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  • Baptism of Rus 28. Day of the Baptism of Rus

    Baptism of Rus 28. Day of the Baptism of Rus

    Until the end of the 10th century, Russia was a pagan country where various kinds of idols were worshiped. And only after the trip of the holy princess Olga, the first shoots of Christianity began to sprout in Russia.

    Baptism took place in 988, during the reign of Prince Vladimir. For this feat, the Orthodox Church canonized, and calls it the saint equal to the apostles Prince Vladimir. Among the common mass of the people, he received the nickname Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko.

    Prince Vladimir was the son of Svyatoslav, who was raised by the holy princess Olga. Before his death, Svyatoslav divided the Russian land into three parts, and Vladimir got the Novgorod land. But soon, a fratricidal war began, during which Vladimir emerged victorious, and again united the Russian land into a single whole.

    There are various versions why Vladimir chose the Orthodox faith. One of them says that he called representatives of different religions and listened to them. And most of all he liked the Orthodox divine service, and he decided to convert to Orthodoxy. Having accepted the rite of baptism, Prince Vladimir received the name of Vasily. Then the baptism of the entire Russian land began. Spreading Orthodoxy, the holy prince Vladimir ordered the construction of churches in those places where the temples of idols were, so that the people would quickly accept the new faith.

    Many historians divide the history of Russia into two stages: before the Baptism and after it. Baptism is a kind of boundary between the ancient pagan history of our state and medieval Christian enlightenment.

    In 2010, the state decided to establish a holiday dedicated to the Baptism of Rus. The initiator was the Russian Orthodox Church. The meaning of this holiday turned out to be ambiguous - the unification of the Russian people in the spiritual and cultural direction. For many centuries Christians have celebrated July 28, the day of remembrance of the holy prince Vladimir, who was the main initiator of the introduction of the Russian land to Christianity.

    history of the holiday

    The Christian faith allowed the Russian lands to unite. When there are many gods, it is very difficult to come to an agreement. Faith has always been a stumbling block or link in alliance building. People needed a leader who could unite them and lead them, because the constant feuds were very exhausting and deprived people of strength.

    The second reason for the adoption of Christianity is to move to a new level of relations with the West. Europe at the end of the first millennium was on the rise, and Christianity helped people find motivation for their own development. 988 became for Russia a window to a new world, in a new time.

    The initiator was Prince Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko. There is still heated debate about how exactly he came to the decision to accept Christianity. They say that he was able to convince the subjects, whom he sent in search of the ideal religion for his country. They said that they had not seen anything more beautiful and impressive than a Christian church service. The decision was made almost immediately.

    Christianity took root on the territory of Russia for a long time. The people who inhabited the Russian lands did not want to part with their gods and beliefs. It is for this reason that many holidays are still church-folk. These holidays include the day of Ivan Kupala, Maslenitsa and others. The pagan faith left behind some reminders, but the struggle was heated. Many people died because of their foundations, which they did not want to give up. It took almost 300 years for Christianity to become ubiquitous and not cause conflicts.

    Saint Prince Vladimir became the founder of the process of the Baptism of Rus, but he could not live to see its completion. These were very difficult, but important times for all residents of the country. Only now, July 28 has begun to turn from a purely Christian holiday into a national one.

    Holiday traditions on July 28

    In churches, as before, solemn services are performed on this day, because without this day a thousand years ago, perhaps, there would have been nothing that we see around us. On this day, thanksgiving prayers are read to the Lord God and all the saints. People also pray to the holy prince Vladimir, whose memory will be eternal.

    “Blessed Vladimir, Prince of All Russia, we give you praise for the feat you accomplished and for your actions that led to the enlightenment and insight of your people. We pray to you, great one, that you do not forget us in your prayers to the Lord. Pray to Him for mercy, for the forgiveness of our sins and for the preservation of our state. Protect us from enemies, from war and bad weather. Pray to the Lord for our health and longevity, for the bright future of our homeland. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After this day became a public holiday, mass cultural events were held annually on July 28. Priests call on this day to do only good deeds and do charity work. The purpose of this day is to bring people closer, unite the people, awaken patriotic feelings. This is a bright holiday in which people should share a good mood, walk and have fun. Fairs will be open in many cities, at which high-ranking officials from the clergy and politics will speak.

