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    What diseases are considered chronic. Coping with a chronic illness

    So, we know that a disease is a special temporary state of the body, during which the body from a stable state (health) of functioning passes into another (painful) one that is not characteristic of it. The organism, brought out of "equilibrium" by the disease, expends efforts (and hence vitality, energy) to return to its original (healthy) state. If the vitality is not enough to completely return the body's work to its previous (healthy) stable state, then the body stabilizes its work in a certain intermediate state between disease and health. This "intermediate" condition is called "indolent" or "chronic" disease.

    A chronic disease is characterized by the fact that the pathogenic principle remaining in the body seeks to consolidate and develop in it, and the body, in turn, seeks to return to its original, healthy state. Both in the first and in the second cases, the organism must expend its vitality, adapt to the "world on the brink of war." This leads to the fact that some compensatory mechanisms are turned on, and the body of a chronically ill person continues to exist in a more or less tolerable state as long as there is enough vital energy to maintain them. As soon as the body is unable to service the compensatory mechanisms that restrain the disease, a new exacerbation of the disease occurs, and it "conquers" itself "additional living space". The body, in turn, fights this formation of new compensatory mechanisms, directing an even greater amount of vitality to service them.

    As a result of the redistribution of the vital force, the organism "turns off" a number of secondary biological functions for the sake of the organism's survival. First of all, the most energetically wasteful function - the sexual function - is turned off: the general tone of the body decreases, early old age and related diseases develop, and life expectancy is sharply reduced.

    Based on the foregoing, the healing work to restore the body will take place in stages. At the expense of energy-saving means and techniques, the level of vitality will first begin to recover, which will transfer the body from one compensatory level to another until the last - truly healthy. The transition from one compensatory level to another will be marked by acute conditions - exacerbations of the corresponding chronic diseases, which will eventually disappear. Each person can completely get rid of any chronic disease only by going through a series of exacerbations of these diseases.

    After each such exacerbation, you will have a previously lost function. First, vigor will come, then the signs of premature aging will disappear, then sexual function will be restored.

    Now let's talk about how hunger helps us fight chronic disease.

    Any chronically ill person has a combination of chronic diseases of various profiles. The use of one method of therapeutic fasting allows you to get a lasting cure for the entire complex of chronic diseases. This happens because fasting primarily qualitatively and quantitatively restores the work of the most important human system - the immunogenetic apparatus, strengthens the barriers of cells, organs and systems, revives the blood depot (microvasculature), and, no less important, provides long-term therapeutic and prophylactic impact on the body. A person is undergoing a "major overhaul". If the “depth” of the impact of fasting destroyed the “roots” of diseases in the field form of a person, then some diseases leave the human body earlier and for good. If it is small, then diseases can return over time due to a vicious lifestyle. It all depends on the neglect of the process, and to a greater extent on the persistence of the patient himself in achieving a stable therapeutic effect. A prerequisite for such persistence is the repetition of preventive fasting courses annually, and, if necessary, a series of fasting (fractional) for several years in a row to achieve final healing. There are many vivid examples of how seemingly doomed to death patients, persistently continuing to repeat long courses of fasting, after a few years became practically healthy people.

    Chronic disease primarily reduces the absorption of carbon dioxide by cells. Conventional treatment does not normalize this main indicator. In the end, a person's compensatory-adaptive mechanisms are depleted, both with conventional methods of healing, and without them.

    The symptoms themselves or a complex of symptoms (syndromes) of chronic diseases, to a greater or lesser extent, provide a relative compensation for the disease process. For example, the temperature reaction of the body activates the immune system (the body's defensive reaction) to pathogenic microbes and viruses. Pain syndrome enhances the analgesic effect inside the body, activating the so-called opiate receptors that release internal drugs, and so on.

    Timely use of fasting can ensure the restoration of the processes of assimilation of carbon dioxide by cells.

    The most important feature of fasting in chronic diseases is the rapid elimination of waste, the rapid release of the body from accumulated toxins - the causes of disease, and the further correct lifestyle helps to restore energy and health.

    It is a mistake to assume that one fast, even a long one, can completely cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. The toxins accumulated in the body for many years cannot be removed at once in a few days or weeks. With diseases such as arthritis, large inflammation and tumors, three or more courses of fasting are required to achieve tangible improvement in each case individually.

    With inflammation of the respiratory tract, digestive tract and urogenital canals, as well as all other organs with a mucous membrane, one 20-30-day fast is enough for a complete cure. So, ear inflammation, conjunctivitis, gastritis, colitis, volvulus - all this can be cured during a course of long fasting. Only in relatively few cases are two courses required. Hay fever and asthma are also cured by fasting.

    Observations of the results of fasting in many thousands of cases and for over 130 years have shown that when during fasting the main burden of "work" is removed from the digestive organs, all the released vital energy of the body is directed to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. With the help of its own vitality, the body can restore strength, health, energy to itself after it gets rid of the toxic burden.

    Pernicious anemia resolves quickly during a two-week fast. During this time, the number of blood cells increases by about five hundred thousand times. In all these cases, autointoxication from the large intestine takes place, which pollutes the blood and impairs the functioning of the hematopoietic organs. Similar septic contamination seems to have a place in cancer, also causing anemia.

    Diabetics can safely and successfully fast, especially when they are overweight. But if they have been injected with insulin for a long time, they must fast under the supervision of a specialist. Sufferers of chronic nephritis can starve with great benefit. In these and similar cases of the disease, it is more important than fasting to correct the general lifestyle. It is necessary to teach these sick people how and what to eat, to make them work on their vicious gustatory habits. They can regain good health for themselves, gradually improving it, if all habits that drain them are done away with, and the person follows the laws of good nutrition.

    During restorative and subsequent nutrition for chronic patients, the following should be remembered. The recommended "balanced diet", including the simultaneous intake of dairy and meat products, the most saturated with allergenic proteins, especially aggravates protein antagonism. With such a diet, the digestive system is not able to fully respond and break down all protein structures to the original amino acids absorbed by human cells. It has been proved by the radioimmune method that with such a diet, protein molecules penetrate through the gastrointestinal tract into the blood stream, which are not absorbed by the tissues until an allergic antigen-antibody reaction occurs.

