the lake, he devoured people and devastated the surroundings. To appease the formidable monster, the inhabitants, on the advice of the priests, began casting lots and sacrificed their children to the serpent.

    Finally, the turn came to the king's only daughter. A girl of unprecedented beauty was brought to the lake and left in her usual place. While the people were looking at the princess from afar, expecting her death, suddenly St. George on a white horse and with a spear in his hand. Seeing the snake, he overshadowed himself with the sign of the cross and with the words "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" rushed to the monster and hit him with a spear in the larynx. Then he ordered the girl to tie the snake with a belt and lead him to the city. People, seeing the monster, began to scatter in horror. But St. George restrained them: "Do not be afraid, but believe and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ: it was He who sent me to save you from the serpent." After these words, the saint killed the snake, and the inhabitants burned the monster.

    Seeing this miracle, 25,000 idolaters converted to Christianity.

    For the victory over the serpent and for courage in suffering, Saint George began to be called the Victorious. The Holy Great Martyr George is considered the patron saint and protector of soldiers. On icons, he is usually depicted sitting on a white horse and striking a snake with a spear in the mouth.

    The relics of St. George are now kept in many churches around the world. In his homeland, in the city of Lida (now Lod), a temple was erected over the burial place of the saint, which has survived to this day. The head of the Great Martyr George is now kept in the city of Rome, in the church named after him (San Giorgio in Velabro).

    Akathist to the great martyr GEORGE THE VICTOR

    Memorial days:

    Troparion, voice 4

    Like a captive liberator, and a defender of the poor, a weak doctor, an Orthodox champion, Victorious, Great Martyr George, pray to Christ God for our souls to be saved.

    Kontakion, voice 4

    Cultivated by God, the most honest worker of piety seemed to be, having collected the virtues of handles for himself: having sowed more in tears, reaping joy, suffering with blood, you accepted Christ with prayers, holy, give your sins forgiveness to all.

    Kontakion 1

    We will praise the recruited voivode and victorious George, as if I am an intercessor for our and our ambulance; But you, holy great martyr, as if you have boldness in the Lord, free us from all our troubles, so we call you: Hail George, great Victorious.

    Ikos 1

    The Creator of angels and all creatures, the Sodetel, who showed the Church of His faith as a champion, and for the faith of the invincible passion-bearer, inspires us, for the deeds of your sufferings, praise thee, Saint George, sitsa: Rejoice, beloved to the end of Jesus the Son of God; Rejoice, for His name with love you laid down your soul. Rejoice, called confessor from God; Rejoice, glorified ascetic by the grace of God. Rejoice, cohabitant of angels; rejoice, equal prophets. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 2

    Seeing the persecution of the wicked against Christians, you were not afraid of their intrigues and torture, God-wise, but like a good warrior of Christ, having distributed all his own to the poor, you flowed at will to their unrighteous advice, to Christ the Leader and your God, singing: Alleluia.

    Ikos 2

    Reasonably comprehending the one God, in the Triech of the Hypostasekh, God worshiped God, with a firm mind, you confessed Him at the gatherings of the wicked, and so you exposed the insane king to the insane worship of the creature. For this reason, for your lofty love of wisdom, accept from us, George, zealous praises: Rejoice, preacher of the one true God; Rejoice, faithful protector of the Most Holy Trinity. Rejoice, for you have shown the secret to the unfaithful to the great Orthodox confession; Rejoice, you convict the delusion of idolatry. Rejoice, divine rhetorician; rejoice, twist, full of wisdom. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 3

    The power of God, enlightening every person who is coming into the world, and in the dungeon you have visited the suffering one, humble-minded George: even before you have disdained all this life, as if you could have disdained Christ alone, and for His name you fought for good, praise that with the Angels forever : Alleluia.

    Ikos 3

    Having a mind and heart enlightened by the Holy Spirit, you, by His inspiration, were jealous to fight for the name of Christ, standing bravely in faith to your roof, you exposed the pride that was lifted up by the wicked cathedral. For this, we praise thee, all-wise George, sice: Rejoice, shield, erected to guard piety; rejoice, sword, lifted up to the cross of wickedness. Rejoice, pillar of faith; rejoice, wall and confirmation of Christ's Church. Rejoice, fertilizer of the faithful; Rejoice, fear and shame of the unfaithful. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 4

    The insane tormentor, breathing murder on thee, passion-suffering George, thirsted for your blood like an greedy dog, commanding your body to be crucified on a wheel and betray the worst torments; But you, being able in the Lord, with firm trust in God, cried out: Alleluia.

    Ikos 4

    Having heard from you Diocletian and the priests of idols, the words of wisdom, I burst forth with anger at thee, but even more so when you advertised: “O king, tormentor! Why do you torture me in vain, Christ is better for me to live, and the gain must die. It’s hard for you to eat against the prick. ” For this sake, we cry out to you, great name George, sice: Rejoice, for the courageous confession of faith on the wheel you shed your blood; Rejoice, glorifying the triumph of faith by your blood. Rejoice, competitor of the Apostles; Rejoice, imitator with the free passion of Christ. Rejoice, unshakable champion of the faith; Rejoice, hardest-suffering adamant. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 5

    George was like the God of God, with miraculous healing from the Angel and the renunciation visible from the wheel, you taught the infidels to believe in the Trinity of Consubstantial and to sing with you: Alleluia.

    Ikos 5

    Seeing the people of the miracles of the power of God, which is happening to you, with meekness the teaching of Christ received from you and cried out saying: "Truly great is the Christian God!" For this sake, we praising thee, glorious George, cry out to the face: Rejoice, in the light of salvation in a word, driving away the darkness of unbelief; Rejoice, you who converted the unfaithful to Christ by the martyrdom of the confession of faith Rejoice, lead the legions of the warrior of the earth into the heavenly army; Rejoice, as a warrior of Christ, abide with the heavenly ones. Rejoice, glory of the warriors; rejoice, beauty of the blessed face of the martyr. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 6

    Having become a preacher of truth, a spirit-bearing Apostle, being jealous, you crucified yourself with the cross of the world, a passion-bearer: behold, like Jonah, into the belly of the whale, into the cave of undissolved lime, you were headlong thrown, may the wondrous Lord in the saints be glorified to you, to Him you will also know in the moat, as if glory, thou art cleverly called out: Alleluia.

