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  • Singer of Russian folk songs Marina Devyatova. Three love Marina Ninth

    Singer of Russian folk songs Marina Devyatova. Three love Marina Ninth

    Marina Devyatova - Biography in Wikipedia (growth, weight, how many years), personal life (latest news) and photo in instagram, family (marital status - married or not) - parents (nationality), husband and children.

    Marina Devyatova - Biography

    The girl is now a popular Russian vocalist, performing folk songs and pops, "treated" under folk. In the TV project "People's Artist-3" turned out to be a finalist.

    Now the folk star is a deeply believer man (Krishna), so Naked Marina Devyatova and her photo in a swimsuit in Maxim or Playboy magazines, you are unlikely to see. She does not smoke, does not drink alcohol and meat, to maintain harmony practices yoga.

    The Folk Star was born in the Russian capital in the family of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Devyatova, the popular artist of Russian folk art and professional choreographer working with world-famous show ballets.

    With the light hand of the Father, the girl has already in the early years, the formation of a professional musical taste began in the early years, since the dad was not concentrated only on folk creativity, and often included discs of world-famous stars, like John Lennon, Elvis Presley and other rock idols. After such an incomplete influence, it is not wonderful that at the age of three years Marinka perfectly felt the rhythm of compositions.

    At a five-year-old age, the child survived a strong tragedy - from the family, the Father of Volodya went out of the family, leaving the parenting of her daughter on the mother. Despite such an obvious "betrayal" of the vocal mentor, the young Marinka never ceased to be improved in vocal art. She entered the well-known music. School them. D. Shostakovich, where he learned to own not only the voice, but also choral conducting. After graduating from school, the young language has become a music college student, and after receiving a diploma, he continued to improve the listener of the famous Gnesinka, where he moved from multifaceted learning to a narrow specialization, which later will become a voucher to Marina to All-Russian Glory - solo folk singing.

    Even during training, A. Vorobyev drew attention to the talented student and made her a proposal to join his musical team "Indric-beast". The group specialized in the execution of old folk compositions in the current processing. Often the arrangement was with a slope on hard rock, which was very liked by Marina grown on rock music. Marina, having come to the team, insisted on the use of folk folk instruments on the use of folk tools, which even more diversified the style of the "Indric beast".

    Despite the wide popularity in narrow circles and the favor of critics, they have repeatedly emphasized that the music of such a direction is not format, therefore it is not worth talking about great popularity. At this, the Future Folk Star always answered that he would prove the promising of the folklore song and the fact that modern treatment would not spoil it, but simply helps to gain popularity. The opportunity to prove his trifle at the singer appeared after the announcement of the selection on the season of "People's Artist". For all the time of the project, there was no such thing so that the hall was not clapping the girl standing, and the most success brought a duet singing of the composition "It could be love," where the company was made up by Alexey Goman. As it was written above, the folk star became the finalist of the TV show, and at the end of him took up the records of the tracks sounding on the broadcasts.

    Marina Devyatova - Personal Life

    The first serious relationship of folk singer had a rather tragic ending. The young singer fell in love with the doctor, with whom she was shared by the abyss in more than ten years. But the tragic was not true - the doctor's favorite (by profession) was unable to cope with the illness, comprehended him and soon died, no failure to defeat oncology.

    A young vocalist Nikolai Demidov helped to cure the girl's sadness, but their relationship was not long, since the Junca's singer needed only her glory for his own promotion.

    Only a few years later, Devyatova met a man who made a girl happy. True, after an unsuccessful novel, she for a long time hid the name of the beloved, hinting only that she no longer wants to burn, so he chose a person very far from the business show.

    At the end of 2017, there was information that Marina Devyatova was pregnant (gave birth), and although no one believed to the end, Alexey's husband laid out a photo with a newborn girl in an instagram.

    Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova - Russian folk songs, finalist of the television competition "People's Artist-3".

    Childhood and youth

    Nennya Marina was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow, in the family of the artist of the choreographic ensemble. Seeds of Dunaevsky Natalia Nikolaevna and the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, the artist of folk songs Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatova. Parents diverged when Marina turned five years old. Subsequently, Natalia got married a second time. With stepfather, Marina had a great relationship.

    Grandmother and grandfather of the future actress (on the motherboard) - people from Ryazan at one time settled in Moscow. Grandma worked as a cutter, and grandfather was a driver of a trolleybus. As Marina recalled, her vocal career began on her grandfather's work: the man took his granddaughter with him, and she announced a stop and sang while Trolleybus was driving along the route from Ivanovo to Vychino.

