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  • Akathist to the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos with accents. Prayers and Akathist for the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos

    Akathist to the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos with accents. Prayers and Akathist for the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos

    Beloved believers!

    All holidays in the Orthodox Church of Christ, established in honor of the saints, bring great things to Orthodox Christians. But no matter how great the praise that we give to the saints, it cannot be compared with that which we should give to God, who created the saints.

    Today is not a holiday for saints or angels. Today, the Orthodox Church of God celebrates and honors the Queen of all angels and all saints. The honoring of slaves and kings cannot be equated. Today is a royal holiday, for the Queen of all creation is now being removed from us.

    However, it will be good for you to know how everything happened during the Assumption of the Virgin, how the Mother of Life was transferred from us to heaven. And here's how.

    Three days before the Dormition of the Theotokos, the Most Holy and Almighty God and Our Savior, Jesus Christ, sent the Archangel Gabriel from heaven to tell His Mother about Her transmigration into irrelevance. This divine archangel, who was once sent by God to proclaim Her that She will give birth to Christ, the Savior of the world, comes now and proclaims Her transfer from this earthly life into eternal rest and into the glory and honor unspeakable awaiting Her in heaven.

    And having arrived, the archangel Gabriel brought the Blessed Virgin Mary as a sign a date branch, as he brought her a lily for the Annunciation. The Most Holy Mother of God, having learned from the Archangel Gabriel that it was necessary to leave the world and this land, returned home in great joy and covered Her house with candles and incense; and, praying, she left the house and went to where she often used to pray to His Sweetest Son Jesus Christ.

    Every time She bowed, the trees bowed to the ground as a sign of great reverence and reverence.

    So, when the Most Holy Mother of God went to the Mount of Olives and prayed, a great and glorious miracle happened: the olives and all the trees on that mountain and all the fruit trees there, when She bowed, also bowed with Her to the very earth. And every time She bowed, the trees bowed to the ground as a sign of great reverence and reverence, lifted up to the Most Holy Mother of God, Mother of Life.

    Then She returned, and there was a strong earthquake, so that the place where Her house stood was shook. And She fell prostrate in prayer, and again kindled candles and incense, and called all the holy women who lived with Her, the holy myrrh-bearers and Her friends, and said to them:

    Behold, the time has come for Me to leave you, to go to My Son and My God.

    And the holy women and myrrh-bearers and all the holy widows and virgins who followed the Most Holy Theotokos and Her teachings wept greatly and bitterly.

    And this miracle was followed by another miracle. Suddenly there was a great whirlwind and a strong wind, and he carried the twelve apostles in the clouds of heaven (from those parts of the earth where they were sent to preach), so that they too would become partakers of the celebration and burial of the Blessed Virgin Mary. God Himself carried the Apostles in the clouds to give even greater honor and glory to His Most Holy Mother.

    And when they arrived, She said to them:

    My holy disciples and my Son, apostles and disciples, this is the reason why the clouds brought you here to Gethsemane. I need to get out of here; There was a message to Me from the Archangel Gabriel that I must leave you, but not for good, but go to heaven and from there help you.

    And all the divine apostles wept. And finally, the great Apostle Paul came and shedding tears, said:

    O Mother of Life and God the Word! I have not seen my God Jesus Christ in the flesh, and when I saw You in the flesh, it seemed to me that He Himself is always with us and I see Him Himself. And it was a great consolation for us, the apostles, to have you with us. And now you are leaving too! This is a great joy for you, for you are leaving for eternal joy. And we both rejoice and grieve. We rejoice at Your joy, for You are leaving for these holy places and endless joy, but we also grieve, for we remain here on earth, without seeing You, and without Your meekness, and without Your sacred instructions and Your holy prayers.

    The other apostles said the same thing. Then the Most Pure Mother of God spoke to them the last word, saying:

    Behold, I will lie on My bed and lay My body as My will be done, and you leave it that way.

    And, having said this, she asked for forgiveness from all those who were there, from the divine apostles and holy wives, and, having overshadowed Herself with the sign of the cross, lay down on the bed, closed her eyes, folded her hands on her chest and gave up her spirit.

    O Thy miracles, Most Pure Mother of God! As soon as the Blessed Mother gave up Her most holy and most pure spirit into the hands of Her Son, all the blind and all the crippled, lame and sick, who came there from the city and all its surroundings, were made healthy! The dumb spoke, the deaf heard, the lepers were cleansed, the lame walked, for the Most Holy God and Savior Christ was so pleased to honor the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother with His glorious miracles, so that everyone would know that it was not an ordinary woman who died, but the Mother of the Word, the Mother of God, the God of miracles.

    And as soon as the Mother of God gave up her most pure soul, the divine apostles heard thousands and millions of chants of angels in the air, praising and singing the procession of the Mother of the Most Holy God. And they themselves sang, like the angels in the air.

    And taking a bed with the most pure and most holy body of the Mother of God, they began their journey to the Garden of Gethsemane, carrying it there to put it in the grave. And they were accompanied by angelic chants from the air, and the apostles with many Christians and all the disciples of Jesus Christ sang on earth. And there was a common singing of the verbal flock of Jesus Christ on earth and the clever flock in heaven, that is, angels. And so they saw off both heaven and earth - that is, both people and angels - the Mother of God to Her Most Holy Sepulcher.

    And when they walked in this way, and songs were heard, and a fragrance emanated from the holy body, filling the places through which they passed, the envy of the Jews aroused, and some of them rushed with great audacity to throw that holy bed from the shoulders of the apostles to the ground. And one even dared to come up and raise his hands on the holy bed. But - about Your miracles, Mother of God! - everyone who wanted to throw off the stretcher from the shoulders of the apostles became blind and could no longer see where they came from or where they were going!

    And those who impiously dared to touch the stretcher with the body of the Mother of God, were immediately cut off by an angel's hands

    And the one who dared - that was a Jew called Anthony - to touch the most pure stretcher on which the holy body of the Mother of God rested, both hands were immediately cut off by the invisible angelic right hand, and they hung, clinging to the stretcher, and he himself collapsed without feeling and half-dead.

    And they began to ask for forgiveness from the Mother of God and the blind, and the one whose hands were cut off. And then the divine Apostle Peter, taking from the breast of the Mother of God, from the stretcher, a palm branch brought to Her by the archangel Gabriel, put it to the eyes of the blind, and immediately they became healthy, and when he touched the hands cut off by an invisible angel, then his hands grew together again!

    And so the glorious miracles of the Mother of God took place. That is why they all exclaimed with one voice:

    Great is God Jesus Christ and great is His Most Pure Mother, Blessed Virgin Mary!

    And everyone went on together. Those who were jealous earlier also walked, singing and confessing their sins to Christ God, and, repenting for their previous sin, sang the Mother of mercy, the Mother of the Lord, who did not withhold their sin, but forgave everyone and gave them healing.

    And, having come to the Garden of Gethsemane, they put the most pure body of the Mother of God in a stone coffin, new, hewn in advance, and putting a stone to the door of the coffin, for three days and three nights they heard the singing of angels around the tomb of the Most Holy Theotokos.

    Then another wonderful thing happened. The Apostle Thomas, who was not even at the Resurrection of the Lord and therefore did not believe that the Risen Savior appeared to ten disciples, was late even now, by the Providence of God. And he was not brought in the clouds of heaven along with the rest, but the cloud brought him after the burial of the Mother of God. Therefore, he was sad and very mournful, thinking: “For what sins did I not deserve to see the Mother of God in the flesh one day? For what sin did I delay in faith with the Resurrection, and now I was late - for the Dormition of the Mother of God? "

    And then God inspired the apostles to open the tomb of the Most Holy Theotokos, from a general council, so that Thomas would kiss the feet of the Most Holy Mother of God in the tomb and receive comfort and firm hope that his preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ would also be accepted.

    And when they opened the grave and the grave of the Mother of God - about Your miracles, Most Holy Theotokos! - they did not find the body of the Blessed Virgin Mary there, but only one shroud, as it remained in the tomb of the Savior Christ after the Resurrection, for our Most Holy God and Savior Jesus Christ took His Most Holy Mother to heaven with the body and put it in the place that He Himself knows.

    This is a genuine event, brethren, and this truth about what happened during the Assumption of the Mother of God has been transmitted to this day.

    But pay attention to the fact that great miracles also happened during the terrible suffering of our Savior Jesus Christ, during His crucifixion and death. There was darkness from the sixth to the ninth hour all over the earth. There the earth shook and the stones split in two in Jerusalem. There the coffins were opened and the dead were raised.

    And so, just as at the end of our Savior Jesus Christ, glorious and great miracles were performed, so Her Most Holy God and Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, was pleased to honor the Dormition of His Most Holy Mother with glorious miracles. These were: the coming of the Archangel Gabriel, the bowing of the trees that bowed to Her on the Mount of Olives, the arrival of the divine apostles on the clouds, the blinding and cutting off of the hands of the impudent and their healing after repentance, angelic chants, heard from all sides in an invisible way, accompanying the Mother of God to the grave, and then Her ascension with flesh to heaven and leaving the most holy shroud in the tomb, as a consolation for those who remain on earth.

    Why did God crown the Assumption of His Most Pure Mother with so many miracles?

    But why did so many miracles happen? Why, when the Mother of God gave up Her spirit, were so many deaf, lepers, lame, one-armed, dry-handed and all other sick people healed? Why did the Most Holy God crown the Assumption of His Most Pure Mother with so many glorious miracles? That is why: for us and for our faith, so that we know until the very end of the world who the Mother of God was on earth, who then moved to heaven.

    The one who then settled into heaven is the Daughter of God, for do you hear what the Holy Spirit says? “Hear, O children, and see, and incline Thy ear, and forget Thy people,” and so on. And at the same time She is the Mother of the Word in the flesh. Again, the Holy Spirit tells us this: that then the Most Immaculate Bride, the Royal Palace of the Most Holy Spirit, the most holy and most pure chamber of the Spirit was transformed into heaven.

    And if we ask the holy prophets and each of them individually, we will hear from everyone: now the spiritual and verbal Dove has settled into heaven, bringing into the world the sign of the end of the flood of sin - the olive branch carried by Noah's dove, the sign of God's propitiation for the salvation of the human race ... The divine prophets would have told us this: now the clever ladder has settled into heaven, the spiritual ladder, along which human nature rose from earth to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father by means of about the woman's body of Jesus Christ.

    Let us ask David, Her blessed ancestor and parent, the Father of God in the flesh, and he will also tell us: now the Queen, standing at the right hand of the Holy Trinity in golden robes, has settled into heaven, and is adorned with garments.

    Ezekiel the prophet will tell us: now the closed door of God has passed into heaven, through which no one passed, only the Lord God, and left Her as a prisoner, without breaking the seals of Her virginity.

    If we ask the prophet Isaiah, he will also tell us: now the Virgin, who gave birth to Immanuel, that is, Christ God, who is and will always be with us, has settled into heaven.

    If we ask Gideon, he will tell us too: now the fleece, full of the dew of the Holy Spirit, has moved to heaven.

    If we ask the prophet Habakkuk, he will tell us in turn: now the mountain of God, overshadowed by a thick shadow, has settled into heaven.

    And David will tell us again: now the mountain in which God was pleased to live has settled into heaven.

    If we ask the prophets, everyone will say that now the Mother of God the Word, the Mother of Life, the Mother of mercy and mercy has passed from us to heaven.

    Yes, brethren, how much more they would say about the Mother of God, but it is impossible to retell this at one Liturgy, for the time is too short and no one can praise Her at her worth. Let us know that today our Mother, Mother of mercy and mercy has settled into heaven. For all of us to whom God is the Father, the Spiritual Mother is the Mother of the Lord, Who always prays and always intercedes for us and for the salvation of the human race.

    God would have ruined the world long ago, as the divine fathers say, for the many sins with which people anger God; but the Mother of the Lord, just as she bound Jesus Christ in her life and swaddled Him in a manger, also now binds the wrath of God and stops Him so that He does not destroy the human race. For the Mother does not want mercy and mercy for God to destroy the souls of people, for she knows that if God's anger were kindled, then he would destroy the whole world, which has become the abode of so many sins and evils.

    The Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, who served the Father as a Daughter, Christ as a Mother and as a holy Servant - the Holy Spirit, always remains the Servant and Servant of the Lord, as stated in the Gospel, now always serving the Most Holy Trinity in heaven together with all the saints and angels after ceaselessly served Him on earth until her last breath, now she always intercedes and always prays for us and our salvation.

    We have there, in heaven, a kind and merciful Mother. Do not think that if today the Mother of the Lord settled in heaven, then She left the world. Not! Once going there, She has b aboutmore power and with b abouthelps us with the greatest strength. She is now closer to the Throne of the Divine, She went there to always look to the needs of the poor, the prayers of widows, to the poor, prisoners, persecuted, suffering, sick. There She became a Mother, helping everyone in trouble, everyone oppressed and everyone who loves Her and calls for help with all her heart. We have a Mother in heaven, a Mother of mercy and mercy, Who always prays for the whole Church of Christ and each child of the Church of Christ separately.

    Blessed and thrice blessed are the Christians who keep the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in their home

    Blessed and thrice blessed are the Christians who keep the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in their home and read other prayers of the Mother of God every day. There is no person in heaven and on earth more powerful, after the Holy Trinity, than the Mother of God, who can help us.

    If the memory of the righteous is with praises, then how much praise should we bring to the Mother of God - the Queen of all the righteous, all the saints and all the angels of God? And if She is the Queen, then from the Most Holy God she also has great power to help us, to patronize the world, to come to the aid of both small and large, and rich and poor, and wise and simple, and sick and healthy, and to all believers, being at the same time as our Heavenly Mother.

