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  • Gemini women: characteristics
  • Complete horoscope of twins women. Gemini women: characteristics

    Complete horoscope of twins women.  Gemini women: characteristics

    It happens that Gemini girls get married too early. They want to escape from an emotionally cold home, become independent, and sometimes they do it out of curiosity: what is it like to live together under the same roof with a loved one?

    Deep down, they are always looking for their other half, an astral Gemini with the features of an ideal partner, dreaming of great love to the grave. But if they meet a handsome man, then they consider it necessary to take advantage of the opportunity that has turned up, because the second may not be! In short, Gemini women make the decision to marry quite easily. But how stubbornly they endure all good and bad for many years is a completely different story.

    Gemini wife - married life: Gemini's relationship to husband, family life, home

    Gemini is an incredibly attractive woman: smart, talented, witty, in addition, well-read, interested in science, art, travel. Public, social life is her element. She is an excellent candidate for the vacancy of the wife of a person holding some kind of public office, having a status for which the "representative" qualities of the spouse are valuable.

    Surrounded by a tight ring of enthusiastic men, Gemini wives most often cause envy, therefore, they most often choose friends and patrons from among the stronger sex. The twins know how to have interesting conversations and find their bearings in any life situation - with the exception of the role of a housewife ...

    It happens that a young Gemini wife, who has no life experience, head over heels in love in marriage, takes seriously the role of a respectable, conservative mistress of the house. But she has to pay the highest price for her skill at making yeast dough and ironing shirts. With age, the Gemini wife matures, becomes more confident in her needs, rights and life goals, therefore astrology still recommends the representatives of this sign to marry at a mature age. Otherwise, a destructive cycle of romance, marriage, divorce and disappointment can begin.

    At the age of about 40, the character and behavior of Gemini wives in marriage changes: they become more stay-at-home, but, as before, they like to be out of the house as much as possible. Such a woman is still attracted to travel, even in difficult conditions and with food in public places. She makes big gestures, money just melts in her hands. The husband, represented by his Gemini wife, gets a lot in marriage, despite the fact that his dear wife is allergic to vacuum cleaners and irons, and for the first big money she earned, she hires a housekeeper. Gemini are tolerant and witty, rarely jealous, understand other people's passions and interests. It is impossible to get bored with a Gemini wife: a fit, slender, young soul, despite the past years, she will never turn into a boring gossip hen in marriage, but will always remain the girl of his youthful dreams.

    Gemini woman is married: problems, quarrels, parting, divorce

    The Gemini husband has a great responsibility - to correspond to his wife, who is dynamic in all her manifestations. He must take care of her spiritual needs, keep pace with her many interests, not lagging behind a single step. Her husband is supposed to be practical, but at the same time not alien to romance. And yet his tricks may turn out to be in vain: women (as well as men) Gemini belong to the signs of the zodiac, which part with partners and marry repeatedly. The only consolation is that their broken heart still hurts a lot every time. But how long is another story ...

    Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Gemini woman characteristic from a to z - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

    The Gemini woman contains a whole harem, even a dozen women cannot compete with her in virtuosity. Each time she will appear in front of you in completely different ways, in order to entertain you, delight and enchant you. Representatives of this zodiac sign can not only easily attract the attention of men, but also keep it for a long time. After all, the characteristic of a Gemini woman is such that she can be witty, charming and, at the same time, a wonderful companion.

    Gemini women find friends easily, but do not strive for long-term and somehow binding relationships. They devote a lot of time and attention to making the people around them happier. The Gemini woman may be happy to hide her feelings from others, but she does not know how to do this, so she is ready to open her heart to anyone who decides to make friends with her. Her main desire is that everyone likes it, but at the same time it is not necessary that she likes everyone. She will be furious if someone takes too much of her time or wants to help her solve a problem that she thinks has long been solved by her.

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    The Gemini woman will always look for a way out of her turbulent and excess energy. At the first call, she is ready to go anywhere, no matter what, and often she makes the most important decisions without hesitation. She tends to rely more not on someone else's judgment, but on her reflexes. The Gemini woman will never focus on one task for too long, since her interest will already be directed to a new task in advance. Nothing but novelty is capable of captivating her so much. Even if she vows to do all the work from start to finish, and clearly fulfills the tasks assigned to her, she will not be able to finish it.

    For her, an extremely difficult task is to connect her life with one single lover, with some plans and with only one single job. The Gemini woman can confuse anyone, but she is very peaceful and cheerful. As much as she is subject to vitality, so is she subject to a gloomy mood. And the unknown simply terrifies her. It is at such moments for her that the need for a strong shoulder, on which she can safely lean on, becomes most acute.

    Despite the fact that the Gemini Woman is by nature very gentle and sensitive, she may seem too cold at first to many. This happens because she is used to relying more on her intellect than on emotions. After all, it is not just that this sign is ruled by Mercury, which is the planet of reason. The Gemini woman is by nature a free person, and not a bird created to sit all the years of her life in a cage, even if it is golden. Therefore, never try to tie her to yourself. Her mood can only be raised by the fact that she gets the opportunity to be exactly in the place that she likes, or vice versa, not to be able to be where she does not like. The same applies to her relationships with people, she will never communicate with those who are not sympathetic to her.

