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  • Swastika in Buddhism - familiarity with the original meaning of this symbol. Spiritual Heart

    Swastika in Buddhism - familiarity with the original meaning of this symbol. Spiritual Heart

    Any technique, magic or Reiki practice, it is good to start with emotional attunement, harmonization and purification of the energy of the surrounding space. For this there is an interesting technique known as the "Cross of Buddha".

    The most interesting thing is that it is your mind and your body that is the best harmonizer of the surrounding space¹, provided that you have what offer. You've probably noticed that around a saint² person, everything automatically becomes a saint, because he is the embodiment of harmony and strength.

    Practice to harmonize space

    It runs like this:

    1. It is best to sit in the so-called “student's pose”: sit with your back straight on your heels, toes back, palms on your hips. You can just sit down in Turkish style with a straight back or lie down.
    2. We send waves of our benevolence, love from the chest forward into space with the formula: “May all beings be peaceful! May all beings be calm! May all beings be blissful! ”.
    3. We first create each of these three states in ourselves (in the chest), and then radiate outward forward.
    4. Then we repeat everything to the right, back, left, up and down.

    This is a powerful technique for harmonizing both oneself and the energy of the surrounding space, and the beings who dwell in it.

    Practice of Vladimir Antonov

    What I found. The Roman sages determined the character of people by their date of birth, comparing them to birds. Phoenix: January 1-31. According to the ancient sages, the Phoenix is \u200b\u200ba mythical Firebird that dies sacrificing for the good of others. It symbolizes resurrection and immortality. It brings good luck and grace. Phoenix refers to solar energy and transformations taking place in space. People born in January have a strong will and an indomitable spirit. They are not afraid to speak the truth in their eyes, even if it hurts them. They have original ideas and natural intelligence helps them deal with every situation, even if it is rather confusing. They quickly recognize the situation and react quickly. Their intuition is very strong and if they listen to it, they are never wrong. They love to help people around them and are capable of great sacrifices. They never lose their optimism and their firm faith. Woodpecker: February 1-29. The woodpecker symbolizes powerful magical power and is considered a prophetic bird. They represented the guardian Zeus (Jupiter); guardian of Romulus and Remus. The woodpecker is the Aryan bird of the stormy cloud, and the prehistoric North American Indians embody it as the god of war. People born in February are very cordial and well-meaning. They have a sharp mind. They are reasonable and reserved. They love to help those who are in trouble, whether they are close or random people. They have a strong sense of duty and carry out their tasks rigorously. They are very emotional, and if they fall in love, they are capable of any sacrifice in the name of love. They often make a lot of mistakes in their outburst of feelings, but once they realize they are wrong, they back down. Swallow: March 1-31. The swallow symbolizes hope, luck and happiness. This is the harbinger of spring, the rebirth of life. She was considered the sacred bird of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus). The ancient Egyptians called the Swallows the polar stars. Courage, dedication, upcoming success and favorable changes all have to do with Swallow. She symbolizes the reincarnation and transformation of nature; has to do with positive change. People born in March are very noble. They sympathize with and help unhappy or sick people. They have a big heart and if they can, they will inspire all people around the world. They are loyal to their friends. They hate lies and hypocrisy. They are infinitely patient, but not enough to "sit on their head." If someone overdoes it, they will take appropriate action and put them in place. Their inner voice is flawless. Falcon: April 1-30. The falcon symbolizes the unceasing pursuit of victory, which ensures independence and freedom, especially spirit. They are often associated with the qualities and virtues of the eagle as they are very similar. The falcon is an expression of courage, lightning and lust for a better life. He embodies the spirit of the guardian. IN ancient egypt Ra, the sun god, appeared with a falcon perched on his head. Falcon doesn't like to be subordinate. He should be free to fly at will. People born in April are great leaders who can handle any situation. They are talented strategists. At first glance, passive, careful, they know how to wait for the right moment to act boldly and decisively. Attack is the best defense, they say, and defend their rights. They are not vindictive, and if someone has hurt them, but apologized, they can forgive him. They don't like gossip. They should avoid alcohol and spicy foods to maintain their health. Pheasant: May 1-31. The pheasant is a symbol of light. He embodies beauty, great luck and a chance for progress and success in life. He also embodies virtue and strong motherly love. Protects the newly born life from evil, from any external or other interference. It served as the emblem of the Chinese emperor. Those born in May are very persistent, patient and persistent in their actions. The work doesn't scare them, even if there is a lot of it, but sometimes someone needs to stir them up to give them an initial boost so they can reach more of their tasks. The quality of their ideas is excellent. They really look at things and people. They are very well balanced, but if someone starts to deceive and betray them, they can dramatically change the relationship. Their rage is very great. They never forget about evil and betrayal. Pelican: June 1-30. In ancient times, people thought that the pelican feeds its children with its own blood, and that is why it is a symbol of sacrifice, mercy and piety. They are often compared to the sacrifice of Christ, because he gave his blood to wash away the sins of people. It also symbolizes crucifixion or liberation through sacrifice and the cleansing of the blood. People born in June