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  • Nasal drops that do not dry out the mucous membrane. How to choose effective nasal drops? A variety of nasal drops - how to make the right choice? Drops from the common cold xylen

    Nasal drops that do not dry out the mucous membrane. How to choose effective nasal drops? A variety of nasal drops - how to make the right choice? Drops from the common cold xylen

    A runny nose is the most common respiratory condition. It is accompanied by nasal congestion, weakening of the sense of smell, poor health, and voice changes. It would seem that it is not difficult to treat it: just go to the pharmacy and choose any remedy from those offered by the pharmacist (and there will be at least ten of them even in the smallest pharmacy). But in fact, nasal drops from a cold differ not only in name or cost. A runny nose has several varieties, and therefore the treatment is also different.

    If you know what drops are for the treatment of a cold, and what is the difference between them, it will not be difficult to choose the most effective treatment.

    Based on how drugs for the treatment of the common cold affect the nasal mucosa and the body as a whole, several types of drugs are distinguished. It is recommended to have at least one remedy from each category in the home medicine cabinet - this will allow you to take emergency measures in treatment.


    The most common category that allows you to immediately feel the effect. They are also called decongestants. Such drops constrict the blood vessels located on the mucous membrane, thereby reducing swelling. The swelling is relieved, and more free space for air circulation appears in the nasal passages. Almost immediately after the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, breathing becomes easier. But as soon as the drug expires, the blood vessels will dilate again, making breathing difficult.

    Unfortunately, vasoconstrictor nasal drops have not only clear positive, but also side effects... In particular, they dry out the nasal mucosa (burning, dryness can be felt, peeling appears outside), and with prolonged use - more than 7 days - they cause addiction to the body. Within a week, the body adapts to a certain amount of chemicals, and for effective use, you have to increase the dosage.

    In chronic rhinitis, the use of vasoconstrictors can lead to dependence - without it, the mucous membrane will continue to fail. As a result, metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, the walls of the vessels become thinner, which provokes frequent bleeding even with minor hypertension. In this case, it is much more difficult to refuse the medicine.

    In addition, it is important to understand that vasoconstrictor drugs do not treat the cause of the common cold, but only remove its most obvious symptom, alleviate the patient's condition.

    Vasoconstrictor drugs are: "Naphtizin", "Nazol", "Nazivin", "Tizin", "Sanorin", "Farmazolin".


    Antiallergic (antihistamine) drops will help relieve mucosal edema. They are used not only when the rhinitis is of an allergic nature, but also in other cases, if the inflammation of the nasal cavity is large enough to create difficulty in breathing.

    Many drugs combine both a vasoconstrictor and an antihistamine effect - this allows you to reduce the number of drugs used and remove puffiness in the shortest possible time. These drugs are composed of two basic components: histamine receptor blockers and decongestants.

    Antihistamine drops for the treatment of rhinitis are: "Vibrocil", "Vilozen", "Allergodil", "Sanorin-Anallergin".


    It also relieves puffiness in the sinuses, which contributes to better well-being. The human body is designed in such a way that it begins to fight the virus only for 3-4 days, when it “recognizes” it. But the first hours are the most important - the degree of damage to the body and the severity of the disease depend on them. Hormonal drops act on the symptoms of the common cold locally, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bapplication (i.e., in the nasal passages). They relieve inflammation and swelling, destroy harmful bacteria. This is enough to stop the disease, and if it does not go away completely, after a few days the body's immune forces are activated.

    Such drugs contain hormones in their composition, therefore they can be used purely according to the doctor's prescription and strictly in the dosage recommended by a specialist. Hormonal drops can be addictive or side effects if the dosage is increased unreasonably.

    Hormonal drops do not give lightning-fast results - at best, they will be in 10-12 hours, but they are recommended for use in case of prolonged runny nose and colds. Pharmacy products of this category are not prescribed in cases of bacterial or fungal rhinitis - hormones reduce local immunity, which makes it possible for harmful bacteria to multiply even faster.

    Hormonal drops for the treatment of rhinitis are the following drugs: "Naphtizin", "Avamis", "Dexamethasone".


    They help with rhinitis, which is caused by a bacterial infection, as well as in cases of too long an illness, when the separated mucus (snot) becomes thick, viscous, acquires a yellow or green tint. Often, a runny nose caused by a bacterial infection has complications such as sinusitis or sinusitis. In this case, it is important to start treatment as quickly as possible and use the most effective means, namely, drops from a cold with an antibiotic. They kill bacteria and are used to loosen mucus, making it easier to flush out of the nasal passages.

    The basic antibacterial agents for the treatment of rhinitis in adults are "Protargol", "Isofra" and "Albucid". More productive are complex drops, which are prepared on the basis of "Albucid", but with the addition of components that enhance the effect of this agent. The composition of the components is determined by the doctor - it may vary slightly. Complex drops are prepared in a pharmacy with a prescription department or at home, strictly measuring the dosage of the ingredients, immediately before the start of the course (they are not stored for a long time).


    They are useful when rhinitis is of a viral nature, and will not help at all if a bacterial infection is the cause of nasal congestion. Medicinal drops for a cold of an antiviral nature contain the protein interferon, which, falling on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, activates its protective properties. The body begins to produce its own interferon no earlier than on the third day after the illness, when the virus is already gaining strength. If you act on it on the very first day, the likelihood of a rapid cure is really high.

    Antiviral drops are prepared before use according to the instructions (the contents of the ampoule are diluted with warm boiled water), the dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

    The most popular are such medicines for the viral rhinitis as "Laferobion" and "Nazoferon".


    Medicines in this category are an intermediate "option" between prescriptions traditional medicine and traditional pharmacology. Some doctors still do not believe in the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies, while others believe that they are quite capable of coping with the problems of nasal congestion.

    The main homeopathic remedies are natural ingredients that eliminate edema, stimulate immunity and help remove the virus from the body. These are herbal medicines. But it is the natural origin of the basic components that is the main drawback of these funds: they can provoke allergies, therefore, for the first time (especially in children), such drops must be used with extreme caution, carefully monitoring the body's reaction.

    Homeopathic remedies are selected individually, taking into account the symptoms of the disease and the characteristics of the body. To date, the most popular herbal drops for the common cold are Euphorbium Compositum, Edas-131 and Delufen.



    These are drops based on oil esters. Such medicines are composed of herbal ingredients. In view of this, they, like homeopathic remedies, can provoke an allergic reaction. The advantage of this type of drops is that in addition to the main active ingredients, the base also "works" here: often the base is the ester of pine, eucalyptus, peppermint - and these plants are widely known for antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents.

