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  • Master class “Folder-clamshell. Making a sliding folder with your own hands Material for sliding folders

    Master class “Folder-clamshell.  Making a sliding folder with your own hands Material for sliding folders

    Ludmila Dudoladova

    dense folders for papers, files, stapler, colored and transparent adhesive tape, information on sheets A-4, the one you want to put in folder.

    Folders do not cut for papers, but fold in half along the fold. We wrap the edges of paper folders with colored tape (choose your own color)

    Then we lay out the wrapped folders and connect them together with transparent tape (along the whole folders on both sides)

    Now we put our information in a transparent file, either cut off the white edge or fold it in. Fasten with a stapler to folder.

    And so on until the end. I have folders and 5 sheets, and 6 sheets, and even 12.

    It's up to you what information you want to post.

    I will tell you another secret. On the second side, you can also post information. Thus making one folder, you get two.

    IN folders- I post material related to one specific topic, and also constantly update information, in the reception room of my group, parents can find answers to many of their questions.

    In each group you can find the most diverse folders-movers on the subject. This is an interestingly designed material for parents, educators, which can and should be used in practice! I bring to your attention several options for folders-movers, which were selected taking into account the requests of parents in the second younger group.



    Already at 3 years old, children can do a lot on their own, and are happy that they are able to take care of themselves.

    During these years, children can master all the basic cultural and hygienic skills, learn to understand their importance, easily, quickly and correctly perform them.

    They like to brush their teeth with a toothbrush

    Children should use children's toothpaste. The amount of toothpaste on a pea-sized brush will be sufficient for a child. Everything is done under the supervision of the parents. Children should spit out the rest of the paste, not swallow it, then rinse their mouth thoroughly. The child should brush his teeth in the morning and in the evening. At first, parents themselves help the baby at least once a day.

    Three-year-olds can wash their own hands

    It is necessary that they do this every time before meals and after the toilet. And to make it more convenient for them to reach the tap, give a footrest.

    Children know how to use the toilet

    … and even stay dry at night. Potty training is best when your child is ready for it. If he got up dry in the morning or after a daytime sleep, he himself shows a desire, goes to the potty, takes off his pants - help him, praise him. If the child is not ready, there is no need to force him, the result will be the opposite. You can not start training if the child is in a state of stress.

    Teach him to always wash his hands after going to the toilet.

    The child is almost completely able to dress

    and undress myself

    He can fasten and unfasten large buttons, put on shoes, although sometimes on the wrong foot. But he can't tie his shoelaces. Therefore, it is better to buy shoes with Velcro, then the child will put on shoes himself, without the help of adults. The child is taught to carefully fold clothes on a chair, as well as hang them on a hanger, put shoes in a specially designated place. A three-year-old child is able to notice that his clothes are dirty, a button is torn off, a lace is untied, and ask adults for help.

    You are an example for your child!

    When educating cultural and hygienic skills, the example of others is of great importance. In a family where parents, older brothers and sisters do not sit down at the table without first washing their hands, and for the baby this becomes a law.

    First of all, parents should:

    To ensure the constant, without any exception, the implementation of the established hygiene rules by the child. They explain their meaning to him. But it is equally important to help the child, especially at first, to learn the right skill correctly. So, for example, before you start washing your hands, you need to roll up your sleeves and lather your hands well. After washing your hands, rinse thoroughly with soap, take your towel, dry your hands;

    You should not rush the baby if he repeats the same action with concentration (for example, washing his hands). Moreover, you should not perform this action for him. Mastering a skill, the child usually seeks to repeatedly perform a certain movement. Gradually, he learns more and more independently and quickly cope with the task. The adult only reminds or asks if the child has not forgotten to do this or that, and in the future gives him almost complete independence. But it is necessary to check whether the child did everything correctly throughout the entire preschool age;

    At preschool age, children should learn to wash their hands before eating, after using the restroom, after returning from a walk, playing with animals, and whenever they are dirty;

    Oral care is one of the personal hygiene skills that a child should learn at preschool age. From the age of three, the child should be taught to rinse his mouth. Rinse your mouth in the morning after waking up. Rinse your mouth with warm water after eating;

    To consolidate the ability to use a comb, a handkerchief. Teach children to turn away when coughing, sneezing, cover their mouth with a handkerchief;

    Improve the skills of neat eating: take food little by little, chew well, eat silently, use cutlery and napkins correctly.

    Parents often hear from the child: "I myself!".

    And so be it, but under your control.


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    R The development of the rich emotional world of a child is unthinkable without toys. It is they who allow him to express his feelings, explore the world around him, teach him to communicate and know himself.