    The Gemini woman is in dire need of love compatibility with her partner. In addition, a subordinate position is not for her, so she is more attracted to a career than a household. But if she wants, then she will succeed in both. But, as a rule, if she combines these two affairs, then she immediately begins to rebel.

    In her youth, a Gemini Woman can have a relationship with several men at once. When she is not busy working on herself, she will easily begin to improve her lover. This, perhaps, can explain the fact that the Gemini Woman remains alone for a long time. It is very difficult for her to cope with this trait of her character, and her partner will have to understand this. The tendency to change is the only feature that she cannot change herself.

    She likes luxury, and she will try with all her might to get it, and for this she will use her attractiveness. Emotional independence enables her to use lovemaking as a weapon. And she has what it takes to make these weapons work effectively: imagination and charm. In a relationship with a man, the Gemini Woman very often plays a heartless game. But, despite the insults, her lover will be ready to forgive her everything and do everything possible to return to her.

    If you are able to keep up with her on an equal footing, then be sure that your torment will pay off with interest. You are unlikely to be able to find another woman with whom your life would be more interesting than spent next to the Gemini Woman. She alone can bring you into a state of simultaneous irritation and delight.

    Another characteristic of Gemini women: Gemini Girl

    Gemini woman

    A Gemini woman in life is a successful, aspiring, sociable person. She easily finds contact with people, is careless, her actions are often spontaneous and she herself is unpredictable. The planet of Gemini is a restless Mercury. He endows the people of this zodiac sign with extraordinary sociability, dexterity, liveliness of mind. Therefore, Gemini is considered a sign of geniuses and fraudsters, and women related to him resemble beautiful kites, proudly soaring somewhere in the distance. The only thing over which they cannot control is their own thirst for change.

    Gemini woman personality traits

    The Gemini woman is very eager to be loved by everyone, although she herself does not love everyone. She very easily converges with people, easily establishing friendly, or rather, friendly relations. Her attention is constantly switching from one to another, so she always lacks one friend, one lover, one job, etc. Like living mercury, it is here today, and already there tomorrow. But halfway through this journey, boredom begins to eat her up, more tempting ideas appear in her head, and old intentions are scrapped. This is a brief description of this beautiful lady.

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    A Gemini girl panics if she needs to do some work from the very beginning to the end, her merits clearly do not include organization, because it is very difficult for her to concentrate on one thing. A woman of this zodiac sign is never happy with what she has, so she always either re-educates her husband, or rearranges furniture, or moves from place to place. The environment in her home is truly changing with incredible frequency and ease. Thanks to the elusive movements of her hands, a standard apartment can quickly turn into an unusually cozy corner.

    No characteristic can accurately convey how volatile the Gemini woman is. Most of those who dealt with her could not fully understand her. The only way to somehow build any relationship with her is to accept her for who she is.

    External appearance

    A distinctive feature of the appearance of people of this zodiac sign is a certain airiness of appearance - fragility and sophistication. The Gemini woman is rarely catchy, usually she has small facial features, thin lips, intelligent, with a slight squint of her eyes. The general impression of their appearance speaks of the predominance of intelligence over emotions. The main secret of their attractiveness is spontaneity, liveliness, a sense of humor.

    Most often they are of medium or small stature, slender and petite. The figure of the representatives of this zodiac sign is usually of a boyish type, with a not too large bust and narrow hips. With the onset of adulthood, they often look noticeably younger than their peers.

    The Gemini woman is not chasing fashion. Most of all, in clothes, she values ​​practicality and convenience, preferring natural fabrics of yellow, blue, white colors. She may well dress up in a short skirt and a tight-fitting blouse, but she will never look vulgar. Often she has a short haircut "like a boy" or brushed her hair smoothly, collecting her hair in a ponytail. These mysterious ladies love gold and silver jewelry, not recognizing bright and massive jewelry.

    Attitude to work

    A very controversial characterization describing Gemini at work. It all depends on the correct choice of the type of activity. On the one hand, the work is burning in their hands, a woman of this zodiac sign manages to redo a bunch of things in a day, communicate with a large number of the right people. Gemini is smart, has the ability to make quick decisions, can find an approach to almost every person. But the advancement of such persons on the career ladder is hampered by their disorganization and inconstancy. They are inconsistent and unable to focus on solving a specific problem.

    A characteristic of the Gemini woman is a preference for a mental type of work and a choice of those activities that involve a frequent change of impressions. They just enjoy working in the media. Gemini women have extraordinary literary abilities, easily cope with translations. Good organizational skills make them successful managers and administrators. Due to the sign's belonging to the air element, they often become flight attendants.

    Behavior in love

    A meeting with a Gemini woman is unlikely to leave indifferent at least one man. It is impossible to forget such a girl, her love of life, sincerity, ease attracts many men. In their youth, women of this zodiac sign treat love as entertainment, but with age they are more and more able to reveal themselves in this delicate area. They are wonderful wives, lovers and girlfriends. However, only a sociable, interesting and intelligent man can interest her in a state. At the same time, it is very difficult for representatives of this sign to find a suitable partner, and even more so a life partner, since they cannot close their eyes to existing flaws in their appearance or character.

