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  • Woman's health at 40. My path to a healthy lifestyle

    Woman's health at 40. My path to a healthy lifestyle

    If you “don't feel anything like that,” don't flatter yourself. Only half of those who have high blood pressure feel it. A person who is accustomed to work intensively, to make a career, often does not pay attention to headaches, irritability, decreased performance, attributing all to fatigue. As a result, he wastes precious time, and the disease is gaining strength.

    It is known that the so-called type A people suffer much more often - responsible, ambitious, experiencing any "inconsistency" as a personal tragedy. They are often in leadership positions and are always trying to make the world better than it is - unlike Type B people who are calmly going with the flow. Change your attitude to life - and hypertension will recede.

    If you are working, try never to combine two top priorities on the same day. You shouldn't make an important appointment a couple of hours before a doctor's appointment or a co-op meeting. There is a wonderful English saying: "Never do the best you can." Your type should take it on board.

    If you are late for a conference or presentation and the bus is still not there or there is a traffic jam on the highway, ask yourself a simple question: "What will change if I arrive ten minutes late?" Will you be denied your job, publicly dishonored? No, most likely, no one will notice this, or in extreme cases, people will calmly accept your apology for being late. A calm, even somewhat ironic attitude to problems is the key to a stress-free life. This means - and the accompanying pressure surges.

    Do not try to be "the most, most". Striving for the ideal, of course, is commendable, but it takes too much energy - both emotional and physical. Few can become a great housewife, mother, wife, daughter-in-law and worker at the same time. Give up this idea - and it will become much easier for you to live. By the way, everything will turn out much better, because you will stop being nervous.

    2nd bell. Fatigue on monday

    The beginning of the working week, there are a lot of things ahead, and you have no strength for anything. Before, this was not the case - you could do laundry and cleaning all weekend or prepare for an important meeting, and on Monday show the wonders of cheerfulness. Unfortunately, as we age, our energy resources diminish. And the conclusion from this is simple - there is no need to torture the body. Spend the weekend with health benefits. If there is no way to spend a couple of days in the fresh air, in a boarding house or on a tourist trip (this would be best), and the trip is too expensive, try to arrange a home "seaside resort".

    Take a bath with Dead Sea salt and algae. Instead, you can use micronized, that is, very concentrated, seaweed. They are rich in vital amino acids and trace elements that easily and quickly penetrate the skin. They activate the immune, nervous and endocrine potential of the body. To enhance the effect of the sea salt bath, you can apply a special gel with red and brown algae extracts to dry skin.

    The active ingredients will work differently depending on the temperature of the water. At 38-39 ° C, amino acids responsible for fat utilization will begin to fight cellulite. A cool bath (34º C) will increase peripheral blood circulation and improve the condition of low blood pressure and vascular dystonia, which are often the cause of lack of energy.

    Use. A stimulating bath with Scots pine, peppermint and rosemary oil will help you to wake up and invigorate. After a sleepless night, add relaxing oils such as lavender, magnolia, rose, chamomile and orange to the water. They are also good for those times when your nervous system is at the limit. With swelling and heaviness in the legs, a bath with drainage oil of basil, carrot, and wintergreen will help. The oils of Moroccan cedar, peppermint, cardamom and juniper berries have an anti-cellulite effect.

    For total relaxation, create a pleasant atmosphere in the bathroom. Light phyto-candles, turn on quiet relaxing music. After bathing, wrap yourself in a terry robe and rest for another 20-30 minutes. Complement your "sea" session with a cup of herbal tea - and you will feel that you had a good rest over the weekend and on Monday you can "fight again".

    3rd bell. Hormonal disruptions

    Their cause may be a banal lack of some trace elements. It very quickly affects sexual function, menstrual cycle, sexuality. And also at work of many other systems and organs, for example, the pancreas. That is why sometimes aging begins much earlier than it should be according to the "calendar" age.

    In women after 35 years of age, the depletion of the ovarian reserve and a decrease in reproductive capacity gradually begin. It is impossible to stop or slow down the internal ones. But reducing the rate of hormonal aging is real. It is noticeably accelerated by constant stress and tobacco smoke.

    The latter has a bad effect on blood circulation, especially in small vessels, and the ovary is literally penetrated by them. Of course, the "well-being" of the eggs also suffers. So, first of all, give up the bad habit.

