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  • The immortal soul is the essence of man as a living being. What is the basis of the Orthodox teaching on the two-part nature of man (soul and body)? What's the difference

    The immortal soul is the essence of man as a living being. What is the basis of the Orthodox teaching on the two-part nature of man (soul and body)? What's the difference

    It is difficult for a person to believe that he cannot perceive with the senses, what he does not see, cannot touch with his hands, hear or smell. Therefore, it is so difficult for him to imagine the soul.

    There is more and more information that scientists are conducting unusual experiments in search of an answer to the question: what does the soul consist of?

    In the world of matter, every object has physical and material characteristics. In an attempt to determine the composition of the soul, scientists are conducting experiments that reveal precisely its material characteristics - weight, composition and ability to move.

    Most of the scientists' experiments in this area are based on observations of dying patients.

    How much does a human soul weigh

    Back in the late 90s, the scientist Lyell Watson stated that the soul has at least one physical parameter - weight.

    To confirm his theory, he designed a special weighing bed on which he placed dying patients. And found interesting fact: the human body loses weight after death. Weight loss was 2.5 to 6.5 grams.

    Duncan McDougal, an American, conducted a similar study 75 years before this experiment. His goal was determine the weight of the soulHe also tried to find out how much lighter the human body becomes when physical death occurs.

    Measurements showed that the soul weighs 5.2 spools, that is, 22.4 grams.

    How to explain that the results of the two researchers were different?

    Perhaps each person's soul has a certain weight?

    Scientists have suggested that the weight of a person's soul directly depends on his thoughts and actions.

    Many fellow scientists disagree with the results of both experiments.

    The weight that the body loses after dying is associated with the metabolic processes of the body that continue after death. Since the supply of oxygen in the body is very small, and after cardiac arrest, it completely ceases to enter the lungs, other energy reserves of the body begin to be consumed.

    Therefore, it is not easy to convince people with knowledge of general physiology and atanatomy that in the above experiments it was possible to determine the weight of the human soul.

    Is it possible that the soul has no weight at all? Or does it have, but so small that it is extremely difficult to define it?

    Doctor of Technical Sciences Nikolay Zalichev is convinced that the weight of the soul can be calculated.

    “I decided to conduct a cruel but experiment with mice. To do this, I took glass flasks, in which I placed one mouse, two, three - up to four mice. The flask was hermetically sealed and placed on a balance. After the mice were suffocating - which is inevitable - its weight immediately decreased by a fraction of a percent. There was an ultra-precise balance. "

    The result of this experiment showed that after the death of the creature, the weight decreased by one thousandth.

    Hence, the soul is a very subtle substance that has a tiny weight.

    What is the soul of

    According to one version, the soul consists of a vacuum.

    It is known that all stars and planets in the Universe are made of matter. And what kind of matter does the vacuum consist of?

    Scientists from the United States have suggested that the vacuum is antimatter. Antimatter is a substance whose properties are poorly understood.

    Russian astrophysicists disagree with them. They believe that if the vacuum consisted of antimatter, it would interact with matter. But the substance filling the cosmic vacuum does not interact with it at all.

    This means that the soul cannot consist of a vacuum, otherwise it would not be able to live in close connection with our body. Therefore, the researchers suggest that the soul is a clot of matter that floats freely in space.

    If the soul is a clot of matter, then why can't scientists still track its movements? They have a very sensitive technique at their disposal today, capturing the highest frequency energy bursts. For some reason, this equipment cannot pick up the frequency of the soul.

    Doctor of Technical Sciences, Vladimir Atsukovsky, put forward his hypothesis. He believes that the entire space of the Universe is filled with an elusive gas, which is by its nature a powerful source of energy. It is from him that the human soul can be composed. This gas is called ether.

    “There is such a biofield that can form the so-called soul. Aetherdynamics does not deny this in any way. But he doesn't insist either. Because the subject has not been researched. Let's say there is a question: I do not know the exact answer, but I cannot say that it is not possible ”.

