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  • How long do chanterelles boil. Recipes for cooking fried potatoes with chanterelles

    How long do chanterelles boil. Recipes for cooking fried potatoes with chanterelles

    How much to cook chanterelles until tender

    Most culinary experts agree that chanterelles are delicious mushrooms. They are boiled, fried, stewed in sour cream, frozen, made into soups, canned. Chanterelles are extremely rare wormy, which is good news.

    Before cooking, carefully sort and rinse the chanterelles, removing all the dirt. Boil the chanterelles for 20-25 minutes after boiling the water, over low heat, covered. Lightly salt the water. It turns out very tasty when clean mushrooms are soaked in milk for 1 hour before cooking.

    By the way, you don't have to boil the chanterelles before frying, because when they are boiled, some of the mushroom aroma goes into the water, but boiled chanterelles after frying are much softer.

    After boiling, the chanterelles can be additionally stewed in sour cream, fry them in butter or vegetable oil with onions, make mushroom pâté, or simply freeze and then enjoy the mushrooms in winter. Each time it will turn out very tasty and interesting.

    Need to create a culinary masterpiece? Look for chanterelles, one of the most delicious and useful mushrooms, on store shelves or in the forest. The flavor of nuts, fruits, and pepper notes will make each dish especially interesting. The methods of preparing these mushrooms are whole assorted. They are fried, boiled, stewed, baked, pickled, dried. Find out how to cook them correctly in our article!

    About the benefits

    How to cook?

    Chanterelles are considered one of the safest mushrooms, but it is still necessary not to violate the storage conditions. Temperatures above 10 ° C are only allowed if these mushrooms are cooked within 24 hours. Ginger mushrooms are 80% liquid, which means you need to know something about their proper preparation. So that the mushrooms do not become rubbery and do not taste like mustard, do not make mistakes.

    Before cooking, the mushrooms are thoroughly washed from sand, debris is removed. It is very important to trim the legs correctly. The tips must be cut off, otherwise your dish will be too bitter. To prevent the mushrooms from resembling rubber, it is necessary to evaporate all excess liquid from the mushrooms. Then they are stewed for a short time: about 5-7 minutes. If you want to cook soup, then soak the chanterelles in hot water for 2 hours or pour boiling water over for 20-30 minutes. Mushrooms are added to other ingredients at the end of cooking. 5 minutes should be enough to cook them in soup.

    As you already know, mushrooms of this kind cannot be stored for a long time at room temperature, but they can be sent straight to the freezer. Frozen chanterelles do not lose their special taste. But before frying, such mushrooms must first be defrosted. Put them inside a deep container, leave at room temperature until completely thawed. It won't take much time. It is imperative to drain the resulting water. When the mushrooms are a little dry, start cooking them. Remember that re-freezing them is not a good idea.

    Chanterelles are ideally combined with fried pork and beef, garlic, potatoes, sour cream and a wide variety of seasonings. From red mushrooms, the first and second courses, salads, and even snacks are equally tasty. Today we will offer you some of the most successful recipes.

    Classic stewed chanterelles

    How to cook:

    • In a saucepan, heat oil and a rash of mushrooms.
    • Carcass for 10 minutes, stirring evenly, until liquid evaporates.
    • Add salt a few minutes until ready. Make sure the chanterelles do not burn, they should have a caramel color.

    Chanterelles with sour cream

    How to cook:

    • Cut the large chanterelles, leave the small ones as they are.
    • Boil the mushrooms for 10-15 minutes, then strain.
    • Heat oil in a skillet. Chop the onion and garlic and fry.
    • Add chanterelles and mascaras to the skillet for 20 minutes over medium heat.
    • Add sour cream and stir until curdled.
    • Add salt and pepper, then season with fresh chopped herbs.

    Chanterelles baked in foil

    How to cook:

    • Combine salt, pepper, herbs, mushrooms and oil in one bowl.
    • Line a baking sheet with foil, lay out the mixture, and wrap in a foil envelope.
    • Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and roast the mushrooms for 20 minutes. Then cut open the foil and let the mushrooms stand for another 5 minutes. The mushrooms should turn golden.

    Pickled chanterelles for the winter

    How to cook:

    • Pour boiling water over the mushrooms and cook for 20 minutes over low heat.
    • Mix the marinade of spices, salt, sugar and vinegar and bring to a boil.
    • Add boiled chanterelles to the hot marinade and put on fire for another 5-7 minutes.
    • Fill sterilized jars with chanterelles and pour over the prepared marinade.
    • Cover and roll up.

