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  • Water bull twins woman. Characteristics of male and female twins in the year of the bull

    Water bull twins woman.  Characteristics of male and female twins in the year of the bull
    You were born on Friday.
    Friday is the day of Venus, a person born on this day is a person of feelings (but not emotions). They are reliable, practical, and you can rely on them literally in everything. On Friday, aesthetes, actors, creative people, peacemakers and bearers of peace come to the world - these are their best qualities. In the worst case, they are slaves of their passions, lazy people and opportunists. It is believed that Friday is the day of peace and justice, art and contemplation, aestheticism and love. This is the best time for dating related to love contacts, as well as for marriage. But on this day, all kinds of excesses should be avoided, because they can unbalance a person and adversely affect his health. It is advisable to fast.

    Astrologers believe that a man who was born on this day of the week:

    It is impossible to resist the charm of this artist, and when he says that he loves you, that is exactly what he thinks. Tenderness and gentleness are at the heart of his character. He needs peace of mind. And the feeling that he is loved, approved, cared for. And when this romantic hero falls into the arms of a woman, there is hope that he will stay there forever.

    Compatibility by horoscope

    Relationship between Aries and Gemini

    Working in pairs, these Sun Signs could sell Manhattan to the Indians - power failures, burglars, a creaky subway, uncleaned garbage and everything else. However, both of them are idealists, and, having complained that the Indians would receive such rubbish, for a couple of strings of beads and a badge, they would return New York to them, along with all the other rights that the white man stole from his red-skinned brother. If they could, of course.

    Since both Aries and Gemini are sympathetic and both have the talent to offer their product creatively and persistently, they can reap fantastic benefits from joint projects. But both also have the ability only from time to time to concentrate in their hands, great power or money. Maybe that's why they rarely achieve the success that they could achieve, given all the emotional (Aries) and mental (Gemini) energy with which they take on what interests them. Unfortunately, everything is limited only by impulses. Nothing holds the interest of any of these signs for longer than a minute. Well, sometimes two or three.

    Since Aries seethe with naive ardor, and Gemini are determined to gain absolute independence, breaking all spiritual ties, the maturity of thought is rarely a companion of their joint efforts.

    It can be said that the combination of qualities in this Sun signs conjunction pattern is a picture of optimism, with short (usually very short) bursts of sensitivity and hidden uncertainty. When Aries and Gemini collide as neighbors, friends, business partners, relatives, lovers or spouses, their individual desire for freedom doubles against anyone who would like to keep them in a quagmire of conventions and precautions. Together or one at a time, they look young, act the same, and therefore, quite naturally, sometimes behave like children. And children are often attractive, unsophisticated, and endearing, but unintentionally selfish, irrational, and thoughtless. The representatives of these signs can be the same. Better if both or at least one of them manage to grow up eventually or spend most of their time playing in the sandbox with a couple of brightly colored buckets and big spatulas for you-know-what and be nice to each other and to the rest of the world .

    Basically, both Aries and Gemini are honest (especially Aries), but these two can fool around so much that they forget where self-deception begins. This is innocence or ignorance, if you will. In other words, they are just as adept at deceiving themselves as they are the public. If a fake is being sold, Gemini is usually the first of the two to suspect it, for he has Mercury's sharpness and analytical mind, but he is able to outwit himself, having fallen into the captivity of his own imagination.

    As for Aries, it is very difficult for him to tell the difference between what is so seductively shiny and real gold. He can acquire such a skill only by stuffing a lot of cones.

    I was talking about two. In reality, it may be necessary to speak of three, since, although Aries is definitely one indivisible person. Geminis are definitely two people: the person they really are and the one they would like to be. Twins, you know. It would be nice for representatives of these signs, which are essentially compatible, to disperse from time to time and cast a fresh look at each other from a distance. This drives away some of the fog that inevitably gathers between them.

    Aries instinctively pushes forward, convinced both of the sincerity of their motives and of ultimate victory, having little or no time to calmly consider the situation. Gemini, on the contrary, calculates and classifies all possible maneuvers and conclusions with cold detachment and logic, which is so characteristic of all Air signs (there are two more - Aquarius and Libra). And yet, the mental efforts of Gemini do not always bring results. Gemini can quickly figure out that things will not work out, but often decide to outsmart fate or themselves with a clever Mercurial strategy.

