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  • Persimmon jam with lemon. Persimmon jam: the most delicious recipe with feijoa, apples, lemon, orange, skate, pumpkin, sugar-free, slices

    Persimmon jam with lemon. Persimmon jam: the most delicious recipe with feijoa, apples, lemon, orange, skate, pumpkin, sugar-free, slices

    Persimmon evokes in us associations with winter and holiday moods. Many people love this berry, but not many people know that its fruits can be eaten not only in its original form, but also to make delicious jams from it. In this form, it will last much longer, while retaining its beneficial features... It will also significantly diversify its flavor spectrum. Such jam can be used as fillings for pies and buns, eaten with pancakes, pancakes, cheese cakes and sandwiches.

    In combination with hot tea, they will be simply excellent. And, of course, the blanks can be consumed in the summer, when these fruits are not on store shelves.

    Today we will tell you how to make jam from: the most delicious recipe and you will find some of the most popular options in the following description.

    A little secret: so that the berry does not knit, first freeze it for 12 hours, as a result of which it will lose a significant part of the tannins, which cause this effect.

    Persimmon jam. Recipes in a saucepan and multicooker with step-by-step photos and video examples

    Classic persimmon jam: the easiest recipe

    All you need is sugar and persimmon, you can use the beetle in equal proportions, for example, a kilogram of beetroot per kilogram of granulated sugar. You only need the pulp, you do not need to use the skin in cooking. You can use both ripe fruit and hard.

    Pour the seedless pulp with granulated sugar, mix thoroughly and let the resulting puree brew for several hours in a warm place.

    After the fruits have given juice, you can put them on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer covered. The cooking time depends on which fruits were used for cooking: ripe or overripe - half an hour, unripe - an hour and a half. When ready, put the finished product in jars and roll up.

    King and apple recipe

    For this option, even sugar is not required!

    Take apples and beads in equal proportions, for example, one kilogram each. Rinse, dry, clean from branches and seeds. Berry, again, is best used without the skin.

    Cut everything into small cubes and mix in a deep saucepan or other heat-resistant container. Bring to a boil and cool. This procedure must be repeated 2 days, 4 times a day. Having done this, put the cooked mixture in sterilized jars and roll them up.

    Persimmon jam with lemon in a slow cooker


    • 1.5 kilograms of beef pulp;
    • 1 kilogram of sugar;
    • 2 lemons.

    Lemon, in order to rid it of possible bitterness, boil for 3 minutes in water. Then cut it into small arbitrary slices or grind it with a meat grinder.

    In a slow cooker, mix the diced pulp with lemon and sugar and let it brew until juice appears.

    Put the multicooker on the cooking mode "Cooking", "Baking" or "Stewing" (depending on the model) for 60 minutes.

    Pumpkin and kinglet recipe

    Many have left deposits in the freezer since autumn. This recipe will help unload your freezers and diversify already boring breakfasts. How to cook persimmon jam with pumpkin?

    For this we need:

    • 1 kilogram of beef;
    • 600 grams of pumpkin;
    • 400 grams of sugar;
    • 10 centimeters of ginger root;
    • Glass of water.

    Wash the fruits, peel and cut into small slices, or grind in mashed potatoes, grate ginger on a fine grater. Mix all the ingredients in a deep container with sugar and water and cook for 1 hour, periodically stirring thoroughly and removing the resulting film. When ready, roll up into banks.
    You can serve for breakfast with porridge, pancakes or cottage cheese, enjoying the rave reviews of your loved ones.

    Spicy recipe with cognac

    For cooking, take:

    • 1.5 kilograms of berries;
    • 60 grams of vanillin;
    • 1 kilogram of sugar;
    • 300 milliliters of brandy.

    Having previously processed and peeled the berries, you need to bring them to a puree-like consistency using a blender or mixer. Add sugar to the resulting mass and mix. Put on fire and boil for 10 minutes after boiling.

    Pour the cognac into the container in which the cooking is taking place and leave to cool, then bring the mixture to a boil again and simmer for 10 minutes. When ready, the standard process of seaming into cans goes.

    Jam Recipes

    Jam from kinglet and feijoa

    We will need:

    • 1 kilogram of beef;
    • 200 grams of feijoa;
    • freshly squeezed orange juice with zest, obtained from 1 fruit;
    • sugar, about 300 grams - varies in taste.