    Rustic chanterelles in pots

    How to cook:

    • Cut the onion into half rings and fry until translucent.
    • Add the chanterelles to the skillet and fry over the fire for 8-10 minutes.
    • Cut the potatoes into small cubes, chop the brisket at random, rub the cheese on a coarse grater.
    • Oil the pot so that nothing sticks. Put some of the potatoes down, pepper and salt. Add meat, potatoes, salt and pepper on top. Then add the onions and mushrooms.
    • Top with cream, sprinkle with cheese on top.
    • Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 ° C.

    Sour cream pie with chanterelles

    How to cook:

    • Stir the egg with sour cream, then add softened butter and a pinch of salt, stir, add flour, knead a soft dough, cover it and leave it for 15 minutes. Then knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands.
    • Cut the large mushrooms into several pieces, and leave the small ones as they are.
    • Heat the butter in a frying pan, add the mushrooms and fry until browned.
    • Finely chop the fried mushrooms, set aside a third of them, mix the rest with yolk, sour cream and salt.
    • The dough was divided into two unequal portions. Roll the large one into a circle about 8 mm thick and larger than the baking pan. Put on a flour-powdered form, make bumpers.
    • Put the deferred third of the mushrooms on the dough, and place the mushrooms already mixed with sour cream on them.
    • Take a small piece of dough and cover the top of the dish, pinching the edges.
    • Brush the top of the cake with whipped protein, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for 20 minutes in a preheated oven to 200 ° C. Then bring to readiness at 180 ° C.

    Chanterelles are a versatile product that can not only be fried fresh, but also frozen for the winter. To achieve the optimal result from this approach, you need to know how much to cook the chanterelles before freezing. If you neglect the preliminary processing stage, the component will become very bitter, which will affect the quality of the final dish. Boiling chanterelles will have to spend only 15-20 minutes... The procedure itself does not present any complexity, although it implies certain specifics. Immediately after that, you can start the freezing process, which can also be based on various technologies.

    Can chanterelles be frozen without boiling?

    Unfortunately, chanterelles, like all other types of mushrooms, spoil quite quickly after the harvest is harvested. Of course, they can be prepared for the winter in the form of preserves, but the taste and properties of the product will noticeably suffer from this. The best option is freezing, which will keep the product in its original state. Ideally, for this you should use not only fresh, but also very young mushrooms. Then you don't have to waste time boiling them.

    In this case, the freezing process will look like this:

    • We select small mushrooms that have not yet spread their caps. We cut off the lower parts of the legs from them, clean the caps of debris and rinse them in cold water.
    • We spread the chanterelles on a towel, you need to get rid of all excess moisture.
    • If preserving the shape of the mushrooms is not a priority, just put them in plastic bags and send them to the freezer.
    • If you want to prepare beautiful, separately frozen items for the winter, then first put them in one layer on a large pallet, which we place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, we take it out and pack the products in plastic bags.

    • Mushrooms should not be kept frozen for more than 6 months, so the packages must be labeled with the date and method of freezing. It is best to consume the blanks within 3 months of processing.

    In order not to puzzle over how to freeze chanterelles of indeterminate age, they should simply be soaked in milk for 30-40 minutes. In this case, the product will acquire the necessary softness and at the same time unpleasant bitterness will not appear in its taste. It is recommended to pre-cut old and large mushrooms into pieces and soak for 1-1.5 hours.

    How to properly boil chanterelles before freezing?

    You won't have to spend too much time on the pre-processing of mushrooms if you act clearly according to the plan and do not take unnecessary actions. Correctly boiled chanterelles can then not only be closed for the winter, but also used as a component for a salad, pie or an original side dish.

    Particular attention should be paid to how to boil dried mushrooms. Here they must first be soaked for at least three hours. Only after that they are washed several times, sorted out and boiled for no more than 20 minutes.

    How to freeze large chanterelles?

    When working with large chanterelles, you need to pay attention not only to the time of their boiling, but also to a number of other important points:

    1. Mushrooms must be soaked in milk, sour cream or cream, even if they are very young and fresh.
    2. Such chanterelles should not be cooked as a whole, but after cutting into large pieces. It is best to divide the elements along a vertical line so that each part of the cap gets a part of the leg.
    3. After the product is crushed, it must be rinsed again in cold water.
    4. Mushroom slices can be poured with either cold water or boiling water. In the second case, the benefits of the components will be slightly less, but the texture will be more delicate.
    5. After boiling, you need to add at least a little salt to the water, boil the elements for 15 minutes, regularly removing the foam.
    6. Before freezing such blanks for the winter, they should be thrown into a colander, then put on a waffle towel and held until they cool completely and the water is removed.

    After such preparation, the only thing to do is to pack the mushrooms in containers or plastic bags and put them in the freezer.

    Freezing mushrooms directly in broth

    If the chanterelles are planned to be frozen in order to cook mushroom soups all winter, then it is best to do this using the broth in which they are cooked. In this case, the components are also boiled for 15-20 minutes, after which the liquid is not drained. Cool the entire resulting mass, distribute it into containers, fill it with the remaining broth and send it to freeze. You do not need to defrost such a workpiece! It is simply added to the cooking dish.