    Oil drops from a common cold do not constrict blood vessels, do not relieve inflammation, but moisturize the mucous membrane, affect cold recipes - this creates a feeling of freshness, removing the manifestations of rhinitis.

    The effect of oil-based drops is akin to a walk in a frosty coniferous forest: the symptoms of a cold disappear immediately. But as soon as the action of the remedy ends, the problem will return, therefore it is recommended to use them in combination with others that remove the cause.

    Oil drops for a cold are: "Otrivin with menthol and Eucalyptus", "Pinosol", "Tizin".

    Sea water solutions

    They are used to cleanse the nasal passages from accumulated mucus, regardless of its consistency. Isotonic solutions from a runny nose with seawater, getting on the mucous membrane, dry it, disinfect it and promote the separation of mucus from the skin (thinning property). They also enrich the skin with microelements, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium. Most often, sea water solutions are used in combination with other drugs and are used to cleanse the nasal passages from thick and liquid snot before using the following remedies.

    These funds have no contraindications, are not addictive and can be used as many times as necessary. Some manufacturers produce products separately for children and adults, the latter have a higher salt concentration.

    Isotonic solutions of sea water include: "No-salt", "Aqua Maris", "Salin", "Humer".

    What drops from the common cold can be called the most effective?

    The best drops from the common cold should be prescribed by the ENT after examination and evaluation of the clinical picture. In general, good rhinitis drops designed to combat bacterial rhinitis may be completely ineffective if the adult has a viral rhinitis. The effectiveness of drops from the common cold can only be judged by how much their properties correspond to the symptoms of a particular disease.

    The basic list of remedies for the common cold, which should be in every home for the prompt start of treatment, looks like this:

    1. Antihistamine drops.
    2. Vasoconstrictor drops.
    3. Antibacterial drops.
    4. Ampoules with a substance for the preparation of antiviral drops.
    5. Isotonic sea salt solution.

    With such a set, at the slightest sign of nasal congestion, you can begin treatment that will allow you to breathe freely and quickly remove the root cause of the disease.

    If rhinitis appears relatively often (from 3 times a year), some doctors recommend choosing a medicine with a new active ingredient for each subsequent disease. If two diseases are treated in a row with the same drugs, the body can adapt to the drug and stop responding to it.

    What inexpensive cold drops should I use?

    The desire to save money is often not just a habit, but a necessity. Unfortunately, colds sometimes appear at the wrong time, but if left untreated, it is fraught with more serious complications. However, it's important to understand that treating a cold isn't always expensive. You can also get by with cheap means that will give a good result. Only they should be chosen, of course, taking into account not only the cost, but also the nature of rhinitis.

    What kind of cheap drops are we talking about:

    • "Pharmazolin" - vasoconstrictor, 60 rubles;
    • Otrivin - oil drops, 160 rubles;
    • Sanorin-Anallergin - antihistamines, 130 rubles;
    • Rinazolin - vasoconstrictor, 140 rubles;
    • "Naphtizin" - vasoconstrictor, 20 rubles;
    • "Aqua Maris" - isotonic sea water solution, 125 rub.

    The cheapest are not always the worst. Sometimes bottles with the same active ingredient in the base differ significantly in cost - and the result of application will be the same. And inexpensive drops also help you get better.

    When is it necessary to contact an ENT specialist?

    It is correct to do this at the first signs of the disease, but in practice only a few do this. Preference is given to symptomatic treatment, and if it does not get better, then they already turn to a doctor. Home treatment can really give a positive result, but there are a number of situations in which you cannot cure yourself on your own - a doctor's consultation is mandatory:

    1. If the problem is allergic, the ENT and the allergist jointly prescribe the treatment of the common cold.
    2. If the congestion does not go away for more than 3 weeks, it is probably necessary to change the treatment.
    3. If there are accompanying problems (severe headaches, watery eyes, pain in the eyes, sputum discharge in the morning), complications may have appeared.
    4. If the runny nose is chronic, the most effective in this case is not drug treatment, but laser exposure.

    After examination, the ENT will tell you which drugs will work better. He will recommend what drops to treat a runny nose for a speedy recovery. There are often cases when only multicomponent treatment helps, and in this case it is important to correctly combine drugs of different directions, to calculate the dosage and sequence of drug use. It is not difficult to cure rhinitis if you enlist the help of a specialist and strictly follow his recipes.

    Most people do not perceive a runny nose as a serious pathology. However, a runny nose is the first and alarming sign that the inner lining of the nasal cavity seeks to eliminate pathogenic microbes, allergens, dust, and more. A running cold can cause otitis media, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. To avoid the consequences, it is necessary to apply drops to the nose. Consider the varieties of nasal drops.

    Variety of nasal preparations

    Viruses, allergens, microbes can contribute to the development of the common cold. Hypothermia of the body can provoke slight congestion. You should start therapeutic treatment if the following symptoms are present:

    • unpleasant burning sensation;
    • difficulty breathing in and out;
    • cephalalgia;
    • sneezing.

    Consider what nasal drops are:

    1. Decongestants.
    2. Combined.
    3. Preparations for thinning.
    4. Antibacterial.
    5. Preparations for the destruction of viruses.
    6. Moisturizers.
    7. Oil drops.
    8. Homeopathic remedies.

    Decongestants (vasoconstrictor drugs)

    The presented group is the most common drops for the common cold. Such widespread use is due to the speed and efficiency of their action, as well as an acceptable price. At the same time, vasoconstrictor drugs also have disadvantages:

    1. Do not relieve symptoms such as cephalalgia, itching, sneezing.
    2. They have a temporary effect, after which the congestion resumes.
    3. Dry the mucous membrane.
    4. They do not eliminate the ailment itself, but only narrow the vessels, thereby relieving the puffiness.
    5. Addictive.

    Decongestants are effective for both allergic rhinitis and colds. Due to vasoconstriction, puffiness is relieved and nasal breathing is restored. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are useful for both preventive measures and for the treatment of chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. They can be based on the following:

    • Xylometazoline (Xymelin, Tizin, Rinostop, Galazolin);
    • Naphazoline (Naphthyzin);
    • Oxymetazoline (Otrivin, Nazivin, Nazol).

    All of these drugs are designed for adults, they are not prescribed for children. The main disadvantage of vasoconstrictor nasal drops is the risk of addiction and ricochet effect. After a week of using the drops, their effectiveness is almost imperceptible, and if you continue taking the drops, it is possible that the appearance of drug-induced rhinitis, which is much more dangerous than an ordinary rhinitis. For this reason, the use of drugs of this group is required only for congestion and severe runny nose.