    The concept of ether appeared in ancient times, and our ancestors called it "a void filler."

    Back in 1618, the French physicist Rene Descartes put forward the first scientific theory about the existence of the luminiferous ether. And many scientists began to look for this invisible gas.

    Isaac Newton tried to discover the properties of this gas until he was 75 years old. He understood that it was necessary to find the physical foundations for the mathematical law of universal gravitation, but he failed.

    At that time, there was not enough knowledge, the physical properties of gases were studied very little. Gas dynamics have not yet been established.

    Lost soul element

    Some scientists are convinced that once a gas called "ether" occupied the very top line in the table of chemical elements of Dmitry Mendeleev. But then, with multiple reprints of textbooks, this line mysteriously disappeared.

    If the ether really exists, all the laws of modern theoretical physics will be untenable. Everything will have to be revised, and this is incredibly difficult and not clear to everyone. Therefore, it is much easier to use only mathematical laws.

    If aether actually exists, then Albert Einstein's theory of relativity can be completely refuted.

    If the world science recognizes the existence of the ether, then the ideas of mankind about the surrounding world will change completely. This will confirm that the soul is real.

    Scientists on the verge of creating a soul trap

    Scientists in the United States and Japan in 2013 reported that they were able to record the moment when, and they also managed to determine what substance it consists of.

    In their opinion, the human soul is a clot of proton-neutron structure. This structure resembles a human figure with head, arms and legs.

    In the world around a person, everything consists of colorless protons and neurons. They resemble such tiny transparent structures that the human eye cannot see them.

    Scientists are planning in the near future create a plasma soul trap. It will be a complex installation that will allow them, after the onset of a person's physical death, to keep the energy of the soul in a special container.

    The history of the development of the concept

    According to modern concepts, the concept of the soul goes back to animistic concepts of a special force that exists in the body of a person and an animal, and sometimes even a plant. Since ancient times, people have wondered about the difference between living and nonliving. In the course of the development of mythological thinking, the concept of the soul as a certain attribute of a living being was formed. Observing the breathing of a living person, which disappeared after his death, contributed to the emergence of ancient ideas about the soul as about breathing from the outside. Corresponding observations of the blood and the cessation of life with its great loss led to the fact that the bearer of the soul was seen in the blood. Dreams led to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe soul as a substance that exists independently of the body.

    Due to the fact that the soul is understood as a substance, the properties of the finest substance found in the blood are first attributed to it, as was the case with most pre-Socratics in Greek philosophy (Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Democritus). According to Plato, the soul is immortal and immaterial and precedes existence in the physical body. Before the birth of a person, the soul contemplates ideas in the immaterial world, and after it enters the body, “forgets” them. Hence, Plato's judgment that all knowledge is only a memory of forgotten ideas, known by the soul before birth. Aristotle calls it the first entelechy of a viable body; only the rational soul of a person (spirit) can be separated from the body and is immortal.

    The concept of the soul in philosophy

    The focus of a person's mental life is self-consciousness, the consciousness of oneself as a unique human being, individuality.

    The soul began to be viewed as a philosophical concept accessible to rational analysis by the ancient Greeks. All pre-Socratics wondered about the soul, and especially about the relationship between it and the body - two fundamental dimensions of human existence. From Plato's point of view, the soul and body exist separately from each other, while for Aristotle they are inextricably linked. “The soul is the first entelechy of the natural body, which possesses life in possibility. (…) So, the soul is inseparable from the body; it is also clear that some part of it is inseparable if the soul has parts by nature, for some parts of the soul are the entelechy of bodily parts, ”writes Aristotle, for whom“ all natural bodies are the instruments of the soul ”.

    Soul in Abrahamic religions


    According to the understanding of some Christian writers (for example, Tertullian), the soul is material (treatise De anima), while others - the Fathers of the Church (for example, Augustine) consider it spiritual, as in classical patristics, the understanding of the soul as a nonspatial, immaterial substance prevails.

