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  • The Bermuda Triangle: what it is. Bermuda Triangle: one of the main mysteries of our time, or an exaggeration of the supporters of conspiracy theories? Bermuda Triangle riddles and secrets

    The Bermuda Triangle: what it is. Bermuda Triangle: one of the main mysteries of our time, or an exaggeration of the supporters of conspiracy theories? Bermuda Triangle riddles and secrets

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    © / dagadu, nik7ch, Yurkina, AlienCat, maninblack, vitaliy_sokol, auriso, cover, 2014

    © Book Club "Family Leisure Club", edition in Russian, 2014

    © Book Club "Family Leisure Club", decoration, 2014

    © LLC "Book Club" Family Leisure Club "", Belgorod, 2014


    The world's oceans are fraught with many unsolved mysteries. Its depths have attracted a person from time immemorial, people strive to reveal its secrets, but to this day the ocean is the most poorly studied area the globe... Nobody knows for sure about what is under the many kilometers of water. In the uncharted depths of the ocean - unusual animals, huge monsters, dangerous whirlpools, treacherous currents and deep trenches, seamounts and hills, corals, sunken ships and sunken islands, and maybe even races unknown to science - a whole world to be discovered and explored.

    Modern scientists hypothesize that the Earth and the ocean are living beings: after all, life originated in water, and it is water that makes up most of the globe and all its inhabitants. This is the simplest and most mysterious substance. Water has a memory and can react to its surroundings, in whatever state - solid, liquid or gaseous - it may be.

    In Japan, an experiment was carried out: different words with different emotions were pronounced over water, then the water was frozen and the formed ice crystals were studied under a microscope. The result amazed the researchers and exceeded their expectations.

    The water, over which gentle words, words of gratitude or declaration of love were pronounced, when frozen, formed crystals of extraordinary beauty, harmoniously located in relation to the center of symmetry. The ice formed from the water, over which they shouted or swore, looked ugly and asymmetrical under the microscope. This is explained by the fact that any word uttered by a person, any sound has its own vibration, which is remembered by water. Moreover, water can not only hear, but also perceive thoughts and feelings. Water carries all the information it encounters.

    This means that the ocean - a huge mass of water - is truly a storehouse of unknown, thousand-year-old human memory! Or maybe not only human? Perhaps he remembers unknown, long forgotten peoples, extinct legendary creatures, aliens from other planets, events of bygone days, buried under a layer of eras?

    From ancient times there have been legends about the mysterious inhabitants of the deep sea. Swimming in the seas, people are faced with unexplained natural phenomena, such as the glow of water or the appearance of strange light spots on the surface; see unusual inhabitants of the ocean, sometimes accompanying boats and ships. People hear strange noises that seem to emanate from the seabed, they are fascinated by stories about missing ships and crews, about formidable pirates and their lost treasures. Real Robinsons-romantics voluntarily leave to live on uninhabited islands and find happiness in harmony with nature ...

    In preparing this book, we used many written and oral sources, including ancient legends and traditions. Who knows, maybe it is in them that the clue lies? Maybe our distant ancestors, whose lives depended on the whims of the elements, learned to take them for granted and even fight them, and perhaps even subjugate them, and knew what we do not know? Maybe thousands of years ago, people were wiser than us?

    Be that as it may, humanity has yet to unravel all the secrets of the ocean. But, probably, behind each solved mystery there will appear another, then another and another ... The process of cognition is endless, and this is wonderful!

    Abnormal zones

    There are several mysterious zones on our planet that attract the close attention of researchers. Scientists believe there is a Devil's Belt that spans the Earth: the Bermuda Triangle, the Gibraltar Wedge, the Afghan Anomalous Zone, the Hawaiian Anomalous Zone, and the Devil's Sea. All these zones are located along the thirtieth degree north latitude, equidistant from each other. In 1968, the famous American hydrobiologist and researcher A. T. Sanderson first put forward the idea that anomalous zones are interconnected. Many scientists agree with this opinion.

    In the geopathogenic zone, one can notice strange, unusual phenomena that defy logical explanation. For example, there are almost no plants and animals here, a person becomes depressed, begins to feel unaccountable fear, even panic, in addition, the flow and perception of time is disturbed.

    The reasons for the appearance of anomalous zones have not been precisely established. It is believed that they can be provoked, for example, by deep faults in the crystalline rocks of the earth, as well as magnetic anomalies.

    Bermuda Triangle

    The Bermuda Triangle - an area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded by Florida and Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas - is famous for the mysterious, mystical disappearances of ships and aircraft. For many years, he brings real horror to the world's population - after all, stories of inexplicable disasters and ghost ships are on everyone's lips.

    Numerous researchers are trying to explain the Bermuda Triangle anomaly. These are mainly theories of ship abduction by aliens from outer space or inhabitants of Atlantis, movement through holes in time or rifts in space, and other paranormal reasons. None of these hypotheses have yet been confirmed.

