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    What can be done. The negative impact of the day

    Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time Zone: Europe / Moscow (UTC + 03: 00) Calculation of the Moon phase on 10/1/1978 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or login.

    Moon characteristics on October 23, 1978

    On the date 23.10.1978 in 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning moon"... it 21 lunar day in lunar calendar... Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer ♋. Illumination percentage The moon is 56%. Sunrise Moon at 22:36, and sunset at 13:47.

    Chronology of lunar days

    • 21 lunar day from 21:39 22.10.1978 to 22:36 23.10.1978
    • 22 lunar day from 22:36 10/23/1978 and until the next day

    Moon influence 23 october 1978

    Moon in Cancer zodiac sign (±)

    Moon in a sign Cancer... Time of unhurried stability. Ideal for well-functioning businesses with monotonous production. The antiques and jurisprudence are also doing well. The lawsuit initiated by you at this time should end in the most beneficial way for you.

    You need to be more careful about lending and lending money. There is a chance that you will have to wait a very long time for their return. Since emotional sensitivity increases at this time, you should be more tactful and attentive to loved ones, this will only benefit you.

    For the development of spiritual forces, auto-training, meditation practices and the development of extrasensory sensitivity are useful. Careful handling of metal objects and fire is required to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    21 lunar day (+)

    October 23, 1978 at 12:00 - 21 lunar day... Day of creative and physical activity. Teamwork, all kinds of trips or travel is useful. Water procedures, air baths and any physical exercise are useful.

    Waning Moon (+)

    The moon is in phase Waning moon... The third lunar phase covers the period from the full moon to the beginning of the fourth quarter. At the full moon, the peak of the accumulation of vital and psychic energy is noted, which subsequently gradually decreases.

    During this period, activity begins to decrease, there is a frequent change in states, ideas and judgments. When the experience and forces accumulated over the past phases energetically continue to embark on the implementation of plans.

    During this period of the lunar month, the first results of the efforts invested before are already distinguishable. Changes in mood that occur can relate not only to the business area, but also to personal life.

    A great time to break free from old habits, or try something new. In relationships, this is a time of closeness and romance at the highest level. The third phase is great for self-development, self-improvement and creation.

    Day of the week influence (±)

    Day of the week - monday, this day is ruled by the "night Sun" - the Moon. It's not called a hard day because it immediately follows a free weekend. On this day, we are overwhelmed with emotions. Therefore, success alternates with failure, success with defeat. Everything becomes unreliable, relative. Up to the point that loyal friends can let you down, and enemies ... help.

    On Monday, astrologers advise relying only on your intuition in everything, since the arguments of reason do not work on this day. Business agreements concluded on this day, as well as heart-to-heart victories, may turn into shaky uncertainty tomorrow.

    However, all the pitfalls and obstacles of Monday can be bypassed by those who “feel” in their hearts what needs to be done. Those who trust their intuition, as a rule, succeed on this day.

    And those who postponed some important things to Monday are forced to redo everything later, since the mind has no power over Monday.

    Your intuition can only be envied. You are able to achieve a lot and intuitively choose your path, but in some situations you lack intelligence and calmness.


    • Insight;
    • Loyalty and reliability;
    • Purposefulness and activity;
    • Developed intuition;
    • Decency and honesty.


    • Stinging;
    • Ruthlessness, intrigue;
    • Lack of goodwill;
    • Unpredictability;
    • Vindictiveness.

    Personality indicators

    Below is a diagram that clearly shows the main traits of your character. Please note that over time, the characteristics of the character can change, both upward and downward. It all depends on age, upbringing, social level, material well-being, and on many other criteria.

    All character traits can be worked out, and over time they can change both for the better and for the worse.

    Propensity for disease

    The graph shows a number of diseases to which you are most susceptible. Most ailments begin to manifest themselves closer to adulthood.

    Pay attention to your weakest points. Timely prevention will save you from possible consequences.

