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  • Oracle haircut calendar for september. Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for September

    Oracle haircut calendar for september. Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for September

    Very often, women go to the hairdresser's not only to change their hairstyle, but also for new emotions, impressions and positive changes in life. Any girl firmly believes that when fate does not go well, you need to change the length of the hair or the shade of the curls. It is with a change of image that fortune can change for the better. Auspicious days in the lunar haircut calendar for September 2017 will help you enjoy a new image, replenish energy reserves of vitality and give the proper impetus to realize your innermost dream.

    In fact, when thinking about choosing the right date to visit a beauty studio, it is necessary to take into account not only the phases of the moon, but also its location in the zodiacal constellations. Knowing the exact location of the Earth's satellite, its phase and the sequence of the lunar day, you can choose the most suitable day to change the appearance.

    On September 1, the Moon will dwell in the Capricorn zodiac. This position will favorably affect the external condition, structure and strength of the curls. If you visit a hairdresser today and get a fashionable haircut, it will help strengthen the hair follicles, the hair will become thicker, the hair will stop falling out, and the ends will not split longer.

    A growing sickle will not be able to ensure the long-term preservation of a new hairstyle, but the 11 lunar day will help to strengthen health and balance the emotional state. However, it is worth fearing that cutting hair on this day can provoke difficulties with money and the appearance of unexpected obstacles in the implementation of projects. Today it is necessary to dye your hair in natural shades, using natural dyes. This will ensure business development and career advancement.

    According to the lunar calendar of favorable days for haircuts for September 2017, the Earth's satellite is in the growth phase on the 2nd. The constellation of Capricorn will provide a positive result for curls, increase their density and strength. 12 lunar days will help solve financial problems, fill with the necessary amount of vital energy, increase self-esteem and attract new romantic relationships to fate. If today you paint your hair with natural dyes, this will help to cope with material problems. The use of chemical dyes on this day will not harm your hair, make it shiny and attractive.

    On September 3, the Moon will be in the Aquarius zodiac. This position of her will absolutely not affect the structure or strength of the curls. On this day, you can decide on unusual, trendy or extravagant haircuts. Simple, uncomplicated hairstyles should be discarded. This can negatively affect the quality of the hair, making it unruly, dull, weak and lifeless. A haircut on the 13th lunar day will improve overall health, sharpen intuition and avoid financial difficulties. However, many are of the opinion that a Sunday haircut can break the bond with the guardian angel and provoke unexpected problems. It is better to refuse hair coloring today.

    On September 4, the Moon will still be in Aquarius, welcoming new and bold notes in the image, but on the 14th lunar day it is advised to give up haircuts on this day, so as not to violate inner harmony and not to provoke depressive states. In addition, changing the length of your hair can lead to unpleasantness in the workplace and cause problems with your studies. By slightly changing the shade of the curls, it will turn out to activate internal reserves and gain energy to overcome obstacles.

    The 5th number in the lunar calendar of favorable days for haircuts for September 2017 is with a minus sign. Today the Moon is influenced by Pisces. Clipping your hair is likely to worsen the condition of your scalp, leading to dryness and flaking. On the 15th lunar day, you do not need to visit a hairdresser, because this can lead to health problems and disrupt inner harmony. The use of persistent chemicals for coloring will negatively affect the condition of the hair, damage its structure, and make it lifeless and brittle. However, the use of natural dyes that dye curls in dark tones will protect you from empty hassles and minor troubles.

    On September 6, the Moon still remains in the Pisces zodiac, so it is not recommended to sit under the scissors of a hairdresser. 16 lunar days also do not favor any haircuts. To protect yourself from the appearance of problems with the side of the circulatory system and to avoid disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands, it is not worth changing the length of the hair today. If you really want to change the shade of the curls, it is better to choose dark tones and use exclusively natural dyes. This will help restore emotional balance and achieve calmness.

