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  • Why the ring is put on the nameless one. Why is the wedding ring worn on the ring finger? Wedding rings

    Why the ring is put on the nameless one. Why is the wedding ring worn on the ring finger? Wedding rings

    Thumb means parents.
    Index - brothers and sisters.
    The middle one is yourself.
    Nameless - your partner (spouse).
    The little finger means your children.

    Why is the wedding ring worn on the ring finger?

    Place your palms together, with your middle fingers touching the outside.
    Then just touch the other 4 pairs of fingers with the pads (thumb to thumb, index to index, and so on).
    The game starts, follow the instructions, but do not forget that out of five pairs of fingers you can only lift two fingers apart at a time.

    Try pulling the pads of your thumbs apart from each other, which represent parents. Happened? This happened because all people get sick in their lives, and at the end they die. This gap symbolizes the fact that our parents will one day leave us forever.

    Now put the pads of your thumbs together, and then tear the pads of your index fingers, which symbolize brothers and sisters, apart from each other. Happened? This happened because they also have (or will) their families for the sake of which they will leave us.

    Now fold the pads of your index fingers together and then tear apart the pads of the little fingers that represent your children. Happened? Sooner or later, our children will start their own families and leave us.

    However, put the pinky pads together and now try to pull apart the ring finger pads that we wear the wedding rings on. You will be surprised, but these two fingers cannot be opened at all (without taking the other fingers apart), because they symbolize husband and wife, and the fact that you will be in contact throughout your life in everything.

    True love will last forever ...

    (based on Chinese beliefs)

    Wedding ring. Symbol and tradition

    The wedding is unlikely to do without wedding rings - well, perhaps a radical couple may dream of wedding bracelets or something else extravagant ... But most often the bride dreams of how the beloved will wear a sparkling testimony of his love on the ring finger of her right hand and desire to be with her all her life - a wedding ring.

    The origin story of such a symbol as a wedding ring is unclear. Perhaps in ancient times it was something of a talisman bringing good luck. The ring is a vicious circle, therefore it means endless love and devotion that lovers promise each other. Different sources describe the history of the origin of the wedding ring tradition in different ways. Some authors believe that this tradition has its roots in ancient Egypt, others - in Ancient GreeceIn ancient times, nomads tied the bride's legs with hoops made of fragrant straw so that she would not run away from the groom. Subsequently, the unreliable straw "shackles" were replaced by leather, then - by stone. In ancient Rome, they were iron, in the 15th century - diamond. Since those times, people's lives have changed a lot, but wedding rings, as an indispensable attribute wedding celebrationexist today.
    Only if some peoples could afford to tie a flower on their finger as a sign of love and fidelity, then modern brides and grooms put rings of gold on each other's finger. Although the material of the rings may be different, the main thing is the mutual feeling that it symbolizes. It is also important that young people like wedding rings: you should not forget when buying an engagement ring - it will last for life!

    Signs and superstitions
    associated with a wedding ring.

    Wedding rings must certainly be smooth (classic), not pretentious, with stones, notches - then the life of the newlyweds will be smooth.

    In no case should newlyweds use wedding rings, sawn or melted from their parents' rings.

    You can't get married with a widow's ring. The widowed woman (or man) retains the wedding ring, but wears it no longer on her right, but on her left hand.

    A widow should not inherit her wedding ring from her children: this ring can lead to a repetition of the unhappy life path of parents.

    Divorced wedding rings should no longer become wedding rings. Such rings are not even worn as ordinary jewelry, especially since they should not again participate in the wedding ritual.

    One of the most symbolic gifts for newlyweds is wedding rings, which are inherited, and the higher the degree of inheritance, the more protective potential they have.

    Newlyweds can be married with parental rings only if they (parents) have already celebrated the silver wedding. Especially revered were the rings that were passed on to young people from golden anniversaries (grandfathers and grandmothers).

    What to do?

    In the Slavic tradition, it is customary for the groom to buy both rings (both for himself and for the bride).

    It is advisable to buy rings on the same day, in the same place, which is a good prediction of a long cohabitation.

    If you bought wedding rings and are returning home, then, without entering the house, say the following words: “For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen".

    You cannot wear rings on your hand on your wedding day, except for the engagement ring.

    Do not put your wedding ring on your gloved hand; first you need to remove the glove, and then put on the ring.

    What to watch out for?

    Do not give wedding rings to anyone either before or after the wedding.

    After the groom has put the wedding ring on the bride, neither she nor he can take an empty box from under the rings or a plate on which she was lying. It is better to take the box to an unmarried girlfriend or friend.

    If you drop your wedding ring before putting it on your finger, this is a separation. If this did happen, then a thread is threaded through the ring, which must be prepared in advance by witnesses and which will collect bad omens, and then the ring is put on. After the registration is over, you can only burn the thread, while saying "burn the fire all my troubles and sorrows." The one who dropped the ring burns the thread.

    The loss of a wedding ring portends serious health problems, warns of separation and divorce.

    Everyone knows that the most important symbol in marriage is wedding rings. The question immediately arises: why not some other precious item, such as a bracelet or earrings?