are very ambitious and stubborn. They can overcome any obstacle to achieve their goals. They never give up on their plans and act purposefully until they are realized. Easily adapt to any conditions and people. Their ingenuity and great intelligence help them choose the right path or make the right decision when needed. They must take care of their health. Peacock: July 1-31. This beautiful bird symbolizes the Sun and the Tree of Life, as well as the immortality of beauty, love and longevity. The peacock is a natural symbol of the glowing stars of the sky. In ancient times, people closely followed their actions, because his excitement or "rain dance" was associated with a change in weather, the upcoming rain or storm. He also personifies compassion and vigilance, kingdom and splendor. It is a symbol of dignity. The peacock is the emblem of queens and princesses, and the “hundred eyes” on its beautiful feathers remind of eternal observation. The peacock is also a symbol of saints, because its tail looks like a halo and spreads in a circle, which means elevation above earthly things. Only envious people spread rumors that the peacock is stupid, arrogant and vain. Those born in July are extremely noble people with an enviable natural intelligence. Fear and low human passions are unknown to them. They are like big kids who believe that everyone is good as they are and no one can hurt them. Unfortunately, very soon they realize that this is not the case, and they learn the necessary lessons from this. They can provide reliable protection around adverse external influences. They are able to overcome all life difficulties in order to realize their dreams. A good knowledge of life and the laws of society helps them rise above problems. Dove: August 1-31. A dove is a symbol of a living spirit (soul) passing from our world to the future. The bird that hung over the head of the Mother of God was a dove. A symbol of light, a clear sign of the Great Mother and Mistress of Heaven. The dove is the sacred bird of Adonis and Bacchus, as well as the star on the head - the sacred bird of Venus, personifying strong feelings. The emblem of Athens, symbolizing life, is a dove with an olive branch in its beak. According to the Japanese, the dove is the undisputed god of war, and the dove with the sword symbolizes the beginning of war, obedience, peace and longevity. But, in principle, these birds are very warlike. They know how to kill for bread crumbs. People born in August are patient and gentle, as long as someone does not touch them, neither by word nor action. They are sensitive to their family, their relatives and friends, and they do not allow anyone to disturb their comfort or peace. If this happens, they will become belligerent and aggressive; they do not stop until everything returns to peace and harmony again. The one who allowed them to suffer will learn a worthy lesson so that he will never try to do wrong again. Very smart, they quickly assess each situation and act firmly in each case. Crane: September 1-30. The crane is considered the messenger of the gods. It is the sacred bird of God Apollo, a symbol of light and communication with the gods. White cranes symbolized longevity, happiness and prosperity, and their whiteness was associated with the Blissful Island where they lived. It was they who led human souls to paradise. The ancients regarded the crane as the "Patriarch of Perennials", as a mediator between heaven and earth. Those who were born in September are decent people, good and loyal to those around them. They have strong intuition, bright analytical skills, and the courage to act when needed. They can make great sacrifices when it comes to family members and especially children. The maternal or paternal instinct is very strong in them. Wise and level-headed, they move their business with brilliant understanding, and usually their results are rarely wrong. They have an undeniable artistic talent. They love decency and respect. Swan: October 1-31. Swan means reincarnation and sudden love. After Zeus fell in love with Leda, and after he achieved her, he became a beautiful white swan. Think of Andersen's story of the ugly duckling. In any case, the swan identifies itself with love, spiritual purity and the most beautiful of this world. People born in October are charming, loving kind and very discreet. They hate discord and do their best to maintain harmony and good relationships with others. They love their home, but they are not indifferent to worldly events, where they go with joy and where they usually stand out from others. They love to surround themselves with beautiful objects at the risk of breaking their budget. Always chooses good friends. Hawk: November 1-30. The hawk is a solar bird called by the ancient Greeks and Romans "the swift messenger of Apollo." He can reach the sun and look at it without shuddering. In ancient Egypt, the head of a hawk was used in the emblem of the Great Mother Goddess. It is a symbol of power under and over the Earth. Those born in November are self-confident, strong people. They don't like being contradicted. Say what they think. When they have a strong opponent, they investigate the details and the situation, and then, when the enemies least expect them, they deliver a devastating blow. They hate lies. They tend to forgive a friend's sincere mistake, but they do not forget about it. If necessary, they can put themselves at great risk for the sake of those they love. Eagle: December 1-31. The eagle is a symbol of power and royal dignity. It symbolizes all the heavenly gods, the zenith of the sun and spirituality. It was believed that an eagle can fly to the Sun, observe its dazzling glow and merge with it. He is the messenger of victory over enemies, the intellect of the physical principle and all the virtues of man. People still see him as a mediator between gods and humans. It also symbolizes the heavenly power of a luminous sky, illuminated by bright sunlight that devours darkness. The ascending eagle is a liberated part of primary matter, and the double head is a sign of omniscience and powerful double force. People born in December are very serious, hardworking and erudite. Their knowledge is great. They love order and discipline. Many great scientists were born in December. A gentle, poetic soul and a great noble heart often lie under their harsh appearance.

    Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes. Relax. Direct your attention to the center of the chest, above the solar plexus, to the "spiritual heart." Move there with all your being, feeling the warmth in it. From the depths of your heart, send the waves of your benevolence and love forward into space with the formula:

    "May all beings be peaceful!"
    "May all beings be calm!"
    "May all beings be blissful!"

    Feel each of these states inside your heart, then radiate them into outer space, embracing and flooding all living things with tenderness. Send these waves of love to the right, back, left, up, and down as well.
    Do this slowly, with a slight pause between phrases.

    This is a powerful method of harmonizing oneself and space, and the beings who dwell in it.

    (Standing, relaxed and level, raise our hands up and stretch, as after sleep) We let in everything that is pure, light, vital that is outside of us. We feel how a whole waterfall of amazingly transparent, light, subtle emotions, morning freshness is poured from the top. We fill ourselves with morning freshness. We fill ourselves with these waves, we fill ourselves with them! (The hands are lowered to the shoulders, helping this filling, then raised and lowered again, and so on several times). We reach the highest and most subtle emotional state.

    Bring your hands to your chest, lightly touching it with your palms. Feel how, in response to this touch, from the depths of the spiritual heart, a stream of love energy begins to pour outward (Hands spread out from the chest forward and to the sides with a wide gesture. What we have received, we give to other people and all living beings. The measure of a person's spirituality is his ability to bestow.)

    Let's repeat the exercise again and again pouring, giving generously, without the desire to receive a reward. We send the subtlest and strong waves of flowing fresh and pure love far ahead. We feel how the chest is bursting with the thick energy of love arriving from behind. A flower opens in the chest, exuding a delicate fragrance. We send these bright vibrations forward, this is the fragrance of love!

    Raise either hand above your head. Relax her, but keep your palm straight. Transfer your attention to the hand of the raised hand. In a smooth, wavy movement resembling a sinusoid, very slowly lower your hand down in front of you. Moving your palm from top to bottom, feel the space around your palm as a kind of energy field, in which, thanks to the smooth and beautiful movement of the hand, a state of peace, tranquility and harmony is created. We direct the palm with the edge forward in the direction of its movement.

    Raise your hands up with your palms and lower them over and over again across the sides, doing strokes. With each such movement, we seem to hatch out of the next shell, becoming brighter and cleaner, rising closer and closer to the source of light - the sun. Now it is already close, here are a few more strokes - and we reach it. We float into the space of the purest and most subtle light, we enjoy being in it. We go down again to the ground, but now with a solar set in the chest. Here we have descended and shine on all people and on all living things from our chest with sunlight!

    Stand comfortably. Bend your knees slightly. Close your eyes. Grasp your entire body and the space around it with your attention. Relax and listen to the living silence around you and above as the pure, invisible presence of God. Feel the touch of silence on your body, release it, let it move as it wants.

    Silence will create movement in you.

    Surrender completely to her will. She will begin to control the movement. It will begin to penetrate into every place in your body, into every cell. You just need not to interfere and completely surrender to her will.

