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  • Kyata (gata) puff pastry. Azerbaijan kyat recipe

    Kyata (gata) puff pastry.  Azerbaijan kyat recipe
    I still remember how the birds sang there ... I remember the adhan, which was heard from the minarets of the mosque, on which the windows of my grandmother's house looked out ... In the summer we went to the heart of our Karabakh, Shusha. Clean mountain air, unique nature, wonderful smiling faces of Shusha residents, people who surprisingly combined intelligence, provincial simplicity and originality ... In the evenings, relatives, neighbors gathered on the veranda at my grandmother's ... it was fun ... until midnight they played in loto, dominoes, backgammon ... samovar teas, delicious grandma's pastries ... it smelled of freshness, comfort and peace ...
    And then there was the war ... The marauders took everything out of the house ... I must say that grandparents were not poor people ... old carpets, silver dishes, furniture ... The invaders tanked that house, garden, veranda, comfort, peace is everything ... And the grandmother (may the Almighty send her Paradise) hoped to the last that one day she would return to her home and at least be buried on her land ... But this was not destined to happen ...
    May the Almighty punish the guilty and put everything in its place! Amen!

    The taste of this kyat is the taste of my childhood. This recipe is my grandmother's recipe. They say that my culinary skills are like my deceased grandmother. And this is insanely flattering to me. As we say, "she had delicious hands ..."

    First, we make a dough. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. flour, a bag of dry yeast (10g) and 1 tbsp. warm milk, 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. We put it for 15 minutes in a warm place to come.

    In a separate bowl, beat 3 eggs, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, a bag of vanillin (11 g), add 150 g soft plums. oils. Stir well, pour in the dough, mix and gradually add flour, about gr. 800. We knead the dough. You should have a soft, elastic dough. We put the dough in a warm place for about an hour.
    During this time, we prepare the filling. For this, 300 g of cold plums. butter (necessarily from the freezer!) We rub it on a grater, add 1.5 tbsp. powdered sugar, a bag of vanillin (11 g) and flour. Flour should be added gradually, by eye, while grinding the mass into crumbs. Put the filling in the refrigerator for about 45 minutes.

    Divide the dough into 5 parts. Let's roll 5 balls. On a floured surface, roll each ball into a layer, which we grease with melted butter.

    We take the filling out of the refrigerator, divide it into 5 parts by eye. We spread and distribute one part on the rolled and oiled layer.

    We collect the edges in the middle, pinch them, turn them over onto a floured surface, gently roll them out with a rolling pin, correct the edges, give either a round or a square shape. Lubricate the top with yolk, apply a drawing with a fork, prick the dough with a fork so that air can escape and put it in an oven preheated to 160 degrees.
    I bake on the lower setting for 20-25 minutes, on the upper setting - about 10 minutes. And you, of course, focus on your oven.

    Let's start by making the dough:

    1. Pour the sifted flour into a large container, but not all, but about 400 gr.
    2. Add sugar, vanillin, baking powder, salt to the flour. We mix.
    3. Now rub butter into flour on a coarse grater. The oil must first be frozen in the freezer.
    4. Rub flour and butter with palms until crumbs.
    5. Break one egg and the protein from the second egg into flour. We leave the yolk for lubrication.
    6. Then pour in sour cream (kefir or milk) and knead a soft, plastic dough. If there is not enough flour, then add the remaining 100 gr. The finished dough should become firm, elastic and not sticky to your hands.
    7. Put the kneaded dough into a bag and immediately place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that the butter in the dough does not melt.

    Let's start preparing the filling:

    1. To do this, fry the flour in a dry frying pan for about 5 minutes. Fry flour with constant stirring. Flour after frying should not change color, that is, the flour remains white.
    2. Add sugar to the cooled flour, mix.
    3. Rub the frozen butter on a coarse grater and prepare friable crumbs from all the ingredients, just like rubbing it with your hands when preparing the dough. The filling is ready.

