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  • Beautiful women and beautiful quotes about women. Anastasia Yankova: “A truly beautiful woman is always strong. A truly beautiful woman

    Beautiful women and beautiful quotes about women. Anastasia Yankova: “A truly beautiful woman is always strong. A truly beautiful woman
    Girls who want to please the representatives of the stronger sex sometimes stand in front of the mirror for hours and try on various sexy things: mini-skirts, stiletto heels, tops with a neckline. They spend the entire morning surrounded by cosmetics and perfumes, dieting and dreaming of a flat tummy. But, as practice shows, men do not consider a defiant appearance to be feminine. They can wink at a sexy beauty or even shout something after them, but they really fall in love with other girls. Femininity is softness and naturalness, excluding aggressive sexuality. A truly beautiful girl does not abuse cosmetics and prefers dresses and skirts to trousers. Clothing should be tight-fitting, figure-flattering, but not vulgar. The preferred styles are romantic and classic. A feminine hairstyle is long, loose hair in natural colors.
    Don't forget about the aroma. Men consider a light floral scent to be the most feminine, but not too sweet.

    Communication and behavior color more than good looks

    Although men often say that they are attracted by liberated girls who are ready for anything, they would like to see a moderately modest and sweet companion next to them. They do not like it when a woman uses obscene or rude language, behaves vulgarly or excessively immodestly, smokes, abuses alcohol. A woman's true beauty lies in her behavior. The girl should behave softly and unobtrusively, not fully reveal herself. There should be a mystery in it. Men are rarely attracted to "" girls who are "on the same wavelength", dress in a sporty style and have masculine habits.
    Men often pay attention to the cleanliness, neatness and well-groomed woman. You may not dye, but it is unacceptable to have unkempt skin or dirty hair.

    True beauty is within

    A real woman should have several qualities inherent in the fair sex. Among them - caring, love for children, compliance, thrift. The task of a woman is to create home comfort, and men, first of all, appreciate this skill. Even if you look great and know seven languages, a young man may not appreciate it and prefer your rival who cooks delicious borscht and knitting socks. However, all of this can be learned.

    Another quality that is inherent in true women is the ability to love. A good wife constantly shows her love for her husband. Many outstanding people admit that they would not have achieved anything if not for loving spouses, constantly theirs. Love should be expressed not so much in words as in actions and care. You can say nice words to a man a thousand times, but a deliciously cooked dinner or a relaxing massage will tell you about your feelings much better.

    Incredible facts

    Beauty is a very relative concept.

    At all times there were standards of female beauty. For example, in the Renaissance, fat girls with impressive forms were considered attractive, in the 90s we heard about the famous parameters 90-60-90, which were considered ideal.

    And what do modern men think about female beauty, and which woman today, in their opinion, is considered beautiful?

    However, is external beauty so important, or do more and more men choose their companion not by external data, but by other criteria?

    Here are 19 men who spoke out about female beauty.

    What a beautiful woman

    1. "What makes a woman beautiful is her self-confidence. If she behaves as if she doubts herself or does not love herself, she makes the people around her doubt her beauty." -Jerry, 25 years old.

    2. "A woman is beautiful when she is not afraid to be herself. When she is not ashamed of her quirks and not only openly admits them, but accepts them as part of herself.

    To love and accept yourself for who you are is true beauty. "-Paul, 27

    3. "A beautiful woman is not just physically attractive. She is attractive mentally and emotionally. When you meet a truly beautiful woman, you just cannot take your eyes off her. You want to always be around such a woman because she is so intriguing." -Tim, 26 years old.

    4. "Big butt. I'm a fan of curvy women," admits Brandon, 27.

    5. "It sounds very trite, but the most beautiful thing about a girl is her smile. This is the first thing I notice in a girl when I meet her. It is a smile that can tell a lot about her personality. If this is a forced, fake smile, then the girl is also" fake. " ". -Alex, 24 years old.

    6. "I think the most important thing that makes a woman beautiful is her optimism. I love women who constantly radiate positive energy. She does not have to always be happy, but even when she is experiencing difficulties, she should still remain light and positive. attitude ", -Zak, 26 years old.