    There are other differences in the behavior of these signs. Aries, ruled by Mars, strives to be in charge of everything, leading, guiding, always taking the initiative and inspiring with enthusiasm and audacity. He will accept any idea that appeals to emotions, to personal relationships. The fickle sign of Gemini prefers an impersonal manner and will accept ideas that turn to the mental deductive process, appealing to the logic and rationality of Mercury, while his real self remains in the background, watching. Aries enthusiastically imagines himself on a white horse in front of a cheering crowd, and Gemini is not overwhelmed by a thirst for glory. It is much more important for them to be free from responsibility, to try new ideas, to discover new places, things, people. Gemini approaches everything from the point of view of the mind, but they like the emotionality of Aries, although they themselves may not be passionate about his ideas. Mercury-ruled people understand the reckless impulses of Mars, yet realize that the best way for them is to avoid getting caught up in an emotional trap whenever possible.

    Close human relationships that threaten to become a burden, long-term work without change or obstacles - everything that destroys dreams or clips the wings of Mercury makes Gemini suspicious. This Air sign tends to soar above the flames, which infuriates the Fire sign Aries. By keeping aloof and out of reach, Gemini often achieves that freedom that Aries also seeks, but does not always find. Of course, too much mental and emotional freedom can create its own confusion, and then it is precisely the directness of Aries that can help unravel the knots.

    Fortunately, the typical Aries not only senses Gemini's duality, but is usually willing to accept it. Therefore, such a union is often beneficial for Gemini, because it depends on the understanding (or lack of it) of their dreams whether they will come true, simply fade away or become unattainable. The representative of the Gemini sign will dream both in early childhood and in old age. He always pursues and never reaches. To most people, Mercury's curiosity and experimentation seem like a rug of messy, shifting patchwork, but Aries seems to be aware that these myriad interests are Gemini's attempt to piece together a multifaceted, captivating Aries Mercury personality.

    It is unlikely that Aries will prevent Gemini from flitting from subject to subject in search of all the answers in a continuous stream of imagination and static energy. Interrupting the "bird of Mercury" when he (she) speaks is like trying to catch fireflies and strange, but Aries, usually a great interrupter, understands this. These two constantly interrupt each other, not at all annoyed, and this is the most wonderful thing about their union.

    If there is a negative aspect between the Sun and Moon or the Ascendant in their birth charts. Aries can accuse Gemini of being too absent-minded and lacking concrete action and will try to demand direct answers from them. Then the sharp tongue of the Gemini can hurt the easily injured "it" of Aries, and a tribal battle will break out. Yet the wind will soon change, for they both rarely allow themselves to grieve for long. Aries and Gemini are generally good friends, they can argue for a long time until they come to a common opinion.

    The Mercurial mind of Gemini, no matter how cleverly hidden at times under a mask of calmness and quiet charm, is always on the move. As long as Aries doesn't try to trap the free spirit of Gemini with too many questions and too many demands, things will be pretty smooth between them. Aries and Gemini can build castles in the air from their combined mental images, tall enough to reach for the stars. But the foundation must be strong and stable, or they will collapse. But even if the foundation is solid, the summit may simply not be visible - all its rainbows, butterflies and gnomes... The main thing is patience, and then Aries and Gemini, forever young, always looking for Shangri-La, the Emerald City of Oz, Wonderland and the Fountain of Youth, have a better chance of finding all these places than most people or than any of them individually.

    Partner Compatibility

    Aries Woman - Gemini Man

    The Aries woman and the Gemini man can, holding hands tightly, skip through life like children. But an invariant is just as possible, when their relationship will be full of sarcastic, violent skirmishes that do not stop from morning to evening. Often the emotional combination of Mars and Mercury in a love experience gives rise to an obsessive tenderness, punctuated by sharp resentment, which makes both delight and unhappiness equally possible. This is also the fault of Gemini, who is not like other signs of Air, expressing both admiration and contempt so clearly and unmistakably, and Aries, unlike other signs of Fire, captured by the instant passion of love or hate, never thinking about the possible consequences.

    No doubt they will have frequent and violent arguments, but these skirmishes are devoid of anger. They speak frankly, furiously, but somehow not too seriously, as if they know that in the midst of the wildest quarrel they can throw themselves into each other's arms. This is what it says about them:

    Someone loves carefully - As if hatred is possible. We gently hate - We see love in this ...

    There is always a little restraint in the love of an Aries woman and a Gemini man. When they fall in love with each other, neither one wonders how the romance will end or what the marriage will be like. The initial mutual attraction, the magnetic attraction of these carefree natures makes both trustingly reach out to each other, not caring about a possible end. If it comes (in any form: parting, divorce or death), memories of love are so naive, exciting and full of blind faith, like a child's heart on Christmas Eve, that they soften the memory of any experienced insult or grief.

