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  • GTA 5 single player passing bugs.

    GTA 5 single player passing bugs.

    Money in GTA 5 Online. A surprise awaits for GTA fans: a new glitch has been found. After patch 1.38, it is available to those who previously received at least one cash bonus from Rockstar Games.

    This glitch will be able to give the player infinite money in the game. Another bug will allow duplicating cars.

    For this:

      You need to find any of the missions onGang attack on the map. You will find several scattered under the pier or at the Sandy Shores airfield.

      After you have launched any of these missions, you will see about 15 or more bandits that appear in each of these locations. You can see exactly how many gangsters you have killed by scrolling down the bottom of your game screen.

      The trick here is that you go ahead and kill every one of these gangsters except the last one. Your goal is 14 out of 15.

      Close or exit the game forcibly. If you are on PC, press Alt + F4 and use the corresponding shortcut on the console to exit the game without saving.

      Load the game. After logging in, you will see that + $ 250,000 has appeared on your account.

      Repeat this method until you get the required amount.

    Please note: you can get a ban for this - it monitors such glitches.

    Another option for making money is shown onYouTube channel "PmHD - The Prestige Community". To do this, you need a partner: you cannot use it alone.

    You can see the method here:

    Everyone who played Grand theft Auto 5, can tell dozens of stories that happened to him during his travels in Los Santos and the surrounding area. Someone stayed at home and tried to watch all the TV programs in the game, someone found a bloody suitcase near the road, obviously by dishonestly acquired money, and someone climbed all the most high mountains and jumped from all the skyscrapers. But there is also a special category of people who like to test the game for strength, discovering all sorts of glitches, bugs and read developers' mistakes. Fortunately, the game is big and there are plenty of such things in it. We have selected the funniest of them.

    To begin with, a compilation of almost all known bugs taken from the AmazingFilms247 channel

    And now one of the most famous and at the same time rare bugs: Michael meets his clone and even manages to throw a couple of insults at him. Author SHOTnSKILLZ

    Sometimes the game "jams" and it starts churning out clones on an industrial scale. Author KrankyBIAS

    And finally, the last video that finally closes the clones topic. Perhaps something like this will await us in GTA Online... Author VanossGaming

    Another well-known bug is gates that launch your car into the air. Everyone can check its action: have time until you fix it in the first patch. Author SomeFilthyCasuals

    Physics in GTA 5 in general sometimes does very funny things that are difficult (but possible) to pull off in real life. Author AmazingVines

    But among YouTube users, there are those who, instead of hunting for glitches, find and record on video the small and subtle details that make GTA 5 so convincing. Look, in this game even the wind is like real! Written by GermanScientistTV

    Surely these are not all the surprises that can be found in GTA 5. If you saw a bug that did not appear in these videos, be sure to tell us about it in the comments!

    This section includes bugs that cause the vehicle to be thrown up. This can be achieved in the following ways:
    • drive up close to the gate that drives off to the side. The car will be thrown very high;
    • if you shoot from a tank into a car, then the tank can also throw it. In this case, the machine itself will remain in place. To do this, you need to drive up close;
    • another way to add transport is to block the train with a bus. To do this, it must be placed across the rail between the exit from the tunnel and the post on which the traffic light weighs. The train will collide with the bus and throw it up.

    Bugs with getting money in GTA

    IN Pacific there is a submarine in which a case is hidden. This case contains $ 25,000. Previously, to use this bug in GTA 5, you had to do the following: take money and switch between characters. After that, the money reappeared in the same place. It only remained to pick them up for another GG. Moreover, it was not even required to float up, since when switching the air supply was updated. This could be repeated as many times as needed. But it was fixed. Now, to get money, you have to save the game and reload it. It takes longer, but in 10 minutes you can get about $ 500,000. There is another place with such a bug. The tail of the plane is in the sea. Algae grow not far from it, in which there is another case. But it only has $ 12,000. You need to act in the same way.

    Garage bugs

    The car in the garage may explode. To do this, you need to leave the garage for the gate to close. There is another bug with the garage. If there was a car in it for some time, then another one may appear on it. Here is such a joke in GTA 5.

    Texture bugs

    On the coast you can find a shark. Sometimes it happens that she flies straight to the shore. At the same time, it continues to move as if it were under water.

    If you fly in an airplane low over the mountains, you can crash on an invisible tree. It will be loaded after the destruction of the aircraft.

    Also, the transport may not be loaded. It will look like the character is sitting in an invisible car. Interaction with the outside world will be the same as if the car were visible.

    On the street you can meet a car that is halfway into the road. The car model itself moves chaotically, but on the road it goes in the direction of other cars. If you crash into it with your car, then it will be thrown onto the road in the position in which it was at that moment.