    Like her older sister of Katerina, Marina was an artistic child, so she was too early to join the music school (class piano). In 1999, 16-year-old Devyatova entered the music school. Alfred Schnitke, and in 2003, after his end, became a student of the Academy. Gnesinic.

    During the training, Marina worked as a teacher at the School of Vocal at the center of Russian culture and art under the control of Vladimir Devyatov and actively traveled with classmates to music-friendly expeditions - in Russian depths, students studied a song folklore.

    The graduation speech of Marina Ninette in Gensink (2005)

    As for the sister of Marina Ninth, she did not manage to associate life with art. It works by a hammer and helps homeless animals to find a new home.


    Since the beginning of 2000, Maiden often performed at the musical festivals of competitions, and in 2003 he became a laureate of the contest of young executors of the pop song "Slavic Bazaar".

    At the senior courses of the Academy, the girl was invited to the "Indrik-beast" musical group, the main repertoire of which was ancient Russian and Slavic songs in modern processing. In 2005, the team successfully performed at the Rock Festival "Wings" in Tushino.

    In 2006, ninyov passed the casting of the TV project "People's Artist". The permanent judges of the competition were the actor Gennady Khazanov, singer Alena Sviridov, composer Maxim Dunaevsky and producer Yevgeny Fridlyand. The winner of the project was the singer of Mongolian origin by Amarhu Boryuu (until 2013 - the soloist of the Prime Minister's group). Marina took the second place, but there was no reason for the disorder: the girl gained thousands of fans from different countries.

    "People's Artist": Marina Devyatova, First Speech

    After the end of the project, Friedlyand suggested a nine to conclude a contract with the Producer Company "FBI Music". From that moment on, the Marina began the life of a sought-after artist filled with shooting, touring and songs of songs.

    In 2007, as part of a delegation from Russia, Marina went to Guatemala to the ceremony of choosing the capital of the upcoming Winter Olympic Games - 2014 - during the event of the singer several times on the bis sang "Katyusha".

    Marina Devyatova - Katyusha, 2007

    In 2009, Devyatova released his first album "did not think, did not guess", after which her first solo concert took place on the stage of the Moskovsky Theater the Estrada. Following the performance in London in front of Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family. I was able to perform to the Russian leaders to Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, the head of Libya Muammar Gaddafi, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

    In 2011, Marina released the album "I am happy." Two years later, the girl left "FBI Music" and went to free swimming - already six months later, in November 2013, the third acoustic album of the singer "in the Lunar Luncture" was released.

    Marina Devyatova and Pierre Narcissus - "Cossack" (2011)

    On the account of ninth - hundreds of concerts, including joint performances with famous artists: Alexei Goman, the hope of Kadysheva, Moldovan opera singer by Buzhor, Nikolai Baskov, Italian singer Al Bano, Barbara and other international pop stars.

    Personal life of marina nine

    In his youth, Marina Devyatova was in love with a man much older than himself. He died of cancer. After a long relationship treated so tragic, as well as an unsuccessful novel with actor Nikolai Demidov Marina gained happiness with Alexey Pigurenko, the founder of the Yogaboga brand.

    The difficult relationship of young lasted about five years. Young people were diverged, they lived separately from each other, but in the end at the end of October 2016 signed in the Moscow registry office.

    The girl's father told that Marina is Krishnaitka - practitioners help the girl to know themselves and find the inner peace.

    Marina Devyatova now

    In parallel with the upbringing of the daughter, the singer continues to lead an active creative life. Less than a month after the birth of a child, the nine returned to the shooting of the program "Laugh is allowed" on the channel "Russia 1", which a permanent participant of which a girl has been for several years.

    "Laugh is allowed": Marina Devyatova - "Kadril"

    Also, the girl took part in a concert in the Kremlin Palace dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Maestro Valeria Ozodzinsky, starred in the "Mood" program on the TV Center channel, and then went with a series of solo concerts in Russia.

    In the future, Marina plans to work on choor projects and build a country cottage in the style of the Swiss chalet.

    Alexey Pigurenko became the chief of Marina Nithomete. A man is not a public figure, he works in a promotional business. Lovers decided to sign for a simple reason - very soon Marina will first become a mother. "People began to pay attention to the fact that the size of my costumes has changed. So they decided that we will write down in a quiet, and we will play a wedding in the summer," Devyatova explained.


