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  • Casual sex what to do. What is STD prevention? methods and means of preventing diseases after "casual relationships

    Casual sex what to do. What is STD prevention? methods and means of preventing diseases after

    Prevention of STDs after casual relationships - a set of medical medical manipulations carried out in case there is a fear or risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases after sexual intercourse.

    Doctors venereologists "Honest Clinic" have vast experience in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases and sexually transmitted infections, professionally, and, if you wish, absolutely anonymously will help you in solving "delicate" problems.

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    Method essence

    In venereology, there is the concept of drug prevention of a venereal disease. For example, a person who is diagnosed with a venereal disease consults a doctor. The doctor treats him and, at the same time, finds out with whom the patient has had sexual intercourse recently. The patient has a sexual partner, the partner is examined, and there are situations (for example, the infection is in the incubation period), the partner is not found to be infected. In this case, according to all medical canons, this person is also treated, but according to a "lightweight" method, ie. do the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. As a result, this person does not develop an infection. Long-term treatment is not needed.

    The timing of drug prevention

    Drug prophylaxis can be carried out when no more than 7 days have passed since the moment of accidental sexual contact.

    The timing is associated with the incubation period of sexually transmitted diseases. On average, the incubation period of infections (the time from the moment the infection enters the human body until the first symptoms of the disease), sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is two weeks. There are exceptions, for example, the incubation period for gonorrhea (gonorrhea) is 3-5 days, and the incubation period for such a formidable disease as syphilis is 1.5 months. Therefore, the earlier, after accidental contact, drug prevention is carried out, the more effective the results will be.

    The development of which sexually transmitted diseases will prevent drug prevention?

    Prevention is effective against all bacterial sexually transmitted infections. That is, against gonorrhea (gonorrhea), syphilis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, candidiasis (thrush). Prevention is not effective against viral diseases - HIV, hepatitis B, C, herpes viruses, papilloma.

    How is the drug prevention of accidental relationships carried out, what negative consequences this procedure can have on the human body.

    Drug prophylaxis is a mini course of treatment, in most cases for 1-2 days. The patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs (in the form of an injection and / or tablets), local antiseptic procedures. The meaning of these manipulations is to exclude the development of an infection that may have entered the body during accidental sexual contact. Taking antibacterial drugs most often occurs ONCE, therefore, as a rule, it does not bear negative consequences for the human body.

    Prevention of STDs after casual sex for men

    It is done according to the above method. The timing of taking medications for prophylaxis after casual relationships for men and women depends on how much time has passed since the casual relationship. The sooner a patient seeks a doctor, the more effective the prevention of STDs after a casual relationship in men will be.

    Prevention of STDs after accidental sex in women

    Has some peculiarities. Due to the physiological characteristics of the female body, the dose of drugs for the prevention of STDs after a casual relationship in women differs in a larger direction from that for men.

    Prevention of STIs after unprotected intercourse for both men and women will be most effective if this procedure is carried out within up to 3 days after casual sex. Prevention after an unprotected act, done in accordance with all the rules in a medical institution, guarantees you that you will not get sick with a venereal disease.

    Important! When using drugs, drug allergies may develop. Therefore, this procedure is carried out in a medical institution under the supervision of a physician.

    What restrictions in everyday life will have to be adhered to when carrying out drug prevention.

    The main limitation is not to have sexual intercourse without a condom within 5 days after prevention.

    Prevention after casual relationships - how often can this procedure be carried out? How effective is it?

    Venereologists recommend to carry out the prevention of STDs after an accidental relationship no more than once a month. The use of antibacterial drugs more often, over time, can lead to the resistance of the infectious pathogen to the treatment. With regard to the effectiveness of the prevention of STDs after an accidental relationship, the procedure for bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STDs) is effective in 100% of cases, provided all medical recommendations are followed and a timely visit to a doctor. Thus, we note that prevention after casual relationships is an effective way to prevent the development of a sexually transmitted disease.

    Is it possible to do drug prevention often, what is the effectiveness of the procedure.

    Venereologists recommend that this procedure be carried out no more than once a month. The use of antibacterial drugs more often, over time, can lead to the resistance of the infectious pathogen to the treatment. With regard to the effectiveness of prevention, the procedure for bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STDs) is effective in 100% of cases, provided that all medical recommendations are followed and a timely visit to a doctor is made.

    Unfortunately, fleeting dates threaten not only disappointment in a partner, but also the risk of catching an infection from a random partner.

    Latent infection

    Contrary to popular belief, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may not manifest themselves in any way for a long time. However, the absence of symptoms does not mean that you are okay. The infection can doze off in the body for a while, and then explode like a time bomb.