    Symbol of the Year: Horse

    • The ability to lead a team is a good quality. But sometimes the role of an outside observer is even more profitable and better;
    • Your endurance can only be envied. But don't go overboard;
    • The bosses are usually satisfied with your success and diligence. But don't forget to thank those who help you;
    • You are endowed with an innate sense of beauty. But in some cases, your sense of proportion changes in this;
    • In love, you do not lose control over feelings, but you also do not withdraw into yourself. A little more tenderness will not hurt you.

    Periods of vital activity

    The image shows a graph of vital activity, with which you can find out your most important life periods, at the moment of which key events occur that affect the future fate.

    Pay attention to the most active periods of your life, perhaps during this period the most key events should occur.

    Numerological number of destiny: 4

    • Openness helps build relationships. Show it as often as possible;
    • In activity, do not rely only on your own strength. Look for helpers;
    • Learn to trust others. This will help you in your business;
    • Avoid jealousy in personal relationships. She will only spoil the mood of others;
    • Learn to be lightheaded. Rash actions make people more relaxed and charming.

    Patron planet: Mars, Pluto

    • Do not rush straight into battle without understanding the situation. Your intuition will tell you when to do it;
    • It is better to dump negative emotions in the gym, and not at home or at work. Find the right neutralizer for you, such as dancing or a treadmill;
    • When you are unsure of the best decision to make, wait. A pause will allow you to consider all your options;
    • Do not chop off the shoulder without understanding the situation. Jealousy, suspicion and scandalousness only complicate the relationship;
    • Be patient with the shortcomings of loved ones. Yes, they are not perfect, but you can agree with them.

    Suitable fields of activity

    This chart contains information on the most suitable fields of activity, based on your astrological characteristics. This aspect is greatly influenced by your patron planet, which guides you along the path of life.

    Having made the right choice in the field of activity, you can achieve the best harmony between yourself and the outside world. By choosing "your" direction, you will achieve success in other equally important areas of life.


    If you want to learn more about your character traits, find out the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, interesting Facts and features, we recommend using our services:

    Natal chart - Personal horoscope based on the date and time of birth, which will tell you as accurately as possible about all the features of your personality: which features are most developed in your chart, and which ones are lagging behind and require elaboration. Natal chart is not just a horoscope with general characteristics, and a valuable tool with which you can better know yourself, find your life purpose, and much more.

    • 23 10 1978
    • Click on the squares
      to find out the meaning
    • 4


       Meaning "4":

      Strong temperament, a person needs to have closeness.

      How does it change:

      Increases when added: 3, 5, 7
      Decrease on loss: 3, 5, 7

      What is responsible for:

      The diagonal defines the carnal interests of a person: temperament in intimate life, the desire to dress beautifully and eat deliciously. The main meaning of this line is intimate life person, his temperament and need for intimacy.

    • 111


       The value "111":

      "Golden mean", which immediately distinguishes him from other characters. Such people can find a common language with any person. The fact is that they can, if necessary, concede in a dispute to anyone (even "1"). The main thing you need to know is that you cannot put pressure on such a person, since if necessary he will defeat any despot.

    • 4


       Meaning "4":

      From birth there are 4 - this means that there is health, and a person spends a sufficient amount of energy on himself to get sick less often and better resist various colds, etc. A very large number of people live with 4 and feel great. The case when you could go in for sports, but it seems so good.

      You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

    • 77

       Meaning "77":

      77 is charm and connection with the universe from birth. In principle, fate prompts such people to make the right choice. Only if a person does not believe in himself can he make mistakes. Great start. In practice, many exchange 77 for 66, becoming materialists, my talents for money.

      You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

    • 6


       Meaning "6":

      Quality overload. A person sets himself overestimated goals or several goals at the same time, which slows him down in moving forward.

      How does it change:

      Increases when adding: 1, 4, 7
      Decrease on loss: 1, 4, 7

      What is responsible for:

      The first line (1, 4, 7) is responsible for the purposefulness of a person, the ability to defend his views, set goals and objectives.

    • 22

       Meaning "22":

      Ideal for communication, "party energy" from birth. Doesn't need correction by parents. They say that a person has good energy, the most favorable for contact with people and work. Such people are sociable, get in good contact with other people. People with this kind of energy are good storytellers, lecturers and orators; they are doctors in their energy. You can set yourself quite significant goals, as they can be achieved.