    According to "7 days", Marina Devyatova and Alexey Pigurenko are already familiar with eight years. However, at the time of the meeting, both were not free. Only three years later, becoming free, Marina and Alexey drew attention to each other.

    Devyatova and Pigurenko managed to skip the candidate and bought period, almost immediately starting to live together. However, life and lack of child cooled their relationship. Then the lovers decided to part.

    "Often only losing what you have, you can appreciate it. We wanted something new, the feelings began to cool. Probably, it was the most notorious crisis that they say so often. And we could not cope with him. Alexey took a volitional The decision that we need to part, "said Marina.

    Devyatova and Pigurenko lived separately for one and a half years. However, neither he, nor she did not acquire new love. Lovers connected the tragedy - died stepfather Marina, who was for her literally the second father. Alexey supported Marina, and both realized that they were far from friendship. And soon they found out that the nine was pregnant.

    Russian folk songs sound in the repertoire of Marina, but this does not mean that only the senior students are her fans: often at its concerts you can see a lot of young people. For the first time he learned about the talented singer's talented singer after her participation in the teleconcourt "People's Artist-3", where she was able to break into the final.

    The path to success was a thorny and difficult, however, now in the creative biography of Nithomete, there are a lot of victories on the stage, as well as bright memorable events, such as performance before the royal family of the United Kingdom. She was always impatient and built her career under the motto: "Do not leave for tomorrow that you can do today."

    Over the years, 35-year-old artist has learned not only to rejoice in simple things, but also to say the words of gratitude to the people around. Her personal life brings her only joy and happiness, because next to her beloved husband and little daughter. Having become Mom, Marina tries not to leave for a long time to spend the family as much time as possible.

    Little Pevunya.

    The future performer of folk songs was born in 1983 in Moscow. Her parents are creative people: Father - singer and artist of folk songs Vladimir Ninatov; Mom trained future dancers. In the family also grown up her older sister Catherine. Her father was already the famous artist who sang in the Kremlin, HCCs "Russia" and on other major concert venues. Being a 3-year-old girl, Marina first came out on the scene. Then the older sister played on the piano, and the huge microphone was held, since the baby was afraid to take it herself.

    Marina Devyatova in childhood. Photo

    Already at a young age, she accompanied his father on tour, and when he graduated, she was recorded in the music school named after Shostakovich, where the future singer received knowledge of choral conducting.

    Thanks to the efforts of Mom, the nines had an excellent feeling of rhythm and acquired the skills of vocal singing. In school years, she was completely given to their studies and rarely went out to walk with girlfriends.

    In 1988, her parents divorced, and Mom had to work at once in three places to keep children, so grandparents were engaged in the upbringing of girls. After graduating from school, Marina began to study at the Schnitke Music College, where he chose the department of solo folk singing. Already then she had to speak before the hall, but the future actress easily coped with excitement.

    Successful speeches and tour

    Being a student, ninyovs acted in various contests and even once won the victory. After acquaintance with Artem Vorobiev, she joined his indrik-beast ensemble, fulfilling folk songs on a modern way on stage. At that time she had time not only to speak, but also to learn, as well as to cooperate with her father, working as a teacher at the School of Vocal.

    Often, the singer heard criticized in his address, which was very talked. Soon, Marina decided to prove that her work could be interesting and demanded from the audience; She went to the TV project "People's Artist" and sang her songs there. Not only a visual hall, but also members of the jury were delighted with her execution, thanks to which she went to the final of the competition.

    Having received recognition and fame, the artist was engaged in the development of his career. She recorded new songs, spoke with the show-ballet "Yar-Dance" and children's musical groups, toured a lot on Russian cities and foreign countries.

    The listeners took on a bang and her singing with such stars as Nikolay Baskov, Alexander Buynov, Barbara, Nikolay Baskov, Albano, and also noted their attention to the scene with his father, Vladimir Nithyat, and a musician Peter Drangoy. Its solo career of the nine began in 2013, and during this time, her repertoire was replenished with such songs as:

    • "Ah, it is not yet evening";
    • "According to the wild steppes of Transbaikalia";
    • "Do not wake me with the rage";
    • "Blue scarf";
    • "I did not think, did not wonder";
    • "In the Hubber";
    • "Solovushka sang in the grove", (with Peter Dranga);
    • "Rosprint Locks", and "Oh, Snow, Snow" (with "Bayan Mix") and others.

    2019 will be very important for her, since in April the owner of a wonderful voice notes its 20th anniversary on stage. Her concert will be held in the Kremlin Palace, where she will perform accompanied by the "yar-dance" show ballet. The creative profession brings a pleasure and a lot of joyful emotions, thanks to which she brings her positive sensations to the auditorium.

