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    Crime characterizes not only a person. This game will help you find out the true character of any person

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    The “game of questions” is a rather entertaining entertainment that will help you get to know any person, as they say, from the inside. This is a great way to start a conversation with a stranger and a good opportunity to reveal an unexpected side to a longtime friend. After the game, it will seem to you that you have literally read this person and have known him for a hundred years.

    We are in website we propose to take interesting people to you "weakly" and play this game with them.

    • The interlocutors take turns asking each other questions. There are absolutely any questions: unexpected, personal, provocative, but most importantly, suggesting a detailed answer, and not just agreement or denial. Questions can be turned in any direction that interests you (below we have provided 30 examples with which you can get started to get a taste of the game).
    • But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the retaliatory move may be even more unexpected, and you should not go on completely forbidden topics either.
    • You cannot answer in monosyllables. “Yes, no, I don’t know, I don’t remember” are not accepted, you need to give the fullest possible answers.
    • By prior arrangement, you can enable the "skip the question" option, but only once.
    1. What's your biggest fear?
    2. What are the most unusual people you've met on planes and trains?
    3. Is there a negative book or movie character that you like?
    4. Has it ever happened that you once became very disappointed in a person?
    5. Do you have any useless talent?
    6. Tell us about your funniest date ever.
    7. What cruel truth was told to your face?
    8. Can you say that 5 years ago you were a completely different person?
    9. What was the most ridiculous joke you ever heard?
    10. What is your sweetest memory of the past year?
    11. What do you regret the most of your actions?
    12. For what reason did you last cry?
    13. What are you most ashamed of?
    14. Is there a movie that made you feel really uncomfortable after watching it?
    15. What was your nickname at school?
    16. Are you satisfied with how your parents raised you? What would you change?
    17. What was the scariest and most dangerous moment in your life?
    18. In your opinion, which of your friends is absolutely happy and why?
    19. What advice would you give to a complete stranger 18 years old?
    20. What little thing would make you happier right now?
    21. What annoys you in the behavior of others?
    22. Have you ever selflessly helped a stranger?
    23. Who have your classmates become?
    24. Is there a book that has changed your outlook on life?
    25. Was there a moment in your life so happy that you realized that you didn't need anything else?
    26. What was the most interesting trip you've had?
    27. What genre of cinema impresses you the most?
    28. What was the hardest choice in your life?
    29. Tell me your most memorable dream.
    30. The craziest thing you've ever done in your life.

      Modern science of the formation of man.

      Human activities and needs.

      The concept of "personality". Socialization of the individual.

      Social status and social roles of the individual.

      Individual freedom and responsibility.

    The modern science of human becoming

    From the moment of its appearance on Earth until the beginning of the XXI century. century man has gone a long way of development. If we mentally look at the entire traversed path of mankind, we will see what huge changes have occurred in the way of life of people, in their appearance, forms of communication and in the environment. Scientists are sure that not a single living creature on the planet has changed so much during this time. Only man was able to transform himself so significantly and transform the world around him.

    There are many versions of the appearance of man on Earth. The most common of these are divine, cosmic, and evolutionary theories. Divine theory claims that man, like all life on our planet, was created by God. Space theory says that life on our planet was brought from space, from other worlds. Evolutionary theory notes that man arose in the course of the natural and long evolution of life on Earth.

    But, despite such a variety of theories on the problem of human origin, science with a sufficient degree of reliability claims that the most ancient people appeared on Earth about 3 million years ago in Africa. At the same time, primitive man was significantly different from modern people. He could not speak, but only uttered bestial sounds, his appearance strongly resembled a monkey (low, sloping forehead, jaw protruding forward, pronounced brow ridges, stoop), the volume of his brain was much less than that of a person of our time. But at the same time, the most ancient people lived and worked together and differed from animals in their ability to make and use the simplest tools. According to scientists, it was labor activity that contributed to the separation of man from the animal world.

    The formation of a modern man was going on following paths:

      1) upright posture;

      2) improving the hand;

      3) improving the brain;

      4) the formation of labor skills.

    Such a person (in science he is called homo sapiens - "reasonable man") appeared about 40 thousand years ago. By this time, man had learned to speak, make fire, sew clothes and build a dwelling. In collective labor activity, a person has developed as a social, social being.