    Where to go

    If you suspect that you may have become infected during casual sex, it is best to contact a dermatovenerologic dispensary or a specialized medical center where dermatovenerologists are seen.

    If after casual sexual intercourse you did not feel any unpleasant symptoms, then there is no need to immediately run to the dermatovenous dispensary. Informative analyzes become only a week after dangerous sex.

    We hand over analyzes

    On the 7-10th day after unprotected sexual intercourse, the doctor will prescribe scrapings from the mucous membranes of the genitals for both the man and the woman. Please note: for a correct analysis, not smears are needed, but scrapings. For women, they will be taken from the vaginal mucosa and from the cervix - the cervical canal. In men, a scraping of the urethral mucosa is taken. For women, these manipulations are painless, and for men, the procedure is palpable - some discomfort in the urethra will be felt for 20 hours.

    The resulting material will be sent to the laboratory for the determination of genital infections by PCR (polymerase chain reaction). This will reveal chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gonococcus, gardnerella, Trichomonas, human papillomavirus.

    If you have practiced oral or anal sex, it is imperative to inform your doctor so that he prescribes appropriate tests. In these cases, on the 7-10th day after unprotected sexual intercourse, a scraping from the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall and anus is needed for analysis.

    Long-term consequences

    4-6 weeks after casual sex, a blood test should be done for the presence of antibodies to syphilis (Wasserman reaction) and HIV. Previously, antibodies will not be detected, so there is no need to rush to pass these tests immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse. Within a month of the casual relationship, the test will be negative when in fact HIV may be present.

    Unpleasant symptoms

    But not all genital infections are asymptomatic. Purulent abundant discharge in men from the urethra, and in women from the vagina may be a manifestation of gonorrhea.

    The first manifestation of syphilis is a hard, painless lump, the sore is a hard chancre. It appears 3-4 weeks after contact, and then it can disappear without any treatment after 7-10 days. At this time, a person with syphilis is highly contagious.

    What to do if there was unprotected sexual contact (a condom broke, contact under the influence of alcohol or drugs, etc.) with a casual partner?

    In this case, three options are possible:

    First: within a few days after such sexual contact, prevention (prophylactic treatment) is possible. It will prevent the development of bacterial venereal diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, trichomoniasis). Prevention is carried out within a few days after sexual intercourse. After 3-4 weeks, you need to be examined by a venereologist. Preventive treatment regimens correspond to those for fresh, uncomplicated infection.

    Second: you can not carry out prophylaxis, wait 3-4 weeks, and then be examined by a venereologist. It makes no sense to be examined before 3-4 weeks, since during the incubation period there are no symptoms of the disease, and laboratory tests during this period are not informative. The third, in most cases difficult to do: you can convince your casual sexual partner to come to an appointment with a venereologist and be examined for sexually transmitted infections. If nothing was found with him, then you did not get infected with anything.

    Which of the above options is preferable? It depends on the specific situation. It is best to resolve this issue not on your own, but together with a venereologist, who will help assess the risk of infection.

    How is the prevention of accidental sexual intercourse tolerated? Is it dangerous to health?

    Most drugs prescribed for the prevention of accidental relationships are prescribed once, that is, they are taken orally or injected intramuscularly only once. Therefore, in most cases, the side effects of antibiotic therapy (intestinal dysbiosis, candidiasis / thrush) do not have time to appear. Side effects of antibiotics usually appear with longer use.

    The only thing to be wary of when preventing accidental relationships is drug allergies. Therefore, if you are allergic to drugs, be sure to inform your doctor.

    How often can you prevent casual sex?

    Prevention after casual sexual intercourse is an extreme (reserve) method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. It cannot be performed frequently and therefore cannot be considered as an alternative to the condom (as many would like).

    In addition, prevention after casual sexual intercourse does not prevent the development of viral diseases (herpes, genitals, human papillomavirus / genital warts infection, HIV infection).

    How effective is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases with chlorhexidine (Gibitan, Miramistin, etc.)?

    Chlorhexidine prophylaxis is not a very reliable method. She doesn't give guarantees. Moreover, in some cases, chlorhexidine prophylaxis can do more harm than good. For example, a person, completely relying on this method, lives a promiscuous sex life, without a condom. However, he does not consider it necessary to be checked by a venereologist. As a result, he risks acquiring a whole "bouquet" of sexually transmitted diseases.

    In women, douching with chlorhexidine contributes to the development of bacterial vaginosis - gardnerellosis.

