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  • What can you do for your grandmother's birthday. The best present for a dear grandmother

    What can you do for your grandmother's birthday. The best present for a dear grandmother

    There are things that each of us must be able to do. For example, make a birthday present for your grandmother with your own hands. Of course, today you can buy any item in the store, and your grandmother will appreciate your efforts. However an exclusive gift received from a granddaughter or from a grandson and decorated with his own hands, will bring much more joy and positive. How to make an unforgettable surprise for a loved one, we will tell you later in the article.

    How to make a birthday present for your grandmother?

    Sometimes grandmothers love their grandchildren more than their own grown-up children. And grandchildren, in gratitude for their love, care, understanding and all sorts of sweets, can independently make a birthday present to their grandmother, which she will remember and will keep with pleasure throughout her life. Depending on your capabilities, you can think over a serious and useful gift (for example, sew a pillow), or you can make a nice little thing in just 5 minutes.

    For example, try making a stylish stand for indoor plants from ordinary wooden clothespins. Plant greens, mint or a small flower in a pot and give it to your grandmother as a keepsake.

    If you have no idea what you can present to your 80-year-old grandmother, give her memories. Family photos in a beautiful design help uncover many family stories you didn't know about before.

    A cute gift from his grandson - spring flowers in a cup.

    Grandmothers are unsurpassed wizards of the kitchen and thrifty housewives. Present to granny useful kitchen stuffmade with taste with your own hands.

    Decorate your grandmother's bag with your own hands. With the help of acrylic paints and pieces of vegetables or fruits, you can paint original patterns on the fabric. With such a bag, grandmother will be happy to go shopping and delight you with new goodies. And best of all - visit grandma more often and don't forget to help her with the housework.

    75 years old you can present a beautiful handmade vase to your grandmother.

    For the anniversary, give your grandmother as a gift original candlestick.

    What to give a hand-made grandmother on March 8?

    Prepare a surprise tea box for her. Place in the box with the tea bags notes with words of love and gratitude... Then have a festive tea party with your grandmother.

    The continuation of the first gift will be a delicious cake that you will bake for your grandmother with your own hands.

    Decorate for grandma several vases in an original way.

    A good gift for your grandmother with your own hands - soft rug, which you can make from pieces of old things.

    A lot of interesting and useful things also come out of paper. A commemorative gift - a postcard - can be presented on others, and on March 8, and on any other holiday. Try decorate the card with paper flowers, and write the text yourself, from the heart, with words of gratitude. How to make flowers out of paper, we wrote in detail in one of the previous articles, and we are sure that you will find the words of congratulations in your heart.

    How to make a gift card made of paper for a grandmother for a holiday?

    We will tell you more about making postcards for your grandmother right now. For example, you want give birthday card for grandmother for 65 years and please her with gentle congratulations, sincere words or beautiful verses.

    Beautifully decorated photos of your beloved grandchildren will be an excellent card for your grandmother's anniversary.

    Ideas for greeting cards for grandmothers are striking in their variety and simplicity. For making postcards you will need very few things.

    • Scrapbooking paper
    • Corrugated paper (for flowers)
    • Lace
    • Colored paper
    • Cardboard
    • Glue
    • Scissors
    • Colored ribbons
    • Beads, beads, pearls

    By combining these elements into a harmonious composition, you will receive a wonderful postcard as a gift for your beloved grandmother.

    Present to grandma postcard of memories, in which you will write down words of gratitude, wishes and congratulations.

    On the New Year please your grandmother not only with congratulations, but also with a cute postcard.

    Video: how to make a gift to your grandmother with your own hands

    Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video instructions, how to make a postcard and other gifts for your grandmother with your own hands. Give your close people your attention not only on holidays, but just like that.

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    The question of what gift to give a grandmother for her birthday worries grandchildren at any age, and especially when there is no own money to purchase a present. You can make a really good souvenir and even a practical thing that your grandmother will be happy with with your own hands. It all depends on your talents, the availability of the materials necessary for this and the hobbies of the hero of the occasion.

    You can also buy vitamins in bulk at Athletic Food for Grandma's birthday!

    But, of course, the most important thing is always the festive table, where can we go without it! The best and delicious recipes any dishes now do not need to be written in a notebook or leafing through old magazines with salads, all this has now become convenient with us: recipes salads, soups, meat, fish, vegetables, various snacks, sauces, pastries, drinks and much more have become more affordable and tastier, just like at home!

    Holiday postcard

    A postcard is a traditional way to express your best wishes. It is attached to the bouquet and the gift itself. It's easy to make a spectacular greeting card. For this you will need:

    • colorful balloons, the smallest;
    • double-sided colored cardboard;
    • double scotch tape;
    • scissors;
    • your full-length photo;
    • threads.

    The shape of the postcard will be simple. You need to fold a sheet of cardboard in half, walk your fingers along the fold line, forming a clear hall, and write your wish inside.

