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  • Who came up with the zodiac horoscope. Who invented the signs of the zodiac

    Who came up with the zodiac horoscope. Who invented the signs of the zodiac

    We all know our zodiac sign, but few people thought about the origin of their names and their history.

    The name of the zodiac sign Aries has Greek roots. According to ancient Greek mythology, the ram kidnapped two children of the Greek king, whom their stepmother wanted to kill. The king's daughter fell into the sea, but the son survived. When he was safe, he sacrificed the ram-savior to Zeus. This ram Zeus took to Olympus.

    The name of the constellation Taurus is also associated with one Greek myth, according to which Zeus turned into a white bull in order to kidnap the Phoenician princess Europa. In this guise, he took her to Crete, where she lived all her life.

    The constellation Gemini got its name from the sons of Zeus - the Dioscuri. Initially, there were three brothers. When one died, Zeus took his two sons to Olympus. Also, the origin of the name of this constellation is associated with the kings Romulus and Remus, who founded Rome.

    The zodiac sign Cancer takes its name from the Greek myth of ro \u200b\u200bHeracles. When the hero fought with Hydra, a cancer bit his claws, causing incredible pain to Hercules. But he was able to cope with both Hydra and cancer. The feat of an inhabitant of the deep sea, cancer, did not go unnoticed. The goddess Hera, who harbored hatred for Hercules, thanked him by taking him to heaven.

    The constellation Leo is directly related to one of the exploits of Hercules, in which he dealt with a huge lion that interfered with the life of the city of Nemea.

    The origin of the name of the zodiac sign Virgo has not yet been precisely established. According to one version, the constellation was named after the goddess of fertility Demeter. However, the symbol that designates this constellation (letters M and V) can be deciphered as "Maria Virgo" - Virgin Mary.

    The emergence of the name of the zodiac sign Libra also has several versions. According to the first version, the constellation was named after the goddess of justice Themis, who holds the scales in her hands. According to another version, Libra personifies the day of the autumnal equinox, when day and night have the same length of time.

    The name of the constellation Scorpio is based on a legend according to which the goddess Artemis had a falling out with Orion and sent a scorpion to him to poison him with his poison.

    The myth of Hercules, in which he killed the centaur Heron, is associated with the origin of the name of the constellation Sagittarius. Zeus took the centaur to his Olympus and allowed him to shoot Scorpio from there.

    The symbol of Capricorn, which is depicted as a monster with horns and a fish's tail, was formed as a result of the myth of Pan. God escaped from the monster Typhon and inadvertently jumped into the Nile. Coming out of the water, he appeared before Typhon in a completely different guise. Pan became half a goat, half a fish. This image became the prototype of the constellation Capricorn.

    The name and symbolism of Aquarius is associated with the Nile River, which personified in Ancient egypt a life. The two waves denoting the constellation Aquarius are also associated with the rainy season in many ancient civilizations.

    The myth of Eros and Aphrodite is the source of the name for the constellation Pisces. Aphrodite and Eros, like God Pan, fled from Typhon. Jumping into the Nile, they turned into two fish.

    11.06.2013 18:41

    It is known that different Zodiac signs have different character traits. We've all heard a lot about positive qualities ...

    Did you know that in the zodiac horoscope there are not 12 signs of the zodiac, but 13? In astrology ...

    Zodiac signs - twelve thirty-degree sectors, into which the ecliptic is divided. The vernal equinox point (in the tropical zodiac) or certain fixed stars (in the sidereal zodiac) are used as a reference point for the signs of the zodiac.

    The vernal equinox in Western astrology is the beginning of the sign Aries and the entire range of zodiacal signs. At the beginning of our era, the signs of the zodiac roughly coincided in position with the corresponding zodiac constellations. However, as a result of the precession over two thousand years, this location correspondence has disappeared.


    The names of the signs come from the names of the twelve corresponding zodiac constellations, in which the Sun is alternately located in its annual movement. The signs of the zodiac are not used in modern astronomy, but are the main element of astrology.

    Use in astrology

    In astrology, it is believed that the position of the Sun, Moon, planets and other celestial objects in the signs of the zodiac affects terrestrial phenomena, in particular, human life. Official science denies this influence.

