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  • Danila is a cross real name. Cross twitter

    Danila is a cross real name. Cross twitter

    Member Name:

    Age (birthday): 10.03.1994

    City: Voronezh, St. Petersburg

    Job: comedian, blogger

    Family: Regina has a girlfriend

    Height and weight: 185 cm

    Channel directivity:stand-ups, humorous shows, vlogs

    Number of subscribers: from 1 million

    Found an inaccuracy?Correct the profile

    With this article read:

    The scandalous stand-up comedian Danila Poperechny was born in the city of Voronezh in 1994.

    Since childhood, the young man loved to draw, went to art school - this was the reason for the creation of the first videos.

    Inspired by the videos of other users, Danila began to create his own content - at first, these were animated videos. After some time, Poperechny stumbled upon the video of the famous comedian Eddie Murphy, and discovered the stand-up genre.

    From that moment on, he began to actively work on himself, to release humorous content. Today Danila Poperechny is known as a popular stand-up... But his career began not with his own videos, but with participation in various projects - such as "Let's lime", "Thank you, Eva!".

    Subsequently, Danila created the Confession project, in which he answered the scandalous questions of his fans. Subscribers fell in love with him because Poperechny does not hesitate to express his opinion on "sensitive" issues - politics, religion.

    The young man admits that he draws inspiration for videos from communicating with friends, subscribers, and observing people. “I always notice the reactions for myself, which I then use in my stand-ups,” says Danila.

    Some viewers condemn the comedian for black humor and jokes "below the belt", but the young man is not ashamed of this - in his opinion, "obscene language very harmoniously fits into the narrative."

    Today Poperechny is successfully touring the country with his stand-ups. Together with Ruslan Usachev, Danila took part in a project called "Without a Mat" - the tour was held in 17 cities of Russia.

    In 2015 he took part in the popular festival of video bloggers "VidFest", in 2016 he visited "VK-fest". Danila Poperechny actively communicates with popular bloggers , Yuri Muzychenko and Ilya Prusikin.

    Young people launched an interesting, funny project called "Give Bream", which exists and is popular today. In addition, the KLIKKLAK channel has a popular format: "Zashkvarnye stories", Danya appeared in most episodes of the show.

    In addition, the Poperechnoye channel also had a show called "Prozharka", where popular video bloggers were told in the format of a humorous video. This was the reason for the conflict with the notorious - in response to the "roasting" about himself, Larin showered the comedian and his girlfriend with insults and posted the address of residence on the network. In response, Danila wrote to the video blogger that he "just did not understand the joke."

    Another scandalous project: Pop culture - a clip where he makes fun of the church.

    Over the years of his activity on YouTube, Danya has released several solo stand-up shows, worked on the series and took part in the projects of his friends. At the end of 2018, he released the Open Microphone commercial, in which young comedians present their material at the famous bar 1703, which hosts the Versus battle.

    Danila Poperechny Regina's girlfriend

    Interesting facts about Danil:

    • Cross replaced Stas Davydov in his project "This is good";
    • As a child, the young man attended art school and draws well;
    • Danila has a girlfriend, Regina, with whom he has been dating for more than one year;
    • Cross speaks four languages.

    Transverse Photos

    Danya often shares new photos on his Instagram.

    Young Russian comedian Danila Poperechny, also known as Spoontamer, is a typical representative of a new generation of artists. Earlier, actors of the spoken genre performed on the stage, and now they are becoming stand-up comedians and video bloggers. Cross writes scripts for performances, speaks in front of the camera himself and with friends, shoots videos and edits videos.

    She uses animation in her work, does not hesitate to borrow ideas from foreign colleagues. Danila's work has gathered more than a million subscribers on YouTube and is gathering full halls of viewers during the stand-up tour. To evoke emotions in the audience, the shocking comedian uses foul language, dirty jokes and black humor. The audience appreciates this.

    Childhood and youth

    Danila was born on March 10, 1994 in Voronezh. The father left the family even when the son did not know how to talk. Perhaps it was the absence of his father that made the boy grow up early, start making money on the Internet and learn to joke caustically. For the development of early manifested artistic abilities, the future animator studied at an art school, which, however, did not graduate.

    Since the seventh grade of high school, Danila has been studying and living in Kiev. At the age of 15, he registered his first channel on YouTube, where he posted mainly cartoons of his own production. The teenager learned creative techniques from the Estonian flash-animator Dmitry Menshikov, the author of the animated series School 13. In parallel with creativity, he worked as a beta-tester of computer games.