    At 12 noon, you can hear the festive bell ringing. It is advisable to attend a prayer service and a service in the church. If you have unbaptized children, it will be a great honor to baptize them on this day. You can also receive the great ordinance of communion.

    Of course, this is not one of the twelve most important holidays called twelve, but its scale is impressive. July 28, 2018 is the day of unification, joy, fun and spiritual enlightenment. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    27.07.2018 13:04

    Our tips will help you properly prepare for Easter. You will find out what trials we face on the last one ...

    The day of the Baptism of Russia is celebrated today by millions of people around the world. There is no exact date for the Baptism of Rus, but since 2010 this holiday has been celebrated at the state level in Russia on the day of memory of the holy Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus in 988.

    This happened in Chersonesos, in the Crimea.

    Under the centuries-old prayer vaults of St. Vladimir's Cathedral in Chersonesos, there are the historical ruins of an ancient church, in which, according to legend, Prince Vladimir was baptized.

    Baptism of Rus as a historical event

    988 - everyone knows this date from school. It says a lot: in Russia pagan polytheism, imbued with mystical rites and sacrifices, ended its existence, and a new era began in the history of the country's spiritual development.

    The moment when the Slavic people were baptized was recorded in the famous chronicle that has survived to this day: "Tale of Bygone Years." According to an ancient historical source, the Sacrament took place in the waters of the Dnieper River.

    Many are tormented by the question: why did Prince Vladimir opt for Orthodox Christianity?

    Vladimir Yasnoe Solnyshko

    The Kiev prince, St. Vladimir Equal to the Apostles is a figure in history, frankly speaking, a colorful one. Historians claim that the prince of Kiev was distinguished by an irrepressible love of fornication. In addition, Vladimir worshiped pagan gods. By order of the prince, at the very beginning of his reign, a temple was erected in Kiev, in which there were statues of the six main gods revered by future Christians, including Veles, Mokosh and Perun.

    The prince was a conqueror by nature. His main management of the country was reduced to strengthening and expanding borders. Vladimir could have earned the title of Bloodthirsty or Cruelty for his unseemly deeds and addictions, if Orthodoxy had not appeared so in time in the life of the Slavic people. The new religion radically changed the vicious soul, as if a person was born anew.

    And today we know the prince as Vladimir the Great, Vladimir the Baptist. But the most beautiful title was given to the saint by folk epics: Vladimir Yasnoe Solnyshko.

    Saint grandson equal to the Apostles Princess Olga, in his youth, Prince Vladimir was a fierce pagan, a cruel warrior, a lover of women and wine. His miraculous transformation into the holy ruler of Russia is even more amazing.

    The beginning of the miraculous change was the tragic episode of the death of the first Slavic martyrs for Christ. The pagan custom demanded from the ruler a bloody sacrifice to the Slavic deity Perun after the victorious campaign against the Yatvingians. A lot was cast, falling on a boy named John. His father Theodore refused to give up his son, declaring his Christianity. The enraged crowd brutally killed the father and son, who became the first martyrs of Russia.

    Dying, the martyr Theodore said: "You have not gods, but trees, now there are, and tomorrow they will rot ... God alone, who created heaven and earth, stars and the moon, and the sun, and man"

    The bloody sacrifice made a deep impression on the prince, becoming one of the reasons for the search for a new faith.

    As a wise politician, the prince understood that the savagery of paganism had outlived its time. Rampant behavior, lack of unity of people, each tribe, each clan of which revered their deities, could not bring the Slavs the necessary power. The prince had already tried to unite the people, having carried out a reform of paganism, urging people to believe in the idols set on the Kiev hill. It didn't work. Human blood did not provide a solid foundation for the Kiev state. In the interests of the Fatherland and the state, it was required to accept one faith, one that would unite the scattered tribes into one people, and this would help to oppose enemies together and earn the respect of allies. The clever prince understood this, but how, while still a pagan, was it possible to figure out which faith was true?

