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  • "Playboy". Founder of "Playboy": biography, photos, wives

    On September 27, 2017, the founder of the magazine Playboy Hugh Hefner died on 92 years. He died surrounded by his family in his own house from old age. For the last five years of his life, he was married to the model Crystal Harris, who was younger than it for 60 years.

    In the publishing house "Planet" at the beginning of 2016, Alexander Pampian's book called "American Gorki" was published. The author worked for many years in Komsomolskaya Pravda, another US traveled during Soviet times. He managed to see the country on the fracture, in the most stressful and turbulent for her decades of the twentieth century.

    With the permission of the author, we publish passages from the essay dedicated to Hugh Hefnera, the owner of the "playboy", which in the consciousness of millions of men entered as the most perfect, nozzard, living in vigorous and luxury playboy with a capital letter.

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    Five lessons of life Hugh Hefner."Mark at each one's convenient case, especially on yourself" (c) Hugh Hefner remember the quotes of the legendary founder of Playboy

    Famous bed

    1971. 1340 NORTH STATE PARKWAY - one of the most famous addresses in Chicago. Impressant four-storey mansion. English Victorian style. Walls should store shadows of eminent guests, including Teddy Roosevelt and Admiral Peel. The procedure for the passage as in the cave Ali Baba ... Ceilings in frescoes from flowers, fireplaces of Italian marble. Over one of them "nude" Picasso. Fountains and even caves ... talk about hiding doors, sliding walls, secret moves. A special place in the house is the film hall with the screen as in the present cinema. All places are painted in advance - depending on the proximity to the owner, which appears the last, certainly in silk pajamas to take something indistinguishable from the throne.

    Mansion "Playboy" - a platform for filming "girls of the month", a place of reception of business partners, a hotel with five-star rooms for star guests.

    Somewhere in the depths of this forever silent secular hive Hefner built for himself "Personal Apartments" with several inputs, however, always closed, and without windows. Their heart is something that the language will not turn to call the object of furniture. Artifact. Thing in yourself. "The world's largest twisting bed" - 8.5 feet in diameter (2.6 meters. - Ed.), Which not only rotates 360 degrees, but also leans at different angles.

    And also, they say, on the top floor, the mansion is located Dorstuar - the dorm, the place of residence of two dozen girls who have come down from the pages of the magazine ...

    Overcomed some doors, and Hefner entered. Under both hands, it was supported by luxury glossy girls. Hefner invited me to a short conversation bar. "Now I need to communicate with the guests," he said, "I have an interview with a correspondent of the English" Gardian "for two nights. Ready to talk threesome? " "OK". "Then before the meeting, in the meantime, Hefner made a wide gesture," here you will find all drinks of the world. "

    At two o'clock in the morning we met again. It was my shame. Whatever I asked, no answer of Hefner could not be printed in my newspaper ...

    "Playboy" was an absolute taboo in the Soviet Union. Customs officers hunted him with a voluptuous zeal. For sterile Soviet consciousness, it was the exact embodiment of the forbidden fetus.

    500 dollars for Marilyn

    We will be transferred twenty years ago.

    In September 1952, Hefner wrote a letter:

    "Dear friend!

    All late time ... I was busy over my head, preparing a deal that would bring money to you and me. Stag Party - a completely new magazine for men - will be released in this autumn. The first room of Stag Party will have a photo Marilyn Monroe from the famous calendar - in color! In fact, each number of Stag Party will contain amazing, the entire page color photo of a naked girl - in the most juicy and natural paints ...

    Cardishly yours

    Hugh Hefner, general manager.

    The letter was addressed to the 25 largest magazine distributors in the United States. Pretty arrogant letter. Hefneer was 26 years old, he had nothing to do with a smooth account - no editorial board, no money. Even the names "Playboy" was not yet, but was a pretty stupid Stag Party (stag - elk, bachelor, party - a party, together some kind of "pig-filing party"). But it turned out that he had an idea and she will shoot so that the most successful project in the history of American media will be born.

