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  • Catarina Witt personal. Catarina Witt - a symbol of figure skating

    Catarina Witt personal. Catarina Witt - a symbol of figure skating

    In the late eighties - the beginning of the nineties, the name of Katharina Witt was known to everyone who had at least some kind of figure skating. She was called the princess of ice. In the entire history there was not a single figure skater that could compare with it.

    German figure skater catarina witt: childhood and start of sports career

    Kati was born in the city of Stauchen (GDR) of the third of December 1965 in the family of agronomas and instructor on therapeutic gymnastics. In addition to her in the family, the eldest son Axel. A kindergarten who visited Little Kati was located near the rink, and a girl from the windows of his room for a long time traveled for training athletes. At home she indulged in the dreams, in which various tricks were distinguished, standing on skates. Parents did not think to send her daughter to a sports club, but Mom could not resist the persuasion of his favorite. And once, taking a five-year-old Katya hand, led her to the figure skating section. It turned out that the reception was already over, they were advised to come at the beginning of the next school year. However, when the coach saw the baby, for the first time becoming skates, began to slide smoothly on the ice, he decided to make an exception for her. So the only daughter of the Witt Catarina family became 101 student of the first class of the figure skating of Eastern Berlin. By the end of the school year, one-only student remained in the section, namely the future two-time Olympic champion Katharina Witt.

    Way to victory

    When Kati went to school, very tense weekdays began for the girl. After school sessions, she went to the rink, and the evening spent behind the lessons. At the same time, she managed to get good marks. At nine years, one of the most famous in the GDRs drew attention to her. She saw a great sports potential in a pretty girl and decided to make a champion from her. It was under her leadership that Yunaya Witt Katharina was able to conquer all his gold medals.

    There was a very warm relationship between the coach and the girl. She was for her and mom, and the eldest girlfriend, and a mentor. As Kati later admits, she always was a little afraid of the coach. However, this did not bother Katharina to learn: to tear the workouts, to go to all sorts of tricks so that the scales did not show her true weight, there are several cakes at once, etc. The girl was a slurre, so almost always had a problem of excess weight. And if it were not for her hardworking and perseverance, the world would not know about Witt's figure skater. Catarina over the years stubbornly went to the top of Glory. And in 1979, fourteen-year-old figure skater was sent to represent the country at the World Championships, where she ranked 10th. However, after a year, Kati became the Gold Medalist of the GDR Championship.

    Sports victories and awards

    For his sports career, she managed to conquer more than 20 international awards. She is a four-time world champion (1984-1988, with the exception of 1986), two-time Olympic champion (1984 and 1988), a six-time champion of Europe and an eight-round (in a row) champion of the GDR. After the victory at the 1988 Olympics, she left the big sport.

    Return to ice

    But soon the world spoke again about the German figure skater Witt. Catarina in 1994 took part in the film "Carmen on Ice", for which he received the award "Emmy". And after 4 years, she with the show program during the demonstration speeches on the Winter Olympics and in honor of his return to the ice received the prize "Golden Camera". And after another 4 years, she starred in the Ronnie artistic picture. In the same year, the magazine "Playboy" finally came to an agreement with the figure skater, and was performed perfectly in the new role Catarina Witt. The photo of her tightened nude body soon appeared on the pages of this erotic edition for men. With his act, she challenged the whole world, because her rivals, figure skaters from other countries, often gloated because of her excess weight.

    A month before the start of the Olympiad in Sochi, we publish a series of articles on the legendary German champions. And our first heroine is the famous figure skater, who spent the GDR.

    "Every day I seven in the company of my girlfriends from kindergarten on a skating rink and knew: it's my - to ride and take jumps when others look at you. I want this. And I know for sure that I can do it, "Katarina Witt wrote (Katarina Witt) in his autobiography" My Years between a mandatory and arbitrary program ", published in 1994.

    Early success

    Katharina Witt was born on December 3, 1965 near Berlin. She took the first steps in figure skating at five years in the sports school of the city of Karl-Marx Stadt (current chemnitz). There was not the attention of the famous coach of Muller (Jutta Müller). She quickly recognized the future champion in a small girl.

    The first major success of Witt achieved in 1983 at the European Championships in Dortmund, and a year later she became the champion of the Olympic Games in Sarajevo. We can safely say that in the 1980s, in the female figure skating, Katharina Witt was not equal. From 1983 to 1988, she was a champion of Europe, climbed four times to the upper step of a pedestal of honor at the World Championships, and in 1988 it became the Olympic champion in Calgary for the second time.

    Socialism or capitalism?

