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     How to change Windows edition without reinstalling Windows? Standard Start Menu.

    Hello, today I will show you how to change or rename username on windows 10.

    There are a lot of reasons. From the usual antipathy to the necessity before selling a computer. First you need to decide which account you are interested in.

    There are two: a local account and a Microsoft account.

    Local accountingIs an account used only on your PC.

    Microsoft accountIs the entry you use on all types of Windows operating systems. If you have already decided and wondered "how to rename a user in windows 10", let's get started.
    First, we'll look at local recording. To change your username, you need:

    • Call the Run dialog. Press the key combination Win + R. A small window will appear in the lower left corner.
    • In the window that appears, enter the command "control"
    • The Control Panel will open. Find the sector "User Accounts", and go to "Change the type of account", which is located below.

    • Select and click on the windows 10 administrator whose name you want to change.

    • In this window, click on "Change Account".

    • Here you can change the name of the account. Enter a new username in the special field and click Rename.

    This is how you can change your username.

    The second is to consider changing your account.

    When asked how to change your username in windows 10, they often mean changing your Microsoft account name. You will need an internet connection here.

    • Go to the official website of the company.
    • Log in to your account in windows 10 by entering your username and password. Then go to the "Account" tab
    • Just below your photo, on the left, you will see a Change Name hyperlink. Click.

    • Enter your First and Last Name. Click "Save".

    • Many people ask: "how do I change my account? How do I change my account?" In Windows 10 there is no special algorithm for renaming your personal folder. The only way to do it is create a new account with the desired name and transfer all files:
      Open the Start menu.
    • Click on the "Options" section.

    • Go to the "Accounts" category.

    • Select the tab "Family and other users" (It's on the left). And click on the "plus" in the "Other Users" category.
    • Click on "I do not have login details for this person" below.

    • Click on the "Add a user without a Microsoft account" hyperlink.

    • Enter your username, password and click "Next".

    After that, a new personal folder and account will be created.

    I want to use a computer so that everything is at hand. Not an exception digital Watch and date display in the lower right corner (by standard) of the taskbar. When you first start the system after installation (reinstallation), the date may not be displayed correctly and should be changed to the correct one. We propose to consider how to change the date in Windows 10, because this OS is now the most popular and the solution of many tasks and problems is in demand for it.

    There are two main ways to change the date in Windows. The first one is the simplest and most suitable for everyone who wants to practice working with the system. It consists of the following steps:

    How to change date in Windows 10 via command line

    In addition to this option, there is a very simple one, which is needed for those who want to quickly and without any questions change the date in Windows 10. It has a very simple algorithm.

    In addition to these standard methods, you can use third-party applications, but they are not as urgently needed as, for example, when working with the registry, in which there is an analogy with this case. This is how you just learned how to change the date in Windows 10 quickly and without problems.

    In our time, it often happens that several people use one PC at once. In such a situation, it will be convenient to use several accounts with individual settings for each person. When using a PC, they will simply need to be changed, depending on who is currently working with the computer.

    Types of accounts

    In Windows 10, as in the previous version of the system, one of two types of entries is used for logging in: local recording and Microsoft recording.

    The first type of local recording is familiar to those who have used older versions of this OS. In this case, the username, the set password and all other parameters are saved on the computer. When choosing a username, authentication occurs on the computer, therefore this type of recording is called local.

    In the case of a Microsoft record, all data is stored on a special server on the network. The most important advantage of such an account is the ability to use it on different computers, while all basic user settings will be the same on different computers. In addition, in this case, it will be possible to store the most important files on a special cloud service OneDrive.

    A Microsoft account, among its many advantages, has one important drawback: if there is no Internet connection, the user will not be able to log in in any way, since authentication is carried out on the Microsoft server. This is why most of the time users use local recordings on home computers.

    Change local account in Windows 10

    You must log out of all running programs before changing your account, as they will continue to run. You should also save all your data.

    There are two ways to quickly change the local account on this OS version.

    The first one is:

    The second way to quickly change the user.

    When booting, Windows displays a personalized greeting. It is set during OS installation and is the name of the account. This is our identifier that helps the operating system save the configuration and then load the profile data. Today we will discuss how to change the account name in Windows 10 and why it is necessary.

    Purpose of changing account name

    Before figuring out how to change the username on a computer, let's figure out why you need it at all. In the case of more than one person using the PC, the Windows account name is responsible for the separation of user profiles. This is important when it comes to rights. The administrator can change the configuration, but an ordinary user does not need it at all.

    In addition, the Windows operating system is built in such a way as to preserve the user's configuration and settings. For each created a folder "My Documents", its own shortcuts on the desktop.

    The name is changed in cases when it is not pleasant or created in Cyrillic (or other non-standard language). Until now, there are programs that have an encoding other than UTF. Since the folder with the user's profile is named by his name, we get the Russian name. And such programs refuse to work with him. Errors occur.

    Change Windows 10 account name

    First, let's try to do this with built-in Windows tools. Go to the control panel through the search.

    In Categories mode, select the Account Management section.

    Go to "Accounts".

    And click on the name change links.

    You will be taken to the change form.

    Specify a new value and click Rename.

    Let's check if the folder in the user profile has been renamed. Open the explorer and go to the C: \\ Users (or C: \\ Users) drive.

    As you can see, this method leaves the folder intact.

    That is, by and large, this is not an entirely correct method of change. Renaming a folder manually in Windows can cause problems as it has different settings assigned to it.

    So that the best way to change the identifier is to create a new and delete the old user. To do this, click the "Start" button and then the hamburger menu icon.

    You will see the current account. Click on it with the right mouse button and select change parameters.

    Here you will need the Family and Other People section.

    Add a new account.

    You can skip the next step by clicking on the link below. This is all about a Microsoft account, we don't need one. Moreover, Windows has built in the ability to send parameters to the developer. Many people don't like it. So you may need information on how to delete your Microsoft account.

    In the next step, report your refusal to create a Microsoft configuration directly by clicking the link below.

    Then enter the new user. You can not set a password, or you can specify it if you do not want your profile to be available to other people. Click next.

    A new account has been created.

    The next step is to give him the rights. Bring up the main menu (Start) and go back to the active user. You need to change the parameters. In the window that opens, go to the "Family and other people" section again. Click on the user.

    Click on the "Change account type" button.

    Choose an administrator and click OK.

    To delete an old profile, log in under the new one and click "Delete" in the same window.
    Let's check the status of the users folder. It has been renamed.

    How to change computer name in Windows 10
    To change the name of the computer, you need to go to the parameters. To do this, bring up the main menu again and click the gear icon.

    Next, go to the system.

    And at the very end, click on the link "About the system".

    Here you will see a "Rename this PC" button. Click.

    Enter the new value and click Next.

    For it to take effect, restart your computer.
    Many people are interested in the question of how to change the computer name in Windows 7. It's easy to do. Follow the path Control Panel - System - Change settings.

    On the Computer Name tab, click Change and enter the new information.

    You can go the same way in 10-ke.