    The question of the nature of man is the question of his difference from all other living beings. Man is a part of nature, exists as a biological body within a certain environment. On the one hand, he is a material organism, lives in an environment of his own kind, has innate instincts and vital needs. But at the same time, unlike animals, man has articulate speech, consciousness, self-awareness and abstract (logical) thinking. Man is the only creature on the planet in which nature and spirit are united, he is biosocial being.

    This is what is given to him by nature - physical characteristics (age, sex, weight, appearance, etc.), instincts, temperament, etc. As a natural biological being, a person is born, grows, matures, grows old and dies.

    This is what he acquires in the process of living in society: speech, thinking, cultural skills, communication skills, etc. In this case, the main difference is consciousness. Consciousness is a reflection of the surrounding world in the human brain. Consciousness includes the psyche (feelings, memory, emotions, will) and thinking.

    The following features distinguish a person from an animal:

      man produces his own environment (dwellings, tools, household items);

      a person changes the world around him not only according to needs, but also according to the laws of morality and beauty;

      a person can act not only according to his needs, but also according to his own will, imagination and choice;

      a person is able to act universally, and not only in relation to specific circumstances;

      a person treats his life intelligently, purposefully changes and plans his actions.

    The above-mentioned differences between man and animal characterize his nature: it, being biological, does not consist only in the natural life activity of man. A person goes beyond the limits of his biological nature, he is capable of such actions that do not bring him any benefit: he is characterized by altruism, he distinguishes between good and evil, justice and injustice, he is capable of self-sacrifice.

    Thus, a person is not only a natural, but also a social being, living in a special world - in society. He is born with a set of biological traits inherent in him as a biological species. He becomes a reasonable man under the influence of society. He learns the language, perceives social norms of behavior, learns socially significant values \u200b\u200bthat regulate social relations, and performs certain social functions.

    Together, these qualities - both innate and acquired in society - characterize the biological and social nature of man.

    Human activities and needs

    In everyday life, activity is understood as any kind of human activity. In social science, the concept of activity is more complex.

    This is a way of human existence. It is a person's adaptation to the environment and its transformation.

    All living things interact with the environment. However, a person, unlike other living organisms, not only adapts to natural conditions, but also transforms nature and its processes to meet his needs and achieve his goals.

    In the structure of human activity, one should distinguish following items:

      subject - one who carries out activities;

      object - what the activity is directly aimed at;

      the goal is a mental model of the outcome of the activity, this is exactly what distinguishes human activity from the behavior of an animal;

      means to an end;

      results of activity.

    Activity appears in the most varied forms, and the forms of activity and its types become more and more diverse with the course of history. Social relations are formed on the basis of the whole variety of socially significant types of activity.

    Allocate the following activities.

      Practical (material) activity - is aimed at transforming nature and society. She, in turn, is divided into:

      Spiritual activity - change in the consciousness of people. She, in turn, is divided into:

    All of these activities are closely related. For example, the implementation of reforms (social transformation activities) should be preceded by an analysis of their possible consequences for the state (predictive activity).

    In addition to the types of activity, its forms are also distinguished. The forms of activity are cognition, communication, work, play, learning, creativity.

    The main form of activity that determines all the others is labor. is a type of human activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result. Labor is carried out under the influence of necessity and has the goal of transforming the objects of the surrounding world, turning them into products to satisfy the numerous and varied needs of people.

    A distinctive feature characteristic of labor activity is the originality of its motives. Labor is always aimed at achieving programmed, pre-expected results. Skill, skills, knowledge are necessary for the success of labor activity. In all cases of labor activity, its participants solve some specific problem, plan their actions, and anticipate the result. In its best examples, work cannot do without initiative and creativity.

    This is an activity that generates something qualitatively new, which has never existed before. The significance of creativity in culture, science, politics is characterized by the fundamental novelty of the result obtained, commensurate with the needs of the time.

    Creativity is multifaceted. It has an objective basis associated with the transformation of the world according to the laws of beauty, and a subjective creative intention, whim, artistic and scientific imagination, fantasy, allegorical expression of truth. Creativity is always associated with the development of the personality, with its spiritual growth and improvement. Modern science recognizes that any person, to one degree or another, has the ability to be creative.

    There is a connection between the needs and motives of a person. - these are motives for activities related to the satisfaction of needs.

    This is the need experienced and realized by a person for what is necessary to maintain the human body and develop its spiritual qualities.

