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  • Which plant grows faster than bamboo. All about bamboo - varieties, growth rate and care

    Which plant grows faster than bamboo. All about bamboo - varieties, growth rate and care

    The evergreen perennial bamboo (Bambusa) is a member of the subfamily bamboo of the cereals family, or bluegrass. Gardeners cultivate both plants that are members of the bamboo genus and those that belong to other genera of the bamboo subfamily. For simplicity, gardeners call all these plants bamboos. And in this article they will be called in exactly the same way, but in the section on species and varieties, it will be described in detail to which genus and subfamily this or that plant belongs.

    Plants belonging to the bamboo genus and the bamboo subfamily can be found in the wild in the subtropical and tropical regions of Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, America, and also in Oceania. Moreover, herbaceous bamboos are found exclusively in tropical areas. Every year, these plants are becoming more and more popular with gardeners. They are used to create spectacular hedges and to decorate patios and terraces.

    Bamboos growing in the wild are incredibly large. The stems (straws) are fast growing, they are woody and branch in the upper part. Their height can vary from 35 to 50 meters. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on the entire earth. Short-petiolate leaf plates are lanceolate. On special branches with scaly leaf plates, multi-flowered spikelets are placed singly or in groups. Bisexual flowers bloom only once in several decades, while a massive and very lush flowering is noted. Interestingly, flowering begins almost at the same time on all plants in a given population. After the caryopses are fully ripe in the flower scales, they fall out, where they are carried by streams of water or animals. When fruiting is complete, the plant dies off entirely, but sometimes the roots may remain.

    Bamboo has been used as a building material for a long time. Wind pipes or gutters are made from the dried stem.

    Growing bamboo outdoors

    Suitable conditions

    Bamboo has a high decorative value because it is evergreen. For example, it's January outside, it's cold, there is snow, and your garden is decorated with bamboo, which, like in summer, is covered with green foliage. But it should be borne in mind that most species are thermophilic. There are about 100 species that can withstand a drop in air temperature to minus 20 degrees, while only a few are able to withstand severe frosts (up to minus 32 degrees). Experienced gardeners say that if bamboo survives the first winter, then in the next it will be able to calmly endure a drop in air temperature to minus 20 degrees.

    What conditions are needed for bamboo cultivation in mid-latitudes? To grow it, you should choose a well-lit or slightly shaded area, while it should be protected from cold and dry winds. A simple fence is able to protect the plant from the winter dry wind. You can grow bamboo on any soil except clay and heavy. The acidity of the soil should be 6.0–6.2. You can start planting such a plant in open soil in the spring, after the soil has warmed up well. In this case, planting can be carried out in spring, summer, and autumn (from March to September), but it is best to plant bamboo in April – June.

    Landing in open ground

    Plant bamboo outdoors in the same way as other plants in the garden. To begin with, you need to prepare a planting hole, it should be noted that its size should be 2 times the volume of the seedling root system. Then its bottom is covered with a layer of nutritious garden soil, which is mixed with humus in advance, it must be compacted. The seedling should be immersed in a container filled with water, along with the container in which it grows, for several hours. You should remove the plant from the container only after air bubbles completely stop coming out to the surface. Then it is carefully lowered into a prepared hole, which is covered with a soil mixture consisting of nutritious garden soil and humus, which must be well compacted, trying to eliminate all voids. The top layer of soil (about 2–5 centimeters) does not need to be compacted. The planted plant must be watered very well, while all remaining voids must completely disappear.

    How to water

    When growing bamboo in mid-latitudes, you need to learn how to water it correctly, which is not difficult at all. Newly planted plants first need very abundant watering, while the soil surface must be sprinkled with a layer of mulch (organic matter). After the plant begins to actively grow, watering will need to be reduced to 2 or 3 times every 7 days, while you should also take into account whether it rains often at this time of year. Bamboo is a moisture-loving plant, and if it feels a lack of water, then it will develop a very powerful and long root system that can take moisture from the deep layers of the soil.

    There are 2 main varieties of bamboo cultivated by gardeners, namely: bushy and running. The peculiarity of bushy bamboo is that it grows in dense groups and at the same time does not spread over the site. But in running bamboo, the root system grows superficially, not sinking more than 5–20 centimeters into the soil, and sometimes they are located directly on its surface. Such a plant is capable of growing rapidly, capturing all new areas, if this is not included in your plans, then you will need to cut off the growing roots in a timely manner, and more than once per season. Those roots that you chopped off should be pulled out of the soil and disposed of, as they are able to continue their development further. You can limit the growth of running bamboo once and for all, for this, pieces of slate should be dug around the perimeter of the site, they should be buried 100-150 centimeters, and above the soil surface they should protrude 5-10 centimeters. You can also limit the growth of bamboo roots with a barrier film (root-barrier), which is a rigid and flexible plastic tape 0.5-1 m wide and 0.6 cm thick. This tape should be dug into the ground along the perimeter of the site at an angle ... In this case, the lower buried edge should be directed towards the site, and the upper one should be opposite from it. Sheets of slate, film or iron should be overlapped, not end-to-end, otherwise the powerful bamboo roots will break through them.


    Pruning is carried out once a year in the spring. In this case, you should remove frost-damaged or old ugly bamboo trunks. In order for the rays of the sun to penetrate deep into the thickets, it is recommended to carry out systematic thinning. It should be borne in mind that if the trunk is chopped off above the node, then the plant can continue to grow and develop further.

    Top dressing

    In the springtime, the plant needs feeding with a nutrient mixture consisting of phosphate, nitrogen and potassium (3: 4: 2). In the fall, bamboo is fed with the same mixture, which includes potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, but their proportion this time should be 4: 4: 2. After the nutrient mixture is introduced into the soil, the old stems will need to be completely cut off to the surface of the site, which then needs to be covered with a ten-centimeter layer of mulch (pine bark or dried foliage).

    In the event that you decide to feed the bamboo with organic fertilizers, then it should be noted that they should be applied to the soil 1 time in 4 weeks throughout the season. After the autumn period comes, such feeding should be stopped.


    The first wintering for bamboo is the most difficult. Its root system at temperatures below minus 17 degrees is capable of freezing, while at minus 20 degrees the trunk of the plant, located above the snow cover, dies. In the event that forecasters predict a frosty or little-snow winter, experienced gardeners recommend bending the trunks of plants to the surface of the mulch layer, and spruce branches should be thrown over them, which will protect the plant from freezing. If the first wintering for the plant is successful, then in the next winters it will quite calmly endure frosts down to minus 20 degrees.

    Bamboo propagation

    How to grow from seeds

    Before sowing seeds, they need to be immersed in clean water for 12 hours. For sowing, you need a soil mixture consisting of fine wood shavings, wood ash and topsoil (1: 1: 8). The resulting substrate must be sieved through a sieve and moistened. This mixture is used to fill the cells in the cassette, and it does not need to be tamped. Small holes should be made in the cells, the depth of which should be within the range of 0.4-0.5 centimeters. In each such hole, 1 seed is placed, which must be removed from the water a third of an hour before sowing and blotted with a clean cloth. The crops should be covered with a layer of substrate.