    Immanuel Kant opposed this understanding, which is dominant in Christianity. The appeal to the immaterial principle for the sake of resolving the question of the soul is, according to Kant, "the refuge of the lazy mind." For him, the soul is an object of inner feeling in its connection with the body, and not a substance; the theory of the substance of the soul must give way to the theory of its relevance.

    Immortality of the soul

    The doctrine of the immortality of the soul is an integral part of the teaching of all Christian denominations, with the exception of Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and some few denominations.

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis doctrine is that the soul continues to exist consciously during the period between death and general resurrection. She either immediately goes to heaven or hell, or she dwells for some time in some intermediate place. This can be either the so-called womb of Abraham, or purgatory (for some souls, the teaching of the Catholic Church). According to these views, the fate of the soul is decided at the so-called private court, immediately after the death of a person. And after the universal judgment, the soul unites with the resurrected body and either eternal life or eternal torment in hell (fiery hell) awaits it.

    Denial of the immortality of the soul

    The denial of the unconditional immortality of the soul (as inherent in the very nature of man) is sometimes found in early Patristics. In particular, Tatian wrote in his "Speech against the Hellenes":

    The soul itself is not immortal, Greeks, but mortal. However, she may not die. A soul that does not know the truth dies and collapses along with the body, and receives death through endless punishments. But if it is enlightened by the knowledge of God, then it does not die, although it is destroyed for a while. By itself, it is nothing more than darkness, and there is nothing light in it. This includes the words: "darkness did not embrace the light." For it was not the soul that preserved the spirit, but itself was preserved by it, and the light embraced the darkness. The Word is Divine light, and darkness is a soul foreign to knowledge. Therefore, if she lives alone, then she deviates towards the substance and dies with the flesh; and when she is united with the divine spirit, she is not devoid of help, but ascends where the spirit elevates her. For the abode of the spirit is in heaven, and the soul has an earthly origin. (Tatian. Speech against the Hellenes 1:17)

    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe conditional immortality of the soul is contained in the work of Theophilus of Antioch "The Epistle to Autolycus":

    But somebody asked us: was man created mortal by nature? not. Means - immortal? We will not say this either. But someone will say: so, he was created by neither one nor the other? and we will not say that. He was created by nature neither mortal nor immortal. For if God had created him in the beginning immortal, he would have made him God; if, on the contrary, he had created him mortal, then he himself would have been the culprit of his death. So, He created him neither mortal nor immortal, but, as they said above, capable of both, so that if he aspires to that which leads to immortality, fulfilling the commandment of God, he would receive from Him as a reward for this immortality, and would become God; if he deviates to the works of death, disobeying God, he himself would be the culprit of his death. For God created man free and autocratic. So, what man has brought upon himself by his negligence and disobedience, God now forgives him according to His philanthropy and mercy, if a person obeys Him. As man has brought death upon himself by disobedience, so by obedience to the will of God he who desires can obtain eternal life for himself. For God gave us the law and the holy commandments, fulfilling which everyone can be saved and, having attained resurrection, inherit incorruption. (Theophilus 2:27)

    During the Reformation, the denial of the immortality of the soul was encountered among some Anabaptists. A well-known proponent of the beliefs about the conditional immortality of the soul (the idea of \u200b\u200ba "sleeping soul") was Martin Luther, for which he was criticized by John Calvin.

    Currently, some religious groups, including Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses, have different ideas about the nature of the soul from other Christian denominations. The main feature of these ideas is that the soul itself does not have an immortal nature, the soul is mortal.

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the soul ceases to exist when a person dies. These views are based on the following Bible verses: "The living know they will die, but the dead know nothing" (Eccl.); “Whatever your hand finds to do, do according to your power; because in the underworld, where you will go, there is no deed, no reflection, no knowledge, no wisdom " (Eccl.), "The soul of sin, that will die" (Ezek.),

    Soul salvation

    In Christianity, the concept of "soul" is inextricably linked with the concept of salvation. The salvation of a person's soul is understood as the salvation of a person himself and from death, which is also considered a consequence of sin, and from eternal punishment for sin (in hell or hell or hell). Most Christians believe that after the resurrection of the dead, the souls of the saved will be reunited with the bodies and in these bodies the saved will be guaranteed eternal life.