    Their seemingly cloudless relationship can be overshadowed by jealousy. A typical Aries woman is insanely jealous and is rarely able to soberly realize this. The point here is not in a highly developed sense of possessiveness, but in the symbolic fear inherent in Aries of the “terrible child” of being abandoned (which would mean disaster for him) and in the urgent need to constantly hear words of love. This is explained by the fact that Aries is often childishly helpless and completely dependent on long and continuous affection, although he carefully hides this under the guise of freedom, independence and complete independence, thus protecting himself from the outside world.

    A typical Gemini man is not too jealous, and it is precisely because of this, oddly enough, that Aries Woman may experience significant difficulties, you see, secretly I would like him to be jealous. Looks like he'll have to pretend. Whether she realizes it or not, she, Aries, simply needs to arouse jealousy in her man. This confirms her importance to him, and she needs so much such evidence that no one succeeds in overdoing it. A Gemini man can satisfy her desire if she becomes too provocative, but more often than not, he is too busy changing his wardrobe, moods, ideals, dreams and inclinations to pay attention to her innocent flirting, with which she hopes to provoke him. .

    He, on the contrary, will not have to try for a long time to arouse furious jealousy in her. It is enough to say hello to the saleswoman from the newsstand on the corner. And since the love of freedom and the fear of emotional shackles are strong in him, this cannot continue for a long time. She will have to somehow learn to control or hide her fears, but he must also understand that her behavior is caused by an internal fear that she lacks femininity. The type of smooth, sexually seductive, soft chicken-brained cat that every man craves has been promoted for so long that one cannot strictly judge an Aries woman for developing a neurosis about her quick mind, straightforwardness and lack of insinuating female cunning.

    She has courage and initiative, she is energetic and ambitious, and these are all supposedly masculine traits. Men believe that they have the exclusive right to these qualities. What would you order an Aries woman to do to be considered feminine? Rubbing your cheek against your lover's shoulder, purring, "Honey, you're amazing" - and never doing anything yourself? A little too bad, isn't it?

    Oh, I guess there are other ways to prove your femininity, like doing laundry, ironing, cooking, swaddling babies, chatting, ironing, washing, cooking, having babies... Am I repeating myself? I'm sorry, I started to get angry. Aries herself, I never understood why a girl should be called impudent just because she is smart and does not hide it. If most men prefer a robot housewife to a real woman, that's their problem.

    Aries women, like Sagittarius and Leo women, do an excellent job with men's affairs, and they do something much better. They can endure more pain than men, have the common sense and special logic to understand that war never solved anything, and be able to sense danger and evil long before they appear - these are just some of our advantages. We are also more sensitive, intuitively and physically, definitely more compassionate and yet much more realistic than men. But not so sentimental. (Didn't you know that men are sentimental? So much so that women were taught to see the poetry and beauty of Life!) Feminists would do well to know the limits of their equality and superiority in relation to men, but they must also “be aware of the limits of male equality and superiority in relation to women. Then we can talk about real femininity and masculinity.

    The Aries woman, with her innocent faith in miracles, is one day destined to meet a man who is looking for a real woman, and he may be a representative of the Gemini sign. He may have, if not two heads, then dual desires, and he feels an urgent need to play mental games with the woman he loves. A serene siren looking at him with a quiet, quivering passion is not for the Gemini man, because it's easier than trying to compete with him in barbs. He definitely falls in love first with the mind, then with the heart, and then the physical desire arises. It is in this order that the romance with Gemini develops. As for Aries, the order is almost the same. She falls in love first with her heart, then quickly turns on her mind, and finally, physical desire. Initial patterns do not match, but this is not so important, since both need mental and emotional attraction first. This is an amazingly successful formula.

    Since he cannot help but appreciate the constant intellectual challenge of the Aries girl, she will eventually believe that he loves her for who she is. Then she can be really affectionate and gentle with a man who proves his superiority in some things, but at the same time clearly admires her own qualities. This is a difficult trick, but the Gemini man is able to do it. His natural charm and glibness (some call it flattering) will help appease her Marsian vanity.

    It may be difficult for her to adapt to his typical Gemini habit of being late. She herself is often not completely flawless in this regard, but it is common for Aries to lose their temper when their own weapon is turned against them.

