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  • Philosophical reflections of the poet collection urn. Realist writers of the early 20th century

    Philosophical reflections of the poet collection urn. Realist writers of the early 20th century

    "Ashes" is a book of poems by Andrey Bely. Most of them were created by the poet in 1904-1908, but A. Bely emphasized that the main themes of the book had arisen with him earlier, in the period 1904-1906.

    There are 85 poems in seven sections of the book. For the first time "Ashes" was published in 1909 in St. Petersburg. As an epigraph to the book, Bely uses a poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Every year, the strength decreases ..." (1861). The poet never believed that the texts of his poems should be unchanged, once and for all fixed. He constantly created new versions of poetry, mercilessly remaking what had already been written. His friends joked that it was necessary to create "a society to protect the creations of A. Bely from cruel treatment." There are five editions of Ashes (two published and three unpublished). Editions 1909,1921,1923,1925 and 1929 differ significantly from each other. So, in the 1925 edition there was an epigraph from a poem by A.A. Blok "Autumn Will", as amended in 1929, only four sections and 50 poems.

    "Ashes" is considered the pinnacle of A. Bely's creativity. The hopelessly tragic love for L.D.-Mendeleeva, Blok's wife, made the poet look at the world in a new way. Festive, Dionysian rapture with the beauty of "Gold in Azure" is replaced by an attempt to comprehend their own destiny and the fate of Russia. The poems, immersed in the world of lyrical emotions, Bely places in the book Urn, which was also published in 1909. In The Ashes, the author's disappointments and doubts are intertwined with thoughts of a devastated, destitute country. "Actually all the poems of" Ashes "of the period 1904-1908. - one poem about the deaf, deep spaces of the Russian land; in this poem the themes of the reaction of 1907 and 1908 are equally intertwined. with themes of the author's disappointment in achieving the former bright paths, ”wrote A. Bely in the preface to the publication of the book in 1923. The poet makes an attempt to give the symbolist text a new interpretation, combining it with a realistic work (Nekrasov's poem taken as an epigraph), and thus placing it in the context of a realistic tradition.

    Russia appears in poetry as the embodiment of chaos. Under the gloomy, leaden firmament, there are "poor flocks of huts", "poor flocks of people." Autumn, dull landscape, dull and hopeless. Bely introduces images unusual for him into the poetics of symbolism. Emphasized everyday objects are perceived not as naturalistic details, but as symbols of hopelessness, dead end, death. An important topic of the collection "Ashes" by Bely became the theme of the city. It is perceived as a ghostly space in which an ominous masquerade takes place. People mindlessly have fun during a feast reminiscent of a feast during a plague, without hearing the warning: "You are destined to die." In the “City” section, an image of a red domino with a dagger in hand appears, sowing fear and devastation everywhere. This image will later appear in Bely's novel Petersburg. The image of the poet in Ashes is the image of the persecuted and ridiculed prophet. All that awaits him is "a wreath of prickly nettles attached to the brow." Trying to make sense of the past involves seeing the future. Bely defined the idea of \u200b\u200bhis collection in this way: "Ashes is a book of self-immolation and death, but death itself is only a veil that covers the horizons of the distant, in order to find them in the near."

    After the variety of free verse forms and intonation modulations in Gold in Azure, the Urn book stands out primarily by the author's desire to express himself in strict, verified verse, the predominance of the classic iambic tetrameter (albeit marked by the richness and originality of rhythmic variants).

    Undoubtedly, this is the result of a deliberate program of curbing the improvisational lyrical element in the name of the careful execution of a poetic task, limited by purely "artistic" criteria. In this book, the meditative lyrics of Pushkin, Baratynsky, Tyutchev serve as a model for the concentratedly sad, "philosophical" reflections of Bely, and the "school" of form, an example of creative endurance and self-discipline, was primarily the poetry of Bryusov, to whom the "Urn" is dedicated captured in her introductory cycle.