    The body spends a lot of energy on this reaction. It is also spent on paying off the consequences of this reaction. Even for healthy people, such a diet is burdensome. And in chronic patients, allergic reactions are aggravated, followed by a more powerful damaging effect on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, they need to adhere to a separate diet with a predominance of natural and fresh food. This nutrition has already been described earlier.

    How you can reprogram your brain

    And now about what is based and how the disappearance of chronic diseases occurs when using the RANC-REVERGENCIA method. When intense stimulation arises in the pain receptors of the trapezius muscles, artificially caused by us, the impulses, bypassing all the usual channels of information, penetrate directly into the brain stem, where the nuclei of the reticular formation are located. Due to the strength and density of the incoming stream of impulses and the impossibility, as a result of this, of their differentiation, analysis and determination of the "address" of the structures from which the signal of danger comes, the reticular formation begins to blindly search and "put things in order" in all brain systems that could allow the emergence threatening situation.

    That is, a "provocation" that does not pose a real threat in the form of a strong painful irritation of the trapezius muscles leads to the automatic activation of all the protective capabilities of the brain and a restructuring of the functional activity of all organs and systems.

    Against the background of this artificially created strong stress, the processes of neuroplasticity lead to the creation of new neural networks. Despite the great capabilities of neurons, each of which can create up to 20 thousand synaptic contacts with neighboring neurons, these capabilities are still limited, so new neural networks, if necessary, are created by dismantling old ones. In other words, completely safe, very strong artificial stress, created by irritation of the trapezius muscles, causes the same global processes of structural restructuring of the brain, like any other stress leading to the emergence of any syndromes, but in the opposite direction. That is, in this case, neuroplasticity works against the background of neural networks causing pathologies, destroys them and restores neural networks from the released axons that existed before the onset of the disease. Of course, the question immediately arises, why does it happen this way and this artificial stress does not create structures leading to new problems? It is difficult to answer this unequivocally, probably both properties play a role here: the extreme strength and the irrelevant, indefinite globality of the impulses entering the reticular formation. By and large, by this, we mislead the brain, when bypassing the usual channels of information, we have a direct impact on the nuclei of the reticular formation. And, the fact that after a series of such influences the brain, with the help of neuroplasticity, makes its structural restructuring in a positive way is explained, in my opinion, by the fact that the initially existing self-regulation systems have a very strong structure and, under severe stress, in the first place do not withstand and are destroyed precisely weaker pathological neural networks created at their expense.

    About the development of the optimal course of exposure

    For many years, and to be more precise, for twenty I have been using a one-stage treatment regimen. That is, the required pain effect (a series of injections) was performed once and then the patient was given a break of 3-4 weeks. Initially, the RANC ( the R estoration of the A ctivity the N erve C enters). - Restoring the Activity of Nerve Centers I used it exclusively for the treatment of various pain syndromes in the muscles of the spine, joints of the extremities and headaches. Judging by the responses of the patients, positive changes occurred either immediately, or within three to four weeks. I recommended repeated "sessions" of treatment in a month on average, and in cases of acute pain, a short course of treatment of 3-5 daily treatment sessions was given. Since the opening of the NEUROLOGIKA Clinic, the number of patients and reasons for seeking treatment has increased significantly. Analyzing the dynamics of recovery of patients who sought help with Parkinson's disease, the consequences of stroke, rheumatoid arthritis and other serious illnesses, I noticed that their symptoms disappear not after 3-4 weeks, but much later, after 6-8 weeks. Patients who came to the Clinic for treatment from afar, for example, from Kazakhstan, Siberia, or European countries, often asked for a five-day treatment course. This is understandable, because it is often difficult and expensive to fly for treatment from afar. Comparison of their results with the results of treatment of residents of Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory and Rostov Region, who were treated according to one-day regimens at monthly intervals, showed that the results of patients who had five-day courses were noticeably better. In the process of treating acute pain in patients with trigeminal nerve lesions and pain in the leg with the sciatic nerve, in order to quickly relieve pain, treatment sessions had to be performed in 2-3 stages with half an hour breaks. Later it was noticed that the use of this scheme brings positive results, and for all other diseases. There are no miracles in physiology, therefore the described patterns are a reflection of the processes taking place in the brain and the body controlled by it. If a symptom or syndrome appears (a set of symptoms that make up a certain disease), then this event does not occur by itself, as is commonly believed in everyday communication, but exclusively and at the direct direction of the brain. As I already wrote above, external stress factors cause changes in the brain at the structural and functional level, and the body only follows the instructions of the changed central regulation and "gives out" these or those symptoms.

    Physiological mechanisms of RANC treatment

    Back in 1998, when I accidentally discovered this principle (Restoration of the Activity of Nerve Centers - RANC), I realized that the brain in some way incomprehensible to me then, under the influence of pain, changes its functions, but how it does it, I was completely incomprehensible then. What can happen in it, so that the pain disappears instantly, immediately after the procedure, and during the procedure, drops in blood pressure may appear, short-term respiratory failure with the inability to inhale for a few seconds, or the appearance of a rapidly passing tremor during the procedures, clarification in the eyes , a feeling of lightness and many other effects, the nature of which was completely incomprehensible to me for some time. I understood that all these phenomena should be explained by some unified principles, and gradually the situation began to clear up for me. Any doctor studies the properties of nerve centers at the institute, but unfortunately all this theoretical knowledge is not applied in practice.

    I, as we were taught before and are taught now, thought something like this:
    “There are nerve centers that control the body. They work, either increasing or decreasing their activity, which manifests itself in an increase or decrease in the functions of the body controlled by them. When something starts to go wrong, then we consider it a disease, and for its cause we take either mysterious internal problems, or the action of some external causes.

    If you do not go into the particular features of the action of one or another drug, then it should be said that any medical drug can be attributed either to stimulants of some processes, or to their blockers. And due to the fact that the body is a dynamic system in which billions of different electrochemical reactions take place simultaneously every second, it is impossible to regulate its work with drugs introduced from outside in case of serious failures in various systems, either theoretically or practically. The validity of this conclusion confirms the existence of a multitude of incurable diseases at present, the prospects for cure, which with the help of medicines, to put it mildly, are very vague.

