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  • Tomatoes nutritional value per 100 g. Tomatoes

    Tomatoes nutritional value per 100 g. Tomatoes

    From childhood, we are taught to prefer fruits and vegetables, as they contain a huge amount of nutrients necessary for growth. Vitamins, minerals and many elements in the composition contribute to the normalization of the work of all systems of the human body. Tomatoes also contain a lot of nutrients. The chemical composition of a red vegetable is represented by a huge number of different elements, from proteins, fats and carbohydrates to acids, vitamins and minerals. In more detail about what is contained in aromatic tomatoes that have a sweet and sour taste, how they are useful and whether they can do harm, we will tell you in this article.

    Chemical composition

    In 100 g of tomato, about 92 g is water. Also, the chemical composition of fresh tomatoes is represented by such substances:

    • From 0.5 to 1.1 g of proteins, including nonessential and essential amino acids.
    • From 0.1 to 0.3 g of pectin substances.
    • About 0.2 g fat. Tomato seeds contain 17-29 g of oil.
    • 0.1 to 0.2 g of hemicellulose.
    • 0.5 to 0.9 grams of fiber.
    • 5 g of carbohydrates, including mono- and disaccharides.
    • From 0.2 to 0.9 g of organic acids, including citric, oxalic, malic, tartaric and succinic.

    The chemical composition of a tomato is distinguished by a large number of vitamins, each of which is necessary for the body for the stable operation of a particular system. Most of all it contains ascorbic acid. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on connective and bone tissue, is an excellent antioxidant and takes part in metabolic processes. Slightly less choline. This is vitamin B4, known to mankind as the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, into which it is synthesized upon entering the body. This substance, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and also participates in carbohydrate metabolism. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine regulates insulin levels in the body and has a beneficial effect on the liver, helping its cells to start regeneration processes. Finally, vitamin B4 protects the myocardium from damage.

    There is a lot in the chemical composition of tomato and niacin. More popularly known as vitamin B3, it takes part in carrying out carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in cells. Niacin is important for tissue respiration, and is also valued as a regulator of redox processes. It is directly involved in the work of the digestive system, helping to break down food, synthesizing sex hormones and even helps to suppress the growth of a malignant neoplasm.

    Tocopherol has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, promotes tissue regeneration and is an excellent antioxidant. In general, it is a beauty vitamin, since it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, preventing the appearance of age-related pigmentation and participating in the formation of collagen and elastic fibers. Vitamin E is also beneficial during pregnancy because it promotes the development of the placenta. And pyridoxine is one of the main substances involved in metabolism. Vitamin B6 has a positive effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, and also prevents the development of cancer.

    Thiamine regulates the transmission of nerve impulses and maintains water-salt balance. In addition, vitamin B1 is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and digestion. Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is needed for the formation of red blood cells and the normal function of the thyroid gland, and beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that positively affects the quality of hair and skin.

    Folic acid in the chemical composition of tomatoes is necessary for normal cell division, the development of all organs and tissues. Vitamin K1 helps to eliminate toxins and other harmful substances from the body, increasing life expectancy, and biotin plays an important role in metabolic processes, participates in the biosynthesis of hormones and is necessary for the synthesis of useful intestinal microflora.

    Macronutrients that tomatoes are rich in

    Macronutrients are another important part of the chemical composition of a tomato. The nutritional value of the product is determined, among other things, by such important substances:

    • Sodium is a catalyst for chemical processes, maintains water and alkaline balance in the body.
    • Potassium - maintains acid-base balance.
    • Silicon - participates in the formation of epithelial and connective tissues.
    • Chlorine is essential for the formation of gastric juice.
    • Sulfur - takes part in the formation of protein, is a component of amino acids.
    • Phosphorus is a part of bones and tooth enamel.
    • Calcium is a building material for teeth and skeleton, it is involved in the processes of blood clotting and hormone secretion.
    • Magnesium - regulates the transmission of nerve impulses, is important for the stable functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

    Microelements in the tomato

    Speaking about the energy value and chemical composition of tomatoes, one cannot fail to mention trace elements. Among them:

    • Selenium - participates in redox processes and is an integral element of more than 30 vital biologically active compounds in the body.
    • Iodine is a component of thyroid hormones.
    • Vanadium - participates in the processes of blood formation and respiration, is important for the formation of teeth and bones.
    • Nickel - participates in enzymatic processes.
    • Iron is essential for breathing.
    • Molybdenum is an important component of tissue respiration and supports the immune system.
    • Chromium - takes part in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.
    • Cobalt - participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, helps the liver and nervous system.
    • Fluoride is found in bones and tooth enamel.
    • Manganese - supports the functioning of the sex glands and the process of hematopoiesis.
    • Beryllium is important for metabolic processes.
    • Aluminum - ensures the establishment of bonds with nitrogen and oxygen, actively participates in the regeneration processes.
    • Lithium - has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and neurochemical processes in the brain.
    • Boron - is found in human blood, as well as in bone and muscle tissues.
    • Barium - regulates smooth muscle contractions.
    • Copper - participates in protein metabolism.
    • Zinc - participates in the synthesis of hormones, is necessary for the male reproductive and reproductive system.
    • Rubidium - stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular system.
    • Germanium - delivers oxygen to tissues, protects the body from foreign substances, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and delays the development of malignant neoplasms.

    Essential amino acids

    The chemical composition of tomatoes is also represented by amino acids. Almost all of them (replaceable and irreplaceable) are part of proteins, participate in their formation, as well as in various biochemical processes. The irreplaceable ones include:

    • phenylalanine;
    • lysine;
    • leucine;
    • valine;
    • isoleucine;
    • threonine;
    • histidine;
    • tryptophan;
    • methionine.

    Essential amino acids

    This list includes such substances:

    • proline;
    • glutamic acid;
    • cystine;
    • aspartic acid;
    • glycine;
    • serine;
    • alanine;
    • arginine;
    • tyrosine.

    Useful properties of tomatoes for humans

    If you study the chemical composition of tomatoes, the nutritional value of a vegetable for the body becomes fully understood. Regular (but in moderation!) Consumption of tomatoes has an immunostimulating, tonic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and diuretic effect on the body. The vegetable helps to reduce nervous excitability, serves as a stimulator of brain activity, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Supports the cardiovascular system, monitors the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. In general, not a vegetable, but a real storehouse of nutrients.

    Can a tomato do any harm?

    Yes, if you consume the vegetable in large quantities. You should not overeat tomatoes, in which case you can not only not wait for positive results, but also cause a negative effect. It is expressed by an increase in the likelihood of gallbladder spasms and even the formation of kidney stones. Also, with extreme caution, you need to use tomatoes for people who have a tendency to allergic reactions and suffer from gallstone disease.