    Reliance on selected teachers and consistency in the implementation of the creative program allowed Bely to create in the Urn many of the most perfect examples of his lyrics. In comparison with the excessive, sharp brilliance of "Gold in Azure", "Urn" is distinguished by restraint, deliberate dullness of the poetic palette. "What meager, fireless dawns!" - exclaims the poet ("Night", 1907), as if again, but already to a different inner "I", meeting the phenomenon to which he had previously dedicated enthusiastic hymns. The book is dominated by "winter" moods of enlightened sadness, replaced by memories of the emotional drama experienced and bitter conclusions:

    Life is without a trace. Unrealizable excitement.
    You are from time immemorial in a foreign, distant land ...
    The timeless pain of disbelief
    Timelessness will wash away with tears.
    ("Discontent", 1907)

    In the poems of The Urn, Bely tries not to leave the clearly defined limits of his lyrical "I"; in Ashes, on the other hand, he seeks to represent a whole chorus of voices speaking on behalf of the oppressed estates. Overcoming the asocial character of Symbolist aesthetics, Bely, in the preface to Ashes, pointedly declared that a Symbolist artist is not forbidden to address any aspect of life: “Yes, pearl dawns, taverns, a bourgeois cell, a height above the stars, and the suffering of a proletarian are all these are objects of artistic creation.

    The pearl dawn is not higher than a tavern, because both in artistic depiction are symbols of a certain reality: fantasy, everyday life, tendency, philosophical reflection are predetermined in art by the artist's living attitude. And that is why reality is always superior to art; and that is why an artist is above all a man. "

    In these statements there is a huge shift in relation to the previous aesthetic program of Bely, according to which a true artist is first of all a theurgist and a soothsayer, and reality is only an imperfect emanation of the original objects of artistic knowledge. Equally demonstratively, Bely dedicated "Ashes" to the memory of Nekrasov, who would seem to be the most alien to symbolism from among the greatest Russian poets. The influence of Nekrasov left a strong imprint on the figurative structure of "Ashes".

    The poetry of "Korobeiniks" and "Who Lives Well in Russia" gave Bely the key to comprehending the surrounding reality in its social aspect, in the simplicity of life, in everyday and national originality. Reviewing "Ashes", Vyacheslav Ivanov wrote that "Nekrasov woke up a man-brother in Bely". Many themes and images of "Ashes" go back to Nekrasov: in particular, his poem "Railroad" gave impetus to the development in many poems of the White railroad motif, which appears as a symbol of social oppression, injustice, deadening inhuman civilization.

    History of Russian Literature: in 4 volumes / Edited by N.I. Prutskov and others - L., 1980-1983

    | collection site
    | Andrey Bely
    | Urn (collection)

    I dedicate this book to Valery Bryusov

    Disappointed are alien
    All the seduction of the old days ...

    Look sad. The jacket is buttoned.
    Dry, serious, slender, straight -

    You are bent over a pile of books,
    You bring labor to the days to come.

    Here you run: easy gait;
    You twirl a cane - you are ready to attack.

    The black beard is dancing
    In keen eyes, power and passion.

    Flame of lips - crimson poppies -
    Shades the pallor of the cheeks.

    Unchanged, the same
    You cut the flow of time.

    Lower your gaze, fold your hands ...
    In thoughts - a lightning break.

    Shut up and become exhausted
    Before the ignorant, before the fool.

    No, not thoughts, - needles of lightning
    You burn into the enemy's brain.

    Fill with a harmonious rhyme
    Whirlwind drunken horns,

    Shaking in a stern tone
    Stars building ether ...

    Somewhere out there ... beyond the sky
    The new world will sparkle: -

    There, beyond the horizon -
    The sky, the sky of our souls:

    You are in the earthly bosom
    Rhyme with fiery rhyme.

    Somewhere a new nebula
    An astronomer will open for us: -

    A perishable world deceit -
    Only the thought of what has been lived.

    In stanzas - rhymes, in rhymes - thoughts
    Create a new light ...

    Hang over your soul
    New worlds, poet.

    Everything is just a symbol ... Who are you? Where are you?..
    World - Russia - Petersburg -

    The sun is distant planets ...
    Who are you? Where are you, demiurge? ..

    You are bent over the book
    Pale werewolf, spirit ...

    The look is sad.

    The jacket is buttoned.
    Burn, serious, slender, dry.