    The explanation is quite simple and consists in the fact that the rings are presented in the form of a closed strip of metal, symbolizing stability, immutability, eternity and infinity. Thus, the ring is considered a symbol of fidelity and eternal love, which guarantees solidarity in relationships, the ability to support each other in difficult times, as well as such quality as constancy. Today this symbol is no longer as powerful as it used to be. Although all newlyweds swear and believe that they will find immeasurable happiness.

    But nevertheless, the question certainly arises: why exactly the ring finger is the place where wedding rings are worn?

    According to legend, the first rings appeared among the Egyptians, who made them from gold for exchange at weddings. To do this, they took a strip of gold, gave it a round shape, which symbolizes loyalty and love. Residents Ancient egypt put rings on the middle finger of the left hand, believing that it was he who was the connecting thread of the vein and the heart, thereby symbolizing love. Thus, Eastern peoples traditionally wear a wedding ring on the middle finger.

    Residents of European countries, on the other hand, are accustomed to wearing a wedding ring on their right hand, namely on their ring finger. There is a belief that he has miraculous powers thanks to the ring. Speaking about the Egyptians, ancient Greeks and Romans, it was this finger that they used to rub in healing ointments. According to legend, a finger wearing a wedding ring could heal ailments.

    There is also another legend, according to which we owe the ancient Hellenes that we wore a ring on the ring finger, speaking of the busyness of the human heart. It was they who tied the ring and love together. If a person wore a ring on the index finger, then he was in an active search. The presence of the ring on the little finger spoke of the unwillingness to marry. The presence of the ring on the middle finger testified to the unprecedented victories of its owner on the love front.

    The act of Christians was wise enough, consisting in the legality of wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand, linking it with a church ritual. Since the 9th century, the Pope has blessed the engraving of church text on the ring. But this was inherent only to Catholics, since the Orthodox were used to wearing them on the right hand, while the ring finger of the left hand was for divorced people.

    So, in history, there are many options for wearing a wedding ring, which is a symbol of the bonds of marriage. And it doesn't matter where this symbol of love and fidelity is worn. The main thing is that everything in life is going well for a married couple. In a word, so that there is advice and love in their lives.

    This question arises for many newlyweds. But this is a centuries-old tradition. Paired wedding rings are a kind of talisman of love and fidelity. This tradition dates back to Ancient Egypt.

    Ancient Egyptian tradition

    The Egyptians insisted that since the main blood vessel connected to the heart is located on the ring finger of the left hand, the ring should be worn on this finger.

    These people were the first to know human anatomy, and they had good reasons for drawing such conclusions.

    And since then, for some countries, a tradition has arisen to put a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand.

    Wedding rings. Russia

    In Russia, it has long been customary to put jewelry on the ring finger of the right hand. For several centuries there has been such a rumor that an angel sits on the right shoulder, and putting on a ring the newlyweds receive the support of higher powers.

    What is the basis for the age-old tradition of wearing wedding rings on the ring finger?

    This tradition fully proves that jewelry should be worn on the ring finger.

    Each finger carries the title of a member of the family. Parents are thumbs, index brothers and sisters, middle fingers are you, nameless ones are husband and wife, little fingers are children.

    So let's check, fold your palms so that the middle fingers touch each other with the outside, and the rest can simply be touched with the pads of the fingers.

    Then try to pull your fingers apart. Thumbs are easy to tear off, because sooner or later parents leave us, you are a different world. The index fingers can also be easily torn off, because brothers and sisters are not always together. Someone is getting married, someone is getting married. Little fingers can also be torn off, because children jump out of their parent's nest and begin to live their own lives.
    No matter how you try to pull off the nameless fingers, it's all to no avail. The fact is that spouses should always live together in love and happiness no matter what.

    Years go by, but it is wedding rings that are an ingrained wedding symbol. Rumor has it that they have a powerful force that drives away evil spirits and gives your marriage life harmony.

    Where can you buy wedding rings?

    Which finger and which hand to wear the jewelry on is your choice. But if you do not know where to buy paired wedding rings, we recommend that you follow this link This company has been a manufacturer of gold products for many years. In her jewelry store, you can get them for a reasonable price.

    Greetings to all blog readers! I don’t know whether you are married, are you married or are, as they say, a "free bird" - the question of why the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand has always been and will always be relevant! I personally,
    for some reason, until today, I have not thought about it at all. Although I myself am the happy owner of such a ring :) I just saw this question somewhere and fired up with an insane desire to get an answer to it. I dug up the truth and the reasons for this tradition and decided to share interesting information with you! ;)
    Why, in general, are the rings that hold the bonds of marriage together? Everything is quite simple here, the reason lies in the form itself. The ring is a closed band, symbolizing cohesion, stability, eternity and even infinity. What could be more symbolic for the birth of a new family and its bright future ?! It has always been so, since the most distant times, now, the image of the ring does not have such a powerful meaning for most newlyweds. Although the question of why the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand rises in front of almost everyone, moreover, the representatives of the fair sex often ask them, which is not surprising :)
    For the first time, the Egyptians began to make rings to exchange them during marriage and the formation of a new family. Even then, gold was the material for them. Oddly enough, the founders of this beautiful tradition wore wedding rings on ... the middle finger of their left hand! The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt were sure that it was this finger that was the connecting element of the vein and the heart, thereby symbolizing an amazing feeling - love. So, many eastern peoples wear wedding rings on the middle finger.
    Representatives of European countries have long worn wedding rings on the ring finger of their right hand. Moreover, the finger on which the wedding ring was always and among all peoples had miraculous power. So, a finger with a wedding ring could heal from many diseases, so ointments were rubbed in with them.
    There is also a very interesting legend associated with the theory of which finger is still wearing a wedding ring. According to her, ring finger meant that the bearer's heart is busy. If the person wore ring on the index finger, then he was in the so-called "active search". Pinky ring said that its owner is not going to enter into a legal marriage at the moment :) rings on the middle finger, informed those around him about the status of "macho" of his bearer, about his peculiar "victories" on the love front.