    An unclear letter to publishers, oddly enough, turned out to be realistic. It has already been stated by the formula of the publication, which will remain unchanged: brilliant full-color full-blooded women's figures plus high-quality liberal journalism.

    And the jackpot was announced - the photo of the naked Marilyn Monroe.

    Take off on the "Golden Greza"

    Mathematics this transaction is worth playing it. Three years ago, in 1949, a beginner actress was starred at the professional Los Angeles photographer. "I didn't have anything other than radio waves," Marylin will say later in his inimitable manner Life magazine. The photographer sold the entire photo session - 3 poses Nu Plus 3 on a semi-naked form - Hefneer for $ 500, he missed similar shooting of the future. But when the first film with Monroe came out on the screen, he decided that it was time. Production costs cost another 600 dollars. Hefner will release the "sexy" and previously not printed photograph, he will call her "Golden Greet". "I just don't know how much this photo can be appreciated," he will say later.

    The first number of the "playboo" was separated by a circulation of 50,000 copies, Hefner did not expect such. It was almost a vertical takeoff ...

    Mail flatly refused to deliver a "scab" magazine. It was a blow under the smoke. Pressed to the wall "Playboy" filed to the court, accusing it in violation of the first amendment to the Constitution. Mail against the "playboo". "Pornography" against "Freedom of the Word" - the process turned out to be louder. Having won it, Hefner not only saved the channel distribution channels, he raised "Playboy" to the ideological pedestal.

    In 1956, Pleyboy bypassed his main opponent - the Esquins magazine. By 1959, a cherished million copies were reached.

    In 1971, when I was in the "Playab" mansion, his monthly circulation was 7 million copies.

    Photos in the magazine became all perfect. The magazine has developed its culture nude, his approach and choice. Of course, to show, say, Pamela Anderson in all its glory was a matter of honor for the "playboy", and she appeared on the central turn 13 (!) Once, in different pores of his life, every time demonstrating the incredit perfection of their figure - a very visual resignancy lesson. But more often, not the goddess, not fatal beauties and not a vamp were taken away. The heroines of the "playboy" became the "girl from the neighboring entrance".

    "Playboy could not awaken seven beauties"

    Fidel Castro, Martin Luther King, Jimmy Carter, Princess Grace, Frank Sinatra, "Beatles" - together and separately, Wayne Grettski, O. J. Simpson, Francis Ford Coppola, Jack Nicholson, Anthony Hopkins, Clint Easthi, Karl Sagan, Steve Jobs ... What's the parade? All these people performed in the journal.

    The best writers of the Anglo-Saxon world printed their new stories here. Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, Jack Keroac, Jan Fleming, Norma Maleler.

    "Playboy" from the press germinated in the cinema. How hot cakes baked ribbons with the names of the type "Playboy. Bosnorman beauties "," Playboy. Hot sponges, hot legs. " In different cities, the clubs "Playiboy" opened with their branded "hostesses" in laconic rabbit costumes - "Bannice".

    And in the center of this winning procession - a man in silk pajamas and with a smoking tube - Hugh Hefner. Always surrounded by the girls of our dreams.

    "Yes, I slept, it seems, with eleven girls of the month," he's modestly leaving the gaze of 1960.

    "How many women were I? I do not know. Probably more than a thousand ... "

    This is already the Patriarch sums up. Beautiful light life - all atpon. Everyone is waiting for only feats and wonders from him - 60 years in a row. "I heard, in his favorites Sandy and Mandy twins, and how does he only distinguish them?" - "You have yesterday's news, today he lives with three" Bannice "- the soul in the soul, it says" ... And the music is louder, and the rates grow ... Lord, implausible sensation! New attraction, and only once: on the famous torque bed, elderly HEF with his beautiful beauty ...

    Focusing later details are sad. Seven beauties could not awaken the sleeping hero.