    7. "Her eyes ... I just love huge blue eyes, they make a woman beautiful ", - Daniel, 23 years old.

    8. "I think that the beauty of a woman lies in something that sets her apart from the crowd. There must be some zest in a woman, something that makes her unique. Whether such zest is a physical trait or not, it is it doesn't matter, but she has to distinguish her from other women. This is what real female beauty is for me. "- Justin, 26.

    9. "A woman is beautiful when she has a passion for something or someone. True beauty is manifested in her burning desire for something. Passion and fire, this is what really excites in a girl and attracts men to her, like a magnet", -Miguel, 24 years old.

    What makes a woman beautiful

    10. "Do you know what makes a woman beautiful? This is the moment when she prepares lunch for me. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman preparing a delicious lunch or dinner for her loved one" - Tucker, 25.

    11. "The most beautiful thing about a woman is her dimples when she smiles. They are so cute. Dimples make me want to be a friend of a girl like that ... and not just a friend, but something more." - Chris, 25.

    12. "I think women are beautiful when they have the ability to understand certain things that you yourself cannot even understand about yourself. My girlfriend understands me 100 percent," -Luke, 24.

    13. "What makes a woman beautiful is how she takes care of herself. If she doesn't take care of herself, then she doesn't give a damn about herself" - Ryan, 25.

    14. "I think that a woman is beautiful who accepts her body and loves it as it is. It is always felt when a woman is uncomfortable in her own body and image. And this does not attract men, but, on the contrary, repels them." -Patrick, 25 years old.

    15. "A woman is beautiful if she has beautiful breasts and is preferable ... big breasts", -Kyle, 27 years old.

    16. "I love the way my girlfriend wrinkles her nose when she smiles. I love her wrinkles around her eyes when she laughs. It means that she is happy, and when she is happy, she is beautiful" - Anthony, 26.

    17. “Intelligence is what makes a woman truly beautiful. Her outward beauty will not last long. She will age, wrinkles will appear and physical beauty will disappear. Her intelligence and intelligence will always remain with her.” -Kevin, 25.

    18. "The beauty of a woman is in her strength. It is about her moral, not physical strength. If she can stand up for herself and her beliefs, it madly hooks a man", -Marcus, 27 years old.

    19. "My wife's laugh is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. I will never tire of loving her laugh, this is what makes her truly beautiful." -Nathan, 29.

    As you can see, there are as many opinions as there are men. Someone loves exclusively with their eyes, and the beauty of a woman for them lies in her ideal figure, curvaceous forms, or, conversely, in her harmony.

    Someone thinks that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and therefore falls in love with the depth and beauty of the eyes. Well, someone is looking for something more in their chosen one than just a big breast or a pretty face, looking into her soul.

    It happens that a beautiful woman is objectively charming, but behaves in such a way that you will not immediately notice her beauty. If you notice at all. This happens when the behavior of a beautiful woman does not match her appearance. If a beautiful woman behaves like all other women, she automatically replenishes their flock. Let's discuss how a truly beautiful woman should and should not behave.

    Rule 1. A beautiful woman should not be loud

    Loud women are trying to attract the attention of others. A beautiful woman doesn't need to be loud to turn her head to follow her. She just needs to be. When a beautiful woman laughs, like Lieutenant Rzhevsky, cutesy, talks loudly, those around her subconsciously perceive her as desperately seeking attention. The logic works: “Beautiful women are not looking for attention. They already have it. So this particular woman is not so pretty. "

    Rule 2. A beautiful woman should not be obsequious

    Pleasing is a quality inherent in women who are insecure. Beauties are used to trying to please them, and not vice versa. Beauties do not flicker.

    Rule 3. A beautiful woman is surrounded by beautiful women

    If a beauty has scarecrows in her friends, this suggests that she is afraid of competition. What kind of beauty is this who pisses on other women? A beautiful woman is friends with beautiful ones, because it is psychologically comfortable to be friends with them: they do not complex against your background. This is a friendship of equals, not a lioness and a chicken.

    Rule 4. A beautiful woman is not jealous

    Forgive the banality, but jealousy is a direct consequence of self-doubt. The beauty knows the full power of her beauty. What other women, when there is me? What are you talking about?