    Opponents of "otherworldly" versions argue that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle are greatly exaggerated. Ships and aircraft disappear in other parts of the world, sometimes without a trace. A radio malfunction or suddenness of a disaster can prevent the crew from transmitting a distress signal. In addition, finding wreckage at sea is not an easy task.

    The Bermuda Triangle is also called the "Devil's Sea", "Antlantic Cemetery", "Voodoo Sea", "Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Damned".

    A hypothesis is proposed that explains the sudden death of ships and aircraft by gas emissions - for example, as a result of the decay of methane hydrate at the bottom of the sea, when the density is lowered so much that ships cannot keep afloat. Some speculate that, once released into the air, methane can also cause plane crashes - for example, due to a decrease in air density.

    In the 70s of the last century, the circulation of Charles Berlitz's book "The Bermuda Tregolnik" reached almost 20 million copies. This is how the Bermuda Triangle fell into the hands of a very wide readership. And only then did true glory come to him.

    It was believed that the cause of the death of some ships, including in the Bermuda Triangle, could be the so-called wandering waves, which can reach a height of 30 meters. It is also assumed that infrasound can be generated at sea, which affects the crew members of a ship or aircraft, causing panic, as a result of which people leave the ship.

    Consider the natural features of this region - really extremely interesting and unusual.

    The area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda Triangle is just over a million square kilometers. There are huge shallow waters and deep-sea depressions, a shelf with shallow-water banks, a continental slope, marginal and middle plateaus, deep straits, abyssal plains, deep-sea trenches, a complex system of sea currents and intricate atmospheric circulation.

    For the first time the name "Bermuda Triangle" was created by the American publicist E. Jones. In his small brochure, he described the unusual cases of disappearance of ships in the Sargasso Sea - the "sea of \u200b\u200bthe devil".

    The triangle is formed by the conditional connection of three points: the southern tip of the island of Florida, Bermuda and the island of Puerto Rico. This mysterious place in the Atlantic Ocean is known for the numerous disappearances of ships; the Flying Dutchman and ghost ships are often seen here. Sometimes the remains of ships and aircraft are found, but the causes of accidents and wrecks remain a mystery. There is only one indisputable fact - the largest number of shipwrecks occurs in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Sargasso Sea.

    Perhaps the most mysterious incident that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle (BT) occurred in 1881. The English ship "Ellen Austin" found an abandoned schooner in the ocean. She was not damaged, there was a valuable cargo of mahogany on board, but the crew and the name of the vessel were missing. Two sailors were sent to escort the schooner. Both ships headed for Newfoundland, but a thick fog descended, hiding them from each other. A few days later, the schooner and the ship met, but the sailors who were sent to the schooner disappeared. The commander of the English ship could not force the superstitious sailors to board the schooner a second time.

    A common feature of all the mysterious incidents in the Bermuda Triangle is that surface and air transport, as well as the people in it, disappear instantly, leaving no trace on the surface of the Sargasso Sea, the sea of \u200b\u200bthe devil. The remains of some sunken ships and aircraft are found later at the bottom of the sea, but there is no mention of the finding of human remains. Such a riddle, of course, is the subject of close attention and is the reason for the emergence of a huge number of hypothetical theories, both scientific and pseudoscientific.

    Scientific theories are based on characteristics district. What are these features?

    “Atlantic Cemetery”, as BT is also called, is characterized by strong currents. The Gulf Stream is the dominant warm current, but the North Atlantic, Florida, South and North trade winds, inter-trade counter currents and local currents also operate. The main current randomly changes its location and speed, makes it difficult or slows down the passage of ships sailing against the current. The Gulf Stream creates deflections and significant eddies that can persist for a long time, affecting the state of the sea.

    Thick fog forms at the borders of the warm Gulf Stream and cold currents.

    In the BT, the bottom topography is also diverse: continental slopes, deep-water trenches, a shelf with shallow-water banks, middle and marginal plateaus, abyssal plains and deep straits. At the bottom is the deepest trench in the Atlantic Ocean - Puerto Rico.

    Currents serve as boundaries for the Sargasso Sea. The sea is named after a large accumulation of brown algae, sargassos, which grow in regular rows. It is the Sargasso and the northernmost coral reefs in the Bermuda Triangle that have a huge impact on the Earth's climate, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

    The natural conditions here have remained practically unchanged for 100 million years.

    Changes of currents, trade winds, tornadoes, tropical cyclones, severe storms and fogs make accurate weather predictions impossible.

