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  • Eight of Cups: Tarot meaning, combination with other cards
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  • Various meanings of the Eight of Cups in the tarot. Eight of Cups: Tarot meaning, combination with other cards

    Various meanings of the Eight of Cups in the tarot.  Eight of Cups: Tarot meaning, combination with other cards

    The Eight of Cups is one of the three "breakthrough" cards, signifying a sad farewell (along with the Chariot, signifying the joyful "hero's entry" onto the battlefield, and the Six of Swords, symbolizing a journey into the unknown, to new shores). It shows that we must leave our familiar surroundings, part with people or things to which our hearts are attached, and set off on a long journey into an unknown future. In any case, it testifies that we were not expelled, it was we ourselves, of our own free will, who decided to leave (another thing is that we might not have had any other choice). The “heaviness of saying goodbye” lies in two points: we have to leave what is dear to us, and we do not know what awaits us.


    Most often this is parting with your previous job. This may be a general withdrawal from active work - due to age, as a result of the decision to devote oneself to the family, or due to the winding down of a given industry, or for other similar reasons. The pain of parting with something familiar that has been familiar for a long time is combined here with a feeling of uncertainty about the future. However, this card can also indicate less profound changes in our lives: your work is transferred to someone else or even closed as unpromising. However, even in this case, it means emptiness and uncertainty: what should we do next, where will fate lead us?


    Here this card means the realization that our previous views, habits or some elements of our worldview no longer serve us faithfully, and we need to get rid of them. Sometimes this is due to the transition to the next age group, when we have to give up a lot - the very “great refusal” in Zen philosophy. Such “parting” with things that meant so much to us is often accompanied by a feeling of fear and hopelessness. But these steps, although difficult, lead to new freedom.

    Personal relationships and love

    The Eight of Cups is a parting with a person or people who have meant a lot to us until now. This card marks a crossroads, a fork where our paths separate from them, indicating that it is time for us to say goodbye to them with gratitude and, if necessary, to break the “umbilical cord” that connected us with them in order to move on our own path. On a deeper level, it can mean parting with previous ideas about a partner as a fairy-tale prince or princess, realizing that there are no ideal partners, abandoning naive dreams and returning to reality, which is in no hurry to reveal to us its secret of how to bring a partner closer to the ideal.

    Inner meaning

    The meaning of the Eight of Cups tarot card is controversial. The Eight of Cups talks about a situation, event or enterprise that you are involved in or planning. She reports that everything will turn out well; essentially telling you that you will get what you hoped for.

    But this card also indicates that you are being too cautious and will end up losing what you were hoping to gain. In this case, the reason is not that you do not see the good, but that you are too hesitant, too unsure of yourself or your own worth, or too shy to take the first step. But without taking this step, you risk losing everything you have worked for and hoped for for so long.
    There is also a practical prediction-friendly interpretation of the Eight of Cups tarot card, which adds that the issue under discussion, whether good or bad, is not as important as it seems, and that the actions taken will reveal its true value, reduce its importance, after which you can move on to something other. Take the first step and you will see that the situation is not as daunting as it seemed from a distance. In any case, success is ahead; whether you achieve it or not depends on you.

    Combinations with other cards


    Nun: waiting, stopping

    4 of Swords: delay, preparation

    7 cups: prepayment, taxation, fine

    The trial: an uncertain, problematic case


    8 of Cups: reaching the final

    Death: completion

    Wheel of Happiness: fast movement, rapid development

    Magician: activity, making plans




    Saturn in Pisces

    0°—10° Pisces

    Original title: Lord of Renunciation of Achievement Initial composition in the Golden Dawn system: from the clouds at the bottom of the map a hand is extended holding stems of lotuses or water lilies. There are only two flowers on the stems, bending over two central bowls. Water from the lotuses pours into these bowls, overflows them and flows further into the three lower bowls, which, however, are not filled to the brim. The top three bowls are empty.

    Queen's Scale Color: Orange
    Colors of Saturn on four scales: indigo; black; blue-black; black with blue veins
    Pisces colors on four scales: crimson (ultraviolet); dark yellow, mottled with silvery white; light translucent pinkish brown; stone color
    Formula: Eight (Hod) + Cups (Bria) + Saturn in Pisces = WITHERING.

    Much to my wife's disappointment (because it is her birth chart), Crowley has nothing good to say about the Eight of Cups. He calls it "the measles rash of Christian mysticism" and claims that the card is "distasteful in the extreme."

    This is not surprising. The starting conditions for this card are really unimportant (sorry, dear!). Saturn is a harsh and merciless depressant; and here, so low on the Tree of Life, the fragile Pisces no longer have enough strength to somehow resist him. This card is about how “you were playing solitaire until the morning - you didn’t know that there weren’t enough cards in the deck.”
    Crowley simply wonderfully describes the unfortunate cocktail of influences mixed in this card:
    “The owner prepared a party, but forgot to invite guests; or, let’s say, the provisions were never delivered. However, the important thing here is that, one way or another, the owner himself is to blame. When starting a holiday, he tried to jump over his head - and couldn’t; or maybe he just changed his mind at the last minute.”

    Frieda Harris is also superb in her interpretation of Wither: a stagnant pond; drooping lotus flowers; the top three bowls and the middle one in the bottom row are empty, and half of the meager contents from the two bowls in the center row simply spill out without falling into the lower bowls.


    Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

    Description of the lasso

    Shown here are lotus leaves in the early morning. We see ripples in the water from a drop that just fell. This is a precious, intense moment. Surrendering to gravity and sliding off the leaf, the drop loses its former individuality and unites with the endless water below. We can imagine how she must have trembled before falling at the very edge of the known and the unknown.

    Straight position

    Choosing this card means recognizing that something is finished, something is complete. Whatever it is - a job, a relationship, a home you loved, anything that could help you define who you are - it is time to let it all go and allow any sadness to come without trying to cling to it. Something greater is waiting for you, new dimensions are waiting to be discovered. You've already passed the point of return, and gravity is doing its job. Go with her - she brings freedom.

    The meaning of the card

    There are no superiors or inferiors in existence. A blade of grass and a great star are absolutely equal... But man strives to be above others, he wants to conquer nature, and that means he will have to fight for a long time. All difficulties arise from this struggle. An innocent person is one who has given up the struggle, who is no longer interested in being superior, no longer interested in presenting himself, in proving that he is special; he becomes like a rose or a drop of dew on a lotus leaf; he becomes part of infinity; he dissolved, merged and became one with the ocean, he became just a wave; he has no ideas of "I". The disappearance of the "I" is innocence. (Osho)

    KEYWORDS: Saturn in Pisces; stagnation; obstructions, emotional blocking; laziness; ambiguity; swamp.

    After dissolution, orgy (Seven of Cups) follows idleness. The energy is exhausted, the handles of the copper bowls (cf. the Seven of Cups) are broken. Too much pleasure, too much indulgence!