    Blessed are those Christians who, after the Holy Trinity, revere the Mother of God with all their hearts and, wherever they go, say this: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, with the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints, have mercy on me, a sinner (sinner)."

    I will tell you one story so that you can see how the ambulance Mother of God

    I will tell you one story so that you can see how an ambulance Mother of God is to those for whom she is the Mother and who reveres Her as the Mother of God the Word, and how close She is to those who believe in Her and always call on Her for help.

    There was a widow woman whose husband died when she was still young, and she was left with two small children. And the poor woman also had a household. But she honored God and the Most Holy Theotokos, kept Her icon in her house with the Divine Child in her arms. And she taught children from an early age to bow before the icon, read Our Father, read Believe and, for a start, at least the shortest prayers to the Mother of God. And children, like babies, which they were, asked:

    Mom, who is this on the icon?

    And she told them:

    This is your Mama, your true Mama.

    Are you not our mother?

    She said:

    No, your true Mother is in heaven, and Her name is the Mother of God.

    And Who Is This Child That She Holds In Her Arms? they asked.

    This is our Lord Jesus Christ, who created us and was carried in the womb of the Mother of God. She gave birth to Him from the Holy Spirit, and He was God and perfect Man.

    This is how the poor mother taught her children who the Mother of God is, and taught them with all her heart that the Mother of God is their real Mother. That is why the children, waking up in the morning, before speaking to their mother, resorted to the Mother of God, made several prostrations to the ground, read Our Father and then prayers to the Mother of God, honoring Her according to the power of their children's understanding.

    And then one day a poor woman had to go to the harvest in the field, and there was no one to leave her children to. And it was her custom, leaving the children, to lock them in the house. And so she called the children, left them to eat and said:

    You are left at home alone; I will go to work, because I have to reap a lot.

    And the children asked:

    Who will we stay with?

    So, you stay with your Mother, and showed them the icon of the Mother of God, in front of which the lamp was burning.

    And she also said:

    Your Mother stays with you and will protect you, and you be smart and pray if you find yourself in trouble. Call to Her, for She will protect you!

    The children believed their mother that they were not alone, but with their Heavenly Mother. And the poor woman went hastily to her work, into the field. And the children prayed, and their mind kept moving from one to the other, not stopping at one thought.

    So, they forgot about mom's advice. We prayed for a while, then took up games and began to play with fire. Mom, I said, locked them in the house so that they would not go out into the street and get lost, knowing that she would hardly return home in half a day.

    And when the children began to play with the fire, the house caught fire. And they, seeing that household things, carpets and what else they had had flared up, and when they saw that the whole house was on fire, and there was no one to come to extinguish it, because it was summer time and everyone was at work, they ran to the icon of the Mother of God, grabbed her hands and shouted:

    Mom, don't leave us!

    The house burned down, but the fire did not touch the wall where the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos hung, which the children clung to!

    And - about Your miracles, Mother of God! - the whole house burned down, but the fire did not touch the wall, on which the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos hung with the children clutching it!

    The woman heard in the field, for someone brought this message to her:

    Oh, woman, your house burned down!

    And she, poor thing, says:

    Oh woe to me, I left the children at home!

    But the one who said did not know about the miracle that happened to the children, but only told her that: "Run, for I heard that this is your home!"

    But she, hearing, poor, and knowing that she had locked her children in the house, started running at a run, and her heart was ready to jump out of her chest from this run and fright. And when she ran to the outskirts, she asked:

    Did my house burn down?

    Yes, - they answered her, - your house burned down. We saw you have a big fire, and people ran to put it out, but the house was already burnt down.

    And she cried out:

    Mother of God, how did you leave my children, I left them on you!

    And, sobbing and wailing, she ran like a madman. And, having come running, she saw that the people were standing and looking at the glorious miracle: the whole house had burned down, and the wall with the icon of the Virgin was intact, and the kids were holding onto the icon with their little hands and shouting: "Mom, Mom!"

    And, seeing this, the poor woman threw herself through the fire to the icon of the Mother of God and with great gratitude thanked the Mother of God that these babies, whom she had entrusted to Her, had kept alive and healthy.

    Whatever sorrow befalls you and whatever misfortune, call on the Mother of God!

    I told you this in order to show: whoever honors the Theotokos as his Mother and Patroness, She will protect him: him and his children, and cattle, and all acquisitions. Have this faith always, so that an akathist and an honest prayer of the Mother of God do not descend in your house, and no matter what sorrow befalls you and what misfortune, call on the Mother of God with all your heart, and She will certainly come with Her first aid, with holy and unrelenting prayers Your own.

    Know that there is no soul under heaven that would put its trust in the Mother of God and remain ashamed to the end. Through her prayers, she will have peace, consolation, cover and refuge in this age, and at the moment of death the grace of the Mother of God will not leave her. And on the day of Judgment, the Most Holy Mother will kneel before Her Most Holy and Sweetest Son and our God Jesus Christ and say: “Lord God and My Son, this tortured soul even if it sinned, but always asked Me to pray to You. Forgive her, have mercy and do mercy on her. "

    And so, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, we will gain mercy in this age, at the time of death, and on the day of Judgment.

    Akathist to the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos
    Kontakion 1
    Chosen from all generations of the Mother of God and the Queen, ascending from earth to Heaven, we bring reverent singing of Thy most honorable Dormition to Thy servant, Theotokos. You, as if having victory over death, freedom from all our deadly troubles, let us call Ty: Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, who does not leave us.

    Ikos 1
    The representative angel was sent quickly to the Mother of God to her rewarding Her ascent and presenting to Her to Her Son and God, shining brightly about Her and standing, the call is: Rejoice, delighted Mother Tsareva; Rejoice, Heavenly Queen, Mother of God and Lord of Heaven and Earth. Rejoice, preferred by the greatness of the coming to Thee of Thy Son and God; Rejoice, exalted by Thy announcement to the Son of your departure. Rejoice, chosen by God from all generations; Rejoice, holy container of the Word of God. Rejoice, fulfillment of the prophetic utterance; Rejoice, most holy apostle. Rejoice, goodness for a saint and a priest; Rejoice, fertilizer and power as ruler. Rejoice, God-wise monks elevation to the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, opening the doors of heaven to the Christian race, ever blessing You. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 2
    Seeing the face of the Apostles, with an omnipotent beck from the end of the earth on a cloud presented to Thy Most Honorable, Immaculate, Dormition, priest: Dionysius - the heavenly mystery, Hierotheos the wondrous and Timothy, with the Divine honor of the priesthood, go to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 2
    Reasonable all creature, the oldest angelic ruling authority came with its King, Like in His life-giving hand the soul of His Mother is pleasant; Peter warm by faith with tears to me; gaya to her utterance, the call: Rejoice, to the reward, Mother of the Creator to the world, ascending; Rejoice, to the heavenly ones, the most expansive of the heavens, who are taken up. Rejoice, you sanctified the fourfold of the elements by Your ascent; Rejoice, thou who didst delight the heavenly ones with Thy passage. Rejoice, beautiful sweetheart to Jerusalem Heavenly; Rejoice, for you entered the temples not made by hands. Rejoice, Queen of Cherubim and Seraphim; Rejoice, Lady of the Archangels. Rejoice, refuge of the faithful and deliverance; Rejoice, help and protection to your heritage. Rejoice, for the whole world of Christians to God the Intercessor; Rejoice, All-Gracious Giver of all blessings. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 3
    The power of the Vyshnyago to capture Thomas from India, for some will of God I will not adhere to him in the honorable dormition of the Mother of God, and leave Her to the living grave, like the Reposed one to see, to reason ascended to Heaven with a body and, believing, cry out about this: Alleluia.

    Ikos 3
    Having in himself the thought of a disciple, as if by God's gaze, he would not be entrusted with seeing the Mother of God with others, together, he was delighted about Her immortal Dormition, this crying to Her: Rejoice, received from the earth the hand of Thy Son; Rejoice, thou who ascended to the highest, enjoy His glory. Rejoice, escorted from all the angelic rulers to the Gornaya; Rejoice, lifted Cherubim into Heavenly and Heavenly. Rejoice, in the Heavenly gates from the oldest Powers, exalting with great songs; Rejoice, surrounded and blessed by all Heavenly citizens. Rejoice, earthly heaven, sublime to the mountain village; Rejoice, Throne of the Lord, exalted from the earth into the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, our intercession and strong intercession; Rejoice, sinner, the Assistant to salvation. Rejoice, Christian Queen and according to Bose Hope to the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, Mother of Zhivota, and in the Lord we are the hope of eternal life. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 4
    With a storm inside, having the thoughts of the unfaithful Jew, Affonius, and in vain the God-bearing Apostles to the Mother of God the Most Holy Body, carried with all honor to the grave, rush to refutation; Suddenly, when, with a blinding eye to his hand, pull him back to the bed, hanging hanging, confessing the Mother of God by faith, crying to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 4
    Hearing the mysteries and self-seers of the Words of the Angels singing with exceeding songs at the burial of the Divine Body of the Mother of God, and the honor of giving the God-pleasing body, pouted in accordance with the petition, saying: Rejoice, receiving the gospel of Your passage into the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, from the gospel of Gabriel you have received the joyful paradise of corruption. Rejoice, you who have enlightened the honorable multitude of cherubim; Rejoice, you who rejoiced the glorious nature of the seraphim. Rejoice, representative of the patriarchs; Rejoice, foretold from the prophets. Rejoice, for you soon noted Affoni's evil insolence; Rejoice, who gave healing to you. Rejoice, you who have converted Affonian unbelief into faith; Rejoice, you who have received the faithful confession. Rejoice, who elevates the love and faith of those who have to you to Heaven; Rejoice, who save your name by faith who call them. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 5
    The divine stars, the Apostles of the holy, scattered in the heavens for the sake of the Gospel, the rapture was on the clouds, in the latitude of the air, to the burial of the Mother of the Lord, Yuzha accompanying with stumps and songs, with the Immaterial cry: Alleluia.

    Ikos 5
    Seeing the God-Seers of their Lord, in the hand of the Mother, they received His soul, and the Lord, who understood the Lord, sweeping sacred words with songs blessedly praise Yu: Rejoice, Queen, who carried the Reigning over all; Rejoice, and the very hand of His Sonship is worn. Rejoice, royal scepter in Christ's right hand; Rejoice, there is a branch of a dove in Noah's hand. Rejoice, rod of Aaron, you who have grown imperishable; Rejoice, unfading krine, flourishing immortality. Rejoice, God-inspired taker of Godfather David; Rejoice, prophecies of his rebellious word, psalter and beautiful harp. Rejoice, animated by the shrine of the Lord to the bow; Rejoice, in the rest of the Lord resurrected our belly. Rejoice, tabernacle, overshadowed by the cherubim; Rejoice, Holy of Holies, spoken by the Seraphim. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 6
    Preachers of God-bearing Apostles, after the departure to the Mother of God in the common village, the usual meals were formerly and the offering of a portion of the bread in the Name of the Lord, lifting up suddenly from above the Mother of God the Queen, who came with the light-bearing Angels, in vain, and, having heard peace from the Son and God, she heard, crying about this : Alleluia.

    Ikos 6
    Raise to us the Sun of righteousness, Christ God from Thy most pure falsehoods, by the will and prudence of preaching through the Apostles, enlighten the world and Thee, Mother of God, glorify from generation and generation. The same, we all bless Thee, blatantly Ty: Rejoice, Ever-blessed from all generations forever; Rejoice, gracious and gracious to men. Rejoice, you have fulfilled your promise to the disciple's face; Rejoice, having given this peace by Thy presence from Thy Son and God. Rejoice, sweet sight of the saints; Rejoice, reverend mothers and virgins of saints, all-joyous joy. Rejoice, transient paradise village of the righteous; Rejoice, visiting all in the glory of heavenly beings. Rejoice, the beginning of human salvation; Rejoice, fulfillment of all good desires. Rejoice, according to Bose, King of reigning, Virgin Mary; Rejoice, in the Lord of lords, our Sovereign, Mistress and Lady. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 7
    Those who want everyone with faith, enter Thy holy temple, the Mother of God, always save and glorify Thee from all misfortunes and misfortunes, free you; The same and faithful people, ever-blessing Thee, grant victories to the resistance and give us all petitions for salvation, for this one praying to You and singing to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 7
    A new display of creature, appear to us, the Creator, the Lord, Thee, the Mother of God. You have a kind of providence for us to Him, who honestly honor Your most honorable Assumption, accept those who cry to You: Rejoice, Mother God, chosen from the earth; Rejoice, exceeding earthly and heavenly ones. Rejoice, O thou who hast overcome the sorrow of the cherubim and the seraphim; Rejoice, student face like a cloud to the burial of Ti copulating share. Rejoice, for the burial by Thy power of God, Thomas was more abundant; Rejoice, through him you have assured Your transcendence to Heaven with flesh. Rejoice, adorned with the beauty of all virtues; Rejoice, the most flamboyant more than the sons of men, Your companion. Rejoice, like a phoenix, flourishing in flesh from the resurrection; Rejoice, like a cedar in heavenly Lebanon, multiplied. Rejoice, tree of the belly, plant; what is given in the midst of paradise; Rejoice, exalted mental ark in the Higher from the flood of death. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 8
    It is strange in the superior leaders Ty, Chosen, like the sun, Vla; dychitsa, inside the heavenly, unthinkable beauties and ineffable kindnesses, tenderly to the Son and God, I hold His hand, ascended and gleefully bowed to His life-giving right hand, about this ceaselessly crying: Alleluia.

    Ikos 8
    All that was sorrow, was taken to the Heavenly, and does not leave the earthly, Bogomati, we carry the hand of the Son of the Son, into the unapproachable entrance, into this city, all-shining and beautiful, Jerusalem above, the Cherubim are connected with all the Heavenly powers, where he hears these singing: Rejoice, Her most holy soul in the highest all-light Zion dwells; Rejoice, the imperishable body is glorified there with the soul. Rejoice, you who entered the throne city of Samago the Almighty; Rejoice, ascended into the beautiful paradise of the Most High Planter. Rejoice, brought into the city, founded from the stones of the all-shining; Rejoice, led into the fence, surrounded by the forces of the superior. Rejoice, taken above Heaven in the splendor of God; Rejoice, respected one more than all non-material minds. Rejoice, bringing the prayer of the faithful to your Son and God; Rejoice, and herself constantly praying for all at the Throne of Thy Son and God. Rejoice, Representative to God, saving the world; Rejoice, Intercessor, given to the Christian family from God. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 9
    Every angelic nature exalts Thee, the Theotokos, but to humanity we give birth to all the Mother of God, we glorify and honor Thy most honorable Dormition, Queen: for thee for the sake of the earthly Heavenly they copulate, according to the singing to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 9
    The vetians of the Divine prophetic utterances are now visible about You, the fulfilled, Mother of God, as if you truly gave birth to God in the flesh. The same to the mystery of the word of God, believing, crying: Rejoice, the law and the prophets are chiefly perfect; Rejoice, star of Jacob, Va; Laam prophesied. Rejoice, the bed of the Great King, prophesied by Solomon; Rejoice, Jesus-watered fleece formed by Gideon. Rejoice, Burning Kupino, foreseen as a law-maker; Rejoice, O holy city, provided by the husband of desire. Rejoice, heavenly ladder, foreseen by Jacob; Rejoice, impassable door, foreseen by Ezekiel. Rejoice, the sun of the village of Christ, presented by the psalmist; Rejoice, sacrament, the diversified prophets are called. Rejoice, prophetic verb of all who were foretold about You, bringing the end; Rejoice, for the salvation of the world you have accomplished all the highest gaze. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 10
    To save the world, even though the Lord from the earthly Thy kind was chosen in His Mother and, for our sake, being a man, outward, not at all from below, to Heaven from earth, and raise You with Him to abiding in eternal glory and co-reign with Himself, having no end The same, like God, hears from everyone: Alleluia.

    Ikos 10
    Thou art the wall for the faithful, Virgin Mary, and intercession for all who come running to You, for the Creator, the Most Pure One, passed from You in flesh, the Most Pure One, in spirit and body into Heavenly Thee, to intercede for all who come running to You, for Heaven and earth, to the nearest intercession of all, teach them to invite: Great on top of the Heavenly Mountain; Rejoice, wall and cover that is not hidden from our influx. Rejoice, thou who assists the faithful against the enemies; Rejoice, victorious Hagarian invasion. Rejoice, immovable preservation of pious faith; Rejoice, ruin of the heretical regiments. Rejoice, joy and peace that exists in the world; Rejoice, for you have trampled the destructive hell. Rejoice, a fair wedding ceremony for those who are militant in the flesh with chastity; Rejoice, honorable glorification of martyr deeds. Rejoice, saints by labor of the Intercessor of blessed repose; Rejoice, grieving monk, Giver of eternal joy. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 11
    All singing of God-inspired songs does not prevail from us to the praise of Thy all-honorable Dormition, O All-praiseworthy Lady, Queen of the Theotokos, but we earnestly offer You, like the Mother of the King of all, our humble prayer, with Heavenly orders singing to the One God worthy of glorifying Thee: Alleluia.

    Ikos 11
    The light-receiving illumination of the true Light has appeared to us on earth, enlightened souls and those who honor Your all-honorable retirement; enlightenment to the Divine reason, instruct, so we sing Ty Sitsevaya: Rejoice, inextinguishable candle of the immaterial fire; Rejoice, the unapproachable dawn of the non-evening Light. Rejoice, moon, from the Sun of righteousness; Rejoice, lordship, holy one in the darkness. Rejoice, for the lamp, we will exceed the one set on the candlestick; Rejoice, source of life, brought forth from the grave into the light. Rejoice, Mother of the Intelligent Light, pious enlightening souls; Rejoice, Mother of all God, embittered souls who comfort. Rejoice, for those who trust in Thee of the belly, you will not be ashamed of the end; Rejoice, for the property of God and as your servant at the Judgment of Your Son, you who make it fit. Rejoice, Blessed One, as Thou art blessed and we, like the Assistant of Thy Imams; Rejoice, Blessed One for generation and generation, as the Lord is with You, and You are with us. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 12
    The grace of high-throne glory, bestowed in heaven to the Mother of God, venerated by graying at the right hand of Her Son and God, seeing the heavenly minds, raising the Throne and Power, surrounding the Beginnings and Power, the fear of Cherubs, Seraphims and Dominance, from the Archangels and Angels cryingly:

    Ikos 12
    Singing all-honorable Thy Assumption, we praise all to the heavenly Thy ascent, Queen Bogomati. Sanctify, glorify, and save all who sing to You with love: Rejoice, you who cleansed the earth with Your most pure feet; Rejoice, having sanctified the air by Your ascent to Heaven. Rejoice, you ascended to the Heavenly circle; Rejoice, seeing all inexpressible kindness. Rejoice, in glory sitting down on the throne of Thy Son and God; Rejoice, for ever reigning with the Son and God. Rejoice, beauty in the right hand of the Lord, adorning the blessed ones, all heavenly ones; Rejoice, delighted by the hope of all earthly people in You. Rejoice, clothed with the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the entire universe; Rejoice, who promised to preserve and rescue all those who call Thee in heaven. Rejoice, from Christian families the Mother of God revered and the Mother of God called; Rejoice, gloriously and Orthodox from all the pious glorified from the east of the sun to the west. Rejoice, Delighted, in Thy Assumption, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 13
    O All-honored Mother of the Immortal King of Heaven and Earth, Christ our God, who lives after death, receive the present offerings of Your honorable Dormition from us, in this life and in our mortal dormition from all misfortune, troubles and torment, deliver us, the Queen of Heavenly Kingdom , grant, crying about You: Alleluia.

    (This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

    Prayers for the holy holidays Shevchenko V.

    Akathist to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (28 August)

    Akathists twelve holidays

    Kondak 1st

    Chosen from the human race and born of barrenness, the Most Pure Virgin Mary, let us praise, for by the Nativity of Her, the beginning of our salvation was quick and the coming into the world of the Redeemer to be erected. Even so, we joyfully cry out to Her: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world, chosen for centuries.

    The angel of heaven stand before God, sent quickly to the righteous Joachim and Anna to proclaim great joy to them, as through their infertility they will give birth to the Most Blessed Daughter, joy will come from Nothing to the whole world. In the same way, we, the sowing joy of the sacrament, will sing a praiseworthy song to the Virgin: Rejoice, in the Trinity Council the Matter of the Son of God was chosen from the beginning; Rejoice, ancient prophets with patriarchs in variety in the image and senech preformed. Rejoice, you who have been servants of God for five thousand years from the creation of the world, like the Mother of the Deliverer, awaited; Rejoice, in the vision of Jacob of the ladder, as God's descent to man, predestined. Rejoice, by the burning bush in the desert of Sinai, seen by Moses, foretold; Rejoice, for the Red Sea Israel gave dry way, but Pharaoh drowned him, figuratively written. Rejoice, write to us in the bottom of the Everlasting Belly; Rejoice, the Kingdom of Heaven is an unselected entrance to us, intercessor. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 2nd

    Seeing the righteous Joachim and Anna, the Angel appearing to them, announcing Thy Christmas, Holy Virgin, thanking God, who was meant to take away the reproach of their iniquity, and with all his heart cried out warmly: Alleluia.

    The All-Merciful Lord should begin to fulfill the mind of Divine construction and to the earth of His descent, the All-Merciful Lord, beginning with the message of His Angel to announce to Joachim and Anna about Your Nativity, Holy Virgin. The same cry of Ti is laudable: Rejoice, divine manifestation of reason; Rejoice, His wondrous sight is fulfilled. Rejoice, anciently appointed to serve the incarnation of the Son of God; Rejoice, chosen one of all generations in the dwelling place of all. Rejoice, even in paradise, by saying to the tempter of the serpent about the state of enmity between that and the Woman and Her Seed, was predetermined; Rejoice, for the fulfillment of times from barrenness by the will of God, gloriously done. Rejoice, you who have rejoiced the human race with Your Christmas; Rejoice, for you gave joy to those who looked for the joys of Israel. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 3rd

    The power of the Most High Solve the infertility of the righteous Anna who has become miserable in her days: the Most Pure One was conceived, and, in the tea of \u200b\u200bYour birth, joyfully sing a song of praise to the God of Israel: Alleluia.

    Having without manly bearing the Savior of our souls and bodies, You and Yourself, like a miracle before a great and incomprehensible miracle, were gloriously born from barren parents, Holy Virgin. In the same way we sing of Ty sice: Rejoice, come forth from the root of Jesse and David; Rejoice, from the barren lies of the righteous Anna, wonderfully vegetated. Rejoice, by the prophecy of Isaiah, before the years of old, the Virgin Mother was revealed; Rejoice, born according to the promise of the Angel. Rejoice, represented by the tabernacle of the appointment and the Ark of the covenant; Rejoice, foreshadowed by the prosperous rod of Aaron's image. Rejoice, before Thy Nativity in the Mother of God the Word, sanctified and prepared. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 4th

    The storms of human reproaches about their infertility will be delivered in Thy conception, O Most Holy Virgin, Thy righteous parenthood, I rejoice, and in honor of Thy Nativity I have given the commandment to the relatives and the known, and I rejoice over them, crying to God, who has created His mercy by His song, praise.

    Hearing the surrounding people, as if the daughter of Joachim and Anna was named Mary, she is the Lady, the mind, the Most Pure, great and glorious You are not only in people, but also with God. We, the realization of this good leading, magnify Thee: Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, not from a man, but from an Angel, who has accepted Her name even before conception; Rejoice, by this name you have been honored to be the Lady of all creation. Rejoice, for Thy righteous parentage is giving thanks to God for Thy Birth, I brought great gifts to Him as a sacrifice; Rejoice, as if you were a relative and known, you have created a rich and wretched supper of love. Rejoice, as from the priests, to the house of Thy parents for the triumph of those called, blessed art Thou; Rejoice, for you were praised and glorified for the joy of all those gathered. Rejoice, who is above all honor and praise; rejoice, the Matter of God the Word, vouchsafed to be. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 5th

    The divine star, announcing the coming of the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, appear in Thy Nativity, O Most Holy Virgin; the same people of God, the coming of the Redeemer, who hoped for faith, seeing Thee miraculously born from barrenness, mysteriously rejoiced and cried: Alleluia.

    Seeing the righteous Joachim and Anna the Divine Mother Mary born from them, about Neizha a certain wonderful and wondrous Angel of God proclaim, like the Kivota of God, That served, nourishing and preserving Yu, like the apple of the eye. In the same way, we praise the Godfathers, who were vouchsafed to be parents to be such a Daughter, to the Virgin Mary we joyfully sing: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, as at Christmas Thy parent Thy noble will rejoice; Rejoice, for in Thy appearance in the world, the Angels and men will rejoice in accord. Rejoice, for all the prophets have more varied sentences about You; rejoice, for one is one from them by the Closed Gates, and by the same Mountain, which is the same as the name. Rejoice, for all glorious ancient times were mysteriously suggested about You; Rejoice, for you have named the Psalm's mouth by the city and village of God. Rejoice, with a seven-light lamp, as filled with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, for the gilded meal with the breads of the offering, like the Bread of Life, Christ, who had given birth. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 6th

    Preacher of God-bearing broadcasting and obey the verbs, by the will of the Creator of creation on earth appeared Thou, the Most Holy Virgin, of our nature, the appeal of Adam and Eve to the first kindness of erection. Even so, all faithfulness in Thy Christmas has gained joy, spiritually triumphant, wondrous in the Counsel of His God singing: Alleluia.

    Ascent in Thy Nativity, Most Pure, the dawn of our salvation, in fulfillment of Divine Inspection, even if Thou art one from all generations worthy, the flesh appeared to favor Thy Creator, who came to save our family from the ancient forefather's oath. For this, we cry out to Ty sitse: Hail, Adam and Eve invocation; rejoice, ancient vows permission. Rejoice, the end of the new law and the beginning of the new grace; rejoice, providence of the Divine Mystery Woman. Rejoice, one Matter of God the Word is worthy of being acquired; Rejoice, and Mother appeared to us as a new people in Christ. Rejoice, by your motherly care, who leaves us with nothing; Rejoice, in your children to your Son, you are well pleased with us. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kontakion 7th

    Even though I still have to pay back my vows to the Lord, Thy righteous parenthood, the Most Holy Virgin, brought the three-year-old girl to the Lord's temple with great glory and joy. But the High Priest Zechariah, embraced by the Spirit of God, lead Thee into the Holy of Holies, even being a prototype of Thy Holiness: Thou didst contain in Thyself the saints of the Most Holy Son of God. Thou hast sang to him with maiden faces: Alleluia.

    The new and glorious Divine Providence is about Thee, Virgin, as if in the temple of God you accepted food from the hands of the Angels, the Most Holy. We also pray to Thee: nourish us with grace-filled food, so that we will grow spiritually and You, the Tsaritsa, praiseworthy with a cry: Rejoice, adorned with virtues, Maiden, in the temple of God, living in the temple of God and being vouchsafed to be an Angel of Interlocutor; Rejoice, thou hast received heavenly food from the angels into the Holy of Holies. Rejoice, miraculously nourished with Divine bread in the temple; rejoice, tamo prepared for the great mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. Rejoice, for by the command of God, the Angel on earth you diligently serve; Rejoice, for in heaven today I will worship You as the Queen with reverence. Rejoice, for we also praise Thee with songs of praise unworthy; Rejoice, as we always please the Godfathers who gave birth to Thee. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 8th

    Having seen the strange Christmas of the Most Pure Virgin, we will be removed from the vain world, the mind is made to heaven, where the Mother of God stands in glory for His Son and God, interceding before Him for all the faithful, the all-glorious Christmas of Her love celebrating and crying to God: Alleluia.

    All creation in Thy Nativity, Most Pure, has gained joy, the sorrow of the forefathers consuming: by Christ God who came from You, our nature, fallen into the sin of listening, was created from the fall of the East and kindly created the Creator. In the same tenderly Ty we cry out: Rejoice, foreshadowing of universal joy; Rejoice, the sacrament is a secret manifestation from the ages. Rejoice, even from the fall we have risen; Rejoice, Eyuzhe, previously rejected, our nature has been offered to God. Rejoice, Joachim and Anna of the reproach of childlessness were free; Rejoice, for you have applied the sterility of our hearts to fruitfulness. Rejoice, the abundance of eternal blessings from the Lord is given to the faithful; Rejoice, even the thanksgiving of the Lord is brought from the faithful. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 9th

    All the Angels of God, I do not know the secrets of God's Incarnation in the Tri-Hypostatic Council from the innermost century and finally revealed to the Virgin Mary, wondering how the Daughters of Joachim and Anna are opposed to the nature of women, into the Holy of Holies. In the same bewilderment, embrace the former, reverently crying: Alleluia.

    Vitia the most ancient, in the kings of Israel the all-wise Solomon, foreseeing Thy Christmas, Most Pure One, in the Song of Songs proclaims with surprise: who is this, penetrating, like morning, good like the moon, chosen like the sun? The same Church, in Thy feast, rejoicing, cheerfully cries out to Thee: Rejoice, the brightest morning of the day of the knowledge of God, in a more legitimate canopy, like in darkness, shining; rejoice, sun-like Virgin, who enlightened all the true Sun of Christ by the virgin incarnation. Rejoice, light-like element, which essentially accepted God, who lives in an unapproachable light; Rejoice, for declaring the Infinite with Your small womb, the whole ends of the universe is embracing. Rejoice, full moon, perceiving the Divine Light and thus illuminating us; rejoice, purest mirror, reflecting many of God's perfection. Rejoice, for your perfection motivates us to acquire virtues; Rejoice, strengthening our weak strength in doing good deeds. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 10th

    To save the human race from the original oath, the Lord has created the wondrous Sacrament of His Consideration: choose You, Most Pure One, from the family of Abrahaml and David, and from You the good will be incarnate without seeds, conquering the statutes of nature. The same Christmas Thy day celebrate and give birth to Thee praising, cry out to God: Alleluia.

    Heavenly King, for our salvation, although you will appear on earth and live from humans, the holy chamber of Thee, Most Pure One, was prepared by giving the fruit to the childless Anna, tearfully praying with Her husband for the resolution of infertility. We also pray to Thee, Bogomati: resolve the infertility of our souls, so that we can bring God the fruits of good deeds, crying out to Tye: Rejoice, blessed devil of the seedless incarnation of God; Rejoice, animate chamber, prepared for the King's dwelling place. Rejoice, brightest cloud, who is seated on the Throne of the Divine to us from below; rejoice, Mediator of law and grace, sealing of the Old and New Testaments. Rejoice, unfading vine, beautiful flower, the Savior of the world, which has grown; Rejoice, fragrant fruit, which has grown from fruitlessness, and pleasingly appeared to Christ. Rejoice, she who represents Thy singers are well pleased with; Rejoice, and we, who are good deeds, are fruitless, not depriving us of consolation. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 11th

    Do not reject the song of praise to Thy Christmas, O Good Lady, but those who have given birth to Thee for the sake of you, be friendly to us, pray for us Thy Son and our God, and give sins forgiveness and life correction, even in tearful repentance, we gratefully sing to Him: Alleluia.

    The light-receiving and premium Divine light The Light, the only-begotten Daughter of Joachim and Anna, the pre-chosen Mother of the Only Begotten Son of God, this day from barrenness gloriously procreation and enlightens with Her Christmas faithfully celebrating and reverently crying out: Rejoice, radiant shining, Divine flame; Rejoice, and thus gracefully warming and enlightening us. Rejoice, mysterious mite, Divine coal, Christ the Lord, in Your womb and in Your arms; Rejoice, and in the Sacrament of Communion, you are worthy of us. Rejoice, in the temple of the Lord, glorified by David, the tabernacle shone with grace; Rejoice, holy censer, who have fragrant all creation by the birth of His Son. Rejoice, exalted to the throne, the animated seat of the Great King, reigning with Him; Rejoice, Queen of heaven and earth, us, the poor, who does not forget. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 12th

    The grace action is manifested in Thy Nativity, Most Pure One; The Lord, having heard the prayer of Thy childless parents, gave them Thee for consolation, like Abraham and Sarah Isaac, desiring the mystery of His Consideration to complete and prepare Thee as the Mother of the promised Redeemer, to Him we gratefully sing: Alleluia.

    Singing Your glorious birth from barrenness, we praise Thee Most Pure, as the Mystery of God for us of saving Look, and crying to Thee: Rejoice, pure Noah's Dove, by Thy birth Thou hast announced the end of the mortal flood; Rejoice, bringing forth the branch of the gospel of Christ to the human race. Rejoice, one blessed in wives, by obedience to Thy God corrected the disobedience of the foremother Eve; Rejoice, for bringing the sorrow of Adam and the forefathers by Thy Merry Christmas to joy. Rejoice, for it is your joy to erect Christmas throughout the whole universe; Rejoice, for the mothers rejoice about your Christmas and the unfruitful rejoice. Rejoice, Thy Christmas is faithful and honoring those who celebrate piously; Rejoice, with Thy Son in His glory, I beg the Father to put us down. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Matter of the Savior of the world chosen from the ages.

    Kondak 13th

    All-chanting and Most Pure Mother, accept this laudatory singing of ours, in honor of Thy glorious Christmas brought forth, revive in us the desire for eternal blessings, and deliver the Holy Church and our fatherland from all troubles and misfortunes, from enemies visible and invisible, and torture us to come, and vouch for the Heavenly Kingdom, and for ever and ever cry to God: Alleluia.

    O Most Holy Lady Theotokos! Look with mercy on the prayer of Thy sinful and humble servants and pray Thy Son God, that He may send us and all those who come to You, mental and bodily health, and all that is necessary for eternal and temporary life, may all sins, voluntary and involuntary, forgive us, may he deliver us from all sorrows and diseases and misfortunes, and all evil of the situation. To her, our Queen, Abiding, Our indestructible Hope and invincible Intercessor! Do not turn away Thy face from us for the multitude of our sins, but stretch out the hand of Thy motherly mercy to us and create with us a sign for good. Show us Thy rich help and prosperity in every deed blaz, turn us away from every sinful undertaking and the thoughts of the evil one, so we always glorify Thy most glorious name and, thanks to Thy Christmas, worshiping, magnify God the Father, and His Only Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with all the saints, forever and ever. Amen.

    Kondak 1st

    Come, people of Christomenity, let us praise the Honest Cross, on whom Christ, the King of Glory, stretched out his hand, elevate us to the first bliss, out of worthless vileness to the prelest of the serpent. You, O Holy Cross, as if you have the power of the Crucified Christ inherent in you, save and preserve from all troubles the lovingly calling you: Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    The angels of the face, like God's service, the Cross is standing, the free passion of Christ the Life-Giver is glorified. We will be delivered by the suffering of That eternal death, imitating the heavenly Forces, we joyfully cry out: Rejoice, Cross, for Christ is our God on you, stretched out our hand at will, made our salvation; Rejoice, for by Christ spreading out on you the crime of Adam and Eve, who stretched out their hand to the forbidden tree, be abolished. Rejoice, as I have erected on you, as I will transgress, to the Lawgiver, the ancient oath, which was also on us, will be consumed; Rejoice, as it happened on you, by a strange mystery, the human race is free from the mortal aphids. Rejoice, for you have crushed the sting of death on you to those who suffered and died; Rejoice, for the sake of suffering, God be reconciled with men. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 2nd

    Seeing fallen people, Lord, You have become human, you have endured the cross and death freely in the flesh for our race, but save those who confess Thee, the Son of God and crying Ty: Alleluia from eternal death.

    The human mind is exhausted in comprehending the great mystery of Thy, Christ, the incarnation and suffering free for us: what kind of passion Thou art of the Cross, like a man, Thou didst endure this instrument of Thy death, and Thou hast made the source of life and salvation to all pious believers in Thee and praising those who sing: Rejoice, Cross, on which the sacrament, predetermined from time immemorial, was performed; Rejoice, for our redemption has been accomplished on you, manifold in the image and Senech presented. Rejoice, as the Life-Giver who died on you, pour out blood and water, and our sins are washed away in the image; Rejoice, for with drops of the Holy Blood of His sinful scabs of our souls are cleansed. Rejoice, Cross, like an animal tree, there is a hedgehog in the middle of God's paradise, longed for by a Christian; Rejoice, wisely nourishing us with the fruits of immortality and encouraging us with the hope of life of eternal cowardice. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 3rd

    Your cross, even if the tree is apparently a creature, but the Divine garment is power, and the sensuous world is revealed, our cleverly works miracles salvation, ascending to you: Alleluia.

    We hold the Most Holy Cross in front of our eyes, we revere the Holy Cross that wears for the sake of the Savior Christ, and, kissing, cry out: Rejoice, Cross, glorified by the obedience and suffering of Christ; Rejoice, exalted by the rise of the Son of God upon you, Raise the whole world from the fall of Adaml. Rejoice, for the awful mystery of the earth that has come true on you is terrified and in awe, as if you would like to devour the criminal; Rejoice, for the curtain of the temple that was laid upon you, the Lamb of God, was rent and the sacrifice of the Old Testament was abolished. Rejoice, Cross, as if a stone disintegrated under you, gave birth to stony-hearted Jewry in unbelief from God, fell away, but the grace of the priesthood and the kingdom was deprived; Rejoice, as the night of polytheism is darkened by the sun in the passion of Christ, and the light of faith ascends. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 4th

    The storm of anger breathes and envy with the movement, the high priests of Judaism are hidden in the earth Thy Cross, O Christ God, may their madness not be a reproof; but that, like a precious treasure, from the depths of the earth, ascended, by the diligence of the pious Queen Helen, found and revealed to the joy of the whole world, with a god-red song: Alleluia.

    Then the people of the Honest Cross saw the acquisition of Christianity, the glorification of Christ God screaming on him: Lord, have mercy, crying out. Now we, imitating them, glorify His Holy Cross with praises of titmouth: Rejoice, Cross, into the hidden earth and our earthly nature, defiled by sins, consecrated; Rejoice, by your appearance from the depths of the earthly detractors of the incarnation and Divinity of Christ you have put to shame. Rejoice, for He who suffered in the flesh has received all power in heaven and on earth, so that everyone and everything will lead to God the Father; Rejoice, for He who died on you as a man by the power of His Divinity, crush the rivets of hell and bring out the souls of the righteous from there. Rejoice, Cross, as a prudent thief, crucified to Christ, confessing Him, by you, like a ladder, to heaven ascending; Rejoice, for by cutting off the passions of Christ that are crucified, elevate them to the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 5th

    Lord, under Moses, sometimes the prophet's image of Thy Cross shows us victoriously against Thy, now the very Cross of Thy property, we ask for help: strengthen Thy Church and grant her victories against enemies, so that all Thy ones will be scattered, not crying out to Th: Alleluia.

    Honest of the Cross, Christ, the action imitating Amalek in the desert of Sinaistey: Whenever you extend your hand, you create an image of the cross, people are strengthened; now all things are fulfilled in us: today the cross is being erected, and the demons are running, now all creation is free from aphids, as if the whole of the Cross is for the sake of giving us a gift. The same, rejoicing, crying: Rejoice, Cross, the terrible weapon of Christ, its demons tremble; Rejoice, for by the power of Christ crucified on you, demonic hordes are driven far away. Rejoice, for by the power of the Divine grace acting in you, victories against those who resist Christ-loving people are bestowed; Rejoice, as from you, as the tall and prolific tree of Christ on you suffering, the fruits of life and salvation grow to us. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 6th

    The preacher of the power and Divinity of Christ is sometimes the life-giving tree of the Cross, when with your touch you resurrect the dead and raise it to life, having seen it, from the Jews and pagans, knowing the great piety of the secret: as for salvation for the sake of man, God appeared in the flesh and the passion of the cross, yes He who cries out to Him: Alleluia.

    Like a tree of paradise, the Honorable Cross of Christ ascended on Calvary, the mental branches of grace spread throughout the entire universe and spread out on it: under its shade they acquire the coolness of palimia by the heat of passions and who wants to live piously about Christ Jesus. In the same way, we, the grace of That partaker, cheerfully cry out: Rejoice, holy Cross, tree of life, for the sake of Adam planted in Eden, transformed; Rejoice, by the new Adam, who will spread his hand over you, revealed to the world. Rejoice, for all faithfulness is running under the shadow of your grace-filled protection; Rejoice, for by the mercy of the one who has given us to you, the repentant sinners avoid the fire of hell. Rejoice, Cross, our consolation in sorrows and sorrows; Rejoice, life-giving joy and help to those who are exhausted in the struggle with the appeals of passions, peace and the devil. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kontakion 7th

    Although to reveal to the human race His goodness and mercy the unsearchable abyss, Thy Cross, Lord, gave us a firm guardian and exorcist of demons. The same, all of us, like believers in You, glorify the greatness of Your passion, gratefully singing to You: Alleluia.

    Thou didst show marvelous deeds, O Lord, with Thy Honest Cross: I am spreading over Thy flesh, all creation has changed: the sun is hiding its rays, the foundations of the earth are revolting, Hell is crushed by the power of Thy power and has exterminated the yuzniki, it has kept to eat from time to time. For this, for the sake of this, let us bind with this song of flowers: Rejoice, Cross, as if all creation suffered on You was compassionate, as for its Creator and Master; Rejoice, for the power of Him and the Divine bear witness to the sun by darkness and the earth by vibration. Rejoice, for the One who was dead on you was not kept in the dead, but, having destroyed the power of death, was resurrected on the third day; Rejoice, for I will resurrect the Gospel preaching, begun from the face of the Apostle, to all the ends of the earth. Rejoice, Cross, for through you idolization and pagan polytheism have been abolished; Rejoice, for for your sake the right faith in the One God, in the Trinity of the glorious, throughout the whole earth, be established. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 8th

    Strangely, God incarnated and crucified on the Cross, having been mentally seeing, let us withdraw from the vain world, the mind is transformed into Heaven. For this reason, God will raise up to heaven, crying to Him: Alleluia, to the earth from below and to the Cross ascending, so that, like a ladder, to heaven.

    This day Adam and Eve are having fun, the presenting sight of the Cross, who was struck by the adversary, who was like ancient in paradise by eating the forbidden fruit of those who were deceived and made captives for themselves. In the same way, we, rejoicing with our forefather about deliverance from the captivity of our soul, reverently sing: Rejoice, Cross, for on you lay your good Shepherd for your sheep, and even down to hell, looking for the lost; Rejoice, for the One does not despise the work of His hand, Adam and Eve, but with the hoarfrost the righteous go out of Hell, as from the jaws of a strong beast, and bring them into heaven. Rejoice, as for Christ nailed to you, the fiery weapon splashes the dada and the Cherub, we are guiding, depart from the Tree of Life; Rejoice, for we, now by the baptism of rebirth, are new people in Christ, we unrestrainedly partake of the food of paradise. Rejoice, Cross, the rod of the power of Christ, sent from Zion, for whom we graze in the pasture of the gospel teachings; Rejoice, for by you we are safe from the murderous wolves, like the lions roaring and looking for someone to devour. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 9th

    Delivered all misfortunes and intrigues of the enemy, the Cross was blessed, as if he received grace and strength from Christ nailed to you, to Him as to our God and Redeemer we sing with thanks and praise: Alleluia.

    Every whirlwind of earthly ones does not suffice to glorify Thy Cross, O Lord, on whom you have made our salvation; the same, perplexedly praise that one according to the property, we cry out to the bitch: Rejoice, Cross, as the Savior of the world, lifted up on you, many people into the knowledge of His calling and to this day calls; Rejoice, as if shining on you, like on the candlestick, True Light illuminates the whole ends of the earth with the light of divine knowledge. Rejoice, for now the East and the West are glorifying the one who suffered on you; Rejoice, as you, as the foot of Christ, all faithful, uplifting, glorify. Rejoice, as from you, as from the inexhaustible source of Christ-name, people will receive an abundance of eternal blessings. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 10th

    Save yourself to those who want us and under the shade of your protection for those who come running, wake up the Holy Cross, saving us from all evils by the power of the Crucified Christ on you, to Him, like our God and Redeemer, we sing with thanks and praise: Alleluia.

    You are the wall, protecting us from troubles and misfortunes, the Honorable Cross, and a strong pillar against the face of the enemy, they do not dare to approach invisibility, being afraid to look at Your strength. For this, with faith, we shield ourselves with your holy sign and joyfully sing: Rejoice, Most Holy Cross of Christ, protect us from the attack of the spirits of malice; Rejoice, we keep safe from their various arrows. Rejoice, as from your sign, piously done with faith, all the powers of hell, like smoke from the wind, disappear; Rejoice, for through you all their strength, like wax from the face of fire, melts away. Rejoice, as for the holy martyr, you have shielded yourself with your sign and called the name of Christ, bravely enduring every kind of torment; Rejoice, as the venerable fathers with the help of the power of the Divine, your inherent sign, victorious demonic fears and the passions of rebellion. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 11th

    We bring the all-heartfelt singing to Ty, the Honorable Cross, and we humbly pray to our Christ crucified on you, our God, who is a gift to us for joy and consolation in sorrows, so that He will deliver us from His passion from the passions of the soul and teach us to praise Him with faith: Alleluia.

    With the light of the grace of God, mysteriously inherent, enlighten our spiritual feelings, Holy Cross, let us illuminate and instruct with it, let us not touch the stone of temptation, but perhaps through the commandments of God, to live upright in our whole life, singing to the tit: Rejoice, ceaseless miracles of Christ's messenger and His mercy to the human race is a preacher; rejoice. Cross, the renewal of the human race and the New Testament of Christ the seal and confirmation. Rejoice, triumph of the Christian faith and trustworthy anchor of our hope; Rejoice, decoration of holy temples of God and fencing of pious houses. Rejoice, blessing of fields and heliports; rejoice in all the elements, sanctification. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 12th

    Grace Your omnipotent grace to us, O Lord, may we follow You, our Master, take up our cross, not with nails nailing it, but with labors, continence and humility. Yes, we will be partakers of Thy sufferings, from them eternal floods of eternal life flow, soldering all the faithful, piously singing Ti: Alleluia.

    Singing your majesty, all-honorable Cross, we praise all of you, like the victorious scepter of the Heavenly King, our salvation is an all-joyful sign, the same and cry: Rejoice, Cross, Orthodox Christians are the power and their indestructible fence; Rejoice, saints are adornment and all ascetics of faith and piety are strength and strength. Rejoice, Cross, from the cradle to the grave on all the paths of life, protect us and after death in aerial ordeals from the spirits of malice, protect us; Rejoice, for under the sign of your repose, death in faith and piety, on the last day they will be resurrected into eternal life. Rejoice, Cross, by your appearance in Heaven to anticipate the glorious second coming of Christ; Rejoice, as if Christ's scolding and all unbelief will see you, then the highlander will mourn, those who love the Lord, seeing thee, will rejoice at the great. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

    Kondak 13th

    O Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, consolation for all Christians! You are now presenting seeing, we are elevated by thought to Christ crucified on you, Himzha and we pray humbly, so that for your sake, he will have mercy on us, sinners, and make him sing Alleluia in the villages of paradise.

    (This kontakion is read three times, then Ikos 1st and Kontakion 1st)

    O Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Anciently, you were a shameful instrument of execution, but now is the sign of our salvation ever revered and glorified! How worthily can I, unworthy, glorify thee, and how dare I bow the knee of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins? But the mercy and unspeakable philanthropy of the humble Boldness that is crucified upon you gives me, but I will open my mouth, in the hedgehog to praise thee; For this sake, for thy cry: rejoice, the Cross, the Church of Christ is beauty and foundation, all the universal affirmation, Christians are all hope, kings of power, faithful refuge, Angels glory and praise, demons fear, destruction and driving away, wicked and unfaithful shame, righteous delight, burdened weak, overwhelmed refuge, erring mentor, obsessed with passions of repentance, beggars enrichment, floating helmsman, weak strength, victory and conquest in battle, faithful protection for the orphan, intercession widows, virgins of chastity protection, hopeless hope, sick doctor and dead resurrection! Thou art represented by the miraculous rod of Moses, the life-giving source, which nourishes the thirsty for spiritual life and delights our sorrows; you are a bed, on which the Resurrected Conqueror of Hell rested royally for three days. For this sake, both morning and evening and noon, I glorify thee, the treasured Tree, and I pray by the will of the One who was crucified on you, that He enlightens and strengthens my mind with You, that He will open in my heart the source of love more perfect, and all my deeds and my journey will overshadow you, so I will magnify the Nailed on you, my sin for the sake of my Lord my Savior, amen.

    Kondak 1st

    Chosen by the Eternal Tsar, the Divine Mother Mary, Angels and Men, the Queen, who sometimes came to the Temple of the Lord in the Holy of Holies to betrothal her virginity to the Heavenly Bridegroom, we will be brought up in God's Habitat, we earnestly bring you worthy worship, You are like our many-powerful Intercessor, from all our freedoms and sorrows , yes, with love and tenderness to You, crying: Rejoice, God-Chosen Otrokovitsa, entering the temple of the door of Paradise to us.

    Archangels and Angels faces from heavenly heights flowing down to see Thy glorious, O Bogomati, into the temple of the Lord Introduction and, together with the earthly face of pure virgins, the invisible face of incorporeal minds with gaiety, You, Most Pure Virgin, escorting, and like a vessel chosen by God by the command of the Lord, surrounding , and as if you serve your Lady, if you do not see the mystery of Your power, seeing You of heavenly purity, I will be inexpressibly full, and everything that was about You is seeing, I am horrified and with fear to many praising You this way: Rejoice, delighted Virgin, Mother of the Tsar who has being; Rejoice, preferable to the Queen, to the temple of the Tsars, the coming life. Rejoice, Father God, Elect and exalted daughter; rejoice, Mother of God the Son foretold from time immemorial. Rejoice, God, the All-Holy Spirit. Unmarried bride; rejoice, all creatures, visible and invisible, the most glorious Lady. Rejoice, Divinely Chosen Young Woman, by entering the temple, opening the doors of paradise to us.

    Kondak 2nd

    Seeing Your righteous parents, Most Holy Virgin, as if three years were fulfilled from Your birth, the delight to fulfill your promise by deed, even uttering words first, may they bring You as a gift to God. For this, for the sake of convening in Nazareth, all their relatives from the royal and hierarchical family, and many priests, inviting the face of pure virgins, and with a burning candle, escort Thee, as the Scripture prophesied: “The King of the virgin will be led in the footsteps of Her, Her sincerity will be brought to You, will be brought in joy and joy, will be brought into the temple of the Tsars ”. And so we copulated all and prayed to God for You, praising Him: Alleluia.

    Opening the Heavenly Reason, the Divine Lady, you were pleased, as if you did not appear in poverty-stricken rags to the Temple of the Heavenly King, for this sake you were overcome with glory and beauty with much, may your forefather David be fulfilled on You, the prediction: Appearing the Queen in the right hand of You , full of. Whereas, as if the Bride of God was adorned, you were all worthy of being arranged for your honorable introduction, the behavior of your parent, like a three-year-old lamb to Jerusalem, sang to you like this: Rejoice, overcome in the cassocks of golden virginity and purity; Rejoice, adorned with all the kindness of heavenly beauty. Rejoice, daughter of the Tsar, having all the virgin glory within herself; Rejoice, Bride of God, present yourself at the right hand of the Heavenly Bridegroom. Rejoice, animated by the Kivota of God, in the midst of the tympanic maidens arrange your processions; Rejoice, most pure Temple of the Savior, direct Your rightful path to the temple. Rejoice, Divinely Chosen Young Woman, by entering the temple, opening the doors of paradise to us.

    Kondak 3rd

    The Power of the Most High Autumn You and the Holy Spirit will be found on You, and Thy Leader will be, when Thou hast reached the city of Jerusalem in three days' journey, and as if the Kivot of God was known to the Temple of the Lord, the Virgin of the Virgin, may the word of the Psalm come true, he also says: your processions, O God, the processions of my God King, Who is in the Holy. And so, for Thy heavenly purity, the temple of God was worthy of being, so that another Scripture will be fulfilled on You, the hedgehog says: Thou hast sanctified Thy Settlement, the Most High, Thy Holy Temple, Lord, is wondrous in truth. For this sake let us all sing to God: Alleluia.

    For three years, the Most Holy Virgin, you were brought to the temple, but your holy parents, ov from a single country, and ova from another, take the hands of Thee, his God-given Daughter, meekly and honestly lead Thee to the temple, saying: Begin the Virgin Holy light, precede the Divine Path. Yet there are a lot of relatives and neighbors of the known and the priest with joy follow, the lights in the hands holding and surrounding Thee, like the stars are the bright moon. All Jerusalem, too, flock to this new transmutation with wonder to see, A three-year-old girl with a bit of glory, venerated and honored with such light-bearing, and praising Thee as follows: Rejoice, perpetual in spirit, exceeding the forces of heaven. Rejoice, Immaculate Lamb, who sacrificed her virginity to God as a sacrifice; Rejoice, O infamous Dove, who surprised the Angels with Her purity. Rejoice, brought to the Lord from virgin faces; Rejoice, you who were taken to the temple with the burning lamps. Rejoice, Divinely Chosen Young Woman, by entering the temple, opening the doors of paradise to us.

    Kondak 4th

    With a storm inside, having thoughts of suspicion, the high priest Zechariah is confused, in vain is Thy, Most Pure, to the temple of the Lord with many glory transmutation and to the gate to the east, seeing closed beings, approach. When I remember Ezekiel's ancient prediction: This gates will be closed and no one will pass through them, as if the Lord God will pass them, and they will be concluded, be filled with the Holy Spirit and received the revelation from above, may the locked gate open to the God-maid of God, cry to God: Alleluia.

    Hear, O children, and see, and incline Thy ear, and forget Thy people and Thy father's house, and the King will desire Thy kindness. So I say to You, Most Holy Virgin, Your parents, when you were brought to the temple of the Lord. The priests, performing services, saw Thy coming, having come out to meet Thy glorious introduction, and with songs I welcome Thy, like the Mother who has the existence of the Bishop of the Great Heavens of the Past, saying: Rejoice, the blessings of God prediction, prophets foretold; Rejoice, preaching of people of salvation, which is now revealed to us. Rejoice, angels of heaven escorted with glory; rejoice, you priests of God with joy. Rejoice, Thy Father's house and Thy people forsaken; rejoice, you have sanctified the house of God by your manifestation. Rejoice, Divinely Chosen Young Woman, by entering the temple, opening the doors of paradise to us.

    Kondak 5th

    The former divine temple, the Virgin Mary, was led to the lawful temple with great glory, may the prophet Haggai be fulfilled the prediction: And I will fill the temple with this glory, beyond the Velia will be the glory of this last temple more than the first, says the Lord Almighty. Thy mother, lead Thee to the church entrance, saying: Come, Dshi, to the One who gave me to you. Come, Kivota of consecration, to the blessed Lord. Come, the Door of Life, to the Merciful Giver. Come, Kivota of the Word, to the temple of the Lord. Enter the Church of the Lord, peace and joy and gladness, may I sing to God for You: Alleluia.

    Seeing Thy Mother, Virgin Mary, the priests of God from the temple who went down, and the great saint Zacharias, at the meeting of Thy coming, speech to him: Receive, Zacharias, Insensible Shade; receive, priest, the Immaculate Ark; accept, prophecy, the Censer of immaterial Coal; Receive, righteous man, the Spiritual Censer. Accept, O prophet, my Daughter, given by God, and bring into the temple of your Creator, and introduce, plant Yu into the mountain of shrine, into the prepared dwelling of God, testing nothing, For the sake of this there will be deliverance, with Her we will cry to You like this: the heavenly faces that have rejoiced by Your entry; rejoice, priests of God who delighted in Thy appearance. Rejoice, Heavenly Settlement, the lawful temple, more than the first one that sanctified by grace; Rejoice, earthly heaven, Who has prepared herself for Christ's dwelling with purity. Rejoice, Bride of God, for Thy preceding is great and wondrous; Rejoice, Virgin Virgin, for Thy dwelling place is terrible and glorious in the temple. Rejoice, Divinely Chosen Young Woman, by entering the temple, opening the doors of paradise to us.

    Kondak 6th

    The righteous Zechariah, the preacher of Thy entry into the temple of the Lord, was overwhelmed to see Thy, Virgin Mary, along the church ladder, the tenth degree of the possessor, a wondrous ascent: Thy former parents were placed in the first degree, You Herself ascended to the highest degree, strengthened by the invisible power of God. But Saint Zechariah, seeing this, is enveloped in the Holy Spirit, in Thy mother's speech: Blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, O wife, Introduce life to the True Mother: what temple will contain Yu? " However, thanks to God, he sang to Him: Alleluia.

    Raise the joy of greatness to all, to the lawful temple that is coming, when Saint the great Zacharias, filled with the Holy Spirit, is pleasant to Thee, O Bogomati, before the church gates, holding his hands and leading Thee into the Holy of Holies, saying this: O Unclean Girl! O Virgo Neblaznaya! About the Beautiful Maid! Jewelry for wives! Fertilizer for daughters! You are Blessed in women, You are glorified by purity, You are sealed by virginity, You are Adam's vows permission. Come, fulfillment of my prophecy. Come, fulfilling the promises of the Lord. Come, seal of That testament. Come, an expression of That council. Come, the fulfillment of the sacraments. Come, all the prophets were mirrored. Come, renewal of the dilapidated. Come, lying in the light in the darkness. Come, the newest and most divine talent. Enter into joy, into the Church of Thy Lord, now into the valley, men of the entrance, not by many into the heavenly and unapproachable. With him we will sing to Thee: Rejoice, Animated Ladder, to the Temple of the Lord, by the degree of a tall ladder rising; Rejoice, Door, impassable by human thoughts, entering the door of the temple. Rejoice, for by the degree of virtues you have risen to the height of the Heavenly Altar; Rejoice, for on the wings of virginity and purity you have reached the city of the Great King. Rejoice, you have reached the House of God on the verse of the mountain; Rejoice, past prisoner gate. Rejoice, Divinely Chosen Young Woman, by entering the temple, opening the doors of paradise to us.

    Kontakion 7th

    Although the Human-loving Lord will save the human race, I have chosen You as one in Your Mother and led You into His holy temple, but there, in solitude and silence, deeply far from the temptations of this world, you will be brought up in the shrine of the Lord into God's dwelling place. You, playing and joyfully rejoicing, as if in the devil, walked in the house of the Lord, even if you were small, you were three years old, you were also perfect by grace, as if foreseen and chosen from God before the world was formed, and there you sang praises to Him : Alleluia.

    New, wondrous and terrible create for You the Lord, God-gracious, when Saint Zechariah the great, according to the mysterious revelation of God, introduce Thee, more than the law, into the inner tabernacle, where not exactly the female sex, but below the priest enter into a manner, but only the bishop is one in summer ... Beloved for Thee, like the animated God’s ark, more than any nature of more purity, than in the place of the ark of God, Jeremiah of the hidden, may the temple of the Lord be filled with glory. This wonderful entry is Thy sight, crying to Thee is this: Rejoice, in the Holy of Holies, as ascended into the earthly heaven; Rejoice, great Holy of Holies, as if you have presented yourself to the Throne of God. Rejoice, who astonished the Angels, how gloriously you ascended into the Holy of Holies; Rejoice, you who rejoiced men, for you have filled the temple of the Lord with glory. Rejoice, Dearest Reddest, in the same dwelling of the Holy Trinity the Most Substantial makes; Rejoice, Holy Throne, the Divine One is preparing to take up the flesh on worthlessness. Rejoice, Divinely Chosen Young Woman, by entering the temple, opening the doors of paradise to us.

    Kondak 8th

    Your conception and Christmas is strange. The image of Your growth is strange. It is strange and glorious, God Bride, Your hedgehog inside the Sanctuary Introduction, and your stay in prayer, and everything, even the essence of Yours: from the morning even until the third hour you stood for all days in prayer inside the Sanctuary, therefore, with other virgins in the vestibule in needlework you exercised, from the ninth hour you were going to pack in the temple in the Holy of Holies in prayer, in God-meditation and in the teaching of the Divine Scriptures, until the Angel of the Lord appeared to feed You with heavenly food. To such an equal-angelic life of Yours, it seems like a cry to God who was so pleased with you: Alleluia.

    Sanctify All of You by the All-Holy Spirit, who abides inside the temple, the Most Holy Virgin. For this sake, let nothing touch Ty from earthly filth, heavenly and imperishable food you were fed, but you distributed earthly food to the poor and the strange. And so they accept the heavenly bread from the Angel for all the days, Thou art prosperous in wisdom and grace, rejoicing in body and spirit, but embrace the incapacitated Word of God immaculately. And be the Archangel Gabriel, the persistent guardian of Thy virgin purity, and with others, the Angels of God often appear to You, strengthening You in spiritual labors, in prayer and fasting, in meekness and humility and kindly talking with You, the Eternal Council of the Most High is ready to reveal you about You, acceptance of God, the cry to You is: Rejoice, wonderful fulfillment of the ineffable mysteries of God; Rejoice, the Eternal Council of the Highest, an all-miraculous accomplishment. Rejoice, unspeakably brought up with heavenly bread from an Angel; Rejoice, unspeakably strengthened by the grace of God from heaven. Rejoice, in the Holy of Holies they receive many readings of the Cherubim; Rejoice, the six-winged Seraphims are constantly talking with Neyuzhe. Rejoice, Divinely Chosen Young Woman, by entering the temple, opening the doors of paradise to us.

    Kondak 9th

    Every angelic nature will marvel at the great beauty of Thy virginity, O All-Holy Virgin. Thou art abiding with the Angels in the Holy of Holies, Thou Herself longed for the purity of the angelic life. For this, for the sake of this, you were betrothed to the inherent service of God and hated Him, but by the Holy Spirit you will be prepared for the imperishable village of the Word of God, singing to Him day and night: Alleluia.

    The God-glorious Vitii cannot divulge the mystery of Thy virgin life, the Mother of God. You are more from day to day strengthening in spirit and growing, diligently multiplying your prayer, until the Power of the Most High Autumn Ty. For this reason, with amazement, we call you this: Rejoice, Holy of Holies, Holy Virgin, who sacrificed His pure virginity to God; rejoice, purest Holy Spirit Palato, who brought up Herself in the Dwelling of Christ. Rejoice, Heavenly Doors, in the temple, as if you were in heaven; Rejoice, Goro, filled with the Spirit, flourishing in the Sanctuary with all virtues. Rejoice, the Angels of God are faithful to you; Rejoice, all the faithful praise you ever sincerely. Rejoice, Divinely Chosen Young Woman, by entering the temple, opening the doors of paradise to us.

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    Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Kazan" Kontakion 1 Chosen from all generations, the Intercessor of the Christian clan, covering our Orthodox country with the cover of Her goodness, we bring thanksgiving singing to Ty, Theotokos, about your wonderful appearance

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    Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Tikhvin" Kontakion 1 To the Climbed Voevoda, Our Lady of Our Lady, we will sing thanksgiving singing about the appearance of Her wonderful icons, who flow to Neyzha are always getting rid of enemies visible and invisible. You, Lady

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    Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called the "Healer" Kondak 1 The Most Holy Theotokos, chosen from all families, who sometimes appeared to the cleric sick in his hedgehog to heal him from a cruel illness, we bring praise to singing: You, the All-Merciful Lady,

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    Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Iverskaya" Kontakion 1 To the Climbed Voevoda, Our Lady of the Theotokos, we bring praiseworthy singing to Ty, Thy servants, as if by the coming of Thy honest image we have acquired a strong shield, an invincible wall and watchful guards. But you,

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    Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called "Peschanskaya" Kondak 1 To the Climbed Voevoda, the whole world Comforter and Hope for the salvation of the Christian race, we fall to You all the days of our life, as if to the source of all spiritual gifts, and we pray to You: hear us,

    From the author's book

    Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her Icon, called "Akhtyrskaya" Kontakion 1 Elected from all families of the Mother of God and the Queen, who revealingly revealed her celibate icon, on her, at the Cross of Christ, standing our Intercessor, seeing, praising Thee we exclaim singing; But you,

    From the author's book

    Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Pochaevskaya" Kondak 1 To the Climbed Voevoda of Christian clans and our country, our famous Redeemer, we will bring songs of praise, faithfully, on Her holy mountain; You, who have unspeakable mercy, O

    From the author's book

    Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos (28 August) The feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God has been established by the Church since ancient times. It is mentioned in the writings of Blessed Jerome, Augustine and Gregory, Bishop of Tours. The first reliable information about this holiday appears only in the 6th century.

    Happy holiday to you, thank you for the Akathist to the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, I read the Akathist and felt so easy and good in my soul….
    I would also like to add a prayer to the Mother of God.
    Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos
    O all-merciful Lady, Virgin, Lady, Mother of God, hear us praying to Thee and show Thy mercy on Thy people, pray Thy Son to get rid of all evil for us, and preserve our abode, and every abode, city, and the land of the faithful, and people piously resorting and calling on Your holy name, from all misfortune, destruction, gladness, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine strife, from every illness, and every circumstance: neither by wounds, nor reprimand, nor by pestilence, nor by all righteous anger of God Thy servants will diminish: but observe and save with Thy mercy, Lady, praying for us, and grant us a useful goodness of air by the time of a fruitful offering: make it easier, lift up and have mercy, gracious to the Lady, the Mother of God, in every misfortune and need that exists.

    Remember Thy servants, and do not despise our tears and our sighing, and renew us with the goodness of Thy mercy, but with thanksgiving we will be comforted by finding Thy Helper. Have mercy, Most Pure Lady, for Thy weak people, our hope: gather the scattered, erring on the right path, instruct those who have fallen away from the pious fatherly faith, return the packs, support old age, punish young people, educate babies, and glorify the Church, glorifying Thy , and keep the days long.

    Oh merciful and gracious Queen of heaven and earth, Mother of God Ever-ever! By Thy intercession, have mercy on our country and the Christ-loving inhabitants of it, and all Orthodox Christians, who preserve them under the cover of Thy mercy, with Thy robe of honest protection: and pray from Thee incarnate without the seed of Christ our God, may we gird us from above with power on all our visible and invisible enemies , against foreigners and fellow tribesmen, fighting against us and our Orthodox faith.

