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  • Walking barefoot. Nettle treatment - diseases of the musculoskeletal system Treatment of barefoot walking on nettle

    Walking barefoot. Nettle treatment - diseases of the musculoskeletal system Treatment of barefoot walking on nettle

    During military campaigns, Caesar's legionnaires escaped the cold by "spitting" themselves with stinging shoots of nettles. Until now, radiculitis and arthritis are treated in the villages by the method of "chirping" - lightly beating sore spots with nettles. The method, of course, is not very pleasant, but effective. After all, it is no fun for the sake of village milkmaids, whose fingers are disfigured by arthritis, all spring and summer harvesting nettles with their bare hands. It's just that people have noticed that stinging nettle relieves pain in the hands. By the way, this Spartan method of treatment is also indicated for rheumatism, gout and even paralysis. From a scientific point of view, the use of nettle in the treatment of these diseases can reduce pain in the joints due to the content of formic acid, histamine, and a complex of vitamins and microelements in the plant.

    With arthritis and polyarthritis, which a significant part of the population suffers today, one or more joints are affected. Unfortunately, there is no single method of effective treatment for these diseases. As a rule, the doctor recommends measures to strengthen the immune system, medications for local effects on the sore joint, and functional movement therapy. When a focus of infection is found, surgical intervention is sometimes recommended.

    However, in the complex treatment of arthritis and polyarthritis, one should not ignore folk remedies, the use of medicinal herbs. In particular, you can drink infusions and decoctions prepared according to such recipes.

    Arthritis and polyarthritis. Recipe 1

    You will need: 50 g each of black elderberry flowers, dioecious nettle leaves, parsley root and common oak bark.

    Cooking method: Brew 1 tablespoon of the chopped collection with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, cool at room temperature, drain.

    Mode of application: drink 2 glasses of broth a day.

    Arthritis and polyarthritis. Recipe 2

    You will need: 2 parts of the leaves of stinging nettle, peppermint, rhizomes and shoots of asparagus, 3 parts of shoots of wild rosemary, sweet clover herb and violet tricolor, 4 parts of leaves of common lingonberry and herb of a series of tripartite.

    Cooking method: mix the chopped plants, pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat in a sealed container. Drain together with the herb into a thermos and leave overnight.

    Mode of application: drink 100-150 ml 30 minutes before meals during the day. During an exacerbation, it is advisable to drink 1 liter of infusion per day, increasing the dosage of the collection to 5 tablespoons. In general, the course is designed for 3-4 months, then a break for 2 weeks is required. and a change in the composition of the collection.

    Arthritis and polyarthritis. Recipe 3

    You will need: 2 parts each of dioecious nettle leaves, sweet clover herb, seeds and horse sorrel root, 3 parts each of common hop cones, St. fruits of vegetable dill.

    Cooking method: mix the chopped plants, pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat in a sealed container. Drain together with the herb into a thermos and leave overnight.

    Mode of application: drink 100-150 ml 30 minutes before meals during the day. During an exacerbation, it is advisable to drink 1 liter of infusion per day, increasing the dosage of the collection to 5 tablespoons. The course is designed for 3-4 months, then a break for 2 weeks is required. and a change in the composition of the collection.

    A good result for arthritis, polyarthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism and gout is given by therapeutic baths - one of the most ancient methods of treating joint diseases. A fragrant and healing bath also quickly relieves fatigue, calms the nervous system, cleanses the skin, improves sleep and metabolic processes in the body, relieves spasms and pain well. However, it should be remembered that the therapeutic effect occurs only when using the baths in the form of a course carried out regularly - every day or every other day or two.

    For diseases of the joints for baths use grass and leaves of wild rosemary, black elderberry, sweet clover, oregano, nettle, burdock, tansy, black currant, violet, horsetail, thyme, string, eucalyptus, wheatgrass roots, juniper needles, pine buds, hop cones.

    I will give only some recipes for therapeutic baths for joint diseases.

    Healing bath for joint diseases. Recipe 1

    You will need: 1 part of the leaves of stinging nettle, 3 parts of leaves of black currant and black elderberry, 4 parts of flowers of tansy and horsetail grass, 5 parts of three-part grass.