    The fruits must be washed, dried, pitted and twigs, cut into cubes and covered with sugar in a large saucepan. Pour all the juice and rub the zest on top. Put on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for no more than 10 minutes. When ready, roll up the finished product in jars.

    Spicy jam

    The taste of such a delicacy is rather unusual, tart, but tasty and original. You can catch a creamy note in it.

    Many people associate honey berry, as it is also called persimmon, with the winter holidays, since it is during this period that it appears on our shelves along with tangerines. Most people prefer to eat the fruit fresh, but the benefits of this berry can be preserved much longer if you make persimmon jam. This delicacy is prepared both in the classic version and with the addition of various citrus fruits, apples, all kinds of spices and alcohol.

    For the classic version, sugar and fruit are taken in a 1: 1 ratio. You can take both fruits with elastic pulp, and overripe.

    One serving of jam will suffice:

    • 1500 g ripe persimmon;
    • 1500 g of white crystalline sugar.

    Jam recipe step by step:

    1. Wash the bright orange fruits, cut them in half and carefully pick out the pulp with a spoon. The peel is not needed in the jam. To remove the tart, astringent taste of the fruit, they should be frozen before cooking. After thawing, the astringency will disappear.
    2. Pour the prepared seedless fruit raw with sugar, stir and let stand for a couple of hours at room temperature. The persimmon should let the juice go.
    3. After that, put the jam on the fire, which, after boiling the workpiece, reduce to the minimum so that the mass does not boil, but languishes.
    4. Jam from overripe persimmons will be ready after half an hour of such languor, if the fruits were elastic - after an hour and a half. Arrange the blanks in banks and roll up.

    Cooking with lemons in a slow cooker

    Persimmon jam with lemon in a slow cooker turns out to be more aromatic, since the lid of the device remains closed all the time during cooking. Options that are suitable for cooking are Jam, Stew or Baking.

    List of required ingredients:

    • 800 g of prepared persimmon pulp;
    • 500 g sugar;
    • 1 medium lemon

    Procurement sequence:

    1. Immerse a well-washed lemon in boiling water for three minutes. This is to rid the citrus fruit of the bitterness that jam can impart. After that, this fruit, together with the peel, is cut in any way (thin rings, small slices) or minced in a meat grinder.
    2. Cut the pulp of persimmon into small cubes and put in a multican, add sugar and lemon to the main product. Let everything stand for a while until the juice is released so that the jam does not burn.
    3. Then turn on a suitable program on the gadget, setting its duration to 60 minutes, after which we get a thick aromatic jam.

    Billet with citrus notes - with tangerines

    Jam with the addition of tangerines is obtained with a honey taste, without a bright citrus acidity, as in recipes with lemons or oranges. Having decided to prepare this delicacy, you should take into account the fact that citrus fruits will take a little more than 12 hours to prepare them in advance.

    For a bright and fragrant persimmon and orange jam, the ingredients are taken in the following proportions:

    • 800 g persimmons;
    • 800 g tangerines;
    • 800 g of sugar.

    The sequence of all processes:

    1. Throw pure tangerines for five minutes in a saucepan with actively boiling water, then quickly catch them with a slotted spoon and transfer to a container with cold water and ice. Leave the fruit like this overnight.
    2. After removing the peel from the persimmon, cut the pulp into small cubes and transfer to a saucepan of suitable capacity. Remove the peel from the tangerines, disassemble into slices, from which remove all white veins and bones, send to persimmon.
    3. Pour sugar over the fruit and simmer for half an hour over low heat, stirring occasionally so that the mass does not burn. Extinguish the fire, but after cooling the workpiece, turn it on again and after ten minutes of boiling, seal it in sterile jars.

    Persimmon jam with gelatin

    To prepare a thick tea delicacy or an interlayer for cakes, it is not at all necessary to boil the workpiece on fire for a long time, you just need to introduce an ingredient such as gelatin.

    The proportions of the required ingredients will be as follows:

    • 1000 g persimmon;
    • 500 g granulated sugar;
    • 75 ml fresh lemon juice;
    • 4 plates of sheet gelatin or 20 g of food grade.