    Then the cassettes are removed to a shaded place. Before the seedlings appear, the substrate should be moistened from a sprayer 2 times a day so that it is constantly slightly damp. As a rule, the first seedlings appear on the soil surface 15–25 days after sowing. After 3-4 months have passed since the emergence of shoots, and the formation of shoots will begin in the plants, it will be necessary to pick them in individual containers, which are filled with high-moor peat. After that, watering must be reduced to 1 time per day, while it is best done in the evening. Transplanting seedlings into open ground is carried out after they reach a height of 0.4–0.5 m. But it should be borne in mind that it would be better if the seedlings stay indoors for the first winter, because there is a high probability of their freezing or death from lack of moisture. During the first winter, plants can be kept in a greenhouse or in another room that is not heated, but it must be protected from drafts and frost. After the soil warms up well in the spring, bamboo can be transplanted into open ground.

    Vegetative breeding method

    In the springtime, it is necessary to dig out several shoots that are 3 years old, and then they are planted in a new place, which is in shade. They should be provided with abundant daily watering, but first they will need to be shortened by 1/3 part.

    Diseases and pests of bamboo

    This plant is highly resistant to both diseases and pests. However, there are certain types of bamboo that spider mites or worms like to settle on. To get rid of spider mites, the affected specimen is treated with an acaricide, and an insecticide will help with worms.

    In some cases, bamboo is damaged by rust. In order to get rid of it, fungicides are used.

    Yellowing bamboo

    In the event that the foliage changes its usual color to yellow in the autumn, then this is a natural process. So, for example, in bamboos of the genus Fargesia, 10-30 percent of the leaf blades turn yellow and die off, while in representatives of the genus Phillostachis - no more than 15 percent. Some of the leaf blades die off in the autumn, because bamboo thereby conserves the energy needed in the winter months. In winter, all the yellow foliage will fall off completely, and the plant will again return its fresh and very effective appearance.

    Yellowing of the leaf plates in summer or spring suggests that not everything is in order with the plant. The foliage can turn yellow due to either chlorosis or flooding. In the event that the soil is oversaturated with moisture, then rot develops on the root system of the bamboo. Therefore, when planting seedlings in clay or heavy soil, it is recommended to make a very good drainage layer of sand or gravel at the bottom of the planting pit. Chlorosis can develop due to the fact that the plant lacks nutrients such as nitrogen, magnesium or iron. In some cases, it develops due to soil salinity. Once you start caring for the bamboo properly, new green leaves will grow.

    Types and varieties of bamboo with photos and names

    Bamboos cultivated in the garden are conventionally divided into upright-stemmed species with a rigid trunk, as well as into not very large herbaceous plants. Considering that the homeland of such a plant is the subtropics and tropics, when choosing a certain species and variety, its frost resistance should be taken into account. Of the bamboo subfamily, plants of the genus Saza are distinguished by the greatest frost resistance. Fargesia (synarundinaria) are distinguished by their frost resistance and endurance. Plants belonging to the genus Pleioblastus stand out for their highly decorative appearance. In regions to the south, you can grow phyllostachis bamboos. Of the species belonging to the genus bamboo, ordinary bamboo is the most popular among gardeners. Ornamental (indoor) bamboo is not actually bamboo, the real name of this plant is Dracaena Sandler.


    This genus is a representative of the bamboo subfamily and it unites about 70 species of various plants. They are found naturally in East and Central Asia. Plants of this genus are distinguished by the fact that they form rather dense thickets, while they prefer to grow under tall trees or on the edges. The height of the shoots can vary from 0.3 to 2.5 m. The wide-oval leaf plates are colored deep green in spring and summer. In autumn, the edge of the leaves dries up, which gives the impression of variegation.

    The most popular of the representatives of this genus is the Kuril saza. The shoot height can vary from 0.25 to 2.5 m, and their thickness is 0.6 cm. The length of the pointed-ovoid leaf plates is 13 centimeters, and their width is about 2.5 centimeters. Flowering in this species is observed only once, and then the plant dies off. The development of such a plant is very slow, while in the middle latitudes only its undersized forms are cultivated, they are used as ground cover plants or to decorate Japanese gardens. The Shimofuri variety is quite popular, which has yellow streaks on the surface of the green leaf plates. In addition to the Kuril saza, spikelet saza, paniculate, finger saza (the Nebulose variety has palm leaf plates), branched saza, Vicha, golden and reticulate are also cultivated.


    This plant is a Chinese mountain bamboo. This genus was discovered by French missionaries in the eighties of the 19th century. Today this genus includes about 40 species of evergreens, the height of which is not less than 0.5 m. Such plants form loose bushes with a large number of stems. Graceful deep green leaf plates have a lanceolate shape, they reach 10 centimeters in length and 1.5 centimeters in width. In autumn, their color changes to greenish yellow. The most popular types:

    Fargesia brilliant (Fargesia nitida \u003d Sinarundinaria nitida)

    This species is distinguished by its winter hardiness. The height of its shiny shoots varies from 0.5 to 2 meters, they are painted in a rich dark brown-red, almost black. Narrow-lanceolate leaf plates reach about 12 centimeters in length. Popular varieties:

    • Eisenach - small leaf plates have a dark green color;
    • McClure is a tall variety;
    • New collection - the color of the shoots is cherry-purple;
    • Great Wall - this variety is used to create tall hedges, the color of the leaf plates is dark green;
    • Nymphenburg - on arched branches there are narrow leaf plates.

    Fargesia Murielae \u003d Sinarundinaria Murielae

    This species is frost-resistant. His homeland is Central China. There is a waxy coating on the surface of the greenish-yellow smoothly curving shoots. Long-pointed leaf plates are bristly and pointed. This species blooms once every 100 years, after which the plants die off. The last flowering was observed in the late seventies of the last century, while its duration was equal to 20 years. At the moment, the following varieties are popular:

    • Simba is a new compact Danish variety;
    • Jumbo - delicate green leaf plates grow on a bushy plant;
    • Bimbo - this variety is distinguished by its diminutiveness, the color of its leaf plates is greenish-yellow.

    Also cultivated species such as Jiuzhaigou fargesia and pectoralis.


    This genus is a representative of the bamboo subfamily. It unites 36 plant species that have corrugated or flattened cylindrical shoots, painted in yellow, light blue, green or black. The stems have short internodes, green leafy plates and creeping rhizomes. The height of such a plant can vary from 350 to 550 centimeters. The most popular types:

    Phyllostachis golden-grooved (Phyllostachys aureosulcata)

    In height, the stem can reach 10 meters, while its diameter is 20-50 millimeters. The strongly convex nodes are dark purple, the grooves are yellow-golden. The Spectabilis variety is very popular with gardeners, characterized by its spectacular zigzag stems, this plant was awarded the RHS. And very often such a variety as Areokaulis with golden shoots is cultivated, it was also awarded a prize.