    Be simply witnesses to what is happening, witness the spontaneous dissolution of everything that is not Silence. Silence embraces you, penetrates inside, dissolves with its transcendent tenderness everything that meets on its way, we disappear, melt into the infinite. There is only boundless silence, God, unity.

    Hello dear readers - seekers of knowledge and truth!

    The swastika symbol is firmly rooted in our minds as the personification of fascism and Nazi Germany, as the embodiment of violence and genocide of entire nations. However, initially it has a completely different meaning.

    Having visited the Asian lands, you can be surprised at the sight of the "fascist" sign, which is found here in almost every Buddhist and Hindu temple.

    What's the matter?

    We suggest you try to figure out what the swastika is in Buddhism. Today we will tell you what the word "swastika" means in reality, where this concept came from, what it symbolizes in different cultures, and most importantly - in Buddhist philosophy.

    What it is

    If you delve into the etymology, it turns out that the word "swastika" itself goes back to the ancient Sanskrit language.

    His translation will surely surprise you. The concept consists of two Sanskrit roots:

    • su - goodness, goodness;
    • asti - to be.

    It turns out that in the literal sense the concept of "swastika" is translated as "good to be", and if we move away from the literal translation in favor of a more accurate one - "welcome, wish success."

    This surprisingly harmless sign is depicted as a cross, the ends of which are bent at right angles. They can be directed both clockwise and counterclockwise.

    This is one of the most ancient symbols, which is also widespread almost throughout the planet. Studying the peculiarities of the formation of peoples on different continents, their culture, you can see that many of them used the image of the swastika: in national clothes, household items, money, flags, protective equipment, on the facades of buildings.

    Its appearance is attributed to approximately the end of the Paleolithic period - and this was ten thousand years ago. It is believed that he appeared, "evolving" from a pattern that combined diamonds and meander. The symbol is found quite early in the cultures of Asia, Africa, Europe, America, in different religions: in Christianity, Hinduism and the ancient Tibetan religion Bon.

    In every culture, the swastika means something different. So, for example, for the Slavs, she was a "Kolovrat" - a symbol of the eternal movement of the sky, and therefore life.

    But despite minor differences, this symbol among many peoples often repeated its meaning: it personified movement, life, light, radiance, the Sun, luck, happiness.

    And not just movement as such, but the continuous flow of life. Our planet over and over again revolves around its axis, bends around the sun, the day ends at night, the seasons replace each other - this is the incessant flow of the universe.

    The last century completely distorted the bright concept of the swastika, when Hitler made it his "guiding star" and under its auspices tried to take over the whole world. While the majority of the Western population of the Earth is still a little afraid of this sign, in Asia it does not cease to be the embodiment of goodness and a greeting to all living things.

    How she appeared in Asia

    The swastika, the direction of the rays of which was turned both clockwise and counterclockwise, came to the Asian part of the planet, presumably due to a culture that existed even before the emergence of the Aryan race. It was called Mohenjo-Daro and flourished along the banks of the Indus River.

    Later, in the second millennium BC, it appeared for Caucasus mountains and in Ancient China. Even later it reached the borders of India. Even then, the symbol of the swastika was mentioned in the Ramayana.

    Now he is especially revered by Vaishnava Hindus and Jains. In these beliefs, the swastika is associated with the four levels of samsara. In northern India, it accompanies any beginning, be it marriage or the birth of a child.

    What does it mean in Buddhism

    Almost everywhere where Buddhist thought reigned, you can see the signs of the swastika: in Tibet, Japan, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka. Some Buddhists also call it "manji", which literally means "whirlwind".

    Manji reflects the ambiguity of the world order. The vertical line is opposed by the horizontal line, and at the same time they are indivisible at the same time, they are a single whole, like heaven and earth, male and female energy, yin and yang.

    Manji is usually twisted counterclockwise. In this case, the rays directed to the left side become a reflection of love, compassion, empathy, empathy, kindness, tenderness. In contrast to them - rays looking to the right, which personify strength, fortitude, fortitude, wisdom.

    This combination is harmony, a trace on the path , his immutable law. One is impossible without the other - this is the secret of the universe. The world cannot be one-sided, so power does not exist without good. Good deeds without strength are weak, and strength without good breeds evil.

    Sometimes it is believed that the swastika is the "Seal of the heart", because it was imprinted on the heart of the Teacher himself. And this seal was deposited in many temples, monasteries, hills in all Asian countries, where it came along with the development of Buddha's thought.


    Thank you very much for your attention, dear readers! Let goodness, love, strength and harmony live within you.

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