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  • Performer of Russian folk songs Devyatova. Personal life: family, children of Marina Devyatova, personal photos

    Performer of Russian folk songs Devyatova.  Personal life: family, children of Marina Devyatova, personal photos

    Dossier "MM"

    Horoscope: Sagittarius, born in the year of the Pig.

    Education: A. Schnittke College of Music, Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins.

    Career: singer.

    Stage experience: 15 years.

    Achievements: participant of numerous international competitions and festivals.
    Marina presented a Russian song to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the entire royal family; gave concerts in Italy, Estonia, Bulgaria, USA, China;
    released two solo albums.

    Family status: Single.

    Car: Lexus RX 350.

    Favorite flowers: lilies.

    - How did your career start?

    I have always loved to sing. When I was 3 years old, my older sister was already studying at a music school and knew how to play the piano. Once a month she and I arranged home concerts for relatives: she played, I sang. Then artificial flowers were in vogue, which also decorated our apartment. Before the performance, I took them out of the vases and handed them out to our guests so that during the performance
    gave these flowers to my sister and me. Rather, they did not give it, but threw it on an impromptu
    scene. I think this is how my career started.

    - It is known that your dad Vladimir Devyatov is a singer, People's Artist of Russia.
    Choosing your profession, have you decided to follow in his footsteps?

    Dad never insisted that I become a singer, but since childhood he vaccinated
    I love music. And at the age of 14 I first performed with him on stage
    concert hall "Russia" - one of the largest Moscow concert
    sites where we performed the song "Rechenka-Rechushka" as a duet. Then for the first time I felt the energy of the hall, felt the views of almost two thousand spectators
    and realized that she was seriously ill with the scene for a long time.

    - Why the choice fell on the execution exactly folk songs?

    Russian traditions and customs have always been honored in our house, I liked it. Later
    I entered the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins to the faculty of solo folk singing. During
    study, I plunged into the atmosphere of Russian folklore, began to travel to student
    expeditions to collect Russian folk songs in villages and towns. I was in the
    delighted with this folk flavor. So I decided that folk songs are mine.

    - What song brought popularity? And how did you realize that you became famous?

    The song "I am fire, you are water" marked the beginning of a pop career and became mine
    business card. The composition turned out to be very memorable, with a simple
    melody and incredible energy, due to which she won the love of the audience. A
    they began to recognize me, probably, after the end of the "People's Artist" competition.

    - Maybe you remember some interesting gifts, surprises from fans?

    Once, for my birthday, they gave me a fairy tale film about how “a long time ago in the Moscow kingdom, a red girl Marina Devyatova was born, and how
    her path to glory. " I got great pleasure and laughed a lot. And recently
    one woman gave me a huge homemade postcard with ditties and funny quatrains.

    - What does your rider necessarily include?

    I'm not a picky artist. For me in a household rider, the main thing is a special
    menu, I'm a vegetarian, so the food should be appropriate.

    - By the way, what about your favorite dishes?

    I can't say that I am an amazing cook, but when there is time for this, with
    I cook with pleasure for myself and for those close to me. For example, I like tomato salad
    cherry, mozzarella and arugula, seasoned olive oil with addition
    dried basil, salt, pepper and pine nuts.

    - Do you remember what you spent the first fee on?

    I remember the first fee very well. For a half-hour speech at a corporate
    celebration, our group of six was paid $ 300. We
    they were divided equally, at $ 50 each. I bought myself lipstick right away, and
    I gave the rest to my mother.

    - How often do you have to update your stage wardrobe? What style
    practicing offstage?

    I sew myself new outfits every two months so that the audience does not get tired of them. My
    career has begun not so long ago, and stage clothes have nowhere to hang. But in
    in everyday life, I prefer a sporty style and wear with pleasure
    jeans, T-shirts, T-shirts, sneakers.

    - Is a wonderful figure a gift of nature or the result of intensive training?

    Of course, you have to work on yourself. I visit a fitness club, work out with a personal fitness trainer, if possible, go to group classes
    body ballet, I am fond of yoga, I walk a lot. In the warm season
    I ride a bike, walk in a park near my home.