    Combined funds

    This group of funds received this name due to the presence of several components. Some medications may contain antibiotics (Hycomycin-Teva). Such nasal drops are used for vasomotor or allergic rhinitis. Along with them, there are other means of the presented group:

    1. Snoop is a medicinal product containing seawater, which relieves congestion and eliminates dry nasal mucosa.
    2. Vibrocil - has not only vasoconstrictor, but also antiallergic effect. The medicine cannot be used for more than a week.

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    Thinning preparations

    If a runny nose is accompanied by thick discharge, then thinning drops will be the best drops in the nose. They help to liquefy mucus in the nasal strip by decreasing its viscosity. Acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bhas a similar effect. We list the main thinning drugs:

    • Fluimucil;
    • Suniforte;
    • Mucodin;
    • Rinofluimucil;
    • Fluditek.

    Antibiotic products

    As a rule, drugs with antibiotics are prescribed in the case of a purulent course of inflammation in the nose and sinuses. (Isofra, Polidexa, Sofradex) The drug destroys pathogenic bacteria when a purulent rhinitis forms and is accompanied by thick green discharge.

    Antiviral drugs

    There is a wide variety of drops for runny nose and nasal congestion. However, it is the antiviral and antimicrobial drugs that affect the source of the disease. Drugs designed to fight the virus are used to treat influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and other pathological conditions of a viral nature. The medicine does not completely eliminate the pathogen, but it effectively inhibits the growth and division of bacteria. Drops are made on the basis of interferon:

    • Nazoferon;
    • Grippferon;
    • Interferon.

    Although the effect of the intake is noticeable only after 3-4 days, they can really help get rid of a cold. Antiviral drops are safe enough, but their appointment can only be dealt with by a specialist after establishing the type of infection.

    Onion nose drops are known for their anti-microbial properties. Getting on the nasal mucosa, onion juice eliminates many bacteria.


    This group of drops is universal. It is possible to drip them into the nose from a cold, regardless of the stage, form and nature of the disease. Sea water is the main ingredient in almost all moisturizers. The following effect is expected:

    • cleansing and moisturizing the nasal mucosa;
    • washing;
    • liquefaction of pus;
    • providing a bactericidal and decongestant effect, thereby improving the medicinal effect of other drugs.

    Due to the constantly moisturized mucous membrane, a runny nose is eliminated quite quickly under the influence of human immunity.

    The most famous nasal moisturizer is saline. You can buy it ready-made or prepare it yourself (a teaspoon of salt and a liter of water). Although the cost of this product is low, it moisturizes the nose very well.

    They include various trace elements that have a positive effect on the mucous membrane. Among them: Delufen, Aqualor, Salin, etc.

    The main advantage of these funds is that they are completely safe, and they can be used simultaneously with other nasal agents. Also, their use is allowed during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

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    Oil medicines in the nose

    Oils for the nose are quite similar to herbal drops, since most oil drops are based on medicinal plants and herbal extracts. They are considered harmless precisely because of the herbal ingredients. Their main function is to moisturize the nasal mucosa, which is dry and crusted. And further, essential oils have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Among the natural oil drops are:

    • Equasept;
    • Pinosol;
    • Sinusan;
    • Pinovit.

    With the same intentions, you can use natural oils (vaseline, olive, peach). However, oil nasal drops are best used according to the rules, since they have a lot of side effects. It is forbidden to use oil drops for babies, they can cause an allergic reaction. They cannot be used in inhalation devices. For this reason, if it is possible not to use oil products - do not use!

    Homeopathic remedies

    Homeopathic drops have no side effects. They are allowed to be used at any stage of the development of the common cold. These drops are based on such medicinal substances that are useful only in small doses, otherwise they can harm human health. Homeopathic drops are safe for a special group of people:

    • pregnant women;
    • children;
    • nursing.

    The most popular of them are: Edas-131, Delufen, Euphorbium-Compositum.

    • Stage 1 - reflex. Its duration takes several hours. There is a vasoconstriction, the surface of the mucous membrane acquires a pale shade. Dryness and irritation appear in the nose;
    • Stage 2 - catarrhal. Lasts two to three days. There is an expansion of blood vessels, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane. Difficulty breathing and clinical signs of a runny nose are observed;
    • Stage 3 - recovery. The functional abilities of the nasal mucosa are restored. The inflammation stops. Breathing through the nose returns to normal. There is a disappearance of dryness, itching, burning in the nose. Nasal discharge thickens, their color changes.

    In total, with the right approach to treatment, the duration of a cold is 7 to 10 days.

    When helping a child, it is necessary to take into account which medications and when it is permissible to use. Complicated by the fact that the number of medicines for children from the common cold is very limited.

    Children's vasoconstrictor drops

    An interesting and informative article from a pediatric doctor on pharmaceutical and folk remedies.

    It will also be useful for parents to know the child and use an aspirator with replaceable nozzles.

    To relieve a child's runny nose, you can use vasoconstrictor nasal drops for children.

    With a runny nose, swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs, which does not allow the child to breathe. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are administered during an allergic reaction or with. Therefore, it is necessary to have such a drug in the medicine cabinet at home. This medicine should not be the main one in the treatment of various diseases. Rather, it is used to help a child breathe normally during illness.

    Children's vasoconstrictor drops are divided into three classes: short-acting agents, medium-duration drugs, and long-acting agents. The medication for children for nasal congestion is selected taking into account the goals that must be achieved.

    If nasal breathing is impaired by a cold, long-acting medications should be used. It is important to follow the instructions. Use the medicine in the exact dosage, preferably at bedtime or at night. If the swelling of the mucous membrane is caused by an allergic reaction, you can buy a short-acting drug.

    Short-acting vasoconstrictor nasal drops for the common cold

    The duration of action of these drops for children is 4 hours. Medicines based on tetrazoline, phenylephrine and naphazoline are being prepared.

    The droplets can cause rhinitis in children. This is a disease that develops as a result of an overdose of nasal vasoconstrictor drugs. Because of the feeling of good results from the drops, most people, despite the instructions, greatly increase the dosage. Childhood drug addiction is developing rapidly. This leads to long-term healing of the common cold.

    Phenylephrine preparations are ideal for children preschool age... The drugs can be used for children under 3 years old.

    Drops are made on the basis of naphazoline at a dose of 0.05%. The drug Naphthyzin, upon contact with the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity, quickly relieves inflammation and tissue edema. For colds, the medicine acts on the capillaries, thereby increasing the amount of air that flows through the nose.

    Doctors rarely prescribe naphthyzine vasoconstrictor drops to children when there is acute sinusitis and frequent bleeding.