    December 31, 2012 at the age of 86 for the third time, with the second attempt, he joined the bonds of a legitimate marriage - with Miss December 2009. In the first attempt to one and a half years earlier, the 24-year-old bride ran straight from under the crown, just as in the film of the same name.

    However, as in the film, Heroes were waiting for Heppi & End. "Only those who do not know us and think with stereotypes speak of age," Hefner repeats, as if soring with someone. "All our friends think that so decided in heaven."

    And is it "icon of the sexual revolution of the 60s"?

    Orgon Booth for Bond

    The phrase "sexy revolution" belongs to Wilhelm Rehih. His main book, published in 1948, is called the "function of orgasm". Orgasm carries the energy that he called orgon. "Physical ailments are the result of violation of natural ability to love," Reich wrote. This energy permeates nature and space, it is it manifests itself in the northern lights.

    Well, since the genus is a genus of physical energy, then it can be captured and collecting. For which he constructed a special steel booth. He even demonstrated her Einstein, but he quickly lost interest in the experiment.

    Scientists did not imbued with the miraculous properties of the Reich booth. But the artists stood over her mountain. Sean Connery, they say, during the filming of Bondiana regularly climbed into the magic booth to recharge the orgon. Judging by how clearly his hero is impecable, he succeeded.

    All this, however, a little convinced the FBI. Reich declared a charlatan, what he was doing is the "new cult of sex and anarchy" and "sex raket" and planted. On November 3, 1957, he died in his chamber from a heart attack.

    Ten years later, the magazine "Time" called him the "Prophet", adding: "Now it may seem that all America has turned into a solid orgon's booth."

    Sexy revolution

    And around sparkling and boiled a new life! Woodstock festival thundered - 400 thousand youth bush in the open sky. The language of Anglo-American Idiom forever enriched the great slogan hippie "Love, and not fight!". Make Love Not War!

    It is worth clarifying. Revolution make revolutionaries? So it seems. In fact, this revolution makes revolutionaries.

    What did each decent American girl thought after 16? About how to get married by 22 years, and then the house, children ... Divorce was not just a rarity - it was wildness, a life program layer. Sex to marriage - a family catastrophe. Sex out of marriage is an enterprise for professional conspirators. Family - the main manifestation of maturity and social responsibility! What is left now?

    Unprecedented speed, depth and coverage of the revolution of morals - this is what happened.

    Finally turned the world of contraceptive pill, it appeared just in 1960. Pregnancy stopped being a burden, and became a choice. On the shelves of bookstores in a prominent place - a unheard of a thing - a popular book of Dr. David Rubin appeared with the name in the top ten - "Everything you always wanted to know about sex (but they were afraid to ask)." Sex moved towards education. He became a favorite theme of literature and cinema ...

    "I did not intend to be a revolutionary," Hefner says. - My idea was to create a mainstream magazine for men who would include sex. It turned out to be a very revolutionary idea. "

    The name of the creator of the "playboo" decorated even the Red Book. The name of Sylvilagus Palustris Hefneri is assigned an extinconing rare dancers of swamp rabbits. Hefner highlighted the grant to save them ...

    He also bought a plot of a cemetery in Westoud Village - next to Marilyn Monroe. In the life of Hugh Hefner never met her. But she was his business angel. The moment will come, and this angel and the most desirable woman of the twentieth century will always be near.

    Hugh Hefner is a person who has long been called the Father of World Erotica. Having organized and heading the legendary magazine "Playboy" (Playboy), he made a real revolution in the world of glossy journalism, and also gave reason to think about millions of imitators in different parts of the Earth.

    Early years, childhood and family Hugh Hefner

    Our today's hero was born in the city of Chicago in the family of Grace Caroline Swanson and Glenna Lucius Hefner. As a child, Hugh Hefner was the most ordinary guy, and therefore telling something interesting about his youth quite difficult. He like all the other guys loved sports, beautiful cars and beautiful girls. Thanks to his sports physique, he has always been popular with the representatives of the opposite sex, but it was difficult to call him a real lovelace in the full sense of this word.