    As far as physical compatibility is concerned, he is one of the few men who can pull off the magical act that this woman should associate with sex. Her ideal of sexual expression of love is a multi-colored multi-layered construction, woven from all the books she has read, all the films she has cried over, from all the bright hopes that have ever lived in the depths of her heart. She is literally convinced that the moment they become one, the bells should ring. With him, she can hear them, because his imagination can support all the fantasies she needs to make Cinderella's dreams come true.

    It is this type of empathy that makes them fall in love with each other, sometimes at first sight (they cannot be accused of being slow). But later, it will take something more than fantasy for their love to continue to burn brightly when his detachment, characteristic of Gemini, begins to interfere with her, because for her sex exists not only in the imagination. She needs something tangible. She may feel that he never gives himself completely to her, and, most likely, she will be right. She leaves nothing for herself, and he may not be able to arouse in her such physical impulses, natural for Aries. Then she will decide that fairy stories are nothing when there is no fire to kindle them, and she will become irritable or, much worse, frigid.

    This is a delicate matter, but the relationship will have a better chance of success if the Moon and/or Ascendant in his birth chart is in a Fire sign. Otherwise, he will not be able to teach her what she will feel capable of after his idealistic preparations overcome her initial inhibition. The Gemini prince can wake up the Aries princess with a kiss, but she will fall asleep again if she does not experience an all-encompassing passion, never knowing what was about to happen. Then the Fire of the sign of Aries can turn into Ice, and this will be a great loss, because she can give so much when her fiery nature is helped to develop.

    Japanese horoscope

    According to the calendar adopted in Japan and in other countries of the East, within the 12-year cycle, each year passes under the sign of some animal. A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which fate is formed. The popularity of this calendar in the East is very high.

    These people are patient, laconic, inspire confidence. However, sometimes they can be eccentric, easily lose their temper. At these moments, they should beware - Ox's rage knows no bounds. Usually taciturn, at the moment of hobbies are eloquent. They have excellent mental and physical data. They are known as people of easy character, but at the same time they often show stubbornness - they do not like contradictions. Some of them look at love as a sport, which leads to misunderstandings with loved ones.

    • perfect as friends or life partners: SNAKE, COCK, RAT.
    • fit more or less: DRAGON, RABBIT, MONKEY, BOAR, OX
    • absolutely not suitable, absolutely contraindicated and can even bring misfortune: SHEEP.

    Chinese horoscope

    BULL (work, family, homeland)

    Patient and silent, restrained and slow, inconspicuous and balanced, precise and methodical, the BULL hides an original mind under a somewhat rustic appearance. He has a gift to call people to frankness, this is one of the main trump cards of his success. He is a contemplative. Maybe that's why he loves being alone.

    BULL can become a sectarian up to fanaticism. He is often a chauvinist, sometimes a hypocrite. Therefore, he is often criticized. Despite its calm appearance, it is a choleric. Restrained, and at the same time obsessed. Although his anger is rarely manifested, it is even more terrible because of this. It is preferable not to resist him, he can be dangerous. Despite his imperturbable appearance, he is stubborn and does not tolerate the failure of the undertaking. Bad luck for those who get in his way. This is the boss, the leader. Usually closed, but he happens to be eloquent when it is absolutely necessary.

    The BULL hates innovations that can shake his calm state. He's the type to make fun of Picasso, new jazz, miniskirts and long hair and won't let it be accepted by any of his family members or loved ones. He is very powerful. This is an adherent of conventions and traditions.

    A woman of this sign can be counted on in life if she can bake pancakes and dress according to the circumstances. But one should not expect courage or fantasy in her clothes and in life.

    BULL is a true hard worker who will bring prosperity to his family. His presence in the house is beneficial already by virtue of the fact that, as a rule, he has his own business or works for it. He suits the free profession. He is dexterous both physically and intellectually, and can be a good leader. Especially gifted in the field of agriculture.

    He is poorly oriented in commerce and social relations, they are difficult for him. It is preferable for him not to choose a profession related to travel, travel. He loses his balance and health in them.

    The BULL Woman is a homebody, she takes great care of her hearth. A wonderful and attentive hostess, she often leads the "family ship".

    Unfortunately, the BULL is rarely understood by others. This is a stubborn sectarian. However, he loves his family and is proud of his children. He uses his power without any tact for the sole reason that he is the head of a family for which he is capable of any sacrifice.

    Unfortunately, love for him is just a kind free joke. He can be gentle, devoted, sensual, but he will never become a romantic. Disdains love flirting and problems of passion. The materialistic attitude to life is for him the source of many, including marital, grief.