    The rumor that the prince was dissatisfied with the pagan faith and was thinking about changing it quickly spread. Neighboring countries were interested in Russia accepting their faith. In 986, ambassadors began to come to the prince with a proposal to accept their religion.

    The first came the Volga Bulgars who professed Islam.

    “Prince,” they said, “you seem wise and strong, but you do not know the true law; believe in Mohammed and worship him. " After asking about their law and hearing about the circumcision of infants, the prohibition to eat pork and drink wine, the prince renounced Islam.

    Then the German Catholics came and said:

    “We were sent to you from the Pope, who told me to tell you:“ Our faith is the true light ”...” But Vladimir replied: “Go back, for our fathers did not accept this”. Indeed, back in 962, the German emperor sent a bishop and priests to Kiev, but they were not accepted in Russia and “barely escaped”.

    After that, the Khazar Jews came.

    They believed that since the two previous missions failed, it means that not only Islam, but also Christianity in Russia was rejected, therefore, Judaism remains. "Know that Christians believe in Him whom our fathers once crucified, but we believe in one God Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." After hearing the Jews about their law and rules of life, Vladimir asked: "Tell me, where is your homeland?" To this the Jews answered honestly: "Our homeland is in Jerusalem, but God, angry with our fathers, scattered us to different countries, and gave our land to the power of Christians."

    Vladimir drew the correct conclusion: “If so, then how do you teach others when you yourself are rejected by God? If your law were pleasing to God, He would not scatter you in foreign lands. Or do you want us to suffer the same fate? " So the Jews left.

    After that, a Greek philosopher appeared in Kiev. History has not preserved his name, but it was he who, with his speech about Orthodoxy, was able to make the strongest impression on Prince Vladimir. The philosopher told the prince about the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, about heaven and hell, about the mistakes and delusions of other faiths. In conclusion, he showed a picture of the Second Coming of Christ and the Last Judgment. Struck by this picture, the Grand Duke said: "Blessed are those who stand to the right, and woe to those who stand to the left." The philosopher replied to this: "If you want to stand on the right side, then be baptized."

    And although Prince Vladimir did not take the final decision, he seriously thought about it. He knew that there were more and more Christians both in the squadron and in the city, he remembered the fearlessness of Saints Theodore and John, who went to their deaths with the confession of Jesus Christ, and he remembered his grandmother Olga, who, in spite of everyone, accepted Christian Baptism. Something in the prince's soul began to lean towards Orthodoxy, but Vladimir still did not dare to do anything and gathered boyars and city elders for a council. It was they who advised the prince to send "kind and meaningful men" to different countries, so that they actually compare how different nations worship God.

    Having visited the religious services of Muslims and Latins, the ambassadors of Prince Vladimir arrived in Constantinople, where they were present at the service in the Hagia Sophia. They were literally enchanted by the everlasting beauty of the worship there. Orthodox sacred service had an unforgettable effect on them.

    Upon returning to Kiev, the ambassadors told Prince Vladimir: “During the service we did not understand where we were: whether there, in heaven, or here on earth. We cannot even speak of the holiness and solemnity of the rites of Greek worship; but we are quite sure that in Greek temples God Himself is present along with the worshipers, and that Greek worship is better than all others. We will never forget this holy celebration, and we can no longer serve our gods. "

    The boyars remarked to this: "If the Greek law was not the best, then your grandmother, Princess Olga, the wisest of all people, would not have accepted it." "Where are we to be baptized?" - asked the prince. “And this is where you wish, we will accept it there,” they replied.

    It was only necessary to wait for the right moment for the adoption of Christianity. Such a case soon presented itself.

    The Byzantine Empire is a powerful ally, a state with a great culture, advanced science and technology. In 987, a rebellion arose in Byzantium against the legitimate emperors. In view of the deadly threat, Emperor Vasily II urgently turned to Prince Vladimir for help. The case for the unexpected rise of Russia in the international arena turned out to be the most suitable!