    Other important information

    It is nice to know that 100 g of tomatoes contain only 18-20 kcal. Therefore, they are popular in dietetic food. Especially the cute cherry tomatoes. The chemical composition of "babies" is represented by the same useful substances as in the case of large varieties. Various salads and vegetable sauces are prepared with them, which are tasty and healthy both for the body and for the figure. However, to preserve the nutrients it is not recommended to cook tomatoes. It is better to eat them fresh.

    Particular attention should be paid to the choice of tomatoes. Since in most cases they are treated with chemicals, it is best not to buy tomatoes from strangers. It is advisable to find a conscientious seller whose vegetables do not make you doubt the quality.

    Today you can find interesting collectible varieties. Of course, many gardeners are wondering if it is worth buying them? Of course, a study of collection samples of tomatoes by chemical composition was carried out, and the results are more than pleasant - they have the same (if not better) properties and qualities as ordinary varieties. Moreover, they boast better disease and temperature resistance. So collectible varieties deserve no less attention.

    Or, translated from Italian - gold, is one of the most common food products, which everyone knows about, which everyone buys, and, moreover, is grown on almost everyone. In addition to excellent taste, this plant has a huge vitamin reserve and, which makes it a "favorite" of the whole society. Paradoxically, for a long period of time, tomato fruits were considered unfit for consumption. They were grown in Europe as specific.

    Description of the fruit

    Tomato - a representative of the family. It is referred to, however in culture it is still used as. The stem is lodging, most often requires a garter, but there are ones that are cultivated without a procedure (standard). The root is tap-shaped, highly branched and located at a depth of about 50 cm.
    is juicy, with a different number of seed chambers: from small-chamber (2-5) to medium-chamber (6-9) and multi-chamber (10 or more). The advantage of multi-chamber fruits is their fleshiness and volume, the disadvantage is the small offspring of seeds.

    The growth period after setting is about a month, the ripening time is from 10 to 15 days, during which the fruit takes on a color from green to bright red. Depending on the ripe, they can be of various shades: orange, red, raspberry or even.
    A wide variety of fruit shapes makes it possible to grow from ordinary round to plum and tomato. It is best to choose fruits with a smooth surface for consumption. The weight can be from 20 g to 1 kg. All this is purely individual and depends on various varietal characteristics.

    Chemical composition

    Tomatoes contain a large amount of vitamins, useful macro- and microelements.
    Per 100 g:

    • vitamin A (beta-carotene) - 1 mg;
    • vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.06 mg;
    • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.04 mg;
    • niacin - 0.5 mg;
    • folic acid - 11 mcg;
    • vitamin C - 25 mg;
    • vitamin E - 0.4 mg.
    • potassium - 300 mg;
    • calcium - 14 mg;
    • magnesium - 20 mg;
    • sodium - 40 mg;
    • phosphorus - 24 mg.

    Contains trace elements:
    • 0.9 mg iron;
    • 2 μg iodine;
    • 6 mcg cobalt;
    • 140 mcg manganese;
    • 0.1 mg copper;
    • 0.2 mg zinc.

    Calorie content and nutritional value

    Possesses very low calorie, for which it is appreciated. On average, there are 23 kcal (or 96.2 kJ) per 100 g of the fetus.

    100 g of tomatoes contain a lot of water (about 92 g), proteins - 1.1 g, fats - 0.2 g, carbohydrates - 5 g. It also contains fiber (0.8 g), pectins (0.3 g ), organic acids (0.5 g) and (0.5 g).

    The benefits of tomatoes

    The benefits are invaluable: in addition to excellent taste and low calorie content, this one has become a real storehouse of useful substances for both women and men.

    For men

    Let's look at what is useful for men.

    Firstly, the juice from this miracle fruit is very useful for the normalization of the body and all internal organs, helps to prevent and eliminate constipation, fights ulcers, and stops the development of cataracts.

    Tomatoes, raw or processed, have a positive effect in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis in men. In emergencies, it is possible to use a tomato to treat wounds and cuts, if there is no special ointment at hand. It perfectly disinfects wounds and promotes their rapid healing.
    The main value in the fruits of this plant is the presence of a special pigment - lycopene, which slows down oxidation, thereby providing an anti-cancer effect on the body of men. Moreover, when tomatoes are cooked, the amount of lycopene increases, which further reduces the risk of prostate, stomach and lung cancer.

    Did you know?Every year in Spain, in the small town of Buñol, a special La Tomatina festival is held, which attracts people from different countries. Its essence lies in the battle, the main weapon of which is precisely the tomatoes.

    For women

    Knowing how low the calorie content of tomatoes is, one can immediately draw a conclusion about what are the benefits of tomatoes for women. They are able to accelerate metabolism, remove excess fluid from the body, eliminate puffiness and even reduce blood cholesterol.

    The juice from the fruit helps to lose weight, improve the appearance and condition of the skin. It also helps maintain bone health, especially for postmenopausal women.
    Like men, tomatoes help the female body in the fight against cancer cells.

    Healing properties

    You can talk a lot about the beneficial properties of this plant, because it really does a lot irreplaceable vital functions.

    1. Tomatoes are often used in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
    2. They have an excellent diuretic effect, start all metabolic processes in the body, so their use is often recommended when prescribing diets for overweight people.
    3. They improve the functioning of the nervous system, acting as a kind of antidepressant.
    4. Tomato juice and dishes improve immunity, mood and well-being.
    5. Many people do not know about this, but these berries are excellent thirst quenchers.
    6. The beneficial substances contained in the fruits improve vision, prevent various eye diseases.
    7. Especially for women, tomatoes are useful for their rejuvenating properties, they smooth wrinkles, give the face a natural healthy tone.
    8. Regular consumption of tomatoes helps to improve memory and faster assimilation of various information.

    Dietetics and tomatoes

    As mentioned above, tomatoes are low in calories, which makes them one of the top foods that are prescribed for diets. In addition to their lightness, they are still able to launch all the necessary processes to eliminate excess weight and normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

    So there are different ways of eating tomatoes in dietetics:

    1. The fruits are often used during fasting days. This will not only give your body lightness, but also cleanse of unnecessary substances and eliminate a couple of kilograms in just one day.
    2. Another effective method would be to combine tomatoes with, and based on this, a fasting day. also low in calories and useful, so this combination of foods will only enhance their beneficial effect on your body. On such days, do not forget that you need to drink plenty of clean water to speed up metabolic processes.
    3. It is also useful to combine fresh tomatoes with cereals, in particular with. This combination will provide you with the necessary amount of carbohydrates and iron, but at the same time will also allow you to lose weight. Such meals can form the basis of a diet for a couple of weeks.

    Tomato (tomato) is a herbaceous plant of the genus Solanaceae, grown as a vegetable crop. His homeland is South America, where wild varieties are still found today. The name "tomato" comes from the phrase "pomo d'oro", which means "golden apple" in Italian. For a long time (until the 17th century), tomatoes were considered inedible, so European gardeners cultivated them exclusively as an exotic ornamental plant. Tomato was recognized as a vegetable crop only in the 18th century thanks to the scientist A.T. Bolotov, who managed to achieve full ripeness of the fruit using the ripening and seedling method.