    Naphthyzin is not administered to babies under one year old, women during pregnancy, during.

    When using the drug, side effects can be observed - lethargy, dizziness, low body temperature, and the development of medical rhinitis is possible.

    In pregnant women, the drug causes vasoconstriction in the nasal sinus and other organs. This situation is often the cause of fetal hypoxia. Therefore, it is contraindicated to use even children's vasoconstrictor drops for pregnant women without consulting a doctor.

    Vasoconstrictor drops for infants should be used after consultation with the treating doctor.

    Otrivin drug

    Medicinal product Tizine

    The drops are based on tetrizoline. The active substance of the drug for children is 0.05%.

    The drops narrow the blood vessels and improve the nasal mucosa. The impact occurs in 5 minutes, lasts more than 10 hours.

    The medicine has several contraindications: age up to 2 years, hypersensitivity to certain components.

    Side effects include a decrease in body temperature, a feeling of dryness and irritation in the nose, sleep and wakefulness disturbances in children under 3 years of age. The mechanism of action of the drug Tizin is similar to the drug Otrivin.

    Not only the name of the drops is different, but they also differ in price. The drug Tizin is much cheaper. Therefore, with nasal congestion in children, most modern mothers prefer it.

    Long-acting vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold

    The duration of the vasoconstrictor drops is provided by the presence of oxymetazoline. This ingredient not only removes the swelling of the mucous membrane, but also reduces the secretion of mucus in the sinuses during sinusitis, rhinitis. For various allergic reactions, medications are also used, which are based on oxymetazoline.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity, age less than 6 years.

    The most common drugs are Afrin, Fazin, Nazivin. All of these products have different dosages. They are suitable for adults and children.


    This medication based on oxymetazoline perfectly relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and normalizes breathing through the nose. The drug Nazivin is usually well tolerated by young patients.

    Sometimes there may be side effects - a decrease in body temperature, a feeling of dryness and irritation in the nose.

    Moisturizing Nasal Drops for Newborns contain isotonic seawater that is filtered and microbiologically controlled to be sterile. Isotonic means that seawater has been diluted so much that it contains the same concentration of salt as the cells in the human body.

    Small droplets of seawater work by softening and loosening nasal mucus. This helps to free up the nasal passages, allows the baby to breathe easier, thus making it easier for him to eat and sleep. The drops also cleanse the nasal passages of viruses and bacteria, as well as irritants and allergens such as dust and pollen.

    If your child has a nose injury or has recently had nose surgery, you should consult your doctor before using this group of medicines.

    Treatment of rhinitis in children under one year old will be easier when using drugs of this group. One of these means are drops, sprays, aerosols of the Aqualor brand.

    The company produces a wide range of medicines for moisturizing and rinsing the nasal passages. Aqualor contains water from the Atlantic Ocean collected off the coast of Brittany.

    • - nose drops for newborns. Produced in the form of drops and spray. They contain diluted sea water;
    • Aqualor soft aerosol and Aqualor norms spray from the common cold for children contain diluted sea water. They are prescribed for dryness of the nasal mucosa during colds. The remedy can be used for children from six months;
    • Aqualor forte it is used when the nose is very stuffy. In this product, the concentration of seawater solution exceeds the standardized 0.9%. Aqualor forte can be used for children from two years old.

    Another well-known drug designed to moisturize the nasal cavity of an infant is Aquamaris. For children under one year old it is produced in drip form. For children over one year old, you can use a spray.

    Sterilized isotonic seawater in Aquamaris maintains the normal condition of the nasal mucosa.

    The constituents of the trace elements of this drug increase the resistance of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses to the ingress of viruses and bacteria.

    If a child has allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, the drug helps to wash off and remove allergens and irritants from the nasal mucosa, and to reduce local inflammation. Aquamaris is used for hygienic purposes, cleans mucous membranes from street and house dust.


    Most doctors have developed a distrustful attitude towards homeopathic remedies. However, homeopaths are confident in the effectiveness of such medicines.

    Benefits of this category of products.

    1. Their use is not dangerous in the treatment of the common cold in young children.
    2. Components only of plant origin.
    3. There are no side effects.

    Many homeopaths are convinced that a positive result can be achieved with an individual approach to treatment regimen. Also, homeopaths recommend using these drops for prophylaxis. It is worth noting that homeopathic drops will not help, but will harm in the treatment of viral or bacterial sinusitis.

    When using homeopathic drops, you must adhere to a clear scheme. Treatment should last 1-4 months because homeopathy has a cumulative effect.

    Below are details of the two brands available to patients. Each brand is unique, but they are all very effective according to experienced homeopaths.


    You may have heard of xylitol as a natural, calorie-free sugar substitute. It is used in natural resins and foods. But xylitol has many uses, one of which is nasal cleansing.

    Xlear is a nasal spray formulated with xylitol which stimulates the natural cleaning of the baby's respiratory system.

    Xylitol actually prevents bacteria and other irritants from sticking to the tissues of the baby's nose, preventing re-infection and irritation. Thus, the body is able to heal itself faster. By stopping the entry of bacteria and irritants that bother your baby, you can protect him from possible infection and prevent bacteria from entering the nose.

    This product will not only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but, in the first place, prevent their occurrence, which you are unlikely to see from a regular cold medicine. The formula was formulated by a doctor and contains only natural ingredients such as purified water and grapefruit seed extract, which acts as a natural preservative.

    In fact, you can store the medicine in a room for several months without spoiling it. Since this drug does not contain any chemical elements, you can use it for various purposes - for illness, allergies, general irritation of the nasal mucosa. The drug is completely safe for children and does not contain antibiotics.

    It is a product whose main ingredient is olive leaf extract.

    Seagate Olive Leaf Nasal Spray is made with natural botanicals that reduce mucus production and ease breathing difficulties due to swelling.

    Similar to the xylitol product described above, olive leaf extract actually helps prevent irritation in the nasal passages.

    Seagate Olive Leaf Nasal Spray

    It contains only three ingredients.

    1. Olive leaf extract with anti-inflammatory properties due to oleuropein.
    2. Baptista Tinctoria. Also known as yellow wild indigo. The root of this plant has long been used to treat infections of the throat, mouth and gums. It has recently been shown to stimulate the immune system.
    3. Grapefruit seed extract is used as a natural preservative. This extract is full of antioxidants and nutrients. Contains vitamin C and minerals, is used to combat harmful organisms and bacteria.

    These ingredients have amazing properties on their own and form a powerful composition when combined with each other. Not only will your baby's sinuses be free, you will experience the added benefits of these ingredients.