    Phyllostachis black (Phyllostachys nigra)

    In height it can reach no more than 7 meters. After the plant is 2 years old, its stems turn almost black. Small leaf plates are dark green in color. This species is most popular in its homeland, namely, in China and Japan. Very often cultivated varieties such as Boryana (height of about 450 cm, spots appear on the surface of the stems from sunlight) and Hemonis (the color of the stems is green, and their height is about 900 cm).

    Phyllostachis edible, or moso (Phyllostachys edulis \u003d Bambusa moso)

    Originally from the southeastern regions of China. This species is considered the largest in this genus. The height of highly beaten shoots with smooth nodes can reach up to 20 meters. The tortoiseshell form is distinguished by its ugly appearance, because the arrangement of its nodes is oblique and alternating; in the wild, it is found in Batumi, Sukhi and Sochi.

    Gardeners also cultivate such phyllostachises as: sweet, Simpson, pubescent, Meyer, soft, flexible, green-blue, reticulated (bamboo) and gold.


    This genus is represented by low-growing long-rhizome bamboos, while it unites 20 different species. The homeland of such plants is China and Japan. Certain species are highly frost-resistant and therefore are cultivated in mid-latitudes. These plants are distinguished by their shade-loving nature, but it should be borne in mind that variegated forms are best cultivated in a well-lit area. For cultivation in the garden, it is recommended to choose the following types:

    Simon's Pleioblastus (Pleioblastus simonii)

    The height of this plant can reach 800 cm. Strongly branched straight shoots have internodes, the length of which reaches 0.45 m. The nodes are convex. The length of the lanceolate leaf plates is 8–30 centimeters. When grown in middle latitudes, the height of such a plant does not exceed 0.5–0.6 m, however, it is highly decorative, because it has dense bushes with well leafy stems. The variegated form of Variegat is distinguished by the fact that on the surface of the rich green leaf plates there are strips of various thicknesses of cream color.

    Pleioblastus variegated (Pleioblastus variegatus)

    This species is cultivated in the Caucasus (Sukhumi, Batumi and Sochi). Plant height can vary from 0.3 to 0.9 m. Elbowed thin shoots have short internodes. The leaf plates are very beautiful, on their green surface there is a slight pubescence, as well as a strip of white. If in winter there are severe frosts, then the leaves of such a plant can fly around, but with the onset of the spring period they grow rather quickly. The development of this species is very fast, while it is able to form wide bushes.

    It is also possible to cultivate pleioblastus narrow-leaved, short, dwarf, cereal, green-striped, two-row, Ginza, Shina and Fortune, but they are not very popular.

    In the southern regions, other plants are also grown, which are representatives of the bamboo subfamily, for example, some types of shibata and indocalamus. Gardeners cultivate only one member of the bamboo genus, namely, common bamboo.

    Common bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris)

    This herb is deciduous. Unbending, densely leafy woody shoots are painted in a deep yellow color. Their walls are thick, and there are green stripes on the surface. The height of the shoots can vary from 10 to 20 meters, while their thickness is 4–10 centimeters. The knees can reach 0.2–0.45 m in length. There is pubescence on the surface of the spear-shaped rich green leaf plates. Flowering is extremely rare, seeds are not formed. In this regard, for the reproduction of this bamboo, vegetative methods are used, for example, layering, division of the bush and rhizomes, shoots. There are 3 varieties: yellow-bore (gold), green-bore and variegated (up to 3 m in height, knee length about 10 centimeters). Most popular varieties:

    1. Striata... This variety is smaller than the main species. Deep yellow constrictions are located between the knees. On the surface of the stems, pale and dark green spots are randomly placed.
    2. Vamin... The bamboo is not very large. The constrictions located at the bottom are flattened and thickened.
    3. Vittata... Quite a popular variety that can reach a height of 12 meters. On the surface of the stem, there are a very large number of stripes that look like a barcode.
    4. Waste paper... On the surface of the green trunk, there are many black streaks and specks. From year to year, the stems turn black.
    5. Vamin striata... The height of the stems does not exceed 5 meters. On the surface of the pale green trunk, there are stripes of dark green color. The bridges located in the lower part of the trunk are enlarged.
    6. Aureovariety... Quite popular in culture. On the surface of thin golden trunks, there are stripes of dark green color.

    Kimmei. There are green stripes on the surface of the yellow stem.

    Bamboo is a large plant of the Cereals family that grows in Asia, Europe, Australia, both Americas, etc. All currently known species are subdivided into two taxonomic tribes. The bamboo tribe is a giant woody plant with large panicle buds. Tribe Oliridae grows like ordinary grass, rarely reaching 1 m in height. How both tribes of bamboo grow - in this article.

    How does bamboo grow in nature?

    In nature, the population of this plant occupies vast areas. At the same time, bamboo can reach a height of 38 meters and 25 cm in diameter. From incredibly developed rhizomes, numerous stems grow very quickly and rapidly, and after a few decades they bloom profusely at the same time, and then die off. True, only the aerial part perishes, and the rhizomes are preserved. For those who are interested in how fast bamboo grows per day, you can answer that a record speed was recorded in Madaki, which increased its length by 120 cm per day. It blooms once every 20-30 years and why this happens, scientists cannot yet say , but regular pruning can prevent this process, and with it the death of the plant.

    How does bamboo grow at home?

    It is clear that only small forms are grown under the conditions of the house, and the so-called "bamboo of happiness" or Sander's dracaena is the most widespread. Indoor bamboo is an unpretentious plant that needs light, a warm, comfortable temperature within + 18-22 С and fresh air. Moreover, it can be planted either in soil or a special gel, or left in water:

    1. The soil can be anything, but it must be nutritious. The width of the pot is of great importance: it should be twice as wide as the root system, because the latter grows very quickly. Young plants are transplanted every spring, and three and older plants are transplanted once every 2-3 years.
    2. It is not forbidden to leave bamboo in water, but it needs to be changed once a week, and once every 2-3 months to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers, but special fertilizers for aquarium plants can be added more often. Decorative pebbles are used as fixation.
    3. Growing conditions in a gel are the same as in water.

    For those who are interested in how quickly bamboo grows at home, we can say that it is not nearly as fast as in nature. Some users indicate a figure of 1 cm and this is for a year. But this does not detract from the interest in this original plant.

    Frost-resistant garden bamboo for growing in Central and Northern European climates in the garden. In nature, in the Central European and Northern European climates, frost-resistant bamboo growing in nature is rare, but facts show that bamboo groves were in Europe before the Ice Age, bamboo fossils are found as confirmation facts. And today, frost-resistant bamboo is increasingly found in European gardens, in central and northern Europe, growing in an open-air garden, as an element of exotic landscaping of sites.