    Human needs can be roughly divided into three groups:

    Biological, social and ideal needs are interconnected. For most people, social needs dominate over ideal ones. The need for knowledge often acts as a means of acquiring a profession, taking a worthy position in society and living, not knowing material needs. At the same time, among geniuses, among major scientists, writers, creators, among great politicians and commanders, ideal needs are often the leading ones in their lives.

    The concept of "personality". Socialization of personality

    Often the terms "man", "individual", "personality" are used in scientific and fiction literature as close in meaning. However, from the point of view of social science, each concept has its own specifics.

    One of the types of living beings on Earth (as opposed to fish, birds, snakes, etc.), i.e. this concept denotes the universal, inherent in all people, abilities that distinguish us from the animal world.

    A separate representative of the human race, a carrier of social and mental traits.

    This is a unique combination of natural and social qualities in a particular person.

    This is an individual as a carrier of social qualities. The concept of "personality" helps to characterize in a person the social principle of his life, those properties and qualities that a person realizes in social relations, social institutions, culture, ie. in public life, in the process of interaction with other people. The concept of "personality" characterizes the social position, place and role of the individual in the system of social relations.

    Historically, man originally existed as a herd animal, a tribal creature. As social factors develop, individuals become isolated, personalities begin to form. A similar process takes place in the individual development of a person. Initially, a child is just a biological creature with only instincts and reflexes. But as he develops, assimilates the social experience of mankind, he gradually turns into a personality. Thus, the personal principle is not innate: a person from birth is given only the prerequisites for growing into a personality and further development of the personal principle.

    The concept of "personality" is inextricably linked with the social properties of a person. A person is born as an organism, but is formed as a person. The personality is not formed outside of society.

    The assimilation of social experience by an individual, during which he is formed as a person, is associated with the concept of socialization.

    This is the process of the individual entering into society, his formation as a full-fledged "social being". Socialization includes:

      training and education of the individual;

      interaction with other people;

      assimilation of cultural values \u200b\u200band norms of society;

      the acquisition of certain rights, responsibilities, views, habits;

      development of types of joint social activities;

      finding your place in society.

    The need for socialization is due to the fact that social qualities are not inherited, they are assimilated and developed. Socialization requires the active participation of the individual himself.

    The socialization process goes through certain stages, which are also called life cycles: childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age.

    Associated with the period of childhood and adolescence primary (early or initial) socialization... It is associated with the acquisition of general cultural knowledge, with the development of initial ideas about the world and the nature of human relationships. A separate stage in early socialization is adolescence. The particular conflict nature of this age is due to the fact that the child's capabilities and abilities significantly exceed the prescribed rules and framework of behavior.

    Associated with the maturity phase secondary (continued) socialization... Its essence is the mastery of special knowledge and skills, i.e. the acquisition of a profession. At this stage, the individual's social contacts and the range of his social roles expand.

    The third stage of socialization is conditionally associated with the onset of retirement age or loss of working capacity. It is characterized by a change in lifestyle due to exclusion from a full-fledged work process.

    The socialization process is carried out through “assistants”. These are people and institutions that have a significant impact on socialization. These "assistants" are called socialization agents... At each stage of the life path, their own agents of socialization stand out.

    During the period of primary socialization, the family is the main agent. In the period from 3 to 8 years, the circle of socialization agents expands significantly. These are educational and preschool institutions, friends, other people around the child. School is an extremely important agent of socialization. At school, children learn to work in a team, to correlate their needs with the interests of other children, to develop skills in being in the social structure of management (submission to teachers, head teacher, director, etc.).

    Along with “official” organizations, peer groups are socialization agents for children and adolescents, whose influence often outweighs that of the family. Thus, individuals in a child's environment can have more authority than parents. Mass media are of great importance as an agent of socialization in modern society, especially television, which distributes and replicates more and more new role models (movie characters, "show business" stars, advertising characters, etc.). Television imposes certain standards of behavior, lifestyles and life goals. Often, such an impact deforms the consciousness of a child, has a negative impact on his life priorities, and leads to conflicts with the older generation.

    One of the results of socialization is the acquisition by a person of certain social statuses and the development of the corresponding social roles.

    Social statuses and social roles

    In the process of interacting with other individuals, each person performs certain social functions that determine his social status.

    Social status - This is the position of an individual in society in accordance with his gender, age, education, marital status and occupation.

    Allocate two types of social status.

    There are also personal status is the position of a person in a small group (classroom, courtyard company, sports team, etc.). Personal status is determined by the attitude of the surrounding familiar people to a person.

