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  • The military uniform of the Ukrainian army. Don't look like an enemy

    The military uniform of the Ukrainian army. Don't look like an enemy

    The Ukrainian army is moving away from Soviet traditions and will look new. The uniform for the Armed Forces of Ukraine was developed by a huge team of the Ministry of Defense together with volunteers for a whole year. Some branches and types of troops have already switched to a changed uniform, but the entire army must change by the end of 2018.

    On November 20, Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak signed an order "On approval of the Rules for wearing military uniforms and insignia by servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and lyceum students of military lyceums." informs This document replaced the order of 1995 and it means a cardinal replacement of military uniforms, emblems and signs of the Ukrainian army. The goal is a complete departure from Soviet traditions and, most importantly, from the resemblance to the Russian army. Work on the development of a new uniform and rules for wearing it lasted over a year. A huge team from the Ministry of Defense worked on it, along with volunteers.

    What changed? Rules for wearing new elements of uniform, completely new symbols, new insignia, including military ranks and their placement on shoulder straps from lyceum students to generals, new berets, their colors and purpose.

    However, the order says that the ceremonial (ceremonial-weekend) and everyday uniform of the old model and insignia for it are allowed to be worn until January 1, 2019... And military personnel who have already been dismissed from service, but have the right to wear military uniforms, can wear the one that they had at the time of dismissal.

    Who will change?Servicemen liable for military service during training, reservists, cadets, lyceum students.

    There is a lot of information, because each type of APU has its own form. It can be ceremonial (ceremonial-weekend), everyday, field (service sea), special (work) and sports. Each of these uniforms has a summer and winter version, and with everyday and field (service marine) uniforms, there is also a demi-season.

    Before moving on to each type of APU separately, let us note a few more changes that pleased men. It is the right to wear a mustache and beard. "All categories of servicemen are allowed to wear beards and mustaches during combat and combat training missions, provided that they must meet hygiene requirements and do not interfere with the use of personal protective equipment and the wearing of equipment," the statement said. Now in the ATO it is officially possible not to shave, but then you will have to take care of your beard. What is better in such conditions?

    Well, what has not changed is the ironing of the folds on the pants. “Items of outer military clothing must be of the established samples, clean and ironed. Trousers should have longitudinal folds. It is not allowed to smooth out folds on other items. The flaps of the pockets of the tunic, jacket, jacket and field trousers must be outward, insignia correctly and neatly sewn (attached). " Let's go.

    Military uniform of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    Winter. Hat, coat, tunic and trousers worn out in the color that is determined for the corresponding type, branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a white shirt with a tie in the color of the main fabric, black boots, black gloves, white muffler.

    Summer: Cap (beret), tunic and trousers outside the color, which is determined for the corresponding type, branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a white shirt with a tie in the color of the main fabric, black low shoes.

    A winter coat is worn with a full dress (ceremonial-weekend) uniform buttoned on the right (for female military personnel - on the left) side with the sides turned away in the form of lapels. Coat length 9-10 cm from the top of the knee.

    Casual uniform

    Summer: Beret (cap in aviation of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, PS of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces and DShV of the Armed Forces), a jacket and trousers of a color that is determined for the corresponding type, branch of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces, a tan shirt with a tie in the color of the main fabric, black low shoes.

    Demi-season: Beret (garrison cap in the aviation of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the PS of the Armed Forces and the DShV of the Armed Forces), a demi-season raincoat, a jacket and trousers worn out in the color that is determined for the corresponding type, branch of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces, a tan-colored shirt with a tie in the color of the main fabric, black boots or low shoes, black gloves.

    A demi-season raincoat (winter jacket) is worn by officers, sergeants, petty officers and enlisted personnel who do military service under contract, cadets buttoned, except for the top, on the right side with the sides and belt turned away in the form of lapels, and in cold weather it is allowed to wear buttoned up with the top button.

    A tunic and a jacket are fastened with all buttons on the right side (for female military personnel - on the left). Trousers are worn outside with ankle boots, boots and low shoes.

    Winter: Hat, jacket and trousers worn outside the color, which is determined for the corresponding type, branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a shirt of “tan” color with a tie in the color of the main fabric, black ankle boots (low shoes), black gloves and comforters of the color that is determined for the corresponding type, genus troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    A winter hat with a winter casual uniform is allowed to be worn at an air temperature of 0 degrees and below.