    Ikos 6

    Rising in His three days' rise from the sepulcher, the all-powerful of hell and death, Victorious Jesus, saving you from hell's decay, passion-suffering George: three more days having found thee in lime alive and in the raising of hands the singing God; for this, for the sake of the Velma, you were afraid and terrified. But we, rejoicing, will sing this victory song: Rejoice, you who have brought down the pride that the devil has lifted up into the well-known pit in a shameful ditch; Rejoice, victorious over the brutality of the tormentor by the wondrous salvation of God. Rejoice, as if you were not malignant, you prayed for those who created the attack, as for the benefactors; Rejoice, for you were sick about their conversion, like Paul about the Jews. Rejoice, the husband of desires; Rejoice, chosen vessel. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 7

    Although in every possible way to catch your heart to charm the idol, the wicked tormentor intends to deceive thee with magical charms; but you, chosen by God, exclaiming with David: "O Boz, my salvation and my glory," you sang faithfully to Him: Alleluia.

    Ikos 7

    A new display of evil, the wicked one of Satan, the servant of Diocletian, when, in his mad jealousy towards the idol, ordered to give you poison, George; But you, full of this faith and hope, even if you have drunk mortal, but you have been without harm, you are blasphemous, the same we cry out to you: Rejoice, for you have not been ashamed in hope in God; Rejoice, for you did not count the tormentor for anything. Rejoice, drive away demons; Rejoice, destructor of magic plots. Rejoice, for God is wonderful to you in His saints; rejoice, for by thee the name of Christ is glorified. Hail George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 8

    A strange and terrible advice came from a certain sorcerer to an impious king, let him command you, as proof of the rightness of the faith of Christ, in a word, resurrect the dead; You, George, without hesitation, sang to Thou, That is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: Alleluia.

    Ikos 8

    All-wished and Sweetest Jesus, whom you loved with all your soul and with all your heart, all-blessed George, hearing your warm prayer of faith, soon commanded, according to your word, to rise dead, to glorify for the sake of His name and faithful statements, unfaithful and blinded by surprise and knowledge of God. For this, for the sake of duty, cry out to thee: Rejoice, for the Lord of Wondrous Powers has made you eat; Rejoice, for you raised the dead from the grave to eat. Rejoice, clever insight bestowed upon the blinded sorcerer; Rejoice, many, for the sake of those who suffered, for Christ's sake, in the holy of holies showed the way. Rejoice, Rome's surprise; rejoice, exaltation of the Christian race. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 9

    All the Angels praised God who bestowed such courage upon you, George, as if in prison you never ceased to be vigilant in prayer. For this sake, as the great mystery of God's grace, you were rewarded with seeing in a vision of the Lord, crowning your head with a crown of incorruption, and we are crying with you: Alleluia.

    Ikos 9

    Vetiya, with their rhetorical tongues, will not be able to baptize you worthy of praise, George, many for the sake of your deeds and diseases, you have raised them for Christ and the Church by your will. For this reason, we, being perplexed to praise thee according to our heritage, we sing to the tit: Rejoice, crucified Adam, who was free for Christ and the Church, through suffering; Rejoice, for the valiant suffering you received the crown of righteousness from the hand of the Lord. Rejoice, rule of pious zeal; rejoice, the image of spiritual poverty. Rejoice, for you have pleased not yourself, but Christ alone; Rejoice, for you were ready to die for Christ. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 10

    To save souls in the darkness of the idolatry of the perishing, God-loving George, you, being jealous, were jealous like Elijah according to Bose: when you entered the idol temple, by the power of God you drove away the demons, crushed idols, put the priests to shame, and, like the conqueror, not from men, but with Angels you sang to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 10

    The walls are more insensitive than your petrified tormentor, George, not to the mind of God, I am miraculous for you, but until the end he was there, like a viper, plugging his ears. For this reason, command thee to shame at the head, like a villain; But you, grieving over the destruction of his soul, joyfully welcomed you to the end, for the sake of thee we please thee with love: Rejoice, faith, hope and love to the end; rejoice, in thy dormition you have done many and great miracles. Rejoice, crowned on earth with the weapon of God's grace; Rejoice, adorned in Heaven with glory and magnificence. Rejoice, man of God; rejoice, good warrior of Christ. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 11

    The singing of the Most Holy Trinity, more than others, you gave, holy Great Martyr George, not with a word and mind, but with a living sacrifice to yourself: imitating the Christ who was crucified for us, the immaculate Lamb Christ, you laid down your soul for your friends by your will. Even more, if you are dissatisfied with the praise of such your valor, there is no one else to have for love, either, thank the creature, we sing to the Marvelous in the saints: Alleluia.

    Ikos 11

    The light-receiving lamp of the true Light appears on earth, God-chosen George, enlighten the hearts of the faithful and instruct everything to the Divine mind, teaching us to cheerfully cry out: Rejoice, as if you are dwelling in the bright angelic devils; Rejoice, as if not in fortune-telling, but face to face, you partake of the non-evening Trinity Light. Rejoice, protector of the poor and the offended; Rejoice, the weak doctor and champion of kings. Rejoice, champion of the Orthodox warrior in battle; rejoice, warm intercessor for the salvation of sinners. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 12

    The grace given to you from God is leading, we celebrate your memory, Great Martyr George, and with fervent prayer to your miraculous image we are flowing in, with your all-powerful help in the Lord, like an invincible wall, we fence ourselves off. For this reason, praising thee, we earnestly call God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 12

    Your glorious death is singing, you are also exalted, like a good warrior of Christ, we pray to you, passion-suffering George: wake us in everything for the good of a helper, and hear us, fervently crying to you: Rejoice, as through you the Church of the faithful is enlightened; Rejoice, for your name is glorified among the unbelievers. Rejoice, wondrous confessors of glory; Rejoice, high praise of the martyrs. Rejoice, our bodies are healing; Rejoice, for our souls a prayer book. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 13

    O all-blessed and holy Great Martyr George, accept this our singing of praise, and deliver us from all evil with your warm intercession to God, but we sing with you: Alleluia.

    (This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


    O all-honorable, holy great martyr and miracle worker George! Look upon us with your quick help and pray to the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but may he do with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask for us from Christ our God a quiet and God-pleasing life, health of the soul and body, fertility of the earth and abundance in all, and may we not turn the good that you give us from the All-Blessed God, but to the glory of the holy name Him and in glorifying your strong intercession, may He give our country and all the God-loving army to overcome the enemy. Let His saints protect us more heavily with the militia, in the hedgehog, according to our outcome from this life, from the wiles of the evil one and his heavy air ordeals and uncondemned presentation to the Throne of the Lord of glory. Hear us, Passion-suffering George of Christ, and pray for us ceaselessly the Tri-hypostatic Ruler of all God, that by His grace and love for mankind, by your help and intercession we will find mercy from the Angels and Archangels and by all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of the article, and I will take out the Holy One with the Father By the Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

    Akathist to the holy great martyr
    George the Victorious

    Kontakion 1
    We will praise the recruited voivode and victorious George, as if I am an intercessor to our and our first helper: you are a holy great martyr, as if you have boldness in the Lord, free us from all our troubles, so we call you: Hail George, great victorious.