    In any society, there is a hierarchy of status. The assessment that society gives to the status of an individual or official status is called social prestige... The hierarchy of statuses is formed under the influence of two factors:

      1) the real usefulness of those social functions that a person performs;

      2) a system of values \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of a given society.

    Social status has a direct impact on personality behavior. Each status position corresponds to a specific pattern of behavior that is normatively approved and expected from everyone who takes this position. This pattern of behavior is called a social role.

    Social role - these are certain actions that an individual (or group) must perform in accordance with one or another social status.

    These role-playing actions in each society are determined by generally accepted norms. A number of norms are enshrined in various documents (rules, statutes, laws).

    The mismatch between status and role is called status-role conflict... In this case, society applies certain sanctions to violators. For example, if a woman with the status of a “mother” does not fulfill her duties towards a child, does not take care of him properly, then society may apply such sanctions to her as public condemnation and “deprivation of parental rights”.

    Each person has not one, but a whole set of social roles that he plays in society. The totality of these social roles is called role system... The variety of human statuses, as well as the variety of actions associated with each status, leads to a variety of role-playing set.

    Despite the fact that the behavior of a person is largely determined by the status that she occupies and the roles she plays in society, the person nevertheless retains her autonomy and a certain freedom of choice. The individual has the opportunity to choose from a variety of social statuses and roles those that allow him to better realize his plans, to use his abilities as efficiently as possible. Any role-playing prescription only outlines the general scheme of human behavior, preserving the possibility of choosing the ways of its implementation.

    Individual freedom in its various manifestations is the most important value of civilized humanity in modern society. The striving for freedom, liberation from the fetters of despotism, permeates the entire history of mankind. The importance of freedom for human self-realization is undeniable. People have considerable freedom in determining the goals of their activities, as well as in choosing the means to achieve these goals.

    Freedom is a special philosophical category. As the great German philosopher G. Hegel wrote, "freedom is a conscious need." This statement contains the idea that if this need is not comprehended, not realized by a person, he is her slave; if it is realized, then the person acquires the ability to make a decision “knowingly”. This is where his free will is expressed. In other words, a truly free person will not be a slave to his momentary moods and passions.

    No matter how people strive for freedom, they understand that there can be no absolute, unlimited freedom. A person is a member of society and is obliged to reckon with its laws, primarily because the complete freedom of one person would mean arbitrariness in relation to another.

    Thus, freedom is the ability of a person to create himself and the world of other people, to choose the image of the future world. Human freedom is preserved in any environment and is expressed in the ability to make a choice.

    The concept is closely related to freedom - human responsibility.

    Responsibility is part of freedom. If a person acts freely, choosing the means of his activity, then he is responsible for its results. Responsibility is a necessary component of freedom, an integral part of it. If a person can freely choose the version of his behavior, then he should be responsible for the choice made.

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights contains provisions that, in the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone should be subject only to such restrictions as are intended to ensure recognition and respect for the rights of others. A person cannot be absolutely free. And one of the limitations here is the rights and freedoms of other people.

    test questions

      What theories of human origin do you know?

      In what directions did the formation of a person go?

      Explain the expression "human biosocial essence".

      What are the traits that distinguish a person from an animal?

      How do the concepts of "man", "individual", "personality" differ from each other?

      Why is the personality formed only in society?

      What is social status?

      How does society react to violators of social roles?

      What levels and types of worldview do you know?

      Explain the phrase of G. Hegel: "Freedom is a realized necessity."

    At first glance, there is nothing in common between play and work. Labor - behind this word you can hear it: difficult, difficulties that must be overcome. And the word "game" evokes associations with something pleasant, easy, and exciting. However, the opposition is by no means obvious. One may recall that they say about the work of a high professional: he works playfully.

    There are several points of view on the question of what labor is. Supporters of one of them understand labor extremely broadly: in their opinion, any conscious human activity is equivalent to labor. Where there is human interaction with the surrounding world, especially with a variety of objects, we can talk about work.

    Proponents of a different point of view consider labor as one of the types of activity, but far from the only one. Indeed, labor is characterized by such a feature of activity as the manifestation of activity in actions, and the activity is expedient. About another senseless semblance of labor, one has to hear offensive: "monkey work". The work necessarily has such features as practical usefulness, the presence of a result. "After all, if the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it." If no one needs it, then there is no need to make efforts. Whether material values \u200b\u200bor spiritual wealth will be the results of labor, labor activity is subordinated to their creation.