    The fate and character of a person is associated with his horoscope, while it is not unimportant in which signs were the heavenly bodies at his birth. The sign in which the Sun was at the moment of a person's birth is called his "sun sign" or simply "sign". Astrologers attach great importance to the position of the Moon in the horoscope - the lunar sign, and the position of the rising sign. Nevertheless, a full-fledged astrological analysis is considered possible only taking into account all the factors of the horoscope and their interaction.

    Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

    Each sign refers to one of the four elements and has one of three qualities: it can be cardinal, permanent or mutable.

    Zodiac signs correlate with the qualities of the planets according to the principle of "friendliness" or consonance. It is believed that each sign is ruled by a planet (or two planets), this sign is also called "abode"; the opposite sign is the sign of the expulsion of the planet. On the other hand, each planet has an "elevation" (exaltation) in one of the signs and is "in decline" (falling) in the opposite sign.

    Signs in astrology are endowed with various characteristics, they are assigned all kinds of symbols, and tables of "compatibility" of signs are built. According to the signs of the zodiac, parts of the human body, diseases, food, psychological traits and other various phenomena are classified.

    Sun in the constellations and signs of the zodiac

    Sign Symbol Approximate dates of the stay of the Sun Western astrology Indian astrology Constellation (International Astronomical Union, 1977 era)
    Aries March 21 - April 20 April 14 - May 14 Aries, April 19 - May 14
    calf April 21 - May 20 May 15 - June 14 Taurus, May 14 - June 21
    Twins May 21 - June 21 June 15 - July 16 Gemini, June 21 - July 21
    Cancer June 22 - July 22 July 17 - August 16 Cancer, July 21 - August 11
    a lion July 23 - August 23 August 17 - September 16 Leo, August 11 - September 17
    Virgo August 24 - September 23 September 17 - October 17 Virgo, September 17 - October 31
    Libra September 24 - October 23 October 18 - November 16 Libra, October 31 - November 23
    Scorpio October 24 - November 22 November 17 - December 15 Scorpio, November 23 - November 30
    - - - - Ophiuchus, November 21 - December 17
    Sagittarius November 23 - December 21 December 16 - January 14 Sagittarius, December 18 - January 19
    Capricorn December 22 - January 20 January 15 - February 12 Capricorn, January 19 - February 16
    Aquarius January 21 - February 19 February 13 - March 14 Aquarius, February 16 - March 12
    Fish February 20 - March 20 March 15 - April 13 Pisces, March 12 - April 19

    Zodiac signs and their relationship to planets

    Groups of characters

    In astrology, signs are grouped by trigons (four trigons - Fire, Earth, Air and Water), by crosses (cardinal, permanent, mutable), by seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter), by hemispheres (northern, southern, eastern , western).

    Trigons combine four groups of three signs, 120 ° between them.

    Crosses unite three groups - cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), permanent (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). The marks in the crosses are separated from each other by 90 °.

    In the cardinal cross, each element begins its development, in the constant cross it reaches its maximum and stability, in the mutable cross it weakens and dissipates. For example, the sign Aries is the beginning of the element Fire, Leo is the maximum of the element Fire, Sagittarius is the decline of the element Fire.

    General principles of interpreting zodiac signs

    Astrology interprets the twelve signs of the zodiac as twelve phases, describing the process of development, rise, climax and fall, similar to the twelve-month astronomical cycle. Astrologers believe that any process can be broken down into such twelve phases.

    For example, Aries corresponds to the period after the vernal equinox, at which time in most areas of the northern hemisphere of the Earth it becomes warmer and warmer every day, the vegetative period of plants begins. Therefore, in astrology (the development of which took place mainly in the northern hemisphere of the planet), Aries is interpreted as a period of the beginning of the new in extremely favorable conditions of complete freedom, when any initiative is welcomed and there are no restrictions.

    The opposite sign - Libra - corresponds to autumn after the autumnal equinox, when it gets colder in the northern hemisphere. Therefore, Libra in astrology is interpreted as a period of collective attempts to resist, to resist, when the consistency of action is valued, and the manifestation of personality is not encouraged.

    Cancer - corresponds to the summer after the summer solstice, when development has reached its climax. This phase can be compared to a business situation when the market is saturated and the whole world is divided. Cancer in astrology is interpreted as a phase of unification and integration.