    Another bug is related to getting into textures. To use it, you need to do the following:

    • find a hairdresser (in the northern part of the city). It is next to a discount store;
    • go into the alley and find the gate;
    • come close to the wall connecting the gate with the wall of the building;
    • if you jump in this place, the character will climb this wall and get stuck in the textures.
    While in this position, you can move around and shoot at passers-by. To prevent the police from firing on the character, you can go to the right and jump down. The player will be in front of a flowerbed with plants. From this position, you can kill police officers with impunity. They will see the player, but will not shoot at him. This will score six stars. If you jump from here in the opposite direction to the gray surface, the character will fall under the texture. After a short flight, it "appears" on the road near this place. However, on this in GTA 5 bugs and gags do not end!

    Bugs with non-player characters In the game, you can hit your head - with a running start. If you hit a person sitting on a bench, you may get a blow to the groin. In this case, the person will still lose consciousness.

    Hello. The Gamebizclub team is in touch with you. In our today's article we will tell you about the various bugs in GTA 5.

    You need to understand that bugs are some kind of mistakes or bloopers made by game developers during the development of a game. Most of these interesting things do not interfere with the game, and sometimes they even allow you to have very good fun with what is happening on the screen.

    In this article, you will learn:


    Let's start with a bug that gamers call a catapult, because due to this flaw, the vehicle flies up as a result of certain actions. At the moment, there are three fixed ways with which you can launch your vehicle into flight:

    1. You have probably seen roller gates more than once, which move to the side when traffic approaches, such are found at Michael's house, as well as at the impound. The whole trick is to drive up close to them and rest on the body at the moment when they open and the car rushes to heaven.

    2. You can also arrange tank flights. To do this, just as in the previous case, you need to drive the tank close to the car and fire a volley at the wheelbarrow.

    3. Rounding out our top three are bus flights. At the exit of each tunnel there is a pole with a traffic light attached to it, your goal is to set the bus to cross the railroad track so that on one side of the hull there is an entrance to the tunnel, and on the other - the pole described above. Thanks to this action, the bus will block the path of the rushing train, which will provoke a protracted peak of the first.


    The game has one developer oversight that makes it possible to get money.

    There is a submarine underwater in the ocean, not far from which is a case with hundreds of thousands of dollars. In earlier versions of the game, you can plunge into the diplomat and get him, after that, a simple switch from one character to another is enough, and the suitcase is back in place. Another bonus was the replenishment of the air supply scale.

    In the fresh version, the bug was partially fixed - instead of a simple switch at the moment, you need to save the game, and then initiate its download. The method, of course, has become much slower, but with due diligence, it will not be difficult to cut half a million in ten minutes.


    There are more than one bug associated with textures in the fifth part, let's look at them:

    1. A shark sometimes appears on the shore, it would seem, what is it - sea animals are often thrown ashore, but the fact is that the animation of its movements is identical to the one with which it swims.

    2. Some flights at minimum altitude end in failure - over some mountains the texture of the tree does not have time to sink, which leads to the fact that an unpretentious pilot crashes the vehicle against an air pole.

    3. There are cars, part of the body of which is drowned in the road. Despite such a funny situation, such drivers also drive by the rules, just like other motorists. If you don't like it, then you can remove this curiosity by provoking an accident with such a car and then it will jump out of the road.

    4. Sometimes the main character climbs into a car, although it looks like he is sitting in the air.

    5. In the north of Los Santos, not far from the discount shop, there is a hairdresser, around the corner of which there is an alley with a gate. Push the character against the wall through which the gate and the building are connected, and then jump. Thanks to these simple actions, your character will be in the textures, then you will have to proceed to the right and go down - now you have a flowerbed in front of you, because of which you can shoot anyone, from passers-by to cops. At the same time, there will be no return fire, so even five stars will be of no concern to you. To get out, it is enough to jump back - the character will fly down, and then appear nearby on the sidewalk.


    There is also a problem with the garage in GTA 5, which, as a rule, occurs in multiplayer mode on a PC, and not on consoles. The bottom line is that if you drive a car into the garage at the moment when it is already full, then the replacement window does not appear vehicle, and the random car disappears, automatically replacing it with a new one.


    This is not the whole list of existing bugs, since some are solved, others appear and this cycle is endless. We only note that some bugs may arise due to mods, so keep in mind that such additions may contain certain errors.

    This concludes our collection of bugs, we hope that you have found a lot of interesting things for yourself. Write your questions and opinions in the comments to this article and stay in touch. See you soon. Bye Bye.