    Another feature characteristic of labor activity is the originality of its motives. Work is always aimed at achieving pre-programmed expected results. True, the effect obtained can be better or worse, closer to the concept or further from it, but it cannot be an absurd work. It is difficult to imagine spending the effort, realizing that the result is not what you are striving for.

    What gives reason to hope that the programmed result will be achieved with an optimal cost of effort? Skill, skill and knowledge are absolutely essential for the success of work. Any work requires such components - physical, intellectual, work of a craftsman, farmer, artist, creator. In any labor activity, its participants solve some specific task, plan their actions, envisage the result. In its best examples, work cannot do without initiative and creativity.

    We can summarize. Labor is a type of human activity aimed at achieving a practically useful result. It is carried out under the influence of necessity and ultimately has the goal of transforming the objects of the surrounding world, turning them into products to satisfy the numerous and varied needs of people. At the same time, work transforms the person himself, improves it as a subject of labor activity and as a person.

    A GAME

    Play, in contrast to work, is not so much aimed at the result as at the process itself. The game accompanies humanity throughout history, intertwining with magic, religious cult, art, sports, military exercises.

    Who doesn't know what a game is? Nevertheless, there is no single definition, recognized by the majority of scientists. With this word, time combines a very wide range of actions (compare: children's play, playing on the stock exchange ... - this series can be continued).

    Scientists argue about the origin of play, whether it is a human-specific activity, is universal. In other words: are animals playing, cars?

    Proponents of the biological origin of play argue that play is characteristic of many living organisms, and the more complex an organism is, the more varied its play as an activity. At the heart of the game of animals are instincts: the instinct of struggle, power, guardianship: some scientists attach a special role to sexual desires, as well as the innate desire for liberation, unification, repetition. The guesses made by proponents of such points of view are very interesting; the material presented to illustrate the behavior of animals is diverse, but it does not provide an opportunity to consistently and conclusively explain the connection between a person's game and his social essence.

    The German philosopher and poet F. Schiller owns the following statement: "A person plays only when she is, in the full sense of the word, a person, and he is completely human only when he plays."

    Without dwelling here on the details, we will give only the final conclusions of scientists, specially studied the origin and development of the game as an activity among different peoples of the Earth. In its expanded form, the game continues to live in childhood, representing a necessary form of the child's life in the form of games-manipulations with objects, plot (including role-playing), outdoor games, games in the learning process. In the adult world, complex types of play are being replaced, on the one hand, by art, and on the other hand, by sports. For people of creative specialties, play is becoming one of the main types of human activity. However, having become the main work of life, play takes on a qualitatively different meaning than the child's previous play.

    The most essential feature of play as an activity is its two-dimensionality. On the one hand, the player performs a real action, on the other, many moments of this activity are conditional in nature, allow one to escape from the real situation, to act in imaginary circumstances (it is worth saying the magic "like". And the chair will become a horse, and the dirty Cinderella will turn into the princess).

    The game in its developed form includes roles that the players take on. Role is compliance with the accepted (conditional) norms of behavior in a game situation. In other words, the role is the identification of the player with the depicted person, object, character. To fulfill the role, the player must resort to actions in accordance with the rules of the game. The game uses objects or their substitutes, symbols, conventional signs in a special way.

    All these conditional components of the game are possible, since the player simultaneously believes and does not believe that the situation that is being played out is real. The duality of this behavior makes play akin to art. Art, using special, artistic means, interprets various aspects of human life and activity and tells people about them, forcing them to experience, accept or not accept the artist's understanding of the meaning of life. Play, like art, offers a solution not in a practical, but in a conventional, symbolic sphere, which, however, can later be used as a kind of behavior model. Art offers, as it were, typical forms of resolving conflicts between characters, and play makes it possible to simulate specific situations and acts as a form of including a child in the world of human relations and actions.

    Social studies test The social essence of a person for students in grade 7 consists of 2 parts (Part A and Part B). In part A - 15 tasks, in part B - 4 tasks.