    On September 7, the Moon is still influenced by the zodiacal constellation Pisces. That is why it is better to devote a day to wellness procedures aimed at strengthening and nourishing hair. On the 17th lunar day, only those girls who intend to radically change their lives should cut their hair. In this case, changing the hair length will be beneficial and help to achieve your goals. Dyeing curls in light and red shades will help to gain the respect of employees at work and establish working contacts.

    The Moon will be in Aries on September 8th. It will not have a very good effect on appearance curls, because they are likely to be weak, lifeless and thinned. However, 18 lunar days make the 8th number an auspicious day in the lunar haircut calendar for September 2017. Today's change in hair length will endow the girl with charm, charisma and natural appeal. Any coloring, toning or highlighting will be successful, and the final result will certainly please.

    You shouldn't cut your hair on September 9th. The location of the Moon in the zodiacal constellation Aries and 19 lunar days do not favor a change in the length of the curls. This will not only worsen the structure and strength of the hair, but also bring on a deterioration in well-being. To attract like-minded people to your side, find new business contacts, establish connections, become more sensual and sexy, coloring the hair with natural dyes will help.

    According to the oracle and lunar calendar of auspicious days for haircuts for September 2017, the 10th is the queen of the night lives in Taurus. If you cut your hair today, it will greatly improve the external state of your hair, fill it with positive emotions and replenish your reserves of vital energy. 20 lunar days also favor a change in the length of the curls. The cutting process will be enjoyable, and the end result will significantly improve your mood. To change the shade of curls, it is worth using natural dyes. A slight change in shade will make the fair sex incredibly attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

    Auspicious day in the lunar haircut calendar for September 2017 is the 11th. Finding a satellite of the Earth in Taurus will have a great effect on the condition of the hair and fill the curls with natural radiance. A haircut made on 21 lunar days will improve your well-being, emotional background and relieve depression. Thanks to the waning moon, the done hairstyle will last for a long time, and the hair roots will become much stronger. Today it is better to dye your hair light. This will help to quickly implement the planned projects.

    On September 12, the Moon will be in the constellation Gemini. The external condition of the hair will practically not change, but after a haircut, it can be difficult to style, become fluffy and curly. Changing the length of the curls on 22 lunar days will help to win the favor of the authorities, strengthen the position in society and have a health-improving effect on the respiratory system. Dyeing your hair in natural tones will help you find new sources of funds.

    On September 13, the Moon will continue its journey through the Gemini zodiac. If you do not want your hair to become unruly, it is better to postpone the haircut to a more suitable time. On the 23 lunar day, it is also not advised to change the length of the hair. This can provoke the appearance of obstacles, troubles and conflict situations. To get a charge of vivacity and improve the emotional background, to change the shade of the hair, today it is necessary to use natural dyes.

    In the lunar haircut calendar for September 2017, the 14th is an auspicious day only for some of the gentle sex. When the queen of the night moves to the abode of Cancer, only girls who suffer from excessive care of close people are allowed to cut the curls. This will help loosen their control and start an independent life. On the 24 lunar day, a haircut should be done for people with a lack of vital energy. This day will fully replenish its reserves and allow you to start implementing your own plans. Dark shades of hair will help you find a new job, gain self-confidence and move up the career ladder.

    On September 15, the satellite of the Earth will settle in the Cancer zodiac. Such its location and 25 lunar days prevent a trip to the master of hairdressing. A haircut can ruin your mood and undermine emotional stability. Changing the tone of your hair will negatively affect your social position and can cause conflicts.

    1 On September 6th, the location of the queen of the night in the zodiac of Leo will help restore the density and volume of hair. A hairdressing master will certainly delight you with a beautifully executed haircut, which cannot but improve your mood. However, the 26 lunar day warns that the joy of a new hairstyle can be short-lived and a change in hair length is likely to lead to depression and loss of vitality. To change the color of your hair, you should choose natural tones. This will help you win the favor of your business partners.