    Ikos 1
    The Creator of angels and the co-creator of all creation, manifesting thee to His Church; He inspires us, for the deeds of your sufferings, praise thee, Saint George, sitsa: Rejoice, beloved to the end of Jesus, the Son of God, for the faith of the invincible passion-bearer; Rejoice, for His name with love you laid down your soul. Rejoice, called confessor from God; Rejoice, glorified ascetic by the grace of God. Rejoice, cohabitant of angels; rejoice, equal prophets. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 2
    Seeing the persecution of the wicked against Christians, you were not afraid of their intrigues and torture, God-wise, but as a good warrior of Christ, having distributed all his own to the poor, you flowed at will to their unrighteous advice, to Christ the leader and his God, singing: Alleluia.

    Ikos 2
    Reasonably comprehending the one God, in the three Hypostases, God is glorious; worshiped, with a firm mind you confessed him, at the assemblies of the wicked, and so you denounced the insane king for the insane worship of the creature. For this reason, for your lofty love of wisdom, accept from us, George, zealous praises: Rejoice, preacher of the one true God; rejoice, faithful protector of the Most Holy Trinity. Rejoice, for you have shown the secret to the unfaithful to the greatness of the Orthodox confession; Rejoice, you convict the delusion of idolatry. Rejoice, divine rhetorician; rejoice, full of wisdom. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 3
    The power of God enlightens every person who is coming into the world, and in the dungeon you have visited the suffering one, humbly George: even before you have disdained all this life, as if you could disdain the only Christ, you cleave to the only Christ, and for His name you fought for good, honor this with the angels of everlasting praise ...

    Ikos 3
    Having a mind and heart enlightened by the Holy Spirit, you, by His inspiration, were jealous to fight for the name of Christ, standing bravely in faith to your roof, exposed you to the pride that was lifted up by the impious cathedral. For this, we praise thee, all-wise George, sice: Rejoice, the shield erected to protect piety; Rejoice, lifted up to the sword to cut wickedness. Rejoice, pillar of faith; rejoice, wall and confirmation of Christ's Church. Rejoice, fertilizer of the faithful; Rejoice, fear and shame of the unfaithful. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 4
    The insane tormentor breathing murder on thee, passion-suffering George, thirsted for your blood like an greedy dog, commanding your body to be crucified on a wheel, and betray your evil torments: you, having power in the Lord, with firm trust you cried to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 4
    When Diocletian and the priests of idols heard the words of wisdom from you, I burst forth with anger at thee, but even more so when you proclaim: "0 to the tormentor of the king! Why torture me in vain, I have more to live with Chris; that is, and the gain must die. ". For this sake, we cry out to you, the great name George, sice: Ra; sulk, for the courageous confession of faith on the wheel shed your blood; Rejoice, glorifying the triumph of faith by your blood. Rejoice, competitor of the apostles; Rejoice, imitator with the free passion of Christ. Rejoice, unshakable champion of the faith; Rejoice, the hardest-suffering adamant. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 5
    You were like the God of God, George, with a miraculous healing from an angel and a detachment visible from the wheel, you taught the disbelievers to believe in the Trinity of the Consubstantial, and that one can sing with you: Alleluia.

    Ikos 5
    Seeing the people of the miracles of the power of God, which is happening to you, with meekness the teaching of Christ received from you and cried out saying: Truly great is the Christian God! For this sake, we praising thee, glorious George, cry out to the face: Rejoice, in the word of light of salvation, dispelling the darkness of unbelief; rejoice, confessing martyrdom of faith, converting unbelievers to Christ. Rejoice, the legions of the warriors of the earth, lead the heavenly army; Rejoice, as a warrior of Christ, abide with the heavenly ones. Rejoice, glory of the warriors; rejoice, beauty of the blessed face of the martyr. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 6
    Having become a preacher of truth, a spirit-bearing apostle, being jealous, you crucified yourself with the cross of the world as a passion-bearer: behold, like Jonah, into the belly of the whale, into the cave of undissolved lime, you were thrown headlong into the cave of undissolved lime, may the wondrous Lord in the saints be glorified to you for the sake of glory to you for the sake of the wondrous in the saints, to Him you will also be known in the moat, as in the temple , Thou art cleverly called out: Alleluia.

    Ikos 6
    Rising in His three days' rise from the grave, the all-powerful of hell and death Conqueror Jesus, saving you from hell's decay, passion-suffering George: three days later, having found you in lime alive, and in the raising of hands singing God: for this, for the sake of the Greats you were afraid and terrified. But we rejoicing, will sing this victory song: Rejoice, you have brought down the pride that has been lifted up by the devil; Rejoice, wondrous salvation from God, victorious atrocities of the tormentor. Rejoice, as if you were not malignant, you prayed for those who created the attack, as for the benefactors; Rejoice, for you were sick about their conversion, like Paul about the Jews. Rejoice, the husband of desires; Rejoice, chosen vessel. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 7
    Although in every possible way to catch your heart to the charm of the idol, the wicked tormentor intends to deceive you with magic charms: you are God's chosen one with David, exclaiming: O Boz my salvation and my glory, you sang faithfully to That: Alleluia.

    Ikos 7
    A new display of evil, the wicked one of Satan, the servant of Diocletian, always, in his mad jealousy to the idol, command you to drink poison, George: you are full of faith and hope, if you have drunk mortal, and you have been without harm, God is praise, so too we cry ty: Rejoice, for in trusting in God you are not ashamed, you are not ashamed; Rejoice, for you did not count the tormentor for anything. Rejoice, drive away demons; rejoice, destructor of magic intrigues. Rejoice, for God is wonderful to you in his saints; rejoice, for by thee the name of Christ is glorified. Hail George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 8
    A strange and terrible advice came from a certain magician to the wicked king, let him command you, as proof of the rightness of the faith of Christ, in a word to resurrect the dead one: you, George, did not hesitate at all, you chanted to One, who is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: Alleluia.