    The approach I propose to resolve this issue is not to try to interfere with the work of the brain and the organism it controls with chemicals, but to exert on the brain exactly the effect that it understands and is familiar with. The bottom line is that any external stimuli, such as light, sound, atmospheric pressure, temperature, mechanical or chemical injury, are perceived by specific receptors that transform them into modulated electrical impulses. Perceiving these signals, the brain, in order to maintain the stability and integrity of the organism, gives genetically determined responses to them. In this case, the brain always changes its microscopic structure at the level of interneuronal connections. This is done so that the responses are most symmetrical to external influences. When speaking about external stimuli in relation to a person, it is necessary to take into account the so-called “second signaling system”. Words spoken aloud or perceived in printed form are capable of exerting an effect on the nervous system and the body comparable in strength to real physical and chemical external factors. Speaking about the capabilities of the brain, it must be admitted that it is capable of functioning in two main modes, which can be conditionally called “ threshold transform mode"And" superthreshold transformation mode". Threshold transformations of the brain occur within the normal activity of the nerve centers, which does not lead to the appearance of any symptoms of diseases. The overthreshold transformation leads to changes in the activity of the nerve centers that are stable over time, in which stable functional or structural organic changes occur in organs and systems. These changes are called diseases.

    It is logical to assume that if extreme factors are capable of changing the brain and the body it controls for the worse, then they can also produce the reverse "transformation". I do not see any contradiction here, the whole question is only how to implement it in practice. That is, it is necessary to exert such a specific effect on the nervous system that the brain perceives as an absolutely real threat and mobilizes all its resources to overcome it, including those involved in maintaining the results of pathological transformation. Pain is such a universal signal of extreme danger to the body. Painful sensations are just electrical impulses, which penetrate into consciousness when the subconscious regulatory systems do not cope with any problem on their own. The subconscious system, represented by its center - reticular formation unlike consciousness localized in the cerebral cortex, it very accurately identifies and localizes the channel through which this or that information is received. The reticular formation, integrating all parts of the brain, distributes the incoming information to the appropriate "addresses". Signals informing about a threat are distributed by the reticular formation to the corresponding nerve centers, which, due to neuroplasticity, form stable levels of activity among themselves.

    Knowing this mechanism, it is precisely possible to safely interfere with the work of the brain in order to reprogram it and return the nerve centers to their original normal state. To do this, you need to send information about a serious threat not indirectly through some specific and known channel of the reticular formation, but directly to all its nuclei located in the brain stem and cervical spinal cord. Such a direct impact on all the nuclei of the reticular formation does not allow it to identify and localize the system, or the organ from which dangerous impulses are allegedly received.

    Under these conditions, the reticular formation mobilizes all existing reserves and processes of neuroplasticity (divergence and convergence) are aimed at leveling the level of excitation in all nerve centers of the brain. These processes, as it turned out, have certain patterns in relation to the timing of the onset effects.

    On average, 30-50 hours after the impact on the reticular formation by stimulating the pain receptors of the trapezius muscles, there are effects reflecting excitement, or inhibition of various systems. This is expressed in symptoms of an imaginary temporary exacerbation of one or another disease, or in general malaise in the form of drops in blood pressure, agitation, drowsiness, or other autonomic reactions. These symptoms are a reflection of the ongoing neuroplastic transformation of nerve centers.

    Due to the fact that the threat created by stimulation of the nuclei of the reticular formation is undifferentiated, the reticular formation carries out a readjustment of all nerve centers, the activity of which at the time of stimulation is different from the background activity. Thus, the brain puts in order all its centers of regulation of body functions, and they, in turn, change the activity and organic restructuring of systems and organs of the body. The process of reverse structural and functional neuroplastic restructuring of the brain that occurs after nonspecific stimulation of the reticular formation, I propose to call REVERGENCE.

    For those readers who, despite all my efforts, something remained incomprehensible, I want to say in very simple words. Medicine is the same science as any other, therefore it is peculiar not only to make mistakes, but also to develop. Do not think that today's therapy of chronic diseases has gone too far from the ancient Roman. However, the discoveries of recent decades, in particular the discovery and recognition of neuroplasticity, make it possible to take a wonderful step forward. I believe that the use in wide practice of the reactivation of nerve centers - Revergence, will allow most people to get rid of their diseases. The RANC method is already used in many places, but so far, unfortunately, like everything new, it is really familiar to a relatively small number of people who got rid of their diseases with the help of it.

    Learn more about the treatment method RANC-REVERGENCIA can be found on the official website of the Clinic "NEUROLOGY" : . and channel nevrologika on YouTube.

    Before calling the clinic, please read the materials of the STATUTE of our official website. This will allow you to get answers to almost all your questions. Clinic administrators are not allowed to give detailed advice over the phone.

    Yours faithfully, Head of the Clinic "NEUROLOGIKA" Andrey Alexandrovich Ponomarenko

    Chronic illnesses are long-term, sluggish illnesses. As a rule, they either calm down or make themselves felt again, but one way or another they progress slowly. Today, chronic diseases, especially heart disease, account for about 63% of all deaths. Thus, they are the leading cause of death worldwide.

    Heart diseases

    • Congenital - the so-called congenital heart defects are not so rare. Their cause lies in the abnormal development of the heart in the embryo, often due to smoking, mother's alcoholism.
    • Acquired... Most often they are the result of various infectious diseases. Sometimes heart problems develop after an infectious disease and remain in a person for a long time or for a lifetime.