    According to the lunar calendar of favorable days for haircuts for September 2017, the 17th number favors changes in the image. The night heavenly body is still in the abode of Leo and promises to successfully carry out any procedures with curls. Changing the length of the hair on the 27th lunar day promises to endow natural charisma and charm, as well as to strengthen its position in society. However, cutting off hair on Sunday can provoke a deterioration in well-being and attract negativity into life. Changing hair color will help improve material well-being.

    The Moon will visit the Virgo zodiac on September 18th. Such its location in the sky promises a favorable outcome for any manipulations with hair. The new hairstyle will last for a long time, and the hair will look healthy and well-groomed. However, the 28th lunar day somewhat spoils the overall picture and makes its own adjustments, promising to negatively affect the state of health. Today, it is worth slightly changing the shade of the curls in order to stabilize your position in society.

    In the lunar calendar of favorable days for haircuts for September 2017 in Ukraine, the 19th number favors changes in the image. The night celestial body will again be a guest of Virgo, which means that changing the length of the hair will restore the external attractiveness of the curls, give them strength and health. 29 lunar day contributes to the acquisition of inner harmony, self-confidence and self-strength. Girls who crave dramatic changes should decide on an ultra-modern, short haircut. Changing the color of the curls will be successful, but it can lead to material problems and a loss of understanding with loved ones.

    The new moon falls on September 20. No matter how the circumstances develop, today's change in the length of the curls must be postponed to another time. You can change the color of your hair for several tones, but drastic changes in appearance should be avoided.

    According to the lunar calendar of favorable days for haircuts for September 2017, the 21st favors a change of image. The satellite of the Earth will be in the possession of Libra, so you need to prepare for the fact that the curls begin to fluff and stop responding to styling products. Changing the length of the hair on the 2nd lunar day can improve health, improve the functioning of internal organs and replenish vital energy reserves. You should refuse to radically change the color of the curls; it is better to change the shade of the hair by several tones in order to improve material well-being.

    On September 22, you can safely change the length of your hair. A short haircut will not have time to bore you, as the hair will grow back very quickly, becoming stronger and stronger. Changing your image will open up new financial flows and help you cope with material problems. Using natural dyes to slightly change the shade of your curls will help win the favor of your superiors and strengthen your position in the workplace.

    According to the lunar calendar of favorable days for haircuts for September 2017, on the 23rd, you must refuse to visit the hairdresser. Finding the queen of the night under the auspices of Scorpio does not guarantee a good result after the work of the master. Cutting your hair on the 4th lunar day can cause unexpected problems and difficult situations. Chemical exposure the hair will negatively affect their condition, so you should refuse to dye with persistent dyes. Using natural dyes can help you deal with problems at work.

    On September 24, only weakened, thinned and lifeless hair can be cut. However, changing the length on Sunday will not have the best effect on the emotional and physical condition. A slight change in the shade of the hair, using natural dyes, will help to solve work issues and find new supporters for the implementation of their own projects.

    On September 25, the satellite of the Earth will settle in the possession of the Sagittarius zodiac and this will not have a very good effect on the condition of the hair. Cut hair will quickly return to its original state, but at the same time, it will completely stop responding to styling products. If the girl nevertheless decides on today's haircut, this will help solve her financial problems and save her from problems with internal organs... The change in the color of the hair on these lunar days should be postponed so as not to attract conflict situations.

    According to the lunar calendar of favorable days for haircuts for September 2017, on the 26th, the location of the queen of the night in the monastery of Sagittarius can harm the impeccable result of the haircut. Any intervention in the hairstyle will make the curls naughty, and the beautiful styling will last for a very short time. But changing the length of your hair on the 6th and 7th lunar days will help fill the financial holes in the budget and improve overall well-being. It is necessary to refuse and change the shade of the hair.

    On September 27, cutting your hair will sharpen your intuition and help you quickly solve current problems. However, the hair will become very naughty and almost cease to give in to styling. It is not worth radically changing the shade of curls today, since there is a high probability that the end result will not meet expectations at all.