    A1. A person is distinguished from an animal by the ability

    1) take care of the offspring
    2) get food
    3) work hard
    4) use natural materials

    A2. Only in human society can a need form

    1) in self-preservation
    2) in creativity
    3) in interaction with their own kind
    4) in physical development

    A3. Man is a social being, therefore

    1) a person lacks natural instincts
    2) only social needs affect human behavior
    3) a person is able to foresee the consequences of their actions
    4) only the laws of nature determine human behavior

    A4. Man is a biological being, therefore

    1) he creates conditions and means for his existence
    2) the ability to communicate is inherited
    3) only biological needs affect human behavior
    4) it has an inherent need for normal heat exchange

    A5. Unlike animal behavior, human activity is characterized by

    1) adaptive behavior
    2) satisfaction of needs
    3) purposefulness
    4) instinct

    A6. The purpose of work is

    1) cognition, transformation of the laws of the development of the world
    2) transformation of objects of the surrounding reality
    3) acquisition of knowledge
    4) creation of works of art

    A7. Play, unlike labor, involves

    1) having a partner
    2) the conditional nature of actions
    3) the individual nature of actions
    4) activity

    A8. Are the following judgments about activity correct?

    A. In the process of activity, a person creates something that is not in nature.
    B. Study is one of the main types of human activity.

    1) only A is true
    2) only B is true
    3) both statements are true
    4) both judgments

    A9. What is the name of human activities related to the transformation of nature?

    1) practical
    2) spiritual
    3) consumer
    4) social

    A10. Educational activity, in contrast to labor,

    1) involves communication
    2) is collective
    3) is educational in nature
    4) is creative

    A11. For social development, a person needs to

    1) had a rest
    2) eat right
    3) was physically developed
    4) communicated with other people

    A12. Are the following judgments about socialization correct?

    A. Parenting is part of the socialization process
    B. The process of socialization occurs throughout a person's life

    1) only A is true
    2) only B is true
    3) both statements are true
    4) both judgments

    A13. A person as a person is characterized (are)

    1) features of temperament
    2) social activity
    3) external data
    4) physical and mental health

    A14. The spiritual life of a person is (are)

    1) drawing up a family budget
    2) construction of a country house
    3) participation in a poetry competition
    4) opening a small business

    A15. Are the following judgments about human freedom true?

    A. Human freedom is permissiveness, the ability to act
    according only to their desires.
    B. Freedom of a person in society implies the ability to make an informed choice and take responsibility for it

    1) only A is true
    2) only B is true
    3) both statements are true
    4) both judgments

    B1. A number of terms are listed below. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to the concept human activity.
    Society, motive, result, means, end, game.
    Find and specify a term that refers to another concept.

    B2. In the above list, features of similarity are indicated, as well as features of differences between humans and animals. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second column.

    1) communication with their own kind
    2) the ability to think
    3) the need for self-preservation
    4) the presence of self-awareness

    B3. Establish a correspondence between the type of activity and the features of its manifestation:

    Features of manifestation

    A. Acquisition of new knowledge.
    B. Conditional nature of actions.
    B. The presence of imagination and fantasy.
    D. Transformation of the natural world and the creation of wealth.


    1) labor
    2) play
    3) training

    B4. Find the person's social needs from the list below and circle the numbers under which they are indicated. Write the circled numbers in ascending order.

    1) the need for communication
    2) the need for self-knowledge
    3) the need for security
    4) the need for sleep
    5) the need for recognition

    Answers to the social studies test Social essence of a person
    A1. 3
    A2. 2
    A3. 3
    A4. 4
    A5. 3
    A6. 2
    A7. 2
    A8. 3
    A9. 1
    A10. 3
    A11. 4
    A12. 3
    A13. 2
    A14. 3
    A15. 2
    IN 1. society
    AT 2. 13 24
    AT 3. A3, B2, B2, G1
    AT 4. 15

    Socio-psychological characteristics of the game

    Play is such a complex socio-psychological phenomenon that has an important role not only in the life of a child, but also throughout the life of an adult.

    The most ambitious consideration of the phenomenon of play was undertaken by Johan Heizinga in his historical and cultural research "The Man Playing" - "HOMO LUDENS. The Experience of Determining the Game Element of Culture ”. “Long ago became a classic, this fundamental research reveals the essence of the phenomenon of play and its significance in human civilization. But the most noticeable thing here is the humanistic background of this concept, which can be traced at different stages of the cultural history of many countries and peoples. The tendency and ability of a person to clothe all aspects of his life in forms of play behavior is a confirmation of the objective value of his inherent creative aspirations - his most important asset.