    Prince Vladimir provides military assistance to Byzantium in suppressing a military rebellion in exchange for the promise of baptism and marriage to the Emperor's daughter Anna. The cunning Greeks decided to deceive the prince and hesitated to get married. In response, he captures Chersonesos - an ancient Black Sea port - the basis of Greek influence in the Black Sea region. Then the emperor Basil, desiring a peaceful outcome of the conflict, sends Anna to Chersonesos, reminding that she should marry a Christian, not a pagan.

    Princess Anna arrived in Korsun accompanied by priests. Everything went to the baptism of the Grand Duke. Of course, his intelligence and military strength decided a lot. However, for a clear, obvious conviction, God Himself intervened directly in the events: Prince Vladimir went blind.

    Upon learning of this, Princess Anna sent a message to him: "If you wish to recover, then be baptized as soon as possible." It was then that Vladimir ordered to prepare everything necessary for holy Baptism.

    The Sacrament of Baptism was performed by the Bishop of Korsun with the clergy, and as soon as Vladimir plunged into the baptismal font, he miraculously regained his sight. The chronicle preserved the words that the prince symbolically uttered after the Baptism: “Now I have beheld the true God.” It really was an epiphany, not only bodily, but also spiritual. A personal meeting with the Lord took place in the recesses of the heart of Saint Vladimir. From this moment, the path of Prince Vladimir as a saint and completely devoted to Christ begins.

    Many of the prince's retinue, having seen the miracle of healing performed on him, accepted holy Baptism here, in Chersonesos. The wedding of the Grand Duke Vladimir with Princess Anna was also accomplished.

    The prince returned the city of Chersonesos to Byzantium as a gift for the royal bride, while in the city he built a temple in the name of St. John the Baptist in memory of his baptism. As for the rest of the wives acquired in paganism, the prince freed them from marital duties.

    Thus, after Baptism, the prince began a new life in the truest sense of the word.

    Upon arrival in Kiev, Saint Vladimir immediately baptized his sons. His entire house and many boyars were baptized.

    Then the Equal-to-the-Apostles prince proceeded to eradicate paganism, ordered to overthrow the idols, the very ones that he himself had installed a few years before. There was a decisive change in the heart, mind, and the entire inner world of the prince. The idols who darkened the souls of people and accepted human sacrifices were ordered to be treated in the most harsh way. Some were burned, others were hacked with a sword, and the main "god" Perun was tied to the tail of a horse, dragged down the mountain down the street, beating them with clubs, and then thrown into the waters of the Dnieper. Vigilantes stood along the river and pushed the idol away from the bank: there is no return to the old lie. So Russia said goodbye to the pagan gods.

    In 988, the most massive baptism of the Slavs in the history of Russia took place on the banks of the Dnieper. The prince announced: "If someone does not come to the river tomorrow - be it rich, or poor, or beggar, or slave - he will be my enemy." This meant that those who disagreed with the princely will could collect their things and look for a new home in another state. However, the chronicler notes that the common people gladly accept the prince's will: "Having heard this, people went with joy, rejoicing and saying: If it had not been good, our prince and boyars would not have accepted this."

    After a short time, Kievan Rus was baptized.

    These events - the Baptism of Rus and the overthrow of paganism - became the beginning of the renewed Russian statehood. In the history of the state there will be many more dark pages, misfortunes, evil, but Russia will no longer be pagan.

    Having become a Christian, the holy prince Vladimir remained in the people's memory as Vladimir "Red Sun" - the best ruler of Russia. By his example, he showed the people how to live.

    Mercy to the subjects, constant alms to the poor, rich contributions to the welfare of the Holy Church, the construction of temples, reliable protection of the state, the expansion of its borders - all this attracted the people to it.

    The prince became so gracious that he banned the death penalty for criminals. The crime rate has gone up. Then the church authorities began to ask the ruler to return the capital punishment in order to suppress evil.

    At the age of about 60, which by the standards of those times was considered a ripe old age, the holy prince Vladimir peacefully departed to the Lord.

    His sacred remains were laid in the tomb of the Tithe Church, built in honor of the Assumption Holy Mother of God on the Kiev hill - the place of the murder of the first martyrs Theodore and his son John.