    The role of his beloved wife and happy mom

    Even before marriage in the personal life of the artist, there were relations with men, but her first beloved died from oncology, and with another Roman quickly came up. With her future husband, Alexey Pigurenko, she was familiar for a long time. Having met for the first time in the company of general friends, young people did not continue to communicate, since at that time both were not free.

    Only in three years later they again met, and then decided to live one family, bypassing a candy-bought period, which usually happens to many lovers. But after three years, they are tired of everyday problems, besides, the dream of becoming the parents did not want to embody. Lovers could not cope with the dilapidated crisis, so they decided to part. Mom Alexei was very upset about this, but she was sure that in their relationship is not a point, but only a fat comma.

    After a year and a half, her prophetic words came true. After parting with the beloved, the artist continued to communicate with him, but already like a close friend. Soon in the family of ninth misfortune happened: the singer died suddenly with stepfather. At that time she had to support mom and solve the questions of the burial. After the funeral, Marina felt bad, and it was at that difficult time Alexey supported her.

    In the photo Marina Devyatova and her husband and daughter

    Since then, lovers have no longer parted, and in 2016 they found out that they would have a child. They did not play the wedding, but simply painted in the registry office. Despite the pregnancy, the singer continued to perform and even rode the country with a concert program. In February 2017, their daughter Ulyana appeared on the world; Birth happened a little earlier than the term, but the baby was born healthy. For Pigurenko, this is the second child, as it is his second marriage, but the Mom became Mom for the first time. She did not linger on maternity leave and after three months later again performed on stage with a solo concert, however, she was calm for her daughter, since her mother remained with her.

    Artist's husband works in advertising, and also has its own clothing manufacturing business. In the family, sometimes breeding happen: it is a perfectionist in the warehouse, and Alexey is endowed with considerable stubbornness. Despite the fact that spouses are not always able to come to the general opinion, they are both disposable. If the quarrel was delayed, they always use their corona phrase: "I love you, and you shared me," which means it's time to go to the world.

    Marina and her husband - city inhabitants, but after the birth of her daughter, they decided to acquire cottages. First, they only rested there, but soon life in nature was so seized that the spouses decided to settle at the city. Their spacious two-story building has a living room, bedroom, dressing room, kitchen, husband's office and even guestroom. In summer days, friends can be taken on a large veranda. In connection with the move to the country zone, the artist has to go to work early, but it has already adapted to such a regime.

    family photo..

    Devyatova continues to closely communicate with his father, despite the fact that he has a different family and the children will grow up. With his father, it is united by a lot of interests, besides both of them do not imagine their lives without music and scene. It also often happens on tour, so their communication continues in social networks.

    Interesting facts from the life of Marina Ninth
    1. Her first solobles took place in early childhood, when the girl together with his sister was leaving to the village. So that the locals came to the speech, they saw the announcement on the well, in which they indicated when a concert would be held in which house. The sisters included folk songs in their repertoire, as well as hits Natalia Gulkina, besides, read verses.
    2. Despite the fact that the folk songs were present in the life of Marina from early children's years, she did not think to become a folklore performer and wanted to receive a lawyer's profession. Her grandfather was a military prosecutor, so she intended to become a student of the Legal Institute. One day, his father showed the girl the scene of the Grand Concert Hall, in which she instantly fell in love and changed her destiny.
    3. Being a student of the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini, Marina decided to pass the final exams in a very unusual way. She rented a hall in the House of Culture and asked for help to his colleague Prokhor Shalyapin, and then invited teachers there, who soon saw a bright performance.
    4. Devyatova leads a healthy lifestyle; It does not eat alcoholic drinks and does not smoke, long time pays training, practicing yoga and meditation. At one time, she revealed Krishnaism for himself, thanks to which he gained inner peace and revealed his creative spirit. For many years, the actress does not eat meat and fish, becoming vegetarian. Her husband shares these glances and also prefers vegetable food.
    5. Singer's stage costumes are always selected in accordance with the repertoire, and each time they please the eyes of the listeners with their delights. When leaving the scene, it adheres to a small superstition and never puts on jewels.
    6. The audience go to her concerts to listen to the favorite songs, as well as to share with their favorite with sore problems. Often they from the pure heart make it simple gifts: someone carries dried mushrooms, someone is their jam and twist. Among the gifts that Marina brings, there are scarves, and knitted socks. And when her fans learned that she would become mom, they began to give sprawers and booties.
    7. The actress often arrives at the Far East, where local residents take it very warmly. It was for them that she wrote the song "Far Eastern", who became a kind of anthem. She does not fulfill this song anywhere else, except for the Far Eastern public.