    Together with glory to life athletes included all the pompous attributes of the "official" sport, which in the GDR has always been inseparable from politics. Katharina Witt often had to be photographed with members of the Politburo, to be a party to congresses and other official ceremonies. She did it extremely reluctant, because she already belonged to the new generation of Eastern Hermann youth - free and deocratic value-oriented.

    After the Olympic Games in Calgary in 1988, it became finally understood that the "beautiful grandmother of Marx grandfather" turned into a communal sports idol, which was equally worshiped both in the GDR and in Germany. She destroyed the Berlin Wall that existed in the consciousness of the Western and Eastern Germans.

    Katharina Witt enjoyed the freedom of movement due to its work. In November 1988, Witt decided to part with a sports career and violated one of the main taboos of "Socialist Sports", concluding a contract with American ballet on the ice Holiday on Ice. Thus, she took another step towards show business, from which after the fall of the Berlin Wall will become inseparable. In the GDR, her participation in the American show became a sensation. Catharina's success as a professional figure skater exceeded all expectations.

    After the wall

    Thanks to the changed rules, in 1994, she returned to a great sport and took part in the Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer. And although there she failed to conquer the championship title for the third time (she took the seventh place), Katharina fans were pleased with her performance.

    In 1998, Witt starred nude for Playboy. This room has become one of the most successful in the entire history of the male magazine. Only twice the circulation of it was completely twice, to a single copy: when Marilyn Monroe was a portrait on the cover and when the photos of Katharina Witt were published in the journal.
    From the "most beautiful face of socialism" to the "goat SEPG"

    For many years, GDR bathed in the rays of the fame and sports success of the figure skater. And not only: the Ice Princess replenished and the state treasury, giving 80 percent of their revenue. At the same time, the favorite of the functionaries was used by some privileges: the car presented to it and the dishwasher was caused by numerous reproaches filed by the figure with compatriots after the peaceful revolution in the GDR. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Katharina Witt became the object of sharp criticism. If, before the media, it was not different from the "most beautiful face of socialism," now the Boulevard Press nicknamed the goat SEPG figure.

    Since 1992, the press appeared accusations that the athlete worked on the GSR security services. Witt seeks a court decision on the cessation of a number of publishers of such rumors. In 2001, she appealed to the Berlin court in an attempt to prevent the publication of a secret dossier, headed by the Eastern Hermann Secret Police. Subsequently, the figure skater was forced to agree to this, but stated that such a publication is an invasion of her personal life.

    The secret materials "Staja", headed for Katharina Witt, testify that since 1973, continuous observation was conducted. Part of the dossier is now available to the public. The content of these documents has become a shock and for the athlete itself. "I would never like to know about some things. I was not a baseman, as I was not a member of the resistance movement, "Witt wrote in autobiography.


    She starred in the film and televisionilists, playing either himself, or athletes with a similar destiny, became the leading several popular television shows, including an analogue of the Russian "Ice period," developed a series of jewelry, called the champion name. In 2005, the figure skater created the Katarina Witt Stiftung charity foundation. His task includes help to children living in regions affected by natural disasters, support for children with disabilities and much more.

    Katharina Witt actively lobbied the candidacy of Munich as the capital of the 2018 Winter Olympics, officially representing the city on various kinds of events. But, as now it is already known, this enterprise was not crowned with success. Against the Olympics in their city, Munich themselves were opposed, and competitions will eventually be held in South Korean Pytenchhan.

    About the personal life of Katharina Witt has always walked many rumors. She was even attributed to the novel with Erich Honekker (Eric Honecker), the state leader of the GDR. She was never married, she had no children. Among the more or less "official" boyfriends were noticed by German Musicians Ingo Politz (Rolf Brendel), as well as American actors Richard Din Anderson and Danny Houston.

    Foto: Vida Press

    Over the past 30 years, seven figure skaters have become champion in women's single skating in the women's single skating - from the Germans of Katharina Witt and to Koreanka Yuna Kim. Favorites millions, sex symbols and teenage girls: What happened to the Olympic champions after their starry hour?

    Our story would be incomplete without mentioning figure skaters, and who did not win the gold, but left a bright and long trace in the history of figure skating.

    Foto: AP / Scanpix

    Catarina Witt dominated the 80s female figure skating. The future star of figure skating was born in 1965 under Berlin, represented the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and won two gold Olympic medals - in 1984 in Sarajevo and in 1988 in Calgary. From 1983 to 1988, she was invariably by the European champion, and also won four gold medals at the World Championships.

    In 1988, Witt broke up with a sports career and concluded a contract with American ballet on the ice Holiday on Ice. In the GDR, her participation in the American show became a sensation.

    Catharina's success as a professional figure skater exceeded all expectations. After resolving speeches of professionals at the Olympics, took part in his third winter Olympiad in 1994, where he took the 7th place.

    Foto: Reuters / Scanpix

    The ice princess also replenished the state treasury GDR, giving 80 percent of his revenue, and used the immetic support of the then socialist leadership of the country, but after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Katharina Witt became the object of sharp criticism. If earlier the media gave it not otherwise as "the most beautiful face of socialism," now the Boulevard Press nicknamed the goat SEPG figure, hinting at her connection with the State Security Service of the GDR.

    In 1998, Witt starred nude for Playboy. This room has become one of the most successful in the entire history of the male magazine. Only twice the circulation of it was completely twice, to a single copy: when Marilyn Monroe was a portrait on the cover and when the photos of Katharina Witt were published in the journal.

    Witt was also starred in film and televisionilists, playing either himself, or athletes with a similar destiny, became the leading several popular television shows, developed a series of jewelry, called the name of the champion.

    In 1998, in the film "Ronin" starred in the episodic role of the Russian figure skater Natasha Kirillova. And in 2012, Witt played a major role in the television film "Enemy in my life." According to the scenario, the famous figure skater is preparing for the show, and at this time it pursues anonymous, which the police cannot calculate. According to Witt, when he performed in the United States, he herself fell into a similar situation.

    In 2005, the figure skater created the Katarina Witt Stiftung charity foundation. In 2008, Witt decided to finally say goodbye to ice. Today, 49-year-old Katharina is a telecommattomator and businesswoman.

    About the personal life of Katharina Witt always walked a lot of rumors. She was even attributed to the novel with Erich Honekker, the state leader of the GDR. She was never married, she had no children. Among the "official" boyfriends, German Musicians INGO Polits and Rolf Brandel were noticed, as well as American actors Richard Din Anderson and Danny Houston.

    Foto: Vida Press

    Christie Yamaguchi is an American figure skater that conquered the Gold Medal at the Olympics-92 in Albertville. He is a two-time world champion (1991, 1992). In 2005, Yamaguchi was introduced into the US Fame Olympic Hall.

    Christie was born in 1971 in the city of Hayward State of California, a representative of the Japanese diaspora in America in the fourth generation. Her grandfather and grandmother on the paternal line, as well as the great-grandfather and great-grandmother on the motherboard, were immigrated to the USA from Japan. Grandfather and grandmother Yamaguchi during the Second World War were in the camp for an interned, where her mother was born. Christie Yamaguchi began to ride in childhood as the therapy of her closure.

    On Juniors, Yamaguchi performed not only in single, but also in pair skating with Rudy Galindo. In 1988 he became the world champion among juniors both in single and pair skating. Yamaguchi is the first woman who won the first place in the US Championship in solitary and double riding. As a couple, Christie and Rudi were unusual in that both performed in single skating, as well as jumped and spinning in different directions: Yamaguchi counterclockwise, and Galindo - clockwise.

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    B 1996 Yamaguchi founded the Foundation for Always Dream Foundation. In addition, the ex-figure skater wrote three books, including "figure skating for teapots" and starred in three films as herself.

    In 2008, Christie Yamaguchi won in the ABC television competition "Dancing with the stars", becoming a second woman in the history of the tournament, who managed to defeat him. And before, together with the company, Disson was the organizer of the Ice "Show of Christian Yamaguchi."

    Since 2000, Christie is married to the NHL player Brett Hedichen. They have two daughters - Keara Kii (2003) and Emma Yosiko (2005).

    Foto: AP / Scanpix

    One of the most famous sports dramas was played between the two American figure skaters - Tony Harding and Nancy Kerrigan, who competed between themselves for a place as part of the US team in front of the Olympiad-94 in Lillehammer.

    The well-known attack on Kerrigan occurred in training before the speech at the US Championship in Detroit on January 6, 1994. Shane Stant, Sentified by Jeff Gilotuli (former husband Tony Harding) and his friend Schue Ekardt, had to break the nancy right leg so that she could not compete.

    Stant could not find Kerrigan on the rink in Massachusetts, then he followed her to Detroit, where he hit her by a police telescopic baton in the thigh a few inches above the knee. He only bruised Nancy, and did not break, but this injury forced the athlete to refuse to participate in the national championship.

    Holding for the knee and hiding "why, why, why," Nancy got into the camera lens. This video remained key news on all TV channels within a few days after the attack.

    Harding won the US Championship and they both, together with Kerrigan, fell into the Olympic team: The American Figure Skating Federation decided to include Nancy to the team instead of the second place Michel Kwan.

    After the Tony admitted that he knew about the upcoming attack, the US figure skating association and the US National Olympic Committee were initiated by the Harding Exception procedure from the team, but it retained its place, threatening to start the trial.