    A slab of dark gray marble with a white cross was installed in the place of the font, and next to it there is a lectern with the inscription: "Part of the relics of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Vladimir, transferred to the Chersonesos monastery in July, by order of the reposed Emperor Alexander II in Bose." This most valuable relic was transferred to the cathedral from the Small Home Church of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in 1859. The baptismal font and lectern are fenced by an openwork lattice of white marble.

    Among the shrines of St. Vladimir's Cathedral, particles of the relics of 115 saints glorified in Orthodox Church... In the altar of the Upper Church there is the Korsun miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

    According to legend, Prince Vladimir himself brought this icon to Chersonesos.

    July 28th orthodox churches Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries will be united by a wave of bell ringing, which at noon local time will begin in Kamchatka, will reach Kiev, Moscow and go further towards Europe .........

    "Our ancestors adopted the Christian faith, and with it a system of values, the moral strength of which is such that no historical vicissitudes are capable of destroying it. A powerful foundation was laid on the basis of which the body of united Russia grew. And although today we live in different countries, that spiritual foundation remains common and it unites all fraternal Slavic peoples. "

    The spiritual heritage is also common, in particular, monasteries and temples, which are visited by pilgrims, regardless of borders.

    Orthodoxy is what most of all unites White, Small and Great Russia

    Today is the day of the Baptism of Rus ...
    Orthodoxy Day, the day of God's grace.
    Raising his hands to the sky: - Lord, save!
    Through doubts in the soul ... we stele gati ...
    Once upon a time ... Prince Vladimir his people
    Wrapped up with the faith brought from Byzantium ...
    Under a scarlet mantle, warming the Slavic family,
    He laid the greatness of Russia in the minds.
    During troubles or painful times
    Church bells are dearer to everyone ...
    You are a commoner by blood, or a nobleman,
    The pectoral cross helped to ease the pain.
    Russia to the defenders: a soldier, an officer,
    Only the sounds of music are barely heard ...
    Text - "... for the Tsar, for the Motherland, for the Faith ..."
    Not just loud words, but sacred words.
    Keeping the history of that ... Kievan Rus,
    We are collecting true faith ... fragments ...
    Already the eleventh century ... we carry the cross
    May God help ... Orthodox descendants ...

    Vladimir Kukhar

    Epiphany Day - became an important stage in the history of Kievan Rus and influenced its further cultural and historical development.

    The Orthodox faith came to Kievan Rus in 988, although the holiday of the baptism of Rus was officially celebrated only in the 21st century.

    Sputnik Georgia asked why the Day of the Baptism of Rus is celebrated on July 28, as well as the history and significance of the holiday.

    Who baptized Rus

    The day of the baptism of Russia is celebrated on July 28 not by chance - on this day the Orthodox commemorate the prince of Kiev Vladimir (about 960-1015) - the baptist of Russia.

    Vladimir - the son of Prince Svyatoslav and the "things of the virgin" Malusha, began to rule independently at the age of 17-18. Vladimir's mother - Malusha was a Christian. She adopted the Christian faith together with Princess Olga in Constantinople, where she was a housekeeper. Returning to her homeland, Olga decided to pass the faith on to her descendants.

    © photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

    According to his life, Vladimir came to power after an internecine war with his brothers Oleg and Yaropolk. In the early years of his reign, the young prince was a fierce pagan and indulged in a stormy sensual life, although he was far from being such a voluptuary as he is sometimes portrayed.

    As a kind and caring owner, Vladimir defended and expanded, if necessary, the limits of his principality by force of arms, and when returning from a campaign, for the squad and for the whole of Kiev, he arranged cheerful and generous feasts. But the Lord was preparing for him a different fate.

    The chronicle legend "about the test or choice of faiths" tells that in 986, embassies came to Kiev from different nations, which called on the prince to convert to their faith.

    The Volga Bulgarians praised Mohammed of the Muslim faith, the embassy from Rome from the Pope preached the Latin faith, and the Khazar Jews preached Judaism. The last to arrive was a preacher from Byzantium and told Vladimir about Orthodoxy.

    The prince, in order to understand whose faith is better, sent envoys to those countries from which the preachers came. Upon their return, the ambassadors talked about the religious rites and customs of these countries.