    Today tomatoes are considered one of the most demanded crops in the world, widely used in the food industry.

    Botanical description

    According to the culinary classification, the tomato is a vegetable, and the botanical classification is a berry.

    Due to the high demand, many varieties of the product have been developed, which differ in: shape (heart-shaped, flattened, round, elongated), color (yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, maroon), the nature of the surface (medium-silvery, strongly ribbed, smooth , slightly ribbed), weight (from 0.02 kg to 1 kg / 1 fruit), the duration of the growing season (very early, early, medium early, late, very late).

    The tomato has a monopodial (rod) root system, which is located in the upper layers of the soil. The stem is covered with hairs, erect or lodging.

    According to plant height, the culture is divided into the following types: dwarf (up to 30 cm), low (30-50 cm), medium (50-90 cm), high (90-150 cm), very high (over 150 cm).

    Leaves consist of lobes, alternate. The inflorescence is a racemose curl, depending on the variety, it can be polysyllabic, uncomplicated or simple.

    The fruit is a watery, juicy berry with small seeds of a triangular-reniform configuration. The surface, shape and size of a tomato are highly dependent on the growing conditions. With unfavorable factors, the berry loses its ribbing, becomes rounded, and decreases in size relative to the usual parameters of the variety.

    Tomato seeds remain viable for 5-7 years.

    Interestingly, the duration of the growing season of a plant depends on the territorial location of the site. As fields with plantings move from south to north, ripening lengthens. As a result, the shift in the germination period can reach 30 days.

    Chemical composition

    Tomatoes do not contain starch and cholesterol, there is virtually no fat in them, like sugar, dietary fiber. Traditionally, the most watery vegetable is considered, while the tomato is in no way inferior to it (95.28 g of water is concentrated in 100 g of the product), therefore it is recommended for use in diets for weight loss. Tomatoes contain an antioxidant (lycopene) that prevents DNA mutations and the growth of cancer cells. In the human body, it is absorbed with vegetable fats (oil).

    Energy value, per 100 g of product:

    • yellow tomatoes, raw - 15 kcal;
    • orange tomatoes, raw - 16 kcal;
    • red tomatoes, raw - 18 kcal;
    • cherry tomatoes, raw - 27 kcal.

    The energy ratio is 12%: 9%: 84%.

    The fruits contain anthocyanins, abscisic acid, sterols, triterpene saponins, and the leaves contain essential oil and glycoalkaloids (tomato, tomatidine).

    Aldehydes (furfural, benzaldehyde) and volatile alcohols (isovalerian, isobutyl) give a characteristic aroma to tomatoes, and the color is given by phenols, anthocyanins, anthoxanthins, lycopene and carotene.

    Table number 1 "Nutritional value of tomatoes by type"
    Components Content in 100 grams of product, grams
    Yellow Orange Red "Cherry"
    Water 95,28 94,78 94,52 93,4
    Carbohydrates 2,98 3,18 3,89 3,84
    Protein 0,98 1,16 0,88 1,2
    Alimentary fiber 0,6 0,8 1,1 0,81
    Ash 0,4 0,59 0,4 0,4
    Organic acids (oxalic, succinic, tartaric, citric, malic) 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6
    Mono- and disaccharides 3,5 3,2 2,63 2,01
    Fats 0,28 0,18 0,2 2,02
    Lycopene 2,573 2,16
    Lutein + Zeaxanthin 0,123 0,08
    Table number 2 "Chemical composition of tomatoes by type"
    Name Concentration of nutrients in 100 grams of product, milligrams
    Yellow Orange Red "Cherry"
    Ascorbic acid (C) 9,0 15,0 13,7 24,0
    Niacin (B3) 1,179 0,593 0,594 0,49
    Pantothenic acid (B5) 0,12 0,186 0,089
    Pyridoxine (B6) 0,056 0,059 0,078 0,1
    Riboflavin (B2) 0,047 0,034 0,019 0,039
    Thiamine (B1) 0,041 0,046 0,037 0,06
    Folic acid (B9) 0,031 0,029 0,015 0,0113
    Beta carotene (A) 0,075 0,449 1,2
    Choline (B4) 6,7
    Tocopherol (E) 0,54 0,40
    Betaine 0,1
    Phylloquinone (K) 0,0079
    Potassium 258,0 212,0 237,0 290,7
    Phosphorus 36,0 30,0 25,0 27,0
    Calcium 11,0 6,0 9,0 14,3
    Sodium 23,0 41,0 6,0 39,0
    Magnesium 11,0 9,0 10,0 20,1
    Chlorine 56,0 61,0
    Sulfur 11,0 11,0
    Trace elements
    Iron 0,49 0,46 0,26 0,9
    Zinc 0,28 0,13 0,18 0,2
    Manganese 0,11 0,088 0,114 0,14
    Copper 0,101 0,062 0,059 0,112
    Selenium 0,0004 0,0004 0,0004 0,0004
    Fluorine 0,02 0,02 0,023 0,0201
    Molybdenum 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,007
    Cobalt 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005
    Iodine 0,002 0,002 0,002 0,0021
    Boron 0,115 0,115 0,115 0,115
    Chromium 0,005

    More than 60 million tons of tomatoes, 44 million tons and 36 million tons are grown annually in the world. The largest areas of vegetable plantations are concentrated in China, where the volume of cultivation of the plant is 16% of the total production in the world. Interestingly, tomatoes contain the "happiness hormone" serotonin, which improves mood, and the bulk of ascorbic acid is concentrated in the surrounding seeds.

    Interestingly, cooking (for 2 minutes) increases the amount of lycopene in tomatoes by 1/3. And red varieties contain more nutrients than yellow ones.

    The pulp of ripe fruits contains phytoncides that prevent the development of infection.

    Beneficial features

    Fresh tomato juice and pulp puree are prescribed for children, adults and women during the period of gestation. It is the best natural source of mineral compounds, vitamins, dietary fiber. Interestingly, the ancient Indian tribes used the vegetable to enhance male potency.

    Tomato is a home doctor used to treat nervous disorders, depression, gastritis with low acidity, eye diseases, skin diseases, upper respiratory tract, wounds, burns, colds, SARS. And also for the prevention of atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency, increased libido.

    The vegetable has diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties.

    The "power" of tomatoes:

    1. Reduce blood pressure, prevent blood clots, normalize acid-base balance.
    2. Prevents the growth and decay of cancer cells.
    3. They improve metabolism, quench thirst well.
    4. Normalize the work of the heart, nervous system, digestion.
    5. They cheer up, support immunity, and give strength to the body.
    6. They neutralize toxins accumulated in the intestines and promote excretion.
    7. They improve the assimilation of information, prevent eye diseases.
    8. Promotes weight loss. Potassium salts reduce the ability of body tissues to retain water. As a result, the kilograms go away with the excess fluid.