    About the soul in the Bible

    In theology, the following meanings of the word "soul" in the Bible stand out:

    1. Person.

      And the Lord God created man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul

      Gen. 2: 7 (akin to Pet. 3:20; Rom. 13: 1; Acts. 2:41)

    2. Living being.

      And God said: Let the water bring forth reptiles, the living soul; and let the birds fly over the earth, across the firmament of heaven

      Genesis 1:20 (akin to Genesis 1:24)

    3. A life.

      He who has saved his soul (life) will lose it; and he who lost his soul (life) for my sake will save it

      Matthew 10:39 (akin to Lev. 17:11; Matthew 2:20; 16:25; John 13:37; 15:13)

    4. Human inner world.

      But the multitude of those who believed had one heart and one soul; and none of his property called his own, but everything they had in common

      Acts 4:32 (akin to Psalm 102: 1)

    5. One of the three human beings.

      May the God of peace Himself sanctify you in all its fullness, and may your spirit and soul and body in all its integrity be preserved without blemish at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    6. The spirit (life force) gravitates towards God, and the soul (man) - to material principles:

      For the word of God is alive and effective and sharper than any two-edged sword: it penetrates to the separation of soul and spirit, constitutions and brains, and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

    7. The immortal spirit of man. The soul, as a spirit, is conceived without a body:

      I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago (whether in the body - I don't know, outside the body - I don't know: God knows) was caught up to the third heaven.

      2 Cor. 12: 2 (akin to: 2 Pet. 1:14)

    The soul, as a spirit, is eternal and immortal:

    Therefore, we do not lose heart; but if our outer man smolders, then the inner one is renewed from day to day ... the visible is temporary, and the invisible is eternal.

    2 Cor. 4:16, 18 (akin to Matthew 22:32)

    And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul.

    Attitude towards the death of the Apostles:

    For to me life is Christ, and death is gain. If life in the flesh bears fruit for my work, then I do not know what to choose. I am attracted by both: I have a desire to be resolved and to be with Christ, because this is incomparably better; but it is more necessary for you to remain in the flesh.

    Phil. 1: 21-23 (akin to: 2 Cor. 5: 8)

    Soul and King Solomon

    The book of Ecclesiastes (Solomon) in the Bible is unique in its kind, as it gives a lot of intermediate and limited reasoning, views on the life of the carnal man-skeptic who accepts only what is “done under the sun”, experiences everything, relying solely on his own mind ... Ecclesiastes's original premises about the soul are pessimistic and down-to-earth: And I praised the joy; because there is no better thing for a person under the sun, how to eat, drink and be merry (Eccl. 8:15). To everything and to all - one thing: one lot for the righteous and the wicked, good and [evil], clean and unclean (Eccl. 9: 2). The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and there is no more reward for them, because the memory of them is consigned to oblivion (Eccl. 9: 5).

    And yet, after philosophical reflection, the final conclusions reached by Ecclesiastes are as follows: Have fun, young man, in your youth, and may he taste your heart rejoice in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart, and according to the vision of your eyes; only know that for all this God will bring you to judgment (Eccl. 11: 9). Let us listen to the essence of everything: fear God and keep His commandments, because this is everything for man (Eccl. 12:13). And the dust will return to the earth, which it was; but the spirit returned to God who gave it (Eccl. 12: 7).

    Soul in other religions and teachings



    Attempts to discover the material manifestation of the soul

    In 1854, the German anatomist and physiologist Rudolf Wagner made a hypothesis about the existence of a special "substance of the soul" at the physiological congress in Göttingen (English)russian , which, however, had no consequences in the scientific world.

