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  • Fortune telling in Elijah in the old version. Subtle fortune-telling

    Fortune telling in Elijah in the old version. Subtle fortune-telling

    The events of the near future have always interested mankind, a sufficient number of fortune-telling types have been invented over the past centuries, among them there is the fortune-telling of Elijah. Where did this name come from, you ask? Elijah was a famous saint and prophet in the Old Testament times, among people there were legends that the Lord God himself spoke through his mouth, maybe this was the reason for the creation of this fortune-telling ...

    Elijah's Christmas divination with a complete decoding of 125 prophet's predictions.

    Orthodox Saint Elijah and Slavic hero Ilya - what do they have in common?

    Elijah revered the cult of Yahweh and therefore tried in every possible way to help its spread in Israel. According to other sources, Ilya was a hero of the myths of the ancient Slavs, whose image later merged with the image of a Christian saint.

    Elijah - was credited with great power, he could command thunder, was the patron saint of a good harvest and fertility. For his predictions of the future, he was persecuted by people who were not happy with the predictions of the future for various reasons.

    Incredibly, everything that this holy man predicted came true. Even after death, the glory of the saint did not lose its power and helps people to look into the future. Saint Elijah will help everyone who turns to him to receive accurate fortune-telling.

    Hello. Tell me, please, is it a sin to guess on Christmastide? I really want to see my betrothed in a dream, but I'm afraid of the consequences. I believe.

    Is it possible to conduct Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling at other times?

    Hello. I really love the tradition of New Year's, Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling, and I cannot imagine the winter holidays without them. But in this.

    Good day. I found a lot of interesting online fortune-telling on your site. Please tell me if the fortune-telling online is true? I'm especially interested.

    For this ceremony, you can choose any day, but the most better days Christmastide is also considered on August 2 (known under the popular name Ilyin's Day).

    The essence of fortune telling is quite simple:

    • Ilya's predictions are printed on 125 leaflets, which must be prepared in advance. Each prediction is written in a stylized folklore form. Each prediction has its own number;
    • On the sheets, you can write predictions as a whole, or simply put down numbers;
    • The ritual must be carried out without fail in the company of people familiar with each other, among which one must choose one leader;
    • Prediction sheets are placed in a vessel, from which they will then be randomly removed by the participants;
    • After the group of people is ready, you need to turn to the Holy Spirit with these words:
    • These words are repeated three times and only the leader says them;
    • Then each of the participants in turn pulls out 3 leaflets with numbers from the vessel;
    • When everything is ready, the predictions corresponding to each specific number are decoded;
    • When carrying out this rite, it is strictly forbidden to leave the room in which the ritual is performed, and besides, you cannot laugh loudly, make noise and distort the meaning of the prophecies themselves.

    Complete divination of Elijah with deciphering the meanings of all numbers. You can download all 125 predictions with interpretations for printing on a printer here.