    How to make persimmon jam with the consistency of thick jam:

    1. Prepare ripe persimmons: wash, remove the skin, remove the seeds, and purée the pulp with a blender. Soak gelatin. For a leaf component, take in a glass of cold water, for an instant component, 60 ml will be enough.
    2. Boil the persimmon puree for 20 minutes after boiling, then remove from heat and add sugar to it. Withstand the workpiece for 45 minutes and return to the fire, cook the jam for another 30-40 minutes.
    3. At the end of cooking, add the swollen gelatin (the sheet must be squeezed well before that), stir until it is completely dissolved and can be laid out in jars for further storage.

    Persimmon and orange jam

    Lemons and oranges are added to fruit preparations in various forms (only juice, whole or the pulp itself). So, jam with orange according to the recipe below is prepared with the addition of one pulp. This reduces the time for preparing the fruit, they do not need to be blanched, although more thorough peeling is required.

    List of ingredients:

    • 500 g of ripe persimmons with dense pulp;
    • 250 g sugar;
    • 1 large orange;
    • 1 whole cinnamon stick
    • 2-3 g vanillin.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. Remove the stalks and seeds from the washed honey berries, and cut it together with the skin into small slices of arbitrary shape. Cover with sugar and leave overnight until juice appears.
    2. After removing the peel from the orange, disassemble the fruit into separate slices, removing from them, if possible, all films, seeds and veins. Grind the resulting pulp in a blender into a gruel.
    3. Bring persimmon with sugar to a boil, reduce heat and boil for half an hour. After that, add orange gruel, vanillin and cinnamon to the jam, boil the billet for another 10 minutes or a little more for greater density.
    4. Remove the hot jam from the heat, fish out a cinnamon stick from it and arrange in prepared glass jars, tightly seal with iron or plastic lids.

    With the addition of apples

    The combination of apples, persimmons and cinnamon makes it possible to cook a viscous jam like honey with a pleasant piquant spicy aroma. It is worth remembering that the addition of cinnamon provokes abundant foam formation, and the jam can simply "run away", so you should constantly monitor it.

    For harvesting from apples and persimmons, you should prepare:

    • 1000 g persimmon;
    • 1000 g apples;
    • 1500 g sugar;
    • 1 lemon (juice and zest);
    • cinnamon to taste.

    Cooking steps:

    1. Chop the peeled persimmon into cubes and mix with sugar to leave until the juice is released.
    2. Cut the washed apples into slices and bake in the oven. Then squeeze them through a sieve to make a smooth, smooth applesauce.
    3. Mix apple puree with persimmon and boil over medium heat for half an hour. Add juice and lemon zest to the fruit preparation, boil for another 10 minutes.
    4. Following the lemon, send ground cinnamon into the jam and after it has boiled for another 10 minutes, you can put it in jars.
    5. For long-term storage, put jars of jam upside down and wrap with a blanket, and after cooling down, transfer to the basement or closet.

    Spicy persimmon jam with cognac

    This jam has a number of advantages: it does not need to be cooked for more than a quarter of an hour, which preserves most of the vitamins, therefore, only 20-30 g of such a delicacy per day will help maintain the body's protective functions at the proper level during colds. Such benefits and a pleasant spicy aroma of the preparation are achieved through the use of cognac, which also acts as a natural preservative.

    For persimmon jam with cognac you will need:

    • 1500 g of very ripe persimmon pulp;
    • 500 g brown sugar (can be replaced with white);
    • 150 ml of brandy;
    • ½ vanilla pod or 5 g powdered vanillin;
    • 10-15 peas of pink pepper;
    • 10 g fresh lemon zest;
    • 2 star anise stars;
    • 1 cinnamon stick

    Working process:

    1. Cut the pure persimmons in half, pick out the bone, and rub the pulp through a grater with large holes, but without the peel. You can pick out the pulp with a spoon and then mash it in a saucepan with a fork.
    2. Add sugar to the prepared pulp, add spices and cook for 12-15 minutes. Those who do not like too much spice content can limit themselves to vanilla, or change their composition and quantity at their discretion.
    3. Pour brandy into the finished hot jam, stir and arrange in dry sterile glass jars. The taste of the workpiece will become most vivid in two to three weeks, when the tastes and aromas of all the spices will combine with each other.

    In addition to cognac, other alcoholic beverages are perfectly combined with the taste of honey berries: white rum and liqueur, for example, Grand Marnier. It is important to remember that these ingredients should be added only after the jam is completely cooked.