    To decorate the front side of the postcard, you will need to cut out your figure with a photo, and inflate the balls. Do not inflate them strongly. They should remain small. As a last resort, you can cut a regular ball into two parts and make small ones from it.

    Glue the balls at the top of the postcard using double-sided tape. Place a string between each piece of tape and the ball, leaving the opposite end free for now.

    Gather all the threads together and place them under the cutout figure. Also attach it to the postcard with pieces of double-sided tape.

    Bouquet of paper flowers

    A birthday present for a grandmother involves flowers. If you cannot give an ordinary bouquet, make it yourself. Beautiful asters or peonies will last a long time and will look interesting.

    To make a bouquet you will need:

    • crepe paper of various colors;
    • scissors;
    • basket;
    • foam filler for the basket;
    • scotch;
    • bamboo skewers.

    Such flowers are made very simply. Cut a long strip of crepe paper, cut the top off, repeating the shape of the petals of the flower you have chosen. Wrap the resulting blank around the blunt end of the skewer, fastening the paper with tape.

    Attach the sepals cut from green paper on the bottom side. Wrap a strip of paper around the skewer along its entire length, forming a stem.

    Fill the basket with polystyrene and stick the prepared flowers on skewers into it.

    If the birthday girl loves sweets, you can send a candy inside each flower, preferably round, it should be in a wrapper. Attach the candy to the skewer with hot glue, wrap the crepe paper around the candy.

    Needlewoman's bouquet

    Each grandmother has her own hobby and most often it is knitting. Knowing this, you can make a DIY birthday present for your grandmother in 5 minutes. You will need to prepare:

    • seasonal flowers;
    • greens for decorating a bouquet;
    • round balls of yarn;
    • wide satin ribbon;
    • wire;
    • scissors;
    • nippers.

    Cut the wire into pieces corresponding to the length of the prepared flowers. String a ball onto each piece. Form a bouquet from the received elements. Cover the wire with greenery, tie the base of the bouquet with a wide satin ribbon matching the color of the entire composition. So your grandmother will receive both a pleasant and practical present.

    Self-embroidered picture-photo

    An original birthday present for your grandmother can be made if she and you are fond of embroidery. Buying ready-made schemes is not interesting. You can take a photo of your grandmother or your own, lay it out in the form of a diagram in a special, free online program, and then embroider. The convenience of this method is that you can set the number of shades and the size of the canvas in advance. The complexity and time of making the work will depend on this.

    Tea set

    A postcard chocolate maker is a great gift idea, tasty and aromatic, that will delight your grandmother after you leave. You will need:

    • thick cardboard;
    • regular double-sided cardboard;
    • colored paper for scrapbooking;
    • scissors;
    • small decor;
    • glue;
    • tea bags;
    • chocolate.

    The basis of the chocolate postcard is a rectangle. Fold it like a book cover, cover the inside and outside with printed scrapbooking paper.

    From regular cardboard, cut three rectangular blanks to form envelopes for tea bags. Another larger piece of cardboard will be needed to make a pocket for a chocolate bar. Cut and bend the blanks according to the scheme, then glue them on the inside of the postcard.

    Decorate the outside of the card, you can use buttons, ribbons, scrapbooking figures, etc. for this.

    When the glue is completely dry, send a chocolate bar and teabags of delicious, aromatic tea into the postcard.

    Candy vase

    Lace napkins, which many grandmothers knit themselves or carefully store the products they inherited from their mothers, are perfect as a source material for another festive and interesting presentation. It will be a vase for candy, durable and effective. It is not difficult to make it following the step-by-step description.

    To work you will need:

    • napkin;
    • pVA glue;
    • putty;
    • plastic container;
    • glass vase.

    If suddenly your grandmother did not have napkins, you can knit it yourself or purchase a ready-made one.

    In an empty container, dilute PVA glue and putty in a ratio of 3 to 1. Stir the resulting composition thoroughly. In consistency, it should resemble thick sour cream. Once everything is ready, dip a napkin into the container and soak it thoroughly in the solution.

    Turn the glass vase upside down and place it on the table. Place a wet lace napkin on top. Smooth it out and leave to dry. Once the napkin is dry enough to hold its shape, carefully peel it off. It will be difficult to do this later. Leave the product on the table to dry completely. Anyone can turn a napkin into a vase. It will be a practical and interesting gift from a grandson or granddaughter.

    Pin cushion

    If your grandmother loves to sew, the needle cushion will come in handy. You should not make an ordinary pillow for needles, go the original way and make a product in the form of a blooming cactus. To make such a birthday present for your grandmother, you will need:

    • felt;
    • small flower pot;
    • soft filler;
    • scissors;
    • hot glue;
    • styrofoam;
    • sharp knife.

    On paper, sketch out the outline of the cactus and cut it out - this will be a pattern. In size and height, it should correspond to the pot so that the product looks harmonious in it.

    Cut out two elements from green felt using a pattern. Fold them together, wrong side, and sew, leaving a gap at the base for padding.

    Send filler to the cactus to add volume and density to the needle bar. Sew the base to a piece of gray or brown felt.