    Kerrigan quickly recovered and began intense training. The news that Nancy is normal after the attack and is ready to continue the professional career, led to the fact that she signed a new contract for $ 9.5 million even before the Olympic Games.

    The attack on Kerrigan and the news about the intended participation of Harding caused a real storm in the media. Hundreds of press representatives arranged a fade in the training skating rink in Norway, and the broadcast of the recording of a short program at the Olympiad-94 became one of the most popular television programs in American history.

    In Lillehammer, Harding became the eighth, and completely restored after the injury Nancy Kerrigan conquered a silver medal. At the same time, these games occurred an incident with Harding itself: the lace of her skate suddenly broke out before reaching the ice for the execution of an arbitrary program.

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    Nancy Kerrigan (1969) is a two-time winner of Olympiad (Bronze-1992 and Silver-1994), a two-time winner of the world championships (1991, 1992) and the US-1993 champion.

    After the 94 Olympiad, Kerrigan completed his amateur career, participated in several professional competitions, but soon decided to focus on various ice shows. She performed at Champions on Ice, Broadway on Ice and the ice version of the Footloose musical.

    Nancy played a small role in the film "Flory Blade: Stars on Ice," took part in the television show "Skating with Celebrities", led Nancy Kerrigan's World of Skating, was a commentator at the 2010 Olympics.

    In 2003, Kerrigan became a representative of the Fight For Sight organization, in 2004 introduced into the Hall of Figure Figure US figure skating. Written a textbook on modern figure skating technique "Artistry On Ice" and created the Nancy Kerrigan Foundation Foundation to raise awareness and support with impacts.

    In 1995, Nancy Kerrigan married his agent Jerry Lawrence Solomon, who is 16 years older than her. They have three children: Matthew Eric (1996), Brian (2005) and Nicole Elizabeth (2008). Father Nancy died in 2010 after a fight with her son: Brother Nancy was convicted on charges of disaster murder.

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    Tonya Maxin Harding (1970) in 1991 won the US Championship and ranked second in the World Cup. She was also the fourth at the Olympics 92 and the eighth at the Olympics-94. Tonya became the second woman in history and the first American who completed the triple Axel at competitions, but is better known as the champion that damaged his rival foot.

    Tonya married Jeff Gilotuli in 1990, when she was 19 years old. Their stormy marriage ended in 1993. As mentioned above, Harding became famous after her former husband Jeff Gillowuli, entered into collusion with the Schuen Ecada and Shane Stant, attacked Nancy Kerrigan.

    After it was recognized that Hilluli's former husband, Jeff, was trying to slander Kerrigan, tested with participation in the National Championship, forbidden to engage in amateur figure skating. And Jeff Gilluli condemned for two years in prison. The scandal in which an athlete was involved, reached his peak when the penthouse from the first marriage night pair was sold to the magazine "Penthouse".

    Tonya Harding escaped imprisonment, admitting the guilt in his argument with the attackers to prevent their prosecution. Received three years conditionally, 500 hours of public works and a fine of 160 thousand dollars.

    Harding was forced to leave amateur ice, but among the pros became a "person Non Grata". She had long defended her innocence in the attack and argued that he had disgust. In this sign, she made a tattoo in the form of an angel on his back.

    In his autobiography "Notes Tony" (2008), Harding argues that he wanted to call the FBI and report everything, but changed his mind when Gillowli, as if he threw her death after rape under the pistol don.

    The name Harding continued to grief in the headlines, but now the news came across her home quarrels, car accidents. In 2002, a boxing duel between Tona Harding and Hollow Jones was organized for display on television. Paul John's scandalist accused Bill Clinton in sexual harassment.

    In 2002, in the biography of Tony Harding, there was a conclusion in prison for 10 days for driving a car in a state of intoxication. In 2003, Tonya tried herself in professional boxing. In the six dips, she won three times, but refused to further fights because of Asthma.

    In 2004, he signed a contract for one game with "Indiapolis Ice" of the main hockey league, and in a few years decided to try himself in battles without rules, however, too, without much success. In 2010, he married Joseph Jens Price.

    Foto: Vida Press

    Oksana Baul - Soviet and Ukrainian figure skater, born in 1977 in Dnepropetrovsk. Olympic champion-94, world champion-1993 and two-time champion of Ukraine (1993, 1994). The first and only Olympic champion in figure skating in the history of Ukraine.

    Oksana's parents divorced in 1980 when she was 2 years old. After that, the daughter brought up Mom, who died in 1991, when Oksana was 13 years old. Oksana became round orphan, Galina Zmievskaya was taken to her - the leading Odessa coach in figure skating.

    Sports career Baul is filled with curious and dramatic situations. At the Olympics-94 in training before an arbitrary program, a figure skater from Germany Shevchenko faced, having damaged her shin. Baul put the seams and made injections of painkillers.