    Here is such an interesting story, which tells about the various reasons why the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. Which of this is true, and which is just a beautiful legend, will remain a secret, but it's much more interesting :)

    Did you know why exactly the ring is a symbol of marriage and why it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the right hand and on the ring finger ?! Maybe you have heard about other reasons for this tradition?

    In some countries, on the right hand, in others - on the left ... and yet it is the ring finger that is customary for lovers to "ring". Why did the choice fall on him for several thousand years?

    In different countries, people give their own explanation for this.

    Beautiful Chinese wisdom

    Now try to connect the little fingers, thumbs, index and ring fingers with pads, and the middle fingers with phalanges, as in the picture.

    Here's what happens:
    The little fingers, thumbs and index fingers remain mobile. This means that sooner or later you will leave your parental home. Your paths with your brothers and sisters will also diverge and your children will not be able to be with you forever ...

    But you cannot break the ring fingers (well, or it is very difficult). Thus, they show that a husband and wife should be together for the rest of their lives.

    Such is an interesting interpretation.

    Ancient Egypt

    The first wedding rings, which appeared about 5,000 years ago, were not gold. The Egyptians wove them from the reeds that grew along the banks of the Nile - the river of the past, present and future. Such rings could afford the most simple people - farmers, shepherds, lotus collectors ...

    It was the Egyptians who were the first to put wedding rings on the ring finger. And all because the doctors of the ancient civilization were keenly interested in the structure of the human body and discovered: only through this finger (on the left hand) a vein passes, leading directly to the heart. On the other hand, the ring finger is practically not used for work, and therefore the ring worn on it did not interfere with daily activities.

    Antique "language of the rings" - Ancient Greece

    The so-called "language of the rings" originated in ancient Greece and was widely used by men until the beginning of the last century to communicate basic information about their personal lives.
    The ring finger, according to the inherited Egyptian tradition, was accompanied by the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Naturally, the ring on this finger spoke of marital ties or the presence of a bride, sweetheart or lover.

    The ring on the index finger signaled that its owner was looking out for his future wife.

    If the middle finger was decorated with a ring, the man emphasized his amorous successes and declared that he would not mind having a mistress.

    The little finger, decorated with a ring, indicated the absence of a lover, but also disinterest in finding a partner (at the moment).

    "Subtle energies" of the Slavs

    In ancient pagan times, the Slavs worshiped the solar deity - Yaril, who also patronized all living things. The ring finger was associated with it, so that it was on it that wedding rings were worn. In order for them to serve as powerful family amulets, they were made smooth - according to the ideas of the Slavs, the patterns destroyed the magical properties.

    The husband gave his wife a gold ring, which carries male, solar energy. The wife gave her husband a silver ring, thereby transferring to him part of the lunar, female energy. Thus, balance and harmony were established between the spouses.

    Wedding rings were considered the more precious, the more generations in the family wore them. Moreover, the Slavs did not part with these symbols of marital unity, either day or night.

    There is also information that in Ancient Russia, wedding rings were worn on the index finger, as is customary among the Jews today. However, with the introduction of Orthodox traditions, the final leadership was entrenched in the ring finger.

    Esotericism and Scientific Interpretation

    Earlier, the reputation of "charlatanism" dominated over esotericism, but times change, and science does not stand still. Today, no one doubts that the human body contains not only physical tissues, but a higher “energy plan”. Energy passes through special energy channels, and it turns out that it can be influenced in a completely physical way.

    It is believed that a wedding ring on the ring finger limits the flow of energy leading to the heart. By “exchanging” rings, lovers close the partner's love channel on themselves, and thereby close his heart to other passions.

    However, doctors are not delighted with all this - after all, a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated on the hands, which are affected by the rings. In addition, the very material from which they are made can sometimes give owners a lot of trouble. Science knows cases when infertile women just had to take off their wedding ring to get pregnant. Or get rid of problems with the kidneys, liver, heart, nervous system, as well as migraines. Everything is individual here, but at the same time doctors also mention the benefits of gold rings: it turns out that they protect against arthritis and arthrosis (at least one single finger). But, on the other hand, we use it so little - maybe it just "wears out" less than the others?

    But, no matter which finger to wear the ring on or whether to wear it at all, the main thing is that love and prosperity reign in the house.