    • Number 1. Mother baked pies, waits for the daughter of the grooms. For an unmarried woman, this means that soon the wedding and the groom will be a wealthy person. And for a young man - a wealthy bride.
    • Number 2. A couple is in a hurry to church, so that the earth is already trembling. They wanted to get married, put on their best outfit. Wedding for love. For married people - a strong, happy life together.
    • Number 3. A peasant was walking from the forest, carrying a backpack with furs. A wedding with a rich man. Marriage is not for love, but for convenience. Marriage security.
    • Number 4. No matter how lazy I was, I cooked cabbage soup for my husband. Marriage with a loved one. Long marriage with one person.
    • Number 5. The shop of grooms is full, each more beautiful than the other. I chose a red shirt. Brief romances, changing partners, attraction to the opposite sex.
    • Number 6. Roll apples, yes on a plate. One to the guy, the other to the girl. Early marriage with a loved one. For married people - the early wedding of their children.
    • Number 7. Two Anyutkas and two Vanyutkas sat down opposite each other. Admire and kiss. A successful marriage with a loved one, happiness in family life.
    • Number 8. Eggs rolled on the floor, guests flocked to the tower. Festive feast, wedding feast.
    • Number 9. Well done blacksmith, put a crown on your head. The narrowed one will make an offer. For a guy - a meeting with a bride.
    • Number 10. Two little doves are sitting peacefully on a pole. Strong love that will lead to a lasting marriage, for life.
    • Number 11. A cart of goods appeared - three pots of silver. You will be lucky three times in different areas: travel, personal life, career.
    • Number 12. Each stamen contains a grain of gold. Meeting with a betrothed who is very rich. For a guy, a rich bride.
    • Number 13. Would go out into the street, but I didn't buy pants. Loneliness.
    • Number 14. Knock and knock. Come back my dear friend. The soon return of a loved one.
    • Number 15. Come soon, my dear, I will soon go out into the cage. A long-awaited date.
    • Number 16. A pillow has fallen to the gate, so someone is waiting for me there. Wedding. The second half will appear soon. The beginning of a love relationship.
    • Number 17. Yeast entered the beer, you can't keep it on the reins. A thoughtless fast wedding. Relatives are against marriage.
    • Number 18. There is a roar for the whole tree. Scandal in the house. Family discord. Big fight.
    • Number 19. The kitty walked around the bench, rubbing his paws on it. She walked around, lay down, hugged her sweetheart. Peace in the house. Harmony and understanding. A wise wife, always compromising with her husband.
    • Number 20. A pike walks along the backwater, and its tail drags along the shore. Return of the narrowed one from a long journey.
    • Number 21. Vanyusha sat on a bench, and stayed there to sleep. The narrowed one will appear soon.
    • Number 22. The bed is narrow - two will not turn around. Lonely life. Bad luck in love.
    • Number 23. A peasant sits in the corner, scratching his belly in the morning. Well-being. Peace and harmony in the house.
    • Number 24. Frisky horses, horseshoes like fire. Bells are ringing - they are told to get married. Desired marriage.
    • Number 25. Mold on the pancakes started, the garden withered without water. Absence of a partner. Loneliness.
    • Number 26. She sewed a shirt for the father, but put it on a stranger's man. A wedding with a groom who is older but able to take care.
    • Number 27. The bathhouse is heating up, someone is in a hurry with a broom. Treason. A betrayal for which reckoning will soon come.
    • Number 28. A heifer walks across the field, looking for her share in the field. You are not living with the person who could bring you happiness.
    • Number 29. I kneaded two kvashonki, I invited the suitors. Several suitors. One of them will soon interest the most.
    • Number 30. I sit and cry bitterly, soon my dear will pay for everything. Loneliness. Bitter relationship.
    • Number 31. Harness the gray filly, choose a beautiful girl. Fast marriage.
    • Number 32. The falcon flapped its wings, and only he was seen. The betrayal of a partner will open, but you will be glad of it.
    • Number 33. There are many stars in the sky, many girls in the world, many tears are spilled into the pillow. Resentment. Tears. Get rid of the victim image.
    • Number 34. Two dogs bark loudly and are not allowed home. The mistress who invaded your married life.
    • Number 35. Flies flap their wings, make porridge. Showdown. Quarrel.
    • Number 36. Sleigh covered with carpets are flying. Immediate marriage.
    • Number 37. The crowbars were taken, and the shovels went out of the hut. Someone close to you will get very sick.
    • Number 38. The old woman's hands are busy, the child is sitting on them. Relative illness.
    • Number 39. The linen is woven invisibly, the little creature sneaks up to the house. (Death, serious illness. Be careful).
    • Number 40. Vanya walked from the forge, lost himself along the street. (Alcohol addiction. Addiction).
    • Number 41. A pine coffin, a nail in a horseshoe. (Fatal disease).
    • Number 42. White birch branches rustled, put on a green outfit. (A quick recovery from the disease).
    • Number 43. The sparrow sits, cleans its beak, will soon fly away. (Serious illness, ailment).
    • Number 44. The peasant has a shirt without a single button. (Craving for alcohol, you need to refrain from drinking).
    • Number 45. The door in the hut creaked, the ailment was no longer in check. (The child will get sick.)
    • Number 46. The wooden bench is covered with white linen. (To an imminent illness).
    • Number 47. Around the corner of the house - the house is ready. (Death).
    • Number 48. Full of distended guts. (Get sick soon.)
    • Number 49. A white cow came out into the field, but fell. (To ailments).
    • Number 50. The chasm broke from the ceiling and fell. They used three axes to correct her, but not to correct her. (Death. Grief).