    Ukrainka, overcome pain, performed an arbitrary program. After issuing estimates for equipment with Oksana, a nervous breakdown happened. Upon acute competition, the outcome of the competition was solved by one voice of the German judge, in a short program of the second who served the second, and in the arbitrary changed his opinion and giving her first place. The 16-year-old Baul became the only Ukrainian Olympic champion in Lillehammer.

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    After the Games 94, Baut moved to live in the United States, while retaining Ukrainian citizenship, performed in professionals. She fell into an accident, suffered from alcoholism, was rehabilitation. Now continues the performances and is engaged in business, published two books in English.

    In 2001 left ice, however, in 2005 returned to professional sport. In 2010, returned to Ukraine, entered the National Pedagogical University named after Dragomanov in Kiev.

    Oksana was Orthodox, until in 2003 he found his Jewish roots for the mother. "To be a Jew is very cool. It is so natural, like the second leather," said Baeth somehow. Being engaged with the Jew, she said that he was very excited when he found that they had one faith with a decreased.

    In February 2013, 36-year-old Baul filed a NBC Universal to the US broadcaster and the product-related production company, demanding to pay $ 5 million for damage caused to their reputation.

    In the fall of 2013, the ex-figure skater filed to the state of New York to the William Morris agency, which was previously led by her affairs, demanding to pay more than $ 400 million in compensation for the alleged damage to it. The lawsuit says that the Agency used her youth and bad knowledge of the English language to steal millions of dollars after the victory at the 1994 Olympics.

    Foto: Vida Press

    American Tara Lipinsky (1982) - Olympiad-1998 champion in Nagano, World Champion-1997, USA-1997 champion. The youngest in the history of the champion of the Winter Olympic Games in Individual Discipline: Gold won aged 15 years. In 2006, the container was included in the Hall of Figure Figure US figure skating.

    In figure skating, the victories of the teenagers will not surprise anyone. However, against the background of his rivals, Lipinsky still looked like a child. She did not have enough artistism, but the most difficult jumping was managed. Already in 12 years, Tara won the American Olympic Festival, at 13 he made his debut at the World Championship, in 14 years old became the world champion. There was no such young champion in figure skating, no, no, since the international union of the skaters introduced the age limitations since then.

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    After a couple of years after Nagano, Tara won the championship of the planet among professionals, but then began to give itself to know the hip injury. 19 years after the fall during the show "Stars on Ice" in St. Louis there was another relapse, and Lipinski decided to leave a big sport.

    But she did not sit back, she chose an acting profession, focusing on American television show. Interestingly, in twenty of them, she played himself.

    A beginner actress successfully worked in the dramatic series "Touched Angel", flashed in the episodes of the series "Arliss", "Morning Edition", "Seventh Sky", participated in the family comedy TV series "Sabrina - Young Witch", had episodic roles in the films "screech. Well, very scary movie "," Salon of Veronica "," young and daring ".

    Also in the service list of Tara Lipinski - TV series "Are you afraid of darkness?" and "Malcolm in the center of attention", films "Vanilla Sky" (2001), "Still Standing" (2001), "chase in the subway" (2003).

    The Tara Lipinsky film show remained the roles of the second plan, although they met the main ones. For example, in 2000, in the comedy drama of the director George Ershbeimer "Ice Angel". And in 2002, Tara Lipinsky took part in the voicing of the Animated film "Scoobi-Doo".

    At the same time, Lipinsky does not consider itself a public person. As soon as the opportunity appears, she gladly became snail and "hiding" into his house.

    Now 32-year-old packaging is engaged in charity and help to children. Last year, she distributed titles at the Beauty Competition "Miss Universe" -2013. And in October 2013, I became an analytical Observer of the American television company NBC and now visit the Olympics in Sochi.

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    Amerian Sarah Hughes (1985) - 2002 Olympic Games champion and the Bronze Media winner of the 2001 World Cattery Championship. In 2005, included in the international Jewish glory glory.

    Sarah surprised the whole world when at the Olympics in Salt Lake City of 2002 won gold. Then she was only 16 years old. In addition, the athlete has never won the US or World Championships before. Being in fourth place after a short program, Sarah showed an impeccable long speech. By this, she bypassed such star figure skater as the world champion Michel Kwan, Russian woman Irina Slutsk, as well as a young American Sasha Cohen.

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    Japanese Sizhuk Arakawa (1981) - Olympic 2006 champion in Turin and world champion-2004. Sezuka became the first Japanese figure skater, winning the Olympic competition and the second representative of Japan, which won gold in any sport on the Winter Olympic Games. Her medal was the only one in the piggy bank of the Japanese team at the 2006 Olympics.