    Persimmon contains many valuable substances. For example, ascorbic and nicotinic acids prevent vascular fragility, carotene is useful for vision and liver function. Iodine improves the health of the thyroid gland. The jam will not only delight you with its unusual taste, but will also be beneficial.

    In order for the jam to turn out to be delicate and aromatic, it is necessary to choose only ripe fruits with a thin skin. Full maturity is indicated by a bright color and a dry stalk.

    If you chose a viscous persimmon variety, there are two ways to get rid of astringency:

    Dip the fruits in warm water for 40 minutes.

    Keep them in the freezer for a similar time.

    Sweet varieties are great for jam, and here you can save on sugar: you will need half of it as specified in the recipe. Spices: cinnamon, cloves, vanilla will add an unusual taste to the delicacy.

    Persimmon jam: recipes

    The simplest sunny fruit jam takes only an hour. For him, you will need persimmon and sugar in equal amounts, 400 ml of water and a pinch of citric acid (per kilogram of fruit).

    It is not difficult to make a fragrant jam. For this you need:

    • Wash the fruit and peel it.
    • Cut the persimmon into cubes or wedges.
    • Cook sugar syrup.
    • Pour the chopped persimmon into a boiling solution and simmer over low heat for about an hour, stirring occasionally and removing the foam.
    • Remove the container with the jam from the stove and cool, then pour into glass jars.

    Store the treat in a cool place.

    Citrus fruits will add a piquant sourness to persimmon jam. You can take one lemon or three oranges (for two kilograms of persimmons and a kilogram of sugar).

    This jam is prepared as follows:

    • Peeled persimmons are cut into cubes, placed in a bowl or pan, sprinkled with sugar.
    • Poured into a container with 200 ml of water and leave to stand for about an hour.
    • Then put on low heat and after boiling, cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly.
    • Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
    • At this time, citrus fruits are chopped (in a blender or through a meat grinder).
    • Add the resulting mass to the persimmon, mix.
    • Put on fire again and cook for 15–20 minutes (remembering to stir).

    The finished jam is poured hot into sterilized glass jars, cooled at room temperature and put in a cool place.

    A fragrant delicacy of sunny fruits has a pleasant honey taste. Such jam can not only be served with tea, but also used as a filling for pies and puffs or an addition to ice cream.

    In the article you will find recipes for delicious persimmon jam.

    Persimmon jam has many benefits. It is very tasty and healthy. It can be prepared from fresh and even spoiled overripe fruits, from sweet and tart persimmons. You can combine the fruits with a variety of ingredients: ginger, banana, kiwi, apple, citrus and any berries.

    Astringent, unripe persimmon jam: recipe

    The recipe for such a jam will definitely come in handy in case you bought too much persimmon and it has deteriorated. Persimmon ripens quickly enough and therefore the orange pulp turns into a "snotty" brown mass.

    What you need:

    • Persimmon -up to 1 kg. (smaller, of any kind, but it is best to use a beetle).
    • Sugar -400-500 gr. (you adjust the amount of sugar yourself to get the perfect taste for you).
    • Lemon -1-2 slices (can be replaced with orange slices, use with the peel).
    • Cinnamon stick -1-2 pcs. (you can use 1-2 pinches of ground instead of sticks).

    IMPORTANT: This is a common jam recipe called "five minutes".

    How to cook:

    • Be sure to rinse the berries and dry them a little.
    • Carefully remove the seeds and stalk, try to cut the pulp itself as small as possible.
    • Put the persimmon in a saucepan, cover with sugar, stir and turn on a small fire.
    • Keep the mixture until boiling (cinnamon can be added at this stage along with lemon).
    • After the fruit mass boils, cook it over low heat for no more than 5 minutes (during this time, the sugar should melt, check that it does not "crunch").
    • The hot mass can be rolled into prepared jars in the usual way.

    Persimmon jam: recipe with feijoa

    Feijoa is an exotic, but very healthy fruit that has only recently appeared in general availability on store shelves. These are berries with a pronounced pleasant aroma and sweet-sour pulp in a dense green shell. Feijoa is rich in vitamins and minerals. Its ripening, like persimmon, occurs in mid-autumn.

    IMPORTANT: Jam made from persimmon with the addition of feijoa will be not only very unusual, but also incredibly useful. You will definitely surprise your loved ones with such a delicacy!