    As she often says: "Your creativity is not a format," but its songs prove the opposite. What kind of format can be said about Marina Devyatova, the performer of Russian folklore, was awarded the honor to speak to several heads of Eurasia states and before the English royal family? The winner of international competitions and festivals, the favorite of a wide range of listeners around the world, it is at the moment - one of the most sought-after Folk singers in Russia and abroad.

    The biography of the artist, widely illuminated in the media and on the Internet, carefully studied by its fans. They are also interested in absolutely everything related to the mention of Marina Nine. What is your childhood from childhood "cargo" of a famous person's daughter? How did she manage to establish a personal life going through misunderstanding, quarrels and parting? What is aware of her lifestyle and worldview? How actively she is now acting, and what are the creative plans of Marina on the near future?

    Official information

    Marina Devyatova in childhood.
    • Passport details: Devyatova, Marina Vladimirovna.
    • Place of birth: Moscow, Russia.
    • Date of birth: 1983, December 13th.
    • Russian nationality.
    • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius; on the Eastern calendar - Kaban (element of the year of water); Planet Patron Jupiter.
    • Growth and weight: 160 cm, 60 kg.
    • Education: He graduated from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic.
    • Men activity: singer.
    • The main genre of performances: pop folk.
    • Family status: Married; Spouse - Pigurenko Alexey.
    • Children: Daughter Ulyana (born in 2017).

    About early years and youth

    At first, to mention the ancestors of Marina, because the childhood of the singer from an early age was filled with their influence. "Ryazan Grandma and Grandfall" (her words) arrived in Moscow in youth, the grandfather worked as a trolleybus driver, grandmother - the cutter in Atelier. From the side of the Pope, the girl ancestors - from Kashira and Tambov. Regardless of the profession, they were all creative people, adored the music and put the love of Russian folklore with his granddaughter.

    Marina Devyatova with his father. Instagram:

    Natalia Nikolaevna and Vladimir Sergeevich Nyatovy - the parents of the future "pearls of Russia" were directly related to art. Father - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Center for Culture, the famous performer of folk songs. Mom worked for a long time choreographer in the Dunaevsky ensemble. When the girl was very small, his father had already begun to teach her singing, and if her with the older sister of Katya was sent to walk, babies "didn't like to collect leaves, breathe oxygen" (words of artiste): They sat down in Grandfather Trolleybus and rode, chatting in the microphone Snaggers.

    In 1992, Dad and Mom divorced her, but the girl managed to keep a close connection with Vladimir Sergeyevich and establish warm relationships with stepfather. At the age of seven years at the insistence of parents, she entered the Shostakovich Music School. The teachers talked about her: "Talented, but terribly lazy!".

    Marina Devyatova with Mom. Instagram:

    And my mother caught the daughter on the "Complex of the Drawers, frightening:" You don't want to go to work as a janitor ". Or warned: "Put a two, and you will stand and blush in front of the class, so choose - learn or looting." She chose the first, and the music school graduated with honors.


    According to the release of high school, the girl will go to the Music School named after Schnitke Despite the fact that the grandfather's grandfather's grandfather insisted on a lawyer's career for granddaughter. Now he, looking at the performances of Marina on TV, speaks with pleasure: "What happiness that I did not listen to me! Better sing. " And the native father, when she was already a student, called her to himself and offered to work at the School of Vokal. Also with classmates, the future actress went to the music general expeditions: they studied the song heritage in Russian depths.


    During one of such expeditions, Marina met Artem Vorobyev: he was the head of the Indrik-Beast ensemble. A fourth year student of the school decided to professionally try to fulfill Russian and old Slavonic songs in modern processing. Also in this group was put on interesting experiments on the arrangement of national works in the style of "Rock" using wind ethnic instruments. Do not stop working at the Indrik-Zver, Marina Devyatova entered the Academy of Gnesins in 2003 and graduated from it in 2009.

    Hard way to glory


    The first steps on the big stage were given by Marina a ninth encouraging forecast that she would soon become famous.

    • 2003: Getting the title of laureate at the competition of young performers "Slavic Bazaar".
    • 2005: Successful speech as part of the "Indric-beast" group in Tushino on the Rock Festival.
    • 2006: Casting in the project "People's Artist" and entering the final.