    Fit the styrofoam to the shape of the pot. Send it inside the flowerpot with hot glue. Glue a piece of gray felt with a cactus to the foam. Cut off excess material. Decorate the cactus itself with a small felt flower.


    Cozy and warm textiles are always in demand among housewives and grandmothers - no exception. Especially for her, you can make a blanket with your own hands and present it. If you know how to handle a sewing machine yourself, great. To work you will need:

    • large piece of fleece;
    • decorative braid with pom-poms;
    • threads;
    • scissors.

    Fleece is good because its edges do not crumble, and do not require special processing. It is warm, practical to care for and the choice of material colors in stores is very large.

    To make a beautiful blanket for your grandmother with your own hands, you need to sheathe a piece of fabric around the perimeter with braid with pompoms. For this, use a zigzag seam or another seam that will allow you to beautifully sew the braid and additionally strengthen the edge of the product.

    Coasters for hot sticks

    Stands for hot dishes allow not to spoil the table surface and the tablecloth with which it is laid. A set of such products will surely delight your grandmother and will remind of you during lunch or tea.

    Coasters can be made from small twigs and twine. To do this, select even knots of approximately the same size and adjust them in length. Tie them together with twine, along the edges, as shown in the photo. Twigs need to be taken dry, not rotten. Optionally, you can varnish the finished products.

    Another easy way to make beautiful and colorful coasters is with a balsa leaf. Cut it into equal squares. Smooth the edges with sandpaper if necessary. Use masking tape to break the product into separate blocks. Cover them with acrylic primer or white paint and then paint the blocks in different colors. Remove the tape.

    After the paint has completely dried, the coasters will be ready. Fold them in a pile, tie them with a ribbon and attach a postcard to the gift.

    Hand-painted mug

    Mugs with photographs or inscriptions are not a new idea, but you can easily make it interesting and valuable for someone close to you. To do this, take:

    • an ordinary white mug without inscriptions;
    • marker or paint on glass;
    • alcohol and a cotton pad.

    Degrease the surface of the mug by rubbing it with alcohol, and then apply a drawing or write a wish for your grandmother. The decor options and the complexity of the drawing will only depend on your artistic skills. You can use the video master classes and repeat the ornament you like.

    Important! The paints adhere firmly to the surface of the dishes and the finished drawings, water, as well as temperature changes, are not terrible.

    Living picture

    This birthday present for grandma will be perfect from a granddaughter or grandson. Its charm is that the picture you present will remind you of you and delight the eye with living plants. To make it you will need:

    • small wooden box;
    • black film;
    • metal grid;
    • pliers;
    • furniture gun and staples;
    • soil substrate;
    • succulents;
    • nippers.

    Cut the prepared mesh, taking into account the inner perimeter of the box, do not forget to leave a small margin for hem. Using pliers, bend the edges of the mesh so that it can be placed inside the wooden base.

    Cover the bottom of the box with black film, fill it with earth and moss, plant succulents. Cover everything with a net. In order not to spoil the plants, cut the wire in separate sections with wire cutters and then gently bend it back, being careful not to touch the flower.

    Fasten the metal element with furniture staples or small nails bent in the form of hooks. Place the painting vertically, on the back of it, fasten the brackets for hanging it on the wall.

    You can also do it yourself:

    • decorative pillow;
    • soft slippers;
    • fridge magnet;
    • a beaded brooch;
    • chair cushions;
    • shelf-key holder;
    • scarf or shawl;
    • shopping bag, etc.

    Hobby gift

    If you still don't know what gift to give your grandmother for her birthday, consider a few more ideas. When determining which present will be the best, start from the hobbies of the hero of the occasion. If she loves needlework, take a look:

    • embroidery kits;
    • yarn, hooks and knitting needles;
    • magazine for needlewomen.

    Does the birthday girl like to cook? Great, give her:

    • bakeware;
    • apron;
    • kitchen potholders;
    • book with recipes.

    If she loves to take care of the garden or plot, present a figurine for the garden or interesting lamps.

    The main birthday present for a grandmother is, of course, your attention, but nothing prevents you from complementing it with a beautiful handmade present. The value of such a surprise increases many times over for a loving grandmother.

    On her birthday, my grandmother wants to give not just a purchased gift, but something that will especially delight her. A great option is a postcard made by yourself. Such a birthday present will be a pleasant surprise for the grandmother, talking about the love of the grandchildren.

    The easiest option is a hand-drawn postcard. Even an inept drawing with curved letters of a small child will be dear to grandmother. And with a little help from parents, you can make a beautiful neat postcard.

    For this you need:

    Parents can help in the design: give the card an interesting shape, glue a colored base for the inscription, help the child draw letters. An older child will be interested in drawing a drawing according to templates, step by step following the proposed instructions: for example, an adorable bear cub, a bouquet of daisies, a birthday cake.

    Simple colored paper

    Colored paper appliques will help make the card bright and festive. Have a child attending kindergarten, and even more so a schoolboy, already have experience of such crafts.