    The antifungal properties, as well as the immune system-enhancing effects of the ingredients, will help prevent infections.

    Oily nose drops for children

    Nasal drops based on various oils are used to moisturize and soften the nasal cavity.

    Currently, for different types of rhinitis, the following drugs are most popular, which are openly available in every pharmacy.

    Oily nose drops for children

    These are drops from the common cold for children from 1 year old. They contain a mixture of vegetable and essential oils, pure natural substances with antimicrobial action.

    Improves blood circulation in mucous tissues and restores its natural functions. Pinosol is a complex medication with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

    Reduces the intensity of local exudative inflammation, reduces the viscosity of mucus, facilitates its separation and expectoration. In the case of chronic disease, it increases blood flow in the nose, larynx, trachea and promotes functional recovery.

    Indications: infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi.

    In the first stage of a cold, doctors recommend dripping 1 drop into each nostril at three-hour intervals. If you feel better, switch to four times a day. For infants, moisten an ear stick with the solution and work the nasal passages in a circular motion.


    It is used in the treatment of various forms of rhinitis. Pinovit reduces inflammation, swelling, and has a thinning property. The drug is contraindicated when there is an allergy to its components.

    The product is intended for children from 2 years old. The dosage for children is 1 drop in each nostril no more than 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is about 6 days.

    Pins drops

    Other nasal oil drops with a similar effect and the same treatment regimen are Equasept, Sinusan, Vitaon.

    Antiviral drops

    The basis of almost all antiviral nasal drops is interferon.


    Antiviral drug, the main component of which is interferon. Release form: ointments, drops, children's spray for rhinitis.

    Grippferon has a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect.

    Its undoubted advantage is the almost absolute absence of side effects and contraindications. This is an effective medication for the common cold of viral genesis for children under 1 year old.



    Ingaron is produced in the form of a white powder. Before using it, you must make a solution. The powder must be diluted with distilled water. Ingaron is based on gamma interferon. It is more effective against viruses. The drug has a broad spectrum of action. Contraindicated in children under 7 years of age.


    Derinat differs from other antiviral drugs in that it does not contain interferon. The main component of the drug is deoxyribonucleate.

    The medicine has a fairly strong immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. The dosage for children is calculated only by the pediatrician individually for each case.

    Antibacterial drops

    Antibacterial nasal drops are "heavy artillery" for the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx and the entire upper respiratory tract system. These drops will help cure nasal diseases that do not respond to conventional therapy.

    Antibacterial drops are made up of powerful agents that fight infection and relieve the common cold in children. These medicines quickly remove the edema of the mucous membranes and normalize the respiratory function.

    Compared to the same pill form drops have several advantages.

    1. They can act directly on the source of infection at the local level, which allows for a more efficient and quicker control of the disease.
    2. Avoid allergic reactions and the emergence of resistance to certain antibiotics.
    3. The drugs have no negative effects on the digestive tract.
    4. Does not harm healthy flora.
    5. The product is not applied locally to other parts of the body and is safe for the immune system.
    6. Does not have a destructive effect on blood vessels and capillaries.

    Despite the rather substantial benefits, this type of antibiotic treatment is not safe. Therefore, they cannot be assigned independently.

    The most popular antibacterial nasal medications

    The drug contains a hormonal ingredient, so they tend to prescribe it in extremely difficult cases. Children can use the product after reaching the age of three.


    Isofra contains the main active ingredient framycetin. The medication is produced in the form of sprays. This type of antibacterial medication is good for certain types of infection.

    Therefore, it is prescribed in cases where the pathogen is known. It eliminates well all classes of aerobic microorganisms. When a drug does not work after a week of use, it is canceled and replaced with another type of antibiotic.

    These medicines can be administered to children and adults. It should be borne in mind that the drugs belong to the group of antibiotics and each of them is intended for a specific age group.

    Antiseptic nose drops for babies Protargol

    It is an anti-inflammatory astringent colloidal solution of silver ions. It is used for children from birth. The drug is classified as a broad spectrum, but it has limitations.

    This drug does not work for viral infections. Infection of bacterial origin when using Protargol goes away quickly, without complications.

    Always talk to your pediatrician before choosing and using any effective cold medicine for children. Be sure to call your pediatrician if your baby has worse symptoms or fever.

    Does not need treatment, because "a cold during treatment disappears in 7 days, and without treatment in a week." But a runny nose isn't always harmless. It causes many unpleasant symptoms, worsens the quality of life, disrupts breathing, and also leads to various complications if not properly treated.

    Different drops (sprays) in the nose - different composition and properties

    Nasal drops and sprays come in many varieties, depending on the composition and the effect. There are vasoconstrictor drops, rinsing drops, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drops, etc. They are prescribed depending on the diagnosis.

    You can use medicinal nasal drops only after consulting a doctor. Special care must be taken when treating pregnant women and young children. The drugs have age restrictions.

    Depending on the symptoms of the common cold and the patient's age, the dosage of the drug is determined. Any nasal drops are applied in courses. Interruption of the course, as well as its arbitrary extension, can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. With prolonged use of drops, they are addictive, weakening the therapeutic effect and provoke overdose symptoms.

    Interruption of the course can lead to a relapse of the disease.

    Nasal preparations can be prescribed for the following diseases:

    1. Viral rhinitis. Viral rhinitis is one of the most common diseases of the nasal mucosa. It usually occurs against the background of SARS, but it can last longer than other symptoms. With viral rhinitis, there is a strong, reddening of the nose, profuse mucus, which gradually begins to thicken. Because of the constant, headaches often appear.
    2. ... Allergic rhinitis is similar to viral. It may also be accompanied by shortness of breath. Edema with allergies is usually more severe, the mucus is transparent, liquid, there is reddening of the area around the nose, eyes, eyelids, not only the nose swells, but the whole face is swollen, there is pain in the eyes, there is constant sneezing.
    3. ... With sinusitis, treatment is necessary, since this disease quickly becomes chronic and leads to various complications. Sinusitis is accompanied by severe edema, discharge of yellowish or green thick mucus from the nose, severe headaches in the nose, forehead, and cheeks, which intensify when the head is tilted.
    4. Fungal diseases of the nose. As a result of chronic inflammation in the nose, it can form, which block the nasal passages and disrupt the breathing process. In this case, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are prescribed.

    Vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays

    The most commonly used are vasoconstrictor nasal drops. They relieve such a painful symptom as nasal congestion, swelling. It is the edema that does not allow breathing, eating, sleeping normally, disrupting the perception of taste and impairing the patient's quality of life.