    Sexually transmitted diseases have been and remain the main problem of our time, therefore, drug prevention of STDs is quite relevant. Many are accustomed to thinking that such diseases are the lot of homosexuals and women of easy virtue.

    But no one is immune from such diseases. People are designed in such a way that they are prone to any temptations, while many do not think about when they agree to intimate relationships with unfamiliar people. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is what you can use to protect your health. If you take action in time, your health will remain safe, and your loved ones will be safe.

    Why is prevention important?

    Statistics show that annually about 300 million women and men contract sexually transmitted diseases. As soon as the infection has occurred, acute symptoms appear that completely change the patient's life. Often, diseases behave differently, at first they do not make themselves felt at all.

    Whatever the STD, the result will always be serious consequences, unless, of course, you do not visit a specialist in time. Studies have shown that when an STD occurs, the chances of contracting HIV increase dramatically.

    1. 40% of women who have a chlamydial or gonococcal infection have pelvic inflammatory disease. Every 4th person will never be able to become a mother.
    2. Women who, in 39% of cases, cannot successfully get pregnant. Stillbirth is not uncommon.
    3. Sexually transmitted infections are the cause of premature death.

    What urgent actions need to be taken after unprotected intercourse?

    The most popular prevention method is the condom, which can protect against infection during intercourse.

    However, condoms are not 100% guaranteed. There were times when they were torn. Then you should take action immediately. There are only a few hours to reduce your risk of illness.

    Emergency prevention of STDs includes taking medications such as antiseptics, suppositories. For example, Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. Antiseptics have an effective effect on the causative agent of the disease and eliminate them. To reduce the chances of a probable STD, you should:

    • immediately after an accidental relationship, go to the toilet and wash your intimate place with soap;
    • treat the inner thighs, pubis and external genitals with an antiseptic;
    • enter and hold Miramistin and Chlorhexidine in the urethra for several minutes.

    Once you have done all these steps, you should refrain from going to the toilet for the next few hours.
    The fact that the number of sexually transmitted diseases is growing does not indicate the complexity of preventive measures, but rather a frivolous attitude of people towards their own health or ignorance of this issue. It happens that patients are ashamed to seek help from a doctor and they resort to folk methods.

    STDs and Preventive Measures

    Sexually transmitted diseases represent a whole group of infectious diseases. They have different clinical manifestations, which are united by the sexual mode of transmission.

    In addition, they have a high social risk. This concept began to be used in 1980, and at the moment there are more than 20 types of infections and viruses.

    STDs according to the type of pathogen:

    There are cases when the disease does not show any symptoms, but they appear with weakened immunity.

    Hence the importance of taking preventive measures: using preservatives, not engaging in casual sexual intercourse, observing hygiene, taking tests for genitourinary infections 2 times a year.

    If suddenly you have itching or burning sensation in the genital area, there are atypical discharge with an unpleasant odor, ulcers or a rash appear, then you must urgently go to the doctor.

    What are the individual prevention measures?

    Responsible attitude to one's own health and the health of one's partner consists in individual prevention of STDs, which includes:

    • personal hygiene control;
    • permanent contraception;
    • the use of local antibacterial drugs;
    • systematic visits to the gynecologist and urologist;
    • modern detection of the disease and qualified assistance from specialists;
    • avoidance of promiscuous sexual intercourse;
    • vaccination against certain types of the virus.

    In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between mechanical and medical means of preventing STDs, as well as be able to use them correctly.

    How to take medication during prophylaxis?

    The point of prevention is not only the use of antiseptic drugs. If only a couple of days have passed after entering into unprotected sex, then you can resort to drug prevention of STDs, but you will need to make an appointment with a venereologist. It is he who will prescribe a certain medicine.

    Antibiotics serve as the basis for drug prevention. They give a result when it becomes known that the partner is a carrier of a bacterial disease (gonorrhea, syphilis, and so on). If a person has a viral or fungal infection, then one should not expect any effect or result from prevention. Drugs for the prevention of STDs are taken once. Medicines are not harmful to health. One tablet or one shot will not have time to cause side effects. Drug prophylaxis can only cause allergies.

    Doctor visit and examination

    You should not immediately run to the hospital with tests as soon as there was imprudence to enter into an unprotected intimate relationship. The fact is that infection entails an incubation period that lasts 2 weeks. During this period, the symptoms do not in any way make themselves felt, they will not give information and laboratory tests. It should be counted 2 weeks after an intimate relationship.

    After 14 days and the preventive measures taken for STDs after an intimate relationship, you can safely make an appointment with a doctor. The venereologist will be assigned an examination, which includes several methods:

    • microscopic examination;
    • blood test;
    • bacteriological research;
    • dNA analysis.