    What you need:

    • Persimmon fruits -3-4 pcs. (soft, preferably varieties of korolek).
    • Feijoa -3 pcs. (soft enough, not tight and not light green).
    • Orange fresh -from 1 large fruit (also use the zest of one orange)
    • Sugar -200-300 gr. (you can adjust the sweetness of the finished jam yourself).

    How to cook:

    • Persimmons and feijoa must be washed
    • Dry the fruits and be sure to remove the tails, as well as the stalks (persimmon bones, if any).
    • Cut the persimmons and feijoa into cubes, pour the fruits into a saucepan and cover with sugar.
    • Pour in the juice of 1 orange and finely grate its zest
    • Mix everything thoroughly and turn on a moderate, low heat.
    • Boil the jam for about 7-8, but no more than 10 minutes, and then roll it up in the usual way or store it in the refrigerator.

    Persimmon jam with apples: recipe

    Apples are always available and always delicious. They can serve as the basis for making jam, and complement the taste of persimmons (regular or overripe).

    What is useful for you:

    • Sweet apple -1 kg. (any kind, preferably soft).
    • Persimmon -1 kg. (of any kind, you can even overripe)
    • Sugar -500-600 gr. (adjust the amount of sugar yourself, depending on whether you like sweet or sour jam).
    • The juice of half a lemon -or a few tablespoons. (replace with a couple of pinches of citric acid).

    How to cook:

    • Wash the apple and persimmon, remove the seeds from the fruit
    • The fruits should be minced
    • Pour the pulp into a saucepan, add sugar and lemon juice
    • Mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil
    • Simmer for 5-7 minutes over low heat
    • Roll up in the usual way in jars

    Apple jam with persimmon

    Persimmon jam with lemon slices: recipe

    You can also cook jam in slices or pieces from persimmon. To keep the fruit from boiling, use dense persimmons such as Sharon or Oxheart.

    What you need:

    • Persimmon hard -1 kg. (dense persimmons are not always ripe fruits, check with the seller in advance how sweet or tart persimmons are).
    • Lemon -1 fruit (small size, you need to cook with the zest).
    • Cinnamon stick -1 PC. (can be replaced with a couple of pinches of ground).
    • Sugar -300-400 gr. (adjust to your preference)

    How to cook:

    • Wash persimmon and lemon, and then dry
    • Cut the fruits into slices (remove all possible seeds, tails and sepals).
    • Cover the fruits with sugar and let stand in this state for about 1 hour.
    • Then pour into a saucepan, put a cinnamon stick inside and turn on a small fire.
    • After boiling, the jam should be kept on low heat for 10 minutes.
    • You do not need to bring to a boil twice, roll up immediately

    Persimmon jam with orange: a recipe in a slow cooker

    You can cook jam not only on fire, but also with the help of such a modern kitchen device as a slow cooker.

    What is useful for you:

    • Persimmon -1 kg. (any variety, sweet or viscous, soft or dense).
    • Orange -1 PC. (large fruit or 2 small ones)
    • Cinnamon stick -1-2 pcs. (can be replaced with a hammer)
    • Sugar -500-600 gr. (the sweetness can be independently adjusted by adding more or less sugar to taste).

    How to cook:

    • Persimmon and orange are thoroughly washed and dried
    • All fruits are cut into small cubes
    • Pour the fruit into a multicooker bowl, add sugar and a cinnamon stick.
    • Turn on the "Cooking" mode and after boiling, keep the mass under a closed lid for 10-15 minutes.
    • Take out the stick and roll up the hot mass

    Sugar-free persimmon jam: recipe

    Persimmon is a fairly sweet fruit and there is simply no need to add additional sugar. This is especially true for those who are counting calories and losing weight.

    What you need:

    • Persimmon sweet "Korolek" -3-4 fruits (overripe can be used).
    • Lemon -1 slice (you can do with a pinch of citric acid).
    • Cinnamon -1 stick or pair of pinches
    • Vanillin -0.5-1 tsp (optional)
    • Corn starch -1-2 tbsp

    How to cook:

    • The fruits should be passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender (the mass should be homogeneous)
    • Add vanillin, lemon and cinnamon to the twisted mass
    • Put on fire, add starch and bring to a boil
    • Distribute the resulting jam in jars and send to the refrigerator.