    The Gemini woman considers few people worthy of herself, so such a man is a rare occurrence in her life. Occasionally her search for the ideal ends successfully, during such periods her life turns into a holiday. But the most sincere confidence in her love does not prevent her from being carried away by other men. This characteristic does not allow the envy of a man in love with a Gemini. His fate lies in the eternal insecurity in his lady of the heart, who simply loves to flirt, doing it only to be convinced of her own attractiveness.

    Family behavior

    The Gemini woman will never be limited to the monotonous life of a housewife. She is constantly attracted by noisy companies, travel, entertainment. The friendly support of her husband and the presence of common interests with him are very important for her. A representative of this zodiac sign will be a good wife to someone who will be able to maintain not only physical, but also spiritual closeness with her, in other words, who will become not only a husband for her, but also a friend.

    In this case, she becomes a wonderful hospitable hostess and a cheerful mother. For her children, the Gemini woman is a close friend with whom they willingly share secrets. Such a woman knows how to organize a family vacation well and plan a budget. She is economical and unpretentious in outfits and often many things in her wardrobe are handmade.

    A woman of this zodiac sign loves to chat on the phone for hours, because she always needs fresh information. To maintain her favor, a man must present her with new signs of attention each time. The husband needs to take into account that theaters, exhibitions, restaurants, fun companies are the places where the Gemini wife will feel happy.

    Gemini Woman with other Zodiac Signs

    Gemini woman: detailed characteristics

    in the Women's Club!

    If you are not afraid of unpredictability and adventure, then you will like the twin woman.

    Compared to other signs of the zodiac, the Gemini woman is the most unpredictable, no characteristic will allow her to be solved. It is very difficult to understand what she is - she has dozens of guises, today she is romantic and touching, tomorrow she is a real fury. And you cannot demand certainty from her - this is the nature and nature of this sign.

    A Gemini woman does not easily converge with other signs, and it does not matter if a Virgo in front of her, a lion, a cancer, a scorpio or an Aries. And it's not about her - she is sociable and open to acquaintances. It's about men who go crazy with her unpredictability and never know what to expect from this sign. A twin woman can be anyone.

    Do you want a romantic defenseless person? You are welcome. Do you dream of a passionate and courageous lady? That's her. But to expect anything from her is a great stupidity. But you won't get bored with her!

    In bed, a twin woman is just as unpredictable. She is brave, knows no taboos and is not shy about anything, but she will not do what she does not want. A twin woman does not like planning, it is interesting with her, and there will definitely not be boredom and monotony in bed.

    It is generally not easy to make her a wife, but even one who succeeds may not hope that a twin woman in marriage will become understandable and predictable. She appreciates family and home, knows how to be faithful, but she will not sit at home in the evenings. Such is the characteristic of this sign in everything - you can expect everything from her.

    With other signs

    The characteristics of this lady in love will become clearer if you check her compatibility with other signs of the zodiac. Who suits her better - Pisces or Libra, Leo or Virgo, Cancer or Scorpio, and who has more chances?

    1. Aries is a godsend for her, as she is for him. Aries and a twin woman - like two teenagers, they will run in the rain, kiss in phone booths, play naughty and laugh.

    Moreover, after the wedding too! Aries will not even notice her complexities of character, Aries himself is not a gift. Excellent compatibility, there is every chance of happiness!

    2. But the calf does not need this unpredictability and adventure. His characteristic is completely different, he seeks stability and reliability, loves everything that is understandable, and will not tolerate the antics of the "twin".

    A wayward twin woman and a calm, solid Taurus man have low compatibility and are rarely together. Even if a twin woman falls in love with a Taurus man, then the matter will not go further than a short romance.

    3. Two twins are exactly a couple. And what a! Mexican dramas are a pale spot compared to this explosive yet harmonious and happy union.

    A man and a woman are twins - just like two twins, they will be able to understand and love each other, they have the same characteristics and full compatibility. Of course, you have to learn to be calmer and wiser, but if there is love, then everything will work out.

    4. Cancer and twins are very different, but they have excellent sexual compatibility. The rest is doubtful, because cancer is romantic, cancer does not know how to crush and re-educate women.

    5. Leo and a twin woman - a meaningful union. There is compatibility, but it all depends on it. If the lion manages to endure her and not press too much, if it is the lion who takes a wise position, then a good pair can turn out.

    6. Virgo is not looking for adventure. Virgo is a calm and honest person, a Virgo wants harmony, and not constantly puzzle over what his partner meant and what to expect from her. The twin woman is not the most suitable party for him.

    7. Another strange and contradictory sign is scales. Like a twin woman, the Libra gentleman is fickle, prone to unexpected changes in mood and desires, the scales are difficult to understand.

    But they have compatibility! Libra and twins are similar in many ways, and they often form reliable couples that are incomprehensible to others, but at the same time harmonious and happy.