    Frost-resistant garden bamboo is the most effective plant in gardening among ornamental plants. Garden bamboo gives the garden an exotic charm. Frost-resistant bamboo fits into any garden, large or small. Bamboo is an evergreen plant, the leaves remain green even in the harsh winter, some types of frost-resistant bamboo shed up to 30% of the leaves in the winter to give more strength to the remaining leaves, but even after shedding the leaves, it remains lush, and also in the spring, some of the old leaves fall off. when new leaves begin to grow. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant, hardy. A unique sight is bamboo in the garden in winter, bamboo standing defiantly under the snow, with a knotty structure of stems with green dense leaves, this fabulous sight makes an amazing impression.

    Frost-resistant giant bamboo reaches full maturity of the stems for economic use in 5-15 years, and after cutting, no replanting is required, the bamboo forest is renewed from the roots. Bamboo wood is very durable and known for endless versatility, and today there is a growing demand for bamboo stems for industrial bamboo products, there is an incentive to invest in research and the cultivation of frost-resistant bamboo today. Bamboo groves are unique in their decorative and technical properties.

    Garden bamboo can serve as a backdrop for flowering perennials and shrubs, and bamboo looks very attractive as a single plant. Garden bamboo looks like it grows magically along the banks of ponds or reservoirs. Frost-resistant bamboo looks great growing by the front door, bamboo can give a patio a very special atmosphere. And also garden bamboo is an excellent plant for living evergreen hedges of various heights, molded and free-growing, bamboo perfectly tolerates a haircut. With the help of garden bamboo, every garden owner can realize his special imagination and dream in the garden, only before buying a frost-resistant garden bamboo, you need to choose the right types.

    To buy frost-resistant garden bamboo, for cultivation in the Central European and Northern European climates in the garden in the open air, bamboo does not have much cultivation practice in our latitudes, and is still a fairly new ornamental plant in our gardens. But thanks to modern scientific data on the frost resistance of certain types of bamboo, as well as the practice of growing and propagating frost-resistant bamboo by gardeners in a Central European climate, it has become much easier to choose frost-resistant species for growing a garden. And today we know much more about frost-resistant garden types of bamboo, many ways of using bamboo, a large number of species, from forest giants to ground cover species in landscape gardening in our gardens, and now we can confidently say that bamboo can be used in almost any garden ...

    Frost-resistant bamboo for the garden from forest giants to groundcover

    Phyllostachys tall frost-resistant bamboo

    High frost-resistant running Phyllostachys bamboo (Leaf grate). Phyllostachys is the main genus of bamboo, along with Fargesia shrub bamboo, for garden design in Europe. Phyllostachys is one of the most impressive, tall ornamental genus of bamboo to grow in our latitudes. The stems and leaves come in a wide variety of colors. The final height of Phyllostachys bamboo stems is reached in 10-15 years, depending on the microclimate factor: care, soil composition, air humidity and watering, fertilization and mulching, the amount of sunlight and wind from the planting site. The genus Phyllostachys is undemanding to soils. It is pH tolerant and grows in sandy, clayey or peaty humus soils. Only avoids standing water.

    Most of the Phyllostachys species are imported from China. Bamboo of the genus Phyllostachys forms long underground rhizomes, running bamboo, and new shoots can germinate far from the mother plant. When growing bamboo of the genus Phyllostachys, you need to control the root, chop off with a bayonet shovel around in an area beyond which the rhizome should not go, at least twice a year, or put a root barrier. Species of the genus Phyllostachys are the main species for the cultivation of large edible bamboo shoots. Phyllostachys stems are used for furniture, home construction, and numerous bamboo products.

    Phyllostachys species is undemanding to soil, tolerates all cultivated, not too poor garden soils, prefers deep, fresh, moist, nutrient-rich, well-drained substrates, from mildly acidic to alkaline. During the growth phase, it needs abundant watering and fertilizing.

    Phyllostachys atrovaginata "Green Perfume"

    Frost-resistant bamboo down to -25 ° C Phyllostachys atrovaginata "Green Perfume" is commonly known as "Green Perfume". "Green Perfume" fast-growing, high 4-7 m. With thick, strong stems, stems about 7 cm in diameter. Bamboo Phyllostachys atrovaginata, occupies a special place in the group, genus Phyllostachys. It has air channels in its roots, and can grow in very moist heavy soils, as well as in heated areas, but not in swamps. And also its another amazing feature, when you rub the stem, it gives out the smell of incense or sandalwood, and this smell is also released on hot days. Phyllostachys atrovaginata "Green perfumer" is the most popular type of bamboo with thick, strong, straight, tall, dark green stems, and only over the years the stems change color, from yellow-green to gray. It is a wonderful type of bamboo for tall living evergreen hedges and bamboo groves.

    Phyllostachys atrovaginata

    Phyllostachys aureosulcata

    Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 26 ° C Phyllostachys Aureosulcata unpretentious high type of bamboo 5-9 m, dark green stem with a yellow stripe in the groove, green, glossy leaves.

    Detailed description and photos of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata ...

    Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis"

    Frost-resistant bamboo down to - 26 ° C, drought and wind-resistant, Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis", also called "Golden bamboo", has a number of remarkable features, it grows in a dense cluster of stems, heights from 5 to 7 m, in small areas and is ideal for tall, colorful hedges and fences. Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis" is considered one of the most hardy, drought-resistant tall bamboo species. Highly decorative, contrasting yellow, vibrant stems with lush dark green foliage, which is especially impressive when the sun is at sunset. Stems are rigid, erect, do not bend under the weight of snow; young stems are red in a sunny place. For lovers of evergreens with small gardens, this is a priceless type of bamboo.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis" ...

    Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Alata"

    Frost-resistant bamboo down to -24 ° C Phyllostachys aureosulcata ’Alata’ bamboo is 4-8 m tall, stems are dark green, like most Phyllostachys, some stems are zigzag at the bottom, older stems are yellow.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Alata" ...

    Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’

    Frost-resistant bamboo down to -24 ° C Phyllostachys Aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ is a bamboo that really stands out for its excellent properties. Phyllostachys Aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ also belongs to the group of the most hardy bamboo species, has an upright growth with stiff stems up to 3.5 cm thick, yellow stems with a green stripe in the groove, it is not for nothing that it is called “Spectabilis”. Even after wet snow or heavy rain, the stems are erect. Phyllostachys Aureosulcata 'Spectabilis' is ideal for tall, colorful hedges and bamboo groves up to 8 meters high. Leaves with thin white stripes along the leaf, glossy green from the top, from the inside with a slight light variegation and wagging in the wind, a double decorative effect is obtained. The bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ is a favorite in landscaping private gardens and parks in Europe.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’…

    Phyllostachys "bissetii"

    Frost-resistant bamboo down to -24 ° C Phyllostachys "bissetii" is one of the most hardy bamboo species, very reliable bamboo for growing in harsh climatic conditions, "bissetii" is resistant to cold and winds, even very cold winters endure with minimal loss of leaves. Phyllostachys "bissetii" are hardy enough to survive the winter in pots on a balcony or terrace. Phyllostachys bissetii is an excellent bamboo for tall opaque hedges of 4-7 m in height, very fast growing bamboo and reaches full height in a few years. Phyllostachys bissetii tolerates a haircut perfectly and can be trimmed to the desired height. Looks very nice when landing at the entrance of restaurants and bars. Phyllostachys bissetii can be planted in full sun in full shade. Phyllostachys bissetii has gray-green stems dusted with white flour, which discolor to olive, yellowish in the sun. Particularly attractive in Phyllostachys bissetii is glossy, glossy, dark green leaves. Phyllostachys "bissetii" is the leader and most popular in the garden design of gardens and parks, entrance areas in Europe.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys "bissetii" ...