    Remember, the majority of the nutrients are found in the skin of the tomato, so it should not be peeled.

    Tomatoes are especially useful for smokers. The biologically active substances that are part of their composition break down and remove nicotine toxins and tar from the lungs. In addition, they normalize taste, rid teeth of tobacco plaque.

    In the absence of contraindications, a tomato can be included in the daily diet up to 5 pieces.

    Due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, it is recommended from time to time to spend fasting days on tomatoes.

    Doctors bans

    Tomato is a widespread product around the world, which is consumed both raw and processed (salted, pickled, dried, fried, baked). Sauces, ketchups, soups, pies and pizza fillings are prepared on the basis of the vegetable. However, is this product so harmless? Let's consider this issue in detail.

    Tomatoes pose a hidden health hazard in the following cases:

    1. With individual intolerance. Bright fruits, like citrus fruits, chocolate are the strongest allergens, they can cause hives, sneezing, coughing, swelling, runny nose and pain in the eyes.
    2. With gallstone disease. The components of tomatoes activate the work of the stomach, pancreas, participate in the process of digestion, increase intestinal motility, have a strong choleretic effect, which can lead to a shift in gallstones and only threatens to worsen the patient's health.
    3. With pancreatitis. Tomatoes provoke inflammation of the pancreas. The greatest danger to the health of the patient is provided by unripe, green fruits.
    4. With kidney disease. violates water-salt metabolism, which aggravates problems with the genitourinary system. In addition, canned tomatoes contribute to the growth of kidney stones (if there is such a predisposition).
    5. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis and stomach ulcers, especially in the acute phase, are direct contraindications to the use of tomatoes.
    6. For joint diseases. Oxalic acid, concentrated in fruits, causes severe pain in the mobile connection of the ends of the bones, therefore the product is excluded from the patient's daily menu.
    7. With hypertension. People with heart problems should exclude pickled, salted and canned tomatoes from their diet.

    It is not recommended to combine the intake of tomatoes with eggs, fish, bread or meat. The minimum break between eating vegetables and these food products is 2 hours. In addition, food should not be washed down with tomato juice. To avoid dilution of gastric juice and impairment of digestion of food, it is consumed 30 minutes before a meal or in between meals.

    Tomato classification

    "Maximum benefit - minimum calories" - this is how nutritionists characterize the nightshade herb. The low energy value of tomatoes makes it possible to include the product in the diet of people suffering from obesity. Unlike relatives in the family, which accumulate toxic alkaloids in the pulp, tomatoes contain them in smaller quantities (5 times).

    Types of tomatoes in shape:

    1. Fleshy. This is the most delicious species, a distinctive feature of which is the large size of the vegetable. Used for making salads.
    2. Round. A characteristic feature is the correct shape, which gives the product a beautiful presentation. They are used in cooking for stuffing and preparing dishes that emphasize the ideal shape of the vegetable.
    3. Cream tomatoes. They are of medium size, elongated, and have an exquisite taste. Chefs use the product for making sauces, seasonings and preservation.
    4. ... These are small, nut-sized tomatoes that are added to salads and whole appetizers to enhance the sophistication of the dish. Unlike large counterparts, the dry matter content in them is 2 times higher. Thus, when using the same amount of ordinary tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, in the second case, the human body will receive 2 times more antioxidants, sugars, vitamins.

    Cream tomatoes are valued less than round Solanaceae. At the same time, the laurels of primacy belong to small cherry and fleshy varieties with an attractive appearance (the first) and an unusually sweet taste (the second).

    A variety of tomatoes by ripening time:

    1. Ultra-ripe (80-85 days). As a rule, superdeterminant tomatoes belong to this species. The pulp of the fruit is not sweet due to the fact that the culture grows with a short daylight hours.

    The following varieties are referred to ultra-early ripening fruits: Lark F1, Olya F, Cherry Stream F1, Sanka, Children's sweetness.

    1. Early ripe (90-95 days). This group includes medium-sized determinant varieties and low standard tomatoes.

    Popular hybrids: Leopold F1, Prima Donna F1, Leader of the Redskins, Tsar Bell.

    1. Medium early (100-103 days). Grown under a temporary film cover, in a greenhouse or in the open field, placing beds on the southern side of the site. Common varieties: Verlioka plus F1, Moscow delicacy, Blagovest F1, Giant of the Moscow Region.
    2. Mid-season (100-115 days). Fruits require more sunlight to ripen crops than early varieties.

    Mid-season varieties include: Siberian miracle, Ukhazher, Budenovka, Konigsberg, French grove, Kostroma F1.

    1. Late ripening (120-130 days). The best option for growing tomatoes is a greenhouse. Otherwise, when cultivating the plant in the open field, early frosts can lead to loss of yield.

    Popular varieties: De Barao, Titan, Oxheart, Finish, Date, Vladimir F1.

    According to their intended purpose, tomatoes are isolated for fresh consumption (with thin skin, fleshy, juicy, sweet pulp), for processing (have a dense structure, fleshy with a minimum amount of seeds), for canning (with hard skin, regular shape), universal varieties (have all listed advantages).

    The traditional color of tomatoes is red. Purple, green, orange, yellow, black, white and pink tomatoes are much less common. The characteristic color of the fruit is given by the following pigments: lycopene, ascorbic acid, alpha and beta carotene, phenols, anthocyanins, anthoxanthins.

    The best varieties of tomatoes in terms of taste are Miracle of the Earth, Dina, Appetizing, Brown Sugar, Bull's Heart and Bull's Forehead.

    Indeterminate or determinant

    Tomato is a herbaceous plant that by its nature can grow like a liana throughout its life. Wild-growing representatives entwine the accessible zones in their homeland (America), creeping along the ground. At present, cultivated forms with limited growth and high early maturity of fruits have been bred by selection.

    Types of tomatoes as they grow:

    1. Indeterminate (unlimited growth). Tomatoes of this variety are otherwise called liana-shaped, climbing. They are cultivated in open, closed ground. The plant grows continuously due to the formation of side shoots that protrude from the leaf axils. Tall varieties are sown in liter tetra packets, and determinant ones in wide peat pots.

    Liana tomatoes are usually not ripe, so they are buried in the soil before others. This variety bears fruit continuously after laying the first cluster for 5 months a year.

    Popular varieties: Budenovka, Bull's Heart, Andreevsky Surprise, Pink Magic F1, Babushkin's Secret, Raspberry Giant.

    1. Shrub. A distinctive feature of the species is limited growth. The stem of the plant is crowded, stopping to stretch upward after the laying of three inflorescences between which 1-2 leaves are concentrated. These are early-growing varieties that are cultivated for a quick harvest.
    2. Superdeterminate - dwarf plants. They are a branched bush with inflorescences at the top. No more than 3 brushes are formed on the main stem. At the same time, the vegetative growth of the plant is inhibited for a long time.