    The 28th number cannot be called a uniquely favorable day in the lunar haircut calendar for September 2017. On the one hand, the presence of the Lunar body in the power of Capricorn has a great effect on the condition of the hair. After changing in length, they become strong, thick, robust and healthy. On the other hand, on the 8th lunar day, it is worth giving up any influence on the curls, so as not to attract negative events to yourself and to avoid misfortunes. Hair coloring will be successful, you can even decide on a bold and extraordinary color palette.

    On September 29, the Moon will remain in the abode of Capricorn. Cutting hair will significantly improve their condition, strengthen the roots and fill it with natural shine. The 9th lunar day will protect you from the appearance of various diseases and protect you from minor troubles. Today you can play with colors and shades. Any change will benefit and improve the emotional background.

    September 30 will be held under the auspices of Aquarius. This position of the night celestial body allows you to experiment and try something new. However, the 10 lunar day promises a deterioration in overall health. You can dye curls in any color, but you should only use natural dyes. Changing the shade of your hair can help you gain the favor of management, increase self-esteem, and attract new romantic relationships.

    In the lunar haircut calendar for September 2017, all auspicious days of this month are indicated. Having carefully studied the recommendations and listening to your own intuition, you can not only choose the best day to change your image, but also attract positive energy and positive changes to your side.

    The summer is over. It gave us joy, warmth and vacation. It is time not only to work on yourself, but also on your hair.

    Autumn month offers

    September 3 - Avoid the hairdresser's side if you don't want to impair your sense of smell and ruin your hair.

    September 6 - today you can't cut your hair and nails, even wash your hair. Curls are susceptible to injury.

    September 8 - choose light or copper tones for coloring today. Only the ends can be trimmed.

    September 9 - the day is suitable for various procedures that are aimed at strengthening the strands. They will add shine.

    September 10 - the stars show that this number is categorically not suitable for hair cutting and dyeing.

    September 11 - this number is better to refrain from visiting the master, so as not to attract illness and trouble.

    September 12 - the horoscope shows that a new hairstyle and a change of image will give a promotion at work and new acquaintances.

    September 13 - we will have to postpone the visit to the hairdresser for another day. If you do go, the hairstyle will be a complete failure, and the coloring will take on a faded shade.

    September 14 is a bad day for a haircut. You can only take care of the usual hair products.

    September 15th is a good time to experiment. The heavenly bodies completely open all the doors for you.

    September 16 is a nervous and mobile day today. It is not suitable for going to the hairdresser.

    September 17 is the best time for a change. Finally, you can conduct any experiments with curls and you will not regret it.

    September 18 - this day, like no other, is suitable for all experiments with hair. A haircut will bring good luck and new acquaintances.

    September 19 - Haircut or painting will have a beneficial effect on health. Only now the strands will be a little naughty.

    September 20 - today the heavenly bodies are allowed to carry out various manipulations with curls. It is better to refuse styling.

    September 21 - it's time for a break. Postpone all visits to beauty salons, otherwise, you will be unhappy with the results.

    September 22 - on this day it is allowed to use natural dyes or henna. The haircut should be classic.

    September 24 - It is not allowed to visit the hairdresser in the morning. In the evening, you can dye the strands in dark shades and do styling.

    September 25 - in order not to spoil your karma, it is better to stay at home and avoid haircuts and coloring.

    September 26 - red-haired young ladies can safely carry out various manipulations with their hair today. Perms work especially well.

    September 27 is another great day to give your hair new possibilities. Thanks to the haircut, the curls will be stronger and more luxuriant.

    September 29 - the stars show that this number is categorically not suitable for hair cutting and dyeing.

    September 30 - Today, a haircut will harm the strands, as they are more sensitive to the effects on them.

    Lunar days

    You can start cutting curls in September on the 2nd. The moon is in Capricorn. So the period is extremely positive. Toning or coloring will pass positively and retain its shade for a long time. Also, a haircut will bring you material well-being. If you choose to use natural dyes, you will gain sexuality and charisma.