    8. Scorpio is a storm of emotions. Scorpio and a twin can fall in love at a glance, their romance will be dizzying, but it is unlikely to go far. Scorpio will press and try to re-educate the fickle partner, and this will lead to the destruction of the couple.

    9. An interesting couple - a fickle twin woman and a life-loving adventurer, a Sagittarius man. They will have a vivid, passionate romance, and with a mutual desire, he can develop into a strong relationship. Neither the Sagittarius man nor the Gemini woman are prone to monotony, and the family will turn out to be very bright and unusual.

    10. They can be together, so different - an unpredictable and emotional twin woman and a conservative Capricorn man. He will be able to educate her and come to terms with the fact that he should not change.

    They are different, the twin woman wants impressions, and the Capricorn man is tuned in to stability. But they often form strong families.

    11. The most non-standard, but very harmonious union is an unpredictable twin woman and an emotional Aquarius man. Their romance will be a flash, and can develop into a long-term, reliable relationship with understanding and love.

    12. Pisces - from another planet. Pisces is a dreamer, Pisces is a romantic, Pisces are not inclined to inconstancy, and they have nothing to do next to a twin woman.

    Eastern horoscope

    In the year of what sign according to the eastern horoscope was a woman born? Knowing this, you can understand it deeper.

    • The rat is the perfect addition to her personality. She is talented, incredibly erudite and intelligent, very discerning and can reach heights in a creative career.
    • For a bull, an ideal is important, which you can strive for all your life. The main thing is to achieve goals, which are very different and contradictory.
    • It is impossible to deceive a tiger. Resourceful, smart, has tremendous inner strength, while not aggressive. He knows how to stand up for himself, is not afraid of rivalry, does not give up and boldly, calmly, with dignity enters the fight if he wants to achieve something.
    • The cat is the soul of any company and the head of the family. She is adored by everyone around her, she is artistic, I want to spend time with her, listen to her speeches. Loves pleasure, kind and gentle.
    • The dragon is incredible intuition. Knows everything about everyone, senses lies, foresees events.
    • The snake is brave, cunning and incredibly smart. Knows what he is doing, even if the actions seem illogical.
    • For the horse, the main thing is freedom. She is strong in spirit, does not tolerate frames and will not allow herself to be subordinated to anyone.
    • The goat is incredibly moody. She is fickle, quick-tempered, requires constant attention to herself.
    • The monkey is smart, self-confident, keeps emotions under control, will not allow itself to be deceived. She is impossible to manipulate and control, she is a good actress.
    • The rooster is a bright and scandalous person. Does not tolerate criticism, does not know how to give in and admit that he is wrong, even if it is obvious. It is better not to argue with her and be softer.
    • The dog will defend the interests and honor of loved ones and himself with amazing courage. She is not afraid of anything, fights for justice and saves a friend, putting her back under fire.
    • The pig is bright, unusual, loves to break stereotypes and do whatever it likes, regardless of the opinions of others. It is pleasant and joyful with her, she does not like to be bored and will not let others.

    Every zodiac sign is unique, but also every single person is unique! Remember that it is impossible to classify all people accurately, the horoscope only gives hints - and you can only recognize the soul and nature of a person only with attentive live communication!

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    Gemini women: characteristics. Gemini character description

    Gemini women are charming and unpredictable. Characteristics of the fair sex, born under this zodiac sign, will be given in the article. Gemini women are dual natures, their life is an eternal search for an ideal and, ultimately, the realization that such does not exist in nature. The conflict between dreams and reality is not a reason to be sad. Women of this sign are full of optimism and are always ready for a new search for a handsome prince.

    People born in the period from May 22 to June 21 are characterized by ease of communication, intelligence, friendliness. They know how to consider any situation from two sides. They immediately see good and bad in a person. Gemini has many acquaintances, friends. At the same time, their desire for the truth leads to frequent quarrels and conflicts. Former friends often become enemies.

    The mobility, liveliness of the mind, the speed of action of these people fascinate. Incredible charm, subtle humor of Gemini make them the soul of the company. They are always looking for new information. This is food for the mind, without which Gemini begin to get bored and sad.

    What kind of partner should they look for? What will the horoscope advise? Gemini, woman or man - it doesn't matter, they are always looking for a partner with the same level of intelligence. They need an intelligent, interesting interlocutor with whom they can argue, brainstorm, swear and put up with. Geminis are always hungry for change, and their partner must come to terms with this.

    Gemini women. Characteristic

    A sweet, witty, charming lady, born under this sign, knows how to listen carefully and give interesting advice. The versatility of nature allows her to come up with new moves and situations, solve complex problems in simple ways.

    She is often impulsive and unpredictable. Her emotions sparkle and shimmer in all kinds of shades. Gemini women easily move from languid bliss to active action, from ringing laughter to tears, from gentle thoughtfulness to sarcastic statements. This sign is very changeable. Gemini women can be cheerful. And at the same time very vulnerable and impressionable. They need a strong male shoulder.

    The women of this air sign are always in action. They need to change and redo something, find new and abolish the old. It can be a change of environment or work, city or partner. Gemini women are busy looking for new emotions and sensations. It is difficult for them to live in peace and stability.