    The opposite sign, Capricorn corresponds to the middle of winter after the winter solstice, when the days begin to slowly get longer. Astrologers interpret this period as the time of harsh, unpretentious loners, acting unmistakably in difficult conditions and planning a great future.

    The rest of the signs in astrology correspond to the culminating and transitional phases of the described stages.

    Symbols of the zodiac signs in unicode

    see also



    • Linda Goodman. Signs of the Zodiac or Astrology with a smile / Per. from English. I. Zamorina. - M .: Mir, 1990-268 p.
    • Underwater A. B. Fundamentals of astrology: signs of the zodiac. - M .: Higher. shk. class. astrology, 1999 .-- 255 p.
    • Underwater A. B. Zodiac signs. - Moscow: Veligor, 2008 .-- 234 p. ISBN 978-5-900504-84-5
    • Ovcharova Yu. Zodiac signs and the relationship between them. - Moscow: AST; Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2008 .-- 283 p. ISBN 978-5-9757-0234-0
    • Astrology: Signs of the Zodiac and Their Symbols. - SPb .: Bibliopolis, 1994 .-- 184 p. ISBN 5-7435-0109-2
    • Frederick Goodman. Zodiac signs. London: Brian Trodd, 1990 .-- 160 p. ISBN 1-85361-077-1

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    Where did the zodiac signs come from?

    We all know our zodiac sign, but few people thought about the origin of their names and their history.

    The name of the zodiac sign Aries has Greek roots. According to ancient Greek mythology, the ram kidnapped two children of the Greek king, whom their stepmother wanted to kill. The king's daughter fell into the sea, but the son survived. When he was safe, he sacrificed the ram-savior to Zeus. This ram Zeus took to Olympus.

    The name of the constellation Taurus is also associated with one Greek myth, according to which Zeus turned into a white bull in order to kidnap the Phoenician princess Europa. In this guise, he took her to Crete, where she lived all her life.

    The constellation Gemini got its name from the sons of Zeus - the Dioscuri. Initially, there were three brothers. When one died, Zeus took his two sons to Olympus. Also, the origin of the name of this constellation is associated with the kings Romulus and Remus, who founded Rome.

    The zodiac sign Cancer takes its name from the Greek myth of ro \u200b\u200bHeracles. When the hero fought with Hydra, a cancer bit his claws, causing incredible pain to Hercules. But he was able to cope with both Hydra and cancer. The feat of an inhabitant of the deep sea, cancer, did not go unnoticed. The goddess Hera, who harbored hatred for Hercules, thanked him by taking him to heaven.

    The constellation Leo is directly related to one of the exploits of Hercules, in which he dealt with a huge lion that interfered with the life of the city of Nemea.

    The origin of the name of the zodiac sign Virgo has not yet been precisely established. According to one version, the constellation was named after the goddess of fertility Demeter. However, the symbol that designates this constellation (letters M and V) can be deciphered as "Maria Virgo" - Virgin Mary.

    The emergence of the name of the zodiac sign Libra also has several versions. According to the first version, the constellation was named after the goddess of justice Themis, who holds the scales in her hands. According to another version, Libra personifies the day of the autumnal equinox, when day and night have the same length of time.

    The name of the constellation Scorpio is based on a legend according to which the goddess Artemis had a falling out with Orion and sent a scorpion to him to poison him with his poison.

    The myth of Hercules, in which he killed the centaur Heron, is associated with the origin of the name of the constellation Sagittarius. Zeus took the centaur to his Olympus and allowed him to shoot Scorpio from there.

    The symbol of Capricorn, which is depicted as a monster with horns and a fish's tail, was formed as a result of the myth of Pan. God escaped from the monster Typhon and inadvertently jumped into the Nile. Coming out of the water, he appeared before Typhon in a completely different guise. Pan became half a goat, half a fish. This image became the prototype of the constellation Capricorn.

    The name and symbolism of Aquarius is associated with the Nile River, which personified life in Ancient Egypt. The two waves that represent the constellation Aquarius are also associated with the rainy season in many ancient civilizations.