    Ikos 8
    All-wished and Sweetest Jesus, whom you loved with all your soul and with all your heart, all-blessed George, hearing your warm prayer of faith, soon commanded, according to your word, to be resurrected dead, glorified for the sake of His name, and faithful statements, unfaithful and blinded by surprise and knowledge of God. For this, for the sake of duty, cry out to thee: Rejoice, for the Lord of Wondrous Powers has made you eat; Rejoice, for you raised the dead from the grave to eat. Rejoice, clever insight bestowed upon the blinded sorcerer; Rejoice, many, for the sake of those who suffered, for Christ's sake, in the holy of holies showed the way. Rejoice, surprise of Rome; rejoice, exaltation of the Christian race. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 9
    All the angels praised God, who bestowed such courage upon you, George, as if even in prison you did not cease to be vigilant in prayer. For this, for the sake of it, as a great mystery of God's grace, you were rewarded with seeing in a vision of the Lord, crowning your head with a crown of incorruption, and we also cry with you: Alleluia.

    Ikos 9
    Vetiya, with their rhetorical tongues, will not be able to baptize you worthy of praise, George, many for the sake of your heroic deeds; Gods and diseases, they were raised for Christ and the Church by your will. For this reason, we, being perplexed to praise thee according to our heritage, we sing to the tit: Rejoice, suffering freely for Christ and the Church, crucified Adam's old in ourselves; Rejoice, for your valiant suffering, you received the crown of righteousness from the hand of the Lord. Rejoice, rule of pious zeal; rejoice, the image of spiritual poverty. Rejoice, for you have pleased not yourself, but Christ alone; Rejoice, for you were ready to die for Christ. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 10
    To save souls in the darkness of the idolatry of the perishing, God-loving George, you, jealous, were jealous like Elijah for Bose: when you entered the idol temple, by the power of God you drove away the demons, so; crushed idols, put the priests to shame, and, like the conqueror, not from men, but from angels sang to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 10
    The walls are more insensitive than thy tormentor, petrified in heart, George; gee, not to the understanding of God, I am miraculous to you, but to the end I do; was there, like a viper, plug your ears. For this, for the sake of command, set thee in disgrace at the head, like a villain: you, sick of the death of his soul, joyfully accepted the death, for nifty we please thee with love to the face: Rejoice, faith, hope and love to the end, preserving; rejoice, in thy dormition you have done many and great miracles. Rejoice, crowned on earth with the weapon of God's grace; Rejoice, adorned in Heaven with glory and magnificence. Rejoice, man of God; rejoice, good warrior of Christ. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 11
    The singing of the Most Holy Trinity, more than others, you gave, holy Great Martyr George, not with a word and mind, but with a living sacrifice of yourself: imitating Christ, the Immaculate Lamb crucified for us, you laid down your soul for your friends by your will. Moreover, if you are dissatisfied with the praise of such your valor, there is no one else to have more for love, either, thank the creature, we sing the wondrous in the saints: Alleluia.

    Ikos 11
    The light-receiving lamp of the true Light, who is on earth, being God's chosen George, enlighten the hearts of the faithful, and instruct everything to the Divine mind, teaching us to cheerfully cry out: Rejoice, as if you are dwelling in the brightest angelic devils; Rejoice, as if not in fortune-telling, but face to face, you partake of the non-evening Trinity Light. Rejoice, protector of the poor and the offended; Rejoice, the weak doctor and champion of kings. Rejoice, champion of the Orthodox warrior in battle; rejoice, warm intercessor for the salvation of sinners. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 12
    The grace given to you from God is leading, we celebrate your memory, Great Martyr George, and with fervent prayer to your miraculous image we are flowing in, your all-powerful help in the Lord, like an invincible wall, we fence ourselves off. For this, for the sake of praising thee, we earnestly call God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 12
    Your glorious death is singing, you are also exalted like a dob; ry warrior of Christ, we pray to you, passion-bearer George: wake us in everything for the good of a helper, and hear us, fervently crying out to you: Rejoice, for through you the Church of the faithful is enlightened; Rejoice, for your name is glorified among the unbelievers. Rejoice, wondrous glory confessors; Rejoice, high praise of the martyrs. Rejoice, our bodies are healing; rejoice, for our souls a prayer book. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion 13
    O all-blessed and holy Great Martyr George, accept this our singing of praise, and deliver us from all evil with your warm intercession to God, but we sing with you: Alleluia.

    (This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

    Akathist to George the Victorious

    4.3 (85.71%) 7 votes.

    (about patronage over people wearing shoulder straps - about serving in the army, police, navy, etc.)

    Kontakion 1

    Ikos 1

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 2

    Seeing the persecution of the wicked against Christians, you were not afraid of their intrigues and torment, God-wise, but as a good warrior of Christ, having distributed all his own to the poor, you flowed into their unrighteous counsel, to Christ the leader and to his God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 2

    Reasonably comprehending the One God, in the Triech of the Hypostases the God-worshiped God, with a firm mind, you confessed Him at the gatherings of the wicked, and thus exposed the insane king's insane worship of the creature. For this reason, for your high love of wisdom, accept from us, George, zealous praise:

    Rejoice, preacher of the One true God; Rejoice, faithful protector of the Most Holy Trinity.

    Rejoice, for you have shown the secret to the unfaithful to the great Orthodox confession; Rejoice, you convict the delusion of idolatry.

    Rejoice, rhetorician of God; rejoice, twist, full of wisdom.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 3

    The power of God, enlightening every person who is coming into the world, and in the dungeon you have visited the suffering one, humble-minded George: you are still corruptible, as if you knew how to despise Christ, you cleave to the only Christ, and for His name you fought for good, honoring Him with the Angels forever chant: Alleluia.

    Ikos 3

    Having a mind and heart, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, by His inspiration, you were jealous to strive for the name of Christ, standing bravely in faith to your rooftop, exposed you to the pride that was lifted up by the impious cathedral. For this, we praise thee, all-wise George, sitsa:

    Rejoice, shield, erected to protect piety; rejoice, sword, lifted up to the cross of wickedness.

    Rejoice, pillar of faith; rejoice, wall and confirmation of Christ's Church.

    Rejoice, fertilizer of the faithful; Rejoice, fear and shame of the unfaithful.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 4

    The insane tormentor, breathing murder on thee, passion-suffering George, thirsted for your blood, like an greedy dog, commanding your body to be crucified on a wheel and betray the worst torments; But you, being able in the Lord, with firm trust in God, cried out: Alleluia.

    Ikos 4

    Having heard from you Diocletian and the priests of idols, the words of wisdom, I burst forth with anger at thee, but even more so when you advertised: “O tormentor king! Why are you torturing me in vain? I have more than a hedgehog to live, Christ, and a hedgehog die, gain. It’s hard for you to eat against the road. ” For this sake, we cry out to you, the great name George, sice:

    Rejoice, for the courageous confession of faith on the wheel you shed your blood; Rejoice, glorifying the triumph of faith by your blood.