    March 1904

    The stubborn magician who comprehends numbers
    And the stars are a magical pattern.
    You - behold: darkness looms over the gaze ...
    Heavy, scorched gaze.

    Years run. Fly: planets
    Driven by an empty wave, -
    Spaces, times ... in a dream you
    He hung over an icy abyss.

    They were given waterless. The air is dusty.
    But in the stars a scattered diamond
    Your faithful owl stared with you
    Fire of cruel yellow eyes.

    Do you remember: above the starry meta
    From chaos you leaned
    And over the wailing abyss
    Stood in the veils of darkness.

    I read beyond the threshold of life
    You are the fate of the world by heart ...
    In the bend of the mouth insanely strict
    An evil sadness was captured.

    Hang, hanged from eternity,
    Over the dark world dance, -
    Dressed in the world of milky chaos,
    As in a kind of coffin shroud.

    You walked the path of no reconciliation -
    In a Luciferic way.
    Disperse, pale vision
    In a delusional cycle!

    You know: peace, fate, denouement,
    Fast flow of years -
    Only your dreams are an empty dance;
    But in the world you are, and you are alone

    Illuminated everything, not warmed,
    Arising in his own dream ...
    Years flow, planets fly
    In your unhappy depths.


    M. A. Voloshin

    The snow is blue, the snow is foggy;
    We breathe more refreshed again.
    I love the village, early evening
    And the sadness of a silver winter.

    A sharp wind will cut your face,
    Chill out into the depths of the alleys;
    Breaks fragile pendants
    Icy, sonorous crystals.

    Inspired by blue, blue frost
    Into the glass stream of cooled waters,
    On a snowy, velvet desert
    Air leads a round dance.

    In the darkening field will sprinkle
    Evening, first light;
    And hangs over the village
    There is smoke in the crimson west;

    The crimson chill of the sky;
    A crimson reflection on the river ...
    The crow croaked lazily;
    The bell jingled in the distance.

    When drowning in the cosmes of whites
    Spruce thrown into the fields
    Silver sweeps and tears and drives
    A wild blizzard over the garden, -

    Let a pile of golden stones
    My iron fireplace will boil:
    Among the fiery, light links
    Crackling ruby \u200b\u200bspins.

    I revel again, carefree
    I am rustic silence;
    A crystal glass in my hand
    Plays with lacy foam.

    Far from envy and anger
    I am destined to end my life.
    Some harsh snowdrifts
    They gaze out the window like ghosts.

    Let behind the wall, in the faded haze,
    Dry, dry, dry frost, -
    A merry swarm will fly on the glass
    Diamond glittering dragonflies


    A year has passed with a fatal meeting.
    How we cherishing love, melted,
    Listening to the blizzard of light,
    Coals glowed like in loose ash.

    Leaning over the coals, you burn
    You are hot, bright, smoky ardor;
    You don't look, you don't speak
    In a dull daze.

    Look - the fire is faintly flickering;
    In the fields, the blizzard is dusting and crying;
    A blizzard horse over the roof,
    Rumbling with iron, jumping.

    How long have you burned with your lips
    Painfully my lips, how long ago
    All overturned into flowers
    Yellow violet, cut, magnolia.

    And she moved away ... And looks evil
    In the shadows beyond the fiery line
    Washed up pale brow
    A wave of hair, a wave of gold.

    The airy color has faded.
    The regal eyelids closed.
    And everything repeats, and everything repeats:
    "Love has passed," - a certain voice to me

    You haven't resurrected in your soul
    Memories of the storms of those who fell asleep ...
    And if you forgot
    Signs of days gone by?

    And if you are with me
    Love does not bind more, -
    I will leave, hidden by the darkness of the night,
    Into the night, into the ice field:

    Let the vestments be snowy in the night
    They will boil, fly up, as I throw myself into the night,
    And the winds are black swords
    Cool whistles cut into shreds.

    I will lay in the snow grave
    Love of unrequited torment ...
    You jumped overhead
    Its wringing hands.


    A blizzard horse over the roof
    Swept into the night. And from the fireplace
    Shoots silk fire
    A stream of stinging ruby.