    IMPORTANT: Sugar in the jam acts as a kind of preservative, and if you do not add it, then it is better not to roll such jam, but store it in the refrigerator so that it does not deteriorate.

    Persimmon jam with skate: recipe

    This is an unusual jam recipe that will surprise you with its aroma and balanced, sweet-tart taste.

    What you need:

    • Persimmon -3-4 fruits (sweet or viscous, firm or soft).
    • Lemon -1 small fruit (with zest)
    • Sugar -200-300 gr. (adjust the amount yourself).
    • Cognac -405 tbsp (any cognac)

    How to cook:

    • The persimmon and lemon should be washed and chopped very finely (you can pass it through a meat grinder). If you don't like lemon streaks, simply squeeze out the lemon juice and finely rub the zest.
    • Cover the resulting mass with sugar and let it stand for up to half an hour.
    • After that, put the mass on fire and bring to a boil.
    • Keep the mass on low heat for 5-7 minutes
    • Remove from heat, pour in cognac, stir and roll

    How to cook jam, jam from overripe persimmon: a recipe

    It is not at all necessary to use dense ripe persimmons for cooking jam, even overripe fruits are suitable.

    What you need:

    • Persimmon -1 kg. fruits (of any kind)
    • Sugar -1 kg. (if that amount makes the jam too sweet for you, use less sugar).

    How to cook:

    • Prepare the fruits - they should be doused with boiling water (this will make the skin softer).
    • Peel the fruits of damaged parts and stalks
    • Grind the persimmon, you can use a meat grinder or blender.
    • Add sugar and put on fire
    • Cook for 5-7 minutes, and then put in the refrigerator for storage

    Video: "Simple persimmon jam"

    Persimmon jam: pumpkin recipe

    You will need:

    • Persimmon -2 fruits (sweet and soft, preferably "Kinglet").
    • Pumpkin pulp -250-300 gr. (cut in advance)
    • A piece of ginger -tail no more than 3 cm.
    • Sugar -1 glass (the amount can be adjusted to taste).
    • Water - 1/3 cup (adjust for consistency)

    How to cook:

    • Wash and grind persimmons
    • Finely grate the pumpkin pulp with the ginger
    • Pour the whole mass with sugar and water
    • Put on fire
    • After boiling, cook the jam for 15 minutes over low heat, stirring regularly (as you cook, the ingredients will soften and the water will evaporate).
    • After boiling, roll up in the usual way or store in the refrigerator

    Video: "Delicious korolka persimmon jam: recipe"


    Good day, my beloved readers! Both children and adults love sweet delicacies, despite the fact that in some cases they are not at all useful for the figure and health.

    Meanwhile, there are sweets that are healthy, but you can't buy them in the store, you can only cook them at home. Which store do you find persimmon jam in today? That's right, in no way.

    Exotic berries are only sold fresh or dried. And at home, you can make a similar dish for a sweet tooth, and right now we will make persimmon jam, I will reveal the most delicious recipe for you and tell you how incredibly tasty and healthy jam (jam) from persimmon with oranges, lemon and tangerines is made.

    It is worth noting that all the methods of preparing persimmons, which will be described in this article, allow you to maximize the taste, color, and benefits of natural products. Choosing for jam is ripe soft fruits, best of all non-astringent varieties.

    This jam has a sweet, almost honey taste, diluted with notes of sour lemon. It turns out very tasty. Jam disperses with a bang, perfect for breakfast, afternoon tea and even dinner.

    You will need:

    • (any variety is suitable, including those that knit) - 3 kg.
    • Granulated sugar - 1500 gr.
    • (you can use green lime) - 1 large or 2 smaller
    • Cold water - 500 ml.

    How to cook:

    1. Wash persimmon, cut out the leaves in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stalk, peel each fruit, cut into slices, take out if there are seeds.

    2. We put the products prepared for cooking in a bag, put them in the freezer for a day.

    3. After a day, we take out the berries from the freezer, put them in a bowl, let them thaw completely at room temperature.

    4. The lemon is also mine, we cut it together with the skin into circles or halves of circles, you can also cut it smaller, here it is already to your taste, we remove it if there are seeds. Set aside citrus fruits for now.

    5. We take a saucepan, where we will cook our exotic persimmon jam with lemon, put all the products in a container in layers of “thawed persimmon-sugar” until they run out. Next, close the pan and let it stand for several hours, during which time the pulp of the persimmon will let the juice out.