    The main types of chronic heart disease

    • Chronic ischemic heart disease (coronary cardiosclerosis) - a violation of the normal blood supply to the myocardium. It appears due to damage to the coronary arteries. It is one of the most common diseases.
    • Chronic rheumatic heart disease... This is a lesion of the heart valves that occurs as a complication after acute rheumatic fever.
    • Angina pectoris is a chronic heart disease that manifests as severe and sharp chest pain. The reason is a lack of oxygen, which is due to impaired blood flow. It is treated mainly with medication.
    • Arrhythmia - violation of the heartbeat. It is often seen in smokers and alcoholics. It is treated with various drugs - cardiac glucosides, diuretics, antiarrhythmic agents.
    • Heart failure... It is a pathological condition in which it is difficult for the heart to work as a pump that pumps blood. It is often a consequence of other diseases of the heart and circulatory system (ischemia, arterial hypertension, heart defects).
    • Chronic myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle. It manifests itself most often as a complication after infectious diseases. Untreated myocarditis threatens to develop into myocardiofibrosis or myocardiosclerosis.
    • Chronic endocardosis... This is an inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. Most often it occurs due to infectious toxic damage to the body or as a complication of myocarditis.
    • Chronic pericarditis - inflammation of the pericardium - the serous membrane of the heart. This is acute pericarditis, which has become chronic. Like myocarditis and endocardosis, it is rarely an underlying disease, more often developing as a complication after previous diseases.

    Prevention of chronic heart disease

    • Get rid of bad habits - smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. They are the most common cause of these diseases.
    • Lead a healthy lifestyle - sleep well, exercise, fitness.
    • Less stress and negative experiences.
    • Healthy eating. You need to eat mostly natural, unprocessed food without GMOs and preservatives.
    • Carefully and thoroughly treat infectious diseases, especially in children.

    WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. To create this article, 18 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

    A long course of chronic diseases can lead to serious damage to your health and the health of your family members, so getting used to this disease is not enough, it is important to overcome it. Examples of chronic diseases: asthma, diabetes, depression (and other mental disorders), cancer, rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus), cerebral palsy, emphysema, celiac disease, interstitial cystitis, endometriosis, Parkinson's disease, some forms of heart failure, severe arterial hypertension, various forms of arthritis.

    Chronic illnesses lead to long-term financial stress. Such diseases impair performance. Such a change in employment can lead not only to the loss of current health insurance provided by the employer, but also to the inability to provide cheaper insurance. Medical assistance will be provided only to people with disabilities.

    It is somewhat easier to deal with a life-threatening or acute illness than a chronic one. Some patients also have concomitant diseases, due to improper treatment of the main one. It is important that doctors clearly understand how to properly treat a specific disease, then they will provide high-quality and correct treatment. In addition, it is important for the doctor to positively adjust the patient to treatment. Teach the patient to fight, so depression will not affect them.

    It is important that people with chronic diseases are encouraged and motivated to continue their treatment. They should enjoy life as much as possible, remain independent - this gives them more self-confidence and allows them to establish a trusting relationship between the patient and the doctor.

    This article contains information, patient advice, and treatment strategies that can help someone with a chronic medical condition who wants to continue to maintain an active lifestyle.


      Understand what a chronic illness is. Many people have symptoms, but they have no idea what is wrong with them. They live without treatment for years. A major public health problem is the relationship between disease and the environment. Those who experience strong, constant exposure to chemicals become more sensitive to them. People with illnesses associated with poor environmental conditions report the presence of symptoms that affect several organ systems. Symptoms appear more often the more often the chemical or any other irritant is affected.

      Consult your doctor After you find bothersome symptoms, consult your doctor. Remember: these symptoms can be caused by many diseases, so it is important to make a diagnosis. Don't put off going to the doctor just because you want to avoid it. It is always best to determine the presence of the disease at an early stage.

      • The main symptoms in diseases of the central nervous system: fatigue, tension, headaches, confusion, memory impairment, depression, hyperactivity, sleep disturbance, dizziness.
      • Gastrointestinal: bloating, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, cramps.
      • Genitourinary system: frequent urination, incontinence.
      • Skin: eczema, urticaria, rash.
      • Musculoskeletal system: muscle cramps, joint pain, back pain, swelling of the limbs.
      • Respiratory System: Frequent colds, bronchitis, asthma, difficulty breathing.
      • Cardiovascular system: rapid or uneven heartbeat, hypertension, migraine.
      • Ear, eyes, nose, throat: nasal congestion, ear pain, watery eyes, sinusitis.
    1. Define a team of professionals. Multidisciplinary intervention is a collaboration of doctors, nurses, specialists of different profiles. Such cooperation is extremely important for the correct diagnosis of the disease and further treatment. The patient, like the medical team, needs to know exactly how to cope with the disease. The more the patient knows about his illness, the more chances he has to improve his health. It is important to create a good self-management program for dealing with chronic disease

      • Personalize your treatment plan
      • Discuss your treatment plan with your doctor
      • Review your treatment plan regularly in group meetings
      • Connect with health communities for collaborative solutions to health problems
      • Reevaluate your current health with specific tests
      • Self-organization and social relations
      • Coaching, self-organization play an important role in self-management strategy
      • Providing assistance in community development. Use whatever resources you can to cure the disease. There is a great need for social programs to treat disease. They can reduce financial costs, as well as help a person cope with their illness and improve their health.
    2. If possible, go for a walk. Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on the health of your lungs, heart and mind. Exercise or go for walks at least three times a week. Start exercising with light exercises, gradually increasing the difficulty, so you can develop endurance. You can use a walker or cane to make walking easier. You can also ride a scooter - with it you can be outdoors for a long time, especially in the summer. All this allows a person to maintain independence.