    Element of the sign

    Gemini refers to air poems. They are like the wind - light, mobile, elusive. “Airy” women intuitively achieve their goals with charm and intelligence. Thanks to their charm and intelligence, they dodge unpleasant duties. Originality, love of freedom are given to them by the air element and the horoscope. Gemini, woman and man, are fair, honest. They are ready to help in difficult times.

    Planet sign

    Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. She gives the talent of an inventor and a speaker. Thanks to the influence of Mercury in Gemini, a philosophical perception of life, ingenuity, a penchant for languages, the ability to negotiate, diplomatic abilities, and ingenuity are so developed. Amorousness, fickleness, fickleness, a sense of humor - this small planet endows Gemini with many polar qualities.

    Positive and negative traits

    1. Savvy, objectivity.
    2. Ability to make friends and communicate.
    3. Developed intelligence, intuition.
    4. Independence, honesty.
    5. Willingness to help.
    1. Loquacity, tendency to gossip.
    2. Indifference, cynicism.
    3. Stubbornness.
    4. Duplicity, prudence.
    5. Insecurity.

    Sexuality of the sign

    The volatility and inconstancy of the woman of this zodiac sign gives a special touch to the relationship with her. Either proud, now modest, now minx and laughing, now icy and indifferent - every time this is a different woman, and the partner does not have to look for variety on the side.

    A lover of experiments and non-standard situations, she has been looking for an ideal man all her life, who would suit her spiritually, emotionally, physically. Thanks to her rich imagination, she can visit any roles and images, fulfill the most secret dreams of a partner.

    Gemini women do not tolerate speed and haste in sex. The characteristic of the sign dictates to them their own pace of relations. They will not agree to inept actions and timid foreplay. Only an attentive, experienced partner can find a common language with this passionate lady.

    Compatibility of signs

    The Gemini woman is dazzling and cheerful. Compatibility due to charm and sociability is possible with almost all signs of the zodiac. Love at first sight can flare up with representatives of the air element. Relationships with Aquarius can be stormy and passionate, but they will not lead to marriage.

    With Gemini, the commonality of characters will give happy love or mutual hatred. With Libra, a harmonious union is possible, but everything can destroy their slowness and hesitation. If the Gemini does not get tired of waiting, then a happy marriage is guaranteed for this couple.

    With the signs of the fire element, a Gemini woman can become a happy woman. Sagittarius compatibility is almost perfect. These two are light and restless. Their union will bring spiritual harmony to both.

    Leo will add brightness to the holiday, confidence in the future. Aries can have a surprisingly romantic relationship. But they have few common interests for a long-term relationship.

    Year of birth according to the Eastern calendar

    According to the eastern calendar, a certain animal rules each year. It brings its own traits to a person's character, adds interesting facets to temperament. How do Gemini women born in different years differ from each other? The characteristics of the sign vary depending on the dominant animal.

    Rat... She gives hard work to the Gemini woman, responsibility, efficiency to the bitter end. Thrift and thrift can lead to a successful financial career. The main thing is not to rush, to be able to concentrate.

    Bull... Endows with a sense of duty, responsibility. Such Gemini can overcome all obstacles on the way. The bull gives the ability to control a flurry of emotions, to restrain. A woman born this year prefers a family to a career.

    Tiger... The Gemini born in this year are endowed with activity, purposefulness. The tiger woman is full of new ideas. Things are going well, only interest in them disappears quickly. She is patient, she can look for an ideal partner for a long time.

    Rabbit (Cat)... This woman is dual in everything. Strives for comfort and immediately abandons him in search of adventure. Activity alternates with apathy, curiosity - with sadness. She wants to find a state that is comfortable for herself and is in search all the time.

    The Dragon... He will present many opportunities, hidden talents. You should beware of stubbornness and nervousness - they can nullify all successful endeavors. Lightness, optimism will make a woman's life bright and eventful.

    Snake... The Snake carries positive, friendliness. A Gemini woman born this year is able to stop, think, make the right decision. She does not fuss, even her frivolity becomes wisdom over time. Looking for a soft, calm man.

    Horse... Constant movement, physical and spiritual, will give the Horse. Gemini women are open-minded and friendly. But she is also capable of conflict in defending her rights. She needs to be supported, so only a confident man can bring happiness.

    Goat (Sheep)... Change of images, impressions, people - this is the motto of this woman. Can be moody and fickle. Good beginnings, but he will not be able to realize his ideas. There is not enough will to bring things to the end.

    Monkey... This woman wants to shine. She is smart, interesting, and there are always a lot of spectators around who want to applaud her. Developed intelligence will help make a career. But the inconsistency and monotony of work can stall her.

    Rooster... The Gemini woman born this year is restless and open. Possesses talents, bright temperament, artistry. With its charisma, it can captivate the crowd.

    Dog... Organization and control will bring order to this woman's life. She is smart, energetic, sociable. She has many friends who love men. She prefers not to show her emotions, for a long time she may not talk about what worries her.