    After graduating from Chicago high school, our today's hero went to the army and was already very soon sent to Europe. In 1944, he participated in the hostilities in France and Germany, thus, the last months of World War II.

    Return to Mother Hugh Hefneru had only in 1946. During this period, he moved to the town of Urban-Champane, where he begins to study at the psychological faculty of the University of Illinois. According to some biographers, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe magazine "Playboy" was reportedly reportedly. The idea of \u200b\u200bPlayboy magazine came to the future publisher. It was then that he began to study the publishing business for the first time.

    For the first time, in touch with the world of glossy journalism Hugh Hefneru had a chance while working in the Shaft magazine, for which he had painted caricatures for several years.

    Subsequently, our today's hero also worked in another major printed edition - Esquire magazine. Sumy to feel all the subtleties of large journalism, Hugh Hefner finally established himself in the thought that he could create his own magazine, and some time later began to realize his long-standing idea.

    Star path Hugh Hefner: Playboy and his success

    In the early fifties, Hugh Hefner began collecting money to create his own magazine. He earned about $ 600 on lending, took 8,000 dollars from several interested investors, and also lent a thousand more from his mother. Having collected the required amount, "HEF" began to work.

    Model Harris told why he threw Hugh Hefner

    The basic name for the new publication was Stag Party ("Bachelor Party"), but subsequently Hefner from this brand refused, rightly believing that he could create unnecessary associations with the already existing male magazine Stag Magazine. From this point on, work began on a new brand, which was very soon formed in a simple and concise name Playboy.

    In December 1953, the first issue of the magazine appeared in all newspaper shops of the United States. The edition with the naked Merilin Monroe was released by a circulation of 70 thousand copies, three quarters of which were sold out during the first week. At such a stunning success Hugh Hefner did not even expect.

    Some time later followed a new release, and after him one more. Thus, in the mid-fifties, the Magazine Playboy became very famous among American buyers.

    Erotic, bright and provocative magazine failed to taste the local public, which has already lived in waiting for this sexual revolution for several years. The grains fell into fertile soil, and for several years later, the publication Hugh Hefner has acquired truly legendary status.

    85 years old Hugh Hefneer

    The popularity of the magazine has strengthened publication of photographs of many American celebrities - Cyndi Crawford, Sharon Stone, Naomi Campbell and others. Many less well-known representatives of the American show business themselves even offered Hugh Hefneer their erotic photos in order to raise their rating in the eyes of American men.

    In the seventies-eighties, the Magazine Playboy became not just an erotic edition, but a real symbol of a beautiful life. Hugh Hefner himself tried to strengthen the popularity of his brainchild. Having created a hassle of mysterious love around himself, he excited the audience with news of sexual parties in his mansion, as well as many loud novels. He was trying to imitate, and therefore the shine and attractiveness of the magazine playboy did not merque over time. In the seventies, regional editors of the magazine began to appear in different parts of the planet. Currently, playboy has its own publications in most countries of the world, including in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Estonia and many other states of Eastern Europe.

    In different years in the journal playboy, erotic photos of many representatives of Ukrainian and Russian pops appeared.

    Personal life Hugh Hefner, Girls and Playboy today

    Even before the formation of the legendary journal Hugh Hefner was married to the girl named Mildred Willes. Together they lived for about ten years, during which daughter of Christie and son David Paul appeared on the world.

    This pair broke up in 1959. After that, our today's hero has coited with various models for thirty years, and also often satisfied the famous sex parties in his mansion. It is known for certain that for several years he took place in love relationships with seven models at the same time.

    Only thirty years later after the termination of the first marriage Hugh Hefner married again. His second wife became the model Kimberly Conrad. Together with her, the famous Playboy lived ten years. Subsequently, he returned to the usual way of life. However, on December 31, 2012, he married again. The third wife of 87-year-old Hugh Hefner was the model of Crystal Haris.