    3. Consider alternative treatments

      • Consider a massage: Massage helps to relax the body and improve well-being. For some people with chronic health conditions, massage can cause pain that lasts several days. Be aware of what methods to use for your illness. Everything is individual.
      • Swimming in the pool: This is a very beneficial activity if a person has the opportunity to join a training program for people with chronic diseases. There are special heated pools and classes for chronic patients with specially trained staff. Exercises can be done in a heated pool with a suitable water level. Some pools are even equipped with a Jacuzzi section.
      • Medical prescription: Sometimes medicines are needed to treat those who are very ill, it is very important that these medicines are prescribed by a family doctor. Think carefully about the risks and side effects of not treating your condition. Remember, the fact that you are currently taking medication does not mean that you will be taking them for life. This is just part of a treatment plan, not a constant struggle for a normal life.
      • Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy includes treatment both in the clinic and at home. The therapist uses the following treatments: myostimulation, ultrasound, heat radiation, exercise, cycling and exercise bike. The goal is to reduce pain, improve mobility, develop stamina and motivate the person to change their lifestyle. Some of the methods can be used at home.
      • Intravenous therapy: Intravenous nutritional therapy is very beneficial for patients with tired feeling and muscle pain. First of all, the patient is tested for the magnesium content in the body. If its content is low, a test is performed with small trial doses of magnesium, bicarbonate of soda, vitamin C. This is a fairly safe method of treatment, which is carried out by nurses. After it, many patients report an improvement in their health.
      • Consulting: Rehabilitation programs are a public health model that assists in: job appraisal, job search, job placement, resume writing, interview participation. There are also other, more spiritually oriented rehabilitation programs that work with the patient's emotional state.
      • Eat the right diet: Good nutrition means good health. One of the best ways to improve your diet is to eat in limited quantities. Try to eat organic food and water.
      • Redefine Your Spiritual Path: Research has shown that believing in God, reciting prayers, and attending services can reduce both stress and physical symptoms. Friendship and communication with people will reduce pain, and maybe heal the disease. Recent studies indicate that those who pray recover much faster than those who do not. Do not ignore your spiritual state in the fight against illness.
    4. Make your home safe: Make sure all the elements in your home are safe.

      • walls
      • furniture
      • restrooms
      • bed
      • linens
      • pillows
      • laundry
      • personal habits
      • filtration system
      • ventilation system
      • general home maintenance
    5. Understand that the treatment of chronic diseases requires an integrated approach, this problem is a real epidemic. With the aging of the population, the problem of chronic diseases becomes more and more urgent. Any community needs to make sure it has done everything it can to help seniors and people with disabilities stay at home as long as possible.

      For people providing assistance

      • Learn. Learn more about your illness in order to support your search for a treatment plan. There are many resources available today. They can also be found here.
      • Check it out. To make a person feel that their treatment is structured correctly, check how they feel. Let him know if something goes wrong and that things will work out over time.
      • Listen. Ask how they are feeling and be prepared to listen for a while. Get to know their fears and habits so they feel comfortable. Let them voice their complaints, and give them care and attention.
      • Empathize. It's a pretty compelling idea that can be difficult to implement. This is not a pity. It is an expression of empathy and compassion. And this is better done with actions, not words.
      • Encourage. Provide emotional support, encourage any effort to improve health, and keep them from losing hope. However, be careful with rewards. Don't let them think they can do whatever they want.
      • Be patient. The most difficult thing for those close to the chronically ill is to remain patient. Patience is one of the most important human qualities.
      • Help. It's simple and doable. A person with a chronic illness may feel overwhelmed. If possible, help him find solutions to problems. Look for any ways.
      • Be positive. With this, some difficulties may arise due to the constant struggle with the disease. As mentioned above, be judicious.
      • Be proactive. There are always new interesting things that you can learn with pleasure. Look for answers. Help them take responsibility for their care. Also advise new methods of treatment.

      For patients

      • Connect. There are many online support groups where people interact, share their experiences, and provide assistance. Get in touch with these groups, the people in them can give you extremely helpful advice and guidance.
      • Think one step ahead. Many support groups have local chapters to get to know each other better in more informal settings.
      • Eat healthy foods. Research has shown that a diet rich in whole grains, legumes, and vegetables (especially green) is not only a good source of nutrients and fiber, but also has beneficial effects on blood pressure and blood lipids.
      • Start a daily exercise regimen. Exercise can help increase muscle mass and metabolic rate, which helps burn calories efficiently. Even with a low to moderate degree of activity (if you are walking your dog, walking up stairs, or gardening), exercise will be very beneficial.
      • Take quality nutritional supplements. Supplement your healthy diet with extra nutrients that are difficult to get from your daily diet (naturally in reasonable doses). Talk to your doctor before taking any medication.
      • Learn to deal with stress. Change of any kind is stressful. The use of medication to combat stress negates all previous efforts: proper nutrition, fitness. Therefore, methods such as massage, yoga, breathing exercises have a significant advantage in dealing with stress.


      • Before using any of the above treatments, please check with your family doctor or healthcare professional to see which method is right for you.
      • Do not discontinue your current treatment without first consulting a specialist.

    "On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in one apartment"


    Pursuant to Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

    To approve the attached list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment.

    severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in one apartment


    See the List of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 29, 2012 N 987n (not entered into force)

    According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, if a citizen lives in an apartment occupied by several families, one of which has a patient suffering from a severe form of a chronic disease, then this circumstance is the basis for recognizing a citizen as needing a living space provided under a social rental agreement.

    In this regard, the Government of the Russian Federation has determined a list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment. The list includes 11 severe forms of chronic diseases, including active forms of tuberculosis with the release of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, chronic and protracted mental disorders, epilepsy with frequent seizures, gangrene of the extremities.

    Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 N 378 "On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in one apartment"

    By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2017 N 859, this decree was declared invalid from January 1, 2018.

    Extraordinary housing

    My daughter is sick with a severe form of a chronic disease, in which joint living in a communal apartment is impossible. Not long ago we were registered as needing better living conditions, since we live in a communal apartment. But it turns out interestingly, we were put on the queue for an extraordinary housing and no one can answer me when we will be allocated this so-called extraordinary housing. Please tell me what to do, because in the law there is no concept of queuing for extraordinary people. As I understand it, there should be no queue.

    In the housing sector, the presence of certain types of chronic diseases among citizens may give additional rights or impose restrictions on existing ones. So, according to Part 4 of Art. 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, citizens in need of residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements are recognized as tenants of residential premises under social tenancy agreements, family members of a residential tenant under a social tenancy agreement, or as owners of residential premises, family members of the owner of a residential premises living in an apartment occupied by several families, if the family includes a patient suffering from a severe form of chronic disease, in which it is impossible to cohabit with him in the same apartment, and who do not have any other living quarters, occupied under a social contract or owned by right. For the recognition of such citizens in need of housing improvement, it does not matter whether it is a communal apartment in which several families live, or a separate apartment where two or more families live under one contract. It also does not matter that citizens (all or part of them) are the owners of the entire apartment (residential building) or the owners of individual rooms, etc. Both the size of the occupied dwelling and the fact of the presence (or absence) of family relations between families are not taken into account (Article-by-article commentary to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation Edited by P.V. Krasheninnikov).