    In 2004, the Japanese figure skater, which worked with the Russian coach of Tatiana Tarasova, won the World Championship. And two years later, in Turin Arakawa, an arbitrary program rolled out unmistakably, sowing augte American Sasha Cohen and Russians Irina Slutsk.

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    After the victory at the Olympic Games in 2006, Sizhuk Arakawa completed his amateur career. Later, the ex-figure skater performed in ice shows and demonstrations, taught choreography, and also worked as a sports commentator on Japanese television.

    And in 2013, at the exhibition of wedding fashion in Tokyo, 32-year-old Arakawa appeared a model for demonstrating the inhabitte dresses from the Japanese designer Ginza Tanaka. The cost of a dress decorated with 502 diamonds and thousands of pearls is $ 8.3 million: this is the most expensive wedding dress in the world.

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    In November 2006, announced the completion of his sports career. In 2000, she received a diploma of the Academy of Physical Culture in Moscow, but did not try himself in the role of the coach. In 2006, Slutskaya graduated from leading television courses.

    In 2006, Slutskaya was TV host projects "Stars on Ice" and "Ice Age". In 2008, he took part in the same project as a participation, making a couple of Balt choreographer Gedeminas Taranda. In 2009, returned to the role of a leading show, a couple with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

    He starred in one of the roles in the series about the figure skating "Hot ice", made the main figure skater in the Russian version of the Winx show. In 2011, Slutski was assigned the status of ambassador of the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. From October 2011, the sports news on the "First Channel" leads.

    In 2012, there was a leading show "Ice period. Cup of professionals", and in 2014 it acts as a member. According to her, "as a lead I feel already to some extent a professional, but the participant is insanely interesting to disclose some new opportunities, create new images."

    In 1999, Irina married Sergey Mikheev. In 2007, the son of Artem was born, and in 2010 - Daughter Varvaru.

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    The American figure skater Michel Kwan, as well as Russian Slutsk, failed to become an Olympic champion, but she for many years has been a fashion legislator in figure skating.

    Michel Wingshan Kwan (1980) - two-time winner of the Olympic Games (Silver in Nagano-1998 and Bronze in Salt Lake City 2002), five-time world champion (1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003) (inferior only The Record of Sony Heni) and the Ninth-Paint Champion of the United States (1996, 1998-2005) (absolute record, the same as Marybel Visson Owen). Eight titles of the national champion and 12 medals of the Country Championship in a row, conquered Michel Kwan, are the US records.

    Born in California Michel - a descendant of Chinese immigrants from Hong Kong. As a child, she spoke at home on the mixtures of Cantonese and English, and also speaks a little on spoken putunhua.

    For a decade, Michel Kwan spent at the highest level and is the most titled figure skater in American history. Known for its durability and expressive artistry on ice, it is considered many of the greatest figure skaters of all time.

    For more than ten years, Michelle Kwan retained its position not only as the most popular figure skater in America, but also as the most popular American athlete.

    Kwan is a laureate of prestigious "James E. Sullivan Award", which is awarded the best US amateur athlete. She was the first figure skater that received this reward after Dick Batton, awarded in 1949.

    Foto: Reuters / Scanpix

    Catarina Witt (it. Katarina Witt; born December 3, 1965, Staples, Western Berlin) - East German figure skater, Two-time Olympic champion in single skating (1984, 1988), four-time world champion (1984, 1985, 1987, 1988), Six-time champion of Europe ( 1983-1988 in a row), eight-time champion GDR.

    Career in Sport

    Trained from the trainer from the GDR Utaty Muller in the Sportslub SK Carl-Marx-Stadt. In 1977 he made his debut at the GDR Championship. In 1979 he ranked 3rd at the GDR Championship and made his debut at the World Cup.

    Often spoke unsuccessful in mandatory figures, but was distinguished by exceptionally harmonious short and arbitrary programs. One of the first in the history of the world championships performed a triple flip jump (1981). In 1984-1988, he owned only two triple jumps, Tulup and Salov, with the exception of the 1987 World Cup, where she was conquered by Triple Rittberger.

    In total, Katharina Witt won 20 international and national awards, which is a record in female single skating.

    After sport

    Having finished the amateur career in 1988, performed in professional ice shows. In 1989, Witt began to work under a contract with the American body of ballet on Ice "Holiday He Ice." In 1992, she became a world champion among professionals. On the professional arena, Brian Wobitano and Brian Orser were on its partners. After resolving speeches of professionals at the Olympics, took part in his third winter Olympiad in 1994, where he took the 7th place.