    In 1901, the American physician Duncan McDougall set up a series of experiments on the direct weighing of the soul in full accordance with the scientific methodology of his time. McDougall used a beam scale that could weigh from one ounce (28.35 g) to 250 pounds (113.4 kg). The doctor performed 6 measurements of the soul of dying people with their consent. In five dimensions, he found posthumous weight loss in the range of 15 to 35 g. Once he failed to accurately record the moment of death and the experiment was rejected. McDougall later repeated his experiment on dogs 15 times - and this time with zero results. McDougall concluded that during life a person has a material soul, while animals do not have a soul. McDougall published the results of his experiments only 6 years later. They were published in renowned journals such as American Medicine and the American Journal of the American Society for Psychical, and later retold by the Washington Post and New York Times. At the same time, McDougall emphasized that for a scientific assessment of his findings, new precise experiments in large numbers are needed. However, no new scientific experiments in this area have been published.

    About the soul in works of art

    Victor Hugo wrote in The Man Who Laughs:

    A storm was approaching in the air ... There came a moment of that alarming foreboding, when it seems that the elements are about to become living beings and a mysterious transformation of the wind into a hurricane will take place before our eyes ... The blind forces of nature will gain will, and what we take for a thing will turn out endowed with a soul. It seems that all this is to be seen firsthand. This is what explains our horror. The human soul is afraid of meeting the soul of the universe

    Victor Hugo, collected works in 10 volumes, M. 1972, Vol.9, pp. 55-56

    see also

    • Dialogue of Plato Phaedo
    • Cold Souls with Paul Giamatti, 2009


    Sources used in the article

    • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.
    • Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky). Spirit, soul and body. Brussels, 1978.
    • Positive teaching orthodox Church and holy fathers Human soul. Her godlike essence, endlessness, abilities, actions and the afterlife / Blessing of Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomna Juvenaly. - Kostroma: Holy Trinity New Golutvin Monastery, 1992 .-- 160 p.

    Many people consider the concepts of "soul" and "spirit" to be the same in meaning. But is it really so? How are these two words explained: soul and spirit - what's the difference?

    Each person consists of three entities: soul, spirit and body. They are harmoniously combined into a single whole. The loss of one component means the loss of the person himself.

    What is the soul?

    The soul is the immaterial essence of a person, which defines him as a unique personality. She lives in the body and is the link between the outer and inner world. Only thanks to it a person lives, suffers, loves, communicates and learns the world around him. There will be no soul, there will be no life.

    If the body exists without a soul, it is not a person, but some kind of machine for performing various functions.

    The soul enters the body at birth and leaves it with the onset of death. But until now, many argue about where the soul dwells?

    1. According to one version, the soul is in the ears.
    2. Jewish peoples think that the soul is infused with blood.
    3. The inhabitants of the indigenous northern peoples assigned a place for the soul on the most important cervical vertebra.
    4. The Orthodox believe that the soul settles in the lungs, stomach or head.

    In Christianity, the soul is immortal. She has intelligence and feelings, even has her own weight. Scientists have found that the body after death becomes 22 grams lighter.

    Spirit is the highest entity that also lives in the human body. If a plant or an animal can have a soul, then only a creature with a higher mind can have a spirit. The scripture says that the spirit is the breath of life.

    Thanks to the spirit, people stand out from the whole living world and become above everything. The formation of the spirit takes place in childhood. This is will and knowledge, strength and self-knowledge. The Spirit is expressed by striving for the Lord, casting aside everything worldly and sinful.

    It is the spirit that is drawn to harmony and everything that is high in life.

    The Lord God saved us so that we no longer commit sinful deeds, but live in the spirit. We must become not highly moral, highly spiritual people. Many good people are not spiritual. They just live, doing worldly things, but they do not feel the presence of mind. And there are those who, in fact, led an ordinary life, but were spiritually rich.

    What's the difference?