    The drops contain a substance (xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, phenylephrine), which acts on the vessels of the nose, narrowing their lumen and freeing the nasal passages. At the same time, these drops dry out the nasal mucosa, reducing mucus production. The duration of the action of the drug depends on its composition and the sensitivity of the mucosa. Typically, the effect lasts 6 to 12 hours.

    After the end of the drug, the vessels dilate again, and the edema returns. These drugs can hardly be called therapeutic, they are rather symptomatic. But in some cases, their use is necessary. For example, during pregnancy, when a woman cannot breathe normally, and the child suffers from this. Also, the use of these drops is necessary for sinusitis. To treat the nose with anti-inflammatory drugs or inhale, you first need to remove the swelling.

    Such drugs include

    • Tizine
    • Rinonorm
    • Snoop
    • Fornose

    For children, drops are sold with a dosage reduced by half. The same drops with a reduced dosage are recommended for pregnant women to reduce the likelihood of side effects.

    More information on how to properly instill nasal drops for a child can be found in the video:

    Miramistin in the nose of a child: purpose and application

    The use of vasoconstrictor drugs has some features that should be remembered:

    1. Do not violate the indicated dosage. If the dosage is exceeded, an allergic reaction may occur or an addiction to the drug may develop.
    2. Do not use drops for longer than prescribed in the instructions. With prolonged use (more than a week), the effectiveness of the drug decreases, local immunity decreases, and addiction occurs.
    3. It is better to choose preparations in the form of sprays. The spray is more evenly distributed over the mucosal surface, which reduces the severity of side effects.
    4. It is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drugs during pregnancy without consulting a doctor, with atrophic rhinitis, hypertension and disruption of the thyroid gland. If side effects appear, the drug should be discontinued.

    Moisturizing and homeopathic nasal drops

    In some cases, moisturizing drops are also referred to as homeopathic, since they do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, but they reduce the severity of symptoms and reduce the likelihood of complications.

    Moisturizers usually contain sea water, which, due to its salt content, has an anti-inflammatory effect, clears mucus and moisturizes irritated mucous membranes. Such drugs cannot achieve an immediate effect, but they can speed up recovery.

    Homeopathic nasal drops usually contain a variety of herbal extracts to help relieve the common cold.

    However, unlike moisturizing drops, homeopathic drops can cause a strong allergic reaction, so their use should be coordinated with a doctor (especially while carrying a child).

    The effectiveness of homeopathic drops is still unproven. Some point to the placebo effect, while others believe that the effectiveness depends on the sensitivity of the body and the disease itself.

    Moisturizing nasal drops:

    • ... Absolutely safe preparation based on sea water, which is available in drops and sprays. It can be used both for the prevention of colds (after contact with an infected person) and for the treatment of infections (,). Despite the anti-inflammatory effect, Aqua Maris does not immediately relieve swelling. It can be used to rinse your nose before using other drops.
    • ... Also a safe preparation based on seawater. It has several varieties, for example, Soft (for children and gentle rinsing of the nose), Forte (for relieving congestion with a high salt content), Throat (for treating viral throat diseases).
    • ... This is a drug for the treatment of rhinitis, which contains vitamins, biologically active components, plant extracts. It is recommended for viral and bacterial infections, but for serious diseases it is used in combination with stronger drugs.
    • Delufen. A preparation based on plant extracts (black mustard, milkweed, lumbago, etc.). It has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, protective effect. Recommended for rhinitis, sinusitis, eliminates irritation and dryness after using vasoconstrictor drops.

    Antiallergic and hormonal drops

    During seasonal respiratory allergies, the nasal mucosa requires special treatment. Usually, the edema is so severe that vasoconstrictor drops are indispensable. In case of allergies, the doctor tries to choose the optimal drug that increases local immunity, relieves swelling and has a local antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect.

    In some cases, several drugs are prescribed at once. So, for example, with severe inflammation and prolonged allergies, drops for rinsing the nose and hormonal drops are prescribed to relieve inflammation.

    When taking antihistamines, allergy symptoms usually decrease, the swelling subsides, but in some cases contact with the allergen cannot be interrupted, therefore, in parallel, conventional vasoconstrictor drops suitable for age, preparations for moisturizing or rinsing the nose (, Aqualor, Otrivin), and combined preparations are used.

    Local antiallergic drugs include Allergodil, Levocabastine. They block receptors that respond to an irritant, but local treatment in this case is often not enough, so these drops are used simultaneously with oral antihistamines.

    If allergy treatment does not work, hormonal (steroid) drugs are prescribed, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

    These drugs have a quick effect, relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, eliminate inflammation, but they are quickly addictive and have a number of side effects, so they are prescribed only as a last resort.

    Review of the best:

    • ... Corticosteroid drug for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, and polyposis. The drug quickly relieves inflammation and eliminates the symptoms of rhinitis. Among the side effects are nosebleeds, which quickly go away on their own when the drug is discontinued.
    • Benacap. A drug for the treatment of seasonal or year-round allergies, however, these drops are not recommended for bacterial or viral diseases. The drug is permissible for use from the age of 18, it is not recommended during pregnancy.
    • Fluticasone. For the treatment of allergic rhinitis, this drug can be used from 4 years old at a dosage approved by a doctor. It is not recommended for use with infections of the nasal mucosa and at the same time with other hormonal topical preparations.

    Antibacterial and antiviral nose drops

    Antibacterial and antiviral nasal drops are not intended to relieve symptoms, but to eliminate the cause of inflammation: bacteria and viruses. They do not always have a pronounced instant effect, but they significantly reduce the time of illness.

    Antiviral nasal drops increase local immunity and fight viruses, but their effectiveness depends on the stage of the disease. The therapeutic effect will be only if you start treating viral rhinitis from its very first manifestations. With timely and correct treatment, you can reduce the time of illness to 3 days.

    As a rule, antiviral drugs contain interferon, which increases local immunity. They have practically no side effects and can be prescribed even to young children.

    Antibacterial drugs can only be used if the bacterial nature of the disease is proven.

    You can not use these funds for prophylaxis or for manifestations of any rhinitis. The body gets used to the drug, and its effectiveness is significantly reduced. For severe bacterial nasal lesions, oral antibiotics are often prescribed, as topical medications may not be sufficient.

    Overview of drugs:

    • Grippferon. An interferon-based drug used for the prevention and treatment of viral sinusitis. It prevents the multiplication of viruses and enhances local immunity. The drug is safe, non-toxic, effective against most viruses, and can even be prescribed to young children and pregnant women.
    • ... A drug for enhancing cellular immunity. It is prescribed for acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, bacterial and viral infections, as a prevention and treatment. The drug not only fights against pathogens, but also has a healing effect.
    • Isofra. An antibacterial drug that is often prescribed for sinusitis, rhinosinusitis. The drug is used within a week. If there is no effect, it is canceled and another topical antibiotic is prescribed.
    • Polydexa. An antibacterial drug with pheniephrine, which not only fights bacteria, but also relieves swelling. It is prescribed for acute and chronic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, sinusitis.