    Rejoice, competitor of the Apostles; Rejoice, imitator by the free Passion of Christ.

    Rejoice, unshakable champion of the faith; Rejoice, passion-bearer, hardest adamant.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 5

    You were like the God of God, George, by the miraculous healing from the Angel and the detachment visible from the wheel, you taught the disbelievers to believe in the Trinity of the Consubstantial and to sing with you: Alleluia.

    Ikos 5

    Seeing the people of the miracles of the power of God, which is happening to you, with meekness the teaching of Christ received from you and cried out, saying: "Truly great is the Christian God!" For this sake, we, praising thee, glorious George, cry out to this:

    Rejoice, for you have driven away the darkness of unbelief with the luminous word of salvation; Rejoice, turning unbelievers to Christ by the martyrdom of faith by confession.

    Rejoice, lead the legions of earthly warriors into the heavenly army; Rejoice, as a warrior of Christ abide with the heavenly ones.

    Rejoice, glory of the warriors; rejoice, beauty of the blessed face of the martyr.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 6

    Having become jealous of a preacher of truth, a spirit-bearing Apostle, you crucified yourself with the cross of the world, a passion-bearer; behold, like Jonah into the belly of the whale, into the cave of undissolved lime, you were headlong thrown, may the wondrous Lord in the saints be glorified to you, to Him you know in the pit, like in the temple of glory, you cleverly cried out: Alleluia.

    Ikos 6

    Rising in His three-day rise from the grave of the almighty hell and death Conqueror Jesus will save you from hell's decay, passion-suffering George: three days later having found thee in lime alive and in the raising of hands singing God; for this, for the sake of the Velma, you were afraid and terrified. We, rejoicing, will sing this victory song:

    Rejoice, for having cast down the pride that has been lifted up by the devil into a well-known pit; Rejoice, victorious atrocities of the tormentors by the wondrous salvation of God.

    Rejoice, as if you were not malignant, you prayed for those who created the attack, as for the benefactors; Rejoice, for they were converted, for Paul was sick about the Jews.

    Rejoice, the husband of desires; Rejoice, chosen vessel.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 7

    Although in every possible way to catch your heart to the charm of an idol, the wicked tormentor intends to deceive thee with magic charms; but you, chosen by God, exclaiming with David: "O Boz, my salvation and my glory," you sang faithfully to That: Alleluia.

    Ikos 7

    A new display of evil, the wicked one of Satan, the servant of Diocletian, when, in his mad jealousy towards the idol, ordered him to drink poison to you, George; You are full of faith and hope, even if you have drunk mortal things, and you have remained without harm, you are a glorious one, the same we cry out to you:

    Rejoice, for in trusting in God you were not ashamed alive; Rejoice, for you did not count the tormentor for anything.

    Rejoice, drive away demons; Rejoice, destructor of magic plots.

    Rejoice, for God is wonderful to you in His saints; rejoice, for by thee the name of Christ is glorified.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 8

    A strange and terrible advice came from a certain sorcerer to the wicked king, let him command you, as proof of the rightness of the faith of Christ, in a word, resurrect the dead; But you, George, without hesitation, sang to Thou, That is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: Alleluia.

    Ikos 8

    All-desired and Sweetest Jesus, whom you loved with all your soul and with all your heart, all-blessed George, hearing your warm prayer of faith, soon commanded, according to your word, to be resurrected dead, glorified for the sake of His Name and faithful statements, unfaithful and blinded by surprise and knowledge of God. For this, for the sake of duty, cry out to thee:

    Rejoice, for the Lord of wondrous powers has shown you to eat; Rejoice, for you raised the dead from the grave to eat.

    Rejoice, gifted clever insight of faith to the blinded sorcerer; Rejoice, many, for the sake of those who suffered, for Christ's sake, in the holy of holies showed the way.

    Rejoice, surprise of Rome; rejoice, exaltation of the Christian race.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 9

    All the Angels praised God, who bestowed such courage upon you, George, as if in prison you never ceased to be vigilant in prayer. For this sake, as a great secret of God's grace, you were rewarded with seeing in a vision of the Lord, crowning your head with a crown of incorruption, and we cry with you: Alleluia.

    Ikos 9

    Vitia with rhetorical tongues will not be able to slap you worthy of praise, George, many for the sake of your deeds and diseases, you have raised them for Christ and the Church by your will. For this reason, we, being perplexed to praise thee according to our heritage, we sing to the sice:

    Rejoice, crucifying Adam, free for Christ and the Church, through the suffering of the old in yourself; Rejoice, for the valiant suffering you received the crown of righteousness from the hand of the Lord.

    Rejoice, rule of pious zeal; rejoice, the image of spiritual poverty.

    Rejoice, for you did not please yourself, but the One God; Rejoice, for you were ready to die for Christ.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 10

    To save souls in the darkness of the idolatry of the perishing, God-loving George, you, being jealous, were jealous, like Elijah according to Bose: when you entered the idol temple, by the power of God you drove away the demons, crushed idols, put the priests to shame and, as if the victor, not from a man, but with the Angels you sang to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 10

    The walls are more insensitive than your petrified tormentor, George, not to the mind of God, I am miraculous for you, but to the end you abide, like a viper, plugging your ears. For this reason, command thee to shame at the head, like a villain; But you, grieving over the destruction of his soul, joyfully welcomed you to death, for the sake of it we please thee with love:

    Rejoice, faith, hope and love, keeping to the end; rejoice, in thy dormition you have done many and great miracles.

    Rejoice, crowned on earth with the weapon of God's grace; Rejoice, adorned in Heaven with glory and magnificence.

    Rejoice, man of God; rejoice, good warrior of Christ.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 11

    The singing of the Most Holy Trinity, more than others, you gave, holy Great Martyr George, not with a word and mind, but with a living sacrifice of yourself: imitating the immaculate Lamb Christ crucified for us, you laid down your soul for your friends by your will. Even so, even if Esma is dissatisfied with the praise of such your valor, there is no one else for love to have, either, thank the creature, we sing to the Wonderful in the saints: Alleluia.

    Ikos 11

    The light-receiving lamp of the true Light appears on earth, God-chosen George, enlighten the hearts of the faithful and instruct everything to the Divine mind, teaching us to cheerfully cry out:

    Rejoice, for you dwell in the blessed angelic devils; Rejoice, as if not in fortune-telling, but face to face, you partake of the Unexpected Trinity Light.