    • Number 51. They bake pies, row with shovels. (Serious illness, possibly even death.)
    • Number 52... Sleighs are going, two dogs are harnessed to them. And in the sleighs are daughters dressed up. (The death of someone close).
    • Room 53... They threw a pillow through the gate, marked it in the mud, and it fell into gold and silver. A rich, secure life.
    • Number 54... Seven are wearing only pants. Poverty.
    • Room 55... They were waiting for one cow from the field, but she came with the offspring. Unexpected financial help. Money.
    • Room 56... A cockroach slid down from the window and brought a whole basket of bread. Promotion. Receiving an inheritance.
    • Room 57... Ponies run across the field, horseshoes shine with gold, bells ring. Great wealth in the house.
    • Number 58... While the coffin was being dragged, the sled fell apart. The impending lack of money. Be frugal or go broke.
    • Room 59... A cockroach is sitting on a blockade, holding a loofah in his hands. Life without frills.
    • Number 60... Ilya walked around the world, he counted his fields. I counted, counted, but did not count. Big money. The favor of the superiors. Promotion.
    • Room 61... A chicken rummaged under the window, dug a gold basket. Cash profit. Winning the lottery.
    • Room 62... I started a little sauerkraut, but missed it, there was just a little dough in it. Early poverty. No financial receipts are expected.
    • Room 63... The dough was kneaded, the pies were baked and there was still left. Rich life.
    • Room 64... The blacksmith has forged a gold crown. Fight for victory. Successful career.
    • Room 65... The little cow walked around the fir-tree, brought the calf to Monday. The appearance of the long-awaited offspring. Wealth.
    • Room 66... I harrow the field, I won't let the crows. Making unexpected profits.
    • Room 67... Seven boxes and each with a spool. Return of old debt. Wealth.
    • Room 68... The blacksmith does not sew with a bast, from each patch sticks out a hundred rubles. The emergence of a rich companion.
    • Room 69... The sparrow flew by, lost a hundred rubles. Winning.
    • Room 70... The sea pike has a golden tail. Cash prize. Fortune will smile at you.
    • Room 71... I started the dough a little, but I woke up - the tub was full. Unplanned, unexpected profits.
    • Room 72... An old woman walks, taps with a crutch, asks for money. Beggar life. Material instability.
    • Room 73... I walk around the yard, I think the cattle are missing fingers. Monetary reward.
    • Room 74... The two of us went to the bathhouse to take a steam bath, but they didn't think that the third would appear. Pregnancy. To the children. Unexpected profits from relatives.
    • Room 75... Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I fell on gold. Rich life. You will not know hardships and poverty.
    • Room 76... The sledges are standing by the porch, the bells are ringing, they want to go into the distance. Fast travel. Road.
    • Room 77... On every street the tangle is unwound. Travel with friends.
    • Room 78... Arina knocked out a feather bed, down and feathers flew, they wanted to visit. Moving to a new location.
    • Room 79... The sleighs are oiled, the runners are shiny, they want to roll. Nice trip. Smooth road.
    • Room 80... I walk, I walk, but the road only gets longer. Long journey. Delay on the way.
    • Room 81... Arina was weaving linen, and a sparrow dropped a hundred rubles on it. The appearance of unexpected money for travel.
    • Room 82... Shurka huddled in a kennel, but the dog drove her out, and barked. Gossip. Backbiting. Enemies interfere with your plans.
    • Room 83... The dog's tongue becomes tangled, but the mouth does not close. Rumors and gossip spread about you. Pay no attention to them.
    • Room 84... I went to the bathhouse, but forgot to dress. Unpleasant rumors. Evil tongues that will undermine your credibility.
    • Room 85... We kneaded the dough, but forgot to look after it. Small domestic quarrels.
    • Room 86... The cow walked along the streets, but dirtied them all to the end. Enemies are plotting, beware.
    • Room 87... The man took a gun into the forest, but it was not loaded. Empty chores. The futility of the business started.
    • Room 88... The goat went to the garden, but the cabbage did not get. A nuisance from people you know.
    • Room 89... I bought a hundred bags - there were not enough roots for them. The enigma will not come true. Empty hopes.
    • Room 90... Three boards were buried in the sand. The stranger will bring bad news.
    • Room 91... She didn’t finish sewing, put off sewing. Lack of confidence in their abilities.
    • Room 92... The kittens played out in the hut. Small fights between friends. Make peace with them first.
    • Room 93... They chopped down the birch, cooked tar. Gossip is against you personally.
    • Room 94... Wooden legs, at the knees do not bend, but break. Your credibility will be undermined. Show restraint, circumstances are against you.
    • Room 95... Looking for a warm cricket six. Change.
    • Room 96... Geese walk around the yard, pinching the heels. Someone wants to interfere with you.
    • Room 97... Harnessed a pop chicken, drove along the street. Petty quarrels. Trouble. Small material losses.
    • Room 98... The horses are hobbled, the hooves are worn out to holes. Happiness was close, but passed by.
    • Room 99... I lay down in the trough and cry to trouble. Bitter tears. You don't need to open your heart to everyone.
    • Room 100The horses came out of the gate, but returned back. Deception of hopes. Empty promises.
    • Number 101. Cockerel, you cockerel, lock your voice. A betrayal that you will not immediately recognize.
    • Number 102. Do not knock with axes, soon I will part with Vanya. Parting, breaking up a relationship, after which you start life anew.
    • Number 103. The horse is running, and the hooves are all erased, the groom is stubborn. The groom is older than the bride. Marriage of convenience.
    • Number 104. The horses are bound and hobbled, it is impossible for them to escape. A forced wedding, of convenience. Marrying the unloved.