    The myth of Eros and Aphrodite is the source of the name for the constellation Pisces. Aphrodite and Eros, like God Pan, fled from Typhon. Jumping into the Nile, they turned into two fish.

    All zodiac signs in a horoscope are divided into male and female Zodiac signs. This division has nothing to do with gender. ...

    Each of us has a favorite season. Someone loves golden autumn, and someone warm summer. Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina claims ...

    The news about the thirteenth Zodiac Sign became a real sensation and completely changed the idea of \u200b\u200bastrology. Find out which Sign corresponds ...

    Perhaps you should not hang a label on a particular zodiac sign, claiming that he is an inveterate deceiver and ...


    In the accumulation of stars in the night sky, man has long learned to see various figures, creatures and symbols. It was they who formed the basis for the 12 signs of the zodiac, known to us today, and the calendar was drawn up according to the zodiac itself.

    We do not know the exact origin of the zodiac, but we are almost sure that he was born at the end of the 5th millennium BC. The principle of the zodiac itself is universal - a circle divided into 12 equal sectors can be found in all civilizations, on all continents.

    The background of the zodiac consists of the constellations. These symbolic representations of animals or mythical characters were most likely drawn by the priests-astrologers of Mesopotamia and are based on fixed stars. Naturally, today we know that nothing is motionless in the Universe. But, being on Earth, it can be argued that some stars give the illusion of static. Over the course of a year, years, centuries, constellations familiar to us regularly and steadily appear in the sky. It was against this background formed by the constellations that the Sumerians were able to measure and calculate the movement of the first moon and then, much later, the sun. For this reason, the constellations were divided into 28 sectors, corresponding to the 28 day phases of the moon. The first zodiac circle, or the zodiac of the constellations, was based precisely on the lunar phases.

    Later, relying on Sirius, located in the constellation Big Dog, the brightest star in the sky as seen from Earth, they established a large arc along which the Sun moved.

    Zodiac signs and zodiac constellations

    Although the zodiac of astrological signs was also based on a constellation, it should not be confused with the zodiac of the constellations. It is true that in the Aries era, that is, during two millennia BC, both zodiacs were mixed. But today we know that the zodiac of the constellations depicts the band of visible stars that surrounds the Earth, and the zodiac of astrological signs depicts the relative position between the Sun and the Earth.

    Astrology originated in Mesopotamia

    From time immemorial, under the almost permanently transparent sky of the East, where golden luminaries flicker all night long, the inhabitants of Mesopotamia have been mesmerized by the stars that they have observed for centuries and whose rhythm they have studied and recorded.

    Moreover, they were interested not only in individual stars and constellations, according to which they were in the middle of the first millennium BC. drew the zodiacal sequence, but also the great luminaries of Day and Night - the Sun and in particular the Moon, which ruled their calendar. The planets, finally, were also the subject of study of the ancients: Venus, which was called Ishtar in honor of the goddess of love; Jupiter, "White Luminary"; Mercury, "Mouflon"; Mars, "Fire" and Saturn, "Unshakable", whose appearance, movement and eclipse they could accurately predict. It is not surprising that people saw bright pictograms in heavenly bodies, created by Gods to announce their decisions. " (Jean Bottero, Astrology was born in Mesopotamia, Le Seuil, 1992).

    Moon calendar, which includes 28 lunar phases, was compiled by Sumerian astrologers to observe the movements of the moon.

    The origin of the zodiac signs

    The zodiac was fully built, most likely at the beginning of the second millennium AD. But its first mentions go back to the Chaldean tablets in the XII century BC. e. Each zodiac sign corresponding to one of the 12 months of the year was represented by one of 12 symbols that we know today, with the exception of some small differences, and which testify to the myths and beliefs that formed the basis of the zodiac sign.

    The zodiacal or solar year was determined based on the apparent rotation of the sun along the zodiacal 360-degree circle. Then it became possible to divide the year into 12 equal parts - months - following the movement of the Sun from one sector of the zodiac to another. Each sign forms an angle of 30, and since the Sun passes in 1 sector day, each zodiac month is divided into 30 days. There are seven luminaries that form the heavenly and divine hierarchy and participate in the structure of the zodiac: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. A day is dedicated to each, and thus they make up a week.

    Where did the zodiac signs come from?