    In 1996, the film "Ice Princess" (joint Germany - USA) was released with Katharina, and in 1998 the film "Ronin" was released, where she starred in the episodic role of the Russian figure skater Natasha Kirillova.

    Time magazine called Witt "the most beautiful face of socialism." In 1998, 32-year-old Catarina participated in the erotic photo shoot for the Playboy magazine, which sought the consent of the figure for 10 years. In the December issue, a series of impressive photographs was published, on which a completely naked athlete poses against the background of tropical nature, under the waterfall. In a published interview, accompanied by a photo session, Witt explained that he decided to take this step at the request of his friend who wanted to see these photos in the magazine. The number with the participation of Katharina entered the top five soldiers for all the years of the Log of Playboy. The size of the received Witt fee stores in secret, specifying, however, that it was a "decent amount".

    In 2008, 42-year-old Katharina Witt decided to finally say goodbye to ice. From February 16 to March 4, the farewell performances of the "Stars Show" were held in the eight cities of Germany.

    Upon completion of the career, Witt's figure skaters planned to conduct television programs, produce the ice show, as well as more time to devote it to the charitable foundation founded in 2006, providing disabled children. In 2010, Catarina led the Munich Application for the 2018 Olympics.

    As of 2015, Witt is periodically removed in the cinema, in particular, it can be seen in the film "Jerry Maguyer" with Tom Cruise. Katharina leads the program on German television, is the judge in the German version of the show "Stars on Ice".

    Personal life

    Katharina Witt is not married, there are no children. Lives in Berlin, where she has an apartment. In an interview with Russian press, Witt mentioned that in her life there was a happy love and serious relationship with men, but for the sake of marriage, she cannot afford to sacrifice the profession and stop engaged in his favorite work. Traveling a lot in the world, often happens in Moscow. Catarina speaks fluently in English and quite worn in Russian.

    Sports achivments

    Competitions 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1994
    Winter Olympic Games 1 1 7
    World Championships 10 5 2 4 1 1 2 1 1
    European Championships 14 13 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
    Championships GDR 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
    Championship Germany 2

    Catarina Witt, "Princess on Ice", as she was often called in the press, this year will celebrate its forty-eyed. The two-time Olympic champion, four times world champion, winner of six gold medals in European championships, now Catarina creates its own "Ice Shows", comments on currency skating competitions, business. And, according to a recent survey of readers of the German newspaper Bild, occupies the 16th place in the list of the most beautiful people in Germany.

    We met in her beloved cafe "Oranium" in the center of East Berlin. To Catharina, the matter was suitable for autographs ...

    During the last trip to Moscow, when I passed passport control at the airport, an employee of the border service asked: "Are that the famous figure skater?" My sports career is still haunting me. However, I, although I do in parallel with other things, I do what I did when I was a little girl, I skate. In Germany, unfortunately, today there are no well-known names, such with the country with which the country would identify themselves.

    What do you think, why?

    In the time of my youth, our entire system supported young athletes, allowed them to achieve great success. The living conditions in the GDR in all were the same, and received everything equally. But not in sports. In this sense, the big sport was in our socialist system oriented "for capitalism". I studied at a sports school, and the school program was agreed with my individual workout plan. I could afford to train seven hours a day. And today, the young athlete must choose between school and sports. Three hours a day for training after lessons - this is very small. In addition, now young people have many other opportunities, thanks to which they can advance.

    7 hours a day - in training, while others - in a movie or with friends ... It was a conscious "victim" or parents forced?

    When I was quite small, I often watched what happened on the rink, which was next to my kindergarten. At the age of five, it began to ask for parents to give me to the section of figure skating. I was missing until my mother was delivered there. I can not say that many hours of training were a victim. I got a lot in return and only won it.

    With your coach, Utyta Muller how did the relationship be treated?

    She "opened" me at 9 years old. And he worked with me, until I turned 28. Our relationship changed. Sometimes we were like two girlfriends, sometimes she was a mentor, sometimes replaced the parents. She was very strict. Yes, the coach and can not be a friend. I respected her and was afraid of it. I had a feeling of love, like love ... Running in hatred and back. But if she were not so strict, without her knowledge, without her passionate energy, I would not achieve what reached. Often you come to high results through "pain" ... We are now regularly calling back, it is dedicated to my personal life. I learned a lot of Muller. She lives deep in my heart, but at the same time we are still on "you".

    To be a famous person in the GDR meant that the intelligence agencies to her person was not avoided ...

    The special services behind me began to follow years with nine, as soon as my talent was noticed. Then I did not know what follows me. For the first time I discovered a surveillance of years in 18. But it was naively believed that I was guarded so that nothing happened to me. And he learned that these were employees of the internal special services, much later, when it had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with their personal matter from the archives of Staja. Then I could not come to mind that it was purposefully watching me so that I would not run away to the west.