    This is what Oscar Kucher told, who was in the project at that stage in the jury. According to him, the girl tried to give up his style and at the same time he wanted to look better than everyone - the heavenly joke played with her the notorious "Complex of the Excellence". He advised to execute not what was given, but what is closest to her and her style. "You grew on other music and commendable that you are trying to cope with any direction. Show yourself in your environment, "the actor advised himself. She chose Kursk ancient folklore. The audience remembered that a significant moment when the surprised jury was shaken, and one of them said: "So what are you really!".


    The audience was divided into two parts: the older generation sent enthusiastic SMS, and the younger grumbled. As a result, she ranked second - she went around the future soloist "Prime Minister" Bruhuu Amarhuu. But she did not too much upset, especially after the success of a joint duet with Alexei Goman (Single "it could be love"). At the ninth, during the LIVE-broadcasts of the Transmission of "People's Artist", a huge army of fans appeared.

    After the project, the masted producer of Evgeny Fridlyand invited Marina to conclude a contract with FBI Music company, and life, full of tour, filming and records of new works began. For the first time, her record could be heard on the disk from the competition, where she ranked second (album output - 2006), then in 2009 in a personal album "did not think, did not wonder." Almost immediately, her solo concert at the Mosstrad Theater took place almost immediately. And two years earlier, she travels to Guatemala, where at the choice of the city for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games takes part in a big concert - it was caused to bis and demanded to repeat Katyusha eight times!


    2009 was very rich in significant cultural events in her life. In the secular reception organized by the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Orthodox Church, the singer for the British royal family performed "I look into the lake blue", and the English Queen itself applauded it. The London event added to her fans and abroad, and a series of important persons, in front of which she then happened to perform, was replenished with such names:

    • Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation;
    • Muammar Gaddafi, a politician of Libya;
    • Nursultan Nazarbayev, at that time the President of Kazakhstan;
    • Dmitry Medvedev, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The second personal collection, "I am happy", the artist suggested on the court of the public in 2011. The idea that solo execution will bring more freedom in creativity than cooperation with FBI Music, and she sends to "free swimming" after two years. The third album marina ninth did not make himself wait for a long time: he was on sale in 2013 and was named "in the lunar shine."

    A triumphal march of the world of art - so you can characterize its further career. Achievements of the girl singing in the style of Pop Folk were not limited to cooperation with colleagues in the "folk" workshop. That's what she was doing, and the list below is not a complete reflection of her success.

    • Duets with Al Bano, Alexander Buinov, Nikolai Baskov.
    • Joint performances with Peter Drangoy.
    • Multiple participation in the Berlin Russian-German Festival.
    • Recording comedy numbers together with the humorist Svyatoslav ESCHENKO.
    • "On a birthday with love" - \u200b\u200ba concert dedicated to her thirtieth anniversary (December 2013).
    • "Symphony of the Soul" - the Moskovsky Theater of the Estrada, 2014.
    • September 2015 - a joint program with barbarah in the Moscow International House of Music.

    Marina Devyatova and Barbara. Instagram:

    At the same time, her candidacy is nominated to the national nomination "Best Folk-Contractor". The fact that Pelageya bypassed the girl, her did not too upset, for her popularity after participating in this prestigious program only grew.

    Marina Devyatova now


    "20 years with you" (April 2019) - a program in the Kremlin Palace, represented by listeners in the spring of this year, summarized its activities. Tickets for the event were sold out all long before the appointed date - this is an indicator of its creative lifting and further success in "not format" (according to ill-wishers) of the niche of art.


    During the tour Marina, Nithyatov always accompanies the show-ballet "Yar Dance", is required in the orchestra guitarist and a bayanist. The singer never uses the phonograph: Spectators during each speech admire her strong, clean voice. Not only large cities and major scenes are visited by it: she is ready to go to any city of Russia, where they are waiting and ready to listen. In March 2019, for example, in Kostroma, the scene of the KVC "Gubernsky" literally fell asleep with flowers (and Kostromichane was compiled on social networks, which, due to material difficulties, do not always buy flowers for idols). After the execution of a song dedicated to Mom, many of the audience cried.

    Another event in the outback, where the performance was recently held - Lermontov Poetry Festival at the Tarkhan Museum, Penza (June 2019). They admired it, they listened to several thousand people every day. In the photo in instagram singer from this holiday, it is clear that people sat down on earth, if there were not enough chairs - so they wanted to join her talent.