    The signs of the zodiac are 12 symbolic figures that people imagined in ancient times, observing clusters of stars. In them, they saw geometric shapes, various patterns, faces, natural and supernatural beings, which for centuries constituted something like a heavenly hierarchy, a divine book of creatures. The cluster of stars turned into constellations, 12 constellations made up the zodiac. This Greek word means "circle of animals and souls."

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    Zodiac signs in order

    It is impossible to understand when the science of astrology was born. It must have been in the time of our primitive ancestors, when the guard of the camp or the shepherd, looking at the starry sky above his head, noticed that some clusters of stars form strict geometric shapes and without changing they cross the firmament. The routes of movement of 8 planets were also noticed. Later, the ancients also invented the horoscope, distributing the signs of the zodiac in order and giving them names. Astrologer's advice: The level and effectiveness of education of people is often reflected in the way that certain qualities are manifested. The upbringing of the individual also contributes to the characterization of various properties of behavior.

    Today, during space flights, it is difficult to believe in the predictions of the horoscope. Well, how can a distant neighboring planet influence the fate of a particular person Ivan Ivanovich? No way! On the other hand, the Moon causes the ebb and flow on the Earth, hangs far away, and shakes some water! We humans are 80% water. Maybe the planet under which we were born changes something in us too?

    Zodiacs in order: Let's see the signs of the zodiac. In order, Aries is the first (March 21 - April 20). The planet of this zodiac sign is Mars. It is named after the ancient Roman god of war. The element of Aries is fire. It is clear that Aries by nature should be a kind of lighters. Astrologer's advice: Sometimes, a chance for a radical transformation of your personal life for the best occurs only once in a lifetime. Do not miss it - sign up for a consultation with an astrologer and find out when luck will be in your hands!

    Next we have Taurus (April 21 - May 20). Taurus lives under the auspices of Venus. Also a planet with the name of the ancient Roman goddess of love and everything pleasant that is associated with this feeling. Loving and high eroticism should be distinguished by the one whose sign according to the horoscope is Aries.

    From May 21 to June 21, Gemini reign in the night sky, who are guarded by the planet Mercury. This is characterized by a duality of nature, some roguishness and high enterprise of the Greek god of trade. If we consider the signs of the zodiac in order further, then the next will be Cancer. Badge of honor for those born from June 22 to July 22. The Moon reigns in their lives, it reveals to people born under the constellation of Cancer the secrets of divination, magic and witchcraft, gives them prophetic dreams and an annoying disease - sleepwalking.

    The sign of Leo (July 23 - August 23) generates courage and courage in its subordinates, which are fed by the blazing sun. Virgo (August 24 - September 23) favorably allows the same Mercury to take care of himself and control his life. There is no need to explain what the guardianship of a rogue can bring. Astrologer advice: Pay your attention also to another article that will help to reveal in more detail the zodiac sign you are interested in.

    Libra zodiac sign (September 24 - October 23) makes those born under it in life hesitate at the slightest change in circumstances. Since Venus is also involved here, in Libra's love affairs everything is not shaky, not shaky. Scorpio (October 24 November 22). The most mysterious, esoteric and destructive horoscope sign. Mars rules its owners, but not only as a warrior, but also as a tireless lover. Such are the scorpio men, and ladies born under this sign of the zodiac are the erotic dream of any gentleman. Only they are very loving. From November 23 to December 21, the destinies of earthlings are ruled by Sagittarius, subordinate to the distant and mighty Jupiter, mysterious and gloomy. Both the highest rise and the fall into the abyss can bring his protection. And those born in Sagittarius should be wary of everything sharp: a knife, an arrow, a well-aimed word. Astrologer's advice: We suggest you study horoscopes for a month, a year for all signs of the zodiac. An astrological forecast will allow you to make favorable decisions on any issues. Good quality and useful. Go to the horoscopes section. Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) and Aquarius (January 21 - February 20), the following signs of the zodiac in order, are tested they have a strong influence of Saturn on their fate. As he surrounded himself with rings, so the people of these signs surround themselves with a veil of various clothes and masks, deeply hiding their true essence. Only Capricorn is stubborn and persistent, and Aquarius is easily adaptable and a great conformist.