    It is worth considering that, regardless of the processing method, thawed chanterelles (even if they were initially fresh) cannot be re-frozen. Repeated processing negatively affects both chemical composition product and its gastronomic characteristics. By the way, it is necessary to defrost mushrooms only at room temperature. The use of a microwave oven or hot water in this case is detrimental to the product.

    Fried mushrooms are an amazing dish, the taste of which is well known to many since childhood. It is especially often prepared by those who live near the forest or have the opportunity to go on a “quiet hunt”.

    If there is a forest nearby, you like to find the gifts of nature, and besides, you know about mushrooms - there is simply no better pastime for an adult or the whole family. Active rest, the ability to breathe in the clean forest air - what can be healthier. Mushroom dishes are no less useful, but in order for their useful components to be preserved in full during the heat treatment, you need to know how to cook them correctly.

    For example, do you need to cook mushrooms, and if so, how much to cook chanterelles before frying?

    A little about chanterelles

    Surely, the first thing you think about when you find a chanterelle among the foliage is that the mushroom really looks like the tail of a red prankster. They are really adorable, these little yellow mushrooms.

    These are the most environmentally friendly mushrooms, but we are not talking about chanterelles growing near highways and industrial enterprises. They do not accumulate in themselves heavy metals and almost all elements of the periodic table, like, for example, oyster mushrooms, and if you add excellent taste and amazing aroma to this, then it becomes clear why these mushrooms are so popular.

    It is not difficult to cook them, experienced housewives believe that these are the easiest mushrooms to prepare.

    Do I need to cook chanterelles before frying

    Experienced chefs recommend that almost all mushrooms be slightly heat treated before frying. For some mushrooms, it will not even be superfluous to change the water several times. Why not, because everyone is trying to protect themselves, and a mushroom is a complex thing, fraught with many mysteries. As we have already said, mushrooms are considered natural storage facilities, so they need to be collected only in ecologically clean areas. If you are not sure of this, then the issue of cooking mushrooms should be taken with particular seriousness.

    Is it necessary to cook chanterelles? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to this question. Most likely - yes, although for mushrooms, camelina, porcini mushrooms and chanterelles, this procedure is not mandatory.

    If the mushrooms are cooked before frying, you will be much calmer. But if you cook them this way, the aroma will be slightly weaker, and the taste will hardly change. And boiled chanterelles look less attractive than those that are immediately fried. Therefore, in order not to spoil the future dish, you need to cook the mushrooms correctly.

    How many chanterelles are boiled

    Many people are interested in the question - what if you want to cook dried or frozen chanterelles? Let's say right away - it is unnecessary to cook frozen or dried chanterelles, this only applies to those mushrooms that you brought from the forest.

    So, before you a basket of mushrooms, where to start?

    • Mushrooms need to be sorted out, carefully examining each of them. Remove debris and those that cause you doubts. Leaves, needles of coniferous trees, rot, and other damage are cut off with a knife from chanterelles.
    • The mushrooms are washed with running water, turning each cap upside down, since it is under it that dirt, bacteria and microorganisms can accumulate.
    • Experienced housewives, if the mushrooms are dirty, are advised to fill them in a basin with water at room temperature. In a few hours, all the dirt and debris will lag behind and float to the surface, after which the mushrooms are washed under a small stream of warm water. If you do not plan to cook them, send them directly to the pan, and we will go further.
    • Put the mushrooms in a saucepan and pour cold water over them so that they are covered by about two fingers. Put the peeled onion, bay leaf there and put the pan with mushrooms on the fire. After the foam appears on the surface, remove it with a slotted spoon and reduce the heat. Mushrooms are boiled over medium heat for no more than 15-20 minutes, but some boil them for an hour, and in vain, mushrooms are tender, and such heat treatment destroys their structure, and besides, why such efforts, because you are going to send them to the pan.
    • The chanterelles are sent to a colander and placed under a small stream of warm water, washed, set aside so that the water is glass. Under high pressure, fragile mushrooms can fall apart, and their appearance will be unsightly.

    After that, the chanterelles are ready for frying, by the way, after such a procedure, they can not only be fried, but also pickled. But if you are going to cook the chanterelles for preservation, 15 minutes will not be enough, boil them for at least 30 minutes. If you plan to freeze the mushrooms, do not forget to lightly salt them.

    They can be cut without fear of losing their beneficial features, but you can fry whole.

    We told you how to properly cook chanterelles before roasting. It's up to you whether to do it or not. It remains to add that both the first and second cooking methods have their supporters and opponents.

    Information for beginner mushroom pickers

    • The mushrooms that you brought from the forest need to be processed within 24 hours; it is not recommended to store them longer.
    • Do not buy mushrooms at spontaneous markets, as they say, "off hand."