    From Gemini she got some duality. On the one hand, her wonderful character, the ability to get along with people help her to achieve good success in her work. But the same mind and understanding of people do not give her the opportunity to focus only on the family, she cannot stand a boring family and boring life.

    Gemini woman unstable and unpredictable where, it would seem, everything is unambiguous. Unforeseen reactions to comments create conflict situations. May be delighted or offended by trifles. Nervous, witty, living for today, on the one hand, but, on the other hand, she is businesslike, thinking, smart, hiding her intentions behind a seemingly true frivolity.

    It is impossible to get bored with her. Her elusive, indomitable temperament craves renewal, travel, adventure. This is an excellent companion, versatile, lively and dreamy, kind and demanding, flexible and unyielding woman. She loves theater, exhibitions, companies and feels good everywhere. Easily converges with people and can strike up a conversation on any topic.

    She is always young, cheerful, cheerful, full of initiative and striving for activity.

    She is ready to come to the rescue at the first call, will never leave in grief, will not turn away in misfortune.

    It is difficult for her to remain silent when her pride is hurt.

    She is characterized by speed in actions, movements, thoughts. The clatter of her heels, her voice is heard from everywhere during the day. It is almost impossible to see her sitting quietly, fingering papers or walking aimlessly. He does everything cheerfully, with jokes. Makes a decision with the speed of sound. And God forbid, if her decisions are canceled, she will take it as an insult and a lack of understanding of her good intentions.

    It is very difficult for her to cope with her thoughts, as they overwhelm her with computer speed.

    The feeling of beauty constantly pushes the Gemini woman to change the atmosphere in her home. She knows how to create a piece of paradise in an apartment with the imperceptible touch of her hands.

    Gemini woman- a cheerful, caring mother, but she will not allow children to limit her activities. With children, she is ready to have fun, fantasize, arrange costume parties. She will allow them a lot, but she knows how to ask strictly for disobedience.

    She never shares her problems and difficulties and does not shift them onto anyone. If someone tells her about their complications, it is annoying.

    Many are unable to understand it. Yes, and she is not able to fully understand herself. She needs to be accepted for who she is, put up with her mood, adapt to her, to her originality.

    She always dreams of falling in love for real, but she is doomed to longing for the only partner - the ideal one, whom she has been looking for all her life. It is very difficult for her to find an equal friend, because, admiring his intelligence, insight, she at the same time notes the shortcomings in the suit and appearance. Men worthy of her are rare, and most likely the flame of passion never flares up. Therefore, she lives with a sense of the incompleteness of life. Desperate attempts to find happiness lead her to self-deprecation. If she finds her ideal, then her life becomes bliss, which happens very rarely.

    Married Gemini woman a good helper to her husband, takes an active part in all matters that interest him. Her partner should strive all his life to conquer her feelings. Wanting to be convinced of her attractiveness, she flirts left and right. It is difficult to love her, she tries to slip out of hands, leaving those whom she loves in eternal uncertainty. She is not indifferent to sex, but physical pleasure does not give her complete satisfaction, she is looking for a more meaningful partner. Each time she is sincerely convinced that she loves, but this does not prevent her from being carried away by all new men, while maintaining attachment to one. Little surprises in the form of gifts maintain her disposition.

    Is your girlfriend a Gemini by horoscope? Thanks to the ability to get along with people, intelligence, good character, she can achieve serious success in her work.

    Gemini girl - her characteristic

    It is difficult for her to focus only on her family, especially if home life seems too boring to her. To withstand the company of boring, from her point of view, household members around the clock is beyond her strength.

    Even in completely unambiguous, in the understanding of other people, situations, the Gemini sign shows inconsistency and unpredictability. She does not always react to comments in a predictable way, which often becomes the cause of tension and conflicts.

    A completely trifling reason can cause her admiration or, conversely, resentment. The duality of nature, inherited from the stars, is manifested in the fact that the representatives of this sign, on the one hand, are nervous, witty, live only today, and on the other, they are smart, businesslike, know how to think deeply and clearly and hide their true intentions.

    Gemini sign girl character

    To get bored in the company of a girl according to the Gemini horoscope is simply unrealistic. Travel, adventure, novelty of impressions - this is her element, the need of her indomitable temperament. She really enjoys going to the theater, exhibitions, etc. She loves fun companies and feels like a fish in water in them.

    Yes, and the environment is good with her, because she is an excellent friend, has a kind and flexible character, converges with people easily and naturally, is able to maintain a lively conversation on any topic. At the same time, she can be not only dreamy, versatile, but also adamant, demanding.

    In addition, the characteristic of the Gemini girl is not complete without such traits as cheerfulness, youthfulness, cheerful disposition, activity, initiative. This person will never abandon anyone in a critical situation and will always lend his shoulder at the first call.

    Gemini in a relationship

    If someone hurts - involuntarily or consciously - her pride, then the Gemini woman is unlikely to be silent. The girl is fast - in thoughts, in actions, in movements. Her sonorous voice, the clatter of heels can be heard everywhere. Aimless loitering, walking around the office, calm and long sorting of papers - all this is not about an employee who was born under this sign.