    Combined drops and features of their use

    Combined drugs are called drugs that not only contain several main active ingredients, but also have several effects at the same time, for example, vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

    These drugs can be prescribed for various diseases or for one - to eliminate several symptoms. These drugs include (vasoconstrictor and antihistamine), Polydex (antibacterial and anti-inflammatory).

    Combination drugs help save time and money spent on treating a disease. However, they need to be carefully selected. If used incorrectly and uncontrolled, they can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

    When using combination drugs, you must adhere to the following rules:

    1. Do not use the combination drug at the same time as another topical drug without the permission of your doctor. Not all drugs enhance each other's action. Sometimes they suppress it or increase the severity of side effects.
    2. Combined drugs are more addictive more quickly, so they must be used with exact dosage and course duration. Uncontrolled intake of the drug leads to a decrease in local immunity, a weakening of the vascular tone.
    3. The use of combination drugs can be combined with. Before using the drops, it is recommended to rinse the nose with salted water or a special rinse spray. After 5 minutes, you need to blow your nose and then use the drops. This will enhance their effect and reduce the likelihood of side effects.
    4. Do not use drops after the expiration date. Opened combination preparations are stored for no more than six months in a cool place. If the bottle is opened for a long time and was stored incorrectly, the healing effect may be reduced.

    When choosing drops, you cannot focus on the price or the number of effects promised in the advertisement. The drugs are selected by the doctor taking into account the general condition of the body, sensitivity to certain substances, the etiology of the disease.

    A runny nose is a companion of many diseases. This symptom is caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens. Sometimes it occurs in a healthy person, for example, rhinitis during pregnancy. Sometimes nasal congestion is due to the structure of the human nose. This state causes a lot of inconvenience, deprives you of sleep, appetite, interferes with work, thinking clearly and enjoying life. At such times, it is important to find an effective ☘️ \u200b\u200bcold remedy. But since nasal congestion is due to various reasons, there is no universal drug that can quickly defeat this symptom.

    Consider how to choose the right nasal drops for a cold, which ones are better.

    What are the drops and how to treat a cold in adults

    Universal drugs that can cure any pathology of the nose have not been invented. Since there are many causes of this condition, nasal medications vary greatly in their effect. Some drops for the treatment of a common cold relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, some help fight viruses or bacteria. Some of them have antiallergic therapeutic effect.

    Often, treatment of rhinitis in adults requires moisturizing and repairing the nasal mucosa.

    ☘️ The classification of nasal preparations is extensive. Among them are such types of nasal drops as:

    • vasoconstrictor;
    • antibacterial;
    • thinning;
    • antiallergic;
    • on a hormonal basis;
    • vegetable;
    • antiviral.

    The action is different for each group. And they all help with rhinitis. In order for the effectiveness of the drops to be tangible, you need to know what caused the runny nose. It can be not only viruses, bacteria or allergens, but also medicines. Therefore, it is important to establish the cause of the disease in time and choose effective nasal drops.

    Drops with the permission of a doctor


    Homeopathic drops against the common cold are effective against the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. They act gently, rarely cause side effects. Means are made on the basis of raw materials of plant origin, therefore, such drugs have a minimum number of contraindications. They can be used during pregnancy, young children, and elderly patients. As a rule, they are prescribed as part of complex therapy. You can feel the effect of the application only after a while. Such drugs do not begin to work immediately.

    ✔️ Famous representatives of this group in Russia: Edas-131, Euphorbium Compositum, Delufen. It is difficult to unequivocally judge the effectiveness of such drops. When it comes to homeopathy, it is important to find the right remedy for the problem and prescribe the correct dosage.


    To treat rhinitis caused by pathogenic bacteria, your doctor may prescribe antibacterial drops. Such drugs can be roughly divided into three groups:

    • With antibiotics;
    • Silver based;
    • On vegetable raw materials.

    Antibiotic drops

    Most often, antibiotic-containing drugs are prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis in adults, such as "Isofra" and "Polydexa". These drops help get rid of a severe bacterial rhinitis, including sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. Both drugs are produced in the form of a spray. Antibiotics for rhinitis are safer than taking antibiotics by mouth. They do not have a systemic effect on the body, as if they enter the bloodstream. "Polydexa" differs from "Isofra" in that it contains an antibiotic and an additional component - finelephrine, which allows you to quickly eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa.

    Neither a cold spray will help if the problem is caused by a viral infection.

    Silver based

    Treatment of chronic rhinitis of a bacterial nature in children and adults can be carried out with drops containing silver ions. They quickly help get rid of rhinitis, sinusitis. The drugs in this group include "Protargol", "Sialor", "Collargol". The main active ingredient of such drops is silver particles. Thanks to him, you can even get rid of a chronic infection, speed up the recovery of the mucous membrane after the disease. The principle of action of such drugs is the ability of silver to precipitate protein. For this reason, a protective film forms on the nasal mucosa. It is worth remembering that the healing effect of drops with silver lasts a short time after preparation. Therefore, they are not sold ready-made. "Protargol" and "Collargol" are made in a pharmacy, and "Sialor" can be diluted according to the instructions at home.


    Drops with a moisturizing effect are not classified as medicines. They are used as an adjuvant, helping to thin the mucus, making it easy to remove. Such drugs are used in combination with other medicines for the common cold. These products are based on mineral water, saline or sea water. You can use them for a long time as many times a day as necessary. The advantages of moisturizing drops include the fact that, with high efficiency, they have no contraindications, do not have side effects. These drugs include "Aqualor", "Pshik", "Humer", "Salin", "Aqua Maris", "Marimer" .☀️

    With herbal extracts

    Therapeutic drops for the common cold based on ☘️ of plant materials are successfully used to treat nasal diseases. Such preparations as "Pinosol", "Eucasept" contain natural herbal extracts or oils (eucalyptus, peppermint, menthol). They cannot establish fast breathing and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane if the nose is blocked. The components of herbal drops have an antiseptic effect, refresh and do not dry out the nasal cavity. Oil remedies for the common cold are used when the discharge becomes not abundant, and the mucous membrane dries up. If during this period the nose runs heavily, then drops containing oils can aggravate the problem.

