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  • Zombie games. Zombie Games A Practical Guide to Rescue from the Zombie Apocalypse

    Zombie games. Zombie Games A Practical Guide to Rescue from the Zombie Apocalypse

    Modernity is fraught with many dangers and human negligence can easily lead to global catastrophe, which will cause the transformation of all people into living corpses. Zombie games will take you to a world filled with dangerous monsters that just strive to get to your brains! Destroy them all available ways and any weapon - online Games Zombies for boys make it easy and fun! But do not think that harmless opponents are waiting for you - a journey through gloomy spaces teeming with the dead will not be a pleasure walk for you.

    The gloomy character of mass culture - a zombie, is known to everyone today: from babies who barely learned to speak to retired people with gray hair.

    In fantastic ways, animated corpses have filled the media space. They are everywhere: in films, cartoons, the Internet. Zombie games are one of the most popular entertainment for children and young people.

    Where do zombie legs grow from?

    The concept of "zombies" originates in the West African religious cult of voodoo. His followers believe in the existence of powerful sorcerers who raise the dead, deprive them of their will and force them to serve their dark purposes.

    In their free time from "assignments", terrible "living" corpses prowl the night streets of cities and towns, feeding on the flesh of random oncoming, terrifying respectable inhabitants.

    Their appearance is also not very attractive: disfigured by wounds, scars and cadaveric spots, bodies with disheveled hair, forgotten in bones with axes, dressed in black rags. Fearfully? Further in games for boys, zombies will be even worse.

    Zombomania in the modern world

    Individuals who do not know how to think independently, offended at everyone and everything, united by a stupid idea like a world war with the infidels, religious fanatics, aggressive skinheads, fans of endless TV shows, etc. - why not a crowd of dull, brainless zombies?

    So if something like that already exists among you and me (and its number is growing day by day), why not assume that the voodoo cult is still true? By the way, against the background of these characters, even fans of "classic" zombies look somehow prettier - at least they don't hide their predilections, pretending to be respectable slogans.

    What awaits us tomorrow

    Zombie apocalypse, what else ?! In any case, today's zombies are piously sure of this. The earth has existed for more than one thousand years, sooner or later the end is inevitable. So why shouldn't human civilization fall at the hands of its former members?

    Scaring others around with forecasts of the imminent end of the world is a favorite pastime for voodoo fans. In their opinion, zombie games are over long ago, the apocalypse is not far off, only a few who took the necessary protective measures in time will be able to escape from it. What kind? Below we will reveal to you this incredible secret.

    A practical guide to saving from the zombie apocalypse

    I must say that all the tips below will come in handy not only when you play online zombie games on pc, but if this happens for real. Although, of course, the probability of meeting zombies in real life and in free flash games differs not only by an order of magnitude, but in an infinite number of times.

    1. First things first, if you don't want to be eaten alive, take care of your protective equipment. According to movies, anime and zombie games, these creatures do not take firearms. Disables for a few minutes, no more. You need to beat them with something weighty so that the bones cannot be collected afterwards. A solid cudgel, a baseball bat studded with nails, a pry bar is great.
    2. You need to leave the big cities. Large crowds of people beckon zombies like a showcase of hungry traveler's fast food. Remote villages, abandoned farms - what you need.
    3. You will have to forget about the Internet, electricity, mobile phones. Smoke signals and bonfires will remain your only means of communication. It's a good idea to learn how to breed them in 1-2 minutes.
    4. In order not to starve to death, you have to hunt. With bows, arrows and snares. And also grow food on your own: sow, care, harvest.

    How do you like the perspective that opens up in online zombie games for boys? Not really? Then don't waste your time: enjoy your last calm days, but don't forget to prepare. Nobody knows exactly when trouble will come. And zombies are unlikely to write about the beginning of their invasion on Facebook.

    Thus, it is obvious that the risk of waking up in the morning in a world inhabited by living walking corpses is quite high. And it will be very, very difficult to survive in it without tremendous skills of destroying these adversaries. However, thanks to modern computer technology, you can practice destroying evil spirits at any time, because you can play Zombie games on our website for free!

    What to do if you are carried into a gloomy ruined city, which is teeming with sinister walking dead, and striving to feast on human flesh? Of course, try to get out of there as soon as possible and destroy as many undead as possible along the way. Zombie racing games are great fun for all thrill-seekers who want to sweep the streets of a dead city in a bloody hurricane! Zombies will block the way of the car with countless hordes, so the race will turn into a real battle for survival! These free online games for boys are exciting from the first minute and give you an incomparable drive. And most importantly, they do not propagate cruelty at all, because everyone who is going to be under your wheels when you play zombie races has already died once.

    All races have their own specifics and these are also no exception. In order to succeed in deadly zombie races, you need to consider the specifics of the upcoming event. To begin with, we advise you to understand the task at hand. Sometimes you just need to quickly disappear from the city occupied by the ghouls - in this case, it is better to choose a strong, but first of all fast car in order to overcome all the streets abandoned by people and not let the zombies have time to coordinate their efforts to prevent your escape. In this case, it is better to destroy walking corpses with firearms, and take care of the car - after all, its main mission is to take you out of a dangerous place. But if in the game you need to clear the area from a zombie infection, then you should turn your attention to powerful fortified vehicles. For example, jeeps with large wheels are just perfect for destroying undead.

    Here you no longer need to be distracted by firearms - you can use them only as an auxiliary tool, and just crush the bulk of the zombies. Moreover, corpses revived by dark magic no longer worry about the integrity of their internal organs, and they are not important to them, so that even a precise hit of a bullet in the heart or eye may not stop the unsteady tread of the rotten brain eater. Zombies sometimes retain the ability to move and attack even without limbs. But the crushed zombie is guaranteed not to do you any tangible harm and will most likely die for the second time, being left lying on the asphalt a helpless heap of ground flesh.

    These dangerous races are created especially for those who are bored with the usual passage of the tracks in high-speed cars. Equip yourself with a sturdy vehicle that can withstand collisions with hundreds of dead bodies and plunge into the world of dangerous adventures with the best Zombie Racing games on this page!

    Tired of monotonous games in which you need to complete one action or complete a specific mission? Then we have something interesting for you. Run zombie racing games - there are practically no restrictions and rules, because it is important to destroy as many bloodthirsty monsters as possible.

    The perfect combination of high speed, melee weapons and a huge number of walking dead is already waiting for you!

    Zombie Race Games: The Perfect Dose of Adrenaline

    Check out what you can do in these apps:

    • survival race - you are left alone with the danger, which is a crowd of zombies, thirsty for your blood. You have a car, a weapon and a desire to win at your disposal, so such applications are addictive and completely grab your attention. The only difference that differs in the zombie racing game is the location - you can drive through the city streets or find yourself in the desert, you will be sent to the forest or any corner of the earth. But there will definitely be those who can be shot while the car is moving;
    • real zombie racing games - you could not even imagine how creepy rallies and races of sports cars can be, because until this day you have not yet competed with monsters. Hit the road and show that our planet was created for living people;
    • crush zombies - who said that the dead need to be shot? These apps offer an easier option - zombies should be under the wheels of your car. Are you ready to rid our planet of the invasion of another crowd of monsters? Then start zombie racing games and make our world better and cleaner.

    Do not forget that in these applications your car is a reliable friend and companion, so take care of it, otherwise you risk being at the very start or simply perishing.