    And finally, Pisces (February 21-March 20). Also ruled by Jupiter in combination with the water element. This symbiosis gives rise to characters that are deep, filled and rich in emotion and creativity. Astrologer's advice: Keep in mind that for an accurate description, it is imperative to take into account the information taking into account the time, date and place of birth. Refined data will help you better understand yourself or understand other people.

    Now the most important thing. Never believe the horoscopes broadcast on radio and TV channels, published in glossy magazines and newspaper weeklies. For each person, his horoscope is a strictly individual thing, calculated up to the minutes of birth, taking into account astronomical changes and amendments. That is, made by an astrologer of the highest category only on specific data. Astrologer's Tip: A noteworthy article? Share with your friends in social networks... Rate it like! Subscribe to our group and stay up to date with the news on our resource!

    Who invented the horoscope and why do we need it? and got the best answer

    Answer from Yoasha is not a female name [guru]
    About who and why, to you. most likely no difference. Well, you know who - and what?
    But with arithmetic, you missed the mark.
    In the correct horoscope work: 12 signs, 12 houses, 12 real planets, 5 main fictitious planets (and in general there are a great many), aspects between the planets, fixed stars (there are about a hundred of them, which are actively used. There are three to five in one horoscope). In one sign, different intervals are distinguished: decades (we divide by three), faces, terms, degrees, including those sacred for the planets ... and so on, this is just what immediately comes to mind. So what else to divide and divide your six billion ...
    And this is only by birth, and there is still relocation (moving) and other changeable matter of our life.
    What is being imposed on you (okay, us) is different from real astrology as a multiplication table from higher mathematics or smearing with brilliant green from neurosurgery. For many ordinary people, the atom is still indivisible ...
    Source: And what about why - for reference.
    Sasha is not a woman's name
    I am an astrologer.

    Answer from ))))))))))))))))))))) [newbie]
    Garascom is needed like everything else.

    Answer from Vcccc ccxjnb, fj[newbie]
    Defiler Deceiver Learn to write ...
    The horoscope was invented by a man looking at the stars and it was a long time ago ...

    Answer from Honey-daughter[guru]
    In the dense Middle Ages, horoscopes were invented by people for reasons of ignorance. They simply had no other choice. In an enlightened twenty-first century, this is just one of four hundred relatively honest ways to take money from the population.

    Answer from MiLLiLitR[guru]
    This is just as necessary for us as, for example, a toothbrush)) And to be honest, the creators of the horoscope have long sunk into oblivion, and who they were is unknown. There are only bare facts, invented by the so-called scientists, which are accepted by the overwhelming majority as truth.

    Answer from Without mask[guru]
    As far as I understand, only one heavenly body has a meaning that affects us and the world around us. This is the moon. All other zanks are more likely landmarks defining its position and no more. For ease of management, we are divided into groups (12 signs of the zodiac) and possibly subgroups. This explains the wholesale and at the same time individuality of horoscopes. This is a kind of supercomputer that controls (and plans) reality, working according to the laws that someone once calculated (or received?). Knowledge (but not understanding) of these laws and uses astrology. Another name for this miracle of technology is Destiny. By the way, there is an American module on the ISS with the same name (accident?). This is TECHNOLOGY.
    Dead, learn the word of Hell:
    "I decompose with the slowness of poison
    Bodies are in the earth, and souls are in the moon. "
    Around the earth, drawing vampire circles
    And the currents of life drinking in a dream -
    You are the greedy corpse of a rejected world!

    Answer from GinaLollobrigida[guru]
    Invented by the Sumerians, who lived 5,000 years ago. They were the first to divide the sky into 12 Heavenly Windows .... Why? So someone needs it ...

    Answer from Irene kocharova[guru]
    No one can force you.

    Answer from @[email protected][email protected] K®i © ty[guru]
    In the beginning it was for the convenience of keeping a calendar. Throughout the year, the zodiac constellations moved across the sky, marking the change of seasons.
    Initially, zodiacs are a kind of calendars, a way to fix a specific date. This method was invented by the Egyptians.
    They have already noticed that when the government changes, each new ruler tries to create new system calculus.
    But the position of the stars and planets in the sky does not depend on this. The picture of the starry sky changes and if you fix it
    (graphically or textually), you can accurately find out the date of the captured event, regardless of the chronology system.
    Later, different currents of mystics attributed uncharacteristic meanings to the zodiacs, this is how astrology was born as the art of "prediction" based on "horoscopes" - modified zodiacs. The mechanism is the same - to impart unusual properties to the ordinary and to see in this a certain hidden meaning. Astrology, numerology, palmistry, divination of all kinds and so on.