    Fortune-telling Elijah will tell everything about your future with decoding

    Elijah's fortune telling with decoding will enable each person to turn to this powerful prophet and learn about future events. The ancestors believed that this method of divination would help to learn everything about the future.

    Divination Elijah with decoding - history and implementation of the rite

    The ceremony is held in the company of friends. Prepare sheets of paper in advance where the numbers of forty predictions are written. All are presented in an unusual form, but have a clear interpretation. Choose from the whole company someone who will store the container with the notes with numbers. When the preparations are over, the host recites this text:

    “Elijah, Elijah. To whom this song falls out, this song will come true, to whom to live richly, walk well, to be happy, to be caring. Elijah, Elijah, Elijah. "

    The words are repeated three times by the presenter, after which all those present take out 3 pieces of paper with numbers. Now the phrases are interpreted. During fortune-telling, you cannot make a noise, talk, have fun. Divination is a serious process, and it should not be taken as a game.

    1. Give mother flour, bake pies. Mothers are matchmakers to you, suitors to me. (Prophesies a rendezvous with a wealthy man / woman, who will become the husband / wife of a fortuneteller. Partners will be happy in an alliance, a strong and long marriage.)

    3. What is the knock in the church? Young people are led to a circle, they want to get married, they want to get engaged. (Union with a lover, wedding. When a fortuneteller is married, family life will be happy, full of joyful moments.)

    12. A little man goes out of the forest - with foxes, he weighed himself with martens. (Marriage with a wealthy applicant. It is possible that there will be no sincere feelings between the spouses, a successful union in financial terms.)

    13. The lazy sloth was sitting on the stove, melting the snow, cooking cabbage soup for her husband. (The fortuneteller will live with one partner all his life, but it is possible that this will become cohabitation, and not an official marriage. However, both partners will be completely satisfied with this state of affairs.)

    15. From the corner on the bench all the suitors, in a red shirt - my groom. (There is no permanent partner, frequent romances, constant connections are likely. But you cannot say whether a person is happy or not. This situation suits him completely.)

    23. Two Annushki, two Ivanushki, are sitting on the sofa, admiring, kissing. (Life together will be joyful. Trust and understanding will develop between the spouses. But do not relax, work on the relationship constantly, to become stronger.)

    35. In the courtyard there is a stamen, on a stamen of gold. (Your significant other is from a wealthy family. For a girl - lack of love in marriage with this person. A fortuneteller - love and understanding in marriage.)

    40. I would be glad to get married, but the pants are short. (A person is threatened with loneliness. In the near future, you will not change your attitude to life, you will not be able to find a mate.)

    31. There is a knot on the wall, here is my fiance. (The beloved was leaving on a business trip - he will soon return home. Moreover, he will arrive earlier than the set date.)

    17. I throw a pillow into the winter garden, with a lovely one to sleep. (A secret rendezvous with the object of sighing. Both will be pleased with the meeting. Sometimes it portends an escape from the house to meet with a lover.)

    20. Beer runs by leaps and bounds, you can't keep it on the reins. (A sudden marriage. The decision is rash, and you need to take such a step when you are completely confident in your partner. The family will be against this union, do not succumb to provocations on their part.)

    16. Tsuga rolls on a roar, the scarecrow fights, roars scary. (In relationships - scandals and aggression. It is necessary to solve troubles immediately, otherwise the negative will accumulate and lead to a break in relations.)