    After graduating from school, Danila tried to get higher education at a technical university in Poland. But neither a programmer nor an engineer came out of Poperechnoye: in the third year he got bored with studies, and he gave up this useless (from his point of view) occupation. More than a formal education, watching videos of English-speaking colleagues helps a career as a comedian. Danila speaks English, Ukrainian and Polish no worse than her native Russian.

    Humor and creativity

    Danila was recognized after working on projects for "Thank you, Eva", where he did not flicker on the screen, but provided the technical part of the videos. Then with friends, and launched the "Let's lime" project. On the Spoontamer channel, video loops are posted on various topics of interest to young people. Launched projects may develop, or may freeze - it all depends on the reaction of the audience.

    The number of views, comments and likes under the video helps the artist to choose the direction of further development. The blogger has been striving for success for a long time. Only in 2017 did the number of subscribers on Danila's main channel reach the round number with six zeros. In honor of this joyful event, the video blogger shot the clip "Millionaire" - as he himself claims, the most positive of his videos.

    Poperechny has his own opinion on all issues, he jokes (often on the verge of a foul) about politics and social problems. Constantly ridicules fellow bloggers and competitors - rappers and singers. In 2016, he could not stand the jokes about himself in the "Prozharka" project, burst out with dirty insults at Poperechnoi and his girlfriend, and also "leaked" the address of the joker to the network.

    In the same year, the comedian released the video "Pop Culture", in which, in the form of rap, he ridiculed the desire of church ministers for personal enrichment. However, the blogger has never hidden atheism, so it is hardly an authority for believers. Fans appreciate in Poperechny's work the constant desire to improve the quality of content, diversity of interests and unpredictability.

    The young comedian has already made three successful tours, and recordings from concerts continue to gain views on YouTube. In the career of a stand-up comedian, Cross is inspired by the works of and, Doug Stanhope and. Respects and cooperates with Ivan Alekseev () and the plots for the scripts of comedy numbers are constantly thrown up by the surrounding reality.

    Personal life

    About the beloved girlfriend of a young man, it is only known for sure that her name is Regina Zhdanova and she endures the antics and jokes of her lover for more than two years. Photos of the couple can be found in abundance on the net. Regina, like Danila, has accounts on Instagram and Twitter. Poperechnoi also has fans - according to ill-wishers, mostly teenage girls. The idol's biography is retelling in fanfiction and discussed on social networks.

    Fans are interested in the personal life of a popular video blogger, but he skillfully hides the real events behind jokes and hoaxes. For example, the sensational scandal with the wallet of Ilya Davydov (Maddyson), which Poperechny allegedly stole, a year later was called simply the blogger's original PR move. However, Danila claims that in the mini-series "Confession" he answers questions absolutely honestly.

    One of the questions that viewers ask is the question of the artist's income. It is difficult to say whether they want to follow the example of the video blogger and also promote their channel, or simply envy, but the calculations are carried out regularly. Money on YouTube comes from views and direct advertising. For a thousand views from Russia, a blogger gets 20-50 cents, and with a million subscribers and an even greater number of views, thousands of dollars are added to the cents.

    Danila Poperechny now

    The Spoontamer video channel became notorious for the New Year's video in 2018, in which Poperechny played a role. The plot in which Kadyrov comes to visit and becomes his main assistant is not political satire. The parody is replete with references to the "harsh nineties".

    Danila Poperechny recently became a guest. The next issue of the show "vDud" was devoted to the comedian's creative successes, earnings on the Internet and scandals around his person. During an hour of conversation, Poperechny told Yuri about his views on censorship, on the law on insulting the feelings of believers and on homophobia. Not without obscene language.

    Now Poperechny is starting a big stand-up tour across Russia, the CIS and the Baltic states. Performances have been announced in Moscow (Crocus City Hall) and St. Petersburg (Ice Palace). The comedian plans to cover the Russian-speaking audience with jokes in 31 cities.


    • 2011 - "Thank you, Eva!"
    • 2011 - Joker Blogs
    • 2013 - "Come on Lime"
    • 2013 - "Cross Blog"
    • 2013 - Don't Switch
    • 2014 - Confession
    • 2014 - stand-up tour "WITHOUT MAT"
    • 2014 - "This is Good"
    • 2015 - stand-up tour "X_Y"
    • 2015 - Time to Blame
    • 2015 - "Give Bream"
    • 2015 - stand-up tour "Big Lies"
    • 2016 - "Roast"
    • 2016 - Podcast Without a Soul
    • 2017 - "Where to laugh?"