    Rejoice, protector of the poor and the offended; Rejoice, the weak doctor and champion of kings.

    Rejoice, an Orthodox warrior in battle as a companion; rejoice, warm intercessor for the salvation of sinners.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 12

    The grace given to you from God is leading, we celebrate your memory, Great Martyr George, and with fervent prayer to your miraculous image we are flowing in, with your all-powerful help in the Lord, like an invincible wall, we fence ourselves off. For this, praising thee, we earnestly call God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 12

    Your glorious death is singing, you are also exalted, like a good warrior of Christ, we pray to thee, passion-suffering George: wake us in all goodness a helper and hear us, fervently crying to you:

    Rejoice, for through you the Church of the faithful is enlightened; Rejoice, for your name is glorified among the unbelievers.

    Rejoice, wondrous glory confessors; Rejoice, high praise of the martyrs.

    Rejoice, our bodies are healing; rejoice, for our souls a prayer book.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 13

    O all-blessed and holy Great Martyr George, accept this our singing of praise and deliver us from all evil with your warm intercession to God, but we sing with you: Alleluia.

    (This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion)

    Ikos 1

    The Creator of angels and all creatures, the Sodetel, who showed the Church of His faith as a champion and for the faith of an invincible passion-bearer, inspires us to praise you for your deeds of suffering, Saint George, sitsa:

    Rejoice, beloved to the end of Jesus the Son of God; Rejoice, for His name with love you laid down your soul.

    Rejoice, confessor, called from God; rejoice, ascetic, glorified by God's grace.

    Rejoice, cohabitant of angels; rejoice, equal prophets.

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion 1

    We will praise the chosen voivode and Victorious Bearer George, as if I am an intercessor to our and our first helper: you, holy great martyr, as if you have boldness in the Lord, free us from all troubles, so we call you:

    Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    People come to the icon of St. George the Victorious for protection from evil and disease. He helps everyone. He is popularly considered the patron saint of military personnel, so mothers often pray for children, especially if they are in a war zone.

    To ask for help from a saint, it is enough to put a candle in the church near his image. At home, they read a prayer to him. On the day of memory of George, the troparion and akathist are read in the temple, singing the great martyr.

    Life of George the Victorious

    George was born into a wealthy family. From childhood, his parents instilled in him faith in God, attended church and prayed. The boy grew up educatedbeing brought up by a real man.

    During his military service, he reached the rank of a thousand commander and became the favorite of the emperor. Among other military men, he stood out for his perfect posture and fit body. In battles, he did not retreat, leading the army behind him, and wisely calculated the forces for a favorable outcome.

    Emperor Diocletian was distinguished by cruelty during the persecution of Christians and a special veneration of pagan idols. George, having learned about the massacres of innocent Orthodox believers, told the emperor that he also believed in the Lord. Before that, the commander distributed all property and wealth to the needy and released the slaves, foreseeing his suffering.

    The emperor for a long time persuaded the beloved commander to give up the faith and make a pagan sacrifice. George was adamant. For this he was placed in a dungeon, where, having shackled his legs, he was laid on his back and pressed on top with a boulder.

    George constantly said prayers and remained unharmed. The next tests were stretching between chariots, running in boots with nails sticking out inward. He accepted them with humility and prayed. The emperor, realizing that it was impossible to convince the commander by torture, ordered his execution.

    Memorial days are celebrated several times a year:

    • April 23 - for Orthodox Christians.
    • November 16 in honor of the illumination of the St. George Church in Lydd (Israel).
    • November 23 was established by Georgia in honor of the torture to which the great martyr was subjected before his death.
    • December 9 Russian orthodox Church in honor of the consecration of the St. George Church in Kiev.

    On these days, prayer chants are recited in churches: akathist, troparion and prayer.

    Posthumous miracles

    The monk is depicted on a white horse with a spear, killing a serpent. According to legend, an unknown beast appeared in the hometown of George the Victorious. His refuge was a lake, and he periodically devoured people.

    The pagans decided that an incomprehensible predator should be appeased by sacrificing a boy or a girl to him. They were chosen by lot. Once the choice fell on the daughter of the ruler of the city. She was tied to a tree by the lake in anticipation of the monster. As soon as it began to approach her, a young man appeared on a white horse and killed him with a spear.

    Akathist to the great martyr George

    Akathist is a song of praise in honor of a saint on the day of remembrance. All of them consist of 25 songs: 13 kontakions (exaltation of the saint) and 12 ikos (spatial song of praise). The last kontakion is always repeated three times. On the days of remembrance of saints or church holidays, the akathist is sung at the morning service.

    The Great Martyr George was elevated to the rank of saints for resilience in the face of the temptation of accepting paganism and a strong-willed victory over the will of the emperor. In the world he is revered as a protector of livestock, a patron of military affairs and statehood.

    At home, you can also use praise chants:

    • In the hours of sorrow.
    • When in doubt about making a decision.
    • For the relief of mental and physical ailments.

    Before that, you must visit the temple and receive the blessing of the priest, listen to the correct reading of the akathist. At home, it is more advisable to use the text of the akathist with accents. He is in any akathist. It is more convenient to use a more concise prayer chant - troparion to St. George the Victorious, the text of which also has accents.

    Prayer to the saint

    A prayer to St. George the Victorious, the text of which can be memorized or read from a sheet, protects people from misfortunes, damage, difficulties. With her, the great martyr is asked to help in difficult situations at work and in the family. To read you need:

    • Have an image of a saint in your home.
    • Prepare candles and holy water.
    • Calm down and distance yourself from worldly thoughts and deeds.

    A kind of ritual is performed at least three times a week. For this, three church candles and holy water are placed near the image. Before reading a prayer the person is abstracted, presenting himself in the workplace. At the same time, the work should go smoothly with easy accomplishment of the assigned tasks. The leader represented should note the high efficiency and success of the prayer.

    Before the image of the invincible George, short prayers for the day are read. They protect against difficult life situations.

    One of the main heroes of Russian legends and biblical narratives is George the Victorious, whose image, striking the serpent with his sharp spear, always reminded the Russian people that triumph over evil is inevitable. The feat of St. George the Victorious to this day is highly honored and praised in prayers by ordinary Christians, and at solemn services on the days of the memory of the holy warrior, the main prayer song is sung to his glory akathist to George the Victorious... For many years, the brave soldiers of the Russian army were awarded the St.George ribbon, it has become a symbol of the Great Victory in our days.