    To create a postcard with a bouquet of tulips, you need:

    • prepare cardboard 20 × 24 cm for the base, colored paper, glue, scissors;
    • fold the cardboard in half, making the base of the postcard. If you wish, you can paste over it with colored paper;
    • to create tulips from colored paper, cut out petals in the form of ovals with sharp tips measuring 4 × 1.5 cm - for one tulip you need three ovals of the same color. Cut straight stems from green paper;
    • form a bouquet of 5-7 tulips on the title side. To create a tulip, three petals are glued together with the lower ends, the upper ones are moved apart to form a bud. A stalk is glued to each tulip;
    • below on the stems, glue a bow of two ovals;
    • decorate the inner side with a frame made of colored paper, into which congratulations should be entered. You can add a small tulip, butterfly and other decorations.

    For a birthday cake postcard:

    • on the title side, successively stick three tiers of the cake - three brown rectangles with rounded upper corners measuring 10 × 4, 8 × 4, 5 × 3 cm;
    • stick cake decorations - roses, rhombuses, etc. - from colored paper. For the effect of volume, you can use double-sided tape;
    • arrange the inside.

    Postcards with volumetric flowers

    Flowers are an obligatory attribute of a grandmother's birthday. They are also appropriate on a handmade postcard.

    To create a voluminous bouquet, you need:

    • prepare the base of the postcard from colored cardboard folded in half;
    • fold the square of double-sided colored paper (the size corresponds to the diameter of the future flower) in half, and bend the resulting square diagonally;
    • in the resulting triangle, cut the upper edge in a semicircle, forming the top of the petals;
    • unfold the resulting flower of eight petals. You can slightly cut the fold lines for more volume;
    • make the flowers multi-layered by cutting out blanks of different sizes and sequentially pasting them into each other;
    • glue the resulting flowers on the cover of the postcard only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe middle or one petal. Flowers can be attached to a postcard with threads by placing a bead in the center and sewing it on;
    • create the stems from thin tubes of green paper. Slightly flattened, they are glued in the right places;
    • cut out the leaves from green paper - one per stalk. The sheet is bent in half and glued in one half.

    Another way to create a voluminous bouquet is to bend the separately cut petals along and glue them one after another only along the fold, or one end, or one half.

    Postcards with animals

    As a decoration for the postcard, you can choose the image of a cute cat, cartoon bear or other cute animal. Attention is drawn to the images of volumetric animals, for the creation of which they use duplication of individual parts and double-sided volumetric tape.

    You can draw the figurine yourself, find it on the Internet and print it on a color printer, or buy a ready-made template.

    To create a postcard:

    • The base for the postcard is made of thick paper or cardboard.
    • The desired background is created. For example, the contour of the grass in which the animal will sit is cut and pasted from green paper. You can simply use paper with a beautiful pattern, stick on colorful circles, glitter, etc .;
    • A base figure is glued to the background.
    • Duplicate parts are attached to the base using double-sided tape, ensuring complete coincidence along the contour.
    • A congratulatory inscription is being made.

    You can create volume without duplicating parts. For example, depicting a bird, the wings can be attached with voluminous double-sided tape. You can place a chick under these wings, or a bouquet of flowers that the bird holds with its wings.

    With threads for knitting

    A do-it-yourself birthday card for grandmother can be decorated with knitting threads. And you don't have to know how to knit to create a card using them. They lay out flowers and patterns, glue the drawn sweater outline with tightly packed pieces of thread, or lay the threads in the form of a frame.

    To create a postcard with a doll applique:

    A tiny ball of thread with stuck-in needles made of toothpicks and small beads will serve as a funny and stylish addition. The ball is attached both next to the doll and on the back, under the congratulation.

    What kind of postcard to make from a child 3 years old

    The kid will need the help of his parents, but he will take an active part in creating the postcard. The grandmother will surely delight the image of the child's pen. Outline the child's pen and allow him to paint over it. It touches the print of a small palm when a child's pen is smeared with paint and applied to paper.

    A birthday card for a grandmother with a child's palm is performed in several stages, described in the photo.

    A kid can create a picture by drawing it with fingerprints:

    • A postcard is cut out from thick paper or cardboard.
    • The handle of a child is outlined on it. You can draw a different outline: a house, a heart, a sun, a chamomile, etc.
    • The child paints this drawing by dipping his finger in the paint and then leaving a print on the paper.

    A card can be more complicated by decorating it with a bunch of balloon flowers. Squares of colored paper of different sizes and colors are rolled into balls. The outlines of flowers and a vase are glued with these balls. Without the help of adults, the baby cannot cope with this, but he will roll balls with enthusiasm.

    Quilling postcard from a child 5-6 years old and older

    A do-it-yourself birthday card for grandmother is made using the quilling technique. Postcards created in this style can be very colorful and beautiful. This technique requires skill and patience and is not suitable for very young children. But at the age of 5-6, a child can create simple elements, gradually developing a skill.

