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  • The uniform of the Armed Forces. New uniforms and insignia of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - complete portfolio

    The uniform of the Armed Forces. New uniforms and insignia of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - complete portfolio

    The network published the design of new insignia of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and items of uniform, which were agreed by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense and were finally approved on July 5 at the level of the President of Ukraine.

    "In the beret marks, it was not possible to wait for the MTR to descend and descend from heaven to earth, and choose from the previously proposed options for wolves, which is prettier to them. Whoever walks late, he hurts himself - the MTR box at the parade will go with that beret mark, If then the "specialists" wake up constructive, we can discuss the posture of the werewolf, but - no rugewits and other crap - a wolf ", - wrote Gaidukevich regarding the beret mark of the general forces of special operations.

    According to the Cossack legend, the Cossack characters turned into a werewolf - wise and experienced warriors who mastered magical techniques.

    As Gaidukevich noted, the colored row of berets is a strategic decision, and given the "how it tears cotton along the curb", the decision is correct.

    "Perhaps, to reduce the stress of the MP and the landing force on August 24, they will still be in the old colors and berets. Infantry (they are worthy of that), art, tanks, aviation, sleepers will be the first to switch to the new colors of berets. landing is needed - we will look for time for psychological adaptation, explanation, propaganda. I would like to hope for the common sense of our soldiers, "he stressed.

    As noted by Gaidukevich, the ceremonial hetman uniform is presented as a basic version, which is proposed for consideration, but will not be implemented now.

    "There will be no shirts with an elastic band. It will be extremely difficult to achieve this. Before the ink of the presidential signature had dried, I learned that the rear service wants to stretch a shirt with an elastic band by hook or by crook: they are in the warehouse, do not throw it away ... Once at the parade we will dress and write off ... I had to explain by phone by letter that the President's signature means that there are no discussions - there will be no rubber bands, "he told the details of work with the change of uniform.

    Gaidukevich's group also developed the design of shoulder straps for such ranks as recruit, corporal, staff sergeant, master sergeant, cornet (now junior lieutenant), brigadier general, etc.

    The innovations are explained as follows: “The revision of the role of NCOs is based on the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to NATO standards, and the corresponding reflection of this in the system of ranks and insignia; certain changes in the system of officer ranks (abandonment of the Soviet rank of "ensign", revival of the rank of "cornet" as a tribute to the Ukrainian tradition and the introduction of the rank of "brigadier general" - as a reflection of the brigade concept of building the Armed Forces of Ukraine).

    “The events of the Russian-Ukrainian war (ATO) raised the issue of military awards. At the moment, military awards are represented by ONLY three badges and four medals for length of service. Military orders and medals are included in the system of state awards, which are awarded by the President.

    Since the system of state awards in itself is disordered and imperfect, this has led to a kind of "shortage" of awards, as well as distortions in their delivery, "the developers note.

    At the same time, a completely new system of departmental military awards has been developed, which includes medals and a new type of awards - crosses. For each such award, the grounds for the award are clearly stated.

    IN new system, depending on the level of the award, decisions are made by the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the General Staff - the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, as well as the commanders of the branches of the Armed Forces.

    “In the development of awards, we relied as much as possible on the existing historical traditions and experience of the ATO”, - stated in the presentation with the remark that we are talking exclusively about departmental - MILITARY awards.

    As indicated, the highest awards will be awarded by the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff; species crosses - commanders of the AFU species; medals and the minister or NGSH, and the commanders of the AFU.

    As you know, the change of power in Ukraine and the ensuing civil war, which the Ukrainians themselves perceive as a war with Russia, gave a new impetus to efforts to reform the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which until then had been going on almost the entire history of independent Ukraine, without leading to any radical results. One of the areas of "updating and reforming" was the replacement of the field, everyday and ceremonial uniforms of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which will be discussed in this post.

    How it was.

    I must say that I followed the reforms of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with interest even before, especially since in the last years of Yanukovych, another round of reforms began. But before talking about the Yanukovych era, you should pay attention to the roots and origins. On June 12, 1995, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine V. Shmarov signed Decree №150 "On the introduction into the Rules for the implementation of military service by the Ukrainian Defense Forces". For twenty years, the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been wearing field suits in the colors of the VSR-84 "Dubok":

    to which after a while (I will not venture to assert with complete certainty what exactly to Iraq) suits for a hot climate were added in a simple two-color desert pattern:

    The function of casual and ceremonial clothes was performed by "wormwood" tunics, as well as tunics of light gray color, which are extremely rare in photographs:

    as I understand it, ceremonial weekend. As you can see, the Ukrainians used a slightly modified Soviet form - a standard practice for the CIS in the nineties. For the Air Force and sailors, everything was also (post-) Soviet standard.