    Save and have mercy, Lady, holy patriarchs, metropolitans, most reverend archbishops and Orthodox bishops, priests and deacons, and all the church worship, and all the faithful people who bow down and pray before your honest icon. Behold on all the charity of Your merciful intercession: Raise us from the depths of sin, and enlighten the eyes of the heart to the sight of salvation, be merciful to us here, and at the terrible judgment of Your Son pray for us, reigning in piety from the life of this servant of Yours, in eternal life Angels and Archangels, and come down with all the saints, and appear at the right hand of Thy Son and God: and by Thy prayer grant all Orthodox Christians with Christ to live, and to enjoy the joy of angels in the heavenly villages. Thou art, O Lord, the glory of the heavenly and the hope of the earthly, You are our hope, and the intercessor of all those who come to You, and Your holy help to those who ask: You are our warm prayer service to Your Son and our God: Your mother's prayer can do much for the pleading of the Lord, and By your intercession to the throne of grace of the Most Holy and His Life-giving Mysteries, we dare to approach even unworthy.

    The same all-honorable image of Thy, and with Thy hand holding the Almighty on the icon, we rejoice in sin, falling down with affection, and we kiss this love, longingly, Mistress, with Thy holy God-pleasing prayers to reach the heavenly endless life, and it is not shameful for the Son of God on the right hand our, glorifying Him is bought with the Originless Father, and the Most Holy, Good, Life-giving and Consubstantial Spirit, forever and ever. Amen

    To answer

    Chosen from all ro-dov God-ma-te-ri and Tsa-ritse, ascending from the earth to Not-be-si, blessed Honest to Thy Success we bring Thy rabbi, God-dear-tse. But you, as though I’ve got a beating over death, are free from all of us deadly troubles, but Zo-vem Ty: Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Your Success we will not leave us -famous.

    Ikos 1

    The angel presenter was sent quickly to the pre-worldly Her ascension and come-and-ti present-appearing to Her Son Her and God, the light of Her close-standing and standing , zo-vy so-ko-vaya: Rejoice, pre-glado-van-naya Mati Tsa-roar; Rejoice, Not-infinite Tsa-ritse, Mother of God and Gospo-da Not-be-se and earth-li. Rejoice, pre-revered by the greatness of the coming to Te-be of Thy-e-ho's Son and God; Rejoice, we are-great-nah because of the message of Thy to the Son of the journey. Rejoice, from all ro-dov God has been chosen; Rejoice, holy together with the Word of God. Rejoice, pro-roches-ka-th pro-speech is-full-nenie; Rejoice, Aposto-lom, great-honorable evening. Rejoice, a saint, decoration and a saint, good-roo; Rejoice, with great comfort and comfort. Rejoice, God-wise monks ascent to the Lord's Kingdom; Rejoice, from-believing the paradise door to the Christian-styan-like kind, it is good to you. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 2

    Seeing the Apostle's face, with all-powerful ma-but-we-ve-from the end of the earth-li to the obla-shop of those who came to the Pre-honest-nome Thy-e-mu, Pre-not-so dear, to the Dormition, sacred-but-chanted: Di-o-nisy - not-infinite mystery, Hiero-fey the divine and Ty-mo-fey from God-gracious sacredness: to the Divine Al-li-luia.

    Ikos 2

    Reasonable all creature, the earliest chi-no-na-chalia angelic pri-i-dosha with their Tsa-rem, Izhe in His life-na-chan-shia ruce dushu Mate-re His-her welcome; warm in faith Peter, with many tears to Her from-re-che, zo-vy: Rejoice, to the worldly ones, Mother of the Creator to the world, ascending; Rejoice, to the most-not-insane, the-most-early-shaya not-without, I will take-scha-i-Xia. Rejoice, four-and-a-half, the verse-chi, who sanctified Your ascension; Rejoice, Who-not-infinite-sowing Thy pre-wandering days. Rejoice, in Jeru-sa-lim Gorniy pre-to-racial prized; Rejoice, in the un-ru-ko-your-rénny temples you have been delighted to enter. Rejoice, He-ru-vimov and Se-ra-fimov Tsar-rice; Rejoice, Ar-hange-lov Vla-dychi-tse. Rejoice, come-run-away of the faithful and from-bav-leni; Rejoice, up to Your-e-mu's help and protection. Rejoice, about the whole world of christianstem to God Ho-data-i-tse; Rejoice, all the blessings All b-laga Giver-no-tse. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 3

    The power of Vyshnya-go from Ying-dii Fo-mu, for some reason of God I will not receive him in the most-honorable success of God-ma'te-re, and before put the life-in-the-receiving-her coffin, like, Pre-stavl-shu-yu-sya pri-nik see-ti, ura-zu-me who-not-sown on Not-be-sa'with the body and, vero -wav, about this vozo-pi: Al-li-luia.

    Ikos 3

    Having a disciple in his mind, as God-im see-it-we cannot help him to lead the work of God-mate-re with others, together, ob-rado-van being about the deathlessness of Her Success, this in-beating to Her: Rejoice, receive-may from the earth-li'dlan-ma of Thy Son; Rejoice, you who ascended to the highest to wait for His glory. Rejoice, guided from all the chi-no-na-chai angels in Gornaya; Rejoice, ascend the He-ru-vim to the Not-without and Over-without. Rejoice, in the Non-infinite gates from the hundred-strongest Powers we-le-lepno song-mi is possible; Rejoice, you are surrounded and blessed from all the Non-dumb citizens. Rejoice, Heaven is earthly, to the Horn-th se-lennium is raised; Rejoice, Pre-table Lord-day, from the earth-whether-not-sown to the Kingdom of the Un-infinite. Rejoice, our pre-steward and strong for-step-down; Rejoice, sinner-com Spy-run-tse in the spa session. Rejoice, by Christ the Tsar-ritsa and according to Boza Na-dezhdo of the Non-Impossible Kingdom; Rejoice, Mati Zhi-vo-ta and, according to the Gospo-de, we are relieved of eternal life. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 4

    I storm inside, having Af-phonii in-the-mice of the unfaithful and in vain the God-noble Apostles of God-mater Pre-honest-but-no Body all-fair to the grave not-sown, to question -the belief of the desire; out-zapu, when with a blindness-of-lein-e'm his hand, take it back to one-ru''with-lep-lene hang-ste, by faith the Mother of God is-in-veda-she, in-piya'Bogu: Al-li-luya ...

    Ikos 4

    Hearing the mysteries and self-vids of the Word of the Angels, singing the most superior songs at the time of the beating of the God-pleasant body of God Mate-re, and honor according to like God-pleasing, sweat-chasha-that in accordance with the singing, glorious: Rejoice, having received the blessing of Thy walk in the Kingdom of God; Rejoice, from the blissfulness of Gav-riil you have received joy in heaven. Rejoice, great-honest-no, he-ru-vim, a multitude of enlightened; Rejoice, pres-lavno se-ra-fimskoe nature of age-glad-vav-shaya. Rejoice, from the patriarchs pro-ob-ra-zo-vannaya; Rejoice, from the pro-ros, pre-carriage. Rejoice, evil wickedness Af-foni-e-wu soon from-revenge-shaya; Rejoice, you gave healing to your husband. Rejoice, converting to faith Af-foni-e-in non-faith; Rejoice, faithful that you have accepted the knowledge. Rejoice, who-wins to Not-not-si-love and faith to Those-who-haves; Rejoice, spa-giving by faith Thy name-calling. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 5

    God-of-the-kind stars, Apostles of saints, in under-not-madly-sowing for Evangelia's sake, as-hi-sheni went to the obla-shop, by shi-ro-te , according to the sin of Mater Gos-day, Yuzhe sing-mi and sang-mi guide-giving, with Not-real-mi vz-wahu: Al-li-luia.

    Ikos 5

    Seeing the God-go-see his-th-th Vla-dyku, in the hands of the Mother, His-her-soul received, and Gospo-da To-go-ra-zu-mevshe, sweat-good-ya saint nose-lovia sang-mi-gla-gos-lovne vos-peti Yu: Rejoice, Tsa-rice, over all the Kingdom-yu-shcha-go but-sivsaya; Rejoice, and Sa-maru-kama is His Sy-new-ma no-simaya. Rejoice, the king's scepter in Christ's des-nitz; Rejoice, in Noah's hand there is a branch of go-lu-biza. Rejoice, the rod of Aarons, for-chilled non-corruption; Rejoice, krine not-fading-yes-e-my, blooming without-death. Rejoice, Bo-go-from-tsa Da-vida tsev-nice Bo-go-doh-no-vene; Rejoice, the prophecy of his prophecy has grown in word, the psalm-dash and the gusli pre-rasnya. Rejoice, spirit-chev-lonely saint-you Gos-podni ki-vote; Rejoice, in which the Lord has risen our life-in-the-day. Rejoice, tabernacle, from He-ru-vimov sown; Rejoice, Holy-tai saints, from Se-ra-fim gla-gole-may. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 6

    Pro-testimonies of God Apostles, on the way to the pre-worldly Mother of God, in the general week, the usual meal was past and before the meal of bread and bread every day it is possible, out-of-the-way above God-kind-tsu Tsaritsu, who came with the light-hearted Angels, in vain, and peace be given to those from the Son and God, who had heard -she, voz-gla-sisha about this: Al-li-luya.

    Ikos 6

    Explain to us the Sol-tse of righteousness, Chri-stoos God from Thy most pure falsehoods, by will and blessing-by-mind-let-through-the-knowledge through the Apostles the world about-light and Ty, God-mother, from birth and to the kind of pros-lavi. The same, we will all please thee, while drinking Ty: Rejoice, Pris-nobla-wife from all ro-doves forever; Rejoice, bla-go-u-t-robnaya and Milo-sty-vaya for people. Rejoice, learning-to-face-to-face the promise of fullness; Rejoice, we will come to Thy sowing from Thy Son and God who gave this peace. Rejoice, all the same holy you sweet eyesight; Rejoice, pre-like ma-te-rey and virgins of saints all-sowing joy. Rejoice, pre-ho-dyaschaya paradise seed-day of the righteous; Rejoice, sowing all in the glory of those who are not inferior. Rejoice, at the time of the day of the spa season; Rejoice, the use of all the blessings of desire. Rejoice, according to Boza, Tsa-re-kingdom-yu-shih, God-kind-tse Tsa-ritsa; Rejoice, according to the Gospo-de state-of-the-y-u, Vla-dyce our, Gos-in-zhe and Vla-dych-tse. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 7

    Those who want everyone with faith to enter Thy holy temple, God-of-God, always have spa saeshi and praise Thee from all sorts of pastes and misfortunes of their own gods; the same and good-faith people who are-nobla-zhazhim Tya, give us all for the spa season of petition to us by-da-wai, about this praying Te -be and singing to God: Al-li-luia.

    Ikos 7

    I’m new for a creature, it has appeared to us, all Thy-rets the Lord is To-Boo, God-kind. You are kindly thinking about us to the No-haves, who honestly read Your success, with-and-mi si-tse-vaja Te-not-singing: Rejoice-sya , Mati Bogu, taken from the earth; Rejoice, who is superior to the earthly and the Not-infinite. Rejoice, He-ru-vimov and Se-ra-fimov go-re-ascended; Rejoice, the face of the scholar is obla-lump to the sin of Tie dole so-in-kupl-shay. Rejoice, Fo-mu, according to Thy beating, by the power of God, she preceded-by-putting-from-the-row; Rejoice, through not believing Thy in Heaven with the plane of pre-eminence. Rejoice, the beauty of all good-ro-children is decorated; Rejoice, red-neyshe-mu more sy-nov man-veche-kih Sons-vi His-e-mu so-read. Rejoice, like a phoenix, resurrected fertile bloom; Rejoice, as the cedar in Li-van is not-without-mind, mind-living-sha-i-Xia. Rejoice, tree living-in-ta, on-soot-dean in-sred-de-paradise pre-vyshnya; Rejoice, a thoughtful carriage raised in Gornaya from the po-topo of death. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 8

    Strangely, in the highest things Ty, Selected, like a soln-tse, Vla-dych-tse, inside the most-not-infinite not-imaginable beauties and not-out-of-spoken extras -mouth, sweet to the Son and God, the hand-ma to His Lord, who ascended and is very joyous-but very good-lon-shu-yu-sya life-in-the-head of His des-nice, about this not -Al-li-luia.

    Ikos 8

    All that was go-re, was taken to the Not-insane and did not leave the earth, Bo-go-mati, ru-kama Sy-novni-ma no-sima, in not-for-want-in-coming, in one city all-luminous and pre-racial, Jeru-sa-lim is the highest, He-ru-vim is in-worth with all the Not-infinite powers, where he hears the singing of these: Rejoice, Her pre-holy-taya spirit-sha in the highest all-light Zion, everything lays; Rejoice, Eyazhe and the non-corruptible body of the tamogs with the soul of the kupno pro-glorify. Rejoice, who entered the pre-capital city of Sa-ma-go All-dweller; Rejoice, you-nessha-I-sya in the pre-rasny paradise of Vyshnya-go Na-sa-dite-la. Rejoice, pre-not-sown in the hail-but-wan from the chamber of all the lights; Rejoice, introduced into the fence, worthy of the forces of the highest. Rejoice, above-above Do not take God for the good of God; Rejoice, more than all non-material minds, honored. Rejoice, bringing the prayers of the faithful to His Son and God; Rejoice, and Sa-man is not pre-stanned at the Pre-table of Thy Son and God begs for everyone. Rejoice, Pre-senior-ni-tse to God, the world of spa-salting; Rejoice, For-stepn-tse, kind of christian-mu from God da-ro-vannaya. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 9

    Every natural angelic pre-empowerment bears Thee, God-mother-of-God, man-of-the-kindness of all the Mother of Thee to God, we glorify and for-ch-that-we-honor-but Thy Success, Tsa-ritse: Te-be-bo for the sake of earth-nii Not-infinite co-buy-lyut-sya, according to God: Al-li-luia.