    Children are happy to create flowers, cartoon characters, funny animals from paper circles.

    A postcard with a simple quilling sheep is done like this:

    • Prepare colored cardboard 20 × 15 cm, white paper for quilling 5 mm wide, green paper for grass, black paper for a sheep's face, multicolored paper for frame decoration, scissors, a special ruler for quilling with holes of different diameters, PVA glue.
    • An outline of the grass is cut out along the top edge of a rectangle of green paper (8 × 3 cm) and glued to the cardboard.
    • Seven rolls are wound from white paper onto a toothpick, they are opened to a diameter of 15 mm, the ends of the ribbons are neatly fixed.
    • Above the top edge of the grass, the body of a sheep is formed - one roll in the center, the rest around.
    • A sheep's face cut out of black paper with attached eyes is glued to the top roll.
    • Sheep legs are glued - two black strips from rolls on top of the grass.
    • The image of a lamb is pasted over with a frame.
    • A congratulatory inscription is added.
    • You can additionally decorate with small clouds, balls, hearts, etc.

    An older child can create a more complex sheep image from a large number of small rolls. A postcard with a flower arrangement will give you a holiday feeling.

    For example, it's easy to make a chamomile:

    You can make a chamomile bouquet or a bouquet of colorful flowers by adding delicately laid out stems and leaves.

    Scrapbooking postcard

    You can use ready-made scrapbooking kits, a large selection of which is offered by specialized stores. And you can get by with the materials at hand, because in the house there will certainly be scraps, buttons, beads, artificial flowers, etc. Scrapbooking requires precision and perseverance, so children will need help.

    A scrapbooking postcard in the shape of a kitchen apron looks cute and touching:

    A teapot, apple, candy, etc. are made in a similar way. Flat envelopes-boxes made using the scrapbooking technique look interesting.

    Anniversary card for grandmother

    Do-it-yourself birthday card for grandmother is a worthy gift. And the anniversary is a special date. It is worth taking the time to make a complex postcard with a three-dimensional opening pattern.

    To create it:

    • A sheet of thick colored paper is folded in half to make a postcard measuring 18 × 12 cm.
    • On the side of the fold in the center of the card, two parallel cuts are made 3 cm deep at a distance of 2 cm from each other. The resulting rectangle is pressed inward and bent so that when the card is opened, this fragment rises. Similarly, two more fragments are cut out - on the left and on the right, stepping back 2 cm from the edge, 1 cm deep and 1.5 cm wide.Now, when you open the postcard, three steps rise in it - a large one and two smaller ones.
    • Cut out figures are glued to the vertical part of these steps. It can be an image of a birthday cake, balloons, a bouquet of flowers, cartoon characters, etc. It is important that they are bright, beautiful and durable. For example, a large birthday cake is glued to the central step, and small bunches of multi-colored balloons... Or in the center - a figurine of Winnie the Pooh, and on the sides - a donkey Eeyore and Piglet. When you open a postcard, these figures will take a vertical position.
    • Then they draw up an inscription congratulating on the anniversary. The inside of the postcard is complete.
    • For the manufacture of the outer part, a sheet of dense colored cardboard measuring 20 × 28 cm is folded in half.
    • The volumetric part is carefully glued inside.
    • The title side of the card is made using quilling, scrapbooking or other techniques.

    Original card ideas from granddaughter

    If the grandmother has already taught her granddaughter to knit, sew, embroider, then she will be doubly pleased to see her granddaughter's needlework on a greeting card. For example, you can sew a small but very elegant dress made of bright fabric, decorate it with lace, beads, etc., and use it as a decor on a postcard using the scrapbooking technique.

    They do the same with a tiny knitted thing - for example, decorate a card with a small crocheted lace napkin or make beautiful embroidery and place it on the cardboard base of the card. The grandmother will show such a postcard to everyone she knows, being proud of her granddaughter-needlewoman.

    Grandson card ideas

    The grandson can please the grandmother no less. If he is fond of wood carving, then a tablet with a wooden bouquet of flowers will be a very expensive gift for his grandmother. It can be an engraving, or a drawing burnt on wood, or a postcard-bas-relief made of clay.

    Or you can make an unusual paper postcard:

    • fold a strip of thick paper 10 × 35 cm with an accordion - the length of one section is 7 cm;
    • decorate the title part of the postcard with an applique or in another way;
    • place wishes, drawings, applications on the inner pages or stick a photo of your grandmother on each fold of the accordion;
    • attach two tie ribbons or secure the accordion with a beautiful clip. The postcard is ready.

    How else can you decorate a postcard

    Here's how you can decorate your grandma card:

    Grandmother's birthday is a great reason to tell her about your love. And a do-it-yourself card will delight the grandmother much more than a purchased one, because love and care are invested in it.

    Video: birthday card for grandmother

    How to make a birthday card for your grandmother, see the video:

    3D DIY birthday cards in video:

    You can easily and quickly go to the store for a gift, but it is more interesting to surprise your grandmother with your own handicraft. I want to make a gift for my grandmother with my own hands for her birthday so that she admires and admires it.