    Consider the following circumstances:

    1) several families live in the apartment;

    2) one of them includes patients suffering from severe forms of certain chronic diseases;

    3) living with these patients in the same apartment is impossible;

    4) citizens have no other premises in their ownership or occupied under a social contract.

    A special list of diseases, which should be guided by the application of the named grounds for recognizing citizens in need of living quarters, was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 N 378

    1) active forms of tuberculosis with the release of mycobacterium tuberculosis;

    2) malignant neoplasms accompanied by profuse discharge;

    3) chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent or often exacerbated painful manifestations;

    4) epilepsy with frequent seizures;

    5) gangrene of the extremities;

    6) gangrene and lung necrosis;

    7) lung abscess;

    8) pyoderma gangrenous;

    9) multiple skin lesions with profuse discharge;

    10) intestinal fistula;

    11) urethral fistula.

    The impossibility of living together with such patients in the same apartment must be confirmed by the conclusion of the health authorities. A medical report is issued by medical advisory commissions (VKK) of medical institutions at the place of residence or at the place of work of the patient and is certified by the head of the institution. In the absence of such a commission in a medical and prophylactic institution, the patient is issued an opinion signed by the attending physician and the head physician. In the event of improvement in the living conditions of registered citizens by increasing the size of the total area of \u200b\u200bliving quarters attributable to each family member in connection with the departure to another place of residence or with the death of one of the family members - a patient suffering from a severe form of chronic disease, they are removed from the register. When providing residential premises under social rental contracts to citizens registered as needing residential premises, one should take into account the fact that they are provided out of turn for those suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases (part 3 of article 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). However, this right can be exercised only by those citizens who were registered with housing after March 1, 2005 - i.e. after the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which established the corresponding benefit. Citizens suffering from diseases from this List and accepted for housing registration before March 1, 2005, cannot, on the basis of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 No. 378, have the right to an extraordinary receipt of residential premises. When providing residential premises under social tenancy agreements, it should also be taken into account that residential premises under a social tenancy agreement can be provided with a total area exceeding the provision rate for one person, but no more than two times, if such residential premises are intended for a citizen. suffering from one of the severe forms of these chronic diseases (part 2 of article 58 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). A similar provision is enshrined in Art. 17 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation."

    At the moment, there are two federal legal acts that differ in the list of diseases indicated in them and give citizens the right to receive residential premises under a social rental agreement with a total area exceeding the provision rate per person. At the same time, the procedure for the simultaneous application of these two acts is currently not defined.

    The presence in a citizen of a disease included in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 N 378 imposes restrictions on the exchange of residential premises and sublease. So, in accordance with Part 6 of Art. 73 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the exchange of living quarters between the tenants of these premises under social tenancy agreements is not allowed if, as a result of the exchange, a citizen who suffers from one of the severe forms of chronic diseases provided for in the mentioned List moves into a communal apartment. And according to Part 4 of Art. 76 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, subletting of residential premises is excluded when persons suffering from one of the forms of chronic diseases specified in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 N 378 (and this requirement applies to both an apartment and a room in a communal apartment).

    As for how long to wait in line, it depends on the availability of social housing housing in the municipality. I recommend that you send a request to the administration about how many people are currently eligible for early housing and what number in this queue you have. How many housing this year the administration plans to provide for the extraordinary. When there is a written request, officials are obliged to respond in writing and then be responsible for what was written.

    You can ask your question and get free legal assistance by filling out the form

    The list of diseases that give the right to an extraordinary housing

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    • How to get a dwelling under a social tenancy agreement?
    • Who is eligible for priority housing?

    "Electronic magazine" Azbuka Prava ", 23.10.2017


    Housing can be provided to citizens out of turn under social employment contracts or under contracts for the lease of residential premises of the housing stock for social use (part 1 of article 57, part 1 of article 91.15 of the RF LC).

    Out of turn, residential premises are entitled to receive, in particular, the following categories of citizens.

    1 . Citizens whose living quarters are found unfit for habitation and cannot be repaired or reconstructed

    For the recognition of a dwelling as unfit for habitation (in order to obtain new housing), there must be certain grounds (clause 1 of part 2 of article 57 of the RF LC).

    So, a dwelling is recognized as unsuitable for living if harmful factors of the human environment are identified that do not allow ensuring the safety of life and health of citizens due to (clause 33 of the Regulation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2006 N 47):

    - deterioration due to physical wear and tear during the operation of the building as a whole or the operational characteristics of its individual parts, leading to a decrease to an unacceptable level of building reliability, strength and stability of building structures and foundations;

    Out of turn, by the decision of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, living quarters are provided to prosecutors transferred to service in another locality as prosecutors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, prosecutors of specialized prosecutors' offices equated to them, and their deputies (clause 7 of the Order of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia of 12.11.2014 N 616).

    Note. Office living quarters are provided to prosecutors in order of priority, based on the date of registration of those in need of living quarters at the place of service.

    6. Citizens evicted in connection with the 2018 FIFA World Cup

    Citizens evicted from residential premises or residential premises in dormitories occupied under a social tenancy agreement in connection with the demolition of houses to accommodate infrastructure facilities intended for the 2018 FIFA World Cup are provided out of turn with residential premises under a social tenancy agreement (Part 3 Article 31 of the Law of 07.06.2013 N 108-FZ).

    Who can be considered to be in need of housing for social housing? \u003e\u003e\u003e

    How to move out of emergency housing? \u003e\u003e\u003e

    Housing for the disabled: benefits, documents and procedure for providing an apartment

    One of the main social guarantees of the state is the protection of housing rights of unprotected segments of the population, including various categories of disabled people. In accordance with the norms of federal and regional legislation, the state has undertaken an obligation to provide housing for disabled people who are recognized as in need of better housing conditions.