    According to legend, the prince was impressed by the stories of the envoys about the patriarchal service in Constantinople, but he did not immediately accept Christianity.

    Historians also explain the baptism of Rus by political reasons. So, for example, adherents orthodox faith it was easier to trade with Christian Byzantium, as well as enlist its support.

    The baptism of Rus was beneficial for Byzantium itself - it received an ally, including a military one, in the struggle to expand its influence.

    Baptism history

    For the military assistance rendered to Emperor Basil II in suppressing the uprising raised by the military leader Varda Foka, Vladimir asked for the hand of Anna, the sister of the Byzantine ruler.

    According to the agreement, the prince could get the hand of Princess Anna by sending six thousand Varangians to help the emperors and accepting Holy baptism.

    With the help of the Russians, the mutiny was defeated, but the Greeks were in no hurry to fulfill their part of the agreement. The prince, outraged by the deception by the Greeks, captured the Greek city of Korsun (now Sevastopol), demanding from the rulers of Byzantium to give him Princess Anna as his wife, otherwise he threatened to go to Constantinople.

    © photo: Sputnik / Oleg Makarov

    The Byzantine emperors - Constantine VIII and Basil II were forced to agree, but demanded that Vladimir be baptized before his marriage to Anna.

    Vladimir was baptized with his retinue in Korsun, and after that a wedding ceremony with Princess Anna took place.

    Having married the princess, the prince released all his wives and concubines, and returning, accompanied by the Korsun and Greek priests to Kiev, baptized his sons from previous wives. Then many boyars accepted Holy Baptism.

    In Kiev, by order of Vladimir, the temple that he had once erected was destroyed - the idols were chopped to pieces and burned. Then the prince gathered all the inhabitants of Kiev on the banks of the Dnieper, where the mass baptism of the Kievites took place.

    This most important event took place, according to the chronicle, in 988. Christianity, following Kiev, gradually came to other cities of Russia - Chernigov, Polotsk, Volynsky, Turov, where dioceses were created.

    In general, the baptism of Russia dragged on for several centuries. Rostov was baptized only at the end of the XI century, and in Murom the pagans resisted until the XII century.

    The Vyatichi tribe remained in paganism longer than all the Slavic tribes - their enlightener was in the 12th century the Monk Kuksha of the Caves, who was martyred with them.

    The adoption of a new, united faith or the baptism of Rus became a serious impetus for the unification of the Russian lands.

    history of the holiday

    The day of the baptism of Rus was first officially celebrated in 1888 - solemn church services, religious processions and festive festivities were held throughout the country.

    In 1988, the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus was celebrated - in the USSR, the celebration was of an intra-church nature. The main celebrations took place in Moscow's Danilov Monastery, specially recreated for the anniversary. In 2018, Orthodox Christians will celebrate the 1030th anniversary of the baptism of Rus - the centers of the celebration will be Moscow, Kiev, Minsk and Chisinau. Prayer services and religious processions will be held in all cities.

    A wave of bell ringing on the day of the baptism of Rus will sweep through all the churches and monasteries of the Russian Church - the festive chime will be heard almost everywhere.

    The simultaneous chime brought together Orthodox churches and monasteries in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldavia and other countries for the first time in 2012.

    Material prepared on the basis of open sources

    Orthodox celebrations were revered and loved on Russian soil. Before the revolution, they were celebrated at the state level. On such days, production and agricultural work was suspended, and a huge crowd of people poured into the church. Each of the holidays was overgrown with centuries-old rituals and traditions that were carefully passed on from wise fathers and gray-haired grandfathers to their children and growing grandchildren. The Day of the Baptism of Rus, celebrated recently on July 28, is not one of the famous and famous religious celebrations. That is why the time has come to talk in more detail about this holiday.

    Federal date

    People do not remember historical milestones as much as they are interested in Christmas fortune-telling and Easter feasts. But it is necessary to know the significant stages of the formation of the Russian nation. In 2010, at the request of representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, the then acting President Dmitry A. Medvedev launched a new era. Day of the Baptism of Rus - July 28: the history of the holiday, which received state status, began its countdown. With the consent of representatives of other religious confessions, this celebration was classified as one of the most significant memorable dates of federal significance. The impetus for such an event was the desire to pay tribute to the spiritual and cultural heritage of our ancestors.