    The BULL will not be jealous of his husband or wife, but marital fidelity for him is the first prerogative and main advantage. He himself always does not change his feelings, but is not appreciated enough for this. In his childhood and youth, nothing special will happen. In the second part of his life, he will meet with difficulties related to a husband or wife. His companion runs the risk of becoming sad from indifference and will begin to look for romance that he cannot find at home. In this case, the BULL, if, thanks to his mind, does not overcome himself, he will recognize antipathy and turn those around him against him.

    In reality, this is a hard worker, a family man and cannot understand the difference in views that exists between him and those around him. In the last third of his life, he will have great difficulties, but if he manages to eliminate them, his old age will be calm.

    For the BULL, marriage with the COCK is ideal, which he will allow to shine. The agreement between the two conservatives will be excellent. Everything will go well with the RAT. In love with the BULL, she will be faithful to him until her death. The SNAKE, although often unfaithful, will be intelligent enough and, in any case, will not leave him. Like the RAT, the BULL will be fascinated by the MONKEY. To be successful with her, he will need all the fantasy and imagination. He should be more careful with the GOAT: capricious and windy, she can cause drama with her inconstancy.

    Folk wisdom says that the BULL cannot in any case live with the TIGER. A struggle will begin, which will end only with the departure or disappearance of the TIGER. The BULL, stronger, will put pressure on him until he destroys him. Mother BULL will never be able to find mutual understanding with the child - TIGER. The latter should leave the house.

    In conclusion, we note that the BULL, born in winter, is happier: he will have less work. One born in summer will have to work hard all year.

    Druid Horoscope

    A beautiful tree, but without much charm. From a young age it is often very beautiful, but over time it loses this quality. GRUB treats the world around him with indulgence. This is the type of aesthete. His attention is drawn to the form rather than the content. In his personal life, he is primarily interested in his own superiority.

    Has a pronounced tendency to discipline and obedience. Loves differences, dreams of awards and honors, yearns for admiration from others. Most of all, he likes to obey the established order and therefore rarely takes the initiative. Decision making is accompanied by the fear of making a mistake. At the same time, he has a sense of responsibility and justice. He does not like deviations from generally accepted rules, reluctantly leaves the straight, trodden and proven road. And he treats new ideas with caution, at the same time being an opponent of the attitude: "Oh, it doesn't matter!".

    In love, he is distinguished by great decency. Feeling is regarded as a responsible matter. He makes a sweet and pleasant partner. But if life offers him a choice between love and duty, as a rule, he chooses the latter.

    Traits of those born under the sign of HORNBEAM: intellectuality, intuition, fantasy, a penchant for artistry.

    Flower horoscope


    Conservative. Any change frightens, plunges into despair. Bluebell Rescue is a good family, a good house. Favorite means of transportation, if suddenly sent on a business trip - a train. Airplane no way.

    Anna Lyubimova

    Gemini is one of the lightest signs of the zodiac. At the same time, the concept of “light” applies to all spheres of Gemini’s life. They easily take off, come up with new ideas, quickly make friends, can easily support any conversation ... Gemini is always sociable, even if they were born in the year of the Ox.

    The Ox gives the Gemini a sense of responsibility, which, combined with their own ingenuity, gives an amazing effect. Gemini Bulls are active and purposeful.

    At the same time, the combination of these signs of the eastern calendar and the Zodiac provides such a character trait as a deep self-righteousness, even if sometimes this is unreasonable.

    Gemini is always sociable, even if they were born in the year of the Ox

    Characteristics of men Gemini-Ox

    Gemini man, born in the year of the Ox always liked by women. They appreciate him for his easy assertiveness in communication, physical endurance and a sharp mind. These same traits, which distinguish the character of Gemini, can cause a feeling of competition in men. However, thanks to intuition and the ability to easily carry on a conversation on any topic, readiness to always come to the rescue, Gemini can charm any competitor.

    What is the ability of the Gemini guy, who was born in the year of the Ox? He is equally good at doing any job. He is able to repair the crane in the house, and repair the roof of the cottage, and help the child write an essay.

    Gemini willingly gains a wide variety of knowledge, and the Ox knows how to rationally manage this knowledge

    Thanks to this, the Gemini-Ox man can make a good career, although he will need some time for this - after all, the cow part of his nature does not tolerate haste.

    Sign flaws

    Unfortunately, the Gemini-Oxen men also have their negative sides. His weakness is a certain promiscuity in acquaintances. In addition, sometimes a Gemini born under the sign of the Ox can be too stubborn: if he has come up with something, then it is impossible to force him to change his point of view until he himself realizes his delusions.