      You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

    • not

       Meaning "NO":

      From birth, a person does not use logic, he can be called a dreamer who constantly hovers in the clouds. That is why you should not make far-reaching plans. As a rule, it is corrected by parents who begin to develop the logical abilities of the child. Usually those who have no logic from birth by the age of 30 already have 55 or 555.

      You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

    • 8

       Meaning "8":

      One eight is very good for modern society... A person trusts the people around him, and tries to take responsibility for his actions. Conscience and a sense of duty will be present, but not hyper state. In the modern world, this can develop into paranoia and constant concern for people who do not always deserve such care. We believe that one 8 is the optimal state for today.

    • 3

       Meaning "3":

      A person rushes between a strong desire to start a family, at all costs, and a reluctance to do it at all. If such a person decides to marry, then it is necessary to use the case, otherwise everything will be postponed for a long time.

      How does it change:

      Increases when adding: 2, 5, 8
      Decrease on loss: 2, 5, 8

      What is responsible for:

      The second line (2, 5, 8) is responsible for the quality of a family man, the desire to have a family, to be among his loved ones.

    • 33


       Meaning "33":

      An excellent ability from birth to accurately assess all the resources that a person has. Can calculate everything accurately. Executable and stable. He knows how to measure well. Potential in sciences requiring precision.

      You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

    • not

       Meaning "NO":

      From birth, an easy person who is contraindicated in close contact with love. They are people of art and science. As a rule, immediately after birth, the child is in constant contact with the parents, therefore 6-no is replaced by 6. But if from birth 6-no, then the person will strive for this state.

      You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

    • 99

       The value "99":

      From birth, the presence of a strong memory, which allows you to quickly and without loss reproduce the necessary information. The number of templates is large, the search speed is average. Usually, parents do not consider it necessary to improve the memory of such a child and he can happily study at school and at the university having received 9999 on his own.

      You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

    • 4


       Meaning "4":

      Very stable people. Surround themselves with different attachments and habits, creating a stable environment. They can be a little boring in their affections. Very hard to change.

      How does it change:

      Increases by adding: 3, 6, 9
      Decrease on loss: 3, 6, 9

      What is responsible for:

      The third line (3, 6, 9) indicates the stability of a person (habits, attachments, fear and unwillingness to change).

    • 7


       Meaning "7":

      Overloading the quality of self-esteem leads to the fact that a person, carried away by showing himself, forgets about his true abilities and is more concerned with the external form than the internal content. Such people, as a rule, do not achieve their goals, spending all their ardor on flashing in front of a crowd that admires their appearance.

      How does it change:

      Increases when adding: 1, 2, 3
      Decreases on loss: 1, 2, 3

      What is responsible for:

      The total number of digits in the first column (1, 2, 3) determines the strength of a person's self-esteem. In this capacity lies the desire to distinguish oneself from the crowd, to appear as a brighter person (mind, conversation, clothes, cosmetics, etc.). Without a sufficiently high self-esteem, no talented, intelligent and gifted person can take place.

    • 1

       Meaning "1":

      A person does not want to provide for himself, he can afford to sit on the neck of someone (parents, wife, husband). This line does not pose a particular danger, given its weakness for women, since the provision of the family should rest on the shoulders of the husband.

      How does it change:

      Increases when added: 4, 5, 6
      Decrease on loss: 4, 5, 6

      What is responsible for:

      A person's aspiration for material independence, arrangement of his life, financial support for his family.

    • 5

       Meaning "5":

      The third column (7, 8, 9) of the psychomatrix is \u200b\u200bresponsible for a person's talent. The more numbers, the stronger the talent. Many numbers and lines of the psychomatrix influence the disclosure of talent: character, self-esteem, dedication, energy, health, luck and others. It is the combination of many characteristics and the volitional effort of the person himself that give the achievement of the goal.

      Why disclose:

      Who ruled Russia during the time of Alexander Pushkin? Who was the Minister of Culture when the film "Kalina Krasnaya" was shot? The epoch is not determined by the position, but by the talent.