    The feeling and situation of the game, giving, as direct experience convinces us, the maximum possible freedom to its participants, are realized within the context, which is reduced to the emergence of certain rigidly outlined rules - the rules of the game. No context, no rules. The meaning and significance of the game are entirely determined by the relation of the immediate, phenomenal text of the game - to the somehow mediated universal, that is, the context of human existence that includes the whole world. This is very clear in the case of a work of art - an example of such a game, the context of which is the entire universe.

    Considering “the nature and meaning of play as a cultural phenomenon, play as an initial concept and function, which is full of meaning; biological foundations of the game; play as a kind of value in culture ", Huizinga comes to the conclusion that" play is an extremely independent category; The game is located outside of other categories. As a free action, limited by place and time; The game establishes the order and rules of the game, which are indisputable and binding. " The grouping power of play lies in the "removal of everyday life." "The game maintains the world order through its presentation." Huizinga says: “Nevertheless, it seems to me that homo ludens, a person who plays, points to a function just as important as doing, and therefore, along with homo faber, deserves a right to exist. There is an old thought that suggests that if we think through everything we know about human behavior, it will seem to us just a game. Anyone who is satisfied with this metaphysical statement need not read this book. For me, however, it does not give any reason to avoid trying to distinguish play as a special factor in everything in this world. For a long time I more and more definitely moved to the conviction that human culture arises and unfolds in play, like a game. "

    Considering the concept and expression of the concept of a game in a language, it becomes obvious that the concepts of a game in different languages \u200b\u200bare not equivalent, the general concept of a game is realized quite late, the concept of a game is sometimes distributed between several words. “In contrast to the Greek, with its changeable and diverse expression of approach to the play function, Latin, oddly enough, actually has only one word that expresses the entire area of \u200b\u200bplay and play actions: ludus, ludere, where lusus is only a derivative. In addition, there is also iocus, iocari, but with a specific meaning of joke, fun. Actually playing in classical Latin does not mean that. The etymological basis of ludere, although this word could be used, speaking of frolicking fish, fluttering birds, splashing water, nevertheless, was hardly correlated with fast movement - as so many words of the gaming sphere relate to it, - rather with the area of \u200b\u200bfrivolous, visibility , ridicule. Ludus, ludere encompasses children's play, recreation, competition, liturgical, and generally stage, action, and gambling. In lares ludentes it means to dance. The meaning of taking the form of something clearly comes to the fore. Complicated words alludo [to flirt, hint], colludo [to play together, to be at the same time], illudo [to play, taunt, deceive] also rush in the direction of the imaginary, deceptive. From this semantic soil, ludi moves away to the meaning of public games, which occupied such an important place in the life of the Romans, and ludus to the meaning of school; one comes from the meaning of competition, the other, in all likelihood, from exercise.

    It is noteworthy that ludus, ludere in the general sense of the game, play not only does not pass into Romance languages, but even, as far as I can see, hardly leaves any trace in them. In all Romance languages, and apparently already in the early period, specific locus, iocari expanded their meaning to play, to play, while ludus, ludere were completely supplanted. In French, it is jeu, jouer, in Italian - giuoco, gio-sat, in Spanish - juego, jugar, in Portuguese - jogo, jogar, in Romanian - joc, juce. Whether the disappearance of ludus was caused by phonetic or semantic reasons, remains here outside our field of vision. "

    Consideration of the playful elements of modern culture, which includes “The playful element of contemporary art. - Game content of social and political life. - Game content of the policy. - Game customs of parliamentary activity. - Is war a game? - The game element is necessary ”- and much more.

    In conclusion of his research Huizinga asks the question - "Is everything human is a game!" and examines The Criterion for Moral Judgment.

    Already in its simplest forms, including in the life of animals, play is something more than a purely physiological phenomenon or a physiologically conditioned mental reaction. And as such, play transcends the boundaries of purely biological, or at least purely physical activity. Play is a function that makes sense. At the same time, something plays in play that goes beyond the immediate striving to maintain life, something that brings meaning to the action taking place. Every game means something. To call the active principle, which gives the game its essence, spirit would be too much, but to call it instinct would be an empty phrase. No matter how we consider it, in any case, this purposefulness of the game gives birth to a certain immaterial element, included in the very essence of the game.

    Psychology and physiology are concerned with observing, describing and explaining the play of animals, as well as of children and adults. They try to establish the nature and meaning of play and to indicate the place of play in the life process. The fact that play occupies a very important place there, that it fulfills a necessary, at least useful function, is accepted everywhere and without objection as the starting point of all scientific research and judgments.