    The fruits of superchildren are the earliest ripening, up to 90% of the total harvest ripens in 20 days.

    Varieties and hybrids: Children's sweetness, Alaska, White filling, Sanka, Betalux, Children's sweetness.

    1. Determinant ones have an average growth force, which stops after the formation of 5 brushes. Unlike the previous species, the speed of shoot development is more pronounced. Determinant varieties ripen 7 days later than superdeterminant varieties, and the yield period is considered to be longer. Therefore, it is beneficial to plant them in greenhouses, as the area is used more rationally.

    The most common varieties: Ladies' saint, Dubok, Sakhalin, Siberian early ripening, Amur dawn, F1 Aurora, King of the early, Golden heart.

    A kind of determinant varieties are standard tomatoes with a strong stem, low "growth". They do not require tying up the plant.

    The best varieties of tomatoes (standard): Edelrot, Harzfeuer F1, Moskvich, Snow White, Riddle.

    1. Semi-determinate - tall tomatoes. The plant has unlimited growth and is crowned after the formation of 10 inflorescences. These are late-ripening varieties of large sizes.

    Popular hybrids: Red Arrow F1, Northern Express F1, Yvette F1.

    Today, determinant tomato varieties are the most popular. The positive features of which include: early maturity, high yield (due to the setting of ovaries due to the smaller number of leaves), the simultaneous return of fruits from several brushes at once. Among the disadvantages of this type are: predisposition to diseases, lower overall yield due to limited growth of brushes, the need to apply mineral fertilizers in an increased amount and remove stepchildren (in order to avoid overloading the culture with ovaries).

    Selection criteria and storage

    Due to the wide assortment of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes on sale, you can get confused in their variety and instead of a high harvest you get bushes with rotting fruits, lowered under the weight of your own branches. Before purchasing seeds, determine the purpose of cultivating tomatoes: for fresh consumption, transportation to remote regions, processing and storage.

    Seed selection criteria:

    • yield;
    • zoning;
    • taste qualities;
    • disease resistance.

    Most gardeners choose to grow the vegetable in greenhouses. This is especially true for areas with short and cold summers (northern regions). For full-fledged growth and development of a plant, the width of the greenhouse should not be less than 2 m, and the length - 4 m.At the same time, the distance between the beds should exceed 0.4 m.And its width is 0.8 m.It is believed that in a greenhouse it is better to simultaneously grow tall and undersized varieties. With the right combination, the harvest can be obtained within 7 months of the year.

    Tomato selection methods:

    1. Estimate the size of the fetus. Avoid large vegetables, most likely chemical fertilizers were used in the process of growing them. Exceptions are varieties with large fruits, weighing up to 0.5 kg - "Pink Giant", "Beef", "Bull Heart". In other cases, it is recommended to give preference to medium-sized tomatoes.
    2. Examine the fetal membrane. It should be of a uniform color, shiny, even, without spots, cuts or dents. Remember, in places of damage, dirt, dust, harmful microorganisms can accumulate, which, when ingested, disrupt the natural intestinal microflora and the digestion process.
    3. Examine the tomato slice. If the inner chambers are full, and juice has appeared on its surface, then the tomato is fresh.
    4. Smell. Green tomatoes have almost no smell, and fruits that exude a delicious juicy aroma are considered ripe.
    5. Examine the stalk area. It should be the same color as the entire surface of the tomato. Greenness, yellow seals indicate that the fruits were picked in an immature state. As a result, such a product is devoid of all useful properties.
    6. Check elasticity. Fresh tomatoes are neither hard nor soft to the touch. In the first case, the fruits are considered unripe, in the second - plucked long ago.

    Remember, a tomato that is too soft indicates that the product has already begun to rot.

    Hard veins from the stalk around the circumference of the tomato, the light green color of the pulp indicate the use of chemical fertilizers in the process of growing the vegetable and the abundance of nitrates in their composition. Refuse to buy such a product.

    The most useful are ground tomatoes, which contain a maximum of useful nutrients.

    Tomatoes are stored in a dark place at a temperature of 20-25 degrees for a maximum of 3 days. Otherwise, they will overripe, become soft and begin to rot. Vegetables placed in the refrigerator lose their flavor. However, their shelf life is increased to one week. Unripe tomatoes are stored in a paper bag along with apples.

    To increase the shelf life of a large batch of tomatoes, vegetables are stored in boxes and boxes with the stalks upward, shifting each row with sawdust, straw or burlap. The ideal storage temperature for the product is 10 degrees above zero. In the case of a decrease in the indicator, the fruits can get sick and become moldy, the increase can become overripe and deteriorate. In addition, there should be good air circulation in the room. Fruits of compact size with a dense skin are best preserved.

    Application in traditional medicine

    Tomato is a good diuretic that eliminates diseases of the bladder and kidneys, it improves the functioning of the heart, reduces the likelihood of developing a heart attack and stroke, and prevents atherosclerosis. The nutritional value of the fruit is determined by the content of lycopene, vitamins B, C, K, PP.

    Interestingly, 100 g of tomatoes contain 2-3 times more than fish, chicken and milk. At the same time, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid, should abandon the use of tomatoes, since the acid in their composition has a corrosive effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive system. This feature of tomatoes is used on the farm for cleaning plumbing.

    Homemade health recipes:

    1. To improve metabolism. Ingredients: fresh tomatoes (1 kg), Antonov apples (300 g), garlic (cloves from 2 heads), horseradish (100 g). Grind all components. Take 30 ml of gruel on an empty stomach.
    2. Against anemia. Red tomatoes are a source of ascorbic acid and lycopene. These compounds improve the absorption of iron, which is involved in hematopoiesis. To combat anemia, it is recommended to take 150 ml of freshly squeezed tomato juice daily 10 minutes before a meal.
    3. For the treatment of respiratory diseases, cough elimination. Ingredients: garlic (50 g), horseradish root (100 g), fresh tomatoes (1 kg). Grind all components to a uniform state using a blender. Directions for use: 15 ml 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
    4. Against varicose veins. To eliminate pain and bluish spots, slices of fresh tomato are applied to swollen veins as a compress. The vegetable is fixed with a bandage, the bandage is left for 3 hours. After the specified time, the feet are rinsed cool. The procedure is carried out daily until a lasting result is obtained.
    5. Against purulent wounds and abscesses. Tomato pulp accelerates wound healing. In addition, the fruit is credited with an antiseptic effect. According to clinical studies, it has been found that the phytoncides contained in tomatoes inhibit the growth of pyogenic bacteria. The pulp of the fruit is ground into a homogeneous gruel and applied to the wound, ulcer, abscess for 15 minutes, then removed with distilled water.

    American scientists have come to the conclusion that the most effective natural way to protect against cancer is to consume fresh tomato salad and. The products contain substances that inhibit the growth and prevent the disintegration of malignant cells.