    Haircut on September 11 will bring peace of mind. The growing moon will present lush and bouncy curls. They will quickly grow back and be filled with energy. Dyeing in a different color will help to fly up the career ladder. As for shades, copper, chocolate and fiery red will bring good luck. Don't be afraid to get rid of long hair completely. After all, it's time for a change.

    September 21st also brings gifts for your energy. As soon as you step out after the hair salon, immediately grab the attention of people and fans. A new hairstyle will present good and positive acquaintances, and also set up your colleagues at work positively towards you.

    What does the horoscope say

    This month you will have to be practical and firm in your decisions. The first decade will be prosperous in terms of love and family. But at work, you will have to make a lot of effort. At the end of September, you will be able to reap the benefits. The most important qualities for the first month of autumn are: composure, calmness and dedication. There will be no time for rest.

    The most unfavorable day for a haircut, so it is better to postpone the scheduled visit to another day: the Moon is in Cancer, which means that the hair after the haircut will become capricious and naughty, and will not give in to styling.

    This day is made for experimentation. If you make a haircut, the hair will become thick and strong, and the shade chosen during dyeing will delight for a long time with its durability.

    In all respects, the perfect day to go to the salon. Moon calendar haircuts for September guarantees that you will be satisfied with the final result in any case, whether it be a slight correction of the shade of the roots or a total reincarnation.

    On this day, the moon is waning, which means that after a haircut, the hair will slow down its growth. In this case, the procedure will have a positive effect on their density and general condition. In coloring, adhere to the natural range and minor shade correction - the changes will be beneficial for your personal and work spheres.

    You should be careful with unfamiliar dyes and entrust complex staining only to a trusted master.

    The new moon, which means, is not the best time to experiment with the image. Better to pay attention to home care. For example, make a nourishing mask.

    This day is perfect for coloring. At the same time, not the best for a haircut: hair can be difficult to style, so if possible, transfer the length correction to a better day.

    Feel free to go to the salon in the morning - at this moment the moon is in a suitable phase for experiments.

    A haircut on this day will accelerate hair growth, and at the same time will have a positive effect on their structure. In coloring, do not be afraid to take risks and resort to new techniques - tiger's eye, shatush or balayazh.

    The length correction will strengthen thin and weak strands, giving them strength and elasticity. In coloring, give preference to natural shades and organic dyes.

    An extremely controversial day to experiment.

    Today's haircut will be great for the health of your hair.

    No time for haircuts. But if you decide to dye - give preference to natural shades and organic dyes.

    An extremely controversial day for experimenting with the image. In coloring, preference should be given to proven, maximally natural products, and haircuts should be abandoned altogether.

    Today is ideal for a change of image: choose unusual models of haircuts, as well as new shades in coloring. You will be satisfied with the result in any case. By betting on light shades, you will attract new acquaintances to life.

    It's also a good time to experiment with the image. Changing your haircut, hair color and even the usual styling on this day will bring a lot of new bright emotions and acquaintances into your life.

    The interaction of all bodies in the universe has been studied by people since ancient times. Our ancestors have established that the Moon, a natural satellite of the Earth, has a considerable influence on everything that happens on our planet. It interacts with all organisms and substances. The moon demonstrates her strength even in such simple things as hair growth.

    How moon phases affect hair

    Energy flows pass through our entire body, which are activated or, on the contrary, decrease their power, depending on the activity of the natural satellite of our planet. It has been established that during periods of the growing moon, the hair follicle enters the most active phase, which makes hair grow faster. During periods of the dying moon and hair growth slows down (see. lunar calendar haircuts below).

    Auspicious days for haircuts in September 2017

    September 3 (Sun) - the growing moon in Aquarius. Trimming your split ends or updating your hairstyle today will help your hair grow stronger and recover. They will become more obedient and shiny. Moreover, all the negative emotions that you have felt in the past few days can be easily "cut" along with the unwanted hair length. It is better to postpone the coloring for now.