    "Wake up: you were asleep, and I was asleep ..."
    I don't believe her, we torment her with doubt.
    But she came up, but burned
    With a fiery flowing kiss.

    "I love you, don't go away - believe! .."
    And two wings in a shady corner
    From the coals, a red, ardent beast
    Dispelled in silky light.

    And a snow wave through the windows
    Atlas winds over the village:
    And the grave depth
    Forever torn apart by ancient grief ...

    Tearing off the cover of the day, she
    Sleepless night hung -
    Without words, without time, without bottom,
    Without a conciliatory meaning.


    In the window: there are virgins through a blizzard,
    Silver, - will throw them into the air;
    It shakes off snow from them,
    On branches it tears; will call and carry.

    Take off and screech wildly into the night
    Hearing black horses baiting.
    Sad thoughts cannot be overcome.
    I praise the mad storm.

    When I go to the night rage
    To sink into crispy velvet
    Space is black, hit, -
    Strike me in the chest with a sword.

    Asleep house. And the two of us.
    Came: "I will not break my oath! .."
    Eyes: but with blue, blue ice
    Your eyes mirror the soul.

    For a long time I know everything by heart.
    Come true, fatal tale!
    Immeasurable, dumb sadness!
    Cold, dumb caress!

    So it's you (really, really!),
    My silver maiden
    (A blizzard licked me
    In the air waves)

    Twisting a gentle fleece
    Laughing and crying over the poet, -
    You leaked out my window
    Snowy, fragile white flowers?

    Dusty muslin muslin smoke.
    Like a lily, a hand through ...
    Cover me with a gray cloak,
    Accepted, ice tablecloth.

    Your sleeping friend in the morning
    Will not be touched by a mirror body.
    A red, dull circle will hang
    Orphaned on a cloud.


    December ... Snowdrifts in the yard ...
    I remember you and your speeches;
    I remember in snowy silver
    Shoulders shyly.

    In Marseilles white lace
    You were dreaming at the curtain:
    Around on low sofas
    Respectful gentlemen.

    A footman delivers spicy tea ...
    Someone is playing the piano ...
    But you abandoned by chance
    To me a look filled with sadness.

    And gently stretched out - all
    Imagination, inspiration, -
    In my dreams - resurrected
    Inexpressible languor;

    And a pure bond between you
    To the sounds of Haydn's melodies
    Was born ... But your husband, looking sideways.
    He fiddled with his buoy in the aisle ...

    One - in the snow stream ...
    But hovers over the poor soul
    The memory of
    That flew so unnoticed

    September 1908

    Turn black in the snow
    Perennial spruce tops
    From the bubbling storms
    Through, flying blizzards.

    A sighing voice,
    Of groaning sobs, torment:
    Like a terrible midnight hour
    Parting comes to mind!

    Irreparable mine
    I recall the past ...
    I remember her
    Face cold and angry.

    Let in the evening now she
    They come to the frosty window
    And he sees: the dead moon ...
    And the wolves, starving, roam

    In silver, see-through fields;
    And blue shadows fall
    In frosty poplars;
    And the yellow lights of the villages

    Like stern eyes, they look
    Like discerning eyes;
    And pale cosmas fly
    Into the space of endless night.

    And he orders to close the shutters ...
    Like an awakened conscience
    The midnight wind tells her

    I'm sorry, quiet corner
    I am leaving you now ...
    Oh, ice, frosty current,
    In the frost-bound desert! ..


    I walked my own way alone;
    In the blizzard I froze like an ice ball.
    And here in the icy snowdrift
    They found me under the house.

    I gave them everything I brought:
    Souls split by doubt
    Doom crystals, tears diamonds
    And the heat of love, and songs,

    And the morning of the day of life.
    But it became a hindrance to their leisure.
    They are so affectionate to me
    They drove out of the house into a blizzard.

    Irreparable mine
    I remember the past ...
    I remember her
    The face is cold and angry ...

    I'm sorry, quiet corner
    Where have I burned my days in an aimless hymn!
    Smoke drifts over the field.
    The winter dusk turns blue in the distance.