    She is so her own - empathetic, understanding and at the same time inspiring, sweet and charming. The Gemini woman combines the features of a classic lady and an interesting friend who always remains faithful to her loved ones. Yes, she is changeable, she lacks a little practicality, concreteness and prudence. But the twin does not seem to need this - this girl walks through life with a flying gait, and even to trials and troubles she treats philosophically, perfectly understanding: behind thunderclouds there is always a ray of the Sun.

    The twins (lat. "Gemini") were born at the very end of spring. In the starry firmament, they coexist with bulls on the left and crayfish on the right. Zodiac sign symbol- two twins, reflecting the diversity of these people, their love of diversity and constant change. Flowers that give twins good luck bright yellow, purple and dark gray shades are considered.

    Gemini Release - Air... Open to everything new, they are in constant motion. Gemini is a bicycle that keeps its balance in only one way: when it rides. Air people are easy-going and really enjoyable to deal with. They constantly feed their minds with fresh ideas, because this is, without exaggeration, their vital need. On the other hand, air is a changeable element. This is why the typical twin does have seven Fridays a week and can quickly change her mind if she sees fit.

    Mascot stones twins - chizoprase, pomegranate, etc. Their patron planet is closest to the Sun - it is Mercury responsible for thinking, logical schemes and the rational principle of a person. That is why these people sometimes think about things that others would not think about. The twin's main enemy is boredom, which can even plunge her into prolonged depression.

    It is not surprising that among the representatives of the famous female twins, we will find many bright, brilliant ladies who have become real sex symbols and style icons. On the other hand, these are not glamorous blondes with the notorious naivete, but thinking ladies who are distinguished by their bright intellect. These are Marilyn Monroe and Angelina Jolie, Naomi Campbell and Nicole Kidman, Angelica Varum and Christina Orbakaite. What unites all these people? Far from being a model appearance, which is not typical for every one of these lovely ladies. But the inner charm, sparkling, but not obsessive sexuality - this is really the main feature of their common portrait.

    Gemini woman: what the stars say about her character

    Only the twins themselves can describe the nature of the twins. This lady is so versatile that whole volumes of an encyclopedia can be compiled about her. True, this does not mean at all that we have a complex type of woman. On the contrary, twins have a rather light, easygoing nature, which can easily adapt to very different people.

    Our whole life is a game

    Yes, this is exactly how the twin girl relates to our sinful world. Perhaps she does not realize this, because she simply is not used to digging inside herself. She loves to perceive information more, to learn something new about the world than to spend sleepless nights in heavy thoughts about the properties of her soul.

    The twin does not tend to dramatize, throw tantrums and fall into a prolonged period of deep depression. She walks along the brightest streaks of the rainbow and calmly ignores all the imperfections of this life. This is why the typical twin woman is always optimistic. She sincerely does not understand why she needs to be sad and concentrate her thoughts on the bad. After all, there is so much interesting and not yet known in the world.

    Endless change of image

    People who know the twin even remotely have noticed a rather unusual picture more than once: such a rich palette of images coexists in her that you simply do not have time to follow the course of her quick thought, changing like the wind of May. Yes, twins are fickle, sometimes even windy. But this does not mean that they are not confident in themselves. It's just their nature. It's just like one person is talkative and the other prefers to be silent.

    The twin is a funny, fluttering butterfly that does not understand why the point of view should not change over time. This is at least inconvenient - after all, in our turbulent world, everything changes with the speed of lightning. Moreover, this lady is in constant search of something perfect, really beautiful and interesting. She does not like categoricalness, whims are not peculiar to her. Yes, sometimes the twins will love to play this game too. But it will remain nothing more than a game.

    Inner charm

    Appearance, as you know, is sometimes deceiving, but the mirror of the soul is the eyes. The twins, like no other, have taken this truth into service. Yes, there is something inwardly attractive in them that literally bewitches and disposes.

    Gemini is not a fortress to be assaulted. But also not an easily accessible lady. She knows how to establish contact on one side and at the same time leave an easy secret, the very zest that so colors any representative of the fair sex. Inner charm is always reflected in her eyes. That is why such a lady has no end to her gentlemen. At the same time, it is interesting that the status of many of them is not defined - at different times they can be friends, lovers, or accomplices. And if someone is confused by such a rhythm of life, then the twin feels like a fish in water.

    Freedom, equality and fraternity

    The twins do not like pressure, restrictions, and even more open manifestations of authority. Their ideal relationship is a classic partnership in which the man will be the first among equals. Yes, she will gladly give him all the levers of control, for she does not want to rule for a second.

    On the other hand, commanding the twins, forbidding them one thing and allowing the other is hopeless. The element of air is represented by the most freedom-loving signs of the zodiac. Yes, the twins are not drawn to power, but they will not allow themselves to be twisted either.

    Attitude towards work and money

    Gemini cannot be suspected of hoarding. Rather, on the contrary, this girl loves to take a walk with taste and relax, as expected. For sweet moments of pleasure, she will spare no money. And if you take a walk not alone, but with friends, it’s even more interesting. Yes, sometimes she can be a terrible spender. But this does not mean that the twin lives the poorest of all. The fact of the matter is that she somehow finds her ways, dodges as best she can: a couple of correct decisions - and here she is again on horseback. How she does it is a mystery.