    September 11 (Mon) - the waning moon in Gemini. The most favorable day of the month for any actions aimed at changing the image. Coloring, highlighting or perm today will definitely be successful, leaving a pleasant satisfaction from the process and the result itself.

    September 18 (Mon) - waning moon in Virgo. Note that this zodiac sign favors a trip to the hairdresser. In addition to a positive result, a haircut on this day will bring an influx of strength, activate good luck, which in the future can contribute to an increase in material well-being.

    September 24 (Sun) - the growing moon in the sign of Scorpio. From a haircut on this day - the hair roots will strengthen and at the same time begin to grow faster. The governing sign - Scorpio - has a positive effect on the health of hair and the whole body as a whole (see.).

    September 27 (Wed) - the growing moon in Capricorn. An ambiguous day for a haircut. On the one hand, the impact on the hair today will make it more beautiful and well-groomed, but on the other hand, this effect will not last long, and, probably, soon you will have to make an appointment with your hairdresser again.

    Haircut lunar calendar September 2017

    Based on the above presented lunar calendar of haircuts, we can conclude that favorable days in September 2017 for haircuts will be: 2,3,10-12,15-18,24,27,29 and September 30. The rest of the days this month will be unfavorable or neutral for cutting and dyeing hair.

    Haircut lunar calendar september 2020

    The strength of the hair largely depends not only on the regularity of the care, but also on the time when we come to the hairdresser and ask the master to make a haircut. If we take into account the readings of the lunar calendar of 2020 for September, then on favorable days the hair will be healthy, shiny, their strength will increase, and they will grow very quickly. There is a lunar calendar for each month - see which days will be favorable for grooming, hair cutting in September. Learning to follow the lunar haircut calendar 2020 in your everyday life, you will save the body from unnecessary expenditure of energy, make natural rhythms your assistants and improve the quality of your hair.

    The lunar calendar of haircuts for the city of Moscow is compiled taking into account the influence of lunar days, phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, solar and lunar eclipses, the influence of the day of the week, as well as other planets and houses of the horoscope. The general assessment of the event and day is divided into favorable, unfavorable and neutral days for hair cutting.

    The calendar is divided into two parts. The first is a tabular section, which describes the events for each day and their overall time estimate - positive or negative. In the second, a detailed description of each event for the day is presented, for this you need to follow the link (by day of the week) in the tabular section or scroll down the page.

    The selection of a favorable time depends on the method, the more complex the method, the less time we have for action. The following pick types are available for the current calendar.

    Accounting for lunar days. The choice of time according to this method is carried out taking into account the influence of lunar days, the phase of the moon, its finding in the sign of the zodiac, eclipses of the lunar and solar, the moon without a course, as well as in some calendars the day of the week and the month of the year are taken into account. The main selection criterion for this method is lunar days.

    Accounting for all planets in the horoscope. The timing according to this method is carried out taking into account the influence of the moon phase, its finding in the zodiac sign, eclipses of the lunar and solar, the moon without a course, aspects and retrograde of the planets, with the exception of lunar days, months of the year and days of the week.

    Taking into account the influence of planets on houses. The choice of time according to this method is carried out taking into account the influence of the phase of the Moon, its finding in the sign of the Zodiac, eclipses of the lunar and solar, the Moon without a course, aspects and retrogradeness of planets, houses of the horoscope, namely, the position of the cusps of houses, the influence of rulers and co-rulers of houses, finding the planets in houses of the horoscope, aspects of the planets to the cusps of houses. In this method, the horoscope, which is also needed at home, is "strengthened". the position of the rulers and co-rulers of certain houses in the sign of the Zodiac, retrograde and aspects to other planets are considered.