    Back to the test:

    1. It must be divided into 3 equal parts.
    2. We lubricate the work surface and hands with vegetable oil.
    3. Roll each part of the flour into a layer approximately 3 mm thick.
    4. We lay out about 1/3 of the filling on each layer. Distribute the filling evenly, the edges of the layer, while leaving them free.
    5. Next, we carefully roll each layer into a tight roll.
    6. Now we lightly press each roll from the center to the edges to make them even more compact.
    7. Add 1 tablespoon of water to the yolk which was left and beat. Lubricate rolls with this mixture, from all sides.
    8. Rolls, prick with a fork along the entire length.
    9. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
    10. Now we cut each roll into equal small pieces and put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
    11. Kyata is baked until golden brown for about 20 minutes.
    12. After baking, let it cool slightly, then transfer to a plate.

    Azerbaijani kyata cookies are ready!

    Good appetite!

    You can also cook an Azerbaijani national dish according to our recipe -

    Everyone knows Caucasian cookies made of puff chopped dough stuffed with nuts - gata. Azerbaijan also has its own variety of this pastry - kete (kyata, chum salmon). The principle of preparation of gata and kete, as well as the composition of the cookies, do not differ significantly. But still, I want to take a closer look at our national dessert.

    I remember how my grandmother used to knead the dough for chum on a "kaymak" - very heavy cream, so fat that the chilled cream could be cut with a knife like butter. The baked goods, respectively, turned out to be very fatty, high-calorie, but very tasty and crumbly. Times have changed and now modern housewives are replacing heavy cream with less high-calorie sour cream or even natural yogurt (not drinking).

    My grandmother also added water infused with coal to the dough so that the products would rise well. Instead of coal water, I add a teaspoon of baking powder to the flour. This is an optional ingredient and does not have a baking powder in the classic recipe. But it seems to me that with a baking powder, the dough turns out to be more interesting.

    The filling for chum can be varied: ground walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, to which ground cardamom is added.

    Pour 3 tbsp. flour in a bowl, make a depression, add softened butter. Then add an egg, vanilla, 1 tsp of dry yeast, the soda can be quenched in kefir and added to the dough. Then add a little 4th cup flour and knead the dough. The dough should be tough and not sticky, but not too hard. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

    Filling :
    Mix the softened plum oil with sugar sand, add vanillin. Then add 1 cup flour and stir. If necessary, add more flour and rubbing with your hands, rubbing against each other, you should get a loose crumb, but when pressed, it sticks together a little.

    Divide the dough into 3 parts. Roll out each part to 1-2 cm thick, pour in the crumb evenly (which is also divided into 3 parts) and wrap the dough with the filling in a roll. Use a ribbed knife to cut a little diagonally into the cookies. Place them on a baking sheet lined with tracing paper and coat the top of the cookies with yolk. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 200! C until golden brown for 15-20 minutes.

    Ethnic pastries are interesting to many of our housewives. In particular, they enthusiastically master the Transcaucasian recipes. True, so far, some kind of pies known as gata or kyata remain unfamiliar. Meanwhile, in Azerbaijan and Armenia, they are very popular and gain admirers from us, thanks to their delicate taste and ease of preparation.

    The Azerbaijani kyat recipe is still the most widely used, but others are studied by chefs very closely.

    Naturally, every Armenian or Azerbaijani woman has her own ideas about proper baking. So, the gata has several varieties. First of all, they differ from each other by the test. We will describe the most popular variations of it in the article.

    Karabakh kyat: the right dough

    It can be recognized as the most laborious, since it is prepared exclusively with yeast, with which not all chefs are friends. However, the result of the work is worth trying. You should act in this way:

    1. A bag of dry yeast (17 grams) is dissolved in two glasses of warmed, but not hot water, one and a half glasses of flour (300 grams) and a pinch of salt are added.
    2. After good mixing, the container is set aside for half an hour to raise the yeast. Then half a packet of vanilla sugar is poured, four full (you can with a slide) spoons of ordinary and another 700 g of flour.
    3. The elastic fluffy dough is kneaded and left under a towel for a couple of hours until it doubles in size.