    The water of emotions stands, not renewed by any source. It begins to stagnate, and the mists of corruption rise to the heavens, clouding the light of clarity. The two remaining lotus flowers continue to shed their energies. But in this situation these attempts are futile. Spoiled, stagnant water immediately swallows their small amount of fresh vitality. She is drowning in a slow, viscous swamp.

    You've already wasted enough of your energy on people who give nothing in return. We would fill them with our energy, but they were like bottomless barrels. You would feel empty and sucked dry. This picture speaks of an interpersonal situation in which the river of energy has stagnated. The more you try to revive a relationship that is stuck in a rut, the more powerless and empty you feel. Any attempt to re-energize another will further dissipate your energies, without any results.

    INSTRUCTIONS: The burden is to self-reflect, set some limits, and say no. It may be an old pattern of behavior to always send your love to people from whom nothing comes in return. This could be a sign that you are afraid to accept love.

    QUESTIONS: What people come to mind in this context? Are you ready to dare to set limits and stand by it. In what situations do you hide your true feelings?

    OFFER: Pull another card to find out what will change when you are able to say no.

    STATEMENT: Make up your own statement based on the additional cards you drew.

    Leaving into the unknown /Transformation.

    Give up the usual, look for new ways.

    Do not enter the path if you have to do so with a heavy heart.

    Card of the day
    Today, one way or another, you will have to part with what was either familiar to you for a long time, or seemed taken for granted. No, you are not being expelled, just it's time to look for new ways. Even if it upsets you, don't give up and go on the road. You will soon understand why and for what you had to part with your old one.

    General value:The Eight of Cups is one of three "breakthrough" cards, signifying a sad farewell (along with the Chariot, signifying the joyful "hero's entry" onto the battlefield, and the Six of Swords, symbolizing a journey into the unknown, to new shores). It shows that we must leave our familiar surroundings, part with people or things to which our hearts are attached, and set off on a long journey into an unknown future. In any case, it testifies that we were not expelled, it was we ourselves, of our own free will, who decided to leave (another thing is that we might not have had any other choice). The “heaviness of saying goodbye” lies in two points: we have to leave what is dear to us, and we do not know what awaits us.

    Job:Most often this is parting with a previous job. This may be a general withdrawal from active work - due to age, as a result of the decision to devote oneself to the family, or due to the curtailment of this industry, or for other similar reasons. The pain of parting with something familiar that has been familiar for a long time is combined here with a feeling of uncertainty about the future. However, this card can also indicate less profound changes in our lives: your work is transferred to someone else or even closed as unpromising. However, even in this case, it means emptiness and uncertainty: what should we do next, where will fate lead us?

    Consciousness: Here this card means the realization that our previous views, habits or some elements of our worldview no longer serve us faithfully, and we need to get rid of them. Sometimes this is due to the transition to the next age group, when we have to give up a lot - the very “great refusal” in Zen philosophy. Such “parting” with things that meant so much to us is often accompanied by a feeling of fear and hopelessness. But these steps, although difficult, lead to new freedom.

    Personal relationships: The Eight of Cups is a parting with a person or people who have meant a lot to us until now. This card marks a crossroads, a fork where our paths separate from them, indicating that it is time for us to say goodbye to them with gratitude and, if necessary, to break the “umbilical cord” that connected us with them in order to move on our own path. On a deeper level, it can mean parting with previous ideas about a partner as a fairy-tale prince or princess, realizing that there are no ideal partners, abandoning naive dreams and returning to reality, which is in no hurry to reveal to us its secret of how to bring a partner closer to the ideal.

    Eight of Cups combined

    With the “Jester” card - vagrancy; wanderlust.
    With the “Magic” card - someone is pushing you to give up what is dear to you.
    With the “High Priestess” card - go to great lengths because of a woman or for an unknown reason.
    With the “Empress” card - renounce motherhood.
    With the “Emperor” card - leave your family or job.
    With the “Hierophant” card - say goodbye to what was the meaning of life.
    With the “Lovers” card - renounce love.
    With the Chariot card - give up your plans.
    With the “Strength” card - show lack of will and submission to fate.
    With the “Hermit” card - go to a monastery; renounce the world; travel to holy places.
    With the Wheel of Fortune card - change of place of residence.
    With the “Justice” card - give up the search for truth.
    With the Hanged Man card - stop sacrificing yourself.
    With the “Death” card - say goodbye to the past.
    With the “Moderation” card, try to find the “golden mean”.
    With the “Devil” card - fall into sin.
    With the “Tower” card - destroy your world.
    With the “Star” card - go against fate.
    With the Moon card - fall into nirvana.
    With the “Sun” card - refuse publicity.
    With the “Court” card - refuse help.
    With the “World” card - lose meaning, purpose.

    With the Ace of Wands card - finding your calling.
    With the “Two of Wands” card - searching for yourself in a geographical sense; an attempt to decide on your plans and your future.
    With the Three of Wands card - independence; independence.
    With the Four of Wands card - returning home.
    With the Five of Wands card - stress.
    With the Six of Wands card - follow someone else’s idea; go against yourself.
    With the Seven of Wands card, there is a struggle for your place in the sun.
    With the Eight of Wands card - liberation from restrictions.
    With the Nine of Wands card, expect the worst.
    With the Ten of Wands card - going nowhere; failure.
    With the “Page of Wands” card - a desire to learn and experience the world.
    With the “Knight of Wands” card - get lost.
    With the “Queen of Wands” card - go to another person.
    With the “King of Wands” card - find yourself; meet someone significant to you. Eight of Cups (cups) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

    Magician pr and per - Illness of a young relative, possibly a daughter, sister
    Priestess - Tormenting yourself with hunger. Fast
    Empress - "The Lost Sheep" Mismatch of relations with superiors, at work
    Emperor - Chastity
    Priest - Observance of social ritual
    Lovers - The need to go your own way, without a guide
    Chariot - Ride, delightful evenings. Big money
    Justice - Keeping Your Distance
    Hermit pr and per - Parting with loved ones
    Wheel of Fortune - Disappointment, refusal
    Power - Rape a girl
    Hanged Man - Forethought required
    Death - Death of a girl (possibly from an overdose)
    Temperance - Chastity, young innocent girl
    Devil - Venereal diseases
    Tower - Farewell, final bow
    Star - "Juliet" without Romeo
    Luna - Fangirl
    Sun - Lucky Virgin
    Court - Diseases at the genetic level
    World - New wine, young girl, young lamb
    Jester - Umbilical cord rupture, loss of connection with reality

    Eight of Cups (cups) in an upright position with the Minor Arcana

    3 of Cups - Getting back an old debt

    Other names for the Eight of Cups tarot card: Cups, Cups, Hearts, Hearts, Fats, Heart, Hearts, Roses, Water, Cauldrons, Cauldrons

    The Eight of Cups is one of the three "breakthrough" cards, signifying a sad farewell (along with the Chariot, signifying the joyful "hero's entry" onto the battlefield, and the Six of Swords, symbolizing a journey into the unknown, to new shores). It shows that we must leave our familiar surroundings, part with people or things to which our hearts are attached, and set off on a long journey into an unknown future. In any case, it testifies that we were not expelled, it was we ourselves, of our own free will, who decided to leave (another thing is that we might not have had any other choice). The “heaviness of saying goodbye” lies in two points: we have to leave what is dear to us, and we do not know what awaits us.