    The wind of change first blew during Yushchenko’s presidency. In 2009, it was decided to change the insignia on the shoulder straps:

    and at the same time introduce new sets of everyday and dress uniforms:

    You can read more about it and see it here:,. The project seems to have received approval at the very top, but this did not affect the near-zero result of the introduction into the troops. All that remains of him material is the epaulettes of newly minted sergeants that flashed once on release:

    and in the same way, the form of the PKK flashed literally in one reportage:

    It should be added that, in my opinion, this is the most successful of all the projects presented in this post. Strict, laconic, looks averaged European and at the same time original and aesthetically pleasing (except, of course, for the birth trauma of the post-Soviet uniform - oversized crowns).

    Also, all in the same 2009th year, the commander of the Ukrainian Navy proposed his own parallel (and interesting) version of the naval uniform. A couple of examples:

    The rest can be viewed on the Summler. From this project, only a cap of a different cut was embodied in the fabric (a visual illustration to the question of the crown):

    During the presidential term of Yanukovych, the issue of the full transition of the acquisition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to a contract basis was closely worked out (a specific date was called - January 1, 2014; the autumn draft of 2013 was supposed to be the last in the history of Ukraine). Similar statements were made by Yanukovych during the Perspektiva-2012 exercise, where samples of a promising field uniform in ATACS AU camouflage were demonstrated for the new, professional army of Ukraine:

    The then NGSH stated that by the middle of 2013, the MTR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine would be fully equipped with such suits. However, literally a couple of months earlier, there were assurances in television coverage of Ukrainian television that the next standard field uniform was to be a suit. BEK-T (,) from STS company, and if you believe the insiders from the same "Summler", it turns out that the above presented - suits "Gorka" MK-2, in the amount of 150 pieces donated to the 95th airmobile brigade on the eve of the exercises by the Prof1Group company (this company will still be mentioned towards the end of the post), while the real new field uniform is not made by a Ukrainian manufacturer, but is a GARM kit from the Norwegian company NFM. Soon, these rumors were confirmed when, at various exercises, etc., photos of a new uniform in a new, original camouflage began to appear (in colors most of all resembling a pixelated flecktarn):

    Where does it go.

    At the beginning civil war with the uniform, the APU was very different. Special forces of the SBU and former airsoft volunteers could sport multicam and ops-corps, but most of the usual contingent of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was happy to receive foreign humanitarian aid in the form of warm clothes, or collected by the bred volunteers camouflage. In isolated cases, they received help from sponsors-businessmen, in cases of particularly heavy PR, sponsors demonstrated how to use the equipment themselves:

    Konstantin Lesnik, director of Prof1Group, demonstrates his products to Ukrainian marines in home-grown Zhaba camouflage .

    But we should pay tribute to the Ukrainians - having in their hands the TU for a new uniform:

    approved in January 2014, in the last days of Yanukovych (apparently GARM turned out to be still a little expensive), they were able to make some changes to its cut in just a year:

    and establish full-scale production, which is why, at least in the photographs, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are beginning to look progressively uniform:

    Separately, I would like to note the new standard camouflage of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "MM-14", which resembles either the camouflage of the army of Kazakhstan, or the security forces of Kosovo, and looks, in my opinion, more suitable for the Ukrainian conditions in comparison with the "pixelated flektar". (But even this successful camouflage has a competitor in the form of a new creation by comrade Lesnik - the Varan camouflage, which he pushes into the Armed Forces of Ukraine instead of the irrelevant "Toad" with perseverance worthy of a better application - using his, apparently, close to the strongest of Ukraine, this position draws his camouflage in official documents and dresses up models in it at official presentations; recently donated a thousand sets of the next OAMBR for an experimental sock.) Links on the new field uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine -,,.

    With casual and dress uniforms, for obvious reasons, things are not so fast. It is possible to single out at least three official projects of uniforms that replaced each other (a small digression: it is even strange that the Ukrainian authorities, with such an abundance of choice on such an image, and, to be honest, not so important issue, did not begin to strengthen the dictatorship of Facebook democracy through

    The military uniform is not just the clothes of soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers. In it, people who have taken the oath serve their homeland, risk their lives and die. Therefore, the requirements for uniforms and ammunition are usually high. The strength, reliability and comfort of the uniform have remained unchanged in the course of recent centuries. Certain aesthetic demands are also not alien to the military, because they want to look dashing and brave, this affects the fighting spirit. And what about this issue in the Ukrainian army, also called the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

    Uniform evolution

    At the beginning of the 20th century, army commanders around the world learned from experience, often gained in tragic circumstances, that a bright uniform is dangerous to the life of a soldier. The first conclusions were made by the British military, during the Anglo-Boer War they introduced the concept of khaki color, that is, a dirty green shade that merged as much as possible with the color of the surrounding African terrain. Uniform designers from other countries then followed suit, dressing their protectors in ways that would reduce their visibility. During World War II, this process was not widely developed, the Germans preferred the traditional mouse-gray color of their uniforms, the Soviet troops were dressed in "protective" tunics, the Americans, British and other participants opposed to Hitlerism also adhered to the shades familiar to their countries ... In Korea and Vietnam, the US army fought in about the same form as before, that is, one-ton. Then came the era of camouflage, camouflage-spotted suits that allowed camouflage to a greater extent, and with minor changes this "fashion" has survived to this day.

    Old form "oak"

    When the military operation began in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which was later called "anti-terrorist", ukrainian army was equipped with an oak uniform. This strange name did not arise because of some kind of play on words or a hint of the intelligence of the military, but because of the rounded shape of camouflage spots. The colors were three-colored, dark and gloomy, the fabric contained synthetics, but in general, pants and jackets were considered practical and non-marking. This form had disadvantages, including not very comfortable breast pockets and hip "briefcases" of insufficient capacity. The cut resembled the "Afghan" version, tested by time and practice. As soon as the ATO began, the question arose about replacing the uniform. Who raised it first is unknown, but there is no doubt that, according to the Ukrainian tradition, lobbying took place.

    Government order is a sweet word

    The whole question was about the state order - the blue dream of every entrepreneur. It is even somehow inconvenient to compare the position of an ordinary owner of a sewing machine with the capabilities of a lucky one who has acquired a contract for sewing a large batch of defense goods. It's all too early to take a stray dog \u200b\u200band put him next to a thoroughbred sleek mastiff, a master's pride. A simple entrepreneur should buy materials, threads, purchase sewing and cutting equipment, then conduct a market research, find out what can go on the market. After that, the most difficult part begins - the implementation process. The one who received the state order does not need to think about anything. Know yourself, do it and count the money. Of course, the requirements for the products, with all the apparent responsibility of the task, are quite decent. Anyone will not be given a state order, even in the conditions of a total fight against corruption.

    Uniform set

    Having passed a medical commission, a volunteer or a mobilized soldier arrives at the training center and immediately goes to the clothing warehouse, where, in theory, he must receive everything he needs to carry out his service. According to the established procedure, he is given all the ammunition, both winter and summer. It:

    Summer jacket and trousers;

    Two sets of underwear;

    Insulated winter uniform;

    Socks, several pairs, black;

    Rain suit (not always);

    Duffle bag.

    It should be borne in mind that the shoes are usually represented by one pair, according to the season of the call. The second one has to be bought, as a rule, independently, as well as the headdress, and it costs about 100 hryvnia.

    Winter clothes

    For people who served in the Soviet Army, the new Ukrainian uniform seems outlandish. In the winter version, it seems to consist of two parts - a warm overcoat, including plush pants and a jacket, and a rather thin "top". In general, it is practical and convenient, it is easier to wash these items separately. The only drawback of the uniform, but a significant one, is the material of manufacture, but more on that later. Some structural elements, the purpose of which is a mystery, are also surprising. The winter jacket can be worn separately, without a "top", it, like the pants, is dark green. Designers have taken a new approach to insignia, shoulder straps are now worn not on the shoulders, but somewhere in the solar plexus area, and in one quantity. Velcro is widely used as fasteners, it is convenient. There are many pockets. The winter top is equipped with a hood, not sewn into the collar, but outside.

    the cloth

    The composition of the material is unknown, it is coded with a digital article, but even without explanation it can be identified by touch as one hundred percent synthetics. The colors of the vague and rather light palette that make up the "pixel" pattern. Noteworthy is the care manual sewn inside: “wash gently”. The meaning of this recommendation becomes clear almost immediately, the seams can "run", and if you do not keep track of and do not fix, then a rather serious repair is inevitable. The lines are weak, not always even, but all this is not as important as the fabric's ability to melt, which is already shown at the landfill. Shooting from the RGD-21 grenade launcher by a person dressed in a new uniform becomes an adventurous business, a jet of hot gas can burn a hole even at a decent distance. What to do in this case, no one knows, but in the warehouse they will not just replace the jacket, you will have to buy it for your own money. It is even difficult to imagine what would happen if a serviceman had to get out of a burning car in such a uniform. Napalm is resting.


    The new uniform can serve as a symbol of the orientation of modern Armed Forces of Ukraine towards NATO standards. Outwardly, it imperceptibly resembles something Western, from films about Iraq, but in fact, not American samples were taken as a standard, but, as it turned out, Norwegian ones. A litigation is currently under way with Oslo-based firm Nfm, which developed the design and claims it as their intellectual property. A large-scale “dressing up” was started under Yanukovych, but the conditions for its implementation are ripe only now. Some misunderstanding of the functionality of many details is connected with the foreign cut. The "Velcro" sewn to the back under the collar, the purpose of which has long tormented the servicemen with its mysteriousness, is actually needed, a sign is attached to it, by which one can distinguish from behind from others. Other details are still not clear why they were attached.

    Another new form

    Experienced military personnel, who, as a rule, served in military registration and enlistment offices before being sent to a unit in the East, are in no hurry to change their "oaks" for a newfangled field uniform. Old pants and jackets are stronger, more practical and safer. In addition, the “pixels” have inherited a serious drawback, it is almost impossible to use the breast pockets if you are wearing a bulletproof vest. A new uniform called "Varanom" has been developed, but it appears to be as flammable as its predecessor. While the "court" units participating in parades and reviews are wearing it, most of the Ukrainian Armed Forces wear a "pixel", which is hot in summer and cold in winter.

    apr 06, 2017

    New Ukrainian camouflage MM-14 - the color of victory!

    In 2014, the Ukrainian Armed Forces received a new MM-14 pixel camouflage, which has become closely associated with the Ukrainian soldier in the international arena. Read about the fate of the Ukrainian development in our article.

    Since its inception, the Ukrainian armed forces have used outdated camouflages developed back in the USSR to replace the khaki uniform. So, the main camouflage scheme for military clothing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was "Dubok" with spots of the "amoeba" type. Created back in 1984 for the Soviet army, the camouflage color was intended primarily for military operations in the forest-steppe zone. For the steppe, it was somewhat dark, which limited the season of use (in July the steppe begins to burn out, and here light schemes that are not used in the USSR are much better suited). In the cities, for obvious reasons, the "oak" could not hide the fighter at least so much effectively. And the quality of the form soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union began to lame. The cotton fabric was not strong enough to withstand even 6 months of wear. The twill had flaws when worn in the summer heat. The last batches of "Dubka" for the Ukrainian Armed Forces were made from Chinese fabric (polyester with cotton).

    Ukrainian soldiers in "Dubok" camouflage uniforms - obsolete 1984 camouflage uniforms.

    New camouflage of the Ukrainian army

    The need for a new disguise in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was felt for a long time, but finally its development was brought closer only by the war, in official documents called "ATO". The very first conflicts with the Russian army and militias showed the advantage of their form over the outdated Ukrainian one. In addition, many "oaks" fought on the other side, which significantly increased the capabilities of enemy saboteurs. It was at this time that the camouflage of MM 14 appeared in the army. The military department made a good media campaign for him. Video clips about how our fighters are “dressed up” are flooded with TV channels. Even the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, at several press conferences and visits to positions in the East, preferred the MM-14 color scheme. This fact led to the emergence of an ironic nickname for the new form - "Gunpowder-1".

    President Poroshenko personally demonstrates the new Ukrainian uniform

    ACU is the American "parent" of MM-14

    How was the new camouflage of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (ZSU) developed?

    For obvious reasons, the views of military engineers were directed towards the colors of NATO countries, where the American universal camouflage ACU stood out. Its direct ideological predecessor should be considered Marpat - also a pixelated spot, but designed for "green". It was focusing on the American marpat that domestic engineers came up with their own colors. The experience of the Georgians was also taken into account, who chose the pixelated spot back in 2008. Light sandy background and innovative spots of green and light brown color guaranteed the success of the Ukrainian development not only in the army, but also in the domestic market.

    Ukrainian soldiers accept new equipment in winter MM-14 kits

    New Ukrainian camouflage

    MM-14 (model of 2014) turned out to be better than "oak" in all respects. Firstly, a truly universal camouflage appeared in service, quite effective on various types of terrain. For Ukraine, he suited much better than the western ACU. The APU pixel worked better at short distances than the American one. In addition to color, the nature of the fabrics for the domestic uniform has also changed. Rip-stop braiding has appeared, which reduces the weight of the set and increases its resistance to wear.

    Frame from the official presentation

    The fate of development and counterfeiting

    In the modern world, an invention by itself still means little. We need a patent securing it to the owner. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian side realized this simple truth too late. As a result, you can buy a new Ukrainian camouflage far beyond the borders of its homeland. The original colors were copied in Russia, Belarus, Moldova. Even the Chinese have successfully learned how to stamp the Ukrainian pixel. Perhaps it was the fact that the likely enemy copied the colors of the uniform that led to a discussion about the next dressing up of the soldiers. This time - in the form "Varan", which still has not lost childhood illnesses.

    Due to the abundance of fakes on the market, kits with a high content of polyester were sent to the army, which, when burned, led to terrible burns. Alas, it is almost impossible to exclude low-quality uniforms from military units. After all, it is extremely difficult to track clothes from volunteer assistance and independent purchases by military personnel.

    It's easy to buy a new Ukrainian camouflage!

    In the military shop "Sergeant Major" you can buy yourself a Ukrainian pixel domestic production! For hunters and fishermen, we have uniforms with a high polyester content. Durable and lightweight, they will not restrict movement. And the period of wearing such a uniform will pleasantly surprise you. And for the military - a non-combustible uniform with a high cotton content. Our managers, who have "ate their teeth" in military and hunting uniforms, will help you to choose these clothes! In addition to the uniform itself, in the "Petty Officer" military department store you can buy hats, raincoats, ankle boots and accessories in the new camouflage colors of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    Read 4194 time

    The design of new uniforms and insignia of the Armed Forces of Ukraine became known, which were approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense and on July 5 were finally approved at the level of the President of Ukraine - the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    According to bold assumptions, a new uniform and insignia can be organized by August 24 - for participants in the military parade in Kiev on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Independence.

    Shoulder straps
    The new shoulder straps of the APU look like this:

    "Now insignia are based on Soviet symbols (with stars -" H "), which is also the most closely related to the symbols of the strategic enemy's army," - state the developers of new symbols, proposing a new design of shoulder straps, etc.

    The new design is based on the “heritage of the Ukrainian military tradition”.

    A diamond-shaped star for shoulder straps (instead of a five-pointed one) was approved by the Commission for the Development of Military Symbols of the Armed Forces of Ukraine back in 1992, according to the annotation.

    Detailing shoulder straps:

    Signs for hats
    Cap signs:

    Beret signs:

    It should be noted that the most controversial is the beret badge of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which depicts a werewolf. Commentators write that many MTR soldiers do not perceive such symbolism, some call it “a sick dog in the bushes”.


    Beret colors:

    Berets are another controversial topic. As the developers note, the current colors of berets in some types of troops "imitate Soviet symbols and go contrary to world traditions."

    The beret reform project provokes resistance from some combat arms (in particular, the airmobile troops and the marines), "due to the attraction of false traditions." That is, the paratroopers want to continue to be "blue berets", as in the USSR.

    Maroon is the color of the beret of the airborne troops in the following countries: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Norway, Great Britain, USA, Germany, Poland, Brazil, Sweden, Turkey, Italy (59 countries in total).

    Black is the color of the beret for armored forces in the following countries: Great Britain, Norway, Spain, Turkey, Canada, Germany, France (52 countries in total).

    Blue-green - In most countries, the marines wear the general navy beret color (dark blue). But in countries where the marines have the features of elite units (Italy, Great Britain), they have an individual color - green or blue-green.

    Blue is the color of the berets of the UN peacekeeping forces.

    The beret becomes a headdress of all categories of the Armed Forces.

    A uniform
    Casual and ceremonial uniform of the Ground Forces: