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  • Gta 5 how to download skills. Character leveling in GTA Online

    Gta 5 how to download skills. Character leveling in GTA Online

    In general, as you progress through missions, skills will be pumped anyway. But if you really want to make a fighting character faster, then here are a few ways.

    First, I'll saythat GTA-5 has:

    Mission editor (Network -\u003e Editor). In the Editor, you can create your own shootout, race, "Capture" and "Team of survivors". And then play the created mission over the network. The Editor has a "Test" item. Those. test the mission before publishing. So that's it. During testing, skills are also pumped! For example, you can put 20 unarmed people and stupidly shoot them in the head, pump your shooting.

    ☺ And there is Director Mode (in Scene mode, press the M key, then select Director Mode) The director mode opens after completing some task in the plot related to the cinema. The director's mode was invented so that you could play stupidly, turn on immortality, play for different characters from the game, fuck, shoot all kinds of weapons ... So. In Director Mode, skills are also pumped!

    The only problem - RP is not earned in Director and Editor. But you are immortal and unlimited in time. You can sit all day at least, pump skills))

    1) Endurance... The higher your endurance, the longer you can run or ride a bike without dying. So get on the bike and ... pedal until the pussies give)) Everything is simple here. You can ride a bike, getting fucked by snipers, here in this mission.

    2) Shooting... The higher your shooting skill, the less recoil from shots, the better you can aim. The more opponents you kill with a headshot, the faster the shooting will pump.

    To do this, it is best to go into the Director Mode, choose your network character as an actor, turn on immortality and run around the city, smashing the heads of the special forces that have flocked to the shots.

    You can also go to the Mission Editor, create a firefight and crush opponents with impunity during testing.

    Also, to level up your shooting, play " Police mince ", in " Executioner ", in " Walking Dead ", in " Robbery of Poroshenko "and in" Gunfight in the tunnel ".

    3) Strength... This skill is poorly developed for most players. All have pumped endurance, driving, shooting ... Not all have pumped piloting ... And strength - so every second has not been pumped. Drysha fucking!)))

    And meanwhile, the higher the strength, the more powerful the character will be able to outwit the enemy in hand-to-hand combat and the more he can jump from a higher height without crashing. Hand-to-hand combat is rarely needed, but you constantly jump from a height. So the power needs to be pumped!

    To do this, go to the Director or the Editor, take an ax, machete or any other weapon for hand-to-hand. And stupidly fuck everyone.

    Or, if you want more adrenaline, play "", " Epic lumberjack battle " or in " A fight in a pub "for pumping power. There you will also earn RP. Killing players (not bots) in hand-to-hand combat, power is pumped faster.

    4) Stealth... The higher the stealth skill, the quieter the sound of footsteps. This is necessary in order to silently sneak up on opponents. Not very useful, but there are a few missions where you need to sneak without a trace.

    To upgrade stealth, you need to ... switch to stealth mode (Ctrl) and sneak. If you are on the wanted list and sneak, then the skill is pumped faster. In short, you go to the Director Mode or the Editor, there you cheat on the cops, get a couple of wanted stars, climb somewhere on the roof so that they don't get you, and there you sneak. Do not let go of the cops from you, nightmare them periodically to look for you.

    5) Piloting... The higher this skill is pumped, the faster it flies. To improve piloting, you need to perform tricks: a loop, a spin, etc. And also fly at high speed under bridges.

    In the Mission Editor, choose a fighter for yourself and swagger on it as much as you like)) You can also play thematic missions. For example, this .

    6) Driving... The higher the driving is pumped, the better it is)) It is necessary to screw up the oncoming lane at high speed, avoiding collisions. This is how the driving sways the fastest. In the Mission Editor, grab a Zentorno or T-20 and fuck it. Or here in this play online mission. There the length of the route is 21 km. Drive until blue in the face))

    7) Lung volume... Allows you to swim longer underwater. The skill is needed so that when you have 3 or more wanted stars, you can dive deeper under the water and swim away so that you are not driven off the turntable. This is exactly how it sways. Podkoshmarivaet cops, dive, hold on as long as possible, emerge to restore breathing, dive again and so on.