    Work and business

    Most often this is parting with your previous job. This may be a general withdrawal from active work - due to age, as a result of the decision to devote oneself to the family, or due to the winding down of a given industry, or for other similar reasons. The pain of parting with something familiar that has been familiar for a long time is combined here with a feeling of uncertainty about the future. However, this card can also indicate less profound changes in our lives: your work is transferred to someone else or even closed as unpromising. However, even in this case, it means emptiness and uncertainty: what should we do next, where will fate lead us?


    Here this card means the realization that our previous views, habits or some elements of our worldview no longer serve us faithfully, and we need to get rid of them. Sometimes this is due to the transition to the next age group, when we have to give up a lot - the very “great refusal” in Zen philosophy. Such “parting” with things that meant so much to us is often accompanied by a feeling of fear and hopelessness. But these steps, although difficult, lead to new freedom.

    Relationships and love

    The Eight of Cups is a parting with a person or people who have meant a lot to us until now. This card marks a crossroads, a fork where our paths separate from them, indicating that it is time for us to say goodbye to them with gratitude and, if necessary, to break the “umbilical cord” that connected us with them in order to move on our own path. On a deeper level, it can mean parting with previous ideas about a partner as a fairy-tale prince or princess, realizing that there are no ideal partners, abandoning naive dreams and returning to reality, which is in no hurry to reveal to us its secret of how to bring a partner closer to the ideal.

    Inner meaning of the card

    The meaning of the Eight of Cups tarot card is controversial. The Eight of Cups talks about a situation, event or enterprise that you are involved in or planning. She reports that everything will turn out well; essentially telling you that you will get what you hoped for.

    But this card also indicates that you are being too cautious and will end up losing what you were hoping to gain. In this case, the reason is not that you do not see the good, but that you are too hesitant, too unsure of yourself or your own worth, or too shy to take the first step. But without taking this step, you risk losing everything you have worked for and hoped for for so long.
    There is also a practical prediction-friendly interpretation of the Eight of Cups tarot card, which adds that the issue under discussion, whether good or bad, is not as important as it seems, and that the actions taken will reveal its true value, reduce its importance, after which you can move on to something other. Take the first step and you will see that the situation is not as daunting as it seemed from a distance. In any case, success is ahead; whether you achieve it or not depends on you.

    Combinations in tarot layouts:


    Nun: waiting, stopping

    4 of Swords: delay, preparation

    7 cups: prepayment, taxation, fine

    The trial: an uncertain, problematic case


    8 of Cups: reaching the final

    Death: completion

    Wheel of Happiness: fast movement, rapid development

    Magician: activity, making plans




    Saturn in Pisces

    0°—10° Pisces

    Original title: Lord of renunciation of what has been achieved. The initial composition in the Golden Dawn system: from the clouds at the bottom of the card a hand is extended holding stems of lotuses or water lilies. There are only two flowers on the stems, bending over two central bowls. Water from the lotuses pours into these bowls, overflows them and flows further into the three lower bowls, which, however, are not filled to the brim. The top three bowls are empty.

    Queen's Scale Color: Orange
    Colors of Saturn on four scales: indigo; black; blue-black; black with blue veins
    Pisces colors on four scales: crimson (ultraviolet); dark yellow, mottled with silvery white; light translucent pinkish brown; stone color
    Formula: Eight (Hod) + Cups (Bria) + Saturn in Pisces = WITHERING.

    Much to my wife's disappointment (because it is her birth chart), Crowley has nothing good to say about the Eight of Cups. He calls it "the measles rash of Christian mysticism" and claims that the card is "distasteful in the extreme."

    This is not surprising. The starting conditions for this card are really unimportant (sorry, dear!). Saturn is a harsh and merciless depressant; and here, so low on the Tree of Life, the fragile Pisces no longer have enough strength to somehow resist him. This card is about how “you were playing solitaire until the morning - you didn’t know that there weren’t enough cards in the deck.”
    Crowley simply wonderfully describes the unfortunate cocktail of influences mixed in this card:
    “The owner prepared a party, but forgot to invite guests; or, let’s say, the provisions were never delivered. However, the important thing here is that, one way or another, the owner himself is to blame. When starting a holiday, he tried to jump over his head - and couldn’t; or maybe he just changed his mind at the last minute.”

    Frieda Harris is also superb in her interpretation of Wither: a stagnant pond; drooping lotus flowers; the top three bowls and the middle one in the bottom row are empty, and half of the meager contents from the two bowls in the center row simply spill out without falling into the lower bowls.


    Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

    Description of the lasso

    Shown here are lotus leaves in the early morning. We see ripples in the water from a drop that just fell. This is a precious, intense moment. Surrendering to gravity and sliding off the leaf, the drop loses its former individuality and connects with the endless water below. We can imagine how she must have trembled before falling at the very edge of the known and the unknown.

    Straight position

    Choosing this card means recognizing that something is finished, something is complete. Whatever it is - a job, a relationship, a home you loved, anything that could help you define who you are - it is time to let it all go and allow any sadness to come without trying to cling to it. Something greater is waiting for you, new dimensions are waiting to be discovered. You've already passed the point of return, and gravity is doing its job. Walk with her - she brings liberation.

    The meaning of the card

    There are no superiors or inferiors in existence. A blade of grass and a great star are absolutely equal... But man strives to be above others, he wants to conquer nature, and that means he will have to fight for a long time. All difficulties arise from this struggle. An innocent person is one who has given up the struggle, who is no longer interested in being superior, no longer interested in presenting himself, in proving that he is special; he becomes like a rose or a drop of dew on a lotus leaf; he becomes part of infinity; he dissolved, merged and became one with the ocean, he became just a wave; he has no ideas of "I". The disappearance of the "I" is innocence. (Osho)

    The appearance of the Eight of Cups in the layout requires special attention during interpretation. This card has a rather contradictory meaning. To interpret it correctly, you will need knowledge about combination with other Tarot cards, the meaning of the Eight of Cups.

    Meaning and inner meaning

    The image on the card fully corresponds to the meaning of the card: a man in a robe crosses a river at night, leaning on a staff. The lasso symbolizes loss, disappointment, failure, the inability to change anything. The Eight of Cups often appears in a reading if the fortuneteller feels dissatisfied with his own life.

    However, the lasso suggests that a person is at an important stage in his journey: he says goodbye to the past and moves on to a new stage of his development. Such a map may indicate a change in goals, principles and worldview.