    Cooking method: 300 g of chopped collection pour 3 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil. Strain, pour into a bath of water at a temperature of 36-38 ° C.

    Mode of application: Take a hot or warm bath with a decoction every other day. The course is 20-25 procedures, then a break for 3-4 months. and retreatment.

    Healing bath for joint diseases. Recipe 2

    You will need: 1 tablespoon of chopped wild rosemary herb and powder of dry leaves of stinging nettle, 5 tablespoons of eucalyptus tincture of tailed poultry (Indian onion).

    Cooking method: First, prepare eucalyptus Indian onion tincture. To do this, mix 15 ml of essential eucalyptus oil (sold in pharmacies) with 50 g of 80% medical alcohol and seal tightly. Mash a leaf of Indian onion no more than 15 cm long into a gruel, pour it with a mixture of oil and alcohol, cork, shake and insist in a warm place for 7 days, shaking daily. Store the tincture in the refrigerator. Then we prepare a decoction of wild rosemary, separately a decoction of stinging nettle, brewing each type of raw material in 1 glass of boiling water, infusing for 10 minutes and filtering. Pour into a hot bath 1 cup of wild rosemary broth, 1/2 cup of nettle broth, 5 tablespoons of eucalyptus Indian onion tincture.

    Mode of application: take a bath for 20-25 minutes, a course - 10 procedures every other day.

    With osteochondrosis, the vertebrae and vertebral cartilage are deformed. The disease is accompanied by acute back pain, changes in posture. In addition to drug and physiotherapeutic treatment for osteochondrosis, rubbing herbal infusion into the skin is recommended.

    Osteochondrosis. Recipe 1

    You will need: 1 dessert spoon of chopped leaves of dioecious nettle, peppermint, lingonberry, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, horsetail, diuretic tea (sold in the pharmacy), elecampane root, silver birch buds, flax seed, corn flax fresh leaves of the tailed bird (Indian onion).

    Cooking method: mix everything thoroughly, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours in a warm place.

    Mode of application: Rub 1/2 cup of infusion into the skin in the spine area 4 times a day.

    With osteochondrosis, herbal treatment is accompanied by a massage of the spine.

    Osteochondrosis. Recipe 2

    Villagers usually prefer to treat osteochondrosis with vodka infusion of stinging nettle.

    You will need: 1 kg of roots of stinging nettle, 500 ml of vodka.

    Cooking method: Rinse the roots, chop finely, put in bottles to the top, fill with vodka. Insist in a dark place for 12 days, shaking every day.

    Mode of application: Take 1 tablespoon every day at night.

    Therapeutic bath for radiculitis

    You will need: 100 g each of pine needles, young shoots with drooping birch leaves, shoots of stinging nettle, horseradish stems and leaves, roots of creeping couch grass.

    Cooking method: chop everything, pour boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for 3-4 hours. Put stalks of nettle on the bottom of the bath with a layer of 5-10 cm, pour hot water, pour in strained infusion, add 2-3 mustard plasters.

    Mode of application: take a bath for 30 minutes, immersed in the kidneys. Gradually add hot water until the temperature is 40 ° C at the end of the procedure. Take a hot bath under supervision, preferably at the same time massaging your feet. Immediately after the bath, you need to go to bed and take a good cover. Healing baths should be taken every other day, the course is 10 baths.


    Such treatment is contraindicated in hypertension, hypotension, asthma.

    Taking herbal infusions for rheumatism, one should take into account the nature of this disease. Rheumatism is an infectious-allergic disease with systemic inflammatory lesions of the connective tissue. In this case, the cardiovascular system is often affected. In everyday life, we call rheumatism rheumatic arthritis. One of the components of the treatment of this disease is herbal medicine, which helps to alleviate the course of the attack with the help of decoctions and infusions.

    Rheumatism. Recipe 1

    You will need: 2 parts of stinging nettle leaves, Siberian elder flowers, 4 parts of white willow bark, horsetail grass, white birch leaves, 1 part of blue cornflower flowers, calendula officinalis, peony evading (mariina root), juniper fruits, sweet nightshade shoots - bitter, alder buckthorn bark.

    Cooking method: 3 tablespoons of the chopped collection pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, then bring to a boil and strain.

    Mode of application: drink 1 glass of hot broth every 2 hours during attacks.

    Rheumatism. Recipe 2

    You will need: 25 g of wild rosemary herb and 15 g of stinging nettle leaves.

    Cooking method: mix and grind everything, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, cool and strain.

    Mode of application: drink 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day.


    Before taking this tea, you need to consult a doctor. Incorrect dosage can cause inflammation of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In rheumatoid arthritis, as in rheumatism, connective tissue is affected, and the joints are greatly affected. The symptoms of the disease are pain and swelling of the joints, ultimately the hands are deformed and take on the appearance of a bird's foot. Women are more likely to suffer from this disease. While there is no radical remedy to combat rheumatoid arthritis, folk remedies can alleviate the condition of patients. In particular, herbal baths can be used.

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    You will need: 100 g each of dioecious nettle leaves, common lingonberry, common heather herb, marsh wild rosemary, prickly tartar (thistle), burdock roots.

    Cooking method: mix everything, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in warm for 10-15 minutes, drain. Mix 200 ml of broth with 50 ml of alcoholic tincture of the tailed poultry farm (Indian onion). Pour the mixture into a hot bath.

    Mode of application: take a bath for no more than 20 minutes.

    If metabolic processes are disturbed in the body, uric acid and urates can accumulate with the formation of crystals, which leads to gout. Herbal medicine is possible only during a period of relatively calm chronic course of the disease, and not during an exacerbation. For example, you can drink this infusion.


    You will need: 3 parts of stinging nettle leaves, wild strawberries, 2 parts of white birch leaves, corn stigmas, common agaric grass.

    Cooking method: 1 teaspoon of the crushed collection pour 1 glass of cool boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drain.

    Mode of application: 1/3 cup 3 times a day for a month.

    Anton Vasilievich Chernikov from Kaluga shares his recipe for the treatment of heel spurs.

    “I read somewhere a recipe for the treatment of heel spurs. I tried it on myself and I think it is very good. I suffered from spurs for almost 20 years and felt relief for the first time.

    The essence of the treatment is very simple. You need to collect May nettles, grind in a meat grinder, apply in a layer of 1 cm on the velvety side of the burdock. At night, wrap the heel with this flaky compress, cover with plastic, fasten with a bandage and put on a sock. I did such a compress all May, and there was a noticeable relief. The recommendation said that only May nettle is suitable for treatment, maybe this is so, but then I made compresses all summer, however, only from young leaves, for which I regularly cut my cherished nettle clearing so that the young mass grows. And as a result, all autumn and winter I walked without any problems, I even began to forget about the pains that tormented me for many years. "

    My grandmother treated her sore legs in a very peculiar way with the help of nettles. Beginning in May, she tore up nettles, slightly withers them in the sun so that they would not bite too much, and put them in felt boots, which she put on bare feet. So she walked all day. Was it not thanks to such treatment that she lived to be almost a hundred years old on her feet and never once went to the doctors? And the hands, disfigured by arthritis during the war, served her reliably, perhaps because from spring to autumn she tore nettles with her bare hands for livestock and poultry.

    For pain in the joints and spine, you can apply compresses from nettle extract or alcohol infusion. It is recommended to drink nettle juice and include young nettles in the spring-summer diet.

    Metabolism "repair" technique. How to cure yourself once and for all Tatyana Litvinova

    Walking barefoot

    Walking barefoot

    A very pleasant form of hardening. If the feet are hardened, the nasopharynx is hardened. In addition, the feet are associated with all internal organs... And when we walk barefoot, the whole body starts to work better. You can walk as much as you like and it is pleasant. But before winter walking, you should first pour cold water on your feet for at least a couple of weeks, and then take the risk of going out barefoot. You can walk in the snow - at first a little, then more. Then pour cold water over your feet at home and rub well. Walking barefoot is not only hardening, but also a strong emotional impression.

    From all of the above, I chose the following for myself: I walk in any season, I sleep in the winter with an open window, I take a contrast shower - I started in the summer immediately with an alternation of hot and cold, and by winter it became habitual, I wash my feet and rinse my throat with cold water, I walk like can be more often barefoot in the warm season and sometimes in winter, but not often. Sometimes I go to the bathhouse or sauna, but rarely. The chosen one is enough for me not to catch cold and feel cheerful at any time of the year.

    This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Thyroid Recovery Patient Guide author Andrey Valerievich Ushakov

    From the book Thyroid Recovery Patient Guide author Andrey Valerievich Ushakov

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    From the book Beyond the Possible author Alexander Vladimirovich Likhach

    From the book Healing Walk and Force Walk author Yuri (Artur) Leonardovich Kapten (Omkarov)

    From the book Locators of Health author Evgeny Sergeevich Velhover

    From the book Methods of "repairing" metabolism. How to heal yourself once and for all author Tatiana Litvinova

    From the book Physiotherapy author Nikolay Balashov

    The documentary filmmaker Marina Razbezhkina brought her new feature film Yar, based on the story of Sergei Yesenin, to Kinotavr in Sochi.

    Russian newspaper: Marina Aleksandrovna, why exactly Yesenin's "Yar", a novel not known to the general reader?

    Marina Razbezhkina: Even at school, we were divided into fans of Yesenin and Mayakovsky. I strongly disliked Yesenin. When I was five years old, I was often sick, there was a fever, a high temperature, I jumped up and shouted: "Turn around in the march! / There is no place for slander in words. / Hush, speakers!

    Your word, / Comrade Mauser. "What attracted me so much in these lines, I probably don’t know the rhythm. But Mayakovsky was much closer to Esenin to me even in high school. I first read Yesenin's prose at the university. And then I realized that He is a genius. ”A 20-year-old boy who had just left the village and found himself in a different social and cultural environment was able to tell in his first story about the most sick person in Russian life.

    Yar is a place that the heroes of the story cannot part with. If they leave, they will die. The only one who wants to escape from Yar is Karev, who does not just want to leave, but tries to define himself as an independent person. But his departure becomes the cause of the death of people dear to him, his beloved Lipa, which cannot be "cut down" from Yar - they keep the roots.

    Having told the story of Karev, who is undoubtedly an alter ego of the poet himself, Yesenin passed like a knife on the root issues of Russian culture: Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality, family.

    WG: But these are the root things that we do not have today. What is Yar's message then?

    Razbezhkina: I do not like this word - the message. Did not think about it. Well, if you insist ... The right to a free choice made by a small person, weak and not at all impeccable.

    WG: On the one hand, the classics all the time talk about the "little man". But on the other hand, we grew up on Soviet culture, which, on the contrary, elevated such personalities as Chapaev and Maresyev to a pedestal.

    Razbezhkina: These are not personalities - they are Heroes. Personality could only be heroic. It could exist only in a situation where a feat was performed. The fact that a person can exist outside this extreme field has been said extremely little and artistically indistinct.

    WG: Was it difficult to select actors for such a "village" picture?

    Razbezhkina: For me it was the first experience of working with professional actors. In my previous film "Harvest Time" only one professional actress Luda Motornaya starred. A wonderful, in my opinion, actress, it is a pity that her creative destiny is not yet very successful: she left the Dodino theater and now does not work either in the theater or in the cinema.

    WG: But you didn't take her to Yar.

    Razbezhkina: This is such a bastard profession, when you need a very specific actor, and nothing else matters. So, in "Harvest Time" Luda had to integrate herself into the style of the picture and work with non-professional types who have their own "secrets" of persuasiveness on the screen.

    WG: And what actors did you need for Yar?

    Razbezhkina: Which would literally physiologically fit into the space that we created with cameraman Ira Uralskaya and our entire group ... And it doesn't matter to me that one of the actors hasn't been playing for a long time, but is picking up butts in the studio. I needed just such an alcoholic with such a stamp of fate on his face. He is humanly interesting to me.

    WG: In this sense, a documentary filmmaker works in you. And then the artist is kind of "disposable".

    Razbezhkina: I'm one of those bad directors who want to shoot actors once. Of course, this is the wrong position. In fact, I am interested in personality actors such as Oleg Borisov, like Solonitsyn, like Kaidanovsky - actors who powerfully live on the screen not only the life of their hero, but also their own. It is extremely important for me that every person whom I invite to the picture is humanly interesting to me. Instead of filling his emptiness with the role he received.

    WG: This is again to the question of personality.

    Razbezhkina: Yes, they were individuals, they existed as individuals, and it was interesting to watch it. As soon as individuals disappear, only professionals remain. And they are not interesting to me.

    WG: But nevertheless, you found the performer for the role of Karev - it was Mikhail Evlanov, who said about himself: "The search for oneself was painful, but bright." And what about the actress for the role of his beloved Lipa, who remains in Yar with all her roots?

    Razbezhkina: When we watched the girls for the role of Lipa, I asked them to tell about their first love - what they were supposed to play in "Yar". And all these girls talked so stereotypically, as if they had read about it in a bad book. But Polina Filonenko is a completely different matter. She was surprisingly visibly able to convey her feelings that she experienced when she fell in love with a boy at the age of 14, and he left her, and she cut her veins. Thank God, she did it unsuccessfully - she just grabbed a knife and cut her hand. And then she told how the skin peeled back at the cut, how the blood came out. And it was so tangible and visible that I understood - we found Lipa. At the same time, she was absolutely sincere, did not seek to please.

    WG: Someone said that life is not so much about events as an attitude towards them. Life may not be rich in events, but a person lives by his own inner world.

    Razbezhkina: Yes, it is very important, and for an actor too, to live a real life, and postpone, store the experience gained somewhere in the sensory system. You know, at one time I worked in a newspaper, and veterans of the Great Patriotic War often came to us. All their stories boiled down to the same thing: "And we went forward, for the Motherland, for Stalin ..." And when I asked to remember something ordinary, human: "What did you eat at the front, how did you live there?" - they were insanely offended. They didn’t think it was significant, and they forgot about it. All that remained in their memory was: "For the Motherland, for Stalin." Everything else has been erased. This means that history has been erased. After all, the history of the Great Patriotic War practically disappeared due to the fact that the big pseudo-history has replaced the genuine small one.

    Everyone knows that in the thickets, be it a forest or an abandoned vegetable garden, it is dangerous to walk with bare feet! And not only because there can be poisonous snakes or some other dangerous animals, but also because stinging nettles can grow there. It is not for nothing that people say that the most useful and effective medicines and vitamins often do not taste good. AND medicinal properties nettles - that still naughty girl! - clearly confirm these conversations.

    Useful properties of nettle

    Nettle leaves and stems are used in many areas of human life:

    • in treatment and health improvement,
    • in cosmetology,
    • in cooking,
    • in agriculture (as a vitamin supplement for livestock feed),
    • nettle is used to make a natural colorant used in the food industry!

    Nettle - fed everyone!

    Nettle leaves or young shoots, beneficial features which is especially well preserved in the May harvest, can be added to almost any dish. Nettle can be the main ingredient in salads. There are also various recipes for vitamin soups from this plant.

    Nettles are very nutritious. In times of famine, it was often used as a staple food (soups were cooked, tortillas, pies were fried, salads were made). Along with its nutritional value, nettle has an amazing property: eating it helps to accelerate metabolism, allows you to lose weight, without suffering from hunger.

    Before use, the nettle should be washed and thoroughly rinsed with boiling water to eliminate its "biting" properties.

    Nettle beauty ...

    In addition to its tonic and tonic effect, nettle has a beneficial effect on appearance person. The use of this plant in food or in the form of infusions eliminates dark circles under the eyes, improves the condition of the skin and hair in general.

    I am sharing with you a great recipe for a nettle hair rinse! It helps well with brittle and dull hair. Some even note an increase in growth:

    1. We take fresh or dried nettle leaves (pharmacy or collected with our own hands - it does not matter) and, if available, dried stems, 3 tbsp. spoons.
    2. Fill with 0.5 liters of boiling water, mix and leave for an hour, then filter.
    3. Apply after shampooing. First, you can gently massage the roots of the hair soaked in the broth, and then rinse the hair completely.