    Akathist to Saint George the Victorious - the patron saint of the military

    Saint George has long been revered as the patron saint of the army, symbolizing honor and courage. In poetry, the akathist George the Victorious, he is portrayed as a victor over the "ancient serpent" and is praised as an ascetic glorified by God's grace. Before the revolution in the Russian villages, on the day of his memory, the inhabitants drove cattle to pastures after winter, only having performed a prayer service to St. George, reading the troparion to George the Victorious with sprinkling of living water on houses and animals.

    Akathist for the glory of George the Victorious

    The Great Martyr George the Victorious received such a nickname for a reason. For courage and spiritual victory over those who hated God, persecuted the one who preached Christianity, and also, for the miraculous help to people in moments of danger, they began to call him the Victorious. "Great Victorious" - so says the troparion to George the Victorious, in which every ikos and kontakion are filled with words of gratitude and praise in his honor. According to an old legend, a terrible snake lived near the city of Beirut, devouring the population of the area, which was presented to him as an appeasement of rage. Once the lot fell on the daughter of a local ruler, and when she was taken to the snake as another victim, a young man appeared on a white horse with a spear in his hand and saved the girl by hitting the snake. as a protector from predatory animals and a patron of cattle breeding. In times of drought and the threat looming over the future harvest in orthodox churches be sure to read the akathist to George the Victorious.

    The text of the akathist in front of the icon to St. George the Victorious about help

    Kontakion No. 1

    We will praise the recruited voivode and victorious George, as if I am an intercessor for our and our ambulance; But you, holy great martyr, as if you have boldness in the Lord, free us from all our troubles, so we call you: Hail George, great Victorious.

    The Creator of angels and all creatures, the Sodetel, who showed the Church of His faith as a champion, and for the faith of the invincible passion-bearer, inspires us, for the deeds of your sufferings, praise thee, Saint George, sitsa: Rejoice, beloved to the end of Jesus the Son of God; Rejoice, for His name with love you laid down your soul. Rejoice, called confessor from God; Rejoice, glorified ascetic by the grace of God. Rejoice, cohabitant of angels; rejoice, equal prophets. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 2

    Seeing the persecution of the wicked against Christians, you were not afraid of their intrigues and torture, God-wise, but like a good warrior of Christ, having distributed all his own to the poor, you flowed at will to their unrighteous advice, to Christ the Leader and your God, singing: Alleluia.

    Reasonably comprehending the one God, in the Triech of the Hypostasekh, worshiped by God, with a firm mind, you confessed Him at the gatherings of the wicked, and so you exposed the insane king to the insane worship of the creature. For this reason, for your lofty love of wisdom, accept from us, George, earnest praises: Rejoice, preacher; rejoice, faithful protector of the Most Holy Trinity. Rejoice, for you have shown the secret to the unfaithful to the great Orthodox confession; Rejoice, you convict the delusion of idolatry. Rejoice, divine rhetorician; rejoice, twist, full of wisdom. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 3

    The power of God, enlightening every person who is coming into the world, and in the dungeon you have visited the suffering one, humble-minded George: even before you have disdained all this life, as if you could have disdained Christ alone, and for His name you fought for good, praise that with the Angels forever : Alleluia.

    Having a mind and heart enlightened by the Holy Spirit, you, by His inspiration, were jealous to fight for the name of Christ, standing bravely in faith to your roof, you exposed the pride that was lifted up by the wicked cathedral. For this, we praise thee, all-wise George, sice: Rejoice, shield, erected to guard piety; rejoice, sword, lifted up to the cross of wickedness. Rejoice, pillar of faith; rejoice, wall and confirmation of Christ's Church. Rejoice, fertilizer of the faithful; Rejoice, fear and shame of the unfaithful. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 4

    The insane tormentor, breathing murder on thee, passion-suffering George, thirsted for your blood like an greedy dog, commanding your body to be crucified on a wheel and betray the worst torments; But you, being able in the Lord, with firm trust in God, cried out: Alleluia.

    Having heard from you Diocletian and the priests of idols, the words of wisdom, I burst forth with anger at thee, but even more so when you advertised: “O king, tormentor! Why do you torture me in vain, Christ is better for me to live, and the gain must die. It’s hard for you to eat against the prick. ” For this sake, we cry out to you, great name George, sice: Rejoice, for the courageous confession of faith on the wheel you shed your blood; Rejoice, glorifying the triumph of faith by your blood. Rejoice, competitor of the Apostles; Rejoice, imitator with the free passion of Christ. Rejoice, unshakable champion of the faith; Rejoice, hardest-suffering adamant. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 5

    George was like the God of God, with miraculous healing from the Angel and the renunciation visible from the wheel, you taught the infidels to believe in the Trinity of Consubstantial and to sing with you: Alleluia.

    Seeing the people of the miracles of the power of God, which is happening to you, with meekness the teaching of Christ received from you and cried out saying: "Truly great is the Christian God!" For this sake, we praising thee, glorious George, cry out to the face: Rejoice, in the light of salvation in a word, driving away the darkness of unbelief; Rejoice, you who converted the unfaithful to Christ by the martyrdom of the confession of faith Rejoice, lead the legions of the warrior of the earth into the heavenly army; Rejoice, as a warrior of Christ, abide with the heavenly ones. Rejoice, glory of the warriors; rejoice, beauty of the blessed face of the martyr. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 6

    Having become a preacher of truth, a spirit-bearing Apostle, being jealous, you crucified yourself with the cross of the world, a passion-bearer: behold, like Jonah, into the belly of the whale, into the cave of undissolved lime, you were headlong thrown, may the wondrous Lord in the saints be glorified to you, to Him you will also know in the moat, as if glory, thou art cleverly called out: Alleluia.

    Rising in His three days' rise from the sepulcher, the all-powerful of hell and death, Victorious Jesus, saving you from hell's decay, passion-suffering George: three more days having found thee in lime alive and in the raising of hands the singing God; for this, for the sake of the Velma, you were afraid and terrified. But we, rejoicing, will sing this victory song: Rejoice, you who have brought down the pride that the devil has lifted up into the well-known pit in a shameful ditch; Rejoice, victorious over the brutality of the tormentor by the wondrous salvation of God. Rejoice, as if you were not malignant, you prayed for those who created the attack, as for the benefactors; Rejoice, for you were sick about their conversion, like Paul about the Jews. Rejoice, the husband of desires; Rejoice, chosen vessel. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 7

    Although in every possible way to catch your heart to the charm of an idol, the wicked tormentor intends to deceive thee with magic charms; but you, chosen by God, exclaiming with David: "O Boz, my salvation and my glory," you sang faithfully to Him: Alleluia.