    If you use this Azerbaijani kyat recipe, which, however, is almost the same in Armenian cuisine, you will get fluffy and crispy pies with an airy taste.

    Chopped kata dough

    Those who get yeast dough every other time can go an easier way. The Azerbaijani kyata is being prepared without their participation. The recipe is also used to create the Yerevan version of the gata, so it is approved by many chefs:

    • A 200-gram pack of frozen butter is finely chopped with a knife and ground by hand with an egg, a glass of sour cream and three glasses of flour;
    • Having achieved approximate uniformity, the dough is wrapped in food grade polyethylene and hidden in the cold for half an hour or an hour.

    If you are preparing just such a gata, the recipe prescribes special further manipulations:

    1. The dough is rolled out as thinly as possible, greased with the filling (also with a thin layer), folded in half and rolled out again.
    2. Re-lubrication and rolling should be done at least twice more.
    3. Before baking, the layer is figuratively cut, the pies are smeared with an egg, possibly sprinkled with brown sugar.

    Dough without interlayering

    The non-layered Armenian gata is prepared even more simply. For the dough, combine two glasses of flour, softened butter (this time 150 g), a pinch of salt, two eggs, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and half a spoonful of slaked soda. The dough is kneaded in the usual way - at the end of the process it should stick a little. Wrapped in plastic, it is again sent to the bottom of the refrigerator for the same period. The rolled layer is thickly covered with filling, rolled up with a tube, cut, and the pies are baked for about twenty minutes.

    Sour cream can be replaced with half a glass of kefir. In this case, soda is not needed: the dough will turn out fluffy due to the liquid used.

    Best filling

    Both the Armenian and Azerbaijani kyat recipes agree on one thing: the preferred filling. Traditionally, in both cuisines, pies are made sweet (although there are savory versions, one of which we will describe below).

    A quarter of a kilogram of butter is heated, cooled and chopped as small as possible. This crumb is ground with a glass of sugar and two glasses of flour. For flavor, vanilla is added, some add lemon zest. The final substance should resemble fine bread crumbs.

    A separate clarification: some housewives prefer not to heat the oil, but to use it in its original form. They say that the filling is softer this way. It is worth trying both versions and decide which kyata you like best.

    Unsweetened gata

    There are seasons in the mountains when the land brings a huge amount of greenery. And the housewives do not miss the moment to pamper their family with a delicious and vitamin dish. Any gata is taken as a basis, the filling recipe, however, is presented completely different. However, you can take the most primitive dough:

    1. Knead a pound of flour with a glass of water, half a pack of butter and a pinch of salt - eggs do not participate in it.
    2. The dough is rolled out very thinly, a frying pan is stretched over it with the formation of sides, and the filling is laid inside.
    3. For her, at least dill, spinach, cilantro and onions are chopped in any ratio. The only limitation is not to overdo it with the onion, it can “hammer” all the other herbs. If possible, sorrel, nettle, water mint, buckwheat are added to the filling - any greens that are at hand and you like.
    4. From above, the kyata is closed with the same thin layer of dough, and it is placed from the middle, and then stretched to the sides. The edges need to be blind.

    It is interesting that such gata is not baked, but fried, and very quickly, literally for a minute from each side. In this case, a flat frying pan (and ideally a tandoor) is used. This aromatic luxury is eaten with fermented milk drinks. Traditionally, gatyg was served with kyat with greens, but kefir, unsweetened fermented baked milk, ayran and even kvass are suitable, even if it is not of dairy origin.

    Baking forms

    The final product can be very different. For example, Armenian gata is traditionally made in the form of a large round pie: the bottom sheet of dough is laid out with filling, covered with the top layer and beautifully decorated. When serving, the baked goods are cut into sectors.

    If we take the Azerbaijani recipe for kyat, it is more often suggested to roll the dough stuffed in the same way and cut obliquely. Alternatively, the baked goods can be framed in triangles or collected in "bags" - in a word, they can be portioned pies. Usually housewives choose the cooking method that seems more convenient to them. In principle, no recipe prohibits the flight of culinary imagination or combination.