    By the way, military units that do not belong to the types of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, DShV and SSpO, wear military uniforms of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but with emblems specific to them on the corresponding items of military uniform.

    Women's uniform

    There is a lot of discussion about the female form: some ask to remove the skirt and leave only the trousers, some insist to leave everything as it is. Therefore, according to the order of the minister, the skirt is present in a full dress (ceremonial-day off) uniform, in the everyday form of the summer. However, trousers must be worn with a jacket or jumper. Also, women don't have ordinary ties, but a ribbon tie.

    Women are allowed to wear civilian shoes and boots in formal and casual dress. Tights should be black or gray. Female military personnel, while in military uniform, are allowed to wear bags of plain, dull colors.

    Women do not yet have underwear that would be given along with the uniform, men have it. Now the Ministry of Defense is developing and testing it. When it will appear in the army is still unknown.

    Military uniform of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    According to this principle, as described for the Ground Forces, all types of the Armed Forces will be dressed. It is clear that each of them has its own specificity, color and insignia. More about them later, but for now you can see what form will be in the Armed Forces - from senior officers to private.

    If you didn’t know yet, then gloves must be worn with a winter dress uniform. White gloves can be issued to military personnel who take part in the parade. Gloves are optional with other forms of clothing. Gloves are not removed during the military salute. Servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are allowed to wear black gloves with winter ceremonial day off, daily and field uniforms. Knitted gloves are worn by privates and sergeants, leather gloves are worn by generals, admirals, officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    Military uniformAirborne assault troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    On November 21, 2017, the Ukrainian Highly Mobile Airborne Forces changed their name to the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, wearing maroon berets instead of blue. Blue berets, swimming in fountains and breaking a bottle on the head with a cry “For the Airborne Forces” were left to the neighbors.

    Takes on the color "maroon" - it takes on the color of blood. This is a comparison that reformers love. And the slogan “Nobody but us” was changed to “Always the first”. The paratroopers frankly admit that it is difficult for them to part with the long-standing symbol of the Airborne Forces - the blue beret, but it will be kept in the museums of military units “as a symbol of courage and memory of the fallen paratroopers,” the press service of the airborne troops said.

    Military uniform of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    This branch of the Armed Forces is young, created only in the summer of 2016. Therefore, the shape, color and emblems were not altered from old samples, but, one might say, they created original ones. SSPO is characterized by black and gray colors. Here's how the developers explain the symbols for this type of troops:

    “Almost two thousand years of history of armed defense of the native land formed the visual basis for such symbols and emblems. The main symbol is the image of a mighty warrior-wolf, a werewolf, "siromancy". Many Indo-European peoples, including the ancestors of modern Ukrainians, Eastern Slavs, have a mythological ghoul complex. This is a warrior-vigilante who sometimes turns into a wolf, and a sorcerer, dangerous to enemies. The werewolf wears a battle belt. "

    It is interesting that in the SSpO, unlike all other branches and services of the Armed Forces, the servicemen of the officer, private, sergeant and petty officers have a black dress shirt, and not white, like others.

    Military uniform of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    This is one of the largest sections, since naval servicemen with and without naval ranks have slightly different uniforms. Also in hot weather they have white pants, in not very hot - black. The Chief Petty Officer and the Chief Warrant Officer have a slightly shorter winter coat than everyone else's. At parades in winter, the officers' and privates of the Navy will be in pea jackets, and in the summer - in uniform. For the average person, all types of IUD forms are exactly the same (tested) - just black and white. Therefore, it is better to look and consider each.

    Those who followed the changes in the form of the Armed Forces of Ukraine remember that it was with the berets of the Marine Corps and their new colors that there was most of all public and behind-the-scenes discussions. A group of reformers noted that in modern ukrainian army there can be nothing similar to the Soviet or Russian, which is about the same. The servicemen, however, noted that these were their traditions and they could not be taken and changed just like that.

    It is now known that the Navy will have navy blue berets. And the Marines will also have navy blue berets. Specialized structures of the Navy will be in blue-green berets. And all of this will happen next year - probably on the 100th anniversary of the Marine Corps. Also, the Marines will be left with a beret badge with wings, as they wanted.

    Field form

    According to the order, the field (service naval) uniform is used during the performance of combat (combat training) tasks, during exercises, maneuvers, training sessions (field or on military equipment), on combat duty (duty) and during service in a daily dress (on watch), during the elimination of accidents and disasters, emergency situations. It is in the vole that the servicemen are fighting in the Donbass.

    At points of permanent deployment (hereinafter - PPD) and during daily tasks, they use 1-PPD-L (summer) (Fig. 214) at temperatures from 15 ° to 40 ° C and when there is no precipitation. This includes summer socks (trekking), underpants, sweatshirt (with short sleeves), summer field suit, field cap (combat cap), boots with high ankle boots (demi-season), belt.

    When the rain and wind are the form 2-PPD-L (Fig. 215) and to all the previous one is added a wind and moisture protection demi-season suit. Trousers can only be worn in the rain and not tucked into boots. The bottom of the legs should be tightened with a technical cord.

    6-PPD-D (demi-season) (Fig. 219). It is worn at temperatures from 0 ° to 5 ° C and in the absence of precipitation.

    Summer socks or winter socks (trekking), underpants, demi-season underwear (shirt and underpants), summer field suit trousers, insulated suit jacket, wind and moisture-proof winter jacket, winter hat, boots with high ankle boots (demi-season), trouser belt , demi-season gloves.

    Well, for comparison, the warmest form 5-B-NB-Z (winter) (fig. 226). It is used at temperatures from -10 ° to -30 ° C, when there is snow or wind, but not necessary.

    Well, here is the largest set. Winter socks (trekking), boots with high ankle boots, trouser belt, underwear for cold weather (shirt and underpants), wind-, moisture-proof winter jacket, wind- and moisture-proof winter trousers, insulation suit, fez hat (comforter hat) , winter hat, winter tube scarf, demi-season gloves, winter gloves, socks - insulation inserts, insulated shoe covers.

    Regarding the quality of the vole, it has improved significantly compared to previous years. However, servicemen on the front line sometimes still complain about its properties, buy themselves elements of a foreign uniform and wear it, trying not to be seen by top commanders.

    The uniform of cadets of higher military educational institutions (except for the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine), military personnel, sergeants, rank and file and lyceum students

    Students (adjuncts, doctoral students) of higher educational institutions from among the officers wear the military uniform that they had before arriving for training. Cadets of higher educational institutions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine wear uniforms according to the types of the Armed Forces to which the educational institution belongs. If the institution of higher education does not belong to the type of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the uniform is established by the head of the educational institution.

    Cadets (listeners) of educational institutions of higher education, which include military institutes, military training faculties, military training departments, military training departments, who do not have officer ranks, use the uniform that is established by the type of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to which they belong.

    Cadets (listeners) of military higher educational institutions of sergeant and petty officers retain the right to wear the uniform established for this category of servicemen. Servicemen of a variable composition of short-term courses (schools) and educational institutions wear the uniform in which they arrived for training.

    Servicemen of the regular security and support units of military educational institutions wear uniforms according to the types of the Armed Forces, to which the military educational institution belongs.

    Berets, emblems, sleeves and badges

    As the coordinator of the author group working on the new uniform and insignia of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Vitaly Gaidukevich wrote on his Facebook that “not a single (!) Soviet ideological symbol will remain in the Ukrainian army. Not a single Soviet color berets, no Colorado ribbons, "guards" units, names of units originating from the USSR army. NI CHEGO O. Not subject to discussion. Point. End of sentence ”.

    And so it happened. The group has developed completely new beret signs and emblems. The historical substantiation of this or that element was sought in Ukrainian history or European primary sources.

    And finally - shoulder straps. Also no Soviet stars, hammer-sickles and banners.

    If Ukraine brings down "Lenins", then it should bring them down everywhere, in all spheres of society. People react very painfully to changes and justify themselves by the fact that Soviet traditions are a part of their life. And this must also be taken into account. The Ukrainian army, like the Ukrainian society, has grown since 2014, has grown on its mistakes and victories, and has grown in quantity and quality. And the problem is that the shape can change in a year, but it takes much longer for the changes in the heads. It is necessary to convey to each soldier why and why this is being done and that it is really being done for him and for the army as a whole. In parallel with the form, it is necessary to develop a new ideology of the young and belligerent army of Ukraine, the understanding that being a soldier in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is prestigious and proud. And only real reforms and constant reports, an increase in financial security for servicemen, social security for war veterans will make it possible for everyone - from rank-and-file to senior officers - to feel prestige and pride.

    Irina Sampan

    The network published the design of new insignia of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and items of uniform, which were agreed by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense and were finally approved on July 5 at the level of the President of Ukraine.

    "In the beret marks, it was not possible to wait for the MTR to descend and descend from heaven to earth, and choose from the previously proposed options for wolves, which is prettier to them. Whoever walks late, he hurts himself - the MTR box at the parade will go with that beret mark, If then the "specialists" wake up constructive, we can discuss the posture of the werewolf, but - no rugewits and other crap - a wolf ", - wrote Gaidukevich regarding the beret mark of the general forces of special operations.

    According to the Cossack legend, the Cossack characters turned into a werewolf - wise and experienced warriors who mastered magical techniques.

    As Gaidukevich noted, the colored row of berets is a strategic decision, and given the "how it tears cotton along the curb", the decision is correct.

    "Perhaps, to reduce the stress of the MP and the landing force on August 24, they will still be in the old colors and berets. Infantry (they are worthy of that), art, tanks, aviation, sleepers will be the first to switch to the new colors of berets. landing is needed - we will look for time for psychological adaptation, explanation, propaganda. I would like to hope for the common sense of our soldiers, "he stressed.

    As noted by Gaidukevich, the ceremonial hetman uniform is presented as a basic version, which is proposed for consideration, but will not be implemented now.

    "There will be no shirts with an elastic band. It will be extremely difficult to achieve this. Before the ink of the presidential signature had dried, I learned that the rear service wants to stretch a shirt with an elastic band by hook or by crook: they are in the warehouse, do not throw it away ... Once at the parade we will dress and write off ... I had to explain by phone by letter that the President's signature means that there are no discussions - there will be no rubber bands, "he told the details of work with the change of uniform.

    Gaidukevich's group also developed the design of shoulder straps for such ranks as recruit, corporal, staff sergeant, master sergeant, cornet (now junior lieutenant), brigadier general, etc.

    The innovations are explained as follows: “The revision of the role of NCOs is based on the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to NATO standards, and the corresponding reflection of this in the system of ranks and insignia; certain changes in the system of officer ranks (abandonment of the Soviet rank of "ensign", revival of the rank of "cornet" as a tribute to the Ukrainian tradition and the introduction of the rank of "brigadier general" - as a reflection of the brigade concept of building the Armed Forces of Ukraine).

    “The events of the Russian-Ukrainian war (ATO) raised the issue of military awards. At the moment, military awards are represented by ONLY three badges and four medals for length of service. Military orders and medals are included in the system of state awards, which are awarded by the President.

    Since the system of state awards in itself is disordered and imperfect, this has led to a kind of "shortage" of awards, as well as distortions in their delivery, "the developers note.

    At the same time, a completely new system of departmental military awards has been developed, which includes medals and a new type of awards - crosses. For each such award, the grounds for the award are clearly stated.

    IN new system, depending on the level of the award, decisions are made by the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the General Staff - the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, as well as the commanders of the branches of the Armed Forces.

    “In the development of awards, we relied as much as possible on the existing historical traditions and experience of the ATO”, - stated in the presentation with the remark that we are talking exclusively about departmental - MILITARY awards.

    As indicated, the highest awards will be awarded by the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff; species crosses - commanders of the AFU species; medals and the minister or NGSH, and the commanders of the AFU.


    We are promoting the theme of breaking up and introducing new news forms, promoting new materials, like logical developments "Vіyskov form 2015: parade and povsyakdenna, signs of development (project)".

    At the publication of the work materials assigned to the boxes of all the ceremonial (ceremonial) form of the Zbroyny Forces of Ukraine, published by the journalist Vitaliy Gaydukevich, who was responsible for the work of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, the new Keruper

    “The concept is proponated with a compromise between our historical tradition and the present day,” says Vitaliy Gaidukevich. - We relied on the traditions of national visibility of the twentieth century, as well as the speeches that are being drawn, as a point of view, for our hour. Those who have taken away the visuals from the set are more presentable and positively take away. "
    A part of the materials was already guessed at the statti "The Ukrainian army is not guilty of overwhelming radians, - Vitaliy Gaidukevich".

    The project of transferring the position of the formation of the servicemen for the types of the Zbroyny forces. Infectious three, but also practically adopted the solution of the fourth type - the Forces of special operations.

    Behind color uniforms Ground forces - green-blue, SSO - gray-steel. Kashketi on all small images in two options.

    Kolіr bereіv, as it was already in the middle of the materials, the mothers of the children for childbirth will pass.

    Possyakdenni demi-season and winter jacket-park. The pilots will be offered vicorists for the pilots. The smell may be in three colors, apparently blue and green, as well as green and black, for example for landlords and the fleet. Non-camouflaged mazepinka is proponated as an alternative to kashketu chi shaps. Take a suitable color for such a wait, as now you can completely wear it with jackets (for quiet, who does not need to wear a jacket)

    Oskіlki jacket-parka, like a demi-season, so і winter, tse an object of hand in a hanging corystuvanna (car, subway, trolleybus, pishki, from a bag on the shoulders, from a light hat or to put a hood on your head) ... Receive a delegate, official urochistosti ...) park with a hood does not pass, you need a coat. So it will be stitched to replace the consumer, in warehouses it can be as clever as the number of the object, even if it is needed. Pid coat maє buti zamina shaptsi-vushantsi. Such a replacement may be what the group of developers has cleverly called "winter mazepinka". Vona matimé is a small goat, color-rich, apparently to the appearance of extravagant forces, the center of the piece farm of the lateral part. For the airborne assault units, the winter hat-mazepinka cannot be transferred. For them, we take a single headdress from a full-dress vzhykit. The very same MTR and marine environment will be heard.

    Svetr on which you can buy a shoulder strap, a patch + a head dress. It’s a worky one, so, melodiously, we’ll be the best to live in the demi-season period.

    A shirt with a full sleeve. Є version, it is possible to see from the aviation color - the blue overland green, the natomist and the growth for all the midshipmen, a shirt of one color, from the cold elephant bag. Tobto won і not beіla, і not sіra, і not beige, like in the navy. The nature of you will be a garnished garniture and a black jacket for the fleet, and a blue-gray aviation, and a green-gray land ... The remaining color of the shirt (or color) will be displayed on the steps of the standard zrazkiv. It is not turned on, if it will be known the same colori. Well і chases on shirts, tse fabric mufti ... any plastic, krill, wipe on the shoulders. Chase mattimut metal signs of development, in principle, on shirts you can get a visual option. It is important (!) That there is no plastic on the shoulder straps, some exclusives for generals. Efforts to regulate the epaulettes, breakdown from the same materials for a sergeant, and for an army general.

    For comfort in the summer period, look at the polo. The shoulder strap is not on the shoulders, but on the velcro on the chest and the sleeves. For the wear of non-camouflage clothes, it is necessary to introduce mazepinks of different colors. Їх it is possible to vikoristovuvati yak with a pockmarked wear (chastina, misto), so in all cases it is not logical to vikoristovuvati take, either kashket, or camouflaged mazepinka. For example, monochromatic robes of technology pilots, tanks, mechanics, and whatever support of juniors can be used by mothers, not camouflages, but greens, blue, and black ones.

    apr 06, 2017

    New Ukrainian camouflage MM-14 - the color of victory!

    In 2014, the Ukrainian Armed Forces received a new MM-14 pixel camouflage, which has become closely associated with the Ukrainian soldier in the international arena. Read about the fate of the Ukrainian development in our article.

    Since its inception, the Ukrainian armed forces have used outdated camouflages developed back in the USSR to replace the khaki uniform. So, the main camouflage scheme for military clothing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was "Dubok" with spots of the "amoeba" type. Created back in 1984 for the Soviet army, the camouflage color was intended primarily for military operations in the forest-steppe zone. For the steppe, it was somewhat dark, which limited the season of use (in July the steppe begins to burn out, and here light schemes that are not used in the USSR are much better suited). In the cities, for obvious reasons, the "oak" could not hide the fighter at least so much effectively. And the quality of the form soon after the collapse of the Union began to lame. The cotton fabric was not strong enough to withstand even 6 months of wear. The twill had flaws when worn in the summer heat. The last batches of "Dubka" for the Ukrainian Armed Forces were made from Chinese fabric (polyester with cotton).

    Ukrainian soldiers in "Dubok" camouflage uniforms - obsolete 1984 camouflage uniforms.

    New camouflage of the Ukrainian army

    The need for a new disguise in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was felt for a long time, but finally its development was brought closer only by the war, in official documents called "ATO". The very first conflicts with the Russian army and militias showed the advantage of their form over the outdated Ukrainian one. In addition, many "oaks" fought on the other side, which significantly increased the capabilities of enemy saboteurs. It was at this time that the MM 14 camouflage appeared in the army. The War Department made a good media campaign for him. Video clips about how our fighters are “dressed up” are flooded with TV channels. Even the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, at several press conferences and visits to positions in the East, preferred the MM-14 color scheme. This fact led to the appearance of the ironic nickname of the new form - "Gunpowder-1".

    President Poroshenko personally demonstrates the new Ukrainian uniform

    ACU is the American "parent" of MM-14

    How was the new camouflage of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (ZSU) developed?

    For obvious reasons, the views of military engineers were directed towards the colors of NATO countries, where the American universal camouflage ACU stood out. Its direct ideological predecessor should be considered Marpat - also a pixelated spot, but designed for "green". It was focusing on the American marpat that domestic engineers came up with their own colors. The experience of the Georgians was also taken into account, who chose a pixelated spot back in 2008. Light sandy background and innovative spots of green and light brown color guaranteed the success of the Ukrainian development not only in the army, but also in the domestic market.

    Ukrainian soldiers accept new equipment in winter MM-14 kits

    New Ukrainian camouflage

    MM-14 (model of 2014) turned out to be better than "oak" in all respects. Firstly, a truly universal camouflage appeared in service, quite effective on various types of terrain. For Ukraine, he suited much better than the western ACU. The APU pixel worked better at short distances than the American one. In addition to color, the nature of the fabrics for the domestic uniform has also changed. Rip-stop braiding has appeared, which reduces the weight of the set and increases its resistance to wear.

    Frame from the official presentation

    The fate of development and counterfeiting

    In the modern world, an invention by itself still means little. We need a patent securing it to the owner. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian side realized this simple truth too late. As a result, you can buy a new Ukrainian camouflage far beyond the borders of its homeland. The original colors were copied in Russia, Belarus, Moldova. Even the Chinese have successfully learned how to stamp the Ukrainian pixel. Perhaps it was the fact that the likely enemy copied the colors of the uniform that led to a discussion about the next dressing up of the soldiers. This time - in the form "Varan", which still has not lost childhood illnesses.

    Due to the abundance of fakes on the market, kits with a high content of polyester were sent to the army, which, when burned, led to terrible burns. Alas, it is almost impossible to exclude low-quality uniforms from military units. After all, it is extremely difficult to track clothes from volunteer assistance and independent purchases by military personnel.

    It's easy to buy a new Ukrainian camouflage!

    In the military shop "Sergeant Major" you can buy yourself a Ukrainian pixel domestic production! For hunters and fishermen, we have uniforms with a high polyester content. Durable and lightweight, they will not restrict movement. And the period of wearing such a uniform will pleasantly surprise you. And for the military - a non-combustible uniform with a high cotton content. Our managers, who have "ate their teeth" in military and hunting uniforms, will help you to choose these clothes! In addition to the uniform itself, in the "Petty Officer" military department store you can buy hats, raincoats, ankle boots and accessories in the new camouflage colors of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    Read 4194 time

    At last year's military parade dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine, part of the units marched in a new uniform. It will take about two years for the entire army to switch to mass tailoring and “dressing up”, noted presidential adviser Yuri Biryukov. This year, at the parade on August 24, there will be more units dressed in the new design, said the coordinator of the “Nove Vijsko” group, journalist Vitaly Gaidukevich. Recently, he showed variants of the uniform for the guard of honor and the presidential regiment, one of which has already been approved and will be presented on Independence Day. found out what changes were invented for the clothes of the Ukrainian military and what they propose to wear to ceremonial units.

    Photo: Vitaliy Gaidukevich / Facebook

    Tatiana RAYDA
    Deputy Chief Editor

    Volunteers and Defense Ministry officials have been developing a new uniform for several years. Until the start of the Russian aggression in 2014, the Ukrainian army remained the heir to the Soviet one in almost everything: traditions, weapons, tactics and regulations differed little from those that were introduced back in the USSR. In the course of the armed conflict in Donbass, the attitude of the state and citizens towards the army changed, and the Armed Forces themselves became different. But appearance army: uniforms, insignia and awards - this did not immediately affect, notes a group of volunteers who joined the work on the design of the uniform. In May 2016, the initiative group published a presentation with their developments under the title “The new face of the Ukrainian army”.