    Phyllostachys nuda

    Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 25 ° C Phyllostachys nuda unpretentious, high 4-7m. in China it reaches up to 12 m, a type of bamboo, considered the most frost-hardy and hardy of the genus Phyllostachys, it is also called "Bamboo Stone". Phyllostachys nuda bamboo has straight, thick-walled solid stems, young stems are dark purple almost black, as leaves appear, become dark green, sprinkled with white flour, the stems are stable and do not break under the weight of snow. The stems of Phyllostachys nuda are used for bamboo furniture.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys nuda ...

    Phyllostachys humilis

    Frost-hardy bamboo down to -26 ° C Phyllostachys humilis is the lowest of the genus Phyllostachys 3-5 m, instead of producing large stems, it multiplies rapidly and makes impervious thickets. Phyllostachys humilis is an extremely frost-resistant, wind-resistant bamboo species. Phyllostachys humilis is ideal for evergreen living walls and hedges, both large and small gardens. Phyllostachys humilis does not require a lot of space, a great type of bamboo for narrow areas and for thin living walls and hedges, for small areas where you need to win so that there is more free space. The garden bamboo Phyllostachys humilis is very fast growing and spreads quickly, tolerates shearing well, stems are dense with a dense mass of leaves almost to the ground.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys humilis ...

    Fargesia medium hardy bamboo

    Most of the Fargesia species are native to the mountainous regions of China and are therefore one of the most winter-hardy, hardy bamboo species. They reach heights from one to six meters, stems up to 2 cm thick. Most Fargesien have small leaves growing on numerous lateral branches from the stems and form dense, impenetrable thickets, not blown by the wind and good noise absorption. Fargesia is a bushy bamboo and therefore no root barrier is required. Fargesia has a high hardiness and green leaves all year round, it is the ideal genus of bamboo for our gardens. And even if the leaves are frozen, they recover in early spring. If the Fargesia species blooms, it dies, and this only repeats every 80 to 120 years. But now most of the Fargesien seedlings sold in the coming years have faded.

    The Fargesia species is generally undemanding to soil, grows on all drained, wet, fresh (moderately dry), fertile soils, from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Does not tolerate stagnant water. Loves high humidity, especially in winter, when dry, leaves curl for self-preservation.

    Fargesia murielae

    Frost-resistant bamboo "Umbrella Bamboo", frost resistance: - 27 ° C, Fargesia Murielae is of course the leader in ornamental gardening, and one of the very first types of bamboo used in landscaping gardens and parks in Europe, used in ornamental gardening since 1910. Fargesia murielae from the group of the most hardy, unpretentious, frost-hardy, and of the most beautiful of all types of bushy bamboos. Perfect as a single growing plant, and in groups with other plants, for high and medium evergreen living walls and hedges, both freely growing and formed up to 4 m high, grows well in containers. Fargesia Murielae bamboo has young stems with a light blue tint over time, green-yellow, olive in color, with a heavy mass of lush dense leaves, the leaves droop and form a cascade, guessing the shape of an umbrella. Fargesia Murielae is very resistant to wind and cold bamboo, even in the harshest winters in a Central European climate, remained evergreen, although it sheds a little leaves in late autumn. Fargesia murielae bamboo has just faded and a new generation of Fargesia murielae bamboo is now on sale.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia murielae ...

    Fargesia murielae "Simba"

    Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 26 ° C Fargesia Murielae "Simba" beautiful not tall bamboo up to 2 - 2.5 m., With a very dense compact bush shape, perfect for low evergreen hedges, the best choice for growing in small gardens, other compositions large bamboos.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia murielae "Simba" ...

    Fargesia Murieliae 'Green Hedge'

    Frost-resistant bamboo "Hedge" down to -27 ° C Fargesia Murieliae ‘Green Hedge’ bamboo with a dense mass of small light green succulent leaves, bush grows dense in a compact cluster, perfectly tolerates shearing. 'Green Hedge' bamboo, as the name suggests, is the best choice for medium to tall hedges of 2.5-3.5 m.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia Murieliae 'Green Hedge' ...

    Fargesia murielae "Jumbo"

    Frost-resistant bamboo -25 ° C Fargesia murielae "Jumbo" frost-resistant, unpretentious bamboo, has green stems and fresh delicate green leaves, the bush shape is spreading, fluffy, perfect for medium-sized hedges of 2-3 m, both trimmed and not trimmed ...

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia murielae "Jumbo" ...

    Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1"

    Frost-resistant bamboo up to -28 ° C Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" is a colorful type of bamboo, also known as red fountain bamboo, red dragon bamboo, red panda. Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" is an upright bamboo, very hardy bamboo, resistant to frost and cold winds. Its thin leaves give it a very delicate look. If you want, red stems need to be planted in sunny areas, red stems remain from spring to autumn. Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" bloomed in the late 1980s. If young shoots do not grow in spring, there is nothing to fear, with the onset of warmth, the rapid growth of young shoots will begin, in a Central European climate the average height is 2.5-4.5 m.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" ...

    Fargesia Nitida "Creat Wall"

    Frost-resistant bamboo down to - 26 ° C "Great Wall of China" Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall", an unpretentious, fast-growing bamboo species, and one of the most decorative of the genus Fargesia. Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" has long, narrow, dark green velvety leaves that are bluish in the sun. Bare stems, tall, even dark purple-black color, growing vertically in a dense cluster with lush delicate foliage hanging from above, black stems with green foliage create a very enchanting composition. For those looking to have a garden, Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" hardy bamboo with black stems is the kind of bamboo you need. Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" is a frost-hardy bamboo and even if the foliage is completely frozen in severe winters and has flown around, it is the first to restore foliage in early spring. Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" bamboo is an excellent choice, as the name "Great Wall of China" suggests, for tall living walls, 3-4 m high, and the best choice for planting in narrow spaces in the garden.

    But also beware of laboratory-spread seedlings, they are unlikely to grow quickly, and are less hardy.

    Detailed description and photos of the frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia Nitida "Creat Wall" ...

    Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1"

    Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 27 ° C Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" wind-resistant, tall, bushy type of bamboo, has proven to be very good winter hardiness. Fargesiadenudata "Lancaster 1" bloomed and was harvested in the 1980s, in China at an altitude of 2400 - 3500 m. Fargesiadenudata "Lancaster 1" is an elegant bamboo, with stems curving in a dense cluster at the bottom, reminiscent of a waterfall. The stems have many branches with a dense, heavy mass, small, glossy bright green slightly wavy leaves. In extreme weather conditions, of course, it rolls up the leaves to reduce the evaporation of moisture in the leaves. However, this is not as pronounced as in other Fargesia. Fargesiadenudata "Lancaster" tolerates clipping well and is the best choice for live molded evergreen fences and hedges 3-4 m high. If not clipped it requires a lot of space. Also bamboo Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" is a very good choice for growing in large flower pots and containers on terraces and balconies. Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" bamboo prefers to grow in a partially shady location, but also thrives in full sun. Fargesia Denudata "Lancaster 1" is the most hardy of the hardy bamboo plants.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" ...

    Fargesia rufa

    Frost-resistant "Fountain Bamboo" down to -26 ° C Fargesia rufa is considered one of the most hardy, if not the most hardy bamboo for our climate. Fargesia rufa's advantage is that it does not roll its leaves in drought, full sun and frost. Fargesia rufa bamboo has dense graceful light green shiny glossy leaves hanging on stems curving in a dense cluster with numerous branches like a fountain; it looks very decorative when planted near water bodies, the leaves hang down to the water. Fargesia rufa bamboo is popular for its neat, easy-to-trim, rounded bush and is very decorative as a free-standing specimen. Fargesia rufa forms a tall, dense, impenetrable shrub and is ideal for molded and free-growing evergreen hedges and living fences 3-4 m high, along the garden border to protect from wind, noise and dust. Fargesia rufa is also a very popular type of bamboo for growing in pots, large flower pots and containers. Fargesia rufa is ideal for planting in full sun and shady, humus-rich soil. Fargesia rufa bamboo, when planted in full sun, has a more spreading bush appearance, in shady bush it prefers to grow tall. Fargesia rufa bamboo is a very popular type of bamboo used by gardeners and landscape designers in Europe, and is often distributed in the laboratory to produce large quantities of seedlings as quickly as possible. Therefore, it should only be purchased from specialized suppliers who are grown by traditional distribution methods. Seedlings of laboratory distribution are less hardy and may differ slightly in appearance.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia rufa ...

    The low hardy bamboo of the genus Shibataea, like Phyllostachys, forms long underground rhizomes, running bamboo, and new shoots can germinate far from the mother plant. When growing bamboo of the genus Shibatae, a root barrier must be established.

    Shibataea kumasaca

    Frost-resistant "needle bamboo", "butcher's broom" frost resistance up to - 27 ° C. Shibataea kumasaca low compact type of bamboo. Shibataea kumasaca bamboo, although running bamboo, grows in dense clusters, the leaves of Shibataea kumasaca are used for tea. Bamboo Shibataea kumasaca is called needle bamboo, it releases many new leaves at the same time, new leaves are tightly twisted and the bush looks like a hedgehog. Shibataea kumasaca bamboo is most commonly used for molded and unshaped evergreen curbs, and low hedges up to 1.5 m. Shibataea kumasaca bamboo thrives in shade and works well as undergrowth. It also thrives on acidic soils.

    Detailed description and photos of frost-resistant bamboo Shibataea kumasaca ...

    Frost-resistant ground cover bamboo

    In gardens in climatic zone 5, less hardy frost-resistant low types of bamboo can be grown in gardens, such as evergreen ground cover plants, underbrush, low hedges, live curbs, with minimal shelter for the winter, sprinkle with snow, in cases of snowless severe frosts, cover with spruce branches. Snow is the best protection for evergreens, the leaves are covered with snow, do not fall and remain green.

    Pleioblastus shibuyanus "Tsuboi"

    Frost-resistant bamboo down to -25 ° C Pleioblastus shibuyanus "Tsuboi" is a short bamboo species 1-1.5 m, tends to spread quickly, is used as a ground cover plant.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Pleioblastus shibuyanus "Tsuboi" ...

    Pleioblastus pygmaeus "Distichus"

    Frost-resistant bamboo down to -25 ° C Pleioblastus pygmaeus "Distichus" for living borders, as an evergreen groundcover, can reach a height of 0.8 -1.5 m.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Pleioblastus pygmaeus "Distichus" ...

    Pleioblastus viridistriatus

    Frost-resistant low bamboo down to - 25 ° C Pleioblastus viridistriatus with yellow leaves, suitable for bright low living borders and ground cover plant, can reach up to 1 m in height.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Pleioblastus viridistriatus ...

    Sasa Veitchii

    Cold-resistant to - 24 ° C low Japanese bamboo Sasa veitchii, decorative bamboo, also called "Japanese bamboo picture". Bamboo Sasa veitchii, depending on the season, changes the color of the leaves, is ideal as a ground cover plant, in summer it is dark green, and from the middle of autumn a chic variegated lawn reaches a height of 0.4-1.5 m.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa Veitchii ...

    Sasa kurilensis

    Bamboo Sasa kurilensis is the most northerly growing bamboo in the world, frost resistance up to -25 ° C. Bamboo Sasa kurilensis natural habitat of the Kuril Islands. Sasa kurilensis is a small, aggressive bamboo that grows quickly. Used as undergrowth, evergreen groundcover, live curbs and low, medium hedges 0.5-2 m. Aged perhaps over 2.5 m. In Japan 4 m.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa kurilensis ...

    Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa"

    Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 22 ° C Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa" is the largest species of the genus Sasa, reaching a height of 1 - 3 m, northern Europe up to 2 m, Japan: up to 4 m, in spring one of the very first types of bamboo produces shoots. Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa" exotic bamboo, with edible large leaves up to 30 cm long.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa" ...

    Sasa tsuboiana

    Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 22 ° С Sasa tsuboiana is a very tenacious aggressive type of bamboo, grows rapidly, is used in low hedges and curbs. Sasa tsuboiana reaches 1-1.5 m.

    Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa tsuboiana ...

    Indocalamus tesselatus

    Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 22 ° C Indocalamus tesselatus bamboo with the largest decorative wide leaves up to 60 cm. Stems are thin, green, flexible at the beginning, straight, over time, bend under the weight of large heavy leaves. Indocalamus tesselatus grows very compactly and forms a lump of a graceful embankment up to 1-1.5 m high in China up to 2.5 m. leaves.

    Detailed description and photos of the frost-resistant bamboo Indocalamus tesselatus ...

    Reproduction: bamboo flowers and bears fruit very rarely, on average from 60 to 120 years. Bamboo from seeds develops slowly, therefore, bamboo propagation is carried out by a vegetative method, dividing rhizomes, root suckers. Planted bamboo seedlings in the ground need frequent abundant watering.