    6. When the juice has appeared in the container, move the pan to the stove, set the heat to medium, pour water and bring the food to a boil, not forgetting to constantly stir the ingredients.

    7. When the jam boils, we set it to cool, but for now let's start preparing the lemon.

    8. Fill the lemon with water so that it is only slightly covered, bring to a boil and cook for another five minutes. We drain the water, but do not squeeze the lemon itself from the liquid.

    9. We add citrus to the persimmon, again you need to boil the products. Cook after boiling for five, maximum seven minutes. Their persimmon and lemon jam is now done! It remains to pour it hot into prepared sterile jars, close, cool and put away and store in a refrigerator or kitchen cabinet.

    On a note! The jam will keep well if you sterilize the containers it will be poured into. You can store ready-made jam at room temperature, the shelf life of such jam in hermetically sealed jars in a dark place is 2 years.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Exotic jam, which children like very much, has a light spicy taste. You can use various spices for its preparation, for example, cinnamon or some other spice. We will consider a classic recipe.

    You will need:

    • Persimmon - 1 kg.
    • 2 cups - sugar
    • Sweet oranges - 2 large fruits

    How to cook:

    Step-by-step recipe for their persimmon jam with orange.

    1. We wash the persimmon under water, remove the peel, cut off the leaves, cut into small pieces, remove the bones, put them in a saucepan.

    2. I also wash the oranges, throw them whole with the peel into boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Scalded citrus fruits, peeled, cut into small slices.

    On a note! For jam, oranges can be cut into pieces or minced.

    3. We put all the products in one pan, mix, cover with sugar, leave in this form in the room, covered with a lid, for 2 or 3 hours.

    4. When the products let the juice go, we put our container on fire (medium or low), cook the jam for half an hour after boiling. At the same time, the lid should be open, and it is important to constantly stir the ingredients themselves so that the sugar syrup does not burn and does not give bitterness to the rest of the products.

    5. We turn off the stove, let the jam cool completely, and boil it again, but now we just bring it to a boil, remove it from the heat and pour it into jars, which must be sterilized in advance along with the lids.

    6. Roll up the finished jam or close it tightly with nylon or some other lids. You can eat exotic jam as soon as it has cooled down.

    7. The shelf life of persimmon and orange preserves in closed jars is 2-2.5 years. You can store it, like the previous option, both in the cold and at room temperature, but most importantly in a dark place.

    Enjoy your meal!

    This dessert is a great treat for children and adults. It turns out to be incredibly beautiful, bright and no less tasty. Light notes of tangerine, combined with the sweetness of persimmons, make this jam just a great dish.

    You will need:

    • (choose strong, dense fruits) - 1 kg.
    • Persimmon (preferably not an astringent variety, Spanish is great) - 1 kg.
    • Kilogram of sugar

    How to cook:

    How to prepare persimmon and tangerine jam, step by step recipe.

    Attention! This jam is best prepared in the evening, as the products will take some time to infuse.

    1. Rinse the tangerines under water and immerse them together with the peel in boiling water for five minutes.

    2. Immediately from boiling water, tangerines must be taken into cold water and left in it for at least 12 hours.

    3. In the morning, or just after 12 hours, citrus fruits need to be removed from the water, peeled, removed all white streaks, and disassembled into slices. If you see bones in the lobules, they should be removed.

    4. My persimmon, remove the skin from each fruit, cut into small cubes or pass through a meat grinder.

    5. We mix the prepared foods in a saucepan, add sugar, mix all the ingredients and send them to the fire to cook. Our berries and fruits should languish on the fire for thirty minutes, while they need to be stirred periodically so that they do not burn.

    6. When half an hour has passed, the jam must be removed, cooled to room temperature and then boiled again and boiled for 10 minutes.

    7. Jam from persimmon and tangerines is poured hot into sterile jars of any size at your discretion. Jam can be rolled up or just hermetically closed. The shelf life for the rolled product is 2.5 years, for cans closed with tight nylon lids - 2 years.

    Useful advice! Persimmon jam can be served on the table as a treat for tea or with white bread and, or can be used as jam for making various pies, cakes, cottage cheese and other desserts.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Calorie content of persimmon jam 100 gr. - 215 kcal

    Video recipe: Persimmon jam (jam)

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