    The traditional meaning of the Eight of Cups is goodbye to plans. The fortuneteller experiences a feeling of fatigue and a desire to change something. What was previously important to him has now lost its value. The usual way of life became tiresome for him, and daily worries began to exhaust his physical and moral condition. The Arcanum in this case suggests that the fortuneteller has decided to once and for all put an end to what surrounds him.

    In most cases, the card should be viewed on the positive side, since it brings changes and indicates that a person’s thinking has changed dramatically. However, the decision to say goodbye to the past was given to the fortuneteller with a certain degree of difficulty. Most likely, this was a necessity, since a boring life brought many restrictions and melancholy.

    On a deeper level, the card signifies a transformation of thinking and lifestyle. This means that a person is entering a new stage of his development, but for this he will have to sacrifice something. In a literal sense, the Eight of Cups symbolizes entering a monastery. And among the Masons, this card personified a candidate for initiation into their society. In this case, the lasso shows farewell to worldly joys.

    Probably, the fortuneteller’s position will be unstable during a certain period of time. The crisis will force him to reconsider his views on the management of funds.


    The card shows an exhausted state, both physically and mentally.. All problems mainly come from loss of interest in life. Depression can cause serious illness. The card recommends an urgent change of environment or finding a new hobby that will bring joy and peace.

    The fortuneteller needs to pull himself together and get rid of what weighs on his body and spirit. It is important to decide for yourself what comes first – public needs, people’s opinions, or your well-being and spiritual harmony.


    The traditional interpretation of the inverted Eight of Cups card is completely opposite to its upright interpretation. The card predicts happiness, success, fun, gifts, and achieving goals.

    Modern tarot readers think differently. The lasso, in their opinion, personifies trials and indecision in important matters..

    There are other interpretations of the card in an inverted position:

    • Worldly joy.
    • Start new relationships.
    • Achievement goals.
    • Solution problems.
    • Redemption sins.
    • Correction errors.
    • Refusal from opportunities to improve your own life.

    Falling out in the schedule, The Eight of Cups shows that it is difficult for a fortuneteller to break the vicious circle and find a new life.

      The meaning of the card in a career

      Falling in the scenario for business, the Eight of Cups speaks of a period of trials and difficulties. The fortuneteller will probably have to abandon his plans. The lasso can also indicate the machinations of competitors and rivals.

      Another meaning of the card is the disruption of a business trip or business meeting. In a situational reading, it often predicts a time of stagnation and futile efforts to do something.

      In love and relationships

      Arcana symbolizes the fortuneteller's sacrifice. If the Eight of Cups appears in a love scenario, then most likely the person will give up an important event or a certain benefit in the name of a relationship with his other half.

      At the same time, the lasso speaks of the futility of such a solution. It means that It’s time for the fortuneteller to take care of meeting his own needs and his development. You shouldn’t deny yourself what you want, even to please your lover.

      Financial position

      Expenses, extra expenses and loss of money - that’s what the Eight of Cups promises. An unstable financial situation will entail giving up the usual joys of life and lifestyle. This card in a money reading should be taken as advice to direct your energy to maintaining your savings. You should not plan large purchases or invest in the near future. Giving into debt and taking out loans is also not recommended.


      Reversed Eight of Cups signals that the mental and physical state of the fortuneteller is on the verge. In a health reading, this lasso may indicate a desire to commit suicide. Oppressive thoughts and difficult circumstances put pressure on a person. In an attempt to fill the spiritual emptiness, he may become addicted to addictions.

      Besides, The lasso indicates the unhealthy environment in which the fortuneteller is currently located. Probably, conflicts at home or at work led a person to mental illness and illness.


    The correct interpretation of the Eight of Cups lasso largely depends on which cards lie next to it in the layout. Let's consider combinations of this card with the major and minor arcana.

    With the major arcana:

    • Jester– moving, desire to change place of residence.
    • Mage– a new way of thinking.
    • Priestess– addiction to addictions or search for truth.
    • Empress- the desire to make a dream come true.
    • Priest- searching for the meaning of life, thinking about your life path.
    • Lovers– new relationships, flirting, dating.
    • Chariot– travel, relocation, business trip.
    • Force– desire for self-improvement and development.
    • Hermit– rejection of worldly joys, restrictions on freedom.
    • Wheel of Fortune- moving.
    • Justice– searching for the truth, protecting one’s interests.
    • Hanged- giving up something important in favor of a loved one.
    • Death- farewell to the past.
    • Moderation- search for harmony.
    • Devil– temptations.
    • Tower– accident, accident, self-destruction, suicide.
    • Star– search for one’s “I”, change of sphere of activity.
    • Moon– unstable state of affairs, uncertainty.
    • Sun– emergence of new opportunities.
    • World– a journey, a search for one’s destiny.

    With Wands:

    • Ace– new work, creativity.
    • Deuce– planning for the future, dreams of travel.
    • Troika– travel for work.
    • Four- homecoming.
    • Five– conflict, stress.
    • Six– meeting with like-minded people, implementing ideas.
    • Seven- overcoming obstacles.
    • Eight- conflict with family.
    • Nine- a test, overcoming which happiness is gained.
    • Ten- failure, exhaustion.
    • Page– thirst for knowledge, inspiration.
    • Knight- a challenge to yourself.
    • Queen- business assistant.
    • King– meeting with an influential person, finding your “I”.

    With Cups:

    • Ace- searches.
    • Deuce- not mutual feelings.
    • Troika- meeting with a loved one.
    • Four- refusal.
    • Five- disappointment.
    • Six- old acquaintances and connections will come up.
    • Seven– indecision.
    • Nine- search for happiness.
    • Ten– lack of harmony in relationships with your significant other.
    • Page- to accept the offer.
    • Knight– lack of positive emotions and impressions.
    • Queen– loneliness, searching for a soul mate or friend.
    • King– misunderstanding on the part of surrounding people.

    With Swords:

    • Ace– inspiration, search for ideas.
    • Deuce- hopelessness of the situation.
    • Troika- loneliness.
    • Four– exhaustion, need to gain energy.
    • Five- damaged reputation.
    • Six- desire for wealth and success.
    • Seven– mistakes and spontaneous decisions.
    • Eight– awkward situation, difficulties.
    • Nine- disease.
    • Ten– completion of a life stage.
    • Page– obtaining important information.
    • Knight- surprise, gift, meeting with an old acquaintance.
    • Queen– termination, severance of ties, independence.
    • King- desire to get to the truth.

    With Pentacles:

    • Ace- a lack of money.
    • Deuce- the need to move.
    • Troika- the desire to prove oneself.
    • Four– unstable situation in business and financial sphere.
    • Five– experience, tests.
    • Six- searching for useful connections.
    • Seven– exhaustion, illness.
    • Eight– training, job change.
    • Nine– unstable financial situation.
    • Ten– meeting with relatives, arriving home.
    • Page- the desire for knowledge.
    • Knight- the desire to fulfill desires.
    • Queen– prosperity, desire to achieve success.
    • King- Financial independence.