    In the presented material, we will find out whether a disabled person can get an apartment from the state, and how housing programs operate that allow this category of citizens to receive housing for free.

    Important! If you are examining your own case of disability housing benefits and subsidies, you should remember that:

    • Each case is unique and individual.
    • Understanding the basics of the law is helpful, but does not guarantee a result.
    • The possibility of a positive outcome depends on many factors.

    Providing housing for disabled people

    The opportunity to get housing for a disabled person is directly related to his registration as needing to improve living conditions. Unfortunately, the law does not allow you to get an apartment due to disability immediately upon contacting the authorized state bodies, for this you will have to observe a number of mandatory formalities.

    Currently, the provision of the specified category of beneficiaries with residential premises is carried out in the following areas:

    • social housing for disabled people at the expense of state or municipal housing stock;
    • subsidies for housing for disabled people, the amount of which does not depend on the number of family members, since funds are allocated only for the beneficiary himself.

    For any option for obtaining housing, a disabled person needs to queue up by submitting an application to the local government. The procedure and timing of the provision of apartments directly depends on the date of registration of a person, and is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people of the Russian Federation", as well as regional regulatory legal acts.

    Social housing

    Residential premises of the state or municipal fund are provided to citizens who are on the waiting list to improve their living conditions. This rule fully applies to disabled people of all groups.

    The city queue is maintained by a local government body or an authorized body of municipal property. For registration, you must submit the following documents:

    • a statement from a disabled person;
    • documents confirming the absence of an apartment or the need for housing;
    • a certificate from the MSEC bodies on the establishment of a disability group;
    • a certificate of family composition;
    • documents confirming the status of low-income citizens.

    Regional legislation may establish a preferential queue for certain categories of citizens, including the disabled.

    Subsidized social housing appears at the disposal of local authorities through the construction of apartment buildings, the acquisition of individual apartments in the primary and secondary market, as well as through the use of quotas in commercial buildings.


    Another option for improving the living conditions of people with disabilities is the allocation of subsidies from budget funds for the purchase of apartments. This method is available subject to the allocation of funds when the budget for the next year is approved. In order to allocate budgetary funds, a certificate for housing with disabilities is issued, which is strictly targeted.

    The amount of the home purchase subsidy is calculated as follows:

    the number of disabled people in the family is multiplied by the average market value of 1 sq.m. in the region of residence and is multiplied by the federal standard for housing (currently this criterion is 18 meters per person).

    Important! The state provides housing only to the disabled person, no money is allocated for his family members. The exception is families with disabled children.

    In this direction, only a comfortable living space should be purchased, since the key rule is to improve the living conditions of citizens.

    Eligibility for Housing Benefits

    Which group of people with disabilities is entitled to housing? The disability group does not matter when deciding on the improvement of housing conditions; an official certificate of the MSEC will be a sufficient reason.

    If the established disability group has a certain period of validity, the beneficiary will have to undergo an annual re-examination and submit a new certificate to local authorities. Benefits for children with disabilities on housing allow one to avoid this requirement, such a legal status is established for life.

    In addition, the right to separate housing for a disabled person will depend on the nature of the underlying or additional medical condition, which is confirmed by medical reports. Also, the procedure for implementing benefits will differ depending on the timing of registration.

    Procedure for granting benefits

    If a disabled person is officially put on the waiting list before January 1, 2005, then he or she has the right to count on receiving funds from subventions that the subjects of the Russian Federation receive from the federal budget. At the moment, this procedure applies only to disabled people and veterans of the Second World War. At the same time, the rest of the categories of disabled people who were already in the queue as of 01.01.2005 have the right to receive housing under a social rental agreement.

    If a disabled person is registered after January 1, 2005, the procedure for submitting an apartment to him is established in accordance with the Housing Code. Regional normative acts may regulate additional preferential grounds for the priority allocation of housing to such a category of citizens.

    Conditions for the provision of housing to persons with disabilities

    The rules for providing housing to people with disabilities, or families in which children with disabilities are brought up, establish the grounds for registering them as those in need of better housing conditions:

    • the provision of housing for each family member is below the standards established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • living in an apartment that does not meet sanitary and technical standards (for example, a disabled person living on the top floor has the priority right to move to the first floor);
    • living in a dwelling of several families, one of which has a person suffering from a severe form of the disease, as a result of which living together with him is dangerous for others;
    • a situation in which two or more families live in non-isolated rooms, who are not relatives;
    • accommodation in a hostel, with the exception of persons working in seasonal work, on a fixed-term contract or in connection with training.

    In accordance with part 2 of article 57 of the RF LC, one of the grounds for obtaining housing under a social rental agreement out of turn is the presence of a severe form of a chronic disease. That is, if the cause of the disability is a serious chronic illness, then the disabled person can apply for an extraordinary receipt of such a living space, and in some cases - for an additional extension of the living space.

    List of diseases of disabled people for housing

    The list of diseases that are taken into account when determining the privileged categories of citizens is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 378 of June 16, 2006. Citizens suffering from the following diseases can apply for an apartment with an area larger than that established by federal standards:

    • active forms of tuberculosis;
    • mental illness in which dispensary treatment is mandatory;
    • HIV infection in minors;
    • large lesions of the skin with secretions;
    • leprosy;
    • other serious illnesses.

    Required documents

    Documents for registration are submitted to the relevant department of the local administration personally, or through a representative acting on the basis of a notarized power of attorney. The package of documents includes:

    • statement;
    • certificate confirming disability;
    • an extract from the house book;
    • personal rehabilitation program.

    Depending on the basis of registration, you may also need: a document confirming the fact that several families live in one apartment; act of inspection of housing and living conditions; certificate from BTI, etc.

    Accommodation for wheelchair users

    Apartments for wheelchair users must meet certain requirements. The creation of such a housing stock is within the competence of regional and local authorities.

    Additional housing benefits

    In addition to these benefits, disabled persons have the right to apply for additional measures of social support:

    • payments for the purchase of housing when applying for a property tax deduction (available to all citizens);
    • benefits for payment of utilities (the amount and grounds for the provision of these benefits are established at the local level).