    The combined на plant-based preparation "Sinupret" can be used for colds to thin phlegm, eliminate inflammation, relieve swelling, and facilitate the discharge of phlegm from the sinuses. For the action of the drops to be effective for colds and runny nose, during this period the patient needs to drink plenty of fluids to thin the mucus. Herbal ingredients make it possible to use Sinupret during pregnancy and childhood. But, despite the minimum of contraindications, it is impossible to choose nasal drops for a cold on your own, to decide on the reviews of friends which is better.

    Essential oils are an allergic component that requires careful application of herbal drops.


    Vasoconstrictor drugs are the most commonly used for rhinitis. They have a different form of release - spray or drops. They are released without a doctor's prescription. The main advantage of such funds is the instant relief of congestion and restoration of nasal breathing. This is achieved due to a short narrowing of small blood vessels on the surface of the mucous membrane. The constrictor ingredients slow down the rate of mucus production. Under their action, the nasal secretion becomes not so liquid and abundant.\u003do9sq6G82Iyo

    These drugs have multiple side effects. The only protection against them is a properly selected treatment regimen and strict adherence to the established dosage.

    The safe period for their use is no more than a week. Long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops leads to the development of addiction, increased nasal congestion. Uncontrolled use promotes thinning of the mucous membrane, causes nosebleeds. For most drugs in this group, heart disease is a contraindication, since among the side effects are arrhythmia, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure. Vasoconstrictor drugs for rhinitis are far from harmless. Therefore, before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor. He will tell you which drops from a cold will be better in a particular situation, taking into account the cause of the cold and the patient's state of health.

    The most common drops are based on xylometazoline ("Galazolin", "Dlya Nos", "Rinonorm", "Xymelin"). They work for a short time, no more than 4 hours. Longer "work" means, which include oxymetazoline ("Nazivin", "Fervex", "Nazol"). Such droplets can get rid of congestion and snot for up to 12 hours. Preparations based on naphazoline act for 6 hours ("Sanorin", "Naphtizin"). Moisturizing vasoconstrictor effect for 8 hours is possessed by the modern remedy "Tizin" (active substance tetrazoline).


    In difficult cases, the use of combined drops from the common cold for adults is most justified. Combined drops for the common cold act in several directions at the same time. For example, "Vibrocil" helps to eliminate allergic rhinitis and relieve puffiness due to vasoconstrictor components. "Polydexa" with the help of an antibiotic effectively cures sinusitis, and phenylephrine relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. Used as directed by a physician. They have time limits and contraindications.


    To facilitate the passage of mucus, thinning nose drops are used. These include "Rinofloimucil", "Sinupret". Acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bin "Rinofloimucil" reduces the viscosity of the snot, allows mucus to be freely separated. Sinupret contains herbal ingredients that help to remove nasal secretions, improve ventilation of the sinuses.


    Hormonal drops have a pronounced therapeutic effect in allergic rhinitis. The most commonly used sprays are "Nasonex", "Avamis", "Beconase", "Nasobek", "Fliksonase". These drugs allow short time get rid of the manifestations of allergies. With proper use, adherence to the dosage prescribed by the doctor and the duration of treatment, the funds rarely cause side effects. But the uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs can lead to a weakening of the local immunity of the nasal mucosa, which will lead to the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Among the undesirable consequences of prolonged use of such drops are thinning of the mucous membrane, fragility of the nasal vessels.\u003dLT19dCyfwss


    These drugs are effective against viral rhinitis. Their effectiveness depends on at what stage of the disease treatment is started. It is recommended to use drops at the first signs of a viral infection. They are also effective as a preventive measure.

    ⚗️ Antiviral drugs are based on interferon. Antiviral drugs include "Grippferon", "Nazoferon".

    Drops according to folk recipes on their own or how to treat a severe rhinitis in an adult

    • Beet juice. It is advisable to dilute it with water. Beetroot juice can be dripped into the nose or soaked with turundas (action time 10 minutes).
    • A mixture of vegetable oil and a few drops of fir oil. Such a remedy is instilled in the morning and evening. It disinfects well, relieves congestion, normalizes breathing.
    • With honey drops. To do this, mix honey in equal parts with boiled water. Drip slightly warm up to 6 times a day. The tool relieves inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect.
    • Wildlife will come to the rescue with severe rhinitis. The nose can be dripped with aloe juice and Kalanchoe juice.

    Traditional methods are safer than drugs, but in difficult cases, they may be ineffective. Therefore, it is better to use them as part of a complex therapy prescribed by a doctor.

    TOP 7 drops according to patient reviews

    What drops from the common cold are the most effective Consider the best drops used for the common cold according to user reviews:

    P / p No. Drug name Direction of action
    1 Isofra Antibacterial drug, contains an antibiotic
    2 Nazivin Vasoconstrictor, helps to eliminate congestion in a short time and for a long time
    3 Sialor, Protargol Drops with silver ions. Effectively dries up mucous membranes, helps against a runny nose caused by bacteria
    4 Vibrocil Combined drug. Helps to remove puffiness, eliminate rhinitis with allergies
    5 Naftizin Vasoconstrictor. Its advantage is its low cost and traditional use.
    6 Sanorin with eucalyptus oil Vasoconstrictor drops. Thanks to the addition of eucalyptus oil, it does not dry out the mucous membrane
    7 Aqua Maris Sea water solution. Moisturizes, cleanses the nasal cavity

    The best drops according to doctors' reviews

    It is difficult to compile a real rating of remedies for the common cold. In fact, the best nasal drops for the doctor are those that actually heal. It doesn't matter how much they cost and how they are packed. It is important what caused the runny nose, the features of the course of the disease and the state of the patient's body. It must be remembered that even the most modern and effective remedy will not help eliminate a runny nose, will not save the patient from side effects, if the recommendations for its use recommended by the doctor are not strictly followed.


    It is a common truth that it is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, the prevention of rhinitis is important in the autumn-winter period. It can be done in several ways:

    ✔️ IRS-19 is a spray that helps to activate local immunity.

    ✔️ Derinat - good drops for the common cold, acting on the principle of stimulating local immunity. Accelerate tissue regeneration, have anti-inflammatory effect.

    ✔️ Oxolinic ointment - the classic way. Acts as a barrier for viruses to enter the body through the nasal mucosa.

    Preventive measures should be taken well in advance of the cold season.


    The safest nasal moisturizers are seawater or saline. You can use such drugs for a long time without fear of harming your health. All other nasal drops, even those based on plant materials, have multiple contraindications. Among them are children's age, pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, glaucoma, diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys. Therefore, it is important to carefully study the instructions for the drug and inform the doctor about any health problems before using drops from the common cold.