    Prepare delicious and healthy dishes from chanterelles, fry them with potatoes, chicken, spaghetti or eggs, add to pizza, pies and casseroles, bon appetit!

    Lifestyle Food

    Chanterelle mushrooms are loved by many people. And there is a reason: from these mushrooms you can cook many delicious dishes. In addition, they are almost always very appetizing and attractive. Pickled, salted and especially fried chanterelles can beautify any meal. In this, mushroom lovers are unanimous. But their opinions differ when it comes to the advisability of pre-cooking the chanterelles.

    The bitterness inherent in chanterelles is to blame. Usually, it is disposed of by first soaking the mushrooms and then welding.

    But the bitter taste of these forest dwellers can be caused by various reasons: place of growth, age, weather. Therefore, the methods of getting rid of it are different, as is the time required for this. In some cases, preliminary boiling is indispensable.

    Do not fry raw

    The question of whether it is necessary to boil the chanterelles before frying should immediately disappear if it is + 30 ° C outside, and it has not rained for a month. In this case, the mushrooms will definitely taste bitter. Without many hours of soaking with a change of water and boiling, you cannot get rid of the bitterness.

    You should not fry chanterelles raw if you do not know where they were collected: mushrooms growing near conifers are especially bitter. This also applies to mushrooms collected from the track.

    It is better to lightly boil the purchased frozen chanterelles: you do not know where they grew and whether they were properly processed before freezing. As a last resort, defrost, separate a small portion, sauté and taste. If it tastes bitter, cook the entire batch before frying and immediately drain the water.

    As for the old mushrooms, if you have already decided to cook them, first rinse well, remove the damaged areas, cut the leg to the middle and soak for 10 hours. Then boil for half an hour. Toast and taste. If you have bitterness, do not eat at all.

    It may happen that an extraneous mushroom has accidentally adhered to a batch of chanterelles you have bought or collected. For example, a false fox. This is not fatal, but in this case, even boiling will not help get rid of the unpleasant taste of mushrooms.

    Fry raw

    If you are sure of the origin of the mushrooms, and the chanterelles themselves are young, plump, without flaws, moreover, there was no drought, you can safely start frying them. The sooner the better. Fresh fried chanterelles with onions are the best dish you can make with these mushrooms.

    • chanterelles (1 kg),
    • large onions (2 pieces),
    • salt,
    • vegetable oil (50 ml),
    • butter (50 g),
    • water (100 ml).

    First, we thoroughly wash the mushrooms and cut off the tips of the legs (the bitter part of the chanterelles).

    Pour vegetable oil into a large frying pan, heat it up a little and fill it with mushrooms (it is possible with a slide - they will fry several times). At the minimum temperature, simmer the mushrooms until they let out juice (15 minutes). Add water (100 ml) and continue simmering for the same amount, covering with a lid and slightly increasing the temperature.

    Then salt, cover with coarsely chopped onions and mix. After 10 minutes add the butter and mix again. In 15 minutes, a wonderful dish with a stunning aroma will be ready. The final touch is finely chopped dill or young onions.

    When frying mushrooms, as, indeed, with any other method of preparing them, do not get carried away with spices and herbs. A good serving of onions is an adequate addition to fried mushrooms... And if you still do not have enough spice, then add seasonings in limited quantities.

    • How much chanterelles should be cooked until tender
    • How to cook minced meat
    • How to collect and cook chanterelles

    Summer is the time to walk through the forest looking for mushrooms. If you have such a day, and you are lucky enough to collect such mushrooms as chanterelles, rejoice, because these mushrooms are very tasty, and they are incredibly easy and quick to prepare.

    So, before you start cooking chanterelles, first clean them of dirt: leaves, needles, blades of grass, etc., then rinse in cold water (it is better to use a sieve or a colander), put the mushrooms in an enamel pan, fill them with water and put on the fire.

    As soon as the water boils and the foam appears, remove it and continue to cook the contents of the pan for another 10 minutes. After some time, turn off the gas and discard the mushrooms in a colander. The chanterelles are cooked, now you need to let them cool down and you can start cooking any dish.

    How much to cook chanterelles before frying

    It is worth noting that chanterelles are boiled mainly in order to remove all the dirt from them, so if you are going to fry these mushrooms, then in this case it is enough just to bring the water with the chanterelles to a boil, then overturn them in a colander and rinse thoroughly in cold water ...

    To make the chanterelles more tender, not dry, you first need to hold them for 30-40 minutes in cold milk or cream, and only then start frying. Some housewives do not boil these mushrooms at all before frying, but only thoroughly wash them. If you choose this option for cooking mushrooms, remember that keeping them in milk is a prerequisite, otherwise the dish will turn out to be dry.