    Sometimes a Gemini born under the sign of the Ox can be too stubborn

    Characteristics of women Gemini-Oxen

    The main character trait possessed by the Gemini girl under the sign of the Ox is secrecy. She can be cheerful, but at the same time she always seeks solitude. These women, who carry a piece of the Bull's nature, are different from ordinary Gemini. Their character can by no means be called closed: on the contrary, such women easily conquer others their playfulness and easy disposition, they have a wide range of interests. However, if any problems arise, the Gemini-Ox lady limits her circle of communication and solves all the difficulties alone, acting alone by methods known to her.

    However, these girls are usually stress resistant and quickly find a way out of any situation. They treat the issue of finance responsibly and do not spend money in vain.

    Sign flaws

    Loneliness is love explicitminustwin girls born in the year of the Ox. Carried away by a sense of self-sufficiency, they can really be left without a family and loved ones. Weak immunity can also look like a kind of disadvantage, because it affects health - and in Gemini of any gender.

    Excessive love of loneliness is one of the shortcomings of the Gemini-Oxen girls

    Gemini Love Compatibility in the Year of the Ox

    Man born under the signs of Gemini and Ox, very romantic. He is constantly in search of his ideal. In his habits - to approach the next lady is always gallant, but with hidden captiousness. Gemini-Ox appreciates in a woman both an interlocutor and a charmer. However, after a while, he begins to be disappointed if the partner does not live up to his expectations.

    The young Gemini Ox is very fickle. However, with age, he begins to take a more responsible approach to his choice.

    And if a woman can really bewitch him, each time appearing before Gemini in a new role, then the relationship can turn out to be long, very tender and romantic.

    For Gemini-Ox women family always plays an important role. However, she definitely needs to keep her personal space intact. Therefore, such women may be suitable signs, in some way also closed on themselves. The Gemini-Ox girl is looking for a person with whom she can build a reliable relationship with a touch of romance and with freedom of creativity. Therefore, she is always ready to devote her free time to her husband and children. If the partner shares her interests, then the marriage always develops successfully.

    Maximum Compatibility Medium
    Minimum Compatibility
    Eastern calendar Rat, Ox, Cat (Rabbit), DragonGoat, Pig, Dog, SnakeRooster, Tiger, Horse, Monkey
    according to the western calendar Libra, Aquarius, AriesVirgo, Pisces, Scorpio, Leo, CapricornGemini, Sagittarius, Taurus, Cancer

    Full characteristics of the child Gemini, born in the year of the Ox

    Gemini children look charming, although they can cause problems for parents with their restlessness. Gemini boy, in the year of the Ox born, loves bright toys, but if he gets bored with entertainment, he will raise a fuss or try to escape in search of adventure. Curiosity is in the blood of Gemini.

    Growing up, the Gemini Ox boy often becomes uncontrollable. The girl loves to flirt and is also changeable in mood.

    The stubbornness inherent in Bulls can lead children born under an air sign to serious disagreements with their elders. Only after the end of the transitional age, the situation will begin to change for the better, and the Gemini will still show their talents.

    October 10, 2017, 19:17

    The character of male Bulls - Gemini: The fate of these men can be radically changed by themselves. They like to look for the truth in everything and often do not pay attention to obvious signs. This can make their life difficult. Also, these people tend to achieve the highest goals without the support of others. This skill allows them to get maximum privileges. And they need it only to achieve moral satisfaction most often.

    By nature, they are courageous, honest and temperamental personalities. They cannot imagine their life without friends, but their indefatigable nature often pushes close people away from them. In life, they are guided by the principle that you need to rely on experience, not theory. To do this, they select the most interesting facts. They are self-confident, so they rarely take into account the opinions of others. In general, they are a plexus of a variety of incompatible qualities.

    Ox men - Gemini in love and relationships: In love, they will be unhappy, and the reason for this will be their desire to expose their partner. No one likes that their every action will be analyzed and calculated. These men should loosen their grip and allow their partner to be themselves. Otherwise, they may be left alone. It should be noted that most often this touches them a little, since they put other life priorities at the forefront.

    Ox men - Gemini in finance and career: Their men's career should be related to various practical fields. They can apply even grains of knowledge in such a way as to get excellent results. They tend to achieve good positions, but this often takes some time. If they make a career, they will achieve stability in finances. However, this is not always important for them, so money for these men is not an end in itself.