    Location: Most types of bamboo are light-loving plants that grow faster in full sun. Bamboo is often planted near water bodies. In winter, bamboo is much better in sheltered, semi-shady places.

    Soil: bamboo is not picky about the soil, but it grows much better in humus-rich, fertile soil, it is also not uncommon for bamboo to run in sandy light soil faster.

    Earthen mixture: mix as follows: 1/3 peat or humus, 1/3 pine bark with a particle size of 7-14 mm., 1/3 of your garden soil. Bamboos prefer non-drying soil mulched with a thick layer of humus, it is advisable to prevent the soil from freezing in winter, bamboo is an evergreen plant, moisture is needed all year round. Most types of bamboo prefer a lot of nitrogen, before planting bamboo seedlings, add manure to the bottom of the planting hole and sprinkle about 10 cm of soil, the bamboo root will be provided with nitrogen for two to three years, and this will also help in the first years in winter, the manure will rot, and give off warmth. Soil acidity should ideally be close to around pH 5.

    * NOTE: The specified winter hardiness does not apply when growing bamboo in containers! When grown in containers, the root ball should never be allowed to freeze completely. If the root ball freezes completely, the bamboo will not survive!

    We wish you to buy a frost-resistant garden bamboo suitable specifically for your garden, so that you and those around you, relatives and friends, will delight with your presence and healthy growth in the garden.

    The bamboo houseplant has an attractive exotic look, is unpretentious in home care and, according to the philosophy of feng shui, is a symbol of luck, success and wealth.

    Description of the plant

    Despite the fact that decorative bamboo looks similar to the one that grows in the wild, it belongs to the Dracene family. The scientific name is Dracaena Sander. External characteristic: It has a fleshy bare stem and bright green lanceolate leaves at the top. The flower grows rapidly and reaches a height of 1 m. Dwarf bamboo can be grown in a pot with soil, in water or in a special hydrogel.

    How does it bloom?

    Bamboo blooms infrequently at home. During the flowering period, small white buds appear, most often collected in panicle inflorescences. Some species of this plant bloom once, after which they die.

    How to twist?

    The stems of the plant are elastic, so they can be twisted into twisted spirals. To do this, you must resort to the following methods:

    • Fixation on a guiding object (stick, rod or cylinder), around which young shoots will twine.
    • Growing in a transparent spiral flask. A bamboo stalk should be placed in it, which will grow within the outlined boundaries.
    • Growing in a closed box with a window. You need to plant the shoot of the plant in a cardboard box with a cut out side, gradually it will reach for the light. Open the other sides alternately as you grow.

    Necessary microclimate

    Indoor bamboo is unpretentious in cultivation and does not require special care. It is important to provide the flower with the necessary microclimate, and then, under the right conditions, it will grow rapidly. Attention should be paid to the following factors:

    1. Air temperature... Suitable temperature range for growing is + 18… + 35ºC.
    2. Indoor lighting... This houseplant loves partial shade. Shoots and leaves are sensitive to sunlight: when exposed to direct light, they turn yellow and dry.
    3. Humidity... Humid air is not a big deal for decorative bamboo, but regular dusting or a warm water shower is essential. In addition, it is forbidden to put a pot with a plant near heating appliances, since the air there is too dry.
    4. Soil and ground... The flower is best suited for a special soil for dracaena plants, which is sold in flower shops. You can use a mixture of earth and sand in a 1: 1 ratio. To prevent the formation of mold and decay of roots, it is necessary to lay drainage from stones or expanded clay on the bottom of the pot.
    5. Watering... If home bamboo is planted in the ground, it needs abundant timely watering, especially in the hot season. In the cold season, water the flower once a week, it is important not to let the mail dry out. Watering with too hard tap water is detrimental to the plant due to chlorine. Better to use rainwater or melted settled water. If bamboo grows in a container of water, change it every 2 weeks.
    6. Fertilizing and feeding... Bamboo planted in the ground must be fed in a timely manner in the spring and summer. For this, mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable. It is necessary to alternate leaf and root feeding. If the plant grows in water, feed it once a month with a special liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus.
    7. Pot. The container in which the plant is planted should be spacious, since the root system of indoor bamboo quickly grows.

    Decorative bamboo was first developed in China in the 19th century. The second name of the plant is "bamboo of happiness", it is often found on labels in flower shops. The flower is able to reduce intoxication from harmful substances due to its bactericidal properties.

    The greenery and the trunk of the plant are often susceptible to disease. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the flower and take timely measures to eliminate problem areas and pests.

    It is better to propagate the plant in spring, when the young shoots are the strongest. At home, reproduction can be carried out in the following ways: by cuttings and separation of processes.

    Young shoots must be transplanted once a year, adult plants - once every 2-3 years. In addition, pruning of long side shoots and outer dry reeds should be performed annually. The soil in the pot should be loosened often: this contributes to the enrichment of the roots with oxygen.

    Signs and superstitions

    According to the teachings of feng shui, indoor bamboo is able to attract good luck and prosperity to the house, to positively influence the energy of the home. According to the Chinese tradition, this plant is a talisman against evil forces and failures.

    It is believed that depending on the number of stems, the flower affects different areas of life. If there are 3 of them, it means that you will be accompanied by good luck, good mood and positive energy.

    If the plant has 5 stems, the wealth in the house will increase. If you want to improve your health and protect yourself from disease, grow 7-stem bamboo. A flower with 21 stems will improve the life of the owner in everything.

    In Feng Shui, next to an ornamental plant, you need to put a protective talisman and a symbol of prosperity and wealth - the three-legged toad Chan Chu.

    This will enhance the positive effect and magical properties of bamboo.

    For adherents of the Feng Shui teachings and owners of indoor bamboo, the color of the ribbons used to tie the plant is also important. For example, you can tie a bamboo trunk with red or yellow thread, symbolizing the element of fire. It is believed that in this way everything bad is "burned" in the house.

    Where to put on Feng Shui?

    If you decide to keep decorative bamboo at home and are interested in how to properly place it in the interior, refer also to the teachings of feng shui. According to him, only if the flower is correctly placed in the room, it will fulfill its purpose:

    • by placing a pot with a plant on the east side of the house, you will get a strong family and good luck in your personal life;
    • if bamboo stands in the southeast, it will bring wealth and success in the financial sector;
    • by placing the plant on the south side, you can count on fame and recognition.


    In addition to Dracaena Sander, there are several dozen other types of indoor bamboo. The following varieties of this home flower are most popular:

    1. Variegated, or Variegated. Differs in an unusual pale green color of leaves with white blotches. The yellow-green stem is also covered with white spots. The flower reaches a height of 1 m, the crown often dies and changes.
    2. Kumasaza. Plants of this species have a zigzag flattened stem, outwardly resembling a dwarf bush.
    3. Muriel. Large type of flower, reaches a height of 2.5 m. Suitable for growing in the garden. Easily takes the desired shape.
    4. Brilliant. Plants of this species stand out with purple stems and reach a height of 3 m.
    5. Bluish. A dwarf species, it grows up to 50 cm, has a variegated color.
    6. Multi-layered. Grows up to 4 m, suitable for growing in the garden or in rooms with high ceilings.