    8) Psyche... The psyche is not a skill. This is an indicator of current aggressiveness. Increases when you kill other players in Freemode. Your mark turns red and you are awarded the titles "Crazy", "Maniac" and "Psychopath". If you want to change the session or leave for a task, then you will be transferred to a session where the same scumbags as you are. So that you THERE can get lost, and not nightmare adequate players)))))

    If you do not wet anyone, then after a few hours the psyche indicator goes back to zero.

    Such are the things. Everything, fuck... There is nothing difficult in pumping GTA-5 skills;))

    And much, much more. To survive, and even more so, to start building your own criminal empire, it is better to enlist the support of friends, but you also need to show yourself. To do this, the game has a number of characteristics of the hero, which must be developed in order to shoot more accurately, run longer, not die longer, better control transport, and the like. In this article, we will tell you how to quickly upgrade your skills so that your hero is not called a weakling, a yellow-mouth and other offensive words.

    There are seven skills: endurance, shooting, strength, stealth, piloting, driving, and lung capacity.

    How to build endurance

    Endurance, shows how long your hero can run, swim and ride a bike fast. The skill develops when performing these actions. Unfortunately, there are no special tasks or tricks in the game to quickly pump this skill. But do not worry, stamina will grow by itself while completing tasks.

    How to pump shooting

    Shooting is one of the main aspects in Grand Theft auto Online. In the game, you shoot everywhere and always. Therefore, shooting skill is one of the most important. The degree of its development reduces the recoil of the weapon, increases the reloading speed, as well as the timeliness of somersault during firing. And here there are already some tricks: if you shoot people, then aim for the head - shooting in the head fills up the skill bar faster. In addition, it is better to choose an enclosed space with only one entrance, for example a clothing store. Hide behind the counter and shoot every police officer who runs inside.

    But shooting people is an extra noise that gets the attention of the police and other players. It is much better to use the shooting range - there you will not only fill the scale without problems with the law and with other players, but also compete with your friends - here profit is already possible.

    How to pump strength

    Strength skill affects the physical performance of your hero. If the skill is pumped to 100 percent, then your hero hits harder, receives less damage from the blows of others, falls from a greater height without dying, climbs stairs faster and then sends the ball in golf. The best way pumping this skill - to beat passers-by. The scale fills up by one percent for every 20 beats.

    But beating people on the street gets the attention of the police. It is much better to take advantage of the special confrontation. IN user affairs Grand theft Auto Online has maps designed to train this particular skill. The idea is simple - you and your opponent appear on the map, where you need to deliver a package, but a couple of dozen unarmed bots that run at you in droves are preventing you from doing it. Here it is necessary to understand both for you and your opponent that the goal of this case is not to defeat the enemy by bringing the package first, but to pump the skill. Therefore, run around the map and methodically give cuffs to bots until the scale is completely filled. Remember not to use weapons - only fists.

    On the Socialclub page in the search field, enter “ Power pumping", Find the case by Kira_rgb, click" Add to game "and restart the client. Then it remains only to start the given case through the game menu (esc - network - cases - start business - marked cases - team of survivors).

    How to upgrade stealth

    In GTA, stealth is required to complete some missions, in confrontations, and to quickly evade the police. The skill increases by 1 percent for every 45 meters in stealth mode, and by 1.5 percent for two kills in this mode. The easiest way to pump a skill is to go to the runway in stealth mode, hold down the gamepad sticks or keys so that the hero walks in a circle and leaves for half an hour. Upon returning, you will find that the parameter is fully pumped.