    The choice of toys for a child is a very important and serious matter. Only the child himself is able to choose from a huge number of toys exactly what he needs. This choice is internally conditioned by the same emotional stimuli as the choice of friends and loved ones by adults.

    Every child should have such a toy that he can complain about, scold and punish, pity and comfort. It is she who will help him overcome the fear of loneliness when his parents leave somewhere, the fear of the dark, when the lights turn off and you need to fall asleep, but not alone, but with a toy girlfriend. They are sometimes angry at them, they are punished and even broken, thrown into a far corner, but they are remembered in moments of childhood grief, they are taken out of the corner, repaired, the worn out eyes and lips are finished, new outfits are sewn, ears and tails are sewn on.

    Undoubtedly, the child should have a certain set of toys that contribute to the development of his sensory perception, thinking, horizons, allowing him to play real and fairy-tale situations, imitate adults.

    real life toys

    A doll family (maybe a family of animals), a dollhouse, furniture, dishes, cars, a boat, a cash register, scales, medical and hairdressing supplies, watches, crayons and a board, abacus, musical instruments, etc.

    Toys that help "splash out" aggression

    Soldiers, guns, balls, inflatable pears, pillows, rubber toys, skipping ropes, skittles, as well as throwing darts, etc.

    Creative development toys

    fantasies and expressions

    Cubes, nesting dolls, pyramids, constructors, alphabet books, board games, cut pictures or postcards, plasticine paints, mosaics, needlework kits, threads, pieces of fabric, application paper, glue, etc.

    When buying toys, use a simple rule: toys should be chosen, not collected!

    Toys, as adults imagine them, are no good from the point of view of a child. Gorgeous automatic and semi-automatic fully assembled toys cannot satisfy a child's creative and emotional needs. The child needs such toys on which it is possible to work out, to polish the basic necessary character traits. For this, automatic toys are completely unsuitable.

    Toys for the little onesfirst of all, the sense organs should be developed: eyes, ears, hands. And while his main need is to feel warm, the first toys of babies should be soft and warm, then they will fully correspond to the baby’s desire to know everything through touch. The best toys for little ones are those that can bite. They should be made of soft materials - plastic, rubber, wash well, be light, not have an elongated flat shape so that when putting them in the mouth, the child could not choke. Coloring toys should be bright. Well, if they are sounding.

    For 2 year oldsvery good are a large multi-colored ball that does not roll under furniture, 7-8-component pyramids, soft, fluffy toys that children no longer put in their mouths, but fall asleep with them very well. A large plastic car or box from this age will teach the child to be accurate, independent, because. after the game, cubes, balls, rubber and soft toys should be folded in them. It is good if already at this age the baby will have his own play place in the apartment, and the toys also have their own house.

    By the age of three the set of toys is expanding. To bright, multi-colored toys with a clear shape, the simplest constructors are added, which kids assemble together with adults, always experiencing pleasure and delight from the fact that a wonderful figure-toy understandable to a child can turn out from strange pieces.

    At this age stage, the child begins to actively engage in the world of real life situations, learns that people are busy in life with work and have different professions, face problems and find a way out of conflicts. Therefore, most often the child chooses plots for role-playing games from the life that surrounds him. Children play "daughter-mother", "shop", "doctor", "kindergarten", etc. Toys at this age increase in size (big doll, big bear, etc.). It would be correct to buy hairdressing sets, tea and table sets, Dr. Aibolit's accessories, furniture and other items that reflect various aspects of reality. The desire of the child to live a common life with adults indicates a new stage in the development of emotions and social adaptation. The main requirement is that "household toys" should be similar to the "original" and be strong enough.

    Remember that everything except your favorite toy must be periodically changed and updated. If you notice that the baby does not pick up some toy for a long time, it means that he simply does not need it now. Hide it away, and after a while, its appearance will cause a new emotional or cognitive interest in the child.

    And one more piece of advice. Don't take your child too often to a toy store full of tempting but very expensive toys. These experiences, when a child cannot get what he really wants, he does not need at all. Only when you yourself are ready to give the child joy, take him to the store and make him a holiday.

    Folder-slider "Autumn": three folders for parents of children from two to seven years old

    Folder - move "Autumn": three folders - sliders for kindergarten with pictures, poems and tasks for children about autumn.

    Folder-slider "Autumn"

    In this article, you will find three folders - fall slides for parents of children of different ages and useful ideas for using them:

    1. folder "Autumn" of early age (from 2 to 3 years),
    2. folder "Autumn" for children of primary preschool age (for children 3-4 years old),
    3. folder "Autumn" for children of senior preschool age (5-7 years).

    Each folder contains 10 sheets and you can choose those of them that will be most interesting to you and your children and arrange them in any order. Therefore, we did not specifically number the sheets.