    Ikos 9

    The news of God-of-the-message prophetic words are now visible about The-be-you-I-Xia, God-mother-of-God, as to fight against God the plane of ro-di-la esi us. The same sacrament in a word-ve-se of God faith-yu-shche, in-piem: Rejoice, for the horse and the prophets, the head-visibly so-supreme; Rejoice, stars-up to Jacob-la, Ba-laam pro-ro-ko-vannaya. Rejoice, od-re-Tsa-rya Ve-lika-go, the great So-lo-monom; Rejoice, ru-no, sprinkled by Jesus, formed by Ge-deon. Rejoice, Not-opa-lima Ku-pi-no, for-ko-but-in-false-pre-perceived; Rejoice, beloved, holy, beloved by the husband. Rejoice, the forest-tse not-without-heart, Jako-vom pre-move-may; Rejoice, the door is not pro-ho-dimaya, Ie-ze-kiilem pre-perceived. Rejoice, soln-tse-lenia Chri-stov, psalm-mo-singer before-appearing; Rejoice, mystery, a lot of pro-roki pro-na-re-chen. Rejoice, the pro-roshe-voices of all those who were pre-rehearted about Te-be, the end brought; Rejoice, Vyshnya-th look-up all over the spa season of the world co-superior. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 10

    Spas-stikho-tya world, Like all the Lords from earth-nago Tya kind from-bra to Mother Se-be and, for the sake of us, man-age, out, from nyudu-same from below, to He- be-si from earth-li, and Te-be with So-boi car-ve-de to pre-vaniya in glory of the everlasting and co-kingdom-va-nii with So-bo, end-tsa do not have , Themzhe, like God, hears from everyone: Al-li-luia.

    Ikos 10

    Step-for-the-faithful, God-kind-tse Devo, and for-step-down to all, to Te-be-come-firing, for Not-be-se and earth-whether Thy-rez, from Te- blessing of pro-shed, Most pure, in spirit and body in the Not-innocent Ty pre-se-li, to the closest representative of all, and also inviting-shati on-teach: Raduy- sya, the city of Tsa-rya Be-face-of-the-hoo of the mountain Not-infinite; Rejoice, ste-no and in-to-the-rove, not covering from our admission. Rejoice, faithful to the enemy-gi-gi-yu-ya; Rejoice, the Agaryan procession is running-giving. Rejoice, the good-faith faith is not-moved-my so-ness; Rejoice, heretofore, the half-coves of the age. Rejoice, joy and dying to the world; Rejoice, you are all right in hell. Rejoice, for the warriors of the flesh whole-wisdom-we-get from a row of wreaths; Rejoice, martyrs in-́dvig-gov all-honest-but-no-glorious. Rejoice, pre-in-good labor-house Ho-data-i-tse blah-zhenna-th reopening; Rejoice, in a different kind of blessing Giver of never-ending glad-va-nia. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 11

    The singing of all God-spirit-but-vented songs does not reach from us to the praise of all-honest-good Success Thy-e-hoo, All-praiseworthy Vla-dych-tse, Tsar God go-rody-tse, but sure-no Te-be pri-nosim, as Ma-te-ri Tsa-rya of all, my heart-reigning youth is ours, with Not-mad-mi chinmi I sing One-mu-worthy pro-glorifying to Thy Bogu: Al-li-luia.

    Ikos 11

    The light of the reception of the light of the truth of the Light to us on the earth, whether it is manifest, the souls of the light and the honor of Your all-honest-but-but-having-come-to-raz-mo Bo -physical-no-mu na-stav-lyeshi, so let me give Ti si-tse-vaya: Rejoice, light-n-uga-simaya fire-nya'n-material-na-th; Rejoice, for-re-not-for-ho-dim'a Light of not-ve-chern-go. Rejoice, lu-no, from the Sol-tsa of the truth about-li-sta-vah; Rejoice, light-st, light-pulling in the darkness. Rejoice, light-hearted, on the candle-tse, above-it was placed; Rejoice, the source of life, from the sepulcher into the light from the divine. Rejoice, Mother Light is clever, good-hearted souls pro-illuminating; Rejoice, Mother of all God, embittered by the soul of the consolation. Rejoice in those who trust in Thy-in-so-not-shameless gift-giving; Rejoice, the standing of God for them and for His work on the Su-de of Thy Son's Odes-nue that makes him. Rejoice, Preb-la-woman, as To-God is the blessing of Esma, and we, like In-power-tsu Ty ima-we; Rejoice, Blessedly-wedded to the race and the race, as the Lord is with To-Bo, and To-Bo is with us. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 12

    Thank you to give you all the glory of God, to not be-so-good-to-be of Bo-go-mother-ri, which is revered for seven days to the odes-nu of the Son of Her and God seeing the fires of the minds, podyasha Yu Pre-stoli and Sila, the surroundings of Na-chal and Power, with-pa-dosha of fear Heru-vimi, Se-ra-fi'mi and the State, with Ar-hange- ly and Ange-ly in-piyushche: Al-li-luia.

    Ikos 12

    Sings all-honest Thy Success, we praise all Thy procession, the Tsar-rice of God-mother. You sanctify, pros-lavi and spa-si all who sing Te-be with love: Rejoice, cleansing the land with the purest of Thy feet; Rejoice, sanctifying the air, ascending to Thy days to Not-be-si. Rejoice, you have grown-up-drinking on the Non-infinite circle; Rejoice, all goodness is not-of-spoken-sighted. Rejoice, in glory, presenting you to the table of Thy Son and God; Rejoice, with the Son and God forever the kingdom. Rejoice, beauty-so-that in the des-nitsa of the Lord, adorning the blessings of Thee of all the Not-infinite; Rejoice, glad-van-naya in-deed on thee of all earthly. Rejoice, treated in the sun, shining with blessing and glory to all all; Rejoice, promising to keep-nyati and spa-sati who call everyone in the under-not-madness. Rejoice, from the Christian ro-dovs of the Mother of God in-chi-taiya and God-in-birth-name; Rejoice, from the east to the sun to the west, freshly and rightly from all the blessed glories. Rejoice, O-glad-van-naya, in Thy Success, she does not leave us.

    Kontakion 13

    O All-sung Mati Diseless Tsa-rya Not-be-se and earth-li, Hri-sta of our God, living and dead, now bringing about everything Thy honor received Thy success from us, in this life and in our dead success from every pasture, troubles and torment from the bawi and the Innocent Kingdom of us, Tsa-ritse, how-to Those-who-who-drunk: Al-li-luya.

    (This kontakion is chi-ta-et-sya three-waited, for-tem ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

    Prayer for the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God

    O Pre-holy God-mother-of-God Devo, Vla-dychi-tse, the higher Angel and Ar-hangel and all the creatures Honest, the angelic great wonder-day, about the rocking you -sokaya pro-in fact, apostolic pres-lavnaya praise-lo, saints from a number of adornments, martyrs strong statement, other-cov spa-siitel-noe becoming-years-old, guests-not-from-not-dying-out-of-life, virginity purely and gloriously, ma-te-rei quiet veil, babes wisdom and na-ka-zanie, vod-vits and sir kor-mitel-ni-tse, on-gih robe, sick health, captives from bav-lene, by the sea float-yu-shih-shi -but, who-are-taught a non-stormy arrival, wandering-giving not-laboring At-the-school, walking along an easy pro-walk, working-giving good for a dear, in the misery of the fast For-stepn-tse, offended By-to-the-rove and coming-to-run, not-doing-deed, demanding In the wickedness of the sadness, a great consolation, not-in-see-to-see any confession, sinners kov spa-sessing and to God the attribution, right-in-faith of all, a solid fence, not-in-a-dim-wishing and for-step-down! That-I am afraid of us, Vla-dych-tse, We cannot-see-we see byst, and Te-be'mol-bu' pri-nosim, Gos-in-the-same, your sinners: O Pre-sweet-vai and the Wonderful Light of the clever Tsa-ritse, the birth of Tsa-rya Hri-sta, our God, the Life-giving of all, from the not-infinite glories and from the earthly praises, Angelic mind, light-hearted star-to, holy you Pre-holy, Vla-dychi-tse of all creatures, God-wicked Lady, Not-well-not-true, pa-lato Spirit Pre-saint-tago, fiery Pre-table Not-vidi-ma-go Tsa-rya, not-infinite ki-vote, but-the power of the Word of God, fire-not-like-different wheel-forest-nice, in the form of Zhiv-vago God, not-of-the-real composition of the plane of Christ, nest-do Or-la Not-mad, Gorlitse God-lasnaya, Go-lu- bice short, quiet and not-evil-va, Mati cha-do-l-bivaya, sweet-no-bezd-but, dissipating the cloud of God's wrath, not-of-me-rim, deep-bi-no , not-of-re-en-taino, not-of-my-miracle, un-handed-in-the-war Church of the One Tsa-rya of all ages, blah-ukhannoe ka-dilo , honest bug-ry-nice, God-goth-cannabis por-firo, spiritual paradise, life-in-the-nose garden o'tras-le, the color is very good, blooming to us is not-infinite the veil, the thunder of our spa-serenity, more than Tsa-rya Not-mad-go, in her, too, grows from the Holy Spirit, vi-but not-is-de-cher-pamyah blah dachi, Ho-data-i-tse za-kona, for-part of the true faith of Christ's not-to-le-be-bimy stolpe, the fierceness of God on the God-kind, be-sov fear, in braneh, bezh-deity, chris-stian of all not-false Temple-no-tse and the world is all because of a true spa session! O All-merciful Gos-in-the-same, Devo Vla-dychi-tse, God-dear-tse, hear us praying Te-be, and the manifestation of Thy mercy on all Thy , mo-li his Son from-ba-vi-ti-xia to us from all evil and so-ch-ni our abode and every abode, and city, and the land of the faithful, and people, blah -justly arriving and calling-calling your name is holy, from every kind of pastry, g-beating, gladness, coward, po-topa, fire-nya, me-cha, on -the trials of other-tribes-men and between-before-domestic warfare, from every illness and every condition, but neither wounds, nor pre-punishment, nor by any means, nor by any righteousness. with the anger of God, they will diminish your ra-bi. But with-blyu-dai and spa-sai with Thy grace, Lord, for us, pray for us, and the beneficial blessings of the air-spirits in time are not bad give us the gift. About-light-chi, grow-up and sweet-hearted, Pre-sweet-vaya Vla-dych-tse, God-kind-of-tse pre-singing, in all be-de's and need-de's. For me-nor-for-your-yours and do not disdain our tears and air-chania, and about-but-us with the blessing of His-her-sweetness, but with the blessing-yes-rene- we comfort-sha'm-Xia, about-reteshe Ty In-power-tsu. Umi-lo-serd-sya, Lord-in-the-same, Most-pure, for Thy non-powerful people, For our dezhdo. Dis-sowed so-be-ri, for-for-blundering on the right path on-step, from the fall from the goodness of the fatherly faith, the packets of return, the old hold, young vra-zu-mi, young people vos-pi-tai and pros-lavi glorifying Thee, from the common - the Church of the Son of Thy-e-goo-people and so-huh-ni in long that day. O Milo-sty-vaya and Pre-cute-sty-vaya Tsa-ritsa Not-be-se and earth-li, Bo-go-de-tse Pris-no-virgin! Thy ho-dai-in-kindness in Thy mercy to our country, and her warrior and all the pra-glorious christians, keeping them under the blood of Thy grace, with Thy garment honestly -shi-ti and mo-li from Te-be-incarnate-go-Xia without seme-not Hri-sta, God ours, let us pre-declare us with more power on all sight-we and not-see-we gi nasha. Spa-si and sweetheart, Gos-in-the-same, Ve-lika-go Gos-in-din and Father of our (name), Holy patriarch of Moscow and all Rus-si, preo-holy mit-ro-po-lity, ar-chi-episko-py and episko-py pra-vos-lavnaya, and- rhei and diacs and all the priestly church, and all my-our-rank, and all right-to-faith people, who obey and pray in front of your honorable icon. Behold at all of us with-z-re-n-e-m-melo-stetiv-na-th Thy-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-leii, lift us out of the deep-be-ny-sin-sinful and pro-light -dechny to the sight of spa-sénia, merciful-sti-va us will be here and on the Terrible Su-de of Thy-e-goy thought about us, pre-shi-I-sya in the blessing of your life in everlasting life from Angela and Ar-hangelya and with all the saints, honor, so that the right hand of Thy-e-God's Son will be presented, and my -with your lithium, how-to-do all the righteous-holy Christians with Christ's life and the joy of the angels in the Non-infinite se-leni-them to-wait-wait. You are the God, the Lord, the glory of the Non-dumb and the revelation of the earth, You are our Na-dezhda and For-stepnitsa of all who come to Te-be and Thy-her saint-you help the beggars. You are our Mo-lebni-tsa warm to Thy-e-moo and our God. Your Mater-nya prayer can do a lot for the thought of Vla-dyka, and by Your representation to the Pre-table, bless you and the Life-dwellers of Him, Tain Stu-pati der-borrow, even if it is not worth it. The same all-honest image of Thy and the ru-ko of Thy detainee All-the-dweller is looking at the icon, I am glad, we are glad, sinful, with a heartfelt papa -you, and love this tse-luem, chasing, Gos-in-the-same, Your saints God-pleasant-mi-lithva-mi doy-ti Not-mad without-endless life and it is not shameful to become in the day of judgment at the right hand of Thy Son and our God, glorifying Him in a kupno with the Beginning Father and the Most Holy, Blah, Living and One-Substantial Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.