    2. They chop with dullards, row with shovels. (He predicts an imminent illness of a close relative. It cannot be started, it will lead to death.)

    5. An old woman walks in the middle, carries a child on her arm. (It is not excluded that the illness of one of the relatives, not necessarily blood ones. Most likely, the child will be left without parents. The fortuneteller will have to take custody of him.)

    6. Arina sits on an avine, weaves canvases, fights for herself, to death. (Elijah warns of a series of unpleasant events. Problems are not only with well-being. Troubles are likely in any area of \u200b\u200blife.)

    8. A peasant walks from the smithy, all drenched, all warmed up. (The fortuneteller is drinking alcohol or it is possible in the future. This will cause serious health problems.)

    21. A sparrow sits on the partition, where it looks, it will fly there. (Elijah warns that a serious illness is likely in the near future. Be careful, watch your health.)

    28. A man in vice lies behind a chair. (Completely give up alcoholic beverages. If you don't - addiction is not excluded.)

    34. In the groove on the bench, it is stretched, covered with a white cloth. (A serious illness of a fortuneteller. Do not start treatment, it will be fatal. See a doctor for help.)

    18. Seven sledges under a canopy stand where they look, and will roll there. (There will be a chance to go on vacation. Such an offer will be sudden and do not ignore it. There will be an opportunity to escape from the ordinary gray life, to rethink many moments.)

    37. Arina is sitting on a feather bed, a sketch of lenticels, two canvases of a sketch. (A trip to a foreign city or country. It is possible that you will move to this place. Take this chance and change your life. You will make a valuable acquaintance on the way.)

    22. I walk on a spoon, lay new items, and still look like, and also make a bed. (On the way to another city or country, meet an old friend. The meeting will be pleasant for both, you will learn a lot of interesting news.)

    9. Went to sleep with Shurka in the kennel and shit on the ropes. (It is difficult to achieve what you want, envious people are intriguing. Postpone the implementation of new projects.)

    25. The dog ran across the hall, barking. (The plans will be implemented, but they will have to fight the enemies, they do their dirty tricks in every possible way.)

    26. In the bath, barefoot, after the bath naked. (Authority has been undermined, enemies spread gossip. Fear evil tongues. A truce with offenders is not expected.)

    38. The kvashechka spread all over the middle, the child was taken away all over the hut. (Beware of slander and rumors, they will ruin relations with loved ones. Try to behave with them as honestly as possible, so they will not believe the stories that ill-wishers will tell about you.)

    39. A cow walks in a spruce grove to shit, to stand in a birch grove. A cow with a spruce high, and wide from a tavern, shit. (Enemies are desperately trying to mischief. Use extreme caution. Enemies will come out of the shadows and find out who did the mischief.)

    27. The forester walks through the forest, shoots across the empty. (Now there is no point in making plans for the future. Opponents will not let their wishes come true.)

    14. In a poveta, a man crap, on a bed a pig got dirty. (Quarrels with acquaintances, problems because of friends, the one whom you trust will substitute. Take a closer look at your friends. Think, you know everyone well and can you trust them.)

    30. The intestine is stretched along the bag, the intestine cannot be in the bag. (Leave everything. Not much will come out in the near future. So take a break.)

    19. Seven boards are buried in the sand. (An outsider will bring sad news. Prepare yourself to face problems.)

    10. The little cup is a float, where it will sail, there will make a house. (Get positive news from a stranger. Tells about an old friend.)

    36. Guest per yard - 100 rubles per table. (If you manage to meet a new person, he will bring good news. Or he will simply cheer up with a pleasant conversation.)
    32. There are three pots of silver on the platform. (This is a real “lucky ticket.” A person is lucky exactly three times in life. And each success will relate to a certain area of \u200b\u200blife.)

    24. There is a blacksmith from a blacksmith, and I am a young woman on the street (The situation will change, you will receive positive news, which will push you to an important decision. Consider everything, making sudden decisions is not good.)

    11. There is a curly birch that does not age, everything is curly. (A person will be able to avoid trouble, he will take advantage of the circumstances in which he falls. Pay attention to those who are in the inner circle. A traitor is hidden among them.)

    29. A cat sits in a kennel, sharpens its claws, wants to get married. (Nothing will change now. Do not run ahead, let events develop on their own. Otherwise, make things worse.)

    33. Under the tsar's window, a chicken rowed, the chicken dug a needle, whoever takes this needle will get married. (Everything will work out, do your best. Do not rely on unfamiliar people, this will bring disappointment.)