    The article contains many ideas for handmade gifts from different materials and different complexity of manufacturing.

    Such postcards are made with pleasure by grandchildren, even of kindergarten age. They enjoy working with glue, scissors, felt-tip pens. Under the little supervision of adults, children can make postcards with an applique, with a picture from plasticine, voluminous postcards with flowers.

    Postcards with the outline of small pens - grandchildren look touching. The palm can be outlined with a pencil and cut out. How to use it depends on the imagination of the performer. You can make a postcard out of ink-smeared pen prints. From such prints, suns, trees, flowers are obtained.

    Master - class of the original postcard "Blooming sakura"


    • Thick paper;
    • Gouache paint pink and black;
    • Plastic bottle (0.33 or 0.5 l);
    • Glue.
    Act Description

    Take white thick paper of the desired size.

    Prepare pink and black gouache paint.

    Wash and dry the empty plastic bottle.

    In black gouache, draw a branch along the sheet of paper.

    Pour pink gouache paint into a saucer or disposable plate.

    Dip the bottom of the bottle in it.

    Make pink prints of sakura flowers with the bottom of the bottle.

    Wait until dry. On a separate sheet, write a congratulation to your grandmother or a poem dedicated to her.

    Glue a leaflet with congratulations at the bottom of a flowering branch or on the back of a postcard.

    Very beautiful postcards made using scrapbooking technique. You need to have patience and skill to make such a gift. Grandmother will appreciate the delicate and painstaking work of her granddaughter.

    Gifts for grandchildren - schoolchildren

    Skillful handles of grandchildren can make a variety of gifts from paper. From junk material: cardboard boxes, empty plastic jars and bottles, cardboard tubes from paper towels, schoolchildren can make a birthday present for their grandmother with their own hands. The main thing is to make it beautifully, neatly and firmly.

    Baskets and boxes made of newspaper tubes

    Adult grandchildren can make more elaborate gifts from newspaper tubes.

    Old newspapers turn into works of art in skillful hands:

    • Baskets;
    • Jewelry boxes;
    • Organizers;
    • Table and floor vases;
    • Toys;

    Wooden souvenirs

    Such gifts can be made by grandchildren who are fond of making wood crafts. The souvenirs are strong, beautiful and durable. Wood in crafts retains its natural beauty, delicate color and warmth.

    Advice! You need to find out the tastes of your grandmother, what she likes best: an art product to decorate the interior of a room or a practical thing for the kitchen or summer cottage.

    A do-it-yourself gift for grandma for her grandson's birthday - a carving master will not get lost among the gifts, but will immediately attract attention.

    Gifts from granddaughters

    Girls will sew on their beloved granny, impose many useful little things.

    Knitted gifts:

    • Socks and more than one pair. The winter is long, it is necessary to impose several pairs;
    • Warm fluffy scarf or shawl;
    • A thick jacket with a pocket so that the grandmother would carry glasses and other little things;
    • Sleeveless jacket;
    • Slippers or boots with thick hemmed soles, especially if the grandmother lives in the village;
    • Plaid, cover your knees when watching TV;
    • Decorative knitting for grandmother: a cover for a sofa and pillows;
    • Beautiful "seats" on stools;
    • Table tracks;
    • Floor mats.

    Similar gifts can be sewn: a sleeveless jacket, home boots with fur, a plaid or patchwork-style blanket, funny pillows on a sofa, a scarf or a hat with wide brims for working in the garden, an apron, potholders.

    Sweet gifts

    You can bake a cake and bring it to your grandmother. You can buy a large box of her favorite chocolates. You can bake your favorite cookies and come to visit. You can make an original sweet bouquet.

    If the grandmother is active and energetic, then you need to put aside all your affairs, invite her for a walk in the park, wander around your favorite places together and remember how you came here when your granddaughter was little. Sit on your favorite bench.

    Then go to a cafe, order your favorite sweets - goodies and you will get such a sweet gift. Grandmother will remember for a long time such a lovely walk with her beloved granddaughter. Photos will remain on the phones of the grandmother and granddaughter, and the memories will be more visual.

    Videos in this article about gifts for grandmother, dances and songs of grandchildren:

    Grandmothers celebrate their birthdays for one simple reason that on this day, children and grandchildren gather to visit her. Gifts made by the hands of grandchildren have the highest price for the birthday girl, because her loved ones tried for their grandmother, thought how to please her, please. The price of such gifts is measured not in money, but in love.

    The question of what gift to give a grandmother for her birthday worries grandchildren at any age, and especially when there is no own money to purchase a present. You can make a really good souvenir and even a practical thing that your grandmother will be happy with with your own hands. It all depends on your talents, the availability of the materials necessary for this and the hobbies of the hero of the occasion.