    Danila Poperechny, who gained his popularity under the nickname Spoontamer, became one of the most famous Russian bloggers. His activities on YouTube inspire hundreds of thousands of people, and his stand-ups are sold out in dozens of Russian cities.

    Childhood and youth

    Danila was born on March 10, 1994 in Voronezh. The young man was constantly moving. He had a chance to graduate from school in Kiev, and he entered the university in Poland. True, the guy never mastered the specialty of computer engineer, having dropped out of training in the 2nd year.

    The guy's love for drawing was the main reason for creating a video blog... He started with small animated videos. And when he saw Eddie Murphy's performance, the young blogger discovered the huge world of stand-up comedy.

    Start of activity

    Danila managed to apply her artistic skills back in 2009 in projects of the “Thank you, Eva!” Portal.

    It was there that he showed off his talents, writing scripts and editing. This gave a huge boost to his blogging career.

    After "Thank you, Eva!" Danya started the project "Let's lime"... His joint humorous videos with Mikhail Kshishtovsky in the show "Don't Switch" helped the guy win the audience's love, which became the basis for creating his own project.

    YouTube activities

    Danila posted the first video on his personal channel at the end of 2010. He has produced several commercials for Levelup and The Joker Blogs. Next, regular blogs began to appear, to which Poperechny invited his popular friends.

    By the way, there are a huge number of famous youtubers among them, such as Katya Klep, Mikhail Kshishtovsky, Eldar Dzharakhov, Ilya Prusikin and others.

    Danila's show "Confession" gained immense popularity... In it, he, with his characteristic irony, answered questions from subscribers. This, by far, the comedy show turned out to be one of the longest in the blogging career. As many as 10 issues were filmed.

    Danila managed to stand out from the crowd of faceless YouTubers thanks to his creativity and responsible attitude to the material. Spoon assembles his videos himself, doing it excellently. His most popular project was the video podcast “Without a Soul”, which is still being released today.

    Spoonteimer showed his love for satire in several issues of Prozharka... One of them, by the way, became the reason for the conflict with the popular blogger Dmitry Larin, who released a similar video about Poperechnoi.

    Danila's main audience admires YouTuber because of his active social and civic position. The guy openly expresses his opinion about inequality, abortion, politics, religion and other sensitive issues.

    Appearance on other channels

    As already mentioned, Poperechny is friends with many video bloggers. He has appeared in Stas Davydov's “ThisisKood” project more than once. In addition, the guy starred a couple of times in the show "It's Time to Blame" with Ruslan Usachev and Misha Kshishtovsky.

    In 2015, the blogger was one of the main participants in the "Give Bream" project on the ClickKlak channel... In addition to him, Eldar Dzharakhov and Ilya Prusikin starred in the show.

    The audience liked it so much that it was continued in 2 and even 3 seasons. By the way, Danila often appears on this channel. In addition, he often appears on the personal blogs of his friends.

    Interesting notes:

    Personal life

    Danila has a girlfriend. Her name is Regina. The couple have been together for over 3 years. It is known that the girl was born on May 20, 1992 and has an art education. Young people often appear together, post joint photos on Instagram, Regina appears in several videos of the blogger.

    In her stand-up programs, Danila often talks about her relationship... He treats them with self-irony, saying that he does not understand how such a girl can waste her time on him, a fool.

    Stand-up career

    Spoonteamer tried himself in different roles. Imperceptibly from the specialty of the cartoonist, he came to the profession of a comedian. Now he is actively touring the cities of Russia and even other CIS countries. According to the blogger, he breathes new life into Russian stand-up comedy.

    Cross managed to hold several stand-up programs, each of which made a splash... For the first time, he went on tour with Ruslan Usachev. Their program "Without a mate" set the tone for his further activities in this area.

    Then he decided to go on a solo voyage, performing with the programs "Big Spoon", "X * y" and "Where to laugh ?!" Each stand-up video has hundreds of thousands of views, not to mention filled halls.

    Undoubtedly, Poperechny is a very talented blogger. His audience admires the guy, because he is constantly evolving, making high-quality videos, more like short films than classic video blogs. That is why the number of channel subscribers is constantly growing. Now there are more than 740 thousand of them.

    Danila Poperechny who is this?

    Real name - Danila Poperechny

    Hometown - Voronezh

    Alias - Spoontamer

    Activities - YouTube blogger, StandUp comedian, designer, cartoonist

    Danila Cross biography

    Danila Poperechny is a popular Russian blogger, comedian, designer and animator.