    How to upgrade piloting

    Piloting skill affects the responsiveness of aircraft and helicopter control and exposes your vehicle less turbulence. It is a difficult skill to train, but nothing is impossible. If only flying, then the skill scale will fill up by one percent for every 10 minutes in the air. But there are better ways. Complete all ten missions of the Los Santos Flight School and the skill meter will be more than half full, and you will also receive a solid cash bonus. The rest can be filled in by performing a simple exercise on the runway at Los Santos Airport. Grab the corn machine and pick up speed. As soon as you lift the landing gear off the ground, immediately land the plane, then try again to take off and again to land quickly. This nodding will greatly help to gain experience in piloting.

    How to upgrade driving

    Advanced driving skills allow you to better control the car in the air, and the motorcycle is better to hold when riding on the rear wheel. The skill grows by one percent for every second in the air and by 2-3 percent for performing unique jumps. Therefore, jump as much as possible, land on four wheels and drive in the oncoming lane without crashing into other cars.

    How to pump lung volume

    This skill allows you to stay under water for a long time without scuba gear. It is worth making a reservation here - this skill is not required if you are not going to explore the underwater world. And even if you are going, it is better to buy portable breathing apparatus in Ammunation. But if you decide to pump the skill, then go to the lake in Mirror Park. Shop nearby for groceries and dive. As soon as your health starts to decrease, eat what you bought. Even so, you only get one percent for every minute underwater.

    20111 2015-08-16 at 23:16

    Character stats in GTA 5

    As in GTA: San Andreas, characters in GTA 5 have set of indicators (skills, abilities, characteristics) affecting success and quality performing certain actions.

    Everything, including special abilities, in GTA V can be developed 8 skills, however, only the main characters have so-called special abilities single player - Michael, Franklin and Trevor - and unique to each of them.

    Following is the full list character indicators, both for single player and multiplayer games, as well as ways of their " pumping».

    Skills and their pumping

    Skills are indicators that determine quality or duration performance of certain actions by the character. There are seven of them, and initial values the three characters differ. For example, Michael is not in the best shape and may collapse after a short run. In addition, it is obvious that the character skill bars independent between themselves.

    Determines how long the character can run, swim, or cycle at full speed without reaching overvoltage (remember: if you keep running at full speed for too long, you will start to lose health). The skill is pumped by completing all of the above exercise.
    Determines how well you can handle weapons: recoil force, reload speed, accuracy (for the player, this means that the sight will not "tremble" so much), the amount of ammunition carried. This skill grows if you hit enemies, especially the head.

    The stronger you are, the more damage apply enemies, the faster you overcome obstacles and less damage get during fights and falls.
    Determines how well you do go unnoticed... The more "pumped" this skill, the less noise you create, the less your detection radius and more travel speed in stealth mode.

    Aerobatics skill
    A good pilot can take off and land better and deal with turbulence more easily. To develop the skill, it is enough to fly on airplanes and helicopters as long and better as possible (for every 10 minutes of flight and, separately, flights under the bridge you will receive a 1% increase).
    Driving skill
    Shows how confident you feel while driving. High performance allows you to control transport while in the air, as well as longer ride, "rearing up".
    Lung volume
    Determines how long you can hold breath and stay underwater.

    Special abilities

    The special abilities of the main characters are due to their unique past, their "specialization", and can be very useful during the passage of the game. Special abilities generally allow you to perform certain actions with the greatest accuracy or efficiency.

    The indicator of special ability is yellow stripe under the mini-map. Activate a special ability can be done at any time if the indicator is partially filled. Using a special ability gradually depletes the indicator, and replenished he is unique to each character. " Pumping»Special abilities increase its maximum duration, up to 30 seconds.

    Michael is an experienced shooter. Without being in transport, he can enter time dilation mode (similar to the abilities of the protagonists Max Payne and Red Dead Redemption), making it shooting much more accurate.

    Franklin is a seasoned driver. It can enter time dilation mode while behind the wheel in ground vehicles (which is similar to the Zone ability in Midnight Club) for better cornering and collision avoidance.

    Well, Trevor is a drug addict and sociopath with experience. He can enter rage mode, becoming nearly invulnerable, dealing double damage and cursing enemies. collisions.