    A very active antioxidant complex that protects against other harmful environmental influences is found in the leaves of the ginkgo biloba plant. It protects the fats contained in the membranes of nerve cells from being destroyed by free radicals. Buy yourself a good product that is high in this plant.

    Try to provide your body with zinc and selenium - they are very important for the reproductive system. Oysters contain a lot of zinc, but this delicacy is extremely rare in our diet. So, "collect" the norm of microelements, including wheat germs, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, oatmeal in the menu. To provide the body with selenium, you need to consume coconut and pistachios more often. This useful microelement is also contained in lard and garlic.

    There are preparations and supplements that contain active zinc and selenium. Drink them in courses periodically.

    After 40 years appearance the woman changes, as a rule, more significantly than before.

    At this age, they begin to function differently internal organs... Therefore, in women over 40, the condition of hair, nails and skin changes.

    After 40 years the endocrine glands begin to work differently, and in this regard is changing hormonal background in organism... This is what affects the work of internal organs.

    Weight begins to rise even if the amount of food consumed does not increase. The main reason is a decrease in the concentration of female sex hormones - estrogens. Weight gain is compensation for a decrease in the hormone estrogen.

    Not all women know that because of female hormones problems arise in the intimate sphere... After 40 years, the production of female hormones decreases, dryness in the vagina appears, the skin becomes dry, sex does not bring joy and satisfaction. At this age, the risk of a violation of the state of the vaginal microflora and a decrease in immunity to female diseases increases. This is due to a decrease in the amount of female hormones progesterone and estrogen.

    Progesterone is necessary to maintain the necessary pH of the acidic environment in the vagina, since the acidic environment protects the female body from the penetration of pathogenic infectious agents. Estrogens regulate the menstrual cycle. In addition, they are in charge of the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, bone density, the state of the urogenital organs, are responsible for the beauty, density and shine of hair, skin elasticity and strength of nails.

    At this age, women are already beginning to experience various chronic diseasespromoted by stress, unhealthy diet, emotional and psychological fatigue.

    In order for a woman to continue to be slim and beautiful at 40, she needs to make some efforts. If you don't start paying due attention to your lifestyle and health in a timely manner, you can gradually turn into a sick old woman.

    It's time to pay more attention to your body. And all this in order to slow down the aging process.

    So it is recommended to include fish dishes, seafood, vegetable salads, black bread, fruits and juices in the diet that normalizes the condition. Vegetable oils are preferred among fats. The diet should include dairy and fermented milk products, mild cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese. It is necessary to exclude all fast food products, semi-finished products, chips, alcohol, fried foods, semi-finished products.

    Restoration of hormonal levels and microflora of the vagina

    Complex restoration of hormonal levels and vaginal microflora occurs due to the simultaneous use of female anionic pads and sanitary pads with probiotics.

    Feminine hygiene anion pads (Winion) created on the basis of innovative methods of modern medicine. They contain the most modern materials used to improve the health of the female body. The anionic spacers contain a rare mineral, tourmaline, which produces negatively charged oxygen ions and emits infrared radiation comparable in wavelength to the radiation of human cells (6-14 microns).

    The use of negatively charged oxygen ions and infrared radiation in hygienic anionic (Winion) pads stimulates the blood circulation of the female pelvic organs, which contributes to the saturation of tissues with oxygen. This prevents the occurrence of stagnant processes, which are the cause of many gynecological diseases, such as: ovarian disease, various kinds of inflammation and fibroids.

    Ferromagnetic fiber, also found in anionic spacers (Winion), increases cell metabolism, accelerates the removal of harmful substances and metabolic products outside the cells, enhances blood circulation and blood microcirculation.

    With an increase in blood circulation, the hormonal background stabilizes, as a result of which conditions appear for the creation of a normal microflora of the vagina. Anion pads Anion (Winion) suppress pathogenic microflora with virtually no effect on healthy ones.

    Well, and the most important thing is to always try to be in a good mood, then health will accompany you even after 40 years!

    According to research by the National Eye Institute, after 40 years vision inevitably deteriorates, dry eyes, myopia and hyperopia are observed, and cataracts can also develop. At this age, the cardiovascular system weakens, a tendency to hypertension and heart failure appears, and cholesterol levels rise. In addition, bone density decreases, osteoporosis develops, joint pains appear, and bones become fragile. That is why fractures occur more often at this age, and bones grow together longer and harder.

    After 40 years, when the activity of the ovaries gradually weakens, the body undergoes hormonal changes called "menopause", which affects the work of the endocrine system. For this reason, excess weight is gained, because the body accumulates fat, trying to make up for the lack of estrogen. There are "hot flashes" with palpitations and dizziness, insomnia, absent-mindedness and apathy. Due to hormonal disruptions, mood swings, outbursts of anger and irritability occur. Many women after 40 suffer from depression, which is difficult to experience if you do not seek help from a psychotherapist.

    Irina Golubovskaya


    “Age after forty is the most vulnerable in terms of physical and mental health. You need to carefully monitor your well-being, without missing a single alarming symptom, immediately consult a doctor and undergo the recommended treatment. After 40 years, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, part with bad habits, including in nutrition, make friends with physical education and establish a daily routine. The time of reckless youth with sleepless nights and uncontrolled eating is over. Anything that the body could easily tolerate before can now cause harm. "

    To lose weight or not to lose weight for women after 40?

    When nutritionists advise women on how to lose weight after 40 years, they usually recommend avoiding junk food and eating foods with phytoestrogens that improve the condition during menopause. These include flaxseed and flaxseed oil, soybeans, beans, lentils, peas, beans, cauliflower, broccoli, nuts, seeds and dairy products, which are also rich in calcium, which is essential for healthy bones. During this period, a woman really needs omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and seafood. They relieve the symptoms of menopause, protect the heart and blood vessels, and provide firmness and elasticity to the skin.

    However, attention to certain foods does not imply compliance. In adulthood, they are contraindicated for many reasons.

    Svetlana Bronnikova

    clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, founder of the Center for Intuitive Nutrition and Eating Disorder Therapy

    “With age, it becomes more and more difficult to lose the gained kilograms, which“ stick ”tightly and do not want to leave. Many women panic, go on rigid diets, and in vain. In 2002, scientist Louis Gruberg of the Cardiovascular Research Institute in Washington discovered the "obesity paradox" that revolutionized the conventional wisdom in nutrition and medicine. It was found that with cancer, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease and many other diseases, overweight and even mild obesity patients feel better and have a chance to live much longer than patients of normal weight. We now understand that there is a lot of evolutionary importance in age-related weight gain. Thus, nature is trying to protect us from those diseases that are most dangerous in old age: being overweight is much more likely to survive. "

    How to dress women 40+: tips from stylists

    After forty, every woman clearly knows what she needs, and without which she will live peacefully. This also applies to the choice of clothing. True, many ladies go to extremes. Some wrap themselves in shapeless robes and wear dark, floor-length skirts, trying to hide bulging curves or full calves, while others feel like teenagers and wear ripped jeans and a toxic green T-shirt with a unicorn. After forty years, it is no longer so important what others say, but no woman will like it if they start laughing at her.

    Become and trend yourself. After all, by the age of 40, you already know a lot about fashion. The easiest way to create an individual look is to add a touch of nontriviality to the classics, using elements of eclecticism or diffuse style, when the supposedly incongruous is combined. This does not mean wearing a ball gown with sneakers, because women over forty have good taste. But a cotton sundress looks great with a country-style leather jacket, and a lace bodysuit looks like it was made for jeans. Most importantly, clothes should be comfortable. Skinny jeans, mind-blowing stiletto heels and ultra-tight dresses are a distant youth, don't you agree?

    Irina Pankratova

    “Here are some life hacks on how to look stylish in adulthood. Buy clothes in pastel shades - ivory, pale pink, cream, olive, lemon and cream, they rejuvenate and refresh. Also buy colored shoes, because boring black adds a few years to your age. "

    The stylist's tips for women over 40 do not have to be strictly followed, but if you use at least some of the recommendations, you will look much more elegant.

    Tips for women in their 40s: a few secrets of anti-aging makeup

    With age, the skin of women becomes dull and dry, therefore, the tasks of makeup are aimed primarily at not harming and, if possible, hiding defects in appearance. One of the main principles of personal care is the use of sunscreen cosmetics, since mature skin is especially sensitive to ultraviolet light. It is good if the day cream, foundation, lipstick and powder contain sunscreen.

    All makeup tips for women over 40 contain a recommendation to use only high-quality cosmetics from proven brands that do not spread, do not crumble or clog pores. You are no longer the age to experiment with cheap fakes.

    Foundations and powders should be light and non-greasy. Use beige, peach and all natural shades. Do not make too narrow eyebrow strings - with them you will definitely add five years.

    “The ideal make-up after forty is in the nude style, the so-called“ make-up without make-up ”, when it seems to everyone around that a woman left the house without make-up, but at the same time looks great. To achieve this, apply a matte foundation or fluid to moisturized skin to match the skin tone. Further to the middle of the forehead, chin, bridge of the nose, cheekbones and brow ridges apply a highlighter to give your skin a little radiance. The blush should be pale pink, and the shadows should be of a pastel palette, natural shades are also acceptable - nutty, peach, chocolate. Lightly blend the eyeliner to create a smoky effect when contouring the eyes. The finishing touch is choosing a lipstick that doesn't have to be too bright if you want to look younger. "

    Life Tips for Women After 40

    All people, without exception, age, but this process can be slowed down. Whether we are going to age slowly, as long as possible without losing our charm, it depends on ourselves. First of all, we must lead a hygienic and sensible life, meticulously watching our appearance. After 40 years, facial skin care and healthy lifestyle for women are especially relevant.

    Lifestyle of a woman after 40 years

    A woman's lifestyle largely affects her appearance, therefore:

    - Do not overwork, do not abuse alcohol, cigarettes, strong coffee.

    - Try to sleep at least eight hours a night. Nothing has such a beneficial effect on beauty as healthy sleep.

    - Dramatic weight loss is undesirable. Therefore, from a young age, control your weight. Set aside at least ten minutes every day for gymnastics, and spend Sunday in the bosom of nature, do not pounce on food as you did in your younger years, but choose what to eat.

    - After forty, you should eat less sugar and dough products. Morning breakfast is essential, and in the evening, eat fruit, salads or milk if possible. If you are invited to dinner, fast the next day. Eat only fruit or milk once a week.

    Whatever the skin on your face when you were young - dry, oily or normal - with age, it will inevitably lose moisture and become dry. therefore after 40 years of facial skin care it is worth paying the utmost attention.

    Nourishing cream and moisture are what your face after 40 years.

    After washing your face in the morning, lubricate your face with a nourishing cream. After 1-2 hours, wipe it off with a cotton swab moistened with rose water. In the evening before going to bed, thoroughly wipe your face with toilet milk, and then wash yourself with cool water if your skin is dry, and hot water and soap if your skin is oily.

    It is good to apply a fruit or nourishing mask on your face at least two to three times a week. In winter, make masks from sour milk, cottage cheese, eggs, bread yeast, vegetable oils, and agave juice. In summer, you have a richer choice: cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, grapes - in short, all fruits and vegetables.

    When on excursions, walks, or while on vacation (especially if you spend it at sea or in the mountains), avoid wearing makeup. The skin should breathe freely.

    Water, air and sun are factors that have a beneficial effect on the skin and overall well-being. Prefer light makeup, light and not very greasy lipstick. A thin layer of powder hides wrinkles, but it should be used only in the evening, going to the theater or to a concert.

    Exercises for women after 40 years

    Weakened muscles of the face and neck can be strengthened with special exercises... At least twice a month, do a massage from a beautician (if you have the opportunity) or self-massage if you have the necessary skill.

    Pre-cleanse your face (best after morning exercises) with lotion or hot compresses (if you have not increased blood pressure), and then rinse it with cold water and brush with cream. At first, do the exercises 2-3 times a day, and when you get used to it, up to ten times. Exercises for the double chin can be done 15-20 times a day.

    Here are some of the most simple exercisesthat will be helpful women over the age of 40:

    Exercises for the double chin

    1. Place your elbows on the table and press firmly with your chin, first on one and then on the other palm.
    2. Pinch a pencil with your lips, stretch your chin forward and try to draw circles in the air, first from left to right, and then in the opposite direction.
    3. Pull your chin forward and turn your head first to the left and then to the right, trying to touch the shoulder

    Exercises for the eyes

    1. Close your eyes tightly, count to three and open them wide,
    2. Close and open your eyes tightly, holding the outer corners with your fingertips.
    3. Roll your eyes slowly - first from left to right, then in the opposite direction.

    Exercises to strengthen neck muscles

    1. Slowly tilt your head first to the left and then to the right.
    2. Close your lips tightly, touch your tongue to the palate and lower it.
    3. Stretch your neck forward, then make a sharp circular motion with your head.
    turn first from left to right, then in the opposite direction.

    A woman at forty is still fresh, full of energy, but already has experience and knowledge, including how to care for your skin after 40 years 😉 Therefore, it is completely unjustified that at this age she should refuse her favorite cultural and other activities, from communication with relatives and friends, from so many joys that life is rich in. Be in shape is the motto women after forty!

    There is no secret that the female body copes much more easily with all stressful situations, colds and increased physical and emotional stress. The magic remedy for women is estrogens - hormones that stimulate the work of all organs and help the regeneration of cells and the rapid resumption of the entire system.

    But there comes a time when women's health is approaching a dangerous threshold - the onset of menopause. At this moment, the amount of estrogen produced decreases sharply, and the female body finds itself on a dangerous border. And this is where you need to start taking care of yourself:

    • Change the diet;
    • Train your body;
    • To refuse from bad habits;
    • Monitor your condition;
    • Being outdoors more.

    It’s like a small child who cannot walk, holding on to my mother’s hand. As soon as the mother releases her hand, the baby has to stand and walk on his own. At first slowly and uncertainly, and then firmly and with an understanding of all his actions.

    Saying goodbye to extra calories without the slightest regret

    The most important thing after 40 years is proper nutrition. All components must remain in the diet: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals. But with the huge amount of calories that estrogens coped with, you have to say goodbye.

    There are nutritional guidelines for women who want to stay beautiful.
    1. Consume at least 60 grams of protein per day;
    2. Don't forget to add dairy products to the menu;
    3. It is better to steam or bake fish and poultry, rather than fry;
    4. Fatty pork and lamb should be removed from your menu;
    5. Potatoes for a side dish should be combined with a lot of greens or carrots, beets, fresh cucumbers, cabbage;
    6. It is better to leave only brown rice and buckwheat on the shelf with cereals;
    7. Once a week, you can eat two eggs for breakfast;
    8. If you really like legumes - do not ban them: just limit their use and boil well.

    Don't let your muscles relax

    Observe - A healthy lifestyle doesn't just mean eating right. The skin begins to abruptly lose its elasticity, the muscles atrophy, become flabby. But no woman will allow this! Moderately loading your body with loads is what you need. It is not necessary to sign up to the gym and exhaust yourself with hours of training. There are several secrets:

    • Stop going up and down the elevator (unless, of course, you live on the tenth floor), train yourself to walk up the stairs;
    • Waking up in the morning, do not get out of bed until you lift your legs up 10 times - one or two at a time;
    • Prepare food standing up: cut salads, vegetables into borscht, peel potatoes;
    • Perform general cleaning at least 2 times a week - this is good for your figure and is the best prevention of dust allergy in the house;
    • Fill a five-liter bucket with water and lift with each hand in turn until your hands get tired.

    We fill our cells with life-giving oxygen

    You should seriously think about giving up alcohol and smoking. Get rid of all enemies of the body, give it a chance to exist longer. Train yourself to walk for at least half an hour every evening. If you can't find the time for this, get yourself a dog. This little miracle will make you walk 2-3 times a day.

    Saturated with oxygen, the body begins to recover. The cells of the brain and blood vessels breathe, saturated blood runs to the heart, which becomes much easier to work. Morning and evening walks are useful when nature itself breathes and gives breath to you.

    We monitor our condition daily

    Begin to take care of your body, change your lifestyle with caution. At the first sign of dizziness, tingling in the heart, or headache, take a blood pressure monitor and measure your blood pressure. Watch the chair, monitor the general condition.

    Learn to weigh yourself at the same time in the morning before breakfast. Try to follow the regime and move more. If you follow at least one third of the recommendations, you will feel completely different in a month - cheerful and cheerful. And in a couple of years it won't even occur to anyone to say that you are over 40!

    Lana Ilyina