    Danila Poperechny in childhood

    Danila Poperechny, a famous Russian comedian acting under the creative pseudonym Spoontamer, was born in Central Russia on March 10, 1994. From school, he showed interest in painting. The boy's mother noticed this and sent her beloved child to study at an art school. In 2001, the Poperechny family decides to move to Kiev.

    What age was Dani when he started blogging? Since 2008, the boy begins to get involved in animation. In 2009, Danila registered a channel on the YouTube video hosting service under the name "Spoontamer" in his name, and also released his Dani Poperechnoi merch. In 2010, the teenager was very lucky, because he was invited to work at the IT company “GCS Game World”, which develops computer games. There he works, for some time, as a tester. On the same days, Danila records his first video and uploads it to his YouTube channel. Dmitry Menshikov, aka NightWayFarer, who is working on the animated series School 13, helped Danila improve the art of the animator.

    After graduating from school, the young man intends to move to Poland and study there as a software engineer. But after spending two years abroad, Danila takes the documents from the institute, realizing that he has chosen the wrong path to adulthood.

    Danila Cross YouTube

    Starting to work on your Youtube-channel, the young blogger published short animated videos. Later, he decided to replenish the channel with video clips on topics such as humorous sketches and funny reviews. At the same time, a project called "Level up" appeared. In parallel, the future comedian helps familiar video bloggers. At the request of Katya Klap, he writes scripts, edits videos, reads the voiceover.

    Recalling his early work, Danila points out that right after school he became interested in stand-up performances. After watching a video featuring Louis C. Kay, he often practiced reading monologues in front of a mirror. For the first time in front of a live audience, the comedian performed in 2013. The next year, together with Ruslan Usachev, he visited 14 cities of the Russian Federation with a concert program "Without a mat".

    Working live in public, the comedian did not forget to shoot fresh videos for his YouTube channel. This is how new projects appear: "Confession", "Cross Blog", "Without a Soul", "Don't Switch" and a number of others. In 2016, a video blogger shoots a video called "Pop Culture". According to the script, the humorist suggests making fun of the activities of the ministers of the church. In a short time, the clip has gained several million views.

    In 2015, the artist was invited to appear in such YouTube projects as “ This is good!», « It's time to get down«, « Give bream! ". In the same year he performs in front of a live audience with humorous concert programs " Large Spoon"And" X * Y"And also takes part in the Moscow video bloggers festival," Widfest«.

    The year 2016 turned out to be no less intense. As part of the stand-up comedy project "Where to laugh ?!" Danila Poperechny performed in 27 cities of Russia and in 3 cities of Ukraine, and also took part in the "VK-fest" festival, which was held in the Northern Capital of the Russian Federation.

    In the same year, the comedian was invited to the rally of video bloggers " VideoHeat", As well as on the filming of such video shows as" M / F«, « Real story"And" Roasting". Special mention should be made of the participation of Danila Poperechny in the project “ Indie Comedians 2016"As a judge.

    The video blogger does not make secrets about his personal life. According to the humorist, he is not officially married, but lives in a civil marriage with a girl named Regina... She is not interested in humor and video blogging. As the artist said in an interview with reporters, his beloved was born in the Baltic States, perhaps soon she will be his wife.

    Danila Poperechny now

    In 2017, a real conflict flares up in the Russian video blogosphere between representatives of the Russian rap industry and YouTubers. The musicians have repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that bloggers are taking on the role of rappers. Danila Poperechny, as part of this conflict, shoots a video clip called "Against Poperechny", where he parodied the famous rapper.

    Danila Poperechny bad jokes

    A little later, the comedian launches a new YouTube project called Bad Jokes. In the first issue, the stand-adapter is removed together with Danila.

    In the middle of summer of the same year, the number of subscribers of Danila Poperechny's YouTube channel exceeded 1 million people. As a gift, the humorist shoots a short video clip with a parody of the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. It happened at the beginning of 2018. But this video really hurt the politician's pride. A little later, the administration of the Chechen Republic published an official letter, in which the parody was called “a big mistake”, and the humorist was called “an idiot donkey”.

    Danila Poperechny. Photo: Ivan Romanov

    The project "Lapshesnipalochnaya" by journalist Alexei Kovalev accused the famous video blogger and stand-up comedian Danila Poperechny (almost two million subscribers to Youtube) in the creation of propaganda videos about the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin, as well as a video in which opposition leader Alexei Navalny is compared with Adolf Hitler.

    "Noodle", referring to several unnamed and independent sources, claims that Poperechny has a whole studio to create such videos. "In total, according to the sources of Lapshesnimalochnaya, there are about a dozen such [videos] in operation, plus an entire full-length documentary about Sergei Sobyanin, but after we started asking questions, the releases of these videos stopped," the material says.