    By the way, why didn't you do it?

    I was so grateful to my country and people. I understood that I would have had such success anywhere in the GDR. In addition, if I turned out to be in the West, I could not see my parents. And you know, there is no such check and such a sum that would "translated" it. Even freedom was not enough for me.

    Now I understand that my state used me. At that time, we did not have access to other ideologies. I could not appreciate the freedom, because I did not know her. But I passionately stood for our system. I proudly came abroad, where I had to represent my country.

    Yes, I grew up in the GDR and, naturally, believed in those ideals. But I also learned to the things that formed me. And then, my life was not like most people from the GDR. I had a lot of privileges. Sometimes it seems to me that now I live on some other planet.

    In the Soviet Union, the athletes were forced to give cash prizes to the state, and how was the case in the GDR?

    We had cash awards, for example, for winning the Olympics, but there was no access to them. The funds were transferred to the Federation's account, the athlete could receive them partly, that is, a certain percentage of this money, when he left a big sport. Once I got a little gold coin as a reward, I was allowed to leave her. Thanks to the awards, the Federation had the opportunity to affect athletes. For example, you could freeze premium if the athlete wanted to leave the big sport ahead of time. It was allowed only when he was replaced. Therefore, sometimes athletes remained in a big sport longer than they wanted. I really didn't touch me.

    How do you assess the modern level of figure skating? Where do you see the weak points?

    The disadvantage that I see in figure skating is the desire of many athletes to achieve technical "superstruction". I mean the combination of jumps in three and four turns. I think that for a young organism, it can be fraught with severe consequences, can lead to severe injuries, like Evgeny Plushenko, because of this, he could not continue the struggle in the last championship of the world.

    They say you are lucky in everything except love ...

    You can not have everything you want, although, of course, you often want to have everything. I already had a happy love, and serious relationship with men, I can't complain. Currently I am free, alone I live. For the last one and a half years mostly in Berlin, where I have an apartment. Much travel. And I can not sacrifice the profession for the sake of men, stop working. But I am pleased with what I have. I have many friends. Favorite work. And I vain. Money play for me a secondary role, the main thing is that I burned the job that I do.

    No desire to get a family, children?

    Children? I do not know. While this question did not get up in front of me. As I said, it is difficult for me to lead a normal lifestyle. If a child appeared, it would have to stop working. And I'm a workaholic. In addition, at the moment there is no suitable applicant for the role of Pope.

    In the 80s, you were for many Russian men sex symbol, do you know about it?

    It's a compliment. I think it was connected with the ability to beautifully show yourself on ice, with choreography, with plastic movements and, of course, with sexy costumes. I have never had a serious relationship with a Russian man. Your men differ from European and American. I will never forget how herself dragged heavy bags with skates, while Russian athletes helped their partners. In this sense, I closer to the eastern women.

    By the way, not so long ago in Moscow I was in one dance club. Noticed how many beautiful and attractive women in it. But there was no suitable man for me there either. But I'm not looking for, believe me ...

    True, what did Harry Kasparov woven you?

    What do you say, I didn't know! From Kasparov, I once received a telegram - congratulations on the victory in the Olympic Games. Although the inlets will be made to congratulate each other with the victory, but it was unusual for me and even ... honorable.

    You starred in Playboy magazine. Did you really pay a million?

    10 years old - from the moment of victory at the Olympic Games in Calgary - Playboy, tried to achieve my consent to shoot, went to my heels. But while I performed, it was not possible to be photographed naked for me. Only after I left the big sport, I decided to try to work with them. In addition, I was already known - compared with those models that were famous for their pictures in Playboy. Shooting took place in nature. Everything was natural. I remember, I stood under the waterfall nude. And I wanted to be not only erotic, but also feminine. I will not give the secret and therefore I will not answer which fee received. I just say that it was a decent amount.

    Personally, I regularly do sports and limit myself in a meal, however, not always. Because I love chocolate and sweets. If it happens to make a pleasure - to eat what I want, then we usually train more.

    Plastic operations - no, not yet done. I do not know what will happen in ten years - maybe still have. In Moscow, he saw many young girls with "whipped" lips. I think that there is nothing in this, when the narrow lips make more plump, but it should not be noticeable. And the silicone breast in adolescents looks terrible.

    What would you like to celebrate your anniversary?

    Most of all on this day I would like to arrange a show on the ice. And celebrate with the public. I would also like to come to Russia and speak again - on ice, of course, - and to conquer the hearts. People there are completely different, I feel it, and the living conditions are the others. In Russia, a man will give the neighbor the last shirt, there are still cohesion among people. Apparently, the Russians are in the blood ...