    Having understood these concepts for yourself, you can draw several conclusions:

    • soul and spirit are completely different concepts;
    • any living creature has a soul, and a spirit is inherent only in man;
    • the soul is often influenced by others;
    • the soul settles into a person at birth, and the spirit appears only in moments of repentance and acceptance of God;
    • when the soul leaves the body, the person dies, and if the spirit leaves the body, then the person continues to live, committing sins;
    • only the spirit can know the word of God, the soul can only feel it.

    There is no clear line between these two definitions. Each religious teaching has its own interpretation of these two essences. For an Orthodox person, the answer should be sought. After all, only this scripture can help in determining what the soul and spirit are, what is the difference.

  • prot.
  • St.
  • rev. Optina elders
  • St.
  • right.
  • St.
  • St.
  • Rev.
  • St.
  • schema.
  • priest Andrey Lorgus
  • V.F. Davydenko
  • The soul is what hurts a person when the whole body is healthy. After all, we say (and feel) that it is not the brain that hurts, not the heart muscle - the soul hurts.
    deacon Andrew

    Soul 1) an integral, substantial part of the human, possessing properties that reflect Divine perfection (); 2) different from the human part (); 3) person (); 4) an animal () and its life force ().

    Sometimes terms spirit and soul can be used synonymously.

    The human soul is independent, because, according to the word of St. , it is not a manifestation of another essence, another being, but itself is a source of phenomena emanating from it.

    The human soul is created immortal, because it does not die like the body, being in the body, can be separated from it, although such separation is unnatural for the soul, is a sad consequence. The human soul is a personality, for it was created as a unique and unique personal being. The human soul is rational and, for it has rational strength and is free. The human soul is different from the body, since it does not possess the properties of visibility, tangibility, is not perceived and is not cognized by bodily organs.

    Irritable soul power (παρασηλοτικον, irascile) is her emotional strength. St. calls it the mental nerve that gives the soul energy for the burden of virtues. This part of the soul of Sts. Fathers attributes anger and violent beginning. However, in this case, anger and rage do not mean passions, but jealousy (zeal, energy), which in its original state was jealousy for good, and after the fall should be used as courageous rejection. “The business of the irritable part of the soul to be angry with the devil,” says Sts. Fathers. The irritating power of the soul is also named.

    Lustful piece of soul (επιθυμητικον, concupiscentiale) is also called desirable (desirable) or active. It allows the soul to strive for something or turn away from something. It belongs to the lustful part of the soul, which is peculiar to act.

    "Curb the irritating part of the soul with love, wither away the desired by abstinence, inspire with reasonable prayer ..." / Callistus and Ignatius Xanfopouly /.

    All the powers of the soul are the sides of its one life. They are inseparable from each other and interact incessantly. They achieve the greatest unity when they obey the spirit, focusing on the contemplation and knowledge of God. In this knowledge, according to the word of St. , from their separation not a trace remains, they are in unity like unity.

    The human soul is connected to the body. This connection is an unmerged connection. As a result of this union, there are two natures in man - mental and physical, which, according to St. , are dissolved unmerged. From two natures, God formed one human being, in which “neither the body is transformed into a soul, nor the soul is transformed into flesh” (St.). For all this, such a union is unmerged, but it is not inseparable and inseparable, since the human body acquired mortality and separation from the soul as a result of sin.

    What is the basis of the Orthodox teaching on the two-part nature of man (soul and body)?

    The Orthodox teaching on the two-part nature of man is based on direct evidence from Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition.

    The story of the creation of man clearly states that the body of Adam was created from the dust of the earth, and the soul was breathed into him by God (). In this context, one should also understand the words of Ecclesiastes, pointing to death as the separation of the soul from the body: “And the dust will return to the earth, which it was; and the spirit will return to God who gave it ”().

    In general, the Holy Scriptures repeatedly indicate that every person consists of a soul and a body, for example: “ Therefore, glorify God both in your bodies and in your souls, which are the essence of God.» (); « So, beloved, having such promises, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God» ().

    The fact that the soul is not a product of the vital activity of the body (central nervous system) is clearly communicated in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, from which it follows convincingly that after separation from the body (that is, after the physical death of a person) the soul continues to live, moreover, to live conscious life. So, the soul of a rich man, being in hell, recognizes the souls of Abraham and Lazarus (the latter are in a special area - the bosom of Abraham) (), conducts a conversation with the soul of Abraham (), feels torment and feels a conscious desire to relieve his torment (), seeks to show concern about brothers living on earth ().

    The practice of prayerful commemoration of the departed, as well as the practice of prayerful communication of believers with the saints who have reposed in the Lord, is associated with the belief in the afterlife of souls. Thus, the denial of the substantial soul in man is the grossest opposition against Orthodoxy, against the Church.

    Soul concept

    The soul is a certain special force present in a person, which constitutes the highest part of him; it revives a person, gives him the ability to think, sympathize, feel. The words "soul" and "breathe" have a common origin. The soul is created by the breath of God, and it is indestructible. It cannot be said that it is immortal, because only God is immortal by nature, but our soul is indestructible - in the sense that it does not lose its consciousness, does not disappear after death. However, it has its own "death" - this is the ignorance of God. And in this respect, she can die. That is why it is said in the Scripture: "The soul that sins, it will die" ().

    The soul is a living essence, simple and incorporeal, invisible by its nature to bodily eyes, reasonable and thinking. It has no form, uses the supplied organ - the body, gives it life and growth, feeling and generates strength. Having a mind, but not different from herself, but as the purest part of her - for both the eye in the body and the mind in the soul. She is autocratic and capable of will and action, changeable, i.e. voluntarily changing because it was created. Having received all this by nature from the grace of the One who created her, from whom she received her being.

    Some sectarians, such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists, reject the immortality of the soul, considering it just part of the body. And at the same time they falsely refer to the Bible, to the text of Ecclesiastes, which raises the question of whether the human soul is similar to the soul of animals: “Because the fate of the sons of men and the fate of animals is the same fate: as they die, so do these, and one everyone has breath, and a person has no advantage over cattle, because everything is vanity! " (). Then Ecclesiastes himself and answers this question, which the sectarians neglect, he says: “And the dust will return to the earth, which it was; and the spirit returned to God, who gave it ”(). And this is where we understand that the soul is indestructible, but it can die.

    Forces of the soul

    If we turn to the patristic heritage, we will see that usually three main forces are distinguished in the soul: mind, will and feelings, which are manifested in different abilities - mental, desirable and lustful. But at the same time, one must understand that the soul has other powers. All of them are divided into reasonable and unreasonable. The unreasonable beginning of the soul consists of two parts: one is disobediently rational (does not obey reason), the other is obediently reasonable (obeys reason). The higher powers of the soul include the mind, will and feelings, and the unreasonable ones include the vital forces: the power of the heartbeat, seed, growth (which forms the body), etc. The action of the power of the soul revives the body. God deliberately made it so that the vital forces were beyond the control of the mind, so that the human mind was not distracted by controlling the heartbeat, breathing, etc. There are various technologies associated with controlling the human body that try to influence this life force. What yogis do hard: they try to control the heartbeat, change breathing, control the internal processes of digestion and are terribly proud of it. In fact, there is absolutely nothing to be proud of here: God deliberately freed us from this task, and it is foolish to do it.

    Imagine that, in addition to your usual work, you will be forced to do the work of the housing office: organize garbage collection, block the roof, control the supply of gas, electricity, etc. Now many people are delighted with all kinds of occult, esoteric arts, they are proud of the fact that to some extent they have mastered the regulation of this life force of the soul, which is beyond the control of reason. In fact, they are proud of the fact that they changed their job as a university teacher for a job as a sewer. This has to do with the silly idea that the mind is better at handling the body than the unreasonable part of the soul. I will answer that in fact it will cope worse. It has long been known that all attempts to rationally build life lead to very irrational consequences. If we try to use the power of our mind to properly control our body, it will turn out to be complete stupidity.