    • 5


       Meaning "5":

      The diagonal is responsible for a person's spirituality, his striving for spiritual closeness and a higher principle (God, the higher mind) We can say that up to five digits, a person's spirituality gradually increases from lack of spirituality in the absence of numbers to a maximum with five digits.


      Considering the psychomatrix, it is necessary to pay attention to the ratio of the two diagonals to each other (carnal and spiritual). It is their ratio that will play a key role in the strength of each of the lines. Assessing the strength of each line, we can say what is more important for a person in the future family: his interest in the spiritual principles of a partner or the material side (carnal, including the sexual sphere).

    Full age: 40

    Zodiac sign: Scorpio

    Scorpios are often successful thanks to their intelligence, perseverance, courage, and stubbornness. They are great friends, always remembering kindness. But enmity with them is not safe - they fight to the last.

    Eastern calendar symbol: Horse

    Badge of heroes, rebels and creators. Horses are very hardworking and intelligent, they have a lot of energy and a lot of talents. The only thing is that on their way they do not always look at their feet.

    Destiny number: 4

    Four is the number of reliable realists. They will never let go of their tit. Their weak creativity is compensated by their hard work, patience and organization.

    Planet patron: Mars, Pluto

    The Mars man lives in a state of struggle. He is constantly sorting out the relationship, prone to conflicts. He finds satisfaction in disputes. Selfish. This person is more of an energetic "vampire" than a "donor". A man of Pluto, if in fate experienced a fall, is able to quickly direct his efforts to "take off". This is a typical dictator, striving for leadership, sometimes showing cruelty.


    October 23, 1978
    N 1000
    Based on the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 17, 1968 N 548 in agreement with the USSR State Planning Committee and the USSR Ministry of Finance
    The nomenclature of healthcare institutions according to the application.
    II. I ORDER:
    1. To the ministers of health of the union and autonomous republics, heads of regional, regional and city (cities of republican subordination) health authorities:
    a) ensure that the names of subordinate institutions are carried out in accordance with the nomenclature of health care institutions approved by this order;
    b) to establish the staffing of medical, pedagogical and other personnel of the newly introduced health care institutions, pending the approval of the staffing standards and standard staffing of these institutions, with the individual permission of the ministers of health of the union republics.
    2. The heads of the main departments, directorates, to develop regulations on new health care institutions included in the nomenclature, and to make the necessary changes to the regulations on institutions, the names of which are changed by this order.
    3. To the head of the Department of Medical Statistics and Computer Engineering, T. Tserkovny GF. make changes in the current statistical reporting of health care institutions arising from this order.
    4. To consider as invalid the orders of the USSR Ministry of Health:
    from 21.11.49 N 870 and from 19.07.62 N 358 (in terms of the nomenclature of healthcare institutions);
    dated 07/13/63 N 329;
    from 06.09.63 N 420;
    dated 07.15.68 N 440;
    dated 31.12.74 N 1180;
    from 05.02.76 N 131;
    dated 16.02.77 N 122.

    to the order of the Ministry
    health care of the USSR
    dated October 23, 1978 N 1000
    1. Hospital facilities
    Hospital by water transport (central pool, pool, port, linear)
    Hospital on railway transport (central, road, department, junction, linear)
    City Hospital
    City Emergency Hospital
    Hospital for invalids of the Patriotic War
    Children's Hospital by Rail
    Children's City Hospital
    Children's regional (regional, republican) hospital
    Children's District Hospital
    Regional (regional, republican) hospital
    District Hospital
    District hospital
    District hospital
    Central City Hospital
    Central District Hospital
    Central District Hospital
    Specialized hospitals:
    children's infectious diseases hospital;
    pediatric orthopedic surgery hospital
    rehabilitation treatment;
    children's psychiatric hospital;
    children's tuberculosis hospital;
    hospital for Infectious Disease;
    orthopedist - surgical rehabilitation hospital
    otorhinolaryngological hospital;
    ophthalmological hospital;
    neuropsychiatric hospital (for patients with chronic
    mental hospital;
    tuberculosis hospital;
    physiotherapy hospital.
    2. Medical and preventive institutions of a special type
    3. Dispensaries
    Medical - physical education
    Skin - venereal
    4. Outpatient - polyclinic institutions
    Outpatient clinic
    Medical health center
    City Polyclinic
    Children's city polyclinic
    Children's dental clinic
    Cosmetology clinic
    Polyclinic on water transport (central basin,
    basin, port, linear)
    Polyclinic on railway transport (central,
    road, detachable, junction, linear)
    dental clinic
    Paramedic health center
    Feldsher - obstetric station
    Physiotherapy polyclinic
    Central District Polyclinic
    5. Institutions of an ambulance and emergency medical care
    and blood transfusion facilities
    Blood transfusion station
    Ambulance and emergency medical station
    6. Institutions for the protection of mothers and children
    Child's home
    Collective farm maternity hospital
    Dairy kitchen
    Maternity hospital
    7. Sanatorium - resort establishments
    Balneological hospital
    Mud bath
    Children's balneological hospital
    Children's mud bath
    Spa clinic
    Children's sanatorium
    Sanatorium - dispensary
    Specialized sanatorium pioneer camp
    year-round action
    1. Sanitary and epidemiological institutions
    Disinfection station
    City sanitary - epidemiological station
    Isolation - checkpoint on railway transport
    Regional (regional, republican) sanitary -
    epidemiological station)
    District sanitary and epidemiological station
    Anti-plague station
    Anti-plague station on railway transport
    District sanitary - epidemiological station
    Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of Civil Aviation
    Sanitary - Epidemiological Station on Water Transport
    (basin, port, linear)
    Sanitary and epidemiological station on the railway
    transport (central, road, department, linear)
    2. Institutions of health education
    House of Health Education
    Bureau of Forensic Medicine
    Pharmacy base
    Pharmacy kiosk
    Pharmacy store
    Pharmacy warehouse
    Medical equipment base
    Control and analytical laboratory
    Medical equipment store
    Optics store
    Medical equipment warehouse
    Central District Pharmacy
    1. The central district hospital is called a district hospital, which is entrusted with the functions of the district health department of a rural administrative district or at the same time the functions of a district health department of a rural administrative district and the functions of a city health department (in cities of republican, regional, regional subordination that do not have district health departments).
    The central district polyclinic is organized in a rural administrative district in the absence of a central district hospital and performs the functions of a district health department. There are no central district hospitals or central district polyclinics in urban administrative districts.
    The county central hospital is the county hospital that has the functions of the health department.
    The central city hospital is a hospital that is entrusted with the functions of the city health department in cities of republican, regional, regional subordination that do not have district health departments.
    The central basin hospital, the central basin polyclinic is a basin hospital or a basin polyclinic, respectively, which is entrusted with the functions of a water health department.
    A central district pharmacy is a pharmacy that is entrusted with the administrative and organizational - methodological management of the district pharmacies (in the absence of inter-district offices).
    2. Medical and preventive institutions (hospitals, dispensaries, maternity hospitals and other institutions), as well as specialized departments that are part of them, used for teaching by higher medical educational institutions (faculties) or for scientific purposes by medical research institutions at least than 50% are called clinical institutions (departments).
    Treatment and prophylactic institutions (hospitals, maternity hospitals and other institutions) that are part of higher medical educational institutions and medical research institutions or subordinate to universities and research institutions are called clinics.
    3. Centers are hospital institutions or their structural subdivisions, as well as dispensaries and maternity hospitals, designed to provide medical assistance to the attached population in the relevant specialty. The institution that is the center retains its name in accordance with the nomenclature.
    4. If there are two or more institutions of the same name in one locality, each of them is assigned a serial number.