    Ox men - Gemini in family and marriage: They should start family relationships in adulthood, when youthful maximalism is behind them. At this age, they will not be so zealous in criticizing other people and especially their partner. It will be important for them to receive support and warmth. If by the time they create a family, they achieve this, it will be easy and simple for them to get all the joys of family life. They will be especially pleased with the appearance of children to whom they want to pass on their knowledge.

    Advice for Ox men - Gemini: These men are advised to slightly reduce the significance of their words, because not all truths are worth revealing. High intelligence is also not a reason to suppress other people. Especially this rule should be applied to close people. Patience and openness will serve you well in achieving your goals. In relation to close people, it is worth completely eliminating all negative emotions, otherwise the relationship can be spoiled in vain and stupidly.

    Years: 1901; 1913; 1925; 1937; 1949; 1961; 1973; 1985; 1997; 2009; 2021.

    It is comfortable and pleasant to communicate with Gemini-Ox. In such a combination, the wit of Gemini and the resourcefulness of the Ox are combined.

    Some of his most notable traits include:

    • sociability;
    • performance;
    • a responsibility;
    • call of Duty.

    This man scrupulously performs his duties. In addition, it is distinguished by an amazing endurance.

    He loves life very much and maintains a positive attitude towards it. The Gemini man, born in the year of the Ox, progressively and purposefully implements his plans. You can rely on him, because he is extremely honest and always directly expresses his thoughts. Of course, this feature complicates the construction of a career. But relationships with others develop in the most favorable way.

    A person manages to find an approach to everyone. He quickly joins the team and creates a brilliant reputation for himself. His willpower and peculiar thinking make an indelible impression. In comparison with other Bulls, the representative of this combination of signs is not so serious. In conversation, he presents himself confidently. In addition, he has the ability to quickly respond to what is happening, but sometimes he defends his own rightness too much.

    Gemini Ox: general characteristics

    Gemini-Ox is usually not in a hurry, he approaches any task deliberately

    Gemini Ox is always surrounded by friends. He knows how to enjoy life and offer extraordinary ideas. It is easy for him to express his thoughts. This person is able to be an excellent and sympathetic listener. He likes to communicate, because in this way he achieves emotional balance. For him, relationships built on honesty and devotion are of great importance, so Gemini-Ox does not have so many real friends. But they are sincere and reliable people.

    A person is distinguished by a sharp mind and ingenuity. He has a rich imagination. And his ideas are endless. The endurance and willpower of this man can only be envied. He is savvy in many areas of knowledge, which allows him to succeed in any field.

    Stubbornness and perseverance are typical for the character of this person. Gemini rewards him with boundless optimism, which affects him in the most favorable way. He is a supporter of conservative views. In addition, the Gemini Ox is characterized by a lack of haste and lack of initiative. At the same time, he approaches his work with a high degree of responsibility. He carries out assignments efficiently and meticulously. You can count on this person, because he always lives up to expectations.

    A representative of such a combination of signs is capable of doing several things at the same time. Sometimes he does it to his own detriment. If he is unable to cope with this or that task, he will certainly find a person who will complete it.

    In his personal life, this person manifests himself more like a Gemini. He easily falls in love, and the objects of adoration change very quickly. This approach can be maintained for a long period of time.

    Gemini Ox Woman: Characteristics

    The Gemini-Ox woman will always openly and in person express all her thoughts

    The characteristics of the Gemini-Ox woman are such qualities as cheerfulness, dynamism, friendliness and sociability. She does not hide her thoughts and expresses them directly. She does not like any gossip and meaningless conversations. This person will always lend a helping hand. Her attitude to what is happening is optimistic. It is open, which contributes to success with members of the opposite sex.

    The Gemini woman, who was born in the year of the Ox, is distinguished by artistry and a penchant for art. She easily manages to diversify leisure. Plus, she can make anyone laugh.

    A woman is able to reach heights in any profession in which she gets the opportunity to show her creative inclinations. This is especially true for those areas where self-expression through movement is implied. We are talking about dancing or rhythmic gymnastics.

    The fundamental characteristics of the Gemini Ox woman include:

    • positive attitude;
    • activity;
    • sociability;
    • enthusiasm.

    Even at work, she is playful. She easily achieves significant results in every area. The Gemini woman, born in the year of the Ox, is characterized by endurance, diligence, intelligence and the ability to improve the mood of others. Such traits help her realize her potential. She is also lucky in material matters, since the representative of this combination of signs correctly manages financial resources.

    Family plays an important role for her. She wants to be a wife and mother. True, at the same time, solitude is also important for the Gemini-Ox woman, in connection with which the marriage union can be specific. Close people should realize that the desire for loneliness for her is a desire and a need to streamline their own thoughts and considerations and develop regular plans and ideas.