    7. The little belenushka went out to sleep in the spruce forest, the belenushka got into a clean garden. (Get a lot of positive impressions. A trip, a rendezvous with old friends, meeting an interesting interlocutor is not excluded.)

    August 2 (July 20 old style) celebrate Ilyin's day - a holiday during which Elijah the Prophet is remembered and the transition to autumn is celebrated: the day is getting shorter and the nights colder.

    Ilyin's day in the first place, since in the 10th century in Byzantium it became a replacement for honoring Perun - the god who controls the elements of nature, thunder and lightning. For this reason, he has other names - Thunderbolt, Ilya the Angry, Thunderer. The emperors of the Byzantine state staged theatrical performances and violent festivities on this day.

    Ceremonies, rituals, traditions on Ilyin day on August 2

    A folk tradition on Ilyin's day on August 2 (and they were preparing for it in advance) is to arrange a "brat". Residents of several villages gathered together and chose a sacrifice for Ilya - a bull or a lamb, which was taken to the church and sprinkled with holy water. After that, they killed and prepared various dishes from it. They were eaten, and blood and bones were cherished as healing agents - people believed that they cured physical and energetic diseases.

    Also on this day beer flowed like a river, as it was believed that it can save you from many problems. The women, on the other hand, baked bread from new flour, with which they treated all relatives and friends, as well as neighbors and passers-by. Festivities were held on the main square - songs, round dances and games.

    Ritual on Ilyin's day, August 2, protecting the house It was important to visit the temple of God on Ilya's day in order to pray in it for the salvation of the dwelling before the face of Elijah the prophet. To do this, the owners took with them a stub from the candle that lit up the house the previous evening, put it near the icon and said the following words: “The candle at home was burning, but it didn’t burn out, it got into the temple of God, stood in front of Elijah. Let it burn here - the house will protect from all misfortunes. Ilya will help her as he can "... They waited for the cinder to burn out to the end, made the sign of the cross three times and walked through the church gates, not talking to anyone and giving nothing to anyone.

    Rite of passage on Ilyin's day, August 2, to find your true love Young unmarried girls also turned to Ilya for help. They asked him to find a soul mate and marry successfully. To do this, they embroidered a white scarf with red poppies in advance, and on August 2 they took it to the church, where they held the morning service, and after that they approached the icon of Elijah the Prophet and pronounced the following words: “A thread in a needle, a stitch in a stitch - we got a handkerchief. It is not easy, but it is embroidered by me. I'll give it to you, Ilya, just give me a guy. Stately, handsome, smart and loved. We will live with him, live, create a strong family. Take the gift and fulfill my request "... We went from the temple to a clearing and hung a scarf on any tree with a masculine name (poplar, oak, ash). They left without looking back until they crossed the threshold of their house.

    Conspiracy in Ilyin's day to be healthy Ilya could help and improve his health, only for this it was necessary to wait for the rain on this day (it usually always falls on August 2), stand under it and say the following words of the conspiracy: “Ilya's water, heal me. Let all my pains go away so as not to know grief. Let the ailments that twist the legs and arms go away. Let the melancholy go away that does not give me life. Ilya help, protect me from diseases "... After that, collect a little water in a handful and wash three times, and then wipe with the hem. Do not wash things that have been exposed to rain, let them dry. Wear them for two more days. It is believed that all diseases will go away very soon and will not return for a long time.

    Ritual on Ilyin's day, August 2, so that money appears In case of financial problems, you can also contact Ilya. To do this, you need to take a five-kopeck coin and throw it on the floor, saying the following words: “Ilya the Prophet, you have helped me more than once. And now help - help with money. I have a nickel, I ask you, make it turn into a ten, and she will already give me material wealth "... Take the coin and hide it where all the money is kept. She will attract other bills to them, thereby increasing prosperity and ensuring a comfortable existence.