    All folders - movements on the theme "Autumn" from this article can be downloaded for free and print on the printer. I have provided download links below in this article.

    Folders - shifters "Autumn" for preschoolers: the contents of the folders

    Each of the three folders included pages:

    • What does a child of this age know about autumn - what to tell him about.
    • Pictures about autumn for viewing with a child.
    • Developing autumn games and experiments.
    • Poems about autumn for reading to children and learning by heart.

    Each page has the format of a landscape sheet - A4 (vertically located).

    The material of each folder is designed taking into account the age of the children and all methodological requirements to familiarize preschoolers with the world around them.

    All sheets of folders are colorful and bright, realistic and designed so that the pictures can be viewed with the child, discussing the autumn phenomena in nature.

    We tried very hard to create a special mood in each folder and look at autumn through the eyes of a child! And also to bring all of you - our readers - a joyful mood and smiles! Therefore, the folders turned out to be very bright and kind, very sunny and bringing our warmth to you!

    The authors of the folders - shifts "Autumn": I, Valasina Asya, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the field of preschool pedagogy, teacher-practitioner, author of this website "Native Path". And designer Anna Novoyarchikova.

    All materials of folders-books can be transferred to friends, colleagues, acquaintances, downloaded and printed, used in kindergartens, centers, families. We, the creators of these folders, will be happy if our work is in demand and needed by people, and as many people as possible will use it! Therefore, we make these folders free for distribution and you can get them without any fees or subscriptions.

    Why do we need folders-movers "Autumn" for teachers

    • Folders can be used as visual material for parents in kindergartens and child care centers(for example, a slide folder can be located in the kindergarten lobby or in the locker room of the kindergarten group). Such a folder acquaints parents with what educational games you can play with your child in the fall, what poems about autumn are intended for children of this age, what to tell the child about in the fall.
    • Folders can also be used as a handout for parents of preschool children on the topic "Autumn" at various family workshops and game libraries,
    • The sliding folder can be printed as an A4 book, insert into files (for this you need to purchase special folders with files) and get the book "Autumn" for the kindergarten group. This book can be passed from family to family and viewed in a group with children. It will serve you for a very long time!

    How parents of preschool children can use the folder - the "Autumn" movement

    Option 1: Print a folder. And use it as a book or as cheat sheets-reminders during the day.

    Examples of using the pro-autumn shifter: We print the folder on separate sheets of A4 format. Further, it is very convenient to use these sheets with children, choosing the right leaf for today. One sheet with a poem can always be taken for a walk with the baby. And on a walk, get it, look at the picture with the child, read the poem to the baby from this piece of paper. The sheet from the folder looks very aesthetically pleasing and is convenient to look at with the baby, it is light and does not take up much space like a book or album. Then, together with the baby, you can examine the nature around and find signs of autumn - the same as in the picture or in the poem from the folder.

    A valuable idea from the experience of moms: Many parents hang sheets of folders on the refrigerator (changing them) or on a home magnetic board and look at it with their children. These sheets serve as a cheat sheet - a reminder of a poem or an autumn game planned for today with a child.

    Option 2. A mobile option for using a folder about autumn without printing a folder on a printer. This option appeared in my experience of cooperation with parents many years ago, when mobile phones with a camera function first appeared. Very convenient, fast way. You just need to save the pictures from the "Autumn" slider folder to your mobile phone. On a walk, you can always open the desired photo and read a poem to the child, look at the picture and find a similar landscape in the park around the baby, or remember the idea for the game and immediately play it with the child.

    We have done three folders - shifts about autumn by age of children: early age (up to 3 years), younger preschool age (3-4 years), senior preschool age (5-7 years).

    Now I will show examples of pages from folders - shifts about autumn and give links to download these pictures in full format for printing.

    Download folders-movers "Autumn" for kindergarten and family

    • Free download folder-movement "Autumn" for young children (2-3 years old)
    • Free download folder - movement "Autumn" for younger preschoolers (3-4 years old)
    • Download free folder-movement "Autumn" for older preschoolers (5-7 years old)

    Detailed description of folders - movements about autumn by age of children

    Please note: In this article, I give compressed pictures from a folder as an example.

    You can download full pictures from all folders in excellent quality in a file using the links above.

    Each folder is unique and the contents of each folder are not duplicated in other folders.

    Folder - moving "Autumn": for parents of young children (2-3 years old)

    The folder-movement about autumn for young children includes sheets:

    - titular

    What does a 2-3 year old baby know about autumn? And pictures of autumn natural phenomena for viewing them with a child.

    Learning to look at pictures: Seasons

    — Learning to speak and playing with autumn rain: speech exercises on a home walk.