    About the soul of the God-man Jesus Christ

    By human nature Christ possessed body and soul. Since human and Divine natures are united in the Person (Personality) of the Son of God, it can be argued that the soul of Christ is the soul of the incarnate Son of God.

    “Christ, in order to bring us to God, once suffered for our sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, being put to death in the flesh, but was made alive by the spirit by which He came down and preached to the spirits in prison” ().

    From the Easter Hours: "In the grave it is flat, in hell with a soul like God, in paradise with a robber, and on the Throne you were, Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, do everything, undescribed."

    Shower included

    Outdoor shower

    Special shower types

    Special types of showering are known:

    • Contrast shower - alternately hot and cold water
    • Shower used for massage purposes (Hydromassage)
      • Charcot shower - with a strong stream of water from a hose
      • Circular shower - a cabin that sprinkles water from all sides at the same time.
      • Alekseev's shower is a high-pressure needle hydro-massager.
      • Underwater shower (also see jacuzzi)
      • A rain shower is a water supply system for washing the body, in which water comes from a special grate, and not from a hose, as in a regular shower. LEDs are usually built into the grille, allowing you to control the lighting (chromotherapy). Luxury hotels are often equipped with rain showers.
      • Thermal shower - a shower that provides body massage with a thermal wave moving along it with modulated average temperature, contrast and speed.
    • The hygienic shower is a compact replacement for the bidet, designed for washing. This is a shower hose that is installed near the toilet. At the exit from the wall, as a rule, a faucet or a built-in mixer is installed, at the working end of the hose there is a small watering can with a valve. It is very popular in Islamic countries where water is preferred to toilet paper.



    • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.


    see also

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    • Shundik, Nikolay Eliseevich
    • Electronic digital engine management system

    See what "Shower" is in other dictionaries:

      Shower - get an active termokit coupon on Akademik or buy a cheap shower at a low price on sale in termokit

      shower - shower / ... Morphemic and spelling dictionary

      shower - a, m. douche f. 1. Device for pouring small streams of water over the body. BAS 2. Bathing cupboard with artificial rain or continuous water jet for drenching. Pavlenkov 1911. I have two new pieces of furniture: a lovely cabinet with a shower, made by a joiner ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

      shower - noun, m., uptr. cf. often Morphology: (no) what? soul, what? soul, (see) what? shower, what? shower, about what? about the shower 1. Shower is a device for washing the body with water. Take a shower. | Fix the shower. | I got into the shower and turned on the water. 2. Shower is ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

      SHOWER - (French douche, Italian doccia water tube). A stream of water directed at the human body in small splashes. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. SHOWER artificial rain or a hard-hitting stream for ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      SHOWER - medical and hygienic water procedure, which consists in the impact on the human body of water jets of various shapes, temperatures and pressures. For healing showers, special installations and a shower “chair” are used, which make it possible by ... ... Brief Encyclopedia of Household

      SHOWER - SOUL, soul, husband. (French douche). A douche device that delivers water in small streams. || The most douche of this device. To take a shower. Hot shower. Cold shower. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      shower - and; m. [French. douche] 1. Device for pouring water over the body. Take a shower. Switch on, start up e. Manual d. (With flexible hose). Stand under the d. // Frequent thin streams of water pouring from the holes of such a device. Hot ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      SHOWER - in veterinary medicine, a hydrotherapy procedure based on the effect of water on the animal's body in the form of a jet of a certain pressure, shape and temperature. D. can be common and local, cold, warm, hot, with variable temperature. ... ... Veterinary encyclopedic dictionary

      Shower - I m. 1. A device for dousing the body with small and strong jets of water. 2. The very act of pouring. 3. A hygienic or medical procedure, which consists in influencing the human body with such a douche. II m. The room where they take a shower ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

      SHOWER - SOUL, ah, husband. A device for pouring small streams of water, as well as such a pouring itself. Flexible d. (On the hose). Accept e. Healing d. | adj. shower room, oh, oh. D. pavilion. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary