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  • Electric perpetual motion machine with your own hands. Perpetual motion machine: inventing the impossible

    Electric perpetual motion machine with your own hands. Perpetual motion machine: inventing the impossible

    Scientists and not only have been trying for many years to create a perpetual motion machine. Not all attempts were successful, but some are definitely noteworthy. Many are interested technology of inexhaustible energy and want to try to make a perpetual motion machine with their own hands. It is always interesting to know what a perpetual motion machine is, whether it is possible to assemble it and how to do it.

    What it is

    Any device that works at the expense of any energy will stop working if it is disconnected from the source of this very energy. A perpetual motion machine solves this problem: once you turn it on, you don't have to worry that it will run out of battery or run out of gasoline, and it will turn off. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a device excited the minds of people for a long time, and there were a lot of attempts to create a perpetual motion machine.

    Such a device should have an efficiency of more than one hundred percent. That is, the amount of energy produced must be greater than the amount received so that the engine can maintain itself in working condition and at the same time provide a certain amount of energy for third-party tasks.

    Since such a system should work forever (or at least for a very long time), then to it special requirements are imposed:

    • Permanent job. This is logical, because if the engine stops, then it is not so eternal.
    • As durable as possible parts. If our engine is to run forever, then its individual parts must be as durable as possible.

    Scientific hypotheses

    The scientific community does not deny the creation of such a device. True, in the eyes of scientists, it is not just a collection of moving parts or cones with mercury inside. It should be a more complex device, operating on the energy of ether or vacuum. Ether is a kind of all-pervading medium that vibrates and generates electromagnetic waves. The existence of the ether, by the way, has not been proven.

    It's no secret that gravitational forces are at work in our universe. Now they are at rest, as they are balanced with each other. But if the balance is upset all these forces will set in motion... A similar principle can theoretically be used in a gravitational perpetual motion machine. True, no one has yet succeeded in doing this.

    Magnetic gravity engine

    Everything is a little simpler here than in the previous version. To create such a device, permanent magnets and loads of certain parameters are needed. It works like this : in the center of the spinning wheel there is a main magnet, and around it (at the edges of the wheel) there are auxiliary magnets and weights. The magnets interact with each other, and the weights are in motion and move either closer to the center of rotation, then further away. Thus, the center of mass shifts and the wheel rotates.

    The easiest option

    To create it, you need simple materials:

    • Plastic bottle.
    • Thin tubes.
    • Pieces of wood (boards).

    The bottle should be cut horizontally in two. Insert a wooden partition into the lower part, in which to make a hole in advance and come up with a plug for it. After that, a thin tube is taken and installed in such a way that it passed from bottom to top through the partition... Any gaps in the component parts must be sealed by preventing air from entering the bottom of the bottle.

    Through the hole in the tree, pour a volatile liquid (gasoline, freon) into the lower part. In this case, the level of the liquid should not reach not to the tree, but to the cut of the tube. Then the plug is closed, and a little of the same liquid is poured from above. Now you should close this structure with the top of the bottle and put it in a warm place. After a while, liquid will begin to drip from the top of the tube.

    The thing is that the liquid seeps through the tree. The air inside is "locked" and begins to heat the liquid around it. It, in turn, evaporates and goes up, cools and settles on the tree, which completes the circle. Thus, the liquid simply circulates within the system.

    Water variant of a perpetual motion machine

    This is a fairly simple structure that can be built even at home. You will need a couple of flasks, valves for them, one large container of water and several tubes. Guided by the picture, you can assemble such a device - it will pump water.

    This theme very interesting and exciting... Scientists all over the world have puzzled over this mythical device. There were many charlatans who passed off their ingenious machines as ever-running engines. To date, no one has been able to create such a device. Many scientists deny the possibility of such a machine, since it violates the fundamental laws of physics.

    How to make a real perpetual motion machine with your own hands at home from magnets and other energy

    When was the first perpetual magnetic drive created? In 1969, the first modern working design of a magnetic motor was made. The body of such an engine itself was completely made of wood, the engine itself was in good working order. But there was one problem. The energy itself was enough exclusively for the rotation of the rotor, since all the magnets were quite weak, and others were simply not invented at that time. The creator of this design was Michael Brady. He devoted his whole life to the development of motors, and finally, in the 90s of the last century, he created a completely new model of a perpetual motion machine on a magnet, for which he received a patent. On the basis of this magnetic motor, an electric generator was made, which had a power of 6 kW.

    The power device was that magnetic motor, which used exclusively permanent magnets.

    However, this type of electric generator could not do without its certain disadvantages. - Google Sites Tweet Button

    For example, the speed and power of the engine did not depend on any factors, for example, the load that was connected to the electric generator. Further, preparations were underway for the manufacture of an electromagnetic motor, in which, in addition to all permanent magnets, special coils were also used, which are called electromagnets. Such a motor, powered by an electromagnet, could successfully control the torque force, as well as the rotor speed itself. Based on the new generation engine, two mini power plants were created. The generator weighs 350 kilograms.
    Groups of perpetual motion machines

    Magnetic motors and others are classified into two types. The first group of perpetual motion machines does not extract energy from the environment at all (for example, heat). However, at the same time, the physical and chemical properties of the engine still remain unchanged, using no energy other than its own. As mentioned above, just such machines simply cannot exist, based on the first law of thermodynamics. Perpetual motion machines of the second kind do exactly the opposite. That is, their work is completely dependent on external factors. When working, they extract energy from the environment. By absorbing, for example, heat, they convert such energy into mechanical energy. However, such mechanisms cannot exist based on the second law of thermodynamics. Simply put, the first group refers to the so-called natural engines. And the second to physical or artificial engines.

    But to which group should the perpetual magnetic motion be attributed? Of course, to the first one. During the operation of this mechanism, the energy of the external environment is not used at all, on the contrary, the mechanism itself produces the amount of energy that it needs.

    Creation of a modern perpetual magnetic engine

    What should be a real perpetual magnetic engine of the new generation? So, in 1985, the future inventor of the mechanism, Thane Heins, thought about this. He wondered how he could significantly improve the power generator using magnets. Thus, by 2006, he still invented what he had dreamed of for so long. It was in this year that something happened that he had never expected. While working on his invention, Hynes connected the crankshaft of a conventional electric motor to a rotor, which contained small round magnets. They were located on the outer rim of the rotor. Hines hoped that during the period when the rotor was spinning, the magnets would pass through a coil made of ordinary wire. This process, according to Hines, should have caused the flow of current. Thus, using all of the above, a real generator should have turned out. However, the rotor, which was working on the load, had to gradually slow down. And, of course, at the end the rotor had to stop. But Hynes miscalculated something. Thus, instead of stopping, the rotor began to accelerate its motion to an incredible speed, which led to the fact that the magnets flew in all directions.


    The impact of the magnets was really enormous, which damaged the walls of the laboratory.
    Conducting this experiment, Hines hoped that with this action a special magnetic force should be established, in which the effect of completely backward EMF should appear. This outcome of the experiment is theoretically correct. This outcome is based on Lenz's law. This law manifests itself physically as the most common law of friction in mechanics.

    But, alas, the alleged outcome of the experiment got out of the control of the test scientist. The fact is that instead of the result that Hynes wanted to get, the usual magnetic friction turned into the most, that neither is magnetic acceleration! Thus, the first modern perpetual magnetic drive was born. Hynes believes that rotating magnets, which form a field with the help of a steel conductive rotor, as well as a shaft, act on an electric motor in such a way that electrical energy is converted into a completely different, kinetic one. That is, the back EMF in our particular case accelerates the motor even more, which accordingly makes the rotor rotate. That is, in this way, a process arises with a positive feedback... The inventor himself confirmed this process by replacing only one detail. Hines replaced the steel shaft with a non-conductive plastic tube. He made this addition so that acceleration in this example installation was not possible.

    Finally, on January 28, 2008, Hines tested his device at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Most surprisingly, the device actually worked! However, there was no further news about the creation of a perpetual motion machine. Some scholars believe that this is just a bluff. However, how many people, so many opinions.

    It is worth noting that real perpetual motion machines can be found in the Universe without inventing anything on their own. The fact is that such phenomena in astronomy are called white holes. These white holes are antipodes to black holes, thus they can be sources of infinite energy. Unfortunately, this statement has not been verified, but it exists only theoretically. What can we say, if there is a saying that the universe itself is one big and perpetual motion machine.

    Thus, in the article we reflected all the basic thoughts about a magnetic motor that can work without stopping. In addition, we learned about its creation, about the existence of its modern counterpart.

    The explanation that the inventor himself tried to make directly in the patent does not explain anything in principle, since it is more aimed at avoiding the accusation of creating a "perpetual motion machine", because Howard Jones introduces and calls for help the phenomenon of unpaired electrons , which is supposedly observed in magnetic materials. And that it is the unpaired electrons that supply energy to this motor.

    Meanwhile, not everything is so simple. For even such an explanation runs counter to the provisions of official science. Therefore, the Howard Jones motor works, according to official science, with a violation of the law of conservation of energy incomprehensible to them. And the official science, as always, acts "wisely" and simply pretends that such a motor does not exist, or it only works for Howard Jones himself, who knows a secret with which he does not want to share. Meanwhile, Howard Jones provided information about his motor for everyone with a detailed description of all the details of this motor, and everyone with his head on his shoulders and not crooked hands can assemble such a motor.
    . Thanks to Dragons'Lord, we have the opportunity to get acquainted with the patent US 4151431, which Howard Jones received for his motor. The quality of the translation is high, but I think that the translator has suffered with the so-called unpaired electrons, about which nothing is written even in official physics textbooks, at least in Russian. I also disagree with Dragons'Lord's condescending tone that the Howard Jones motor is a toy that violates the law of conservation of energy. A toy based on the competent management of etheric streams is no longer a toy, but an inexhaustible source (generator) of energy obtained from the environment, the possibilities of which we do not even fully imagine. Or sometimes we get an idea of \u200b\u200bit when we get into a car or plane crash, when a rocket falls on our houses, or when someone breaks someone's nose. And if someone thinks that there is no ether here, they are very mistaken.
    Below, in green text, material on US patent 4151431 is presented. I hope that the reader will master this material in order to subsequently understand that Howard Jones accomplished the same feat as Tesla did by creating a multiphase AC motor. For both types of motors are driven by a magnetic field. Only in Tesla's case, the rotating magnetic field is set by the stator coils, and the field already carries the rotor with it. And in the Howard Jones motor, a properly "curved" magnetic field is created initially due to the interaction of the magnets of the rotor (armature) and the stator, and initially it is rigidly connected with the magnets of the rotor (armature), therefore the curvature of the "magnetic" field of the rotor rotates the rotor and rotates together with him. In the patent itself, there is no concept of a rotor, but there is an armature that rotates around a stationary stator. And if you understand the principle of "deformation" of the magnetic field, which made possible the rotation of the armature in the Howard Jones motor, then it will become possible to craft magnetic motors based on this principle, of various designs. And we must also understand that the magnetic field is a specific form of ether vortices, in which the ether pressure drops are similar in shape to the Archimedes' screw, which is closed on itself, which rotates clockwise, if you look along its course from the north to the south pole outside the magnet and from the south pole to the north inside the magnet. But we will discuss this in more detail after we get acquainted with the patent.

    The invention is based on the method of using the energy of rotations of unpaired electrons in ferromagnetic and other materials - sources of magnetic fields, to create an energy source without an electron flux, which occurs in normal conductors; and aims to use this method to create permanent magnet motors as energy sources.

    In the practice of the invention, the rotation of unpaired electrons that occurs in permanent magnets is used to generate propulsive energy solely through the superconducting characteristics of the permanent magnet, and the magnetic flux created by the magnets orients the magnetic forces in such a way as to produce useful continuous work such as displacement of the stator relative to rotor.

    The location and orientation of the magnetic forces in the rotor and stator components created by permanent magnets to make the motor work are made with the proper geometric relationships of these components.


    The invention belongs to the field of permanent magnet devices using exclusively magnetic fields to create propulsive energy.


    Conventional electric motors use magnetic forces to produce any rotary or linear motion. Electric motors operate on the principle of creating a motive force by a conductor with a current placed in a magnetic field.

    In a conventional electric motor, the rotor, stator, or both, are wound in such a way that the magnetic fields created by the electromagnets create attraction or repulsion between the structural members, which causes the movement.

    Conventional electric motors can have permanent magnets in the stator or rotor components, but to create a driving force by orienting the magnetic fields, in addition, electromagnets with a switching and process control system must be used.

    In my opinion, the full potential of the magnetic forces that exists in permanent magnets has not been recognized or used due to incomplete information and theory regarding the atomic motion occurring in permanent magnets. I believe that, hitherto unrecognized, atomic particles are associated with the movement of electrons of a superconducting electromagnet, and with the lossless Ampere current flow in permanent magnets.

    The flow of unpaired electrons is the same in both situations. This small particle is obviously opposite in charge and is located at right angles to the moving electron, and this particle can be small enough to penetrate all known elements in their various forms and compositions, unless they have other unpaired electrons to neutralize them. ...

    Ferro-electrons differ from most similar elements in that they are not connected, and when they are disconnected, they revolve around the nucleus in such a way that they react to magnetic fields, just as they create similar fields themselves. If they were connected, their magnetic fields would be compensated. However, being unpaired, they create a measurable magnetic field if their rotations are oriented in the same direction. Rotations are carried out at right angles to their magnetic fields.

    In critical state niobium superconductors, the magnetic field lines cease to be at right angles. This change is due to the presence of certain conditions for the rotation of unpaired electrons, instead of the electron flow in the conductor, and the fact that the very powerful electromagnets that can be formed from superconductors illustrate the huge advantage of creating magnetic fields by rotating unpaired electrons rather than ordinary electron flow.

    In a superconducting metal, where the electrical resistance becomes greater than the proton resistance, the flow turns into the rotation of electrons and the positive particles flow in parallel, just as it happens in a permanent magnet, where a powerful flow of magnetic positive particles, or magnetic flux, causes unpaired electrons to rotate under right angles.

    In cryogenic superconducting states, freezing the crystals allows continued rotation, and in a permanent magnet, the grain orientation of the magnetized material allows parallel flow to continue as a result of these rotations.

    In a superconductor, first the electron flows and the positive particle rotates; later, under critical conditions, a change occurs, that is, the electron rotates and the positive particle flows at right angles. These positive particles will permeate or work their way through the rotation of the electrons present in the metal.

    In a sense, a permanent magnet can be thought of as a superconductor at room temperature. He is a superconductor, because the flow of electrons does not stop, and this flow of electrons can do work through the magnetic field that it creates. Previously, this energy source was not used because it was not possible to change the electron flux in order to perform the functions of switching the magnetic field.

    Such switching functions are present in a conventional electric motor, where electric current is used to align much more electron flux into the iron poles and concentrate the magnetic field in the right places, creating enough thrust to move the motor armature. In a conventional electric motor, such switching is accomplished by brushes, commutators, alternating current, or other known means.

    In order to perform the switching function in a permanent magnet motor, it is necessary to cover the magnetic leakage so that it is not a loss factor. The best way to accomplish this is to use the superconductor's magnetic flux and concentrate it where it will be most effective.

    Timing and switching can be achieved by concentrating flux and using proper rotor and stator geometries to achieve the most efficient use of the magnetic fields created by the spinning of the electrons. With the proper combination of materials, geometry and magnetic concentration, it is possible to achieve a high ratio mechanical device greater than 100 to 1, capable of generating continuous propulsive force.

    As far as I know, previous work related to permanent magnets and propulsion devices using them did not achieve the desired success in practice, but with the right combination of materials, geometry and magnetic concentration, the presence of magnetic rotations in permanent magnets can be used as a driving force.


    The purpose of the invention is to use the phenomenon of rotation of unpaired electrons found in ferromagnetic materialto make the mass move in a certain direction, which will create a fully permanent magnet motor. By practicing ingenious concepts, motors of any linear or rotational type can be created.

    The purpose of the invention is to provide the proper combination of materials, geometry and magnetic concentration to use the force produced by the rotation of unpaired electrons existing in permanent magnets as a source of energy.

    Whether the motor is intended for a linear version or a rotary version, in each case the stator can be composed of a plurality of permanent magnets positioned relative to each other in a spatial relationship to determine which form of motion the motor is intended for.

    The armature magnets are positioned in relation to the stator magnets so that there is an air gap. The length of the armature magnets is defined by the poles of opposite polarity, and is located relative to the track defined by the stator magnets in the direction of the armature magnet travel path, as replaced by magnetic forces.

    The stator magnets are installed so that the poles of the same polarity are located to the armature magnets and since the armature magnets have poles that either attract or repel, the attractive and repulsive forces act on the armature magnets, creating a relative displacement between the armature and the stator magnets.

    The motive force producing displacement between the armature and the stator magnets depends on the ratios of the armature magnet lengths in the direction of its travel path, as well as related to the dimensions of the stator magnets, and on the interval in the direction of the armature magnets travel path.

    This ratio of magnets and spacing between magnets, and with an acceptable air gap between the stator and armature magnets, creates a net force that displaces the armature magnets relative to the stator magnets along their path of travel.

    The movement of the armature magnets relative to the stator magnets is the result of the interaction of the forces of attraction and repulsion existing between the stator and armature magnets.

    By concentrating the magnetic fields of the stator and armature magnets, the driving force applied to the armature is amplified, and thus the concentration of the magnetic field is revealed.

    The magnetic concentration means include plates of high magnetic permeability material disposed adjacent to one side of the stator magnets. This high permeability material is thus positioned adjacent to the poles of similar polarity of the stator magnets.

    The magnetic field of the armature magnets can be concentrated and oriented by bending of the armature magnets, and the magnetic field can be further concentrated by shaping the pole ends of the armature magnets to concentrate the magnetic field on a relatively limited surface at the pole ends of the armature magnets.

    It is preferable to use several armature magnets, offset relative to each other in the direction of movement of the armature magnets. This displacement distributes the impulses of force applied to the armature magnets and, as a result, a smoother application of forces, as well as a smoother movement of the armature components.

    In a rotary permanent magnet motor, the stator magnets form a circle and the armature magnets rotate relative to them. The working elements are positioned so as to create a relative axial displacement between the stator and the armature magnets, which allows you to adjust the axial alignment of this, and thus adjust the magnitude of the magnetic forces applied to the armature magnets. Thus, the rotation speed of the rotary version can be adjusted.

    Hope the reader understands the essence of the Howard Jones patent. But most importantly, I noticed that the armature (rotor) magnets "repel" from the stator magnetic field and move from the south pole to the north, provided that the stator magnets are turned towards them by the north pole. He also noted that a change in the polarity of only the stator magnets or the rotor (armature) magnets leads to a change in the direction of rotation. Why this is so, we will try to understand on the basis of etheric concepts. Although it is not entirely correct to assert that the armature magnets are repelled by the magnetic field. It is more correct to assume that due to the interaction of the magnetic fields of the stator magnets and the armature in the region of the north pole of the armature magnet, the ether pressure (magnetic field strength) decreases, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe south pole of the armature magnet, the ether pressure (magnetic field strength) increases, and this leads to the fact that that under the influence of the ether pressure difference, the armature magnet begins to move, dragging the armature along with it. By the way, this principle could be used to fly magnetic aircraft in the magnetic field of the Earth or the magnetic field of the Sun, if it were possible to create magnets or electromagnets with sufficiently high indicators of the magnetic field strength created in them.

    The entire Universe surrounding any person (observer), and the person himself, is an ether in a variety of phase states and manifestations. The world is ether, under high pressure and in constant motion. The world is streams and vortices of ether. The world is the endless spaces between galaxies, filled with solid ether, the particles of which vibrate like those that atoms in crystals of matter do. Every galaxy, including our Galaxy ( Milky Way or Milk trail of a celestial cow), this is ether, mainly in a liquid state, in which clusters of matter - stars, planets and their satellites, asteroids, interstellar dust and gas clusters, mainly hydrogen - float as a kind of chips (foam, vapor). You can even consider the substance as a kind of foam of liquid ether, but a special foam, for example, like foam, which, being foam, has high rigidity due to its cellular structure and the peculiarities of the manufacturing technology. In addition to the three main phase states, ether can also be in intermediate states, in the form of a kind of jelly as an intermediate form between the crystalline and liquid forms, and in the form of a structureless unstable vapor, ready for crystallization, transformation into a liquid or substance. It all depends on the state of the surrounding ether.

    In the crystalline ether, there are practically no streams and vortices, but there are oscillations between the particles of the ether and waves propagating through it from sources, which are processes in galaxies, stars, planets, etc. Liquid ether and its foam (substance) can freely move through crystalline ether, since there is practically no friction between its particles, and the particles themselves are in constant vibrations, due to which the crystalline ether behaves like quicksand. In addition, the introduction of liquid ether or a substance into the crystalline ether leads to a kind of melting of the crystalline ether around the flow of liquid ether and thereby creates a certain surface layer in which liquid ether and particles of crystalline ether (ether emulsion) are mixed, and this layer plays the role of a kind of bearing , relying on which the liquid ether penetrates into the thickness of the crystalline ether, encountering practically no resistance.

    Liquid ether behaves almost like an ideal liquid, but with a very high density, and only when the flows of liquid ether and its foam (substance) collide, there is an insignificant viscosity, which allows the substance to rotate and move in flows in liquid ether from one side, as well as behind due to this viscosity, the substance can involve liquid ether in rotation, i.e. a substance interacting with liquid ether is capable of generating a substance from liquid ether. That is, the Universe that we can observe is also an emulsion, but an emulsion of liquid and vapor (gas). But even liquid ether can affect a substance so that the substance disintegrates and the foam (vapor) of liquid ether again becomes liquid ether. It is the rotation of the liquid ether that generates such phenomena as gravitational, electrostatic and magnetic fields. But more on that later.

    Ethereal foam (ethereal foam) is a set of ethereal vortices, which, due to their high energy of rotation, lead to the fact that inside the ethereal vortices, and the vortices themselves, are ethereal vapor. Since the speed of rotation of the walls of the ether vapor vortices is very high, the walls of these vortices are very rigid in comparison with the "stiffness" of liquid and solid ether. Due to this, the etheric constructions of a substance with insignificant friction against liquid ether can exist for a long time, from seconds to billions of years. Depending on how the vortices are twisted in the foam plastic (foam, vapor) of the ether, the substance can also exist in a solid, liquid and gaseous state. And if we can only guess about the variety, for example, of liquid forms of ether, then about the variety of atoms, molecules, etc. we already know perfectly well, because we have developed sense organs to interact with this form of matter, or we have already managed to create an abundance of devices - a microscope, telescope, electron microscope, electromagnetic, electrostatic and magnetic sensors, a dosimeter for measuring hazardous radiation, chemical test kits and much more.

    Ultra-fast, on the one hand, and ultra-small, on the other hand, vortices of the ether tend to interact with each other, which leads to the fact that molecules are created from atoms, larger formations, such as mountains, oceans, are created from molecules. The accumulation of various kinds of matter gives rise to planets, stars and galaxies. But in any case, the vortices, from which material composites are built in one way or another, are surrounded by liquid ether, which plays the role of a medium in which all material manifestations we know occur, liquid ether plays the role of a lubricant for matter, creates a border between clusters of matter, serves as a medium , inside which material formations exchange matter, energy and information with each other. Liquid ether itself can create powerful streams into which it draws accumulations and streams of matter. It is the vortex of liquid ether that forms the Galaxy itself, it is the liquid ether, at least for us, being under high pressure, due to its ability to interact with matter, is the source of energy. And the medium in which "dissolves", condenses matter, after it has spent the energy of rotation of its elementary vortices.

    Several assumptions about the nature of the pressure under which at least liquid ether is located. It can, firstly, be the surface tension of that drop of liquid ether in which we exist. This drop is enormous in size, hundreds and millions of light years. The second source of pressure is the substance itself, which is vapor for liquid ether. As you know, during the transition from liquid to vapor, the volume occupied by the liquid increases by about 1000 times. And if at least 0.1% of liquid ether turns into vapor (foam, foam), then the volume of such a substance will be comparable to the remaining liquid ether. On the whole, the volume of a mixture of liquid ether and its vapor will double. Or the pressure in the volume that the liquid ether occupied before the transformation of its insignificant part (0.1%) into steam will increase by 2 times. Taking into account the incompressibility of the liquid ether, the pressure increase can be much higher. And, most likely, ether in the form of a substance exists in a much smaller "volume", no more than 0.001%. Then the substance will no longer occupy 50% of the volume, but only 1%. This is already closer to real numbers, although a more correct ratio between the volume of matter and liquid ether can be estimated by comparing the volume of stars with the volume of the space in which these stars form our Galaxy. It is also necessary to take into account that inside the substance, part of the volume is occupied by liquid ether, although its share decreases from gases to heavy metals.

    Apparently, all the speculations of the grief theorists about dark matter and energy can be connected with this. We see a substance, we can measure it, etc. But we cannot directly perceive liquid, let alone crystalline ether, except for some unique ones. But 99.9% or more of matter, which can give rise to anything, is already very serious. And it's time to stop spending people's money and compose dissertations that no one needs in order to substantiate Einstein's SR and GTR or find a nonexistent Higgs particle. Otherwise, we will never understand why one fine day a wave or vortex of an ethereal tsunami will destroy our beautiful world. Blind people who do not see 99.9% of matter, and even more so do not recognize its existence, cannot be our guides.

    From an ethereal point of view, it is easy to explain such a phenomenon as supernova explosions. This is only an assumption so far, but I admit that after the star's substance has used up its energy resource, when all the vortices in the star begin to crumble and turn into liquid ether, this will be equivalent to the collapse of a cavitation bubble. But in this case, such a cavitation bubble will be a star, in which the ether vapor will condense into liquid ether. The volume of the star will immediately decrease by 1000 times. And if the collapse rate is high, the collapsed star will generate a sharp drop in the ether pressure in the volume and center of the already dead star. The liquid ether surrounding the star will rush to where this star has just been. And there will be a monstrous force of ether-dynamic impact, the power of which, most likely, will be able to generate not only a new star, but also form matter for a new galaxy. For according to the law of interference in the very center of the former star, the pressure of shock waves directed from all directions will be summed up, but the energy that will generate a response will already be proportional to the square of the total amplitude of the final shock wave. And under the action of this powerful response shock wave of liquid ether, the substance newly created due to the vorticity of the ether involved in the process will scatter in all directions until, under the action of friction with the flows of the surrounding liquid ether and the masses of crystalline ether, the outgoing ether flows and flows of matter begin to curl together with accumulations of matter into a new star system or a young galaxy, into a new rather large vortex. Although it may not be lucky, and then the newly formed matter will be disassembled into building materials the nearest stellar systems and galaxies. So those who believe in the Big Bang theory are partly right when they simulate the situation, but only after the explosion, although they do not understand that the Big Bang was not alone. And above all, they do not understand how these explosions and how they occur. For the Universe, a supernova explosion is tantamount to the rupture of a follicle in a woman's ovary, releasing an egg cell in order to give birth, if she is lucky to become pregnant, a new life, because a supernova explosion with a high degree of probability will lead to the creation of a new star system, on which, if lucky, it can form life and mind. And if you're lucky, the energy of a supernova explosion may be enough to bake a new and beautiful galaxy from the surrounding ether.

    Since we are talking about the fact that much in this world is not at all what it seems to us, then such a phenomenon as mass and inertia cannot be ignored. In my opinion, if you measure the mass by the presence of ether in the occupied body or ether of space, then crystalline ether will be the heaviest ether, then liquid ether. Although it is possible that liquid ether may be the heaviest, just as ice is lighter than water. But the lightest in ether units will be substance, since substance is a pair of ether, although they are swirling in vortices, but vapors, foam and no more.

    But for our senses and measuring instruments, tuned to our senses and in accordance with our naive ideas about the Universe, it turns out on the contrary - matter is heavier than ether. And among the substance, metals are heavier than gases, although from the etheric point of view, gas is a slightly swirling liquid ether with a small amount of vortices, and metal is a space that is almost completely filled with a huge amount of vortices of gaseous ether, which means that it practically does not contain liquid ether. Why does it seem so to us?

    And it seems to us so because we are used to trusting our sense organs, which indicate to us that the movement of a metal with acceleration in the etheric medium will cause more noticeable resistance from the liquid and crystalline ether than the movement of the same volume of gas, which is practically liquid ether and filled. Therefore, the same volume of metal seems to us to be heavier than the volume of gas. The same goes for weight. For one and the same volume of metal will be pressed against the Earth more strongly than the same volume of gas. For the ether freely passes through the gas, and liquid ether is forced to pass through the interweaving of vortices of its own foam with great resistance. Hence the difference in weight in the Earth's "gravity field" of metal and gas, occupied by the same volume.

    Therefore, taking into account these factors, which have led to the current false ideas, the mass of material bodies should be calculated as the product of the volume of matter by the difference in the densities of the ether outside and inside this volume of matter. Therefore, future researchers will have to seriously break their heads both over the definition of what is the density of the ether, and over the methods of measuring it in crystalline and liquid ether, as well as in various versions of the substance, ether foam. If you follow the formula, then there is no such parameter as mass in the modern understanding of a crystalline or liquid ether, because acceleration in the collision of matter with ether occurs in material bodies, but we simply do not know how the ether itself behaves, because the methods of recording what is happening on the air, except in some cases, we have not yet. Or you will have to consider the mass of any volume of crystalline and liquid ether equal to zero, which will explain many of the oddities in our world. In short, physics needs an etheric revolution, which in consequences will be more significant than the revolution that Nicola Copernicus made in astronomy.

    Let's go back to the so-called gravitational, magnetic and electrostatic fields. All these are flows of a special form in liquid ether outside of material bodies or in the liquid phase of ether inside material bodies.

    The gravitational interaction between material bodies will become clear if we imagine aetheric streams and vortices, first of all, liquid ether, from which galaxies or stellar systems are, in fact, formed. For an observer, for example, sitting on the Earth, it seems that the Sun attracts the Earth, and the Earth attracts the Sun. And even a formula for the "attraction" between the Sun and the Earth can be created, which is known to everyone. But this is an illusion. In fact, both the Sun and the Earth are parts of a gigantic etheric vortex, more precisely, ping-pong balls in the streams of a vortex of liquid ether, the diameter of which is several tens of astronomical units, in which, along with liquid ether, there is a high proportion of vaporous ether (matter) twisted into its own vortices. And the laws of rotation of such a vortex are such that in this flow the substance present in it in the form of the Sun, planets, asteroids and comets is pressed against each other by the flow of liquid ether. That is, the situation is that material formations are "pressed" by liquid ether to each other, therefore the reason for "gravitation" manifests itself in time before the movement, which characterizes the very fact of "attraction". Therefore, it seems that the speed of the gravitational interaction is infinitely high. For what can be the speed of interaction between material bodies, if this interaction is essentially not regulated by the bodies themselves, is not determined and is not controlled. Any planet floats in space and describes its ellipses at the behest of waves of liquid ether and no more. Well, a chain floats to itself in a turbulent rotating stream, and let him think that it is she who is attracted to the center of this vortex. So it is somehow calmer, otherwise we will have to look for an explanation in some Divine power, we do not see ether or do not recognize it.

    We talk about electrostatics when we observe the interaction of so-called charges. The phenomenon itself manifests itself when rubbing, for example, glass and silk, amber and wool. This leads to the fact that shabby glass or shabby amber begins to attract charged bodies of a different polarity to itself, or induce the creation of opposite charges on uncharged bodies and attract them. From the etheric point of view, this is the case. Let's assume that an elementary charge is a vortex. And if the atom is twisted clockwise, then this is a positive charge, if counterclockwise, then negative. In an uncharged body, atoms are twisted into vortices, half of which rotate in one direction, and half in the other, the vortices, twisted in different directions, form pairs, which, under normal conditions, seem to automatically ensure that the charge of the body is neutral. But as soon as the body is rubbed, part of the vortices breaks up and partially passes from one body to another. An excess of vortices of one direction of rotation is created in the body. Let it be vortices with clockwise rotation. The body will acquire a positive charge. Unpaired "positive" vortices will be pushed out by paired vortices onto the surface of the body, and already on the surface, in accordance with the principle of least action, these vortices will be evenly distributed, naturally, taking into account the radius of curvature of the body surface, the vortices are distributed only on convex areas of the body and the density of vortices is higher there , where the radius of curvature of the body surface is less.

    An unpaired vortex squeezed out (or created) onto the surface of the body during rotation will, due to friction, involve the liquid ether adjacent to the body in rotation, forcing it to form a vortex. The vortex flow generated in liquid ether will resemble a mushroom with a large cap on a thin stem. The radius of the "head" of such a vortex will be proportional to the square of the distance from the "center" of the charged body, therefore, the "tension" in such a vortex will decrease inversely with the square of the distance (radius) from the center of the charged body. If now two such vortices meet in space, or rather in the same liquid ether, they will begin to interact. Vortexes from “charges” with different signs will “twist” into each other, and vortices from like charges “twist out of each other. Where the vortex flows will twist into each other, the ether pressure will decrease, and where the flows will "twist", the ether pressure will increase. As a result of such interaction, the liquid ether surrounding the charges will in the first case press the charges against each other, and in the second case the “ether cushion” with increased pressure in it will push the charges apart. And the force of interaction between the charges will be directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the charges.

    The attentive reader has noticed that nowhere is there a talk about electrons as a kind of unit of electricity. There is no need for this yet. But the fact that electric charges consist of certain units makes us assume that there is a deep meaning in this, the world of ether is so structured that the unit of vortex motion is a certain standard parameter, as a reflection of laws that are still unknown to us. And from the standpoint of the ethereal theory of the electron as such, it may not be possible, but there is a certain ethereal vortex surrounding the total vortex of the atom, and which, depending on the circumstances, can take on various forms as variants of the volumetric figure of Lissajous, a kind of standing ethereal wave from ethereal foam ( ether vapor), as a reaction to vibrations of nucleons or external influence on the atom itself. And this etheric vortex surrounding the atom or molecule in many cases is the carrier of the so-called thermal energy. And the more such a "coat" an atom or molecule has, the more heat energy can be removed from such an atom or molecule, if you find a way to combine such an atom or molecule with another, and as a result, a new compound will force the original atoms or molecules to throw off the ether coat as interfering this association. To create such a coat, you need to take energy somewhere, and when the ether coat disappears (collapses), as a variant of condensation of ether vapor into liquid ether, energy will be released.

    For example, a hydrogen or oxygen atom is surrounded by an ethereal coat. But when two hydrogen atoms create a hydrogen molecule, they turn towards each other so that the direction of rotation of their vortices is opposite, i.e., an electrically neutral pair of vortices is created. Therefore, the extra essential coat will be discarded as unnecessary. And the appearance of this fur coat in the surrounding space will be perceived as an increase in temperature. Also with oxygen when it reacts with oxidation, for example with carbon. As a result, an electrically neutral molecule is created, which no longer needs a compensatory etheric coat, the ether thrown off from oxygen and carbon is used to heat and illuminate the surrounding space. This is how gas, gasoline and all types of hydrocarbons burn, in which, in addition to carbon, there is a lot of hydrogen. And when 2 hydrogen atoms meet with an oxygen atom, then they all throw off an extra protective compensating etheric shell with the release of huge energy in the form of light and heat radiation. Thank God that so that gamma radiation or atomic transformations with the release of protons and neutrons does not occur. It is on these laws that you can create an energy source that works, for example, exclusively on water, which will be used in a closed cycle. It is only important to calculate correctly where the atoms will be able to find the etheric coat due to the ether of the surrounding space, and at what stage this etheric coat can be usefully removed for the case. This is the Golden Fleece. It is also necessary to check for what actually the Golden Fleece the Argonauts drove under the leadership of Jason. Maybe they were sent for some alternative power generator? There is something to think about.

    Now let's see what a magnetic field is. The so-called magnetic field is also a vortex in liquid ether, but the peculiarity of such a vortex is that it is already created not by a single charge, but due to the action of the electrostatic field of moving charges on the liquid ether. We most often observe a magnetic field in permanent magnets. This field has a part inside the magnet and a part outside. Inside a magnet, a magnetic vortex is created by the coordinated rotation of the magnet's atoms or the electron shells of the magnet's atoms. Ampere called such rotations elementary currents. Due to the synchronous rotation of a part of the magnet's atoms, which in concert form an ether pump, flows of liquid ether are formed in the volume of the magnet, first from that liquid ether that is in the magnet, as a substance, and then the magnet is sucked in from one pole (south) and thrown out from another (northern) liquid ether of the surrounding space. And from the moment that closed magnetic lines of force, similar to the Archimedes' screw, are formed, we can assume that the magnetic field does not belong to the magnet. But this is only if we rotate the magnet around the axis of symmetry. But as soon as we rotate the magnet around a different axis, the position of the magnetic field of the magnet will change accordingly. Magnetic lines of force in the form of "screws of Archimedes", but built from liquid ether, are closed on themselves. And such a field is created by the coordinated rotation of the Ampere currents, which, driving the liquid ether through themselves, while the ether is twisted clockwise. So, in fact, the charges rotating the liquid ether exist, but they are located inside the magnet. And this is probably why Howard Jones called such currents unpaired electrons, having correctly determined the nature of the rotation of the magnetic field inside the magnet as a result of the rotation of closed currents or internal unpaired charges. It can even be assumed that the internal unpaired charges are a proprietary feature of the magnet. Since, having arisen, such charges cannot, for some reason, migrate to the surface of the magnet, and cannot just disappear. We must also remember how permanent magnets are created. And they are created under the influence of a powerful electromagnetic pulse on a magnetic workpiece, which, possibly, separates atomic pairs (double atomic vortices rotating in different directions) and throws some of them out of the magnet. The remaining unpaired atomic vortices get stuck and fixed inside the magnet in a position that is given by the direction of the electromagnetic pulse. And they immediately start pumping ether from one end of the magnet to the other. And they will do this until another powerful reason re-magnetizes the magnet or completely deprives it of its magnetic properties. And apparently, in the latter case, the unpaired vortices inside the magnet will be supplemented by vortices with the opposite direction of rotation and the so-called Ampere currents will cease to exist.

    There is a very close connection between the movement of liquid ether inside a permanent magnet and the movement of direct current in a conductor. Only in the first case, the circulation of liquid ether is created by unpaired vortices, created earlier with the help of an electromagnetic pulse, and the movement of liquid ether as a direct current is provided by dynamically arising and disappearing unpaired vortices when the ether pressure difference acts on the conductor, which is called voltage in electrical engineering. The greater the stress, the more the paired vortices are destroyed and unpaired vortices are formed, driving the ether from plus to minus. The mechanism of destruction of paired vortices is associated with the removal from a part of the atoms of a certain etheric shell, a certain etheric vortex, which is weakly connected with the nuclei of atoms. The vortex removed and moving from atom to atom is called an electron and with which the presence of an electric current is associated. So they write, electric current is the ordered movement of electrons. But in fact, the movement of electrons is a consequence of the passage through the conductor of a powerful stream of liquid ether, supported by the voltage at the ends of the conductor. And if the conductor is copper, then after removing the current, the movement of liquid ether along such a conductor stops, and the destroyed vortices again form electrically neutral pairs of vortices. But if the conductor is iron or steel, shorter than a ferromagnet, then such a conductor, after removing the voltage, remains residual magnetization. Those. By passing an electric current through an iron wire, a permanent magnet can be obtained. This fact was noted in his work "Magnetic Flux" by Ed Leedskalnin, the architect and the only builder of the Coral Castle, in which the total weight of blocks of coral limestone is 1100 tons, and the largest blocks are weighing under 50 tons, and Ed Leedskalnin coped with such blocks one without assistance and even managed to drill perfect holes over three meters long into them.

    When an electric current is passed through a conductor, the rotation of the flows of liquid ether in it leads to the fact that the liquid ether adjacent to the conductor is drawn into rotation and thus the so-called magnetic field of the conductor with current is created. This field is cylindrical, rotates in the same direction as the flow of ether in the conductor, therefore, a conductor with a current placed in a magnetic field interacts with this current through the interaction of magnetic fields. The magnetic field of a conductor with a current is a kind of spiral wound on a cylinder, or rather, many spirals with different radii, and if such a magnetic spiral is placed in a uniform magnetic field, then the magnetic field of a conductor with current, together with the conductor itself, is pushed out of the field or moves in it under the action of a force whose origin is associated with the Magnus effect. Thus, using the example of a conductor with current, we are convinced of the importance of the Magnus effect.

    But even Ed Liskalnin noticed that there is no difference between an electric current and a magnetic flux inside a permanent magnet. A material agent that moves in a conductor with current and along (inside) a permanent magnet is one and the same material substance - liquid ether, twisted into a spiral with a clockwise direction of rotation. So from the etheric point of view, it is easy to say what an electric current is, and that the difference between a magnetic flux and an electric current lies only in the mechanism of creating the etheric current.

    If the permanent magnet has axial symmetry, then the magnetic flux, leaving the North Pole, where the pressure of the ether will be increased, will begin to move to the South Pole, where the pressure of the ether will be reduced. In general, a toroidal axisymmetric magnetic field will appear inside and outside the magnet. And even if we place such a magnet in a homogeneous magnetic field of another more powerful magnet, then such magnets, or rather their magnetic fields, will not interact so that forces are created that can move the magnet in the magnetic field of a stronger magnet. For how much ether will pass in a unit of time inside the magnet, the same amount of ether will move in the opposite direction, but already around the magnet. And such a magnet will not rotate around its axis for the same reason, for the moment of rotation of the ether inside the magnet is equal to the moment of rotation of the ether outside the magnet, but with the opposite sign.

    To create conditions for the interaction of magnetic fluxes (magnetic fields), it is necessary to understand that for the flows of liquid ether, the same laws are valid that obey the flows of the same water, only the parameters of liquid ether are different, as a practically incompressible liquid capable of vaporization in some modes, i.e. cavitation. For the ether, a cavitation bubble, and even swirled up to speeds at the speed of light and higher, is matter. And therefore, as long as the parameters of the electrostatic or magnetic field are such that the ether does not turn into vapor, there is no danger of the transformation of liquid ether into matter. And, conversely, with some parameters of the vortices in liquid ether, conditions are created under which the vortex ether vapor will condense and this will lead to a sudden transformation of matter into liquid ether, which for the observer will look like the evaporation of matter into nowhere. But in this article, we do not need to consider these two extreme cases. We will assume that the magnetic field does not violate the structure of the magnet, and the magnet does not change the phase state of the liquid ether flowing through it.

    In order to be able to control the magnetic flux of a permanent magnet, it is necessary to give the magnet such a shape in which the magnetic flux would be predominantly closed in a ring. And for this, a straight magnet must be bent, for example, as Howard Jones did, using boomerang-shaped magnets for the rotor (armature) of his motor.

    I would like to note how Howard Jones solved the problem of protecting the motor from resonance. Although it seems to have solved a different problem. He wanted to ensure the smooth running of the rotor of his motor. To do this, he placed the stator magnets with uneven spacing between them. The magnets on the rotor (armature) had different lengths and were slightly offset relative to each other. All these measures, in fact, smoothed the rotor (armature) stroke, but at the same time it ensured that at practically no rotor (armature) rotation frequency beats could occur that could destroy the motor. This is another plus for Howard Jones as an inventor and designer. Not every inventor thinks about such mundane problems.

    Now you can finish the article. I think that I managed to convey the basic principles of my understanding of the ether, as the only world environment that fills all the space available to our eyes, and which is this very space, and of which all the variety of matter, as forms of matter, consists. There is nothing in the world except ether, its crystals, liquid streams and vortices, in which both liquid ether and its vapor participate. And what we call the weak and strong interaction: gravity, electromagnetism and the forces of nuclear interaction - all this is easily modeled literally on the fingers, if we rely on the ethereal principles. All the so-called fields are a reflection of the distribution of pressure in the ether during certain types of interaction. And by changing the pressure of the ether with the help of some methods, it is possible to form a force to control the process, in which completely different patterns operate. So the force of gravity can be balanced by the force of magnetic or electrostatic. The magnetic force can be balanced by the force of gravity or the force of nuclear interaction. It is important to choose the right conditions for the generation of certain forces. And it is also very important to understand that the so-called law of conservation of energy in the world of ether is not something that is not observed, this law is observed always and everywhere, you just need to apply it with feeling, sensibly and consistently, correctly understanding which environment is involved in the process except for everyone known substance.

    As shown by the analysis of the patent US 4151431 for the Howard Jones motor, this inventor created his motor in full accordance with the provisions of the ether theory. Apparently Howard Jones understood perfectly well why and why he created his own motor, just in the patent he did not want to show the whole truth, and kept the know-how for himself. Now this secret can be considered revealed. And the author will be glad if this article will help those who dream of assembling a generator of "free" energy.

    The French Academy of Sciences, which once refused to accept projects for perpetual motion machines, thereby slowed down technical progress, for a long time delaying the emergence of a whole class of amazing mechanisms and technologies. Only a few developments have managed to cut their way through this barrier.

    One of them is a watch that does not require a winding, which, ironically, is now produced in France. The source of energy is fluctuations in air temperature and atmospheric pressure during the day. A special hermetic container, depending on the change in the environment, slightly "breathes". These movements are transmitted to the mainspring, winding it up. The mechanism is thought out so subtly that a change in temperature by only one degree ensures that the watch is running for the next two days. Provided that it works properly, this mechanism will function exactly as long as the Sun shines and the Earth exists, that is, practically forever.
    A perpetual motion machine, perpetuum mobile (Latin perpetuum mobile, literally - perpetual motion), an imaginary machine, which, once put into operation, would do work for an unlimited time, without borrowing energy from the outside. V. d. Contradicts the law of conservation and transformation of energy (see. Energy conservation law) and is unrealizable. The ability to operate such a machine indefinitely would mean getting energy out of nothing. The first projects of V. d. Date back to the 13th century. (Villard d "Honnecourt, 1245, England; Pierre de Maricourt, 1269, France.) The idea of \u200b\u200bvintage d. Gained wide popularity in the 16th and 17th centuries, in the era of the transition to machine production. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a virtual theory occupied not only self-taught dreamers who were little familiar with the fundamentals of physics, but also some scientists.By the end of the 18th century, owing to the fruitlessness of centuries of attempts to implement the theory of physics, the conviction of the impossibility of its creation, and since 1775 the French Academy of Sciences refused to consider the projects of the energy efficiency. In the middle of the 19th century, with the establishment of the law of conservation of energy, the fundamental impracticability of the energy efficiency was proved. In many projects, V. d. resort to the action of gravity. An example of such a project is shown in Fig. 1. In such mechanisms, a heavy body makes a closed path; when it is lowered, exactly the same amount returns about the work that was spent on lifting it. Therefore, such mechanisms can perform work only at the expense of the initial supply of kinetic energy, imparted to them at startup; when this supply is completely used up, the V. d. will stop. More complex projects for high-energy production, in which mechanical energy is converted into other types of energy (electrical, thermal, etc.). In contrast to mechanical dynamos, they are called physical dynamos. The project of such a dynamo is, for example, a combination of an electric motor and an electric machine generator (dynamo). But since it is impossible to increase its total amount by any transformations of energy, energetics of this type are also impracticable. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe impracticability of V. d. Often served as the starting point for important scientific conclusions. So, S. Stevin in his<Началах равновесия> (1587) considers a chain of 13 balls thrown through a triangular prism (Fig. 2). If the right side of it from two balls was not balanced by the left side of four, the chain would come by itself into perpetual motion, which is not actually observed. From here Stevin derived the law of the balance of forces on an inclined plane. In addition to the above-mentioned V. d., Called V. D. of the 1st kind, they also consider V. D. of the 2nd kind - an imaginary periodically operating machine that would completely turn into work the heat extracted by it from the surrounding bodies (ocean, atmospheric air or other practically inexhaustible natural sources of heat). However, V. d. Of the second kind is also fundamentally impracticable. Although it does not formally contradict the law of conservation of energy, it is in contradiction with the second law of thermodynamics. It should be distinguished from V. d.<мнимые> V. d. - mechanisms operating at the expense of natural energy reserves (solar, nuclear, etc.). Such mechanisms can work for a very long time, but they have nothing in common with the idea of \u200b\u200bV. d. - Today there are 20 devices operating in the world with an efficiency of 300-500 percent. 20 perpetual motion machines give more energy than they consume, says Anatoly Akimov, director of the International Institute for Theoretical and Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. - Where do they get it? Out of the vacuum. If the vacuum generates elementary particles, then for physics there is not even a question - is there energy there. Yes, you just need to be able to take it.
    The simplest device - Professor Potapov, which I was present at the testing at NPO Energia. A vertical pipe, through which an electric pump drives water. The water is cold at first. After 40 minutes - 90 degrees, it is impossible to touch with a hand. And there is no heater in the pipe.
    Water spins in a spiral. Of course, not everything is so simple: it is necessary to calculate the spiral itself, put a divider in a certain place, which turns the water into a straight flow. Result: the electric motor consumes 1 kW of energy. The amount of energy released by water in the form of heat corresponds to 4 kW.
    But these are toys. Energy 10E81 times more can be released from the vacuum than from the nucleus, which thermonuclear physics deals with. Moreover, if the best minds of mankind are unsuccessfully fighting over the problems of elementary particles, building gigantic accelerators tens of kilometers in diameter (it costs billions), then the first samples of "perpetual motion machines" are already working.
    Why don't you sell the patent to industrialists and start mass production?
    - The simplest samples are released. And then they turned to us, offered money. We, in turn, proposed to create an enterprise with 50:50 shares and start production. This did not suit anyone. New technologies bury almost all the most profitable forms of business. There is a fear that patents will not be bought to be used, but to be shelved.
    Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) - "Electric Prometheus", the "forgotten genius" as he was called, also harnessed the energy of the environment through electrical devices.
    “Our task,” wrote Tesla, “is to develop means of obtaining energy from reserves that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use the consumption and consumption of any“ material ”carriers. Now I am absolutely sure that the implementation of this idea is not for The possibilities for the development of this concept, which I am engaged in, lies precisely in the fact that for the operation of engines in any part of the planet the pure energy of the surrounding space "(1897).
    Tesla also had to "fight off" the omnipotence of the label "perpetual motion machine"!
    To understand the principles of using the energy of Nikola Tesla's environment, it is necessary to go back to the historical roots of electrical science. From the days of Franklin until the early twentieth century, electricity was thought of as a liquid that flows through conductors and, like the steam that drives steam engines today, can condense out of this environment. Condensers of our day were then literally understood as refrigerators for storing cooled steam in accordance with those views.
    Until the last shift in the scientific paradigm, physicists believed that all matter consists of some kind of primary substance. This primary substance was the ether of Maxwell and Kelvin, which filled the environment.
    As for temperature, Tesla wrote that "in the light of present knowledge, we can liken the electric potential to temperature." Creating a low temperature region in a relatively higher environment means creating a sustained low electrical potential. With respect to the medium, the device that creates this area of \u200b\u200breduced stress (pressure) relative to the surrounding space can be considered as a self-cooling apparatus.
    In his Century article Tesla raises the issue of thermodynamics in a section entitled: "Possibility of a self-sustaining motor ... stationary, yet capable of extracting energy from the environment." Tesla disputes the assertion that it is impossible for refrigerated machines to be powered by the heat obtained from this environment through a simple thought experiment. If two metal rods are pulled from the ground into outer space, the temperature difference between the ends of the rods will cause an electric current in them that could drive an electric motor. The result is a device that cools the environment and operates on the heat of this environment.
    With this example, Tesla does not refute the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but shows the narrowness of its popular understanding. He does not deny the most basic condition that energy flows from a warm environment to a cold one, from a high state of energy to a lower state. What Tesla really shows by this is that a good design can make a device work using changes in the movement of energy from a higher energy state to a lower one, without creating a "perpetual motion machine". Those. rational use of natural energy gradients. It was with this that he began his understanding of free energy. Nikola Tesla proposed to use the natural electrical potential gradient of the Earth (US Patent N685958).
    Let's consider this issue in more detail. What is meant by the concept of a perpetual motion machine? How is he criticized?
    A "perpetual motion machine" is a self-supporting system (device), i.e. after the application of a one-time effort on its launch, it does not require additional energy from the launching object for a long time to maintain itself.
    It is clear that the word "eternal" immediately emotionally cuts off all systems, because we cannot guarantee (support) anything for half a year, let alone Eternity! Those. this expression is an obvious "swamp". A thinking person himself will name quite a few examples of such a class of devices and systems, from a simple pendulum to the rotation of the Earth and wildlife. The second part is energy consumption. Calculation of energy consumption is deliberately not considered, or when considered it is substituted by the law of conservation of energy, forgetting that this is the energy of the system (environment), and not the additional energy of the "launching", the key word here is the impossibility of the "eternal".
    The second method, "perpetual motion machine" - the impossibility of devices with an efficiency of more than 1, they say, the conservation law is violated.
    In this case, there is a balancing act on manipulating in the desired direction with the concept of efficiency (again, the "triggering" medium is replaced with energy). Let me remind you that efficiency is a simple technical concept that characterizes the efficiency of a device (system). Efficiency is the ratio of the device's useful power (Np) to the consumed power (Ns), or in other words, the useful work to the work expended. The key word here is - useful, i.e. minimal participation in the processes of the "launching" object, and this is precisely what is forgotten.
    Here are some of the simplest and most intuitive examples.
    A hydraulic ram is a simple and ingenious water-lifting mechanism. Using insignificant natural potential gradients - the liquid level difference (for example, from the slope of the river bed), the hydraulic ram raises the liquid to a height of several tens of meters, without using an engine and additional energy for its work.
    The operation of a hydraulic ram is based on the so-called water hammer - a sharp increase (gradient) of pressure in the pipeline, when the flow of water is instantly blocked by a damper. The hydraulic ram works as follows: from the reservoir, under the action of the natural hydraulic slope (pressure gradient), when starting, water flows through the pipe into the device and flows out through the baffle valve. The flow rate increases, its head increases and reaches a value exceeding the weight of the valve. The valve instantly shuts off the flow, and the pressure in the pipeline rises sharply - a water hammer occurs. The increased pressure opens the pressure valve, through which water enters the pressure bell, compressing the air in it. The pressure in the pipeline drops, the pressure valve closes, and the baffle valve opens, and the cycle repeats again. The air compressed in the hood drives the water through the pressure pipe into the upper reservoir to a height of 50 meters.
    The first hydraulic ram was built in the city of Saint-Cloud near Paris by the brothers Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier in 1796, 13 years after their famous balloon.
    As we can see, the principle of operation of a hydraulic ram is simple - obtaining a potential gradient when interacting with an obstacle, while a constant natural pressure gradient (in space) of the reservoir is transformed into a pressure gradient in time, and since the duration of the interaction of the flow with the obstacle is very small (water hammer) , then the resulting induced (secondary) pressure gradient in the pulse reaches very large values \u200b\u200bcompared to the primary triggering natural pressure gradient.
    So, the regulation of the time of interaction of the flow with the obstacle - the creation of short dynamic impulses of interaction, which ensure the formation of very high pressure gradients in the impulse, makes it possible to increase the interaction force (pressure) many times over, i.e. enhance the power of the natural flow. This is exactly what was needed in the competition with energy-consuming technologies - high power of devices!
    Now we can return to the efficiency of such a device.
    If we need to raise the water from the river to the height we need, but in our natural channel, due to the natural gradient of the pressure, the water flow of the river simply flows out, does it do our useful work for us to raise the water? Not!
    If we put a hydraulic ram on this stream and it will be able to raise part of it (Q) to a height (H) for us, we will be able to use this part of the water, on which we do not expend any power (Nc \u003d 0), in the required quality, to receive benefits. At the same time, nothing beyond the natural happens, all conservation laws work, but we get useful work from useless (or harmful, if it is flooding).
    And since the pump efficiency is defined as the ratio of the useful power (Np) to the consumed power (Nc):

    Efficiency \u003d Np / Nc \u003d rgQH / Nc \u003d rgQH / 0 \u003d?
    Then its efficiency is much more than one, tends to infinity. This indicator is not very informative. And if we consider such a device as a power amplifier, then the indicator of the ratio of the permissible rates of fluid outflow with the pressure provided by a hydraulic ram to the rate of natural flow would be more informative. The gain of such a device can reach several tens of times.
    With such an unbiased approach to efficiency, you yourself can easily find yourself many more examples around us.
    For example, a siphon is a device for pumping water - in order for it to do useful work, you only need to spend work on filling it with water, then it works (does useful work) by itself, without additional intervention. You will immediately recall the level (pressure) drop, but the level drop existed before the siphon was started and will exist (if the water does not end) and after, but it was a useless factor that was not used profitably. Only in the siphon, it allows you to raise the liquid to the required height in order to overcome the obstacle without applying additional power, using only natural power with benefit.
    Or for example, jet pump, swingarm, wheel inertia, etc.
    Let me remind you once again that if we are talking about efficiency, we should not replace it with conservation laws, as is always done, but see only the usefulness of using the system, its energy capabilities in our interests.
    Systems of this kind can be called, with a clear conscience, free energy devices.
    Living Nature uses this energy with might and main for its own benefit and it is not ordered by the ban on the "perpetual motion machine", and scientists from such a ban only shrug their shoulders in wonder why the May beetle flies or there is a paradox with fish that develop more power than theoretically possible.
    That is, free energy is the rational use of the energy of the system (environment).
    So, by adjusting the time of interaction of the flow with the obstacle, by changing the dynamics of interaction, it is possible to provide a significant increase, an increase in the voltage gradient (and hence the power) of the process. If we strengthen the natural gradient of the system, then this is already "free" energy, i.e. "eternal", as long as there is a natural voltage gradient, the engine. This principle can be implemented in devices that use, instead of water, any other fluid that has natural flows (voltage gradients in the medium) - air, temperature, electric, biofield, etc.
    So starting with the use of the natural electrical gradient of the Earth's potential (US Patent N685958), Nikola Tesla, 100 years after the appearance of the hydraulic ram, created its electrical counterpart - known as the Tesla transformer (US Patent N1119732).
    We know that between different points in the Earth's atmosphere, located at different heights, there is a difference in electrical potentials. On average, near the earth's surface, the change in potential with height is about 1.3 V / cm. Therefore, Nikola Tesla suggested placing one metal plate as high as possible above the surface of the earth, the second buried in the ground. By connecting these plates with conductors with opposite capacitor plates, the capacitor can be charged. By connecting the spark gap and the primary coil to the capacitor, the spark gap can be adjusted so that an electric discharge occurs between its electrodes and a current flows through the coil in one direction, which, after a quick discharge of the capacitor, stops and the capacitor starts charging again. Process: charge - discharge - the current pulse is periodically repeated. If you place a secondary multi-turn coil inside the primary coil, one end of which is connected to a grounded plate and the other to a spherical electrode (terminal) or load, then a current pulse in the primary coil induces (induces) an amplified high-voltage electric current pulse in the secondary multi-turn coil.
    Having now compared the work of the Tesla transformer and the hydraulic ram, one can be convinced of their complete analogy:

    1. - Arrester - bump valve.

    2. - Discharge in the arrester - water hammer.

    3. - Secondary coil - pressure manifold.

    4. - A permanent natural low potential difference between the air electrode and ground in the primary circuit is converted into a short-term, but high electrical potential in the secondary circuit. Those. again, it is obvious, on the basis of the natural free potential difference (pressure gradient), obtaining a high power impulse!

    We continue the section devoted to beginners. A few days ago, I received letters from newbies who wanted advice on the account of a homemade perpetual motion machine, I quote -<Dear Aka, I am very happy with every new article you write. I am a beginner in this area and now I decided to make my first design, which I consider to be the simplest. I want to ask you for help, I decided to make a perpetual motion machine for myself on magnets, I saw similar motors on YouTube, I have already found magnets and I want to hear your opinion on the location of magnets on the disk, how is it better to glue them to ensure high efficiency? thank\u003e end of quote. Newbies can ask similar questions, since they are just beginning to master the laws of physics and mechanics, and you never know what you can see on YouTube, but don't believe everyone.

    THE ETERNAL ENGINE CANNOT EXIST, and if someone ever can invent such an engine, he will become the most famous and richest person, and they do not hide from you about the existence<перпетум мобиле> - it simply does not exist, since its existence is rejected by the basic laws of physics and mechanics. The history of experiments to create a perpetual motion machine is as old as this world. The greatest scientists of all times and peoples tried to create this engine, even such an outstanding person as LEONARDO DA VINCI thought that a perpetual motion machine could still exist, but he and many other scientists were deeply mistaken. Michael Faraday, James Watt and even Nikola Tesla conducted experiments to create<перпетум мобиле>.

    In the Royal Academy of Sciences, where patents for inventions were registered, hundreds of thousands of applications were received to create a perpetual motion machine, people bluffed, tried to deceive everyone and go down in history under the name of a person who created a perpetual motion machine, the projects of such motors were very different - on magnets, based on gears and belts, people tried to create and make the engine work in a vacuum, under water, but no one earned more than an hour ... There are many names in history that still managed to deceive the commission of the Royal Academy of Sciences of London, but in the end the engines stopped. In the end, at the beginning of the 19th century, the Royal Academy of Sciences refuses to accept projects of perpetual motion machines for consideration, but of course this does not stop independent inventors from creating projects of perpetual motion machines, history knows the names of inventors who went crazy because of this or killed themselves, and the eternal is to blame for everything. engine, because this is the easiest way to become famous and rich, the favorite of the whole world.

    But imagine what will happen if a perpetual motion machine is still invented? The answer is simple - all factories and power plants will be closed, a global crisis will begin, the economy of our planet will collapse, civil wars, massive robberies will begin, chaos and darkness will reign, which will eventually turn into a world war! And here I will quote the legendary words of Einstein: world war people will start with a bow and arrow, as the 3rd world will erase all life on the planet. And I will tell newcomers - solder multivibrators, flashers, simple bugs and throw the perpetual motion machine out of your head - it does not exist and cannot exist at all. Author - Arthur Kasyan ( AKA).

    Almost everything in our life depends on electricity, but there are certain technologies that allow us to get rid of local wired energy. We propose to consider how to make a magnetic motor with your own hands, its principle of operation, circuit and device.

    Types and principles of work

    There is a concept of perpetual motion machines of the first order and the second. First order Are devices that generate energy by themselves, from the air, second type - these are motors that need to receive energy, it can be wind, sun rays, water, etc., and they already convert it into electricity. According to the first law of thermodynamics, both of these theories are impossible, but many scientists disagree with such a statement, who began to develop second-order perpetual motion machines operating on the energy of a magnetic field.