    No need to wash off.

    Unique medicinal properties of nettle

    1. Reduces blood pressure. For example, you can take the following recipe: mix 0.1 liters of freshly squeezed nettle juice with 3 tbsp. spoons of kefir and 1 teaspoon of honey. The dose can be divided into 2 - 3 doses.
    2. Nettle contains formic acid, which has a powerful antiseptic and cleansing effect. It is she who creates that very burning sensation from touching the nettle. This property of the plant is useful for wounds and abscesses. A cotton swab or bandage is moistened with a decoction of dry nettle, then the wounds are wiped.
    3. Nettle contains vitamin K, which helps blood clot. It is very effective in bleeding. Recipe: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried leaves, 0.25 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and take 10 ml 3 times a day.
    4. It is very useful for health to take a steam bath with nettle brooms. A few minutes of burning, but how the state of health then improves!

    Very important: there are contraindications!

    The medicinal properties of nettle can become dangerous for people suffering from varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Also, nettle should not be consumed by pregnant women, it can cause premature birth.


    How good it is that there are people who, with an open mind, with wide eyes, with admiration, childishly rejoicing, perceive the manifestations of the world around them! Many of them see the meaning of life in the knowledge of the world. By nature, when I come across interesting information, I try to check it on myself, "pass it through myself." Observing the old people living nearby, I try to understand the secret of their longevity. What kind of childhood did they have? Hungry, barefoot, and they ran with their bare feet everywhere and everywhere - in the field on the grass wet from the morning dew, and in the forest along the cool forest paths and stones overgrown with moss. Without hesitation, I decided to conduct my "investigation". Its results exceeded all my expectations. I have long wanted to try walking barefoot in the summer, but something was constantly interfering - either the weather did not allow, then I simply forgot about my intention. This time, having gathered all my will into a fist, I promised myself the summer to leave without shoes. But on the very first day, a problem arose: when there is soft green grass under your bare feet, it is a pleasure to walk on it, it is another matter when you walk the usual route without shoes and there is a pebble under a gentle foot - from unexpected pain you already squat. But what is surprising is that once you return to your usual shoes, you begin to understand that you want to take off your shoes and again get great pleasure from walking barefoot.

    After analyzing my feelings and sensations, I identified three reasons for the usefulness of walking barefoot:

    First: soft, cool, sometimes even rough grass evokes a feeling of a deeper perception of the surrounding world. It seems that a new sense organ has appeared. It's a pity that over time you get used to it, and this feeling loses its novelty and becomes not so bright.

    Second: foot massage. Each touch of a blade of grass, a pebble and even a small grain of sand massages and relaxes the feet, this is the most natural, natural massage.

    Third: interaction with the frequencies of the Earth. I cannot explain it from a scientific point of view, but I really felt that they are. Our grandparents ran barefoot, and the only shoes for them were bast shoes. Civilization put rubber shoes on us, and covered the earth with a roadbed, thereby destroying the last link with nature.

    If you want to forget about all diseases - regularly walk in the dew before going to bed, and not only in summer, but before the first snow. Moreover, as old people teach, after walking barefoot, let the water dry naturally, in no case wipe your feet, this will help you get rid of edema and many diseases. And be sure to try walking barefoot in the snow - it's just incredible! When you dive into a warm bed, there will be a pleasant tingling sensation and relief, as if you had thrown weights off your feet.

    Try it and you will not regret it. The usefulness of walking barefoot has been proven by many generations - people are depicted without shoes on ancient monuments, icons and frescoes. Of course, in cities this is not possible, and in rural areas it is sometimes difficult: during a night walk, I decided to run, as in childhood, barefoot on nettles. Inexpressible sensations - you want to shout with delight, energy and joy simply splash out of your chest. As soon as I ran, I noticed that I had hurt my leg - there was a lot of broken glass in the grass. Well, nothing, the leg will heal quickly.

    Do you still doubt the usefulness of walking barefoot? You can not answer, for a minute feel in yourself all those feelings that I felt, that joy that did not fit in my chest and do not hesitate - just try