    My sadness and ardor and delirium
    I will lay an orphan on the way:
    And a lonely, timid trail,
    Drawn on white snow, -

    A blizzard will spray with laughter.
    Let it be so: their conscience does not flutter,
    Though the wind repeats like a snowy cry
    A story of my deaf fate.

    They will not find peace:
    From now on will flow before them
    My sleepy days
    In the cold, inanimate desert ...

    Everything is definitely crying and calling
    Blind souls someone long ago:
    And a pale cold will cut through
    The window under the dancing shutters.


    Sergey Krechetov

    At least a sigh of human speech,
    At least a cock's cry:
    By the deaf weight of the nights
    Plains are crushed.

    Shattered over my mouth
    Non-being, blind, dreamless.
    She is her dumb power
    It sends a terrible current into the soul.

    Her prophetic bottom
    My path of constellations means
    Through the whirlwinds, a pale spot.
    And the scared beast will gallop

    With its bristly hump:
    And the shadow tears between the hills
    Before him in the blue snow
    Alarmingly light jumps:

    It will fall into a slope
    That diminishes under the tree.
    The dog will cry in the distant distances,
    He will press against the sleigh, smelling the wolf.

    How superstitious fear is
    Both the night and the sad space
    And loudly rising icy dust -
    Austere decoration of heaven.

    January 1907

    There are steep slopes around
    Death laughs with the wind.
    Broken clouds!
    Broken firmament!

    The snow lay like a robe. Dawn
    The red edge turns red.
    Die in the waves of dawn!
    Die - burn: burn!

    Thundering into creaking rubble
    The iron rod dug in.
    Riding on a sharp ridge
    The coming moments I am.

    Strong ice armor.
    Their brittle, brittle crunch.
    Coming, ridge - one.
    And my path is steep and empty.

    At the feet of the stream of moments.
    How long - how long?
    Songs, penalties,
    Delight and pain and pain

    And the pain ... Not at ease - oh,
    I lean over the side of the day
    I bow my face in the rays ...
    And here - me, me

    In the end of the night abroad,
    Into the torn firmament
    Like some kind of frost snow,
    Death sweeps away with laughter.

    You are, you are young, you are young,
    You are a husband ... You are no longer:
    You were: and sank into the cold
    Into the silent abyss of years.

    Soaring into the shaky dusk,
    Human life flows
    How gentle, snowy, short
    A through whirlpool.


    Sergey Soloviev

    As the spring ardor passed, so the passionate heat passed.
    I waited in vain for peace: peace has not yet been found.
    From the house thundered a gull wave,
    Gaiden flying to the heights in a wave.

    Here is an introductory snippet of the book.
    Only part of the text is open for free reading (restriction of the copyright holder). If you liked the book, the full text can be obtained on the website of our partner.

    P about with in ya yue t ue

    V ale r and uB r yusov u

    Disappointed are alien

    All the seduction of the old days ...

    B a r a t y n s


    Titling my first book of poems, "The Gold of Ovlazur and", I did not at all combine with this youthful, largely imperfect book the symbolic meaning that its title bears. Lazur is a symbol of high initiations ; golotoyt reugoln and k — attribute of Hiram, the builder of the Solomon's temple. What is azure and what is gold? The Rosicrucians will answer this. The world, comprehended before the time in gold and azure, throws into the abyss the one who comprehends it in this way, bypassing the occult path: the world burns up, crumbled into Ashes; together with it, the one who comprehends is consumed in order to rise from the dead for an active path.

    "P e el" is a book of self-immolation and death: but death itself is only a veil that covers the horizons of the distant, in order to find them in the near.

    In "Urn" I collect my own ashes so that it does not block the light of my living "I". I enclose the dead "I" in the "Urn", and the other, living "I" awakens in me to the true. More "Zobingo in azure "far from me ... in the future. The sunset azure is stained with dust and smoke: and only the blue of the night bathes the dust with dew ... By morning, perhaps the azure will clear ...

    In Urn I have collected poems united by a common mood; The leitmotif of this book is a reflection on the frailty of human nature with its passions and impulses, and I think that it is no coincidence that all the poems of this cycle have poured into iambics, this most convenient and rhythmically diverse form.