    Answer from Mistress of the still waters![guru]
    A person has always been attracted by everything unknown and mysterious. Observing the stars, he connected them into constellations. 13 constellations made up the zodiac - the star belt along which the visible paths of the Sun, Moon and planets pass. And although there are 13 constellations, the zodiacal circle is divided into 12 equal parts, each of which is indicated by the symbol of the corresponding zodiacal constellation. Only the constellation Ophiuchus does not correspond to any sign of the zodiac, because the Sun has been walking on it for only a few days. True, the priests of the Mayan civilization took this constellation into account. They called him The Bat.
    In recent decades, the eastern horoscope has won unusual popularity. Now everyone knows under which zodiac sign he was born and what symbol his year of birth is. Meanwhile, the eastern horoscope is one of the rather late variations on the theme of the ancient Avestan horoscope.
    With the help of the isotope method, it was possible to establish that the Chinese had a calendar only in the XIV century. Therefore, there is every reason to introduce historical justice regarding the belonging of the Jupiter calendar to the Persians and the Avestan tradition.
    The founders of the horoscope
    The ancient Avestan horoscope had a 60-year cycle, in which not only the rhythms of the Moon and the Sun, but also the giant planets - Jupiter and Saturn were taken into account and combined into a single whole. A period of 60 years is five 12-year cycles of Jupiter and two 30-year cycles of Saturn. The number "five" corresponds to five astrological elements: fire, earth, metal, water, wood. Each of them is capable of showing both positive and negative qualities. For example, fire, on the one hand, gives light and heat, on the other hand, it burns and dries. Water nourishes life, but it is also capable of destroying all living things. All these are elements of the universe. Each such element has a corresponding color: blue or green, red, yellow, white and black.
    In addition to the "heavenly branches", enclosed in the five elements of nature, there were 12 more "earthly roots", each of which from ancient times has the name of one of the 12 animals. By arranging the "heavenly branches" horizontally, and the "earthly roots" vertically so that 60 unique combinations are formed when crossing, we get a diagram of a 60-year calendar cycle.
    The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Jupiter calendar with the celestial symbolism of a 12-year animal cycle arose on the basis of the fact that Jupiter makes a complete revolution around the Sun in about 12 years. Dividing the path of Jupiter into 12 equal parts, each of which is associated with its passage along a certain sign of the zodiac, as well as with one of the animals, people created this solar-Jupiterian 12-year calendar cycle:
    A similar Jupiterian calendar has existed since ancient times in the Zoroastrian tradition. Only a few years represent other animals. The elements corresponding to each year remain the same.
    The Chinese did not have this calendar until the 14th century. And when he appeared, for some reason they replaced several animals in him. Centuries have passed, and we designate the years according to the horoscope that came from China.

    Answer from ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ! [guru]
    Well, man loves miracles, let him love!

    Answer from * N i k a *[guru]
    there is no pragmatist - there is a melancholic)).
    Personal experience suggests that representatives of one zodiac sign have many similar character traits, now even some organizations are recruiting employees taking into account their belonging to the sign they need

    Answer from Mikhail Leonovich[guru]
    for a start, it would be worth separating tabloid horoscopes with books that teach them how to compose them ... from real astromagic (the name is from the bulldozer, just so that it does not repeat itself with what sounds in the question) and true knowledge that was known only to a select few and was not made public.
    what is so widely available is really not needed, .. interesting, entertaining, .. but (((from a practical point of view, for some calculations, not the future, planning, .. alas.
    another thing is true astomagic, which looks not in a plane but in volume, which counts not by constant values, but by moving ones (in dynamics) ... which is not just content with the interpretation, but also changes the coefficients of the variables to achieve the desired, which ... BUT, all this is only for the initiated, who will not recklessly apply their skills.
    but with us, as usual, he heard a ringing, did not look where he was and went on with him))) did not really learn - and already let's teach others. we not only have not matured to such knowledge, but also to the fruits of this knowledge.
    the same applies to other sciences. a priori, not a single master (in the full sense of the word) will print books that can cause unpredictable consequences ... and even if they learn from masters, it is only from books ... from "theorists")))
    but if there is demand, there will be supply. while there are naive - horoscopes will be printed, schools of magic will open, ..
    apparently to each his own, everything is learned in comparison, until you become serious in the small ... they simply won't let you take on the great.