    The choice of the analysis method remains with the doctor. He will analyze the existing symptoms, decide on the urgency of the diagnosis. When you are tested, try to follow the guidelines below:

    1. Before taking a smear, it is better not to use antibacterial drugs or use antiseptics. The time from sexual contact to the test should take 72 hours.
    2. If a blood test is prescribed, you must visit the clinic on an empty stomach. You can eat 6-7 hours before you plan to visit a specialist.
    3. In the process of preventive measures, due to casual relationships, different ointments are not used. This applies to those precedents when the genitals are covered with rashes or redness appears. Before seeking the advice of a doctor, do not try to hide the traces of plaque and discharge that are on the skin.

    Thus, STDs are serious and common diseases. If you want to preserve your health, choose your sex partner consciously and always use protective equipment (condoms). Do not use suppositories, antiseptics, drugs for the prevention of accidental relationships too often. This will have a negative impact on health, since frequent medication leads to an imbalance in the microflora.

    Emergency drug prevention of STDs is a method that can be used to prevent infection with STDs, an abbreviation familiar to many adults, stands for Sexually Transmitted Diseases. The list of STDs is long and includes a variety of diseases.

    They have one thing in common: the ability to transmit during sex.

    What can you get sick after unprotected sex?

    Diseases that can be obtained in this way are divided into bacterial and viral. Prevention of bacterial diseases exists; viral - no.

    Bacterial STDs include:

    • syphilis
    • gonorrhea
    • chlamydia
    • trichomoniasis
    • mycoplasmosis
    • ureaplasmosis
    • gardnerellosis

    Important! Mycoplasma, ureaplasma and gardnerella are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Their presence in the body is often not associated with sexual life.

    Why do you need emergency STD prevention?

    A person's intimate life is far from always predictable. It may happen that the partner is not too familiar, but there is no condom at hand.

    What if everything has already happened?

    General blood and urine tests.

    Microscopy of secretions from the genital tract (a smear for STDs in women is taken from the posterior fornix of the vagina, a smear for STDs in men is made from the urethra), if intracellular infections are suspected, scraping from the mucous membranes is carried out so that not only secretions, but also epithelial cells are included ...

    Sowing biomaterial on nutrient media in order to grow pathological microorganisms, their identification and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.

    PCR, or polymerase chain reaction, allows you to determine the genetic material of the pathogen in the blood or secretions and accurately determine the cause of the patient's symptoms.

    Determination of antibodies in the blood to possible pathogens, which allows confirmation of a specific infection.

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs to identify possible complications.

    These diagnostic methods are very accurate and allow you to identify the pathogen in 97% of cases, which is extremely important for the appointment of adequate therapy.

    General prevention of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and sexually transmitted diseases.

    From sexual intercourse that occurs by chance, no one is immune. Sexual contact may well turn out to be unprotected, when a condom breaks, rape occurs, if during a fun party in a state of intoxication, sex with a stranger happened. After casual relationships, prevention serves as protection against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

    Types of pathogens

    Sexually transmitted diseases of an infectious nature have a different clinical picture and, depending on the culprit, are:

    Diseases are most often asymptomatic and begin to manifest themselves when complications arise. Therefore, prevention after casual relationships is a very important measure. To do this, you must use protective equipment, and take tests to check for infection.

    Safe sexual behavior

    • Condom use: male and female. Their constant and correct use effectively prevents various STDs, including HIV infection. However, a condom cannot protect against skin-borne diseases.
    • It is advisable to use antiseptics for the genitals.
    • Constant preventive examinations, including laboratory diagnostics.
    • If the disease is detected, compulsory therapy and sexual abstinence are required.
    • Do not carry out self-treatment, it often leads to complications.

    If unprotected sex suddenly happened, then for prevention after casual relationships, the drugs recommended by the doctor will help prevent a sexually transmitted disease. Subject to their timely admission.

    Emergency prevention after casual relationships

    Preventive measures in emergency cases can be carried out independently or at a specialized center for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. All manipulations should be done no later than two hours after intercourse. For this you need:

    • To urinate - after the end of sexual intercourse. With urine, pathogenic microbes will leave the urethra.
    • Wash thoroughly the thighs, pubis and external genitals with laundry soap.
    • Treat the genitals and adjacent skin areas with an antiseptic. For this use "Betadine" or "Miramistin". Using a nozzle, for the prevention of STDs, after an accidental connection, inject 2 ml of solution into the urethra and 10 ml into the vagina. It is necessary to keep the drug inside for a few minutes, then relax and the excess solution will pour out. After that, widely treat the skin around the genitals and rinse thoroughly after two minutes. After using antiseptic solutions, it is advisable not to urinate for several hours.
    • Use medications that have an antiseptic effect and are made in the form of suppositories and tablets, for example, "Chlorhexidine bigluconate" or "Povidone-iodine". A candle or tablet in the amount of one piece is inserted into the vagina. For men, suppositories are made in the form of thin sticks to be inserted into the urinary canal.