    Benefits for the skin

    The tomato mask improves the complexion, softens the dermis, gives it elasticity and freshness, eliminates oily sheen. The beneficial properties of fruits depend on their degree of ripeness. For cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to use ripe red, pink or yellow tomatoes. They contain a maximum of vitamins. The phytoncides contained in tomato pulp fight inflammation caused by rashes and allergic reactions. And it prevents skin aging, increasing the ability of the epidermis to regenerate.

    Mask recipes:

    1. For normal skin (nourishing). Ingredients: pulp of one tomato, chicken yolk, flour. Mix until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. Apply the mask on the face for 10 minutes, rinse.

    Another recipe for making a nutritious mask: mix the grated tomato mass (from 1 fruit) with grape juice (30 ml), warm boiled water (15 ml), honey (15 ml). Leave the mask on the skin for 10 minutes, remove the remains with a napkin, wipe the face with a tonic.

    1. For dry skin (moisturizing). Ingredients: cottage cheese 20% (15 g), tomato (0.5 pcs), whole cow's milk (30 ml), olive oil (5 ml). Grind the components well, apply the product to the skin for a quarter of an hour, wash.
    2. For oily skin (tightening pores). Ingredients: tomato (1 pc), lemon juice (5 ml), flour (15 g). Mix the components of the mask, apply on the face, rinse with water.
    3. Scarb (to cleanse the dermis from keratinized particles). Ingredients: sour milk (15 ml), "tomato porridge" (from 1 fruit), olive oil (4 drops), ground oatmeal (15 g). Stir the scrub components thoroughly, apply to the skin, massage it thoroughly, rinse with water.

    In addition, on the basis of tomato juice, a refreshing lotion is prepared from distilled water (70 ml), alum (2 g), tomato pomace (30 ml), glycerin (5 ml) to reduce skin sweating. It is recommended to apply the toner to cleansed skin in the summer.


    Tomato is one of the healthiest and most common vegetables in the world. The chemical composition and medicinal properties of the product depend on the type of fruit and the degree of ripeness. Tomatoes are classified by fruit shape (large fleshy, round, cream, cherry), ripening time (ultra-early ripening, early ripening, mid-early, mid-ripening, late-ripening), plant height (indeterminate, super-determinant, determinant, semi-determinate and intended), color For winter harvesting, brown fruits are suitable, and for eating - red, yellow, orange, for preservation - green.

    The composition of tomatoes contains carotenoids, organic acids, minerals, pigment substances (xanthophyll, carotene, phenols, anthocyanins, anthoxanthins, lycopene), vitamins A, PP C, B, K. With regular use of the vegetable, the work of the heart and the condition of the skin improves, and normalizes metabolic processes and body weight, immunity increases, bone tissue is strengthened, the body's energy resources are replenished, excess fluid is removed, the development of iron deficiency anemia stops.

    Tomatoes are excellent antidepressants that promote serotonin production. The weekly norm of tomatoes should not exceed 40 pieces. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can harm health and provoke inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. In addition to internal use, tomatoes are used externally as part of face masks, compresses for wounds, swollen veins.

    Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about our favorite berry. The tomato is an annual plant. His homeland is South Africa. In Russia, the tomato appeared only in the 18th century and was cultivated as an ornamental plant. There is a wide variety of varieties. Therefore, there are tomatoes of different colors, sizes and shapes.

    Cooking is the traditional use. Tomatoes are eaten fresh alone or in a salad. They are added to the first and second courses. A popular drink is tomato juice. They are used to make sauces, including ketchup.

    Tomato has a variety of health benefits. It includes a spectrum of vitamins, minerals, acids, antioxidants. Their low calorie content allows them to be eaten by those who want to lose weight.

    The content of the article:
    1. Composition and benefits for the body

    Composition and benefits for the body

    Tomato has the following main properties:

    • Oncoprotector.
    • Anti-inflammatory.
    • Antibacterial.
    • Immunostimulating.
    • Laxatives.
    • Diuretics.
    • Decongestants.

    100 g the product contains about 15-20 kcal. The number of useful components included in them is varied. The highest concentrations are found in vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium.


    • AND. Vitamin is useful for the immune system, skin, optic nerve, provides metabolism.
    • IN 1. Has sedative qualities, improves the functioning of the digestive system.
    • AT 2. It is an essential vitamin for the liver. Deficiency leads to a worsening of her condition. The substance is used in the treatment of various organ diseases.
    • AT 6. It is necessary to ensure complete metabolic processes, it is involved in the production of certain hormones. Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, which has a beneficial effect on the performance of the vascular system.
    • AT 9. It has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Increases the chances of getting pregnant and promotes normal intrauterine development. Possesses sedative qualities, activates the production of serotonin.
    • FROM. It is especially important for the immune system. Part of collagen. It has a positive effect on cardiac activity. Stimulates the elimination of toxins.
    • E. It is of particular importance for the female body. Allows you to maintain balance in the hormonal system. Differs in sedative qualities and cares for beauty.
    • N. Normalizes cell division and growth. Participates in protein and fat metabolism.

    Micro-, macroelements:

    • Bor. It is necessary for vitamin D to work. Therefore, the mineral is important for the skeletal system and joint tissue. Helps maintain hormonal balance.
    • Iron. The hemoglobin content in the blood depends on it. Deficiency leads to the development of anemia. Iron is important for the immune system, heart, blood vessels.
    • Iodine. Plays a major role in the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is essential for the production of hormones. In case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, a general disorder in the work of organs and systems is observed. Often there is a strong weight gain, brain problems, and heart failure.
    • Potassium. Helps the body recover from increased stress in the shortest possible time. Maintains heart rate and blood pressure within normal limits.
    • Calcium. It is one of the main minerals found in bone tissue. Removes excess cholesterol, activates metabolism.
    • Magnesium. It has sedative qualities, therefore it helps to lower blood pressure and pulse. It is necessary for the functioning of the endocrine system, contributes to the maintenance of reproductive function.
    • Manganese. Participates in many processes. Plays the main importance in the work of the digestive system, heart and nervous system.
    • Copper. To varying degrees, many organs have a need for this mineral. Plays particular importance in the work of the brain, in maintaining a healthy state of the liver and spleen.
    • Sodium. It is necessary for the maintenance of neuromuscular connections. Important for maintaining water-salt balance.
    • Sulfur. It is an important component in many vitamins, hormones and proteins.
    • Phosphorus. It is a part of bone and cartilage tissue.
    • Chlorine. Stimulates the production of gastric juice.
    • Zinc. Activates the work of the brain. Stimulates the production of hormones. Strengthens the immune system, essential for the health of the dermis.

    The composition of tomatoes also contains:

    • Lycopene. He is responsible for the red color of the tomato. It belongs to the category of powerful antioxidants that inhibit the appearance of cancer cells and their further development. The substance stops the aging process in the body. If the tomato is cooked, then the digestibility of lycopene will increase significantly.
    • Pudding. Stimulates weight loss, normalizes kidney and gastrointestinal tract activity.
    • Serotonin. The hormone has antidepressant properties, improves mood, normalizes the state of the nervous system.