    When purchasing house plants of these species, it is necessary to study in detail the information about them in order to provide suitable conditions and care.


    Indoor bamboo care and reproduction. Diseases of indoor bamboo


    Planting and caring for decorative bamboo. GuberniaTV




    Dracaena Sander or the babmuk of happiness. Care, reproduction, pests. My experience

    Is bamboo a tree, shrub or grass? What is the growth rate of bamboo? Bamboo is the tallest and most mysterious evergreen herb in the world. A plant that is not a tree can withstand gusts of wind.

    For Asian countries, it means a lot. According to their legends, it was bamboo that gave rise to life for all people on earth. We will tell you how to grow and care for bamboo, as well as how fast it grows.

    Bamboos belong to the family of cereals and constitute a separate subfamily. This includes nearly 50 genera and 1000 species. They all differ in shape, size, but they have one thing in common - their lightweight and durable barrel. It is for.

    Photo of growing in a pot at home

    In many species, the stem - straw - lignifies, but there are also annuals. Among them, there are herbs with petiolate leaves or flowers with stamens.

    Where does bamboo grow? Basically, plants live in the tropics, where bamboo is home. But they can often be found in subtropical or even temperate zones. Some species grow high in the mountains. Some of them can be planted in pots, some outdoors.

    Let's consider some of them:

    The most unpretentious plant is Kuril saza. It can be used as a regular grass lawn.

    Low grasses - glabrous sazochka and multi-flowered - in combination with others, form beautiful meadows in gardens and personal plots.

    Dwarf bamboo has a very graceful appearance, its height is only about 40 cm, it is used as an ornamental grass.

    Phyllostachis and fargesia grow up to 4-6 m. Phylostachis grows only in warm climates. It grows rather quickly, so protective barriers are erected for it in gardens.

    Fargesia Muriel, on the contrary, feels comfortable enough in harsh conditions. Freezing in winter to the level of snow cover, the next year it gives new shoulder straps, stronger.

    Frosts up to 10 degrees are able to withstand and polysyllabic mabuza. The plant forms a low, dense bush with thin stems and bluish leaves. Used to decorate front gardens, courtyards, balconies.

    This is only the smallest part of the huge family of this plant.

    Flowering and reproduction

    To meet blooming bamboo is a great rarity in nature. The plant is classified as monocarp. This means that they bloom once in a lifetime, and then simply die.

    Adult bamboo stems

    Before the flowering of bamboo, woody species can grow for several decades. The growth period can even last up to 100 years. The flowers of plants are mostly small, hidden in the axils of the leaves, practically invisible at first glance. But there are species with large paniculate inflorescences.

    Reproduction of bamboo occurs by:

    • cuttings;
    • dividing the bushes;
    • seeds.

    For growth and development, a certain temperature regime and high humidity are needed. Bamboo blooms and produces seeds every 30-100 years on average.

    An interesting feature: bamboos of the same species bloom almost at the same time, wherever they grow. Their stems then die, the rhizomes die, and the fallen seeds take root.

    Bamboo growth rate

    How long does bamboo grow? The growth rate is incredible. But it depends primarily on how strongly the rhizome is developed. During the growth of the rhizome, the grass itself does not grow rapidly. Some varieties can grow by 50 cm per day. The famous Japanese bamboo "madake" in laboratory conditions can grow by 120 cm per day.

    Bamboo forests are a unique sight. Bamboos of the genus dendrocalamus reach the highest height. Their stems can grow up to 40 m in height with a diameter of 35 cm. Nothing else in the world grows as fast as bamboo. If you look at bamboo for a long time, you can see how it grows.

    The first shoots grow very small. But with each season they grow more and more. It takes an average of five years for bamboo to reach the height of this grass.

    Bamboo care

    In winter, plants should be kept in a bright, slightly cool room. In summer it develops well in an open, sunny place. Watering should be plentiful in summer and moderately in winter.

    Plants are transplanted in the spring. Potted once a year, as the root system develops very rapidly. The tubs are transplanted every 2-4 years. It is best to take a mixture of turf, leaf, peat soil and sand for planting.

    Approximately 20% of the bamboo is cut annually to rejuvenate the plantation.


    The fresh stem is full of water. An annual stem is almost useless for practical purposes. As they grow older, the water in the stem is replaced by fiber. The best bamboo is considered to be harvested at the age of three to seven years. Such plants are used for:

    From adult plants, you can build houses, bridges, create small objects: baskets, hats.

    Does bamboo grow in the middle lane?

    Bamboo can grow in the middle lane, for example, in Russia. But, in order to grow this culture in such conditions, we recommend choosing winter-hardy varieties. Although there are a lot of species of the described plant, very few can stand the cold.

    It is important that the culture endures well the first winter in such conditions. To do this, it is imperative to insulate the bamboo root. This is done by mulching or using agrofibre.

    We would like to note that the layer of mulch should be quite thick 10-15 cm. For greater reliability, you can lay spunbond on top. At the same time, if the temperature drops beyond -18-20 degrees for a long time and winters, the chances of plant survival are reduced.

    In cold winter conditions, you can try to grow Golden Leaf grate. In the northern regions, it is cultivated as a deciduous bush. Although, this variety grows best in southern areas with a mild climate.

    A variety of Kuril bamboo, which is more resistant to various cataclysms. Shoots of this species can reach a height of 50 cm to 2.5 m. It has wide oval foliage. In the warm season, the color of the crown is deep green. The stem is about 5-6 mm in diameter.

    The described plant is already successfully grown in regions where winters are harsh and the temperature drops beyond -20 degrees. But, in such conditions, the growth of culture slows down significantly. Therefore, a significant annual increase, according to the characteristics of the variety, should not be expected.

    If the climate in the region where you plan to plant the bamboo is slightly milder, you can plant the fan variety. It can withstand frosts down to -14-15 degrees. The height reaches 1.5-2 m.

    Black bamboo has the same frost resistance as the previous variety. A relatively new variety of the described Vivax plant can survive a short drop in temperature to 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees.

    If, in addition to the cold, there is also the problem of moisture and the proximity of groundwater in the area where planting is planned, you can choose the Phylostachis heteroclada, which is also called water. Withstands yes -15-20 degrees.

    Phyllostachys purpurata is the best choice for planting a variety with tall, thick stems. It has a decent winter hardiness (up to -20 degrees). Due to the firmness of the stem, it can relatively easily endure various disasters.

    While watching the video, you will learn about bamboo.

    Of course, people take advantage of the properties of bamboo to grow to meet their goals. And this is not always done for the benefit of the person himself. For example, for a long time, the high growth properties of grass were used for execution of a person