    Rule 5. A beautiful woman has no cheap manners

    Cheap manners are echoes of a childhood spent in material need. Not giving the waiter a decent tip, but buying a bunch of junk and makeup at the mall is cheap behavior. The love of freebies, the desire to fall on someone's tail so as not to incur expenses - this is cheap behavior. Extravagance and stinginess in one bottle is cheap behavior. Ponty, like patches on complexes, is the lot of maids and prostitutes, not beauties. Remember this.

    To understand how you live, you have to live. Don't think about it, but live with it. Helena Bonham Carter

    For a woman, beauty is more important than mind, because it is easier for a man to look than think. Marlene Dietrich

    Learn to use your brains as deftly as your powder compact, and then, perhaps, you will no longer need a powder compact ... You know, men celebrate smart women, beautiful ones - they snatch them out of the crowd with their eyes and do not forget charming women only. Sophia Loren

    Better to be unfaithful than loyal without being. Brigitte Bardot

    Better to die standing than live on your knees. Dolores Ibarruri

    Don't be shy about your shapes. Everything that the Lord has given you is beautiful. And if it's beautiful, you need to emphasize your forms. The main thing is to do it competently and with taste. Evelina Khromchenko

    Restraining yourself when it is offensive, and not making scenes when it hurts - that's what the ideal woman is. Coco Chanel

    Never let your heart get the best of your mind, otherwise you will have problems. Whitney Houston

    Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want yourself. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another. Marilyn Monroe

    Even strong people need a strong shoulder. This is me about women and about men. Angelina Jolie

    When I have no enemies, then I will understand that I am no longer worth anything. Maria Callas

    Anger and anger cannot solve any problem. Grace Kelly

    Don't worry, but worry. Marilyn Monroe

    I am a mother, and a mother is never alone. Catherine Deneuve

    God made women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men. Faina Ranevskaya

    A truly beautiful woman is always kind to other women and to people in general. She does not accept rivalry, intrigue and meanness. Sharon Stone

    If a woman shows character, they say about her: "Harmful woman." If a man shows character, they say about him: "He is a good guy." Margaret Thatcher

    To make your lips beautiful - say kind words. To make your eyes beautiful, radiate goodness. A woman's beauty is not in her clothes, her figure, or her hair. The beauty of a woman is in her eyes, because the eyes are the gateway to the heart where love lives. Audrey Hepburn

    Life is not heaven, you don't have to be perfect. Gia Carangi

    It is much easier to make people cry than to laugh. Vivien Leigh

    Loneliness and the feeling that no one needs you is the worst kind of poverty. Mother Teresa

    Love is the best cosmetics. Gina Lollobrigida

    Anyone who wants to achieve anything has to work hard. Meryl Streep

    I never said, "I want to be alone." I just said, "I want to be left alone," and that's not the same. Greta Garbo

    If you do not love yourself, then no one will love you either. You need to love yourself. Alla Pugacheva

    Beauty will save the world, beauty, beautiful, beauty, beauty, blah blah blah. People are obsessed with beauty. They put fabulous money on her altar, endure hellish pain after plastic surgery, and starve themselves.

    For some reason, it is believed that beauty is synonymous with happiness. If I was beautiful, then ... What? Why is there such confidence that life would have been different if the face were prettier? So psychologists say that beauty and happiness are sometimes mutually exclusive concepts.

    The external beauty of a woman seems to promise inevitable happiness. In fact, this is a cruel illusion.

    Beauty attracts idiots

    Old people, who have seen beautiful and not beautiful women in their time, say, where there is a beauty, there is an idiot nearby. Psychologists are in solidarity with them, claiming that a beautiful appearance for unbalanced men is like a red rag for a bull.

    Even girls with such external data enjoy an unhealthy interest among criminals. How many stories when actresses, winners of beauty contests, models died or were crippled after the attention of representatives of the criminal world.

    Men with a broken psyche perceive a beautiful girl as a kind of prize. For them, she is like an elite horse - the subject of bragging to friends. For them, beauties are needed to increase their self-esteem. Some kind of wimp insults and humiliates such a beauty and grows in his own eyes.