    If there are two or more district hospitals in a rural administrative district, each of them, except for the central one, is assigned a serial number.
    5. Hospital institutions designed to provide inpatient medical care in several specialties are multidisciplinary hospital institutions.
    6. Institutions provided for in the subsection "Hospital institutions", except for specialized hospitals, must include a polyclinic (outpatient clinic).
    The city hospital and children's hospitals (city and railway) may not have polyclinics (outpatient clinics) in their composition.
    7. In an oblast (krai, republic), one oblast (krai, republican) hospital and one children's oblast (krai, republican) hospital may be created.
    8. A medical and sanitary unit is a city polyclinic or a city hospital with a polyclinic, intended exclusively or mainly for the provision of medical care to employees of industrial enterprises, construction organizations, transport enterprises. The health care unit may include other health care institutions.
    9. District hospitals and feldsher-obstetric centers are organized in rural settlements, as well as at construction sites outside the settlements.
    10. As part of a precinct, district, regional, regional, republican hospital, a mobile outpatient clinic can be organized, which is a structural subdivision of the hospital and acts as its department.
    As part of the regional, regional, republican hospital, with the permission of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republic, an ophthalmological consultative polyclinic can be organized.
    11. Psychoneurological hospitals (for patients with chronic alcoholism), orthopedic and surgical hospitals for rehabilitation, children's orthopedic and surgical hospitals for rehabilitation, physiotherapy, ophthalmological and otorhinolaryngological hospitals are created with the permission of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republic.
    Specialized hospitals, not provided for in the section "Hospital establishments", are organized with the permission of the USSR Ministry of Health.
    12. The name "City emergency hospital" can only be assigned to the city hospital, which is used exclusively for the provision of emergency inpatient and out-of-hospital care and includes an ambulance and emergency medical care station as a structural unit.
    13. The name "Hospital", depending on its specialization, is added accordingly: therapeutic, surgical, orthopedic, prosthetic - orthopedic, maxillofacial, eye, neurosurgical, tuberculosis, neuropsychiatric.
    14. Dispensaries may include a hospital hospital.
    In a region (territory, autonomous republic, union republic without regional division) one cardiological dispensary may be created. These dispensaries perform the functions of a regional (regional, republican) institution and provide medical care, respectively, to the population of the region (region, republic).
    Dispensaries with fewer than 5 outpatient doctor posts cannot be re-created.
    Prophylactic and trachomatous dispensaries cannot be re-created. The existing protivopoietic and trachomatous dispensaries can be preserved at the discretion of the Ministry of Health of the Union republic.
    15. Two or more polyclinics as part of hospitals may be created, provided that each of them corresponds to the current standard categories established for city polyclinics.
    16. Health centers are organized at enterprises, institutions and organizations and are part of a polyclinic or an outpatient clinic.
    17. The air ambulance station is a part of the regional, regional, republican hospital, is a structural subdivision of the hospital and acts as its department.
    In republics (territories, regions) that do not have republican (regional, regional) hospitals, a republican (regional, regional) station of medical aviation can be organized as an independent institution with the permission of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republic.
    18. Women's consultation is a structural subdivision of a maternity hospital, clinic or outpatient clinic.
    19. Independent dairy kitchens can be created with the permission of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republic with a volume of work of at least 12 thousand portions of milk and milk mixtures per day. In other cases, dairy kitchens are structural subdivisions of polyclinics or hospitals.
    20. When transferring nurseries and children's homes to the sanatorium regime, the word "sanatorium" is added to their name.
    21. Rooms for mothers and children are organized at railway stations, marinas, stations on rail, water, air and road transport and are part of the relevant health care institutions.
    In some cases, at the stations of large railway stations, with the permission of the Ministry of Railways, rooms for mothers and children can be organized as independent institutions.
    Also, medical centers (doctors, paramedics) at railway stations are part of the corresponding medical and preventive institutions on railway transport.
    22. District sanitary and epidemiological stations are subdivided into district sanitary and epidemiological stations in cities and district sanitary and epidemiological stations in rural administrative districts.
    23. The disinfection station, which performs exclusively work on preventive disinfection, is kept on a cost-benefit basis.
    24. Dispensaries, ambulance and emergency medical aid stations, air ambulance stations and forensic medical examination bureaus are created and subordinate to the territorial health authorities of the system of the USSR Ministry of Health.
    Specialized sanatorium pioneer camps of year-round operation can be located only in the system of the Central Council for the Management of Trade Unions Resorts.
    25. A self-supporting pharmacy intended solely for the provision of one or more hospitals and other health care institutions with medicines and other goods of the pharmacy range, respectively, is referred to as a hospital or inter-hospital pharmacy.