    The result of self-treatment of the genitals is best consolidated by contacting the prevention point. After 3-4 weeks, it is imperative to undergo an examination for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

    Medicines for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

    With the use of drugs, the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases is significantly reduced. Drugs for the prevention of STDs after casual relationships, recommended by doctors:

    Emergency prevention of STDs after casual sex for men

    Measures for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in men immediately after casual relationships are reduced to the following actions:

    • Produce profuse urination - some of the pathogenic microorganisms from the urethra will be washed out with urine.
    • Wash your hands thoroughly, shower and wash your penis, thighs and buttocks well with soap.
    • Wipe the washed parts of the body with a dry towel and treat with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.
    • Flush the urethra with the same drugs. Insert the thin tip of the bottle into the urinary canal and inject three milliliters of solution into the urethra. Squeeze the hole for about two minutes and then release the solution. After the procedure, do not urinate for several hours.
    • Apply a sterile bandage to the penis and put on clean underwear.

    It should be noted that these preventive measures after casual relationships for men have an effect only one hundred and twenty minutes after intimacy.

    Emergency preventive measures for women

    After casual sex with a stranger, to avoid infection, you must immediately take the following measures:

    • Go to the toilet and urinate.
    • Take a shower, after washing your hands, thoroughly wash the external genitalia and the skin around them with soap.
    • Wipe the perineum dry and then with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of "Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin", treat it.
    • Rinse the vagina. To do this, lie on one side, spreading an oilcloth. Insert the tip of the bottle into the vagina and inject a solution in a volume of no more than 10 ml, hold the inlet for a few minutes so that the liquid does not spill out.
    • Flush the urethra. Inject the solution, about 2 ml, and try to delay its pouring out.
    • After completing the procedures, change the clothes to clean ones and do not urinate for at least two hours.

    In order to prevent STDs for women after an accidental relationship, at least three weeks and a maximum of four weeks later, it is recommended to undergo a laboratory test for sexually transmitted diseases.

    Drug prevention

    It is usually used when there is a high risk of infection and the time allotted for emergency preventive measures has been omitted. If you suspect your partner is infected:

    • syphilis - use "Benzylpenicillin";
    • gonorrhea - use Cefixime;
    • trichomonas - treatment is carried out with "Tinidazole";
    • chlamydia - therapy is carried out by "Azithromycin".

    In the case when it is not known what kind of sexually transmitted disease the partner has, then they use a combination of drugs or use "Safocid", which actively acts on frequently occurring venereal bacteria and some fungi. It should be noted that often it is impossible to use medication prophylaxis after casual relationships. Antibiotics have a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract, killing beneficial bacteria and causing dysbiosis. In addition, addiction of pathogenic microorganisms to the drug may occur, and their intake will be useless.

    The consequences of prevention

    Most of the drugs used for prophylaxis are prescribed once. The antibiotic is administered orally or intramuscularly only once. In most cases, negative manifestations of the violation of the intestinal microflora do not have time to express themselves. This requires a longer intake of medicines. But in any case, allergic reactions are possible. In addition, such prevention will not protect you from viral infections: herpes, papillomas and HIV infection.

    It must be remembered that after casual relationships, the prophylaxis carried out with drugs makes it possible to have unprotected sex after five to six days. Until then, you must use a condom. Medicinal prophylaxis is an extreme measure to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, therefore it is carried out only in exceptional cases. It should not be used as an alternative to a condom as it is hazardous to health.


    Intimate relationships are an integral part of the life of any individual at a fertile age. With a responsible approach to sexual relations, maintaining personal hygiene and using reliable contraceptives, there will be no unpleasant incidents. One of the simplest and most reliable means of prevention is considered to be a condom. It does not give a 100% guarantee against all sexually transmitted diseases, but it certainly saves from the majority of sexually transmitted diseases. But, if for some reason unprotected sex has occurred, prevention after an accidental relationship with the use of antibiotics is required. And after 3-4 weeks, it is necessary to undergo a laboratory examination to be sure of the absence of sexually transmitted diseases.