    Signs on Ilyin's day on August 2

    ✦ To work today is a sin. Whoever disobeys will be punished - Ilya will burn the harvested crop, throwing lightning at him.
    ✦ On Ilya, all the animals and reptiles roam the meadows and forests, so livestock cannot be released.
    ✦ On August 2, cats and dogs are not allowed into the house, otherwise lightning may enter the house.
    ✦ If on Ilyin's day the thunder is long and soft, then it is worth waiting for bad weather, short and abrupt - there will be a clear day.
    ✦ Heavy rain on Ilya - to a large harvest of wheat.
    ✦ A cloudy morning on this day promises an early and rich harvest of winter crops, in the afternoon clouds appeared - an average, in the evening - a poor harvest.
    ✦ If blueberries ripen by August 2, then rye can also be picked.
    ✦ Mosquitoes don't bite after Thunderbolt.
    ✦ They do not swim on Ilya and after August 2 - water vermin can take away. Also on Ilyin's day you cannot fish.
    ✦ It's a good omen to get on Ilyin's day under a downpour - this person will not be sick all year.
    ✦ There is no rain on Ilyin's day, which means that drought should be expected until mid-September.

    Fortune telling on Ilyin's day, August 2

    On Ilyin's day, August 2, as in any national holiday, was accepted. There were no special methods and types of fortune-telling dedicated to this day. Therefore, Ilya was guessed at and, and, and on. And unmarried girls, of course, and.

    Divination by Ilya by the leaves of trees In the afternoon of August 1, the girls tore leaves from different trees, which they put under the pillow with a request that Ilya predict what kind of her husband-to-be will be. In the morning she woke up and, without getting out of bed, pulled out any leaf. I watched what he was. Apple is sweet and sympathetic. Aspen is austere and grumpy. Poplar is cheerful and sociable. Willow is flexible and attentive. Oak is strong and courageous. Birch is gentle and quivering. Rowanberry is quiet and calm. Maple is flighty and bustling. Acacia - gallant and refined.

    Fortune telling in Ilyin's day on the roll The pregnant woman baked a roll of new flour, let it cool down, and then “competitions” were arranged with her husband, who would tear off the biggest piece. They took pastries from both sides and pulled: if the spouse got the larger piece, the boy would be born, the spouse - the girl.

    Divination on August 2 by water If the girl wanted to know if she would get married before the end of the year, then with the rising of the sun she would go to the well and see what kind of water was in it: quiet - it would not come out, rippled - it would be worth waiting for the matchmakers soon.

    Fortune telling on Ilyin's day on berries They took different berries and mixed in one container. Then they closed their eyes and took, without looking, any berry. If the taste is sour, then the rest of the year will be sad, juicy and sweet - months full of pleasant surprises are coming.

    Fortune-telling is not necessarily a scary gathering around a saucer or mirror. Fortune telling can make fun evenings with family or friends. There is one way. Elijah is divination in the form of a song combined with a lottery.

    Elijah will not need much to sing: a dish, a large piece of fabric, such as a scarf, texts of predictions on a piece of paper and a good mood. To begin with, you need to choose a leader, a lead singer. This does not mean that he cannot tell fortunes this evening, he just will be the hand of fate. Next, write the text. It is necessary to count on the number of people. It will be a shame if someone does not get the prediction. Most of them are love, well, to wealth. There is a pair for trouble.

    When everything is ready, the guests are already sitting at the table, you need to prepare forfeits, any things of the owner. A coin, a button, a hairpin - whatever. Each has one phantom. They are placed in a dish, covered with a handkerchief or a large piece of cloth. Through which you cannot see what lies inside. Then you need to shake this dish, holding the bottom of the fabric. At this time, the singer sings either a verse in order, or the one that he wanted. And the hand of the assistant takes one phantom through the fabric and shows it to everyone. Whose thing is the prediction.

    Here are some old texts. If it is not enough, then you can ask the grandmothers if they sang Iya. When we were young. A good reason to visit your parents.

    To marriage

    The needle banged into the box,

    Full, needle, sew on the priest,

    Throwing you, a needle, to sew on a pillow.

    Hit, mother, dough,

    Peki pies,

    There will be guests to you

    Grooms to me

    They will be in bast shoes to you,

    To me in boots.

    The ring was rolling

    On velvet

    The ring rolled

    To the yacht.

    Rides a load of milk on a fir-tree,

    Looking for a little whitewash:

    Not a load of jumps, - boyar son,

    Not looking for a whitewash - a hawthorn

    To wealth

    The pike came from Nova Gorod,

    She carried her tail from Bela-lake.

    On the pike there is a silver scale,

    The pike has a pearly head.

    Rich men live across the river

    Row pearls with shovels

    I will dissolve the sauerkraut on the bottom,

    I'll put the sauerkraut on the shuttle (oven)

    You ascend, my fermented milk,

    Completely full.

    To the road

    There are sleds at the porch,

    All sleds are equipped:

    They are tucked in half (bedding).