    On September 27, 2017, the founder of Playboy died at the 92nd year of life. This was announced by the official account of the magazine on Twitter. According to official data, he died of natural reasons. surrounded by relatives and loved ones in their mansion.

    The founder of the religious journal Playboy Hugh Hefner left life at the age of 91. This is reported on the official publication page on Twitter. "The cultural figure of America and the founder of Playboy Hugh M. Hefner left life today. He was 91 years old, "such a post with a black and white photo placed colleagues of the died man.

    As foreign media writes, Hugh died surrounded by people relative to him at home. The representative of the publication confirmed the sad information.

    "Hugh M. Hefner, an icon of America, who submitted to the Playboy Magazine to the world and turned the company to one of the most recognizable world brands in history, peacefully passed from life today as a result of natural reasons in his home, Playboy, surrounded by relatives and loved ones," - Announced the agent.

    About a year ago, rumors about Hefner's severe disease began to spread online. The founder itself of the legendary empire refuted this information. "I would like the tabloids to inform me a little earlier that I am sick. I then canceled plans for the weekend! " - I told Hugh on a social network page.

    However, the official conclusion states that the well-known publisher has left lives from stopping the heart and respiratory failure. It is reported to these consequences could bring infection caused by an intestinal stick to which antibiotics no longer operated.

    Hefner has always enjoyed success with representatives of a beautiful sex. In 2012, he married the photo model Crystal Harris, who was henger for 60 years. Prior to this, at the beginning of 2010, Hefner completed the wicked process with his second wife Kimberly Konrad.

    Ideas for the famous Playboy magazine appeared at Hugh Hefner when he began working as a publisher. At first he was the editor of Shaft magazine, painted caricatures. On June 25, 1949, Hugh married Mildred Willes. Their union lasted 10 years. In 1952 they had a daughter of Christie, in 1955 - the son of David Paul. Later, Hefner began working in the advertising department of Esquire magazine, but soon quit due to refusal to increase his salary. From that moment on, Hefner thought about creating his own publication. He earned $ 600 on lending, ranked 8,000 in investors, as well as 1000 Mother. The first name of the magazine was "Stag Party", that is, the Bachelor Party, but Hefner refused him, so as not to join the conflict with the existing for the men "Stag Magazine" at that time, and did not lose.

    In December 1953, the first issue of Playboy magazine with Marilyn Monroe on a cover circulation of 70,000 copies. Hugh Hefner doubted the success of his brainchild. However, the Americans reigned all magazines. After the Grand Launch of Playboy in the United States began a sexy revolution.

    Right holder illustration Reuters. Image Caption. Hugh Hefner died in his house

    Founder and permanent editor-in-chief of the religious men's magazine Playboy Hugh Hefner died in the United States aged 91 years.

    Hefner, whom Time magazine somehow called the Prophet Hedonism, died in his house in Los Angeles.

    As reported to Playboy Enterprises, Hefner died of natural reasons.

    "Life is too short to live someone else's dream," Hefner said.

    "My father lived ... as a virtuoso of media and culture and a person who stood for some of the most significant social and cultural movements of modernity in the protection of freedom of speech, civil rights and sexual freedom," said People Son Hugh Hefner in an interview Cooper, Creative Director Playboy Enterprises.

    How did it all start

    The first issue of Hugh Hefner's magazine has prepared in 1953 in its own kitchen. In the heading "Girl of the Month" in the first issue of the magazine, the nude Marilyn Monroe was shot. Her photographs made during a photo session for the calendar for 1949, Hefner bought for 200 dollars.

    Money for the publication of the first issue, Hefneru had to occupy, including her own mother. However, already very soon, Hefner's brainchild has become the best-selling male magazine in the world.

    The legendary founder of the popular magazine itself considered himself an inspirational of the 1960 -70s sex revolution.

    "I never considered the Playboy magazine about sex," Hefner said in 2002 in an interview with Si-En. "For me, he has always been a magazine about the lifestyle, in which sex is an important part.