    - The most incredible gossip and myths that you have heard and read about yourself?

    Most recently, I heard that Marina Devyatova is the wife of Vladimir Devyatov. A
    it happened like this: I arrived at one of the shootings, where they approached me and said:
    "Marina, you didn't have time, your ex with a young passion was just here."
    Naturally, I did not understand, I asked again, and I was told that from the site recently
    Vladimir Devyatov left. I explained to everyone that Vladimir and I have “much more
    close relationship ”, which for some reason put everyone in an uncomfortable position.

    - Your life is constant tours and performances, and where do you like to rest?

    I like to rest in Asian countries. Asian service is beyond competition.
    Usually I go there in winter, when the weather is good, there is no tropical rain.
    I also love Europe, once I traveled to Italy. Magnificent country with
    interesting history and traditions. I really like to travel around Russia, but here I am
    I think about work all the time.

    - And finally, I would like to know about your plans. What are you working on now?

    I have ambitious plans, there are many concerts ahead. And, of course, I plan
    create and record new and original.

    Interviewed by Tatiana YAMSCHIKOVA.

    Photo from the personal archive of the singer Marina DEVYATOVA.

    People like her are often told: “Your work is not a format,” but her songs prove the opposite. What kind of “non-format” can we talk about if Marina Devyatova, a performer of Russian folklore, was honored to speak before several heads of state of Eurasia and before the English royal family? Laureate of international competitions and festivals, a favorite of a wide range of listeners around the world, she is at this moment Is one of the most popular folk singers in Russia and abroad.

    The artist's biography, widely covered in the media and on the Internet, is carefully studied by her fans. They are interested in absolutely everything related to the mention of Marina Devyatova. What is it like to feel the "burden" of the daughter of a famous person from childhood? How did she manage to improve her personal life, going through misunderstandings, quarrels and parting? What is known about her lifestyle and worldview? How active is she now, and what are Marina's creative plans for the near future?

    Official information

    Marina Devyatova as a child.
    • Passport data: Devyatova, Marina Vladimirovna.
    • Place of birth: Moscow, Russia.
    • Date of birth: 1983, December 13.
    • Russian nationality.
    • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius on eastern calendar- Boar (element of the year water); patron planet Jupiter.
    • Height and weight: 160 cm, 60 kg.
    • Education: graduated Russian Academy music to them. Gnesins.
    • Occupation: singer.
    • Main genre of performances: pop-folk.
    • Family status: Married; husband - Alexey Pigurenko.
    • Children: daughter Ulyana (born in 2017).

    About early years and adolescence

    It is worth mentioning Marina's ancestors first, because the singer's childhood was filled with their influence from an early age. "Ryazan grandma and grandpa" (her words) came to Moscow in their youth, grandfather worked as a trolleybus driver, grandmother - a cutter in a studio. On the dad's side, the girl's ancestors are from Kashira and Tambov. Regardless of their profession, they were all creative people, adored music and instilled in their granddaughter a love of Russian folklore.

    Marina Devyatova with her father. Instagram:

    Natalya Nikolaevna and Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatovs - the parents of the future “pearl of Russia”, were directly related to art. Father - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, head of the Cultural Center, a famous performer of folk songs. Mom worked for a long time as a choreographer in the Dunaevsky ensemble. When the girl was very young, her father had already started teaching her to sing, and if she and her older sister Katya were sent for a walk, the little ones "did not like picking leaves, breathing oxygen" (words of the artist): they got into grandfather's trolleybus and rode, singing folk songs into the microphone. hits.

    In 1992, her father and mother divorced, but the girl managed to maintain a close relationship with Vladimir Sergeevich and establish a warm relationship with her stepfather. At the age of seven, at the insistence of her parents, she entered Shostakovich's music school. The teachers said about her: "Talented, but terribly lazy!"

    Marina Devyatova with her mother. Instagram:

    And my mother caught her daughter at the "excellent pupil's complex", frightening: "You don't want to go to work as a janitor afterwards." Or she warned: "They'll put a deuce, and you will stand and blush in front of the class, so choose - to study or to mess around." She chose the first, and graduated from music school with honors.