    They roll on their own

    They want to go by themselves,

    Only get on the sled

    Yes let's go

    A sparrow sits on the partition

    The sparrow looks in the wrong direction,

    The sparrow says: “I will fly away, I will fly away,

    I'll fly to the wrong side. "

    Bad mother-in-law

    Skinny paneva (skirt)

    That may mother-in-law

    To the coffin, to the commemoration

    Trough worth

    Others are covered

    There is death down the street

    Carries a pancake on a saucer

    This year without a wedding

    I sit at the bowl (kvashnya),

    I drive with fives

    The big book of Slavic fortune telling and predictions Dikmar Yan

    Subtle fortune-telling

    Subtle fortune-telling

    Subtle fortune-telling is the most interesting Christmas divination, which was usually timed to coincide with Vasiliev's evening. The name is derived from the word "dish" - this item was an obligatory attribute of the ritual. In some regions of Russia, such fortune-telling was called "ilea" ("ilya") - this word was used in the refrains of the subtle songs that accompanied the ceremony.

    Underdog fortune-telling began with the onset of darkness in the hut chosen by the fortunetellers. Both girls and young people of both sexes could take part in the ritual. Sometimes almost all the villagers gathered for such rituals.

    For fortune telling, most often they took a dish, but it could also be a bowl or vessel, a sieve, a hat.

    Each participant put a piece of jewelry in it - a ring, earring, brooch, cufflink, etc. If a person did not have any jewelry, he could put a thimble, button or mouthpiece (if it was a man).

    The collection of objects was usually accompanied by songs addressed to representatives of different sex and age groups present during the fortune-telling.

    For example, for a girl they performed the following song:

    The nightingale curled, curled,

    Yes, the young (name of the girl) took root.

    The young one is good

    Pretty young.

    She will give me

    With a riotous head with a whisk,

    With a ring on the right hand.

    When all the items were collected, the dish was covered with a napkin, handkerchief, tablecloth. Pieces of bread, salt or coal were placed on top (or under the fabric). Then they sang a song praising bread:

    We still have

    Scary evenings

    Yes Vasilievsky.

    Ilea, Ilea!

    We're not singing a song

    We salute the bread.

    Ilea, Ilea!

    Who is this song

    Will get it

    That will come true

    Will not pass!

    Ilea, Ilea!

    That would live richly

    Walk well!

    Ilea, Ilea!

    The songs in which the bread was blessed were a kind of conspiracy aimed at the well-being of all who were present at the fortune-telling. Sometimes in the songs with which the fortune-telling ritual began, they glorified the owner of the house or one of the girls.

    Then the bread was divided among those present. The girls hid it in a pocket or sleeve, so that they could then put it under the pillow and see a prophetic dream.

    Having divided the bread, they began fortune-telling: they sang a short song, which reflected this or that fate (wedding, wealth, illness, etc.). The dish was shaken, and at the moment of pronouncing each line of the song, one of those present took an object from under a handkerchief or napkin. The one who owned the jewelry accepted their fate. If the words were incomprehensible, they were interpreted by the most experienced participants in fortune-telling.

    Sometimes the objects were taken out of the vessel with water, in which case the person performing the song simply stirred them with his hand and pulled out what came along.

    When only one decoration remained in the dish, the song was not sung. Moreover, in some areas it was believed that the girl who owns the object was waiting for marriage, while in others it was believed that it was she who would remain single.

    In a number of villages, the last participant was sung a wedding song, and his ring, taken from the dish, was thrown across the floor and watched where it rolled. If the ring rolled to the threshold, the girl was predicted a quick wedding, and the guy the road.

    The dish in the fortune telling played the role of the border connecting the world of the living with the world of spirits. If water was poured into the vessel used in the ritual, it had to be brought from an ice hole or a well - a channel that connected people with otherworldly spheres. Before adding their own decoration, each participant made a cruciform movement along the edge of the vessel.

    As a modern version of subtle fortune-telling, you can carry out such a ritual. Put different items on a platter according to the number of participants, cover with a handkerchief and shake.

    Then one of the participants, without looking, should take out objects from under the scarf, while the other, not knowing what exactly he is pulling out, should name the names of those present. Anyone who, for example, gets a coin, will get rich in the coming year; who received the key will improve their living conditions.

    If someone gets a ring, they will have to throw it across the floor to see if it rolls to the door and whether to expect a wedding or a road.

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