    Photo - Dudyshev's magnetic engine

    A huge number of scientists at all times worked on the development of the "perpetual motion machine", the greatest contribution to the development of the theory of the magnetic engine was made by Nikola Tesla, Nikolai Lazarev, Vasily Shkondin, the variants of Lorenz, Howard Johnson, Minato and Perendev are also well known.

    Photo - Lorenz magnetic engine

    Each of them has its own technology, but they are all based on the magnetic field that forms around the source. It should be noted that "perpetual" motion machines do not exist in principle, because magnets lose their capacity after about 300-400 years.

    Homemade a is considered the simplest lorentz anti-gravity magnetic engine... It works with two differently charged disks that are connected to a power source. The discs are placed halfway in a hemispherical magnetic shield, the field of which they begin to gently rotate. Such a superconductor very easily pushes the MF out of itself.

    The simplest tesla asynchronous electromagnetic motor is based on the principle of a rotating magnetic field, and is capable of producing electricity from its energy. An insulated metal plate is placed as high above ground level as possible. Another metal plate is placed in the ground. A wire is passed through a metal plate on one side of the capacitor and the next conductor runs from the base of the plate to the other side of the capacitor. The opposite pole of the capacitor, when connected to ground, is used as a reservoir for storing negative energy charges.

    Photo - Tesla Magnetic Engine

    Rotary ring of Lazarev so far it is considered the only working VD2, in addition, it is easy to reproduce, it can be assembled with your own hands at home, having in use improvised means. The photo shows a diagram of a simple Lazarev ring engine:

    Photo - Koltsar Lazareva

    The diagram shows that the container is divided into two parts by a special porous partition; Lazarev himself used a ceramic disk for this. A tube is installed in this disk, and the container is filled with liquid. You can even pour plain water for the experiment, but it is advisable to use a volatile solution, for example, gasoline.

    The work is carried out as follows: with the help of a partition, the solution enters the lower part of the container, and due to pressure it moves upward through the tube. So far, this is only a perpetual motion, independent of external factors. In order to build a perpetual motion machine, you need to place a wheel under the dripping liquid. On the basis of this technology, the simplest self-rotating magnetic electric motor of constant motion was created, a patent was registered for one Russian company. It is necessary to install a wheel with blades under the dropper, and place magnets directly on them. Due to the generated magnetic field, the wheel will rotate faster, water will be pumped faster and a constant magnetic field will form.

    Shkondin linear motor made a kind of revolution in progress. This device is very simple in design, but incredibly powerful and efficient at the same time. Its engine is called a wheel in a wheel and is mainly used in the modern transportation industry. According to reviews, a motorcycle with a Shkondin engine can travel 100 kilometers on a couple of liters of gasoline. The magnetic system works for full repulsion. In the wheel-in-wheel system, there are paired coils, inside which more coils are connected in series, they form a double pair, which have different magnetic fields, due to which they move in different directions and a control valve. A self-contained motor can be installed on a car, no one will be surprised by a fuel-free motorcycle on a magnetic motor, devices with such a coil are often used for a bicycle or wheelchair. You can buy a ready-made device on the Internet for 15,000 rubles (made in China), the V-Gate launcher is especially popular.

    Photo - Shkondin Engine

    Alternative engine Perendev Is a device that works exclusively thanks to magnets. Two circles are used - static and dynamic, on each of them in equal sequence, magnets are located. Due to the self-repulsive free force, the inner circle rotates endlessly. This system is widely used in the provision of independent energy in the household and industry.

    Photo - Engine Perendev

    All of the above inventions are in the development stage, modern scientists continue to improve them and look for an ideal option for developing a second-order perpetual motion machine.

    In addition to the above devices, the Alekseenko vortex engine, Bauman, Dudyshev and Stirling apparatus are also popular with modern researchers.

    How to assemble the engine yourself

    Homemade products are in great demand on any electrician forum, so let's look at how you can assemble a magnetic motor generator at home. The device that we propose to design consists of 3 interconnected shafts, they are fastened in such a way that the shaft in the center is turned directly to the two lateral ones. Attached to the middle of the central shaft is a disc of lucite, four inches in diameter and half an inch thick. The outer shafts are also fitted with two-inch discs. They contain small magnets, eight on the large disc and four on the small ones.

    Photo - Magnetic motor on the suspension

    The axis on which the individual magnets are located is in a plane parallel to the shafts. They are installed in such a way that the ends pass near the wheels with a flash per minute. If these wheels are moved by hand, the ends of the magnetic axis will synchronize. For acceleration, it is recommended to install an aluminum bar in the base of the system so that its end slightly touches the magnetic parts. After such manipulations, the structure should begin to rotate at a speed of half a turn per second.

    The drives are installed in a special way, with the help of which the shafts rotate similarly to each other. Naturally, if you act on the system with a third-party object, for example, a finger, then it will stop. This perpetual magnetic motion machine was invented by Bauman, but he failed to obtain a patent, because at that time, the device was classified as a non-patentable VD.

    Chernyaev and Emelyanchikov did a lot to develop a modern version of such an engine.

    Photo - The principle of operation of a magnet

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of actually working magnetic motors?


    1. Full autonomy, fuel economy, the ability to organize the engine in any desired place from improvised means;
    2. A powerful device based on neodymium magnets is able to provide energy to a living room up to 10 W and above;
    3. The gravitational motor is able to work until it is completely worn out and even at the last work began to produce the maximum amount of energy.


    1. The magnetic field can negatively affect human health, especially the space (jet) engine is susceptible to this factor;
    2. Despite the positive results of the experiments, most of the models are not able to work under normal conditions;
    3. Even after purchasing a ready-made motor, it can be very difficult to connect it;
    4. If you decide to buy a magnetic impulse or piston engine, then be prepared for the fact that its price will be greatly overpriced.

    The operation of a magnetic motor is pure truth and it is real, the main thing is to correctly calculate the power of the magnets.

    Human nature is such that from time immemorial people have tried to create something that works by itself, without any external influences. Subsequently, this device was given the definition Perpetuum mobile or . Many famous scientists from different times have tried unsuccessfully to create it, including the great Leonardo da Vinci. He spent several years creating a perpetual motion machine, both by improving existing models, and trying to create something fundamentally new. In the end, having figured out why nothing works, he was the first to formulate a conclusion about the impossibility of creating such a mechanism. However, the inventors were not convinced by its formulation, and they are still trying to create the impossible.

    Bhaskar wheel and similar projects of perpetual motion machines

    It is not known for certain who and when first tried to create a perpetual motion machine, but the first mention of it in manuscripts dates back to the XII century. The manuscripts belong to the Indian mathematician Bhaskar. In them, in a poetic form, a certain wheel is described, with tubes attached to it along the perimeter, half filled with mercury. It was believed that due to the overflow of fluid, the wheel itself would spin endlessly. Several more attempts were made to create a perpetual motion machine based on approximately the same principle. As usual, no success.

    Bhaskar Wheel Models

    Perpetual motion machine from a chain of floats

    Another prototype of a perpetual motion machine is based on the use of Archimedes' law. In theory, it was believed that the chain, consisting of hollow reservoirs, will rotate due to the buoyant force. Only one thing was not taken into account - the pressure of the water column on the lowest tank will compensate for the buoyancy force.

    Perpetual motion machine working according to Archimedes' law

    Another inventor of the perpetual motion machine is the Dutch mathematician Simon Stevin. According to his theory, a chain of 14 balls thrown over a triangular prism should start moving, because there are twice as many balls on the left side as on the right, and the lower balls balance each other. But even here the insidious laws of physics interfered with the plans of the inventor. Despite the fact that four balls are twice as heavy as two, they roll on a flatter surface, therefore, the force of gravity acting on the balls from the right is balanced by the force of gravity acting on the balls from the left, and the system remains in equilibrium.

    Stevin's perpetual motion machine model and its implementation with a chain

    Perpetual motion machine on permanent magnets

    With the advent of permanent (and especially neodymium) magnets, the inventors of perpetual motion machines became active again. There are many variations of electric generators based on magnets, and one of their first inventors, Michael Brady, even patented this idea in the 90s of the last century.

    Michael Brady works on a permanent magnet perpetual motion machine in 2002

    And the video below shows a fairly simple design that anyone can make at home (if you collect enough magnets). It is not known how long this thing will spin, but even if we do not take into account the energy losses from friction, this engine can only be considered conditionally eternal, because the power of the magnets weakens over time. But still, the spectacle is mesmerizing.

    Of course, we did not talk about all the variants of perpetual motion machines, because human fantasy, if not endless, is very inventive. However, all existing models of perpetual motion machines are united by one thing - they are not eternal. That is why the Paris Academy of Sciences, since 1775, decided not to consider projects of perpetual motion machines, and the US Patent Office has not issued such patents for over a hundred years. And yet, in the International Patent Classification, there are still sections for some types of perpetual motion machines. But this concerns only the novelty of design solutions.

    Summing up, we can only say one thing: despite the fact that it is still believed that the creation of a truly perpetual motion machine is impossible, no one forbids trying, inventing and believing in the unrealizable.