    Autumn educational games and tasks for the little ones:“Colorful leaves”, “Big - small”, “Dance with leaves”, “Where is the leaf?”, “What do you hear?”, “Learning to speak”, “Magic box”.

    Introducing the baby to the outside world for a walk in the yard

    Poems about autumn for the little ones: Why do trees shed their leaves in autumn? V. Orlov, “My Little Guest” V. Orlov, “Autumn Leaves” by I. Tokmakova, “Autumn Song” by A. Pleshcheev, “Autumn” by V. Avdienko, “Hedgehog” by I. Mogilevskaya, “Autumn” by Yu. Korinets.

    Sheets "And this is me in autumn" for pasting home autumn photos into an album or folder. You can paste autumn photos of children, kindergarten groups, photos of children's drawings about autumn into the frames. You will get sheets-galleries in which the baby will see himself! It is very important for a young child to look at a photo of his mother, father, all relatives and himself in the fall: what is the weather like, who is doing what, who is wearing what.

    Folder - mover "Autumn": for parents of children 3-4 years old

    Below in the description of the folder are examples of pictures in a compressed format. You can download the same pictures in full size and high resolution for free above in this article in the section “Download folders-movements “Autumn”

    The folder-movement about autumn for children of primary preschool age includes sheets:

    - titular

    What does a child know about autumn at 3-4 years old,

    - WITH quiet about autumn for children 3-4 years old: I. Bunin "Autumn", K. Balmont "Autumn", A. Koltsov "The Winds Blow", M. Khodyakova "If the leaves turned yellow on the trees", E. Trutneva "It suddenly became twice as lighter", A. Teslenko "Autumn", A. Pleshcheev "A boring picture", L. Razvodova "Rain from mischievous leaves swirled over me."

    Educational games on an autumn walk with a child 3-4 years old:“What branch are the children from?”, “Casts from nature”, “We draw a herbarium from leaf prints”, “Find the same one”, “We develop an eye. Leaflet swing”, “Introducing the child to trees”, “Leaf prints with colored pencils”, “Riddle game: autumn trees”

    Autumn math on a walk with a baby:“How are they similar?”, “What is more?”, “Continue the pattern.”

    Little whys: Why is a hare white in winter and gray in summer? An experiment for children.

    Signs of autumn: pictures with the task for the child "Find the signs of autumn." Discussing the top picture with your child, ask him why it's not summer? After all, it also rains in summer. Pay attention to the warm clothes of the girl. If she dressed warmly, then...? (It's cold outside, but warm in summer). In the bottom picture, find the signs of autumn (harvest ripens, leaf fall).

    Folder - moving "Autumn": for parents of children 5-6 years old

    Below are compressed pictures from the autumn folder as an example. If you need to download these pictures in high resolution for printing or use in a presentation, then this can be done using the link given above in this article (section "Download folders")

    The folder-mover about autumn for children of senior preschool age includes A4 pages:

    - Title page,

    What does the child know about autumn before entering school.

    I grow inquisitive: logical tasks for children about autumn in pictures with questions for children."What did the hedgehog say?", "Strong wind."

    We play in the fall on the way to kindergarten:“What was Dunno wrong about?”, “Trick is a truck, it’s not like that”,

    For a little why child - experiments for older preschoolers.“Why do animals change their coats in autumn?”, “How do walruses protect themselves from the cold?”

    We learn poems by heart with children 5-7 years old: A. Tolstoy “Autumn” (excerpt), A. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn” (excerpt), P. Voronko “There is no better native land”, A. Tvardovsky “Forest in autumn”. You can choose any of these poems and learn with your child for the autumn holiday.

    Poems about autumn for reading to older preschoolers: I. Bunin "Falling leaves", N. Antonova "Autumn", N. Nekrasov "Before the rain", A. Fet "Autumn".

    Marina Safronova

    I offer you master- manufacturing class folders- Clamshells for visual material. The manufacturing process is very simple and takes little time, which is sometimes not enough. For this you will need the following materials: folders - inserts(multifors, thick cardboard, adhesive tape, scissors and pictures for inserting into folder. Cardboard can be taken from sets of colored office paper for printing.

    First, cut out the cardboard according to the size of the pictures.

    Then put the cardboard in folders - inserts, bending one edge in size, fix it well with adhesive tape.

    And so we prepare three cells according to the number of pictures.

    Then you need to connect the cells with tape to each other. Try to put the cells next to each other as evenly as possible. This results in stability and stability. folders - clamshells.

    It remains to place the pictures in the cells.

    So it turned out folder - clamshell.

    The number of cells can be made much larger, depending on how many pictures you want to place.

    In such folders- cots can be inserted into consultations for parents and placed in the dressing room.

    I wish you success in your work!

    I hope you try to make one folder - clamshell which will be useful to you in the future.

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