    The ships left without a crew can be explained by a scientific hypothesis, which Academician V.V. Shuleikin gave the name "the voice of the sea". According to the hypothesis, the reason for the flight of the crew is the infrasonic vibrations generated in the water. Shuleikin built his hypothesis on the basis of the discovery of the hydrologist V. A. Berezkin, who, while sailing on the Taimyr hydrographic vessel, accidentally discovered that if a pilot balloon was held near his ear at the time of the approach of a storm, then severe pain in his ears would be felt later.

    With a strong wind and storm above the sea surface, the flow breaks down on the wave crest, rarefaction and thickening of air occur, propagating in the form of sound transverse and longitudinal vibrations. The voice of the sea travels at the speed of sound, and the main infrasonic radiation is recorded in the 6 Hz range. Without significant weakening, the voice of the sea can travel hundreds and thousands of kilometers.

    Thus, a thousand kilometers from a raging storm, the crew of a ship can go crazy with vibrations of 6 Hz. At first, a person experiences a feeling of anxiety, which develops into fear and panic, while he does not fix the visible source of fear. Ancient instincts make a person, without hesitation, "run" from the area of \u200b\u200bdisaster.

    There are also hypotheses that are intermediate between scientific theories and pseudoscientific hypotheses. The hypothesis of the Soviet astronomer-astrophysicist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev is supported by only a few scientists. The rest of the scientific world considers him an eccentric.

    Kozyrev suggested that all existing laws of motion are just an approximate form of exact laws that humanity has not yet discovered.

    A. Eddington, an English physicist, put forward a theory about the direct dependence of the direction of time and the expansion of the Universe. He called this phenomenon “the arrow of time”. When the absorption of matter by black holes ends, then, perhaps, the arrow of time will turn in the opposite direction, and the expansion will be replaced by compression.

    Kozyrev, supporting Eddington, believed that time is a physical factor, and its course is determined by the linear rate of rotation of the cause in relation to the effect. Time - a physical factor - must obey the basic laws of physics, for example, the laws of absorption and reflection.

    During the experiments, in which the gyroscope was spun along the arrow of time, the weight did not change. When spinning in the opposite direction, against the passage of time, the gyroscope became a little lighter. This means that time exerted pressure, which can be expressed in units of mass.

    The slight difference in weight in Kozyrev's laboratory experiments cannot be compared with the powerful vortices that the Gulf Stream swirls. Their diameter can be hundreds of kilometers. Supporters of Kozyrev's hypothesis are sure that it is water vortices that are the cause of luminous or white circles and white fog described by eyewitnesses.

    Space is twisted against the arrow of time - the course of time changes. The course of time changes - the weight of the aircraft or sea vessel also changes. Maybe an instant change in weight is the cause of some disasters? There is a known case when an airliner approaching Miami checked coordinates and time with the coastal dispatch service, and then disappeared from the screens. When, after 10 minutes, he appeared on the dispatchers' screen, all the clocks on board the aircraft were 10 minutes behind. Passengers noticed nothing but white fog.

    When the vortices swirl, both in the course of time and against it, gravity may change. It is larger in the middle of the vortex than at the edges.

    The hypotheses of the supporters of paleocontact are considered by modern science to be pseudoscientific.

    Fans of the theory of paleocontact believe that at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea, aliens placed signal equipment, which is powered by a powerful source of energy. It serves as a beacon for UFOs, disrupts navigation devices and has a devastating effect on the body of animals and humans.

    Another hypothesis of ufologists is based on the assumption that there is a space-time trap in the BT. There is a story about the disappearance in BT in 1993 of a fishing boat with three fishermen. The fishermen appeared a year later. They said that during a storm they were saved by a ship whose crew members spoke Old English and were dressed in old-fashioned clothes. The rescued sincerely believed that only a few days had passed.

    Ivan Sanderson, American researcher of unusual phenomena, in the early 70s. XX century began compiling the first map of the ruinous places of the entire Earth. In all of these places, which Sanderson called "disastrous diamonds", there were similar anomalies: strange deaths, crashes and disappearances vehicle, mass discarding of cetaceans, suicide of antelope throwing themselves into the sea, unexplained migrations of birds.

    In the late 70s of the 20th century, the researcher proposed the theory of "disastrous vortices" and identified 12 disastrous rhombuses (6 are located in the northern hemispheres, 6 - in the southern hemispheres). The 12 rhombuses are 72 ° apart in latitude and 36 ° longitudinally shifted relative to their pair. All diamonds are located on an exact sinusoidal line.

    The mapping of destructive rhombuses led to another discovery - most of the dangerous areas are located where ancient advanced civilizations supposedly lived.

    Dangerous anomalies in the Sargasso Sea area are investigated from satellites and space stations. Satellite images show that the water level in the Bermuda Triangle area is 25 meters below the normal water level in the Atlantic Ocean.

    The natural or artificial cause of mysterious phenomena in anomalous zones is a subject of scientific study, since only constant research can establish the truth and shed light on the cause of their occurrence. Until there is a clear understanding, all hypotheses, no matter how fantastic they seem, should be taken into account.

    Legends about the ships disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle have been around for a long time. Someone believes that aliens intervened, others that the ships are being abducted by the inhabitants of Atlantis, and others claim that the whole thing is in giant magnetic funnels. There are also quite scientific hypotheses.

    Scientifically, the Bermuda Triangle is not paranormal. There is an explanation for everything. First, the triangle is credited with many aircraft and ship crashes that took place outside of it - nearby. Secondly, disappearances of ships in the Bermuda Triangle do not occur more often than in other parts of the oceans, and many cases are attributed to natural causes. According to legends, more than 100 ships and planes were declared missing in this place, and more than 1000 people were killed or missing. But the American Geographical Names Commission does not at all recognize the Bermuda Triangle as a separate territory and therefore does not store any data associated specifically with this area. The US Coast Guard does not confirm these facts and figures either, and states that no supernatural number of disasters was noticed in the triangle area. According to Norman Hook, who carried out research for Lloyd's Marine Information Agency in London, the Bermuda Triangle does not exist at all, and the vast majority of tragedies in this area were associated with weather conditions. It should be noted that the level of insurance for ships passing in the triangle is not higher than for any other segment of the ocean. In addition, with the advent of GPS navigation, ships have almost ceased to go missing.

    Giant Killer Waves

    The huge waves, which have been attributed to a number of crashes, are most likely caused by the special bottom topography in the Bermuda Triangle. The region's underwater topography influences the formation of waves: the continental shelf gradually deepens at first, and then suddenly breaks off at a decent depth. In general, there are many deep depressions in those places, which is probably why many sunken ships were not found - they lie too deep. Water tornadoes are also not uncommon - in essence, just tornadoes that suck in water and raise its column into the sky. Scientists noted that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda Triangle there is an increased seismic activity and it is these minor underwater tremors that can create giant waves.

    Abnormal magnetic field

    One of the popular triangle myths is the time and magnetic funnel. Allegedly, there is a special magnetic field in the Bermuda Triangle, which knocks down compasses and turns the clock hands. This mystical theory has a completely ordinary physical explanation, however, it has long been out of date. The fact is that the magnetized needle of any compass points to the constantly moving magnetic North Pole, while the real, geographic North Pole is static and is located about 1200 miles north of the magnetic one. The difference between the two poles is called magnetic declination and can vary up to 20 degrees around the world. The line of zero magnetic declination is the imaginary line where the magnetic and geographic poles converge. Thus, to the west of this line, the compass needle will point east of true north, and vice versa. But the zero declination line is also shifting, and the rate of this shift differs in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. All this, as you understand, significantly complicates navigation, sailors should always make adjustments when building a course. So once the line of zero magnetic declination passed through the Bermuda Triangle, but now it has moved closer to the Gulf of Mexico, and if the courses go astray at some ships, then the ill-fated triangle has nothing to do with this today. In addition, today the reason for such an error is more likely the human factor, and in the past - ignorance of the features of the Earth's magnetic field.

    Abnormal weather

    In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda Triangle, abrupt changes in weather and unpredictable storms do often occur - often very short, and meteorological instruments do not have time to record them. This is also explained quite simply. Just in the area where the triangle is located, the speed of the Gulf Stream often reaches 5 miles per hour, which makes navigation extremely difficult even for experienced sailors. The Gulf Stream is a fast, pulsating current that often and haphazardly changes its speed and direction. Because of this, vortices and funnels often appear in those places, and fogs often occur on the border of the Gulf Stream with other currents, where streams of warm and cold water converge. The downdraft of cold air, for example, could have caused the death of the ship "Pride of Baltimore" in 1986. According to eyewitnesses, the wind suddenly increased from 32 km / h to 145 km / h. The US National Hurricane Center said at the time that "during erratic weather conditions and in areas of reduced pressure, where strong winds occur, a gust of downdraft of cold air can strike the water like a bomb." A similar thing happened during the collapse of the Canadian barkentine Concordia in 2010 off the coast of Brazil.

    Ominous bubbles

    Another reason for the sinking of ships in the area of \u200b\u200bthe triangle could be the deposition of crystalline methane hydrate. Ships sink instantly if methane hydrate rises from the seabed and forms a bubble, the density of which is minimal - thus, the ship loses its buoyancy. However, in order to flood a vessel, the bubble must be greater than or equal to the length of the vessel - in this case, it will instantly go under water. Specialists at Cardiff University discovered large deposits of crystalline methane hydrate on the ocean floor in the triangle area - it was formed here mainly due to the long-term decomposition of living organisms. Bill Dillon, a research geologist with the US Geological Survey, states that "on several occasions we have observed oil platforms sinking under water due to similar methane emissions."