    Health benefits of tomatoes

    Most often, fresh vegetables and fruits are beneficial. After cooking, many useful qualities disappear. Tomatoes retain their usefulness even after canning. If green fruits are salted, they will retain almost the entire range of antioxidants, acids and vitamins.

    Tomato juice is the prevention of varicose veins, thrombosis, intestinal obstruction.

    To increase the absorption of active ingredients from a fresh product, it is recommended to eat it with the addition of vegetable oil.

    How tomatoes affect health:

    1. Reduces the risk of occurrence and development of malignant neoplasms. Tomatoes contain powerful antioxidants (lycopene, alpha-tomato) that prevent healthy cells from becoming cancerous. The components are used to treat cancer of the pancreas and lungs. Having tomatoes in your diet on an ongoing basis reduces the risk of breast and prostate cancer.
    2. Improves the digestive tract. The composition of tomatoes contains fiber, which activates the production of gastric juice and has a positive effect on the digestion process. The skin of a tomato is no less useful than the pulp. It effectively removes constipation. The acids in their composition increase the appetite.
    3. Benefits for the heart and blood vessels. Tomatoes are recommended for people with hypertension and angina pectoris. They help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and minimize the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
    4. Strengthens the immune system. The product is saturated with vitamin C and phytoncivids. They help fight inflammation and disease-causing bacteria.
    5. Cleanses the body's systems of toxins. Tomatoes contribute to the removal of harmful substances from the body. They effectively cleanse the lungs of tobacco products. Helps remove dark plaque from teeth.
    6. Promote an increase in hemoglobin. Ripe tomatoes are rich in iron and therefore stimulate the production of hemoglobin. Tomatoes are good for pregnant women and people with anemia.
    7. Increases the stability of the nervous system. Tomatoes reduce the predisposition to depression and eliminate irritability. They contain serotonin, which helps to withstand increased psychological stress.
    8. Improves the condition of diabetics. The pectin found in tomatoes can help alleviate the disease.
    9. Eliminates puffiness. The product has a diuretic effect, and folic acid helps to maintain the water-salt balance. As a result, kidney function improves, excess fluid is removed and tissue swelling decreases.
    10. Weight normalization. Tomatoes are low in calories and will give you a long feeling of fullness. Due to its cleansing and diuretic properties, tomatoes are a recommended food for the diet.

    The benefits of tomatoes for a woman's body

    Tomatoes improve the condition of the female reproductive system. Tomatoes help reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which women are especially susceptible to during menopause.

    Tomato consumption by women during pregnancy and lactation

    Tomatoes enhance the absorption of iron, cleanse the blood. They minimize bowel problems by acting as a natural laxative. Regular consumption of the fruit can reduce the risk of heart problems in the unborn baby. The haemostatic properties help prevent large blood loss during childbirth.

    Natural tomato juice normalizes salt metabolism and helps to normalize lactation.

    Tomatoes do not belong to the category of absolutely safe foods for lactating women and their children. The red fruits contain lycopene, which is poorly absorbed. Red fruits can cause an allergic reaction in a child. They can increase the acidity of the stomach in a nursing woman and lead to heartburn. In some cases, tomatoes increase gas production and can cause colic in the infant.

    But you should not completely exclude tomatoes from the diet during lactation. It is recommended to try to introduce them into your diet 2-3 months after childbirth and follow the reaction of the child's body.

    One of the safer alternatives is consuming yellow varieties of tomatoes. They are safe for women with high gastric acidity and, more rarely, cause allergies.

    The benefits of tomatoes for a man's body

    Regular consumption of ripe tomatoes will help reduce the risk of impotence, prostatitis, and prostate adenoma.

    Tomatoes contraindications for use

    For all the benefits of tomatoes, in some cases they are contraindicated. They will have to be discarded in case of allergies. Other contraindications are:

    • Arthritis.
    • Gout.
    • Hepatic stones.
    • Cholelithiasis.

    Pickled tomatoes are practically useless. In addition, they can worsen heart disease and make ulcers worse.

    Tomatoes do not go well with all foods. In order to prevent the appearance of various ailments, heartburn, bloating, they are not recommended to be eaten with meat, bread, fish, eggs. Tomato juice should be drunk half an hour after eating.

    Tomatoes in medicine

    Tomatoes have a beneficial effect on the entire body. But there are several recipes to help fix specific problems.

    1. Reduced immunity. Tomato juice (1 glass) with honey (1 tsp) has a strengthening effect, which should be drunk daily.
    2. Constipation. Tomato juice (1 glass), which is drunk once a day 10 minutes before meals, will help to improve bowel function.
    3. Cough. A mixture of tomatoes (1 kg.), Horseradish (0.3 kg.), Garlic (0.3 kg.) Will help to get rid of an unpleasant disease. All components should be ground and mixed. You should get a mushy mixture, which must be taken in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times daily before meals.
    4. Poor metabolism. To activate metabolism, you can use a composition made from tomato (1 kg.), Garlic (0.3 kg.), Horseradish (0.3 kg.), Apples (0.3 kg.). The components are ground and mixed. The mixture is taken in 2 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach.

    Tomato masks

    Tomatoes are useful not only when taken orally, they take good care of the skin, therefore they are used in various masks.

    The benefits of tomatoes for facial skin:

    • Prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes existing ones.
    • They have anti-aging properties.
    • Refreshes the dermis.
    • Eliminate acne.
    • Calm down.

    Universal mask

    How to apply:

    1. Chop 1 ripe tomato.
    2. Combine with milk (10 ml.), Sunflower oil (5 ml.), Cottage cheese (15 g.).
    3. Apply the finished composition to cleansed skin.
    4. Wash off after 20 minutes.

    Refreshing mask

    How to apply:

    • Mix oat flour (1 tbsp. L.) With milk (1 tbsp. L.) And juice from one tomato.
    • Apply the mixture to cleansed face and décolleté.
    • Wash off after 20 minutes with warm water.

    Mask for skin prone to acne and inflammation

    How to apply:

    1. Grate tomato (1 pc.), Mix with wheat flour (2 tbsp. L.) And lemon juice (2 drops).
    2. Apply to cleansed face.
    3. Wash off after 30 minutes.

    Rejuvenating mask

    How to apply:

    1. Mix tomato pulp (1 pc.) With grape juice (10 gr.) And honey (10 gr.).
    2. Apply to cleansed dermis of the face.
    3. Wash off after 20 minutes.

    Scientists still cannot come to a common point of view whether the tomato belongs to fruits, vegetables or berries. But this does not diminish its benefit to the body. Therefore, the tomato should be included in your menu, if there are no contraindications.