    Holiday postcard

    A postcard is a traditional way to express your best wishes. It is attached to the bouquet and the gift itself. It's easy to make a spectacular greeting card. For this you will need:

    • colorful balloons, the smallest;
    • double-sided colored cardboard;
    • double scotch tape;
    • scissors;
    • your full-length photo;
    • threads.

    The shape of the postcard will be simple. You need to fold a sheet of cardboard in half, walk your fingers along the fold line, forming a clear hall, and write your wish inside.

    To decorate the front side of the postcard, you will need to cut out your figure with a photo, and inflate the balls. Do not inflate them strongly. They should remain small. As a last resort, you can cut a regular ball into two parts and make small ones from it.

    Glue the balls at the top of the postcard using double-sided tape. Place a string between each piece of tape and the ball, leaving the opposite end free for now.

    Gather all the threads together and place them under the cutout figure. Also attach it to the postcard with pieces of double-sided tape.

    bouquet of flowers

    Bouquet of paper flowers

    A birthday present for a grandmother involves flowers. If you cannot give an ordinary bouquet, make it yourself. Beautiful asters or peonies will last a long time and will look interesting.

    To make a bouquet you will need:

    • crepe paper of various colors;
    • scissors;
    • basket;
    • foam filler for the basket;
    • scotch;
    • bamboo skewers.

    paper flowers

    Such flowers are made very simply. Cut a long strip of crepe paper, cut the top off, repeating the shape of the petals of the flower you have chosen. Wrap the resulting blank around the blunt end of the skewer, fastening the paper with tape.

    Attach the sepals cut from green paper on the bottom side. Wrap a strip of paper around the skewer along its entire length, forming a stem.

    Fill the basket with polystyrene and stick the prepared flowers on skewers into it.

    flowers with candy

    If the birthday girl loves sweets, you can send a candy inside each flower, preferably round, it should be in a wrapper. Attach the candy to the skewer with hot glue, wrap the crepe paper around the candy.

    a bouquet of a needlewoman

    Needlewoman's bouquet

    Each grandmother has her own hobby and most often it is knitting. Knowing this, you can make a DIY birthday present for your grandmother in 5 minutes. You will need to prepare:

    • seasonal flowers;
    • greens for decorating a bouquet;
    • round balls of yarn;
    • wide satin ribbon;
    • wire;
    • scissors;
    • nippers.

    what is needed for a needlewoman's bouquet

    Cut the wire into pieces corresponding to the length of the prepared flowers. String a ball onto each piece. Form a bouquet from the received elements. Cover the wire with greenery, tie the base of the bouquet with a wide satin ribbon matching the color of the entire composition. So your grandmother will receive both a pleasant and practical present.

    Self-embroidered picture-photo

    An original birthday present for your grandmother can be made if she and you are fond of embroidery. Buying ready-made schemes is not interesting. You can take a photo of your grandmother or your own, lay it out in the form of a diagram in a special, free online program, and then embroider. The convenience of this method is that you can set the number of shades and the size of the canvas in advance. The complexity and time of making the work will depend on this.

    postcard chocolate

    Tea set

    A postcard chocolate maker is a great gift idea, tasty and aromatic, that will delight your grandmother after you leave. You will need:

    • thick cardboard;
    • regular double-sided cardboard;
    • colored paper for scrapbooking;
    • scissors;
    • small decor;
    • glue;
    • tea bags;
    • chocolate.

    The basis of the chocolate postcard is a rectangle. Fold it like a book cover, cover the inside and outside with printed scrapbooking paper.

    From regular cardboard, cut three rectangular blanks to form envelopes for tea bags. Another larger piece of cardboard will be needed to make a pocket for a chocolate bar. Cut and bend the blanks according to the scheme, then glue them on the inside of the postcard.

    Decorate the outside of the card, you can use buttons, ribbons, scrapbooking figures, etc. for this.

    When the glue is completely dry, send a chocolate bar and teabags of delicious, aromatic tea into the postcard.

    vase for candy

    Candy vase

    Lace napkins, which many grandmothers knit themselves or carefully store the products they inherited from their mothers, are perfect as a source material for another festive and interesting presentation. It will be a vase for candy, durable and effective. It is not difficult to make it following the step-by-step description.

    To work you will need:

    • napkin;
    • pVA glue;
    • putty;
    • plastic container;
    • glass vase.

    candy vase - examples

    If suddenly your grandmother did not have napkins, you can knit it yourself or purchase a ready-made one.

    In an empty container, dilute PVA glue and putty in a ratio of 3 to 1. Stir the resulting composition thoroughly. In consistency, it should resemble thick sour cream. Once everything is ready, dip a napkin into the container and soak it thoroughly in the solution.

    Turn the glass vase upside down and place it on the table. Place a wet lace napkin on top. Smooth it out and leave to dry. Once the napkin is dry enough to hold its shape, carefully peel it off. It will be difficult to do this later. Leave the product on the table to dry completely. Anyone can turn a napkin into a vase. It will be a practical and interesting gift from a grandson or granddaughter.

    cactus-shaped pincushion

    Pin cushion

    If your grandmother loves to sew, the needle cushion will come in handy. You should not make an ordinary pillow for needles, go the original way and make a product in the form of a blooming cactus. To make such a birthday present for your grandmother, you will need:

    • felt;
    • small flower pot;
    • soft filler;
    • scissors;
    • hot glue;
    • styrofoam;
    • sharp knife.