    When it comes to work, a twin girl is perfect for creative activities related to design, decoration, customer service or traveling. It is simply contraindicated for her to sit still and shift papers from Monday to Friday. Gemini love everything unknown, they will willingly take up team work, because these people have a rather rare combination: they can fully express themselves and at the same time not insist on recognizing their own importance. The twin is just enjoying the process - this is her style.

    What kind of man does a twin need

    Interestingly, the twins themselves will probably find it difficult to answer this question. Their ideal image of a man combines sometimes very contradictory features. Yes, on the one hand, these ladies prefer a relationship in the format of "two bosom friends" or "older brother - younger sister." On the other hand, like any representative of the weaker sex, they would like to see a strong guy in front of them, who would forever save her from the difficult and painful need to make any decisions.

    Therefore, in general, the portrait of her half looks like this:

    1. An easy-going, not boring and not harmful man who will not argue for the sake of disputes, will not get into a pose at the most inopportune moment and generally prefers to resolve all disagreements with an even, calm dialogue.
    2. Her ideal boyfriend should be social enough. The twin does not like people from whom you literally need to pull words. Silence, from her point of view, is not gold at all.
    3. There is no doubt that only a man with intelligence is suitable for such a smart lady. If he knows nothing about fashion trends, is not familiar with the world of art and is completely far from something beautiful, delicate and beautiful, the chances are greatly reduced.
    4. Finally, kindness. No matter how trite it sounds, but a sweet, pleasant person with non-aggressive manners is a very important requirement of the twins. Moreover, they fully deserve it. We can say that this is a very rare girl - she does not like to arrange scenes of jealousy, throw tantrums. It's not that the twin is holding herself back from such impulses - it's just not her style.

    How to avoid behaving with twins

    To offend a twin girl - you have to try very hard. She usually perceives people as they are. There are no huge internal difficulties, troubles and complexes in it that interfere with communication with others. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Gemini is the most sociable sign of the zodiac, incredibly tolerant of human oddities and outright flaws.

    On the other hand, nature did not give her iron nerves. Gemini, as a rule, prefer to be patient, but it is this trait that makes itself felt at the most inopportune moment. Nobody knows which drop will be the last. And if this lady is pissed off, she can really turn everything upside down. It's just that she is sure that she does not deserve a bad attitude, because she lives by the principle: do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.

    At the same time, there are several "red lines", crossing which, you can seriously ruin your relationship with this harmless girl:

    1. Primarily, twins can't be commanded, as already mentioned above. If today she feels that she is just being twisted, it means that tomorrow she will disappear without saying goodbye.
    2. Criticize views this woman too not the most correct idea... She considers her thoughts mature and fully realized. Moreover, no one will be able to argue with this charming know-it-all.
    3. Finally, coarseness... Her twins do not accept in any form... They respect the personality and integrity of every person, so acting clumsy, playing an openly aggressive game, is the shortest path to failure.

    Who is suitable for a twin woman, and who is not very good

    Gemini is more likely to have an older brother who can replace her lover, best friend, and personal psychotherapist. Since the twin has many faces, she will not be able to live next to a monotonous, predictable partner. Yes, she needs a show - that is the nature of this girl.

    The stars paint the following picture of compatibility in the love of a Gemini woman with other signs of the zodiac:

    1. First of all, it looks completely successful. Both heroes tirelessly seek adventure, constantly change their plans and enjoy the unpredictability of being. In such an alliance, the archer should not overdo it with his activity - if his bright temperament can find a diplomatic approach to the delicate twin, the tandem will turn out to be surprisingly durable and original. As for other representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac, the situation looks more complicated. This lady will hardly be comfortable with a jealous lion and an assertive ram.
    2. With the signs of the zodiac, the twins will have their own element. Both are a little out of this world, but their ideas of love as friendship and friendship as love can create an almost perfect combination. Another thing is that these two do not have enough practicality, so the stars recommend right away to competently divide family responsibilities. With Libra, contact is less favorable - both partners are rather indecisive, so there is a high probability of eternal shifting of responsibility onto each other.
    3. It is quite difficult for twins to have water signs - cancer, fish and scorpio. These people are quite complex and closed, they are, as they say, "on their own mind", so the twin is unlikely to arouse their approval.
    4. And an alliance with the representatives of the earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn seems completely hopeless. The practicality, predictability of these people will plunge the twin woman into despondency, and her fickleness will openly irritate them.

    Twins in bed

    Despite the fact that twins are extremely attractive, they do not make sex the meaning of life. Friendship nights with endless conversations and unexpected scenario twists are quite in their style.

    In bed, they also prefer surprise, improvisation. Those who are friends with twins may wish to be ready for anything and always. But this lady has such a rich imagination and creative abilities that it will not work to be bored with her day or night.

    The twin woman is versatile and interesting, open and at the same time with her skeletons in the closet. However, those who find the key to her heart can only envy - not everyone succeeds in getting a best friend and a sophisticated seducer in one person.