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  • Why do I need a lunar landing calendar? Why does a person need a lunar calendar Lunar calendar why.

    Why do I need a lunar landing calendar? Why does a person need a lunar calendar Lunar calendar why.

    The phrase " moon calendar”Is repeated at every step. Currently, its popularity has grown exponentially. Some look when they can cut their hair according to the lunar calendar, others, when it is possible to plant seedlings according to it and do other things on the site.

    Why is it so important? Many do not yet know the answer. Therefore, I decided to write an article that will answer the question: lunar calendar, what is it for?

    The gardener's lunar calendar has been known since ancient times. Ancient people compiled it by long-term observations of the Moon - a celestial body that is a satellite of the Earth. Its influence on the Earth was already known then. It mainly affects all life on Earth, including plants in the garden.
    Existing moon phases,that is, the periods of action have different effects on the growth and development of plants. For example, the days when the moon arrives in its full form are unfavorable for planting or replanting plants. Also, on the days of new moons, you need to postpone all the processes associated with preparing seeds for planting, seedlings these days are better, in general, not to disturb or touch.

    It is believed that all the "living" juices and forces of the plant on the days of the full moon are in the stems and fruits, flowers and buds. But on the days of the new moon, on the contrary, in the rhizome and tubers. All gardeners adhere to the rule that it is necessary to sow seeds on the growing moon, then active and correct growth of the plants is ensured, and accordingly the harvest will be rich. If the plant has tuberous or root fruits, then it must be planted on the days of the waning moon. This will provide a surge of strength to the plant in the root system, and the development of underground fruits will be more active. Tuberous vegetables include potatoes, sweet potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke. Root vegetables include carrots, radishes, parsnips, celery, turnips, beets, horseradish, rutabagas, radishes, and parsley.
    That is why, taking into account all these rules, they draw up a calendar for each year to help the gardener. In addition to the lunar phases, working in the garden or in the garden plot, it is necessary to consider under what sign of the zodiac the heavenly helper is currently located. This is due to the fact that all 12 characters differ in terms of yield. Some signs affect the productive properties of the plant for the better, while some, on the contrary, cause hibernation in plants and a lack of fertility. For example, if you plant an apple tree on the days of the growing moon, and even when it is in the sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, then you need to take care of additional storage space for apples, as well as for apple winter preparations. Simply put, the harvest will be great.

    Therefore, knowing all the nuances of lunar processes, when orienting to the lunar calendar, you can expect a rich offspring. Do not ignore the lunar calendar, as it was used far before our era. These significant discoveries have been passed down through the centuries, you need to try to preserve them and use them for your own purposes.

    Growing seedlings of vegetable and flower crops, caring for fruit and decorative trees and shrubs, as well as work related to preparing the soil for seasonal cultivation, all this can be found in this calendar.

    In the lunar calendar, days are marked according to the passage of the moon according to the signs of the zodiac, fruitfully suitable for work and vice versa.

    What every vegetable grower needs to know

    To get a good harvest, it is important to know:
    - favorable days for sowing seedlings and their transplants
    - time for plant pest control
    - the most effective time for plant nutrition
    - schedule of agricultural activities

    The influence of the Moon on the processes taking place on Earth is quite obvious. These are the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, periodic fluctuations in sea level, changes in the Earth's magnetic field. And since all processes in nature are interconnected, then under the influence of the Earth's satellite, certain cyclic processes occur in living organisms.

    The movement of sap inside plants is partly dependent on atmospheric pressure. The lunar month lasts 29.5 days, which is shorter than the calendar one, during this period the Moon passes through 4 phases: new moon; Waxing Crescent; full moon; waning moon. The growing moon has a grateful effect on the active growth of the aerial parts of plants - these are leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. The waning moon has an effect on the underground parts - roots, bulbs and tubers.

    During the new and full moon periods, living organisms are especially vulnerable.

    The influence of the lunar phases on plants.

    During the waxing moon, the life processes of plant roots slow down. This is a beneficial time for soil cultivation, loosening, as well as for. Pruning and grafting at this time is not recommended, so as not to injure the aerial part of trees, shrubs, climbing plants. During this period, it is necessary to sow lawn grass, greens, leafy vegetables and fruit plants.

    During the waning moon in the underground part of plants, roots, vital processes are activated, intensive root formation takes place. Active watering with the use of growth biostimulants is necessary for plants during this period. It's time for pruning, grafting, and plants.

    Planting root crops, potatoes, onions, thinning out dense seedlings and controlling weeds are the main activities during this period. You can plant berry bushes, because a strong healthy root system determines a good harvest.

    Full moon and new moon days are considered unfavorable for any kind of work with plants.