    Navigation by day: Calendar of good days for hair cutting from 1 to 7 September 2020
    overall assessment
    Events / event evaluation
    from 12:34
    1) ☽ Moon in the sign of ♓ Pisces - good
    1) 13 lunar day continues
    (from 01.09 00:00) - good
    2) The waxing gibbous 🌔 phase continues
    (from 01.09 00:00) - good
    3) Day of week tuesday
    (from 01.09 00:00) - good
    from 19:59
    1) The beginning of the 15th lunar day - badly
    1) The beginning of the full moon 🌕 phase
    (from 02.09 08:22) - good
    2) Day of week wednesday
    (from 02.09 00:00) - good
    3) ☽ Moon in the sign of ♓ Pisces
    (from 01.09 12:34) - good
    end of search
    1) ☽ Moon comes out of the sign ♓ Pisces
    1) The beginning of the 16 lunar day
    (from 03.09 20:12) - bad
    2) The beginning of the full moon 🌕 phase
    (from 02.09 08:22) - good
    3) Day of week Thursday
    (from 03.09 00:00) - good
    from 00:00
    1) Day of week monday - excellent
    1) The beginning of the 19 lunar day
    (from 06.09 20:46) - good
    2) The beginning of the waning gibbous 🌖 phase
    (from 06.09 09:59) - well
    (from 06.09 11:43) - good
    from 21:00
    1) The beginning of the 20 lunar day - neutral
    1) The beginning of the waning gibbous 🌖 phase
    (from 06.09 09:59) - well
    2) Day of week monday
    (from 07.09 00:00) - good
    3) ☽ Moon in the sign of ♉ Taurus
    (from 06.09 11:43) - good
    Navigation by day:

    Full lunar calendar of haircuts from 1 to 7 September 2020

    from 01.09.2020 - tuesday from 12:34 - excellent ☽ Moon in the sign of ♓ Pisces - well

    Moon in Pisces. A haircut done on these days leads to dandruff. Washing your head and hair during this period will give the same result.

    1) 13 lunar day continues (from 01.09 00:00) - good
    2) The waxing gibbous 🌔 phase continues (from 01.09 00:00) - good
    3) Day of week tuesday (from 01.09 00:00) - good
    from 02.09.2020 - wednesday from 19:59 - bad The beginning of the 15 lunar day - badly

    A haircut on the 15th lunar day will negatively affect the mental state of a person, probably an increase in pressure, the appearance of headaches and incomprehensible fears.

    1) The beginning of the full moon 🌕 phase (from 02.09 08:22) - good
    2) Day of week wednesday (from 02.09 00:00) - good
    3) ☽ Moon in the sign of ♓ Pisces (from 01.09 12:34) - good
    from 03.09.2020 - thursday 23:21 - end of search ☽ The moon comes out of the sign ♓ Pisces
    1) The beginning of the 16 lunar day (from 03.09 20:12) - bad
    2) The beginning of the full moon 🌕 phase (from 02.09 08:22) - good
    3) Day of week thursday (from 03.09 00:00) - good
    from 07.09.2020 - monday from 00:00 - good Day of week monday - well

    Monday is the day of the moon. If you want to get rid of melancholy, negativity, sadness - go get a haircut on Monday. All sadness, sadness will fall to the floor along with the cut hair. But you can't get a haircut on Monday if you were born on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday.

    Note - if suddenly everything around has acquired black colors, you can try to leave the black strip by cutting your hair on the day that is called the antagonist of the birthday. The antagonist for Monday is Sunday. But do not forget that you can get a haircut on antagonistic days only if suddenly you are suddenly haunted by failures in all areas. Then life will most likely make a sharp turn and carry you out into the bright strip. Otherwise, you will just attract negative energies to yourself.

    1) The beginning of the 19 lunar day (from 06.09 20:46) - good
    2) The beginning of the waning gibbous 🌖 phase (from 06.09 09:59) - well
    from 21:00 - neutral The beginning of the 20th lunar day - neutral

    Cutting your hair is undesirable, there will be a "disgust" for life.

    1) The beginning of the waning gibbous 🌖 phase (from 06.09 09:59) - well
    2) Day of week monday (from 07.09 00:00) - good
    3) ☽ Moon in the sign of ♉ Taurus (from 06.09 11:43) - good
    Navigation by day: Lunar calendar of haircuts for other months