    Answer from Ykito 13[active]
    self-hypnosis for weak people.

    Answer from °. °. The Little Mermaid. °. °[guru]
    It is historically recorded that the most ancient horoscope (namely the horoscope, and the use of the calendar of the Sun and Moon) was in ancient Babylon.
    .... Although indirectly, the excavations of Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region. talk about astrological knowledge about 2500-3000 BC. e.
    People have been fond of horoscopes since ancient times.
    The ancient rulers certainly consulted with the astrologers before adopting government decrees.
    To this day, horoscopes are very popular. People have not lost interest in them.
    Someone believes in horoscopes, someone reads them as a joke, someone listens to the recommendations, but for someone they are complete nonsense. People are all different, so everyone has a different attitude to horoscopes.
    Very often, horoscopes do come true, but this is most likely due to the fact that predictions are given by vague and general explanations.
    During the period of cataclysms, interest in horoscopes becomes more acute. In this case, the horoscope plays the role of a psychotherapist - it adjusts for the best and calms, because many people are very superstitious. Especially often insecure people, prone to depression, turn to horoscopes.
    James Randi, widely known in the United States, conducted a rather curious experiment. He attracted students to conduct the experience. Participants received horoscope sheets, which Randy claimed were made using a new scientific method. Randy argued that these horoscopes take into account the individual characteristics of each. As a result, more than half of the students confirmed that the horoscope accurately and reliably conveyed their character and habits. And before that, many of them stated that they did not believe astrologers and horoscopes. Then Randy invited the participants to swap sheets, and in the end it turned out that the same text was printed on all sheets. This experiment shows that horoscopes can only be trusted with a certain degree of skepticism, especially if a person is suggestible.
    Each person must decide for himself whether to believe in horoscopes or not.
    One way or another, they have been around for centuries.
    And this means .... that they still have SOMETHING - THAT and they attract our interest and attention.

    Back in the 5th century. BC in Mesopotamia, the practice of drawing up diagrams of the arrangement of heavenly bodies arose. This marked the beginning of a special astronomical teaching - the horoscope.

    In fact, this is a map of the location of the planets solar system regarding specific signs of the zodiac. Our history is rich in examples of powerful civilizations, teachings and schools. Therefore, today there are a huge number of different horoscopes.

    This teaching provides a key to unraveling the mysteries of fate, and understand the character of each person, depending on the date of his birth. In addition, many peoples believed that the location of the stars in the sky at one time or another determines the path of life, dictates the rules of behavior and controls the will of people.

    Often the names of certain signs-symbols of the horoscope were associated with sacred totems or deities. This in a special way emphasized the connection with the higher world and heavenly forces. In addition, a person received his protector and patron.

    So, for example, in the East, the calendar was represented by animals, which corresponded to one or another year of birth.

    In 410 BC. during the Assyrian kingdom, a separate science was created, which was designed to predict the fate of everyone, depending on his birthday. And in 62 BC. in Ancient Greece on the occasion of the coronation of Antiochus I of Kommachensky, the first example of the interpretation of fate from the stars was created at the time of a person's birth. The Greeks were pagans and worshiped many gods, so the prophecy calendar was associated with their names.

    The modern horoscope is designed to draw up a general picture of the character and behavior of people is determined by the main ascending sign at the time of their birth, and the planet that rules this sign is considered the main patron saint. Born on the same day, but at different times of the day, perceive the world and what is happening in it differently. This is due to the fact that the celestial sphere makes a complete revolution in one day and passes all 12 basic signs.

    Different countries, civilizations and cultures turned to planets and stars to comprehend the secrets of the future and determine the vocation of each person. On our site you can familiarize yourself with various types of horoscopes that existed earlier and are still practiced.


    list of horoscopes