    “So, our first source, having received a fee, gave us a few leads. The first was Ilya Fadeev, a former press secretary of the pro-Kremlin youth organizations StopHam and Piggy Against. He was the first to publish on his social networks roller about "Sobyanin's mistress", literally an hour after an anonymous user with an empty profile uploaded it to YouTube. Our source said it was Poperechny's partner.

    Fadeev himself, in a conversation with me, flatly denies that he has anything to do with this video and Danila Poperechny. It is hard to believe in this, because Fadeev not so long ago introduced himself as the creator of the "Let's Laima" project:

    And who was one of the co-owners of the LLC of the same name? That's right, Danila Poperechny:

    Well, let's find another source. I got hold of the address of one of the coordinators of the informal and powerfully covert media studio that Poperechny created for such propaganda orders. In order to gain confidence, I wrote a letter supposedly on behalf of the customer and referred to Fadeev. And although they have a terrible conspiracy there, all communication is only verbally or in secret Telegram chats (screenshots of which are also at the disposal of the editorial office), the coordinator came directly into my open arms and instead of altogether ignoring the letter or saying that he was no Fadeev does not know, immediately blurted out: what will you please?

    Actually, after that it was already possible not to write anything, because Fadeev's connection with this video has already been confirmed to us. But the chatty coordinator did not stop and turned over the entire office:

    After that, it remains only to blackmail the information we need:

    I could have posted much more screenshots from the correspondence with my sources and their secret chats with my coordinators, then all doubts would disappear, but since I promised them anonymity, I have to fulfill. Soon after "Sobyanin's mistress", another propaganda video was released in the same spirit:

    In total, according to the sources of "Lapshesnimalochnaya", there are about a dozen of them in work, plus a full-length documentary about Sergei Sobyanin, but after we started asking questions, the releases of these videos stopped. This is how one of our sources describes the work of the studio:

    "I negotiated in a closed chat in a telegram with one of the project managers. In general, such projects are made by 6-7 animators, each does his part of the work and no one sees the general picture, respectively, none of the animators at the time of work can refuse, because it is stupid does not understand what the work is going on. Each animator has his own manager / coordinator and, accordingly, if one of the animators simply shows his correspondence with the manager, then it is immediately clear which of the animators leaked the information. "

    In general, the picture comes out as follows: Danila Poperechny from the pro-Kremlin animator retrained into an opposition blogger and stand-up comedian, but all this time he remained in contact with his former partners. Based on "Thank you, Eve!" he created a media studio of dozens of animators who, in the strictest secrecy, rivet such propaganda videos for customers from the government. Animators receive very little, about $ 100 per order, but how much Poperechny leaves for himself, unfortunately, we did not manage to find out, as well as the end customer. If you know something about this, write to [email protected], anonymity is guaranteed. Poperechny himself stubbornly denies everything, but which of us is right - decide for yourself.

    Would you like another example of the work of the Studio Cross? Here you go. Remember this video from last year? So hellish that the authors quickly deleted it, but the re-uploaded versions remained. Our source in the Poperechnoi studio says that the scandal was such that they rushed to remove all the sources and the video itself.

    "Noodles snail"

    Transverse called the material "Noodle" "hilarious crap" and "obvious stuffing."
    "This is hilarious crap. The author of this" incredible investigation "wrote to me, he tried to find my customer. At first I was joking, I thought that someone was trolling me, then I began to seriously learn, well, and he really thinks that I created a secret animation studio , a very secret, conspiracy thesis, where everyone knows that I'm like a screenwriter (laughs).

    Well, yes, perhaps, if I were engaged in propaganda videos, yes, they would have looked absolutely awful, like the old videos of [Yuri] Degtyarev, which had fucked everyone up even before "Thank you, Eva!" broke up. I even really like the image of a dude who is quite liberal in the daytime, and at night I turn into a propagandist-padded jacket. There is even something in it. "

    Danila Poperechny, ""

    "This is an obvious stuffing." Secret studio, where everyone knows that I am a screenwriter. Of course. I know Fadeev - this person tried to work with us on the portal "Let's Lime", began to say in an interview that he was the creator, after which we they said goodbye and never crossed again, even indirectly. "

    Danila Poperechny, TJ

    The video, where Navalny is compared to Hitler, was published on April 20, on Hitler's birthday, three days later. was a guest at the show "Cactus" on the YouTube channel "Navalny LIVE". "Oh well, kamon, I refuse to believe it", -