    Vladimir Svyatoslavich

    The baptism of Russia, as a significant and vivid historical event, took place in the X century. It is not possible to compile an exact chronology of those distant years, but the date of the celebration was not chosen by chance. And it is connected with the memory of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. It should be told about what this extraordinary personality was so famous for, and why they proclaimed exactly July 28 the Day of the Baptism of Rus.

    This figure in history is considered extremely controversial, but unique. On the one hand, nicknamed the Red Sun by the people, Prince Vladimir is a highly respected leader, and on the other, his character and actions are far from always capable of arousing the sympathy and pride of descendants. He could well have remained in history a bloodthirsty, ferocious and unbridled politician, but for a number of reasons he became the one whom distant descendants remember on July 28 - on the Day of the Baptism of Rus - with a kind word.

    Characteristics of a historical person

    If you believe the chronicles, Vladimir's mother was a simple housekeeper Malusha, who was honored with the attention of the Grand Duke of Kiev. Therefore, being the heir to the powerful Svyatoslav Igorevich, the boy was taken to the capital at an early age. There, Voivode Dobrynya, better known to modern people not from history textbooks, but from folk tales and epics, took up his education.

    Possessing great ambitions, remarkable intelligence and innate cunning, in order to clear his way to the throne, Vladimir stepped over his brother. Not disdaining the means, he conquered and received new lands by cunning, striving for sole power in the state. was an ardent pagan in education and persuasion. However, the Day of the Baptism of Rus, held in history on July 28, is associated with the will of this very colorful personality. After a trip to Byzantium, which took place in 988, Vladimir changed his faith himself, ordered his sons and squad, and then his people to do the same.

    About the reasons for cardinal changes

    Many historians believe that this event happened for political reasons. One God was more suitable for a ruler whose goal was to unite the state from disparate principalities. And the worship of numerous idols only contributed to the disunity between various groups on religious grounds.

    But, perhaps, the prince of Kiev really sincerely repented of his pagan past. Be that as it may, since then his people have been considered an Orthodox nation. Although the echoes of idolatry have not been forgotten for a long time, making themselves felt right up to the present time, despite the fact that the Day of the Baptism of Russia, celebrated on July 28, marked more than a thousand years of Christian history.

    Events of annals and traditions

    The baptism of our ancestors was carried out en masse in the waters of the Dnieper and some other rivers, and not always by their voluntary consent. However, after centuries, summing up, it is possible to conclude that this measure was a huge step forward in promoting Russia on the world stage in political and cultural terms, it turned out to be an impetus for the development of sciences, arts, writing and architecture. Christianity sanctified family ties, and somewhat later strongly strengthened the ties of the state with enlightened Europe.

    Strictly speaking, July 28 - the baptism of Rus - falls on the 15th day of the specified month according to the Julian calendar. At this time from time immemorial it was customary to honor the memory of St. Vladimir. And so it remained until 1918, but the post-revolutionary government canceled the old foundations, introducing a new Gregorian counting of numbers and months. This religious holiday was forgotten. And the epochal date of the change of the ancient Slavic pagan faith was obscured by other historical events, which at that time seemed more important. But the ministers of the church continued to honor the old traditions. And in the 21st century, the events described were again remembered and talked about.

    Epoch-making historical milestone and modernity

    The transition of the ancient Slavic peoples from pagan customs to the precepts of Christ is now noted not only in Russia, but also on the territory of Belarus and Ukraine. The solemn date on the Day of the Baptism of Russia - July 28 - events mark the most different: church, educational and cultural. Among them are now memorable: a procession of the cross, mass baptisms, Divine Liturgy and bell ringing. The young holiday is gaining more and more popularity, strengthening in the public consciousness the idea of \u200b\u200bthe origins of our religious culture and the traditions of our ancestors. It is also possible that soon this date will become a warm family celebration and acquire its own traditions.