    The group included more than 20 historians and specialists in military emblems, coordinated by journalist Vitaly Gaidukevich. The team of developers of the new form and symbolism also includes the Honored Artist of Ukraine, the author of the drawing of the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky Oleksiy Rudenko, the graphic artist, the author of the drawing of the medal "For the 25th Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine" Oleksandr Lezhnev and Candidate of Historical Sciences, member of the Ukrainian Heraldic Society, member of the State Commission awards and heraldry Nikolay Chmyr.

    • the army of Kievan Rus and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania;
    • cossack army of different periods;
    • the armed forces of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the Ukrainian state and the West Ukrainian People's Republic;
    • Ukrainian insurgent army.

    At the same time, the initiators of the development of a new image for the army emphasized that the Ukrainian army should rely on common European approaches and world standards.

    The volunteers called on current and former military personnel, volunteers and ordinary citizens to join in the discussion of options for a new uniform, shoulder straps, emblems and awards. Discussions on this topic were previously organized by the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory. At a roundtable in November 2015, the participants announced that the replacement of uniforms should begin with the 1st separate regiment of the President of Ukraine and a battalion of the guard of honor. But at that time, the introduction of developments was faced with a lack of technical documentation, on the basis of which it would be possible to sew a reference collection and organize mass production on it.

    As a result, the first changes did not begin with the guard of honor and the presidential regiment.On July 5, 2016, presidential advisor Yuriy Biryukov said that Petro Poroshenko approved the document "Uniforms and insignia of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

    "This painstaking work has been carried out for more than a year. The whole bouquet of due" attention "from ill-wishers - intrigues, scandals, gossip, complaints. And painstaking work of a group of enthusiasts. Today the end has been put. Vitaly Gaidukevich and the team, congratulations!" - wrote Biryukov on his Facebook and posted a photo of the title page with the signatures of all those who approved the document, including the Chief of the General Staff, the Minister of Defense and the President.

    In the comments to the post, answering questions, he noted that the transition to the new form will take about two years.

    The next day Gaidukevich published on Facebook page of this document and told what the uniform of the new sample will be. The laid out drawings also included a design for clothing for ceremonial units (11th slide).

    "The ceremonial form," hetman ". As we expected, this is the basic version, which is proposed for consideration, but will not be implemented now. For various reasons. 1. Find money for everyday life and parade ... 2. In the group of authors there were thoughts not to make a ceremonial uniform in three colors, maybe one will be enough, ”wrote Gaidukevich and added that the draft of the form would be finalized.

    On August 10, Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak published photographs of servicemen in a new uniform and that he got acquainted with the already sewn samples. A new form of various types of troops at last year's parade in honor of the Independence Day of Ukraine.

    The next day, the American newspaper The Washington Post devoted an article to the Ukrainian uniform, its author noted that this is the first military uniform of the "Western model" that Ukrainian servicemen received after the collapse of the USSR. The Washington Post stressed that the uniform is made "in British style" with elements reflecting historical traditions, and it "deliberately breaks ties with the Soviet past."

    But then there was still no question of the ceremonial form.

    Stepan Poltorak at a meeting in Sweden in 2016.

    In October 2016, Poltorak went on a working visit to Sweden in a new military uniform, and in it he "looked equal among equals to the European military", wrote Biryukov. The presidential adviser added in the comments that the minister has only one set of new uniforms.

    And in Estonia in a new form met a delegation of colleagues led by the minister military attaché of Ukraine.

    “We were all terribly delighted, the colonel was praised very much. He came to the performance two weeks ago and was able to eat the brain of his logisticians in Kiev - he was given a new uniform. So, he told me that the uniform was very appreciated. beauty or style, new insignia or chevrons. They appreciated the gap from the stars and Soviet symbols. Especially in Estonia - they have serious scores with the "scoop", - said the presidential adviser and added that Poltorak had decided to provide all Ukrainian military attaches with uniforms new sample.

    Military attaché of Ukraine in Estonia.

    "On Monday, Stepan Timofeevich will order to find-find-at any cost resources so that the entire corps of military attachés immediately gets a new uniform. Still, they are greeted by their clothes," he said.

    Also in October Biryukov