    Recipe for salting red tomatoes with dry mustard

    Tomatoes can contribute to the fight against excess weight - a low-calorie product, rich in vitamins and extremely beneficial for health. Calorie tomato per 100 grams is quite low, does not exceed 20 kcal. A certain amount of calories is spent on its processing, which reduces the already small energy value of a tasty vegetable. So putting on weight by leaning on tomatoes will not work.

    The homeland of tomatoes is Central America, 2.5 thousand years ago the Incas and Aztecs cultivated sacred fruits - "tomatl", which means "large berry". They were brought under this name in the 16th century. to Europe, where tomatoes were initially considered poisonous, they were used only to decorate gardens and window sills. But already in the XVIII century. the cheerful Italians ate "golden apples" - "pomy d'oro" with gusto - seasoning them with butter and pepper. From Italy, they came to the table of Catherine II. The taste of bright vegetables fascinated the empress, with her light hand, "golden apples" began to be grown in Russia for consumption.

    Ripe tomatoes - a pharmacy that contains vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, which we often lack. Such as:

    • Most of all in tomatoes carotene - 400-500 grams of red fruits cover the daily intake of a substance that is good for the eyes.
    • Ascorbic acid, B vitamins contribute to normal metabolism, increase immunity, improve skin condition.
    • Vitaimnom S are the richest varieties of pink color, they also contain selenium, which increases immunity and mental activity.
    • Tomatoes contain a lot of potassium and magnesium, which makes them a valuable product for the cores, potassium helps to remove excess fluid, reduces puffiness.
    • Tomatoes are useful for the prevention of anemia, since they contain iron and copper, without which the synthesis of hemoglobin is impossible.
    • The seeds of ripe vegetables with the surrounding flavonoids reduce blood viscosity and prevent blood clots.
    • "Golden apples" contain an abundance of valuable dye - lycopene - the most powerful natural antioxidant. It not only has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, but also prevents the formation of cancer cells. Especially the yellow varieties contain a lot of lycopene.
    • Tomatoes - berries of joy - their use increases the level of serotonin in the blood, which improves mood, helps to overcome depression.

    For the digestive tract, tomatoes are a real balm. The watery structure of the vegetable facilitates its digestion in the stomach, the skin contributes to the peristalsis of the intestinal walls, keeps it "in good shape." Tomato diets are popular among those who lose weight, because due to their chromium content, these vegetables reduce appetite and cause long-term satiety.

    Does a tomato have a negative calorie content?

    As for the calorie content of a tomato, it should be noted right away that it is not negative.

    Please Note: The only proven zero calorie product is pure water. It does not contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but the body will have to spend several calories on cooling or heating water to body temperature - the effect of negative calories will be obtained.

    Any food product (except water) consists of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. For their assimilation requires 10-15% of the calories that they supply to the body.

    The composition of the BJU in a fresh tomato looks like this:

    • Proteins - 0.6 g / 100g;
    • Fat - 0.2 g / 100 g;
    • Carbohydrates - 4.2 g / 100 g.

    It is necessary to add fiber (0.8 g / 100 g) and water (93.5 g / 100 g) to the BJU of tomato - these nutrients do not contain calories. A fresh tomato has a caloric content of about 20 kcal per 100 grams, 3-4 kcal will be spent on its assimilation, a small remainder will replenish the body's calorie reserves. The energy value of a tomato is not negative, but low enough that it can be used in diets for weight loss.

    Calorie dependence on the cooking method

    When figuring out how many calories there are in a tomato, you need to consider how it is prepared.

    Table: calorie content of tomatoes with various processing

    • As can be seen from the table, salty vegetables have the lowest calorie content, while they retain all the vitamin composition and trace elements of fresh fruits.
    • Pickled tomatoes, after cooking, lose the lion's share of vitamins, but remain a low-calorie product that is useful for losing weight. At the bottom there is a high content of lycopene and essential trace elements (potassium, manganese, iron).
    • The miniature cherry variety quickly gained popularity: small tomatoes are much sweeter and tastier than their large counterparts, they can perfectly decorate any dish.
    • The value of tomato juice is that it contains more lycopene than fresh vegetables. 1 piece of large fruit weighing 100 g contains 1.5 mg of lycopene, while 100 ml of tomato juice contains 7-8 mg. Two glasses of juice a day will cover the body's daily need for this powerful natural antioxidant.
    • When cooked properly, stewed and baked tomatoes contain more calories, but they are superior to fresh fruits in lycopene. 100 g of the dish contains less water, but a higher percentage of lycopene and trace elements.
    • Some meat dishes are lower in calories than canned sun-dried tomatoes, richly flavored with olive oil. In homemade preparations, they are prepared in dryers for 5 hours at t ° \u003d 80 ° with a lot of salt. Deprived of moisture, sun-dried tomatoes have the maximum content of vitamins and all other useful nutrients and are a concentrated medicinal product.

    Tomatoes for weight loss

    Despite the low calorie content, tomatoes are not a product that can be regularly used with mono diets. Eating only vegetables with a minimum content of BJU, you can bring your body to exhaustion, disrupt metabolism, and upset your health. In addition, tomatoes increase the acidity of gastric juice, and such a mono-diet often ends with gastritis. Oxalic acid, which is rich in bright red vegetables, accelerates the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys. Tomatoes work effectively when losing weight, if you replace one intake of high-calorie food with them in the daily diet. Instead of an abundance of calories, the body will receive an excellent vitamin supplement that stimulates the digestive tract, keeping you feeling full for a long time.

    Top 10 vegetables for weight loss

    Slimming vegetables are not only low-calorie foods, but also a source of vitamins, valuable nutrients needed to promote health.

    Together with tomatoes, it is useful to involve in the fight against excess weight:

    • Eggplant - 4 kcal / 100 g;
    • Cucumbers - 14 kcal;
    • Zucchini - 23 kcal;
    • White cabbage - 27 kcal;
    • Sweet pepper - 27 kcal;
    • Carrots - 34 kcal;
    • Greens - 30-50 kcal;
    • Onions - 41 kcal;
    • Young potatoes - 30 kcal.

    The listed vegetables give unlimited scope for culinary creativity and allow you to lose weight with taste without harming your health. However, it does not hurt to take into account some comments of nutritionists.

    Tomatoes and cucumbers - the effect of sharing

    Many people love tomato and cucumber salad, but are these vegetables healthy when eaten together?

    • Tomatoes create an acidic environment, cucumbers - alkaline; the interaction of these substances leads to the formation of salts, which can become stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.
    • Vitamin C, which is so rich in tomatoes, is neutralized by enzymes from cucumbers. When consumed together, the body will not receive ascorbic acid, no matter how many tomatoes we eat.
    • To digest food, the liver and pancreas secrete enzymes. None of the enzymes required by cucumbers are the same as those released when tomatoes are digested. While one vegetable is being digested, another will begin to ferment in the stomach, putting a strain on the liver to protect the body from fermentation products.

    Of course, one festive cucumber-tomato salad will not create serious problems, but it is better to consume these vegetables separately on a regular basis.