    On the day of the full moon and in the first 2 days after it, it is recommended to pick berries and fruits. 1 day before the new moon and 1 day after it, they are engaged in the destruction of garden pests, the removal of wild growth and diseased plants.

    Among gardeners and amateur gardeners, there are many people who are very successful in this matter. If you ask them how they determine the ideal time for agricultural work, most will answer that they use a special calendar.

    Why do I need a lunar landing calendar? The answer is simple: to determine the most favorable time for the event. Thus, a seed thrown into the ground will produce decent seedlings, abundant growth, and a good harvest. Of course, some experts consider this opinion to be wrong, but the practice of many generations shows that there is no unnecessary knowledge to achieve an excellent result.

    Ancient knowledge

    The ancient tillers were the first to notice the amazing influence of the moon. They carefully tracked the position of the heavenly bodies, choosing the best time to start work. This knowledge did not come by accident. It has long been known that the moon exerts its powerful influence on everything in nature that contains water. Suffice it to recall the magic of the ebb and flow of the sea. It also affects the etheric bodies of all living beings, and plants are no exception.

    Surprisingly, not only the phases of the satellite of our planet, but also its position in the sky, have a direct effect on the harvest. So, in 28 days of one cycle, the luminary passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac, being in the location of each of the 2-3 days. At the same time, some signs actively favor the conduct of specific types of agricultural activities, while others, on the contrary, hinder, making the activities meaningless.

    It is believed that the phases of the full moon and new moon are most unfavorable to planting. Moreover, even after the event, it is better to refrain from carrying out work for at least 12 hours. On the other hand, the waning phase, although considered less favorable, is much more favorable to the growth of plants and obtaining a good harvest. But pruning unnecessary shoots at this time will be the most correct action and will certainly be crowned with success.

    Among the various signs of the zodiac, representatives of the water and earth elements (Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio) have the most positive influence. Virgo, Aries, Sagittarius are neutral. It is undesirable to land at the time the Moon is in the sign of Leo, Gemini, Libra. It is strongly not recommended to plant plants under the dominance of Aquarius. Such seedlings will be very frail, weak, rare, will hardly resist negative influences weather, pests. Even the active use of top dressing, fertilizers will not save the situation.

    How to use the lunar landing calendar?

    Modern publications accurately reflect all the necessary information. There are specimens that not only report the immediate state of the moon, but also offer a detailed description of all favorable works, specific types of plants, the planting of which can be most successful.

    Additionally, the calendar may reflect other types of agricultural work, the implementation of which is better correlated with lunar changes. For example, the full moon can be considered the most favorable time for weeding, weeding, and root crops harvesting. This knowledge is especially useful for beginners who do not have sufficient skills or intuitive skills.

    Often in the column next to the indication of the position of the moon, another time is indicated - this is the moment when the star entered the dominance of a particular representative of the zodiacal circle. This indicator is much more important than the phase value, since it has a decisive influence on the landing. Russian calendars indicate Moscow time, so additional adjustments may be required.

    Remember, the rules on how to use the lunar planting calendar are only relevant for germinated, wet seeds. Dry seeds from bags without preliminary treatment do not experience much effect on themselves, since they do not contain water at all.

    Features of plant growth in different phases of the moon

    The amazing influence of energy on the formation of the crop is explained by a change in the movement of the internal energy flow, the circulation of nutrients.

    1. New Moon. It is characterized by the movement of energy to the base of the trunk, the root system, therefore, the growth of young shoots and the ground part of plants slows down significantly.
    2. Full moon. Gives a powerful release of accumulated energy concentrated in flowers, fruits, shoots. It was during this period that all fruits contain the greatest amount of vitamins and nutrients. The perfect time to harvest. A few days after the full moon is a particularly good time to plant future root crops.
    3. Decreasing phase. There is a transition of nutrient flows from the leaves to the trunk and roots. The best time to harvest root crops is a few days before New Moon. But the growth of the ground part slows down slightly.
    4. Growing phase. Nutritious juices are actively transferred from the roots to the upper parts, photosynthesis increases and occurs even at night. The best time to plant and get good seedlings.

    It is believed that it is best to start sowing at dawn. In fact, it is best to start work before the moon rises or wait for its setting.

    On a note

    1. Cancer. Patronizes root crops, melons. It is better to refuse planting tall crops.
    2. Pisces (decreasing phase) is ideal for sowing lettuce, spinach, radish, radish, potatoes, parsley.
    3. Capricorn has a positive effect on garlic, onions, medicinal plants.
    4. Libra with a growing moon promotes the active growth of trees, shrubs, with a decreasing moon - potatoes, turnips, peas, beans, grain crops.
    5. Sagittarius. Helps to grow an excellent harvest of onions, garlic.
    6. Aries. Ideal moment for planting fast growing green plants (dill, lettuce).
    7. Scorpio promotes the rapid ripening of tomatoes, cabbage, radish.
    8. Taurus is ideal for starting the growth of all crops that remain overwintered in the ground, producing crops in the second year of life.

    Not so long ago on our portal we published an article “Signs of the Zodiac. Devil's Dozen ", which you can always find using our search. It said that the conventionality and approximation of the calculations casts doubt on the veracity of horoscopes and the scientific validity of astrology. However, according to modern laws of democratic media, we publish a different point of view. And you, dear readers, draw a conclusion for yourself, whose opinion is closer to you.
    Hello. With you Olga Vinogradova, and today I want to tell you a little, and maybe all about the moon. About our companion, which is often sung in art and culture. Well, at least everything that I know. Indeed, let's remember together: Sailor Moon, Dunno on the Moon, Moonwalk, Moonlight Sonata, Butusov's Man on the Moon, The Other Side of the Moon and this list can go on for hours. And this is not surprising, because the Moon not only inspires a person, it also directly affects him. The phases of the moon affect human health and even his fate.
    And it was precisely the period of the moon phase change that formed the basis for the compilation of the lunar calendar.
    Interestingly, the lunar calendar existed 30 thousand years ago. Scientists archaeologists have found such calendars in caves in France and Germany.Various signs were carved on the horns and bones of animals and even on the rocks and stones in these caves.The Abri Blanchard bone plate is considered by many scientists to be a primitive lunar calendar.

    Similar signs have been found in England and Scotland.All these archaeological finds tell us that the ancients believed in the influence of the moon on humans.
    Why do we need a lunar calendar?
    It's that simple! We need it in order to correct life situations. When we carefully study the calendar, say in May, we can plan all our affairs. When and with whom is it better to go on vacation and make plans for work. You must understand that the calendar does nothing for you, it is not a miracle or magic, the lunar calendar can only greatly simplify your life.
    Well, in conclusion, I want to say that several Internet resources helped me when writing this article. I would also like to note the site of "Felomena" where you can read the lunar calendar in April, May and, of course, in other months. That's all for me today, Olechka Vinogradova was with you. See you very soon in the new articles of the Experiment portal. Until.

    Keywords: Why does a person need a lunar calendar, the first lunar calendar, the lunar calendar in April, in May, all about the moon, dunno, man on the moon, butus

    Not so long ago on our portal we published an article “Signs of the Zodiac. Devil's Dozen ", which you can always find using our search. It said that the conventionality and approximation of the calculations casts doubt on the veracity of horoscopes and the scientific validity of astrology. However, according to modern laws of democratic media, we publish a different point of view. And you, dear readers, draw a conclusion for yourself, whose opinion is closer to you.
    Hello. With you Olga Vinogradova, and today I want to tell you a little, and maybe all about the moon. About our companion, which is often sung in art and culture. Well, at least everything that I know. Indeed, let's remember together: Sailor Moon, Dunno on the Moon, Moonwalk, Moonlight Sonata, Butusov's Man on the Moon, The Other Side of the Moon and this list can go on for hours. And this is not surprising, because the Moon not only inspires a person, it also directly affects him. The phases of the moon affect human health and even his fate.
    And it was precisely the period of the moon phase change that formed the basis for the compilation of the lunar calendar.
    Interestingly, the lunar calendar existed 30 thousand years ago. Scientists archaeologists have found such calendars in caves in France and Germany.Various signs were carved on the horns and bones of animals and even on the rocks and stones in these caves.The Abri Blanchard bone plate is considered by many scientists to be a primitive lunar calendar.

    Similar signs have been found in England and Scotland.All these archaeological finds tell us that the ancients believed in the influence of the moon on humans.
    Why do we need a lunar calendar?
    It's that simple! We need it in order to correct life situations. When we carefully study the calendar, say in May, we can plan all our affairs. When and with whom is it better to go on vacation and make plans for work. You must understand that the calendar does nothing for you, it is not a miracle or magic, the lunar calendar can only greatly simplify your life.
    Well, in conclusion, I want to say that several Internet resources helped me when writing this article. I would also like to note the site of "Felomena" where you can read the lunar calendar in April, May and, of course, in other months. That's all for me today, Olechka Vinogradova was with you. See you very soon in the new articles of the Experiment portal. Until.

    Keywords: Why does a person need a lunar calendar, the first lunar calendar, the lunar calendar in April, in May, all about the moon, dunno, man on the moon, butus