    The Eight of Cups suggests that the fortuneteller should not let things take their course now and continue to live their usual life. At the moment, everything now depends on decisions and actions. Make your final decision, stop pleasing everyone and start your own independent life.

    The main advice of the card: say goodbye to what brings sadness, problems, and troubles. It is important to recognize the need for change and break the vicious circle in which you are. Reconsider your outlook on life and ask yourself what is stopping you from achieving success and development. What is an obstacle to your happiness should not exist in your new life.

    The card suggests that now an important moment has come: all the bad things are left behind, and many new opportunities and victories await ahead. You shouldn’t rush to fill your existence with something new - go looking for a new job, arrange your personal life, or look for yourself.

    Wait a while, understand yourself and your desires. Be alone with your thoughts and dreams. Only then will you be able to make the right decision and outline new plans that will certainly lead to success in the future.

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    Basic meanings of the card in the upright position:

    • the search for good despite the fact that all the good already exists;
    • disappointment;
    • transition period;
    • search for the spiritual, renunciation of worldly goods;
    • should be open to new opportunities;
    • advises leaving the people and things you are accustomed to and going in search of the unknown;
    • uncertainty about the future;
    • awareness that the partner is not ideal;
    • troubles will go away in one lunar month;
    • travel, change of residence;
    • material wealth and family no longer bring peace;
    • help from the blonde;
    • modesty, honesty;
    • loss;

    Basic meanings of a card in an inverted position:

    • a person has already given up goods in search of what he lacks (has already made a mistake);
    • worldly life, a period of abandoning the search for the spiritual;
    • foreshadows the appearance of a lover;
    • satisfaction from the completed task;
    • communication, relationships, flirting;
    • difficult times are coming to an end;
    • refusal to move on;
    • clinging to the past;
    • refusal of personal growth;
    • mediocre;
    • evil "blonde";
    • satisfaction, celebration;
    • apology, correction;

    Night, moon; a tired man, leaning on a stick, goes to the mountains. There are eight cups in the foreground. However, they are arranged in such a way that it seems as if one is missing.

    In the Aquarius Tarot, this is a girl standing on the bank of a river, and eight cups are circling around her, as if in a dream. It seems to both him and her as if they are missing something, as if somewhere in the distance - or perhaps very close - there is another, most important cup, which is just not enough for complete happiness.

    This is actually an illusion. They have everything to feel happy. They do not seek good from good, this card says; you just need to learn to notice this goodness without looking for what is superfluous. Yes, the person himself guesses about this, but some kind of force, internal excitement does not give him peace.

    Inverted means that such a mistake has already been made, and perhaps more than once, so it’s worth thinking about how to generally change your attitude towards life, learning to appreciate what you have.

    (E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”)

    DESCRIPTION: Eight cups arranged in a row stand out in the foreground. A man walks away from them, turning his back on what they represent and heading towards the desert mountains in the distance. This is a lonely wanderer with nothing but a staff. In the sky above him is the Moon, which is shown both full and waning. Element: Water.

    EXPLANATION: You are about to give up everything that was once dear to you. You may have been disappointed by your friends and lovers - now may be the time to move away from destructive relationships. This map is very much a transitional map. It represents your search for what is missing in your life. You are likely searching for sources of deeper, inspiring meaning and embarking on a solitary journey towards spiritual fulfillment.

    MEANING OF THE REVERSED CARD: You want to live a worldly life and for a moment you have turned your back on spiritual matters. You are more interested in personal success, good food and pleasant company. Soon a new lover will appear in your life.

    SELF-DEVELOPMENT LESSON: Open yourself up to new possibilities. Trust in the guidance of a higher spiritual source.

    (N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step study guide”)

    The Eight of Cups is one of three “breakthrough” cards, signifying a sad farewell (along with the Chariot, signifying the joyful “hero’s entry” onto the battlefield, and the Six of Swords, symbolizing a journey into the unknown, to new shores). It shows that we must leave our familiar surroundings, part with people or things to which our hearts have become attached, and set off on a long journey into an unknown future.

    In any case, it testifies that we were not expelled, it was we ourselves, of our own free will, who decided to leave (another thing is that we might not have had any other choice). The “heaviness of saying goodbye” lies in two points: we have to leave what is dear to us, and we do not know what awaits us.




    The number eight is associated with Strength, the planet Mars and the astrological sign of Capricorn, whose patron is Mars. Mars, the Greek god of war, symbolizes strength, leadership, self-confidence, impulsiveness, endurance, will, executive ability, leadership. Capricorn is a sign known for its ambition, efficiency, organization, authority, tendency to structure, methodicality, seriousness, persistence, practicality; a sign for which social status is of great importance.

    The appearance of eights in a reading draws attention to karma, the structure of life, money, finances, and career. Power, recognition, achievement, and paying off past debts come first. You can get a big break or make a significant leap forward. If the situation is generally positive, then the eights may foreshadow a possible win at the betting or lottery. You may expect significant changes in your relationships. You can change your place of residence or change your living conditions in some other way. Perhaps you are expecting a salary increase or some other significant income related to your social status. Travel is not advisable at this time.

    The number eight (consisting of two fours) represents Yin energy and is associated with personal strength, advancement, harvesting, material acquisitions, and the decisive but tactful implementation of personal plans. Like four, eight is a karmic number indicating that you reap what you sow. Like the four, the eight in the layout can indicate real estate transactions or the resolution of legal issues.

    Key words and phrases: Care. Delete. Gap. A path into the unknown. "Arivederchi". Turning point. Distance. Parting. The past makes you feel destitute. Disappointment. Farewell to the past. Breaking emotional dependence. Turning your back on a difficult situation. A look inside. Search for meaning. Refusal of an outdated way of life. Directing energy towards new interests. Abandonment of old concepts. Leaving home. Throw away "mom's skirt." Dealing with a difficult family situation. Searching for new relationships. Search for spiritual satisfaction. Leave emotions behind. Change of job. Moving. Sayonara. In search of the Holy Grail. Within a month.

    Situation and advice: You move away from what no longer suits you and head towards something new. For some time you have felt dissatisfaction and disappointment in past relationships or circumstances. You gradually realized this and strived for internal changes. Now you want to free yourself from the old and experience something different. You may be itching to fill a void in your life. Now is the time to free yourself from emotional ties and become independent. Very often, the Eight of Cups suggests that just one lunar month will pass and everything will change. Travel and change of residence are possible. But the main concern of the Eight of Cups character is family and material problems. Money, family and prosperity no longer bring him satisfaction; he seeks depth and substance. Emotional experiences and family matters are abandoned; love and other connections weaken and fade away. The questioner makes a choice in favor of spiritual improvement.

    Now is the right time to get rid of the old and unnecessary, that which has already outlived its usefulness. Reflect on what you have learned; You are now emotionally mature and able to choose a more worthy goal. You are looking for more meaning in your life. You are moving away from the past, and new relationships await you. Old books say that the Eight of Cups predicts the help of a blonde or marriage to a blonde.