    It happens that someone else's beautiful woman is sought for a long time and, in the end, beaten off from her boyfriend or even taken away from the family. However, often the reason is not in the insane love of a stubborn man, but in his desire to prove to himself that he is able to beat off even "such". As a rule, having achieved his goal, he cools down to the beauty.

    Psychologists have deduced the law, the more beautiful a girl is, the less chances that her first marriage will be successful. Indeed, you will believe it. Gray mice are married to stately men. Moreover, they are happy in marriage, they are really carried in their arms. And the written beauties only expose their sides to new blows of fate, breaking off relations with an idiot, then with a cattle, or even with a worse specimen. As a result, beauties either choose loneliness, "scoring" for personal happiness, or continue the search for a worthy candidate, which ends in complete failure and in old age, battered by endless grooms and husbands, the beauty whiles away her last days at a broken trough.

    Beautiful women are hated

    It's true. The female sex does not digest beautiful women, believing that they have drawn a trump card with their appearance. A beauty can be of an angelic character, kind, sympathetic, always in a hurry to help, but she is fiercely hated by her “fellow tribesmen”.

    Moreover, it is interesting that women who hate beauties may not fall under the concept of "gray mouse" or "ugly". They are pretty people. But CUTE! They are happy in marriage, wealthy and kind. But they also have to be beautiful, like “that”.
    Beautiful women are rarely lucky with real friends; she often faces betrayal. Fearing for their man, the "friends" leave her. It's good if they just gradually disappear from the horizon (and then it hurts), otherwise they can slander, throw without explanation, or say nasty things that she is so-and-so, in order to justify their departure by making her guilty of breaking up. That's what surrounds a beautiful woman all her life, it's gossip.

    At work, too, beauties have a hard time: female colleagues weave intrigues, fearing that all the men around her are stacking themselves. If the boss is a woman, then expect trouble, not every female boss is able to endure a subordinate with more outstanding external data.

    Somehow it comes out sadly. There are representatives of the fair sex who are calm about someone else's beauty, they even respect her. Only these are very few. These are either wise women who do not participate in the "woman's troubles" or true beauties who take someone else's beauty for granted. I am beautiful, she is beautiful - what to share?

    The torment of beauties

    Many beauties have to bite their elbows out of despair when the inevitable aging process begins. In this matter, they are worse off than the owners of an ordinary appearance, so they have nothing to lose. Flamboyant looks are a recent source of emotion (female teeth grinding and men's curled necks) forever in the past.

    And then each beauty chooses her own path: either she transforms into an interesting wise person, finally living freely without gossip, envy, etc.,. Although ... "and in your youth you were beautiful." She will hear, she will definitely hear this envious phrase from the "gray mouse". Perhaps, over the years, a woman will simply learn to live with her bright beauty so that she does not give her more discomfort.

    Or she goes under the surgeon's knife in an attempt to regain her former beauty. After plastic surgeries and other modern methods of beauty preservation, they give birth to boy lovers, take pictures in erotic photo shoots, and in other ways grab at the elusive beauty.

    In most cases, a beautiful face is not a gift of fate, but a test. Psychologists say that it depends on the woman herself that her beauty will become for her - the cause of a broken life or happiness. I wonder if among psychologists who invented or supported this statement were or are there really beautiful women? Hardly.

    Do not confuse women endowed with beauty by nature and women striving to be beautiful, who lose weight, disappear from cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. Yes, a truly beautiful woman may not understand for a long time that she is outwardly gifted more than many representatives of her gender. But realizing over time that she is beautiful, she will proudly carry her.

    Psychologists say that among the stunningly beautiful women there are many insecure personalities. Excuse me, but what are they unsure about? Is it that they are not very talented or that they are not competent in some matter? What does beauty have to do with it? If there is external chic, then what? In addition, should she be an athlete and a Komsomol member? If she's perfect in plan appearance, she must be perfect in all other aspects? Do not envy the beautiful! Take men with spiritual beauty, since they are flawed in the external (after all, as psychologists say, external beauty is not important for true love). And you, pretty girls, be happy!