    Disappointment in earthly passions is depicted in the sections "Zim and" and "Judgment", and the soul plunges into the cold of philosophical meditations (mental plane); but here also the demonism of philosophy is revealed, which, taken by itself, leads to pure Luciferianism ("Philosophical sadness"). The last ashes are collected in the "Trice" and "Dumy" sections: the ashes of disappointment in life, though elevated to symbolism, but still disappointment. This disappointment is free from Luciferic temptations. Somewhere the dawn of reconciliation is already dawning: "G O L O L O L O L in and I".

    Moscow, January 14, 1909 Author

    Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Life and art. (Overview.)

    Poems "Epiphany Night", "Dog", "Loneliness" (you can choose from three other poems).

    Subtle lyricism of Bunin's landscape poetry, sophistication of verbal drawing, color, a complex range of moods. Philosophy and laconicism of poetic thought. Traditions of Russian classical poetry in the lyrics of Bunin.

    Stories: "Gentleman from San Francisco", "Clean Monday" ". The originality of lyrical narration in the prose of I. A. Bunin. The motive of the withering and desolation of noble nests. A premonition of the death of the traditional peasant way of life. The writer's appeal to the broadest socio-philosophical generalizations in the story "Master from San Francisco". Psychologism of Bunin's prose and the peculiarities of "external depiction". The theme of love in the stories of the writer. Poeticness of female images. Motif of memory and the theme of Russia in Bunin's prose. The originality of the artistic manner of I. A. Bunin.

    Literature theory. Psychologism of the landscape in fiction. Story (deepening of representations).

    Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. Life and art. (Overview.)

    Stories "Duel", "Olesya", story "Pomegranate Bracelet" (one of the works of your choice). Poetic depiction of nature in the story "Olesya", the wealth of the heroine's spiritual world. Olesya's dreams and the real life of the village and its inhabitants. Tolstoy's traditions in Kuprin's prose. The problem of personality self-knowledge in the story "Duel". The meaning of the title of the story. The humanistic position of the author. The tragedy of the love theme in the stories "Olesya", "Duel". Love as the highest value of the world in the story "Garnet Bracelet". The tragic love story of Zheltkov and the awakening of the soul of Vera Sheina. Poetics of the story. The symbolic sound of a detail in Kuprin's prose. The role of the plot in the stories and stories of the writer. Traditions of Russian psychological prose in the works of A. I. Kuprin.

    Literature theory. The plot and plot of an epic work (deepening of performances).

    Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev

    The story "Judas Iscariot". A psychologically complex, contradictory image of Judas. Love, hate and betrayal. The tragedy of man's loneliness among people. Dostoevsky's traditions in Andreev's prose.

    Maksim Gorky. Life and art. (Overview.)

    Stories "Chelkash", "Old woman Izergil". The romantic pathos and the harsh truth of M. Gorky's stories The folk-poetical origins of the writer's romantic prose. The problem of the hero in the stories of Gorky. The meaning of the opposition between Danko and Larra. Features of the composition of the story "The Old Woman Izergil".

    "At the bottom". Socio-philosophical drama. The meaning of the title of the work. The atmosphere of spiritual separation of people. The problem of imaginary and real overcoming of a humiliating situation, illusions and active thought, sleep and awakening of the soul. "Three Truths" in the play and their tragic collision: the truth of the fact (Tambourines), the truth of a comforting lie (Luke), the truth of faith in man (Satin). The innovation of Gorky the playwright. Stage fate of the play.

    Literary portrait sketch as a genre. Journalism. "My interviews", "Notes on philistinism" "Personal destruction".

    Literature theory. Socio-philosophical drama as a genre of drama (initial performances).

    silver Age Russian poetry


    The influence of Western European philosophy and poetry on the work of Russian Symbolists. The origins of Russian symbolism.

    "Senior Symbolists": N. Minsky, D. Merezhkovsky, 3. Gippius, V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, F. Sologub.

    "Young Symbols": A. Bely, A. Blok, Viach. Ivanov.

    Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov... A word about the poet.

    Poems: "Creativity", "Young Poet", "Bricklayer", "The Coming Huns". Choice of other poems is possible. Bryusov as the founder of symbolism in Russian poetry. Cross-cutting themes of Bryusov's poetry are urbanism, history, cultural change, motives of scientific poetry. Rationalism, refinement of images and style.

    Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont.A word about the poet. Poems (three poems of the choice of the teacher and students). The resounding success of K. Balmont's early books: "Let's be like the sun", "Only love", "Seven-flowered" as an exponent of the "dialect of the elements". Color and sound painting of Balmont's poetry. Interest in ancient Slavic folklore ("Evil Chary", "Firebird"). The theme of Russia in the emigre lyrics of Balmont.

    Andrey Bely(B.N.Bugaev). A word about the poet. Poems (three poems of the choice of the teacher and students). Novel "Petersburg" (survey study with reading fragments). The influence of the philosophy of Vl. Soloviev on the worldview of A. Bely. Jubilant attitude (collection "Gold in azure"). An abrupt change in the artist's perception of the world (collection "Ashes"). Philosophical reflections of the poet (collection "Urn").


    Program articles and "manifestos" of acmeism. N. Gumilyov's article "The heritage of symbolism and acmeism" as a declaration of acmeism. Western European and Russian origins of acmeism. Review of the early work of N. Gumilyov. S. Gorodetsky, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, M. Kuzmin and others.

    Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilev... A word about the poet.

    Poems: "Giraffe". "Lake Chad", "Old Conquistador", the cycle "Captains", "Magic Violin", "Lost Tram" (or other poems of the choice of the teacher and students). The romantic hero of Gumilyov's lyrics. Brightness, festive perception of the world. Activity, effectiveness of the position hero, rejection of dullness, routine of existence. Tragic fate poet after the revolution. Influence of poetic images and rhythms of Gumilyov on Russian poetry of the 20th century.


    Western European and Russian futurism. Futurism in Europe. Manifestoes of Futurism. Denial of literary traditions, absolutization of the self-valuable, "self-made" word. The urbanism of poetry will be lang. Groups of futurists: ego-futurists (Igor Severyanin and others). cubo-futurists (V. Mayakovsky. D, Burliuk, V. Khlebnikov, Vas. Kamensky), "Centrifuge" (B. Pasternak, N. Aseev and others). Western European and Russian futurism. Overcoming futurism by its largest representatives.

    Igor Severyanin (I. V. Lotarev),

    Poems from collections. "Boiling Cup". "Pineapples in Champagne", "Romantic Roses", "Medallions" (three poems of the choice of the teacher and students). Search for new poetic forms. The author's fantasy as the essence of poetry. Severyanin's poetic neologisms. Dreams and irony of the poet.

    Literature theory. Symbolism. Acmeism. Futurism (initial views).

    Figurative and expressive means of fiction: paths, syntactic figures, sound writing (deepening and consolidation of ideas).

    Alexander Alexandrovich Blok... Life and art. (Overview.)

    Poems: "Stranger". "Russia", "Night, street, lamp, pharmacy ...", "In a restaurant", (from the cycle "On the Kulikovo field"), "On the railway." (The specified works are required for study).

    "I enter dark temples ...", "Factory", "When you stand in my way." (Choice of other poems is possible.)

    Literary and philosophical predilections of the young poet. Influence of Zhukovsky, Fet, Polonsky, philosophy of Vl. Solovyov. Themes and images of early poetry: "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". The romantic world of the early Blok. Musicality of Blok's poetry, rhythms and intonation. Bloc and symbolism. Images of the "terrible world", ideal and reality in the poet's artistic world. The theme of the Motherland in the poetry of Blok. The historical path of Russia in the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" and in the poem "Scythians". Poet and Revolution.

    Poem "Twelve". The history of the creation of the poem and its perception by contemporaries. Diversity, complexity of the artistic world of the poem. Symbolic and concrete-realistic in the poem. Harmony of a piece that is incongruous in the language and musical elements. Heroes of the poem, plot, composition. The author's position and ways of expressing it in the poem. The ambiguity of the ending. Incessant controversy around the poem. Blok's influence on Russian poetry of the XX century.

    Literature theory. Lyric cycle. Vers libre (Free verse). The author's position and ways of expressing it in a work (development of ideas).