    In addition to photographs of naked models in the journal, a serious interview with Fidel Castro, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, and also published stories of writers, in particular Vladimir Nabokov, Kurt Wannegut, Yana Fleming, Stanislav Lema, Stephen King, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jack Keroaca and Others.

    Right holder illustration EPA. Image Caption. Playboy was a pioneer among glossy magazines, starting publishing naked photos in the middle of the twentieth century.

    Playboy quickly became a sign brand, and a logo in the form of a rabbit with a butterfly on the neck is famous.

    At the peak of the popularity of the magazine that made a bet on publishing nude models, Playboy's circulations in the 1970s reached 7 million copies. In recent years, however, the magazine circulations did not exceed 800 thousand.

    Large share of revenue Playboy gets from the sale and licensing of its brand products.

    In 2015, it was announced that Playboy would be released without photographs "NU". But after a year the magazine returned to the former format.

    Right holder illustration Reuters. Image Caption. Hefner - In the photo in his beloved silk coat - loved to arrange noisy parties in PLAYBOY mansions

    "I never mature," 82-year-old Hefner said in an interview with Si-En-En. "The main thing is to remain young. I have long decided that the role of the role does not play until the girls ... think the same thing I feel good." .

    Stormy personal life

    Hefner in recent years has loved to organize lush, noisy parties in the company with young models in the mansions in Chicago and Los Angeles, and women have explained to Viagra in women.

    For his life, the media signal slept with more than a hundred women - he claimed himself.

    Hefner was married three times, he has two children from the first marriage - the Son and Daughter.

    Four years ago, 86-year-old Hefner was married for the third time on one of the models of Playboy Crystal Harris, which is 60 years younger.

    Crystal Harris became the face of the magazine in December 2009.

    For Hefner, it was the third marriage, while Harris was not married before. In 1949, Hefner's wife became Midfred Williams, and in 1989 Kimberly Konrad.

    Hugh Hefner's condition is estimated at $ 43 million, the report on its company Playboy Enterprises, Inc.

    James Cook, BBC Correspondent in Los Angeles:

    Hugh Hefner with his silk pajamas and the like was the character separating America.

    Was he in fact the godfather of a sequal revolution or just a dirty old man? Odius seller of malware or enlightened publisher of modern literature?

    Feminists accused him that in her mansion he treated women only as objects of sexual harassment, if not as prostitutes. At the same time, he supported racial integration and advocated gay rights.

    In general, he was a character much more complicated than he seen the editors of tabloid. And from the point of view of sexual morals, it is peculiar to him permissiveness - bold or shocking depending on your taste - now it seems not very strange. In this regard, Hugh Hefner was ahead of his time.

    The founder of Playboy Journal Hugh Hefner died at the 92nd year of life. He died at home. The death of Mr. Hefner was caused by "natural reasons."

    "My father, who lived an exceptional life, participated in many significant social and cultural events, defending the freedom of speech, civil rights, also supporting the sexual revolution," he leads the Hollywood Reporter of the Son Hugh Hefner Cooper.

    Hugh Martner Hefner was born on April 9, 1926 in Chicago (Illinois). After graduation, in 1944-1946, he served in the army, but did not participate in hostilities. After the army Hugh Hefner entered the University of Illinois in Urbane-Shampayne, where he studied psychology, visual art and writing skills.

    He worked in Esquire magazine, from where he quit in 1952, when he refused to raise a salary. Hugh Hefner decided to create his own magazine. Initially, he was supposed to be called Stag Party ("Bachelor Party"), but it turned out that such a publication already exists. In December 1953, the first release of Playboy came out. On the cover was a photograph of an actress Jin Mortenson, who later became famous under the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe.

    For the magazine also posed celebrities such as Elizabeth Taylor, Cindy Crawford, Pamela Anderson, Danny Minoga.

    In 2015 it was reported that Playboy intends to refuse to publish photos of completely naked women. And in 2016, Hugh Hefner sold Playboy's mansion with the condition that he would live in him the remaining life.