    It must be remembered that the exact list of benefits may vary depending on the region of residence of citizens. Detailed information, as a rule, can be provided by the bodies of social protection of the population.

    If you have any questions about the allocation of housing to people with disabilities, or officials unreasonably refuse to exercise this right, we recommend that you contact our specialists for help. We will help you draw up all the necessary documents in strict compliance with the law. For consultation, call the hotline or leave a request in the feedback form.

    ATTENTION! Due to the latest changes in legislation, the information in the article could be out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

    Gladskikh Anna

    Participation in the consideration of court cases on the loss of the right to use residential premises, division of property between spouses, eviction, in challenging the actions of municipal authorities, in the recovery of compensation in case of flooding.

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    Unified Center for Housing and Legal Information


    Regional public

    disabled charity

    The right of people with disabilities to affordable housing - Laws and regulations - ROBOI


    Regional public charitable organization of disabled people "Promotion of the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities with the consequences of cerebral palsy" informs that she began the procedure of voluntary liquidation of the organization due to the lack of funds for renting premises to continue activities

    People with disabilities with the consequences of cerebral palsy and parents of children with disabilities can seek advice by e-mail: [email protected]

    Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2012 No. 991n "On approval of the list of diseases that give disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space"

    In accordance with article 17 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 48, Art. 4563; 2005, No. 1, Art. 25; 2008, No. 30, Art. 3616; 2012, No. 30, Art. 4175) and subparagraph 5.2.108 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 No. 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012 , No. 26, Art. 3526), \u200b\u200bI order:

    1. To approve the list of diseases that give disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space, according to the annex.

    2. This order shall enter into force from the date of entry into force of the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on recognizing as invalid the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 No. 817 "On the approval of the list of diseases that give disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 52, Art. 5488).

    Tuberculosis of any organs and systems with bacterial excretion, confirmed by culture

    Chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent or often exacerbated painful manifestations

    F01; F03-F09; F20-F29: F30-F33

    Tracheostomy, fecal, urinary fistulas, lifelong nephrostomy, bladder stoma (if it is impossible to perform reconstructive surgery on the urinary tract and close the stoma), uncorrected urinary incontinence, unnatural anus (if it is impossible to restore the continuity of the gastrointestinal tract), malformations of the face and skull with impaired breathing, chewing, swallowing

    Z93.0; Z93.2-Z93.6; K63.2; N28.8; N32.1-N32.2; N36.0; N39.4; N82; Q35-Q37; Q67.0-Q67.4

    Multiple skin lesions with profuse discharge

    Arthropathic psoriasis. wheelchair-bound

    HIV infection in children

    Absence of lower limbs or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including hereditary genesis, with persistent dysfunction of the lower limbs, requiring the use of wheelchairs

    M05-M06; M16-M17; M30-M35; M45; Q72.0; Z89.7-Z89.9: Z99.3

    Organic diseases of the central nervous system with persistent dysfunction of the lower extremities, requiring the use of wheelchairs, and (or) with dysfunction of the pelvic organs

    G35; G60.0; G71.2; G80; T90.2-T90.9; T91.1; T91.3; Z99.3; Z99.8

    Conditions after transplantation of internal organs and bone marrow

    Severe organic kidney damage complicated by grade II - III renal failure

    * International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (tenth revision).

    Persons with disabilities can receive housing under a social rental agreement with a total area exceeding the provision rate for 1 person (but not more than 2 times). Condition - they suffer from severe forms of chronic diseases. A new list of the latter has been approved.

    In particular, this is tuberculosis of any organs and systems with bacterial excretion, confirmed by culture. Chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent or often exacerbated painful manifestations. Multiple skin lesions with copious discharge. Lack of lower extremities or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including hereditary genesis, with persistent dysfunctions of the lower extremities, requiring the use of wheelchairs. Severe organic kidney damage complicated by grade II-III renal failure.

    The order is valid from the date when the previous list expires.


    In accordance with article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 1, Art. 14; 2008, N 30, Art. 3616) and subparagraph 5.2.107 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2012 N 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526), \u200b\u200bI order:

    1. To approve the list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in one apartment, according to the appendix.

    2. This order shall enter into force from the date of entry into force of the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on recognizing as invalid the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 N 378 "On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in one apartment "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 25, Art. 2736).



    <*> International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (tenth revision).

    In November last year, the Russian Ministry of Health approved List of diseases that give disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 30, 2012 No. 991n). and the List of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 29, 2012 No. 987n). … ..

    Let's compare the new and the current Lists.

    A list of diseases that give people with disabilities who are suffering from them the right to additional living space.

    Diseases listed in the List qualify for additional living space. The basis is Article 17 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation": people with disabilities can be provided with living quarters under a social rental agreement with a total area exceeding the provision rate per person (but not more than twice) if they suffer from severe forms of chronic diseases provided for by the list established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. The current list of diseases was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 No. 817, the text of the decree is posted on the website of the Russian newspaper.

    The new List of Diseases contains not only the names of diseases, but also codes in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10). The International Classification of Diseases contains classes (sections) of codes for diseases and conditions. The ICD is being developed by the World Health Organization and under its leadership, the classification is being revised.

    The new List has significantly changed the wording of the clause on mental illness. If, according to the current List, the right to additional living space arises if "Mental illness requiring compulsory dispensary observation", then, according to the new List, such a right is granted in the presence of certain "chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent or often exacerbating painful manifestations."

    The formulation of diseases that give the right to additional living space to “wheelchair users” is supplemented by arthropathic psoriasis, which requires the use of wheelchairs. Otherwise, the wording remained the same: such diseases, in particular, include organic diseases of the central nervous system with persistent dysfunction of the lower extremities, requiring the use of wheelchairs, and / or with dysfunction of the pelvic organs. The new List has been updated with disease-specific codes, including the G80 code for cerebral palsy.

    Excerpts from the List with decoding codes

    2. Mental illnesses requiring compulsory dispensary observation.

    8.Organic diseases of the central nervous system with persistent dysfunction of the lower extremities, requiring the use of wheelchairs, and (or) with dysfunction of the pelvic organs.