    Upon graduation from high school, the girl will go to study at the Schnittke Music School, despite the fact that her paternal grandfather, the prosecutor, insisted on a career as a lawyer for her granddaughter. Now, watching Marina's performances on TV, he says with pleasure: “What a blessing that you didn’t listen to me! You better sing. " And her own father, when she was already a student, called her to him and offered to work at a vocal school. Even with fellow students, the future artist went on musicological expeditions: they studied the song heritage in the Russian outback.


    During one of these expeditions, Marina met Artyom Vorobyov: he was the leader of the "Indrik-Zver" ensemble. A fourth-year student of the school decided to professionally try to perform Russian and Old Church Slavonic songs in modern processing. Also in this group interesting experiments were made on the arrangement of folk compositions in the style of "rock" with the use of ethnic wind instruments. Without stopping working at Indrik-Zver, Marina Devyatova entered the Gnessin Academy in 2003 and graduated in 2009.

    The hard road to fame


    The first steps on the big stage gave Marina Devyatova an encouraging forecast that she would soon become famous.

    • 2003: receiving the title of laureate at the competition for young performers "Slavianski Bazaar".
    • 2005th: successful performance as part of the Indrik-Zver group in Tushino at a rock festival.
    • 2006: casting in the project "People's Artist" and reaching the final.

    This is what Oscar Kuchera, who was in the project at that stage in the jury, said. According to him, the girl tried to give up her style and at the same time wanted to look better than everyone else - the notorious "excellent pupil's complex" played a cruel joke with her. He advised to perform not what was given, but what is closest to her and her style. “You grew up with other music and it is commendable that you try to cope with any direction. Show yourself in your environment, ”the actor advised. She chose Kursk ancient folklore. The audience remembered that momentous moment when the surprised jury applauded, and one of them said: “So this is what you really are!”.


    The audience was divided into two parts: the older generation sent enthusiastic SMS, and the younger grumbled. As a result, she took second place - she was bypassed by the future soloist of the "Prime Minister" Borhuu Amarkhuu. But she was not too upset, especially after the success of the joint duet with Alexei Goman (single "It Could Be Love"). During the live broadcasts of the "People's Artist" program, Devyatova got a huge army of fans.

    After the project, the venerable producer Yevgeny Fridlyand offered Marina to sign a contract with the FBI Music company, and a life full of tours, filming and recording of new works began. The first time her recordings could be heard on a disc from the competition, where she took second place (the album was released in 2006), then in 2009 in her personal album "I Didn't Think, I Didn't Wonder". Her recital at the Moscow Variety Theater followed almost immediately. And two years earlier, she travels to Guatemala, where, when choosing a city for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games, she takes part in a big concert - she was called for an encore and demanded to repeat Katyusha eight times!


    2009 was very rich in significant cultural events in her life. At a secular reception organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church, the singer for the British royal family performed "I Look into the Blue Lakes", and the Queen of England herself applauded her. The London event added her fans abroad, and a series of important people, in front of whom she later had a chance to speak, was replenished with the following names:

    • Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation;
    • Muammar Gaddafi, politician of Libya;
    • Nursultan Nazarbayev, then the President of Kazakhstan;
    • Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

    The second personal collection, "I'm happy," the artist proposed to the public in 2011. The thought was already ripening that solo performance would bring more freedom in creativity than cooperation with “FBI Music”, and two years later she set off on a “free float”. Marina Devyatova's third album was not long in coming: it went on sale in 2013 and was named In the Moonlight.

    A triumphal march through the world of art - this is how her future career can be characterized. Achievements of the girl singing in the style of "pop-folk" were not limited to cooperation with colleagues in the "folk" workshop. This is what she did, and the list below is not a complete reflection of her successes.

    • Duets with Al Bano, Alexander Buinov, Nikolai Baskov.
    • Joint performances with Petr Dranga.
    • Repeated participation in the Berlin Russian-German festival.
    • Recording of comedy numbers together with comedian Svyatoslav Yeshchenko.
    • “Happy Birthday with Love” - a concert dedicated to her thirtieth birthday (December 2013).
    • "Symphony of the Soul" - Moscow Variety Theater, 2014.
    • September 2015 - a joint program with Varvara at the Moscow International House of Music.

    Marina Devyatova and Varvara. Instagram:

    At the same time, her candidacy was nominated for the national nomination "Best Folk Performer". The fact that Pelageya bypassed the girl did not upset her too much, because her popularity only grew after participating in this prestigious program.

    Marina Devyatova now


    “20 years with you” (April 2019) - the program in the Kremlin Palace, presented to the audience this spring, summed up its activities. Tickets for the event were all sold out long before the appointed date - this is an indicator of her creative upsurge and further success in the "non-format" (according to ill-wishers) niche of art.


    During the tour, Marina Devyatova is always accompanied by the show-ballet "YAR DANCE", a guitarist and an accordion player are obligatory in the orchestra. The singer never uses a phonograph: the audience admires her strong, clear voice during each performance. Not only big cities and large stages are visited by her: she is ready to go to any city in Russia, where they are expected and ready to listen to her. In March 2019, for example, in Kostroma, the stage of the Gubernsky Exhibition and Convention Center was literally covered with flowers (and Kostroma residents had previously complained on social networks that, due to material difficulties, they do not always buy flowers for idols). After the performance of the song dedicated to my mother, many of the audience cried.

    Another event in the provinces, where the performance took place recently, was the Lermontov Festival of Poetry at the Tarkhany Museum-Reserve, Penza (June 2019). She was admired, she was listened to by several thousand people every day. The singer's Instagram photo from this holiday shows that people sat down on the ground if there were not enough chairs - so they wanted to join her talent.

    What apartment and house does a famous performer of Russian folk songs have? Let's look at the house of Marina Devyatova, where she has recently been living with her husband and little daughter.

    Mansion in the suburbs

    Singer Marina Devyatova has spent a lot of time in the Moscow region over the past two years, in a house on Novorizhskoe highway, which belongs to her father, folk singer Vladimir Devyatov.

    As Marina told reporters, after she got married in 2016 and gave birth to a daughter Ulyana in 2017, her father advised her to live with her husband and child in a family country house, so that the young spouses decide whether to build a house. out of town for myself.

    Apartment in Moscow

    Marina's first experience of constant life in the countryside. The girl, who became the finalist of the TV project "People's Artist", spent her whole life in the capital.

    Marina was born into a creative family: her mother works as a choreographer, and her father, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Devyatov, sings.

    In addition to comprehensive school, Marina graduated from the music school. D. D. Shostakovich, A. Schnittke College of Music and the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins.

    Marina began working in a musical ensemble while still in college. Currently, the girl is a famous folk singer (sometimes they sing with her father).

    Excellent earnings (who said that folk singers earn little?) Allowed the girl to independently purchase a three-room apartment with an area of ​​76 square meters in the west of Moscow, not far from the Molodezhnaya metro station.

    Marina does not hide her apartment, she showed it to reporters. Videos with detailed footage are available on the Internet.

    The girl admits that she initially wanted to buy an apartment in the southeast of Moscow, closer to her mother's apartment. Alas, at the time of purchase, there were no good options. New houses were not erected, and in those already built, large sums were asked for housing.

    As a result, the singer found a suitable apartment in a panel house under construction on the site of the demolished five-story buildings. True, in the west of Moscow, not in the southeast. But Marina managed to keep within the available budget and not borrow.

    During the renovation, the girl focused on the color scheme of the apartment. Fuchsia is her favorite shade, and the singer was not afraid to decorate the entire apartment in such a range.

    Marina's longtime acquaintance, who was doing repairs in her mother's apartment, was engaged in the design. It was decided to demolish the wall between the kitchen and the living room and instead install a mirrored partition with an offset.

    Marina converted one balcony into a dressing room, since she, like any artist, has many outfits, both concert and everyday.

    The bedroom is decorated in a romantic style with a rounded plasterboard structure on the ceiling and a mirrored wall at the headboard. Marina decided to combine it with a balcony (the second one in the apartment).

    Failed husband of Marina Devyatova, so scared of responsibility, and so desperately fighting for his never-developing career as a singer, that he gives out interviews right and left about the couple's life together. He claims that he was not going to marry Marina, that he is not ripe for a serious relationship and is still at the stage of becoming himself as a person. Therefore, it would be foolish, in his opinion, to burden oneself with a family, and even more so with children. But he admits that he viewed the artist as a springboard and was extremely disappointed when, instead of a crazy career, she invited him to go to the registry office.

    Devyatova answers this harshly: “And what, Kolya is now in the process of becoming a man? And this is 25 years old? .. Seriously, I thought that Nikolai would nevertheless turn out to be a man in absolutely everything and would not advertise our relationship in the press. I hoped that Kolya had enough brains to leave everything between us, because this is a private matter of two people. It seems to me that he did this due to the fact that he was unable to realize himself as a singer. Only he does not understand one thing: no work and no show business will ever replace him with normal, human relations ... I sincerely want to wish Nikolai creative success and hope that his concept of a lonely prince will bring him good luck! "

    According to the couple's acquaintances, this was the only way this relationship could end. After all, Demidov is not a serious person and, in fact, is still a child. And Marina behaved with him like a caring mom. Therefore, not having received what he wanted, the guy just made his legs, accusing the singer of being too active and overbearing.

    The girl, in turn, considered Nicholas a romantic nature, capable of actions. She did not believe that he could betray her and calculated their life together for years to come.

    Today, according to the singer, the future husband of Marina Devyatova should be brave, strong, reasonable and responsible. Of course, with all this, remain a creative person and be sure to build family relationships on friendship and mutual respect.

    Unfortunately, so far Marina has not met such a person, and if she did, she keeps it in the strictest confidence. Perhaps it is correct. Famous people should always have their own territory. A place where they can be themselves without expecting a dirty trick from the outside.

    In the biography of Marina Devyatova, it is very rarely mentioned about her personal life, photos or children. The singer tries to hide this information from the public as much as possible. From the personal life of Marina Devyatova, it is only known that for a long time she did not develop a romantic relationship. After some time, Marina met Alexei Pigurenko.

    Private questions to the singer Marina DEVYATOVA.

    The husband of the artist Alexey Pigurenko published on his official page in social network Instagram photo taken straight from the delivery room. Marina Devyatova and Alexey Pigurenko have known each other for eight years. However, at the time of the meeting, both were not free. In October 2016, Marina Devyatova and Alexey Pigurenko got married. Previously, Devyatova maintained a romantic relationship with a doctor who was much older than her in age.

    Marina presented a Russian song to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the entire royal family; gave concerts in Italy, Estonia, Bulgaria, USA, China; released two solo albums. When I was 3 years old, my older sister was already studying at a music school and knew how to play the piano. Before the performance, I took them out of the vases and handed them out to our guests so that they would hand these flowers to my sister and me during the performance. Dad never insisted that I become a singer, but from childhood he instilled in me a love of music. Once, for my birthday, they gave me a fairy tale film about how "a long time ago in the Moscow kingdom was born a red girl Marina Devyatova, and how her path to fame then ran." Naturally, I did not understand, I asked again, and I was told that Vladimir Devyatov had recently left the site. Photo from the personal archive of the singer Marina DEVYATOVA.

    Marina Devyatova - biography, information, personal life

    Singer Marina Devyatova has been receiving congratulations for a day now: she gave birth to a daughter. A beautiful little girl with a height of 53 centimeters and weighing 3340 grams was born in one of the elite Moscow clinics. The child was named Ulyana Alekseevna, and the surname was given to Pigurenko - after the surname of the child's father and husband Marina. I am completely under the influence of endorphins of happiness, because this is our first daughter, - Marina told us. Ulyana almost was born at the house of her mother Marina Devyatova.

    Marina Devyatova: a woman should keep a home (22.07.2014)

    Little Marina Devyatova at the piano. She was able to take into account the wishes of all family members. I live with my mom, stepfather and a cat named Lo, who loves to tear furniture and sleep in the most unpredictable places (laughs). Even before the start of the renovation, it was decided to focus on the classic style, which my mother really liked, and also to add elements of Russian folk to the design. Yes, concert costumes can really keep an artist out of the house (smiles). Of course! I have a collection of vases in the hall. It is in them that I put bouquets from my favorite spectators. Marina, how, in your opinion, can you fill the house with happiness?

    Beautiful, energetic, with sparkling eyes - this is how I saw Marina Devyatova on the eve of one of her recent solo concerts. During our half-hour conversation, she told who she sings for, why she loves Russian songs and why rehearsals are more interesting for her than the concerts themselves. By the way, I am often asked during concerts who is the composer or the author of the words of this or that song. Many people think that songs like "What You Were" are folk songs. No. You know, the whole trouble is that films about talented people in our country most often begin to speak only after their departure. During her lifetime, Valentina Vasilievna was not fully popularized. Marina, who do you most often see at your concerts? The artist's costume is an element of the show. After all, an artist is a serious profession, why should I dress badly ?!

    Personal life, the family of Vladimir Devyatov has never been an obstacle to his professional and career growth, on the contrary, he easily achieved everything with the support of his relatives. The main role and direction in which the singer develops are folk songs and motives.

    Finalist of the "People's Artist"

    In 2001, she became a laureate of the All-Russian Competition of Folk Song Performers named after V.I. Ippolitov-Ivanov, which took place in Voronezh. On October 28, 2008, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the first solo concert of Devyatova was held, which was dedicated to Russian traditions and folklore. In November 2011, Devyatova's album entitled "I am happy" was released. On November 9, 2014, Devyatova's concert "Symphony of my soul" was held at the Moscow State Variety Theater. In the same year, Devyatova celebrated the 15th anniversary of her creative activity. Marina Devyatova claims that “Russian song and Russian folklore are what unites us all. A year and a half later - after the death of Devyatova's stepfather, who was a very close person to her - Pigurenko supported her. At that moment, they both realized that they wanted to be together again.

    But it was not there. Marina's creativity so sunk into the souls of many that she subsequently reached the final of the musical project. Our heroine was going to sing along with Lyudmila Zykina, but this was not destined to come true due to the death of the people's artist. After a busy day at work, he prefers to relax with yoga, meditation and a fitness room.

    During her career, Devyatova often came across the statement: "your music is not a format." Out of a desire to prove otherwise, in 2006 she went to the casting of "People's Artist-3". As a result, Devyatova became a finalist of the project. According to the singer, she chose this name because it is close to her "both in the state of her soul and in the energy that, I hope, my work carries." On December 8, 2013 in the State Central Concert Hall “Russia”, Devyatova's solo concert “On Birthday with Love” took place, which was timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the singer.

    Performing with this ensemble, Marina studied in parallel during the period 2003-08 at the Russian Academy of Music, which was named after the Gnesins. She was a student at the folk singing department. At this time, the aspiring singer took part in the "Slavianski Bazaar", an international competition of performers. Marina Devyatova, starting her career as a singer, often heard from music critics that her music was not included in the recognized format. Wanting to prove the opposite, the young singer went in 2006 to the casting of the third season of the musical reality show, which was called People's Artist, held on the Rossiya TV channel.

    Marina Devyatova is a native Muscovite, date of birth: December 1983. The girl's parents were creative people: father Vladimir Devyatov - a creative person, singer; mother is a teacher of choreography. For her, her parents were great pride, because her father received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and her mother was a very popular specialist in the field of dancing.

    Marina Devyatova is a Russian singer, performer of folk songs, as well as pop hits stylized as folklore.

    She decided to prove that a modern folk song can be truly folk song. For this, the girl chose a television project "People's Artist" that was consonant with the name and went to the casting of the third season. Also on the account of the singer is a joint concert with another performer of folk songs Varvara. It is only known that the new lover of the folk diva has nothing to do with show business.

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