    People: Those who are in search. Survivors of a breakup. People who have left an unsatisfactory situation in the past. "Blondes" ready to help.

    Key words and phrases:(Positive values) A ​​feeling of satisfaction from a completed task. Good situation. Communication. Strong relationships. Hard times are coming to an end. Pleasure. Search for happiness. Attending a party. New novel. Flirting. Friendship. Holiday. Renewal of old relationships within a month.

    (Negative meanings) Refusal to move on. Clinging to the past. Fear of the unknown. Wrong decision. Refusal of personal growth. Problems that arise from restrictions. Inability to “outgrow” outdated relationships and hobbies. Mediocre. Following false ideals. Giving up valuable relationships. Fear of intimacy. Turning your back on emotionally valuable allies. Change something that you might regret later. The grass is green on the other side. Don't "throw the baby out with the bathwater."

    Situation and advice: In the reversed position, the Eight of Cups advises you to move away from an unsatisfactory emotional situation and search for something that will fill your life with meaning. Perhaps the reversed Eight of Cups suggests that your current relationship is not at all what it seems to you, or that you refuse to accept the advice of this card in the right position. You should appreciate what you have now and not discard it as unnecessary.

    It may be difficult for you to decide to leave a problematic relationship. Maybe you have chosen a mediocre way of behavior for yourself? On the other hand, it may turn out that you are breaking off an ideal relationship for some reasons that you have invented. You may not be taking any steps to improve the situation. It may be that the change you intend to make is the most inappropriate one at the moment. After a while, you may regret that you got excited and ruined the situation or broke off some relationships.

    Positive meaning of the Eight of Cups reversed: You have successfully emerged from a difficult situation and are ready to celebrate the beginning of the next stage of your life. Sometimes the reversed Eight of Cups indicates the beginning of a new romance or a change of residence. It can also refer to a specific action such as attending a party or inviting one to a social event. Family, friends, new love, communication and parties... In the vibrant life of the questioner, a new love connection may arise.

    People: Those who “throw the baby out with the bathwater.” Evil blondes.

    Meaning of the Eight of Cups in the upright position:

    • A girl with brown hair or a blonde, an Honest girl, a Practical girl, Honor, Shyness, Modesty, Restraint, Shyness, Fear, Fear, Meekness, Agreeableness.

    Other meanings of the eight of tarot cups in the upright position:

    • loss of life, loss, change of power
    • failure, disappointment in love
    • lifestyle change, personality development

    Means gentleness, timidity, modesty. A normally oriented Eight of Cups Tarot suggests that the Client is experiencing a feeling of dissatisfaction. The reason for this is the thirst for recognition of his personality. The querent is advised to earn honor, to seize the opportunity rather than hide from it. A matter that appears to the Questioner to be a huge problem turns out, for better or worse, not so difficult once it is taken up. Disappointment if the Questioner does nothing about it.

    Interpretation in an inverted position:

    • Satisfaction, Happiness, Contentment, Cheerfulness, Joy, Admiration, Delight, Entertainment, Celebration.
    • Apology, Correction, Justification, Public Joy, Performance, Apparatus, Preparations, Preparation, Distribution.

    Other meanings for the reversed Eight of Cups tarot:

    • pleasure, meeting with friends, great joy, celebration
    • new love affair

    The eight of cups tarot card reversed signifies great happiness and joy. Holiday, pleasure. Most often refers to an event that the Questioner knew about and either expected or planned for. The surrounding cards will reveal whether this event will be so pleasant or disgusting.

    Inner meaning

    The meaning of the Eight of Cups tarot card is controversial. The Eight of Cups talks about a situation, event or enterprise that you are involved in or planning. She reports that everything will turn out well; essentially telling you that you will get what you hoped for.

    But this card also indicates that you are being too cautious and will end up losing what you were hoping to gain. In this case, the reason is not that you do not see the good, but that you are too hesitant, too unsure of yourself or your own worth, or too shy to take the first step. But without taking this step, you risk losing everything you have worked for and hoped for for so long.

    There is also a practical prediction-friendly interpretation of the Eight of Cups tarot card, which adds that the issue under discussion, whether good or bad, is not as important as it seems, and that the actions taken will reveal its true value, reduce its importance, after which you can move on to something other. Take the first step and you will see that the situation is not as daunting as it seemed from a distance. In any case, success is ahead; whether you achieve it or not depends on you.


    1. N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning"
    2. E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”
    3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
    4. H. Banzhaf “Tarot Self-Teacher”
    5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot, plain and simple"

    In The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, Waite specifically emphasizes that the person depicted on the card is dejected. Waite says nothing about the reasons for his dejection. However, taking into account the area that Pamela chose as a prototype, namely the marshy plain of Romney Marsh, you would have to be truly dejected to rush off on a date with the local Baskerville hound for the night. Why at night - because the map shows a lunar eclipse, the same one that we see on the 2 of Swords.

    It is a mystery to me how the Romney Marsh marshes coexist peacefully with fairly high hills. But who knows how geography and geology work in England? Maybe mountains in swamps are the most normal thing.

    The swamps carry a certain meaning and, according to Waite and Smith, should emphasize the sadness and hopelessness that permeates this map.

    Key Ideas

    • Loss of interest. Apathy
    • Silent departure
    • Towards something new. Give up the usual
    • Find your way

    Basic meaning

    It seems that when describing the meanings of the Tarot 8 (Eight) of Cups, Waite cannot decide whether this card should be sad or, on the contrary, lucky. On the one hand, he writes that: “A dejected person leaves behind the cups of his happiness, undertakings, business or past worries.” On the other hand, he points out that the card can speak of a harbinger of joy, tenderness, honesty and modesty. For the reversed Tarot card of the 8 of Cups, Waite gives the following meanings and meanings: great joy, happiness and feast.

    It’s as if you are reading a tricky legal document - on the one hand, on the other hand... taking into account, but taking into account special circumstances... It is completely incomprehensible how tarot readers a hundred years ago got out of it, explaining to the client that on the one hand, he is leaving his worries behind, and on the other hand the other - your happiness.

    The modern meanings of the card were eventually determined. Today, the appearance of this card speaks of the opportunity to “climb the mountain”, to improve your position, your situation. The 8 of Cups has become associated with the very beginning of the upward movement, which should lead a person to the top.

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    Meaning in relationships

    Let's consider the meanings of the Tarot 8 (Eight) of Cups (Chalices) in relationships and love.

    Open - hole card

    The 8 of Cups is a very closed card. A person is focused solely on achieving his own goal. He's going to the top. And at the same time he cannot and should not be distracted by anything else. He makes his ascent alone, so he does not think or worry about those who, from his point of view, happen to be nearby.

    This is a very internal map. It is the relationship between a person and his goal. The task has been set, the goal must be achieved at any cost. The higher a person rises, the closer the goal, the higher the intensity of the relationship.