    On paper, sketch out the outline of the cactus and cut it out - this will be a pattern. In size and height, it should correspond to the pot so that the product looks harmonious in it.

    Cut out two elements from green felt using a pattern. Fold them together, wrong side, and sew, leaving a gap at the base for padding.

    Send filler to the cactus to add volume and density to the needle bar. Sew the base to a piece of gray or brown felt.

    Fit the styrofoam to the shape of the pot. Send it inside the flowerpot with hot glue. Glue a piece of gray felt with a cactus to the foam. Cut off excess material. Decorate the cactus itself with a small felt flower.



    Cozy and warm textiles are always in demand among housewives and grandmothers - no exception. Especially for her, you can make a blanket with your own hands and present it. If you know how to handle a sewing machine yourself, great. To work you will need:

    • large piece of fleece;
    • decorative braid with pom-poms;
    • threads;
    • scissors.


    Fleece is good because its edges do not crumble, and do not require special processing. It is warm, practical to care for and the choice of material colors in stores is very large.

    To make a beautiful blanket for your grandmother with your own hands, you need to sheathe a piece of fabric around the perimeter with braid with pompoms. For this, use a zigzag seam or another seam that will allow you to beautifully sew the braid and additionally strengthen the edge of the product.

    hot stand

    Coasters for hot sticks

    Stands for hot dishes allow not to spoil the table surface and the tablecloth with which it is laid. A set of such products will surely delight your grandmother and will remind of you during lunch or tea.

    Coasters can be made from small twigs and twine. To do this, select even knots of approximately the same size and adjust them in length. Tie them together with twine, along the edges, as shown in the photo. Twigs need to be taken dry, not rotten. Optionally, you can varnish the finished products.

    stand for hot sticks

    Another easy way to make beautiful and colorful coasters is with a balsa leaf. Cut it into equal squares. Smooth the edges with sandpaper if necessary. Use masking tape to break the product into separate blocks. Cover them with acrylic primer or white paint and then paint the blocks in different colors. Remove the tape.

    After the paint has completely dried, the coasters will be ready. Fold them in a pile, tie them with a ribbon and attach a postcard to the gift.

    mug with pictures

    Hand-painted mug

    Mugs with photographs or inscriptions are not a new idea, but you can easily make it interesting and valuable for someone close to you. To do this, take:

    • an ordinary white mug without inscriptions;
    • marker or paint on glass;
    • alcohol and a cotton pad.

    Degrease the surface of the mug by rubbing it with alcohol, and then apply a drawing or write a wish for your grandmother. The decor options and the complexity of the drawing will only depend on your artistic skills. You can use the video master classes and repeat the ornament you like.

    Important! The paints adhere firmly to the surface of the dishes and the finished drawings, water, as well as temperature changes, are not terrible.

    living picture

    Living picture

    This birthday present for grandma will be perfect from a granddaughter or grandson. Its charm is that the picture you present will remind you of you and delight the eye with living plants. To make it you will need:

    • small wooden box;
    • black film;
    • metal grid;
    • pliers;
    • furniture gun and staples;
    • soil substrate;
    • succulents;
    • nippers.

    Cut the prepared mesh, taking into account the inner perimeter of the box, do not forget to leave a small margin for hem. Using pliers, bend the edges of the mesh so that it can be placed inside the wooden base.

    Cover the bottom of the box with black film, fill it with earth and moss, plant succulents. Cover everything with a net. In order not to spoil the plants, cut the wire in separate sections with wire cutters and then gently bend it back, being careful not to touch the flower.

    Fasten the metal element with furniture staples or small nails bent in the form of hooks. Place the painting vertically, on the back of it, fasten the brackets for hanging it on the wall.

    You can also do it yourself:

    • decorative pillow;
    • soft slippers;
    • fridge magnet;
    • a beaded brooch;
    • chair cushions;
    • shelf-key holder;
    • scarf or shawl;
    • shopping bag, etc.

    Hobby gift

    If you still don't know what gift to give your grandmother for her birthday, consider a few more ideas. When determining which present will be the best, start from the hobbies of the hero of the occasion. If she loves needlework, take a look:

    • embroidery kits;
    • yarn, hooks and knitting needles;
    • magazine for needlewomen.

    potholders in the kitchen

    Does the birthday girl like to cook? Great, give her:

    • bakeware;
    • apron;
    • kitchen potholders;
    • book with recipes.

    If she loves to take care of the garden or plot, present a figurine for the garden or interesting lamps.

    The main birthday present for a grandmother is, of course, your attention, but nothing prevents you from complementing it with a beautiful handmade present. The value of such a surprise increases many times over for a loving grandmother.