    A new display of evil, the wicked one of Satan, the servant of Diocletian, when, in his mad jealousy towards the idol, ordered to give you poison, George; But you, full of this faith and hope, even if you have drunk mortal, but you have been without harm, you are blasphemous, the same we cry out to you: Rejoice, for you have not been ashamed in hope in God; Rejoice, for you did not count the tormentor for anything. Rejoice, drive away demons; Rejoice, destructor of magic plots. Rejoice, for God is wonderful to you in His saints; rejoice, for by thee the name of Christ is glorified. Hail George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 8

    A strange and terrible advice came from a certain sorcerer to an impious king, let him command you, as proof of the rightness of the faith of Christ, in a word, resurrect the dead; You, George, without hesitation, sang to Thou, That is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: Alleluia.

    All-wished and Sweetest Jesus, whom you loved with all your soul and with all your heart, all-blessed George, hearing your warm prayer of faith, soon commanded, according to your word, to rise dead, to glorify for the sake of His name and faithful statements, unfaithful and blinded by surprise and knowledge of God. For this, for the sake of duty, cry out to thee: Rejoice, for the Lord of Wondrous Powers has made you eat; Rejoice, for you raised the dead from the grave to eat. Rejoice, clever insight bestowed upon the blinded sorcerer; Rejoice, many, for the sake of those who suffered, for Christ's sake, in the holy of holies showed the way. Rejoice, Rome's surprise; rejoice, exaltation of the Christian race. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 9

    All the Angels praised God who bestowed such courage upon you, George, as if in prison you never ceased to be vigilant in prayer. For this sake, as the great mystery of God's grace, you were rewarded with seeing in a vision of the Lord, crowning your head with a crown of incorruption, and we are crying with you: Alleluia.

    Vetiya, with their rhetorical tongues, will not be able to baptize you worthy of praise, George, many for the sake of your deeds and diseases, you have raised them for Christ and the Church by your will. For this reason, we, being perplexed to praise thee according to our heritage, we sing to the tit: Rejoice, crucified Adam, who was free for Christ and the Church, through suffering; Rejoice, for the valiant suffering you received the crown of righteousness from the hand of the Lord. Rejoice, rule of pious zeal; rejoice, the image of spiritual poverty. Rejoice, for you have pleased not yourself, but Christ alone; Rejoice, for you were ready to die for Christ. Rejoice, George, great victorious.

    Kontakion No. 10

    To save souls in the darkness of the idolatry of the perishing, God-loving George, you, being jealous, were jealous like Elijah according to Bose: when you entered the idol temple, by the power of God you drove away the demons, crushed idols, put the priests to shame, and, like the conqueror, not from men, but with Angels you sang to God: Alleluia.

    The walls are more insensitive than your petrified tormentor, George, not to the mind of God, I am miraculous for you, but until the end he was there, like a viper, plugging his ears. For this reason, command thee to shame at the head, like a villain; But you, grieving over the destruction of his soul, joyfully welcomed you to the end, for the sake of thee we please thee with love: Rejoice, faith, hope and love to the end; rejoice, in thy dormition you have done many and great miracles. Rejoice, crowned on earth with the weapon of God's grace; Rejoice, adorned in Heaven with glory and magnificence. Rejoice, man of God; rejoice, good warrior of Christ. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 11

    The singing of the Most Holy Trinity, more than others, you gave, holy Great Martyr George, not with a word and mind, but with a living sacrifice to yourself: imitating the Christ who was crucified for us, the immaculate Lamb Christ, you laid down your soul for your friends by your will. Even more, if you are dissatisfied with the praise of such your valor, there is no one else to have for love, either, thank the creature, we sing to the Marvelous in the saints: Alleluia.

    The light-receiving lamp of the true Light appears on earth, God-chosen George, enlighten the hearts of the faithful and instruct everything to the Divine mind, teaching us to cheerfully cry out: Rejoice, as if you are dwelling in the bright angelic devils; Rejoice, as if not in fortune-telling, but face to face, you partake of the non-evening Trinity Light. Rejoice, protector of the poor and the offended; Rejoice, the weak doctor and champion of kings. Rejoice, champion of the Orthodox warrior in battle; rejoice, warm intercessor for the salvation of sinners. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 12

    The grace given to you from God is leading, we celebrate your memory, Great Martyr George, and with fervent prayer to your miraculous image we are flowing in, with your all-powerful help in the Lord, like an invincible wall, we fence ourselves off. For this reason, praising thee, we earnestly call God: Alleluia.

    Your glorious death is singing, you are also exalted, like a good warrior of Christ, we pray to you, passion-suffering George: wake us in everything for the good of a helper, and hear us, fervently crying to you: Rejoice, as through you the Church of the faithful is enlightened; Rejoice, for your name is glorified among the unbelievers. Rejoice, wondrous confessors of glory; Rejoice, high praise of the martyrs. Rejoice, our bodies are healing; Rejoice, for our souls a prayer book. Rejoice, George, great Victorious.

    Kontakion No. 13

    O all-blessed and holy Great Martyr George, accept this our singing of praise, and deliver us from all evil with your warm intercession to God, but we sing with you: Alleluia.

    / This kontakion is read 3 times, then ikos # 1 and kontakion # 1 /

    Orthodox prayer to the holy Great Martyr George the Victorious for victory

    O all-honorable, holy great martyr and miracle worker George! Look upon us with your quick help and pray to the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but may he do with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask for us from Christ our God a quiet and God-pleasing life, health of the soul and body, fertility of the earth and abundance in all, and may we not turn the good that you give us from the All-Blessed God, but to the glory of the holy name Him and in glorifying your strong intercession, may He give our country and all the God-loving army to overcome the enemy. Let His saints protect us more heavily with the militia, in the hedgehog, according to our outcome from this life, from the wiles of the evil one and his heavy air ordeals and uncondemned presentation to the Throne of the Lord of glory. Hear us, Passion-suffering George of Christ, and pray for us ceaselessly the Tri-hypostatic Ruler of all God, that by His grace and love for mankind, by your help and intercession we will find mercy from the Angels and Archangels and by all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of the article, and I will take out the Holy One with the Father By the Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

    Christian troparion to the wonderworker George the Victorious

    Troparion, voice 4

    Like a captive liberator, and a defender of the poor, a weak doctor, an Orthodox champion, Victorious, Great Martyr George, pray to Christ God for our souls to be saved.

    Kontakion, voice 4

    Cultivated by God, the most honest worker of piety seemed to be, having collected the virtues of handles for himself: having sowed more in tears, reaping joy, suffering with blood, you accepted Christ with prayers, holy, give your sins forgiveness to all.