    At the 8 of Cups, the tunnel of reality narrows to a single, clearly defined goal. All people are considered solely from the point of view of whether they help or do not help to reach the top.

    Example: an oriental tale about a guy who dug tunnels and a girl who helped him. No sex, no companionship.

    In a working relationship, the card indicates a purposeful person who intends to make a career. If the company where he works cannot provide him with career growth, he is guaranteed to leave. In the 8 of Cups, a person often chooses the concept of “The end justifies the means” as a fundamental principle.

    Psychological condition

    In the 8 of Cups there is the danger of obsession. The rational calculation of conquering the peak is replaced by emotional passion.

    On the map a man is drawn at the foot of the mountain. He has just begun his ascent. Right now, the emotional obsession has not yet manifested itself. But potentially this danger is present in the map. Example: conquerors of Everest. An excellent illustration for the development of pride.

    In combination with the suit of Wands

    In combination with the suit of Staves

    • in combination with the 5 of Wands: Extra people can prevent you from realizing your plans.
    • in combination with the 9 of Wands: Hide from everyone.
    • in combination with the Lady of Wands: Scrupulously follow the plan.

    Importance in health matters

    The meaning of the Eight of Cups in matters of health does not mean that a person has any serious health problems. Moreover, it indicates that if the current situation is not very good, that there is an opportunity to significantly improve it, which is determined by the main meaning of the card “the possibility of rising to the top.”

    In combination with the suit of Cups

    In combination with the suit of Cups

    • in combination with 3 of Cups: Perhaps you should be a little further away from loved ones.
    • in combination with 4 of Cups: A direct indication that you have a chance to improve your situation.
    • in combination with the Lady of Cups: A romantic meeting awaits you along the way.

    Business and finance, in professional activities

    What do the Eight of Cups Tarot meanings say in matters of work and business?

    Stability, controllability, controllability

    Stable and manageable situation. A journey of 10,000 miles begins with the first step, and the man on the map has already taken it. This is the situation of the second step: there are no doubts, no thoughts, there is a controlled route and goal. It may be distant, but with every step we are getting closer to it.

    The card speaks of the potential for improvement if the person continues to walk.

    This map does not contain specific advice on what exactly will bring income. But it very accurately describes the method of action, conditions, circumstances that allow you to get closer to the goal. How, not what. An adverb, not a verb. Calmly, methodically, measuredly, step by step, day by day. No overload, efforts are distributed evenly.

    What is also important is the fact that this path is carried out alone. A person himself determines the route, passes checkpoints, overcomes the resistance of the environment, and this is his advantage: he does not look back at anyone, does not depend on anyone. This is not about choosing a new path, but about the determination to follow the one already chosen.

    Now the financial condition is good. At least there are funds for a long hike. But, having decided to move forward towards vague prospects, a person takes a certain risk: to lose or to gain? Should I leave everything as it is or try to get more? The card does not make a choice, it warns - this is not a joyride, there will be no freebies. But the prize at the end of the journey can exceed all expectations.

    The card really guarantees excellent results. The efforts will be crowned with success, no matter what it means: generating income, getting a promotion, opening a profitable branch. Everything will be fine. But not at once. Not in one sitting.

    And there is a powerful negative charge in this; fear and doubts can nullify any promising endeavors (all kinds of “what ifs”): what if it doesn’t work out? What if it doesn’t pay off? Strength, money, time - what if there’s not enough? But you need to remember, on this map, the road will be mastered by those who walk, and the costs will be returned a hundredfold.

    What does the Eight of Cups Tarot mean as a Card of the Day and what are the warnings?

    Get ready to rise.

    Not every opportunity to rise is for the good.

    8 Eight of Cups (Rider White Tarot)

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    Saturn/Moon as a symbol of sad farewell.

    Straight position:

    The Eight of Cups indicates the relationship between the mind and feelings: either their consistency or discord. Symbolizes modesty, modesty, chastity, honor, practicality, and the ability to be in harmony with people.

    Reverse position:

    An inverted card means: unexpected gifts, difficult desires, detachment.

    Eight of Cups

    Card Name: Lord of Lost Success.

    Correspondences – land of water; letter Xe (final); Sephira Glory

    Explanation (general meaning): apathy, silent withdrawal, detachment.

    Event: idleness, doing nothing, leaving everything in life to fate.

    1. Dismissal in disgrace, retirement from work, transfer to a worse job. Declining profits. Abandonment (abandonment) of the matter.

    2. A very dangerous situation for human health and general condition. Deep depression. The combination of the desire to get rid of all problems at once and the unwillingness to fight leads to suicide. Death predicts more than all other cards (even for a young man). Irreversible changes. A person will not recover because he does not want to live or is ready to leave.

    3. Care in the mental sense. Physically, the partner can remain in the family (he doesn’t show divorce), but there are no feelings or emotions, the partner has withdrawn into himself (do what you want, it doesn’t concern me). May show leaving the family in a difficult situation.

    4. A person who is excluded from life. Deep depression

    5. Advice: Be alone with yourself.

    Warning: You yourself do not want the situation to improve.

    6. The answer is uncertain. A period of voluntary isolation from what is happening. It is worth changing your type of activity, getting away from familiar situations.

    Additionally (to the warning): Sometimes situations happen in which any changes entail such drastic changes that a person specifically tries to stay in place so as not to take risks and not overstrain.

    End of the second cycle.


    Explanation (general meaning): the desire to attract attention to oneself at any cost, to provoke interest in oneself: creating an artificial personal story, creating mystery, etc.

    Event: impossibility, unwillingness to leave, but at the same time pretends to leave.

    1. Complete stagnation, marking time in one place, shifting responsibility. The desire to be decided (done) for you. Profits are uncertain, but the greater the absence from work, the lower they are.

    2. Simulation, attracting the attention of others (may be as a result of the indifference of loved ones)

    3. Lack of love and attention, trying to attract them in different ways.

    4. Suffering from the indifference of others, lack of love and attention.

    5. Tip: Try to attract attention to yourself.

    Warning: your tricks may be seen through.

    6. You cannot be alone, you need communication, love and attention.

    General value:

    The Eight of Cups is one of three “breakthrough” cards, signifying a sad farewell (along with the Chariot, signifying the joyful “hero’s entry” onto the battlefield, and the Six of Swords, symbolizing a journey into the unknown, to new shores). It shows that we must leave our familiar surroundings, part with people or things to which our hearts have become attached, and set off on a long journey into an unknown future. In any case, it testifies that we were not expelled, it was we ourselves, of our own free will, who decided to leave (another thing is that we might not have had any other choice). The “heaviness of saying goodbye” lies in two points: we have to leave what is dear to us, and we do not know what awaits us.


    Most often this is parting with a previous job. This may be a general withdrawal from active work - due to age, as a result of the decision to devote oneself to the family, or due to the curtailment of a given industry, or for other similar reasons. The pain of parting with something familiar that has been familiar for a long time is combined here with a feeling of uncertainty about the future. However, this card can also indicate less profound changes in our lives: your work is transferred to someone else or even closed as unpromising. However, even in this case, it means emptiness and uncertainty: what should we do next, where will fate lead us?


    Here this card means the realization that our previous views, habits or some elements of our worldview no longer serve us faithfully, and we need to get rid of them. Sometimes this is due to the transition to the next age group, when we have to give up a lot - the very “great refusal” in Zen philosophy. Such “parting” with things that meant so much to us is often accompanied by a feeling of fear and hopelessness. But these steps, although difficult, lead to new freedom.

    Personal relationships:

    The Eight of Cups is a parting with a person or people who have meant a lot to us until now. This card marks a crossroads, a fork where our paths separate from them, indicating that it is time for us to say goodbye to them with gratitude and, if necessary, break the “umbilical cord” that connected us with them in order to move on our own path. On a deeper level, it can mean parting with previous ideas about a partner as a fairy-tale prince or princess, realizing that there are no ideal partners, abandoning naive dreams and returning to reality, which is in no hurry to reveal to us its secret of how to bring a partner closer to the ideal.

    Eight of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

    With the “Jester” card - vagrancy; wanderlust.

    With the “Magic” card - someone is pushing you to give up what is dear to you.

    With the “High Priestess” card - go to great lengths because of a woman or for an unknown reason.

    With the “Empress” card - renounce motherhood.

    With the “Emperor” card - leave your family or job.

    With the “Hierophant” card - say goodbye to what was the meaning of life.

    With the “Lovers” card - renounce love.

    With the Chariot card - give up your plans.

    With the “Strength” card - show lack of will and submission to fate.

    With the “Hermit” card - go to a monastery; renounce the world; travel to holy places.

    With the Wheel of Fortune card - change of place of residence.

    With the “Justice” card - give up the search for truth.

    With the Hanged Man card - stop sacrificing yourself.

    With the “Death” card - say goodbye to the past.

    With the “Moderation” card, try to find the “golden mean”.

    With the “Devil” card - fall into sin.

    With the “Tower” card - destroy your world.

    With the “Star” card - go against fate.

    With the Moon card - fall into nirvana.

    With the “Sun” card - refuse publicity.

    With the “Court” card - refuse help.

    With the “World” card - lose meaning, purpose.


    With the Ace of Wands card - finding your calling.

    With the “Two of Wands” card - searching for yourself in a geographical sense; an attempt to decide on your plans and your future.

    With the Three of Wands card - independence; independence.

    With the Four of Wands card - returning home.

    With the Five of Wands card - stress.

    With the Six of Wands card - follow someone else’s idea; go against yourself.

    With the Seven of Wands card, there is a struggle for your place in the sun.

    With the Eight of Wands card - liberation from restrictions.

    With the Nine of Wands card, expect the worst.

    With the Ten of Wands card - going nowhere; failure.

    With the “Page of Wands” card - a desire to learn and experience the world.

    With the “Knight of Wands” card - get lost.

    With the “Queen of Wands” card - go to another person.

    With the “King of Wands” card - find yourself; meet someone significant to you.

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    Minor Arcana Tarot card Eight of Cups

    Description of the Eight of Cups Tarot card

    On the Eight of Cups Tarot card you can see the image of a man who, with a traveler’s staff, goes to the dark mountains of the unknown, leaving behind all his past inner experiences and accomplishments - eight filled cups. The person spent too much energy, but received only disappointments in return. At such moments, you should distance yourself from yourself, even move away if necessary.

    General meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups Tarot card in fortune telling and readings

    Direct card position

    In the upright position, the Eight of Cups indicates a state of fatigue, when everything is boring or a person does not see any point in doing anything. This is an apathetic-depressive state, detachment and a pessimistic outlook on life, despondency and stagnation. Saying goodbye to the past has already begun, but the person does not seem to understand it yet. The card also says that the question on which fortune telling is being carried out is not as important as it seems, and that the actions taken will reveal its true value, reduce its significance, after which the person will be able to switch to something else. It is necessary to take the first step, and then it will become clear that the situation is not as daunting as it seemed from a distance.

    Reversed card position

    The Reversed Eight of Cups is often associated with losses, but can also indicate restoration of the situation. Traditionally, it means being absorbed in a process in order to achieve ultimate success. At the same time, this card can also indicate unexpected, rather serious gifts, pleasant expected events.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

    Direct card position

    Most often, the direct Tarot card Eight of Cups indicates a separation from your previous job. This may be a general withdrawal from active work - due to age, as a result of the decision to devote oneself to family, or due to the closure of a given industry. A bad mood due to parting with a familiar, long-familiar one is combined here with a feeling of uncertainty about the future. This card may also indicate a lack of faith in the prospects of work in this place. However, even in this case there is emptiness and uncertainty: what to do next, where fate will lead?

    Reversed card position

    Inverted, the Eight of Cups symbolizes the difficulties that a person encounters on the way to his goal when performing his work duties. It may mean that you will have to pay off debts unexpectedly quickly, or at the most inopportune moment. Another meaning of this card is a failed business trip or business trip.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for health

    Direct card position

    Deep depression, apathy. Spasmodic vascular manifestations in the foot area are likely.

    Reversed card position

    Possible insomnia and somnambulism, as well as diseases of teeth and gums.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

    Direct card position

    The Eight of Cups in an upright position is a parting with a person or people who have meant a lot until now. This card marks a crossroads, a fork where the paths separate, indicating that it is time to say goodbye to relationships with gratitude and, if necessary, break the “umbilical cord” that connected them. On a deeper level, the card can mean parting with previous ideas about a partner as a fairy-tale prince or princess, realizing that there are no ideal people, abandoning naive dreams and returning to harsh reality. Often the card indicates the withered feelings of partners, reluctance to continue the relationship, or a breakup.

    Reversed card position

    The inverted Eight of Cups symbolizes the abandonment of something important for the sake of a partner and, at the same time, speaks of the futility of the chosen course of action. In this case, we are talking about a path to nowhere, about a relationship that has no future.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

    Direct card position

    A calm, withdrawn person prone to loneliness and a feeling of rejection. He is also characterized by a certain gloominess.

    Reversed card position

    The Reversed Eight of Cups can describe a person who cannot stand restrictions or does not fit into the system, but is forced to drift hopelessly and aimlessly with the flow.

    Meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups card as a card of the day

    Today you will have to part with something that was familiar to you or took for granted. It's time to look for new ways. Even if it upsets you, don't give up and go on the road. You will soon understand why and for what you had to part with your old one.

    Advice from the Eight of Cups card in fortune telling and readings

    There is no point in sitting and suffering because nothing works out or you don’t like something. It will not change anything. It is much more correct to pull yourself together and make efforts to change the situation. Well, if you cannot change the situation, then change your attitude towards it.

    Minor Arcana Tarot. Cups

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