    In a romantic relationship, a Gemini woman who was born in the year of the Ox tends to be sincere and faithful. She appears as a caring and sympathetic spouse who treats her lover and children with tenderness. She is distinguished by self-control and calmness. The Gemini-Ox woman wants to spend her free time with loved ones, and it is exciting and rich.

    Gemini Ox Man: Characteristics

    Self-realization for the Gemini-Ox man is more important than financial well-being

    The Gemini-Ox man is distinguished by uniqueness. It successfully combines the strengths of both signs, which becomes its advantage.

    The fundamental characteristics of the Gemini-Ox man include:

    • sociability;
    • charm;
    • performance;
    • patience.

    His actions are not easy to predict. He has many talents, which allows a person to be realized in many areas. He can become an excellent writer, but is able to devote himself to physical labor. After all, he is very resilient. In addition, a man becomes an excellent military or civil servant. He likes discipline and order. He is able to achieve outstanding results, but for this he needs time.

    Material well-being is not a significant characteristic of a happy life for a Gemini-Ox man. The most important thing for him is self-improvement and achievement of goals. He strives to realize his many talents and abilities.

    In personal relationships, the Gemini man, who is born in the year of the Ox, is distinguished by inconstancy, as he is driven by a thirst for adventure. He is in search of his ideal, so he changes women. In the fair sex, he highly appreciates sociability and the ability to talk on various topics.

    Often, the Gemini-Ox man wants to endow his chosen one with properties that she does not possess, which ultimately leads to disappointment. Over time, he becomes more loyal when choosing a lover. A person will make a decision about marriage if he is lucky enough to meet an original woman who can become both a wife, a partner, and a friend.

    Gemini Ox manifests himself as a benevolent and caring husband who seeks to spend his free time with loved ones. It is better if he creates a family when he has reached adulthood. In this case, the Gemini man, who was born in the year of the Ox, prefers warmth and harmony.

    He should stop scrutinizing the actions of his companion. If he can understand and apply this, then life together will be filled with happiness and joy. A significant event for the Gemini-Ox man is the appearance of children. He will not be a strict father. At the same time, he is not a supporter of pampering. A man knows how to achieve balance in the upbringing of the younger generation.

    Are you earning enough?

    Check if this applies to you:

    • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
    • salary is only enough for rent and food;
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    • all promotions go to someone else;
    • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

    Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

    The Gemini-Ox sign includes people born from May 22 to June 21 in 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

    Gemini-Ox is very sociable and pleasant in communication. In this version, the sharp mind of the Gemini sign is combined with the great ingenuity of the Ox.

    Here, a person from Gemini receives the ability to communicate with different people and the ability to do several things at the same time, but a sense of duty,. It is also amazing to see Gemini with such a set of qualities as endurance and diligence.

    Distinctive features of a person born under the sign of Gemini in the year of the Ox are purposefulness and ability to work, sociability and love of life, a positive attitude for every day. Gemini-Ox is a reliable and honest person, moreover, a truth-teller. Of course, this does not contribute to an easy career, but it is a definite plus in the field of human and family relations.

    Gemini, born in the year of the Ox, get along well with people and quickly get used to any team and get a well-deserved reputation as the best workers, striking with their fortitude and extraordinary thinking.

    The Bull, with the combination of Gemini, is less serious than other Bulls. He confidently conducts a conversation, quickly reacts to events, but is too confident in his innocence.

    Gemini - Ox characteristic

    Gemini-Ox is a sociable and cheerful combination, always surrounded by friends and full of interesting ideas. He easily expresses his thoughts, and knows how to listen. Such a person is happy to communicate and appreciates the importance of communication in achieving emotional well-being.

    He values ​​sincere relationships, so he has few, but loyal friends. Gemini Ox, witty and quick-witted by nature, is reputed to be an excellent inventor and dreamer, he is original and attractive in appearance. He has a huge supply of patience and willpower, and a wide range of skills suitable for almost any profession.

    A person born in the year of the Ox is very stubborn and stubborn, but with openness and smoothes out some of his “angularity”.

    And the conservatism and slowness of the Gemini-Ox sign is expressed in the fact that he never takes the initiative, preferring simply to responsibly carry out the work entrusted to him. And he always does it qualitatively and impeccably. You can rely on him and be sure that he will not let you down.

    The Gemini Ox is an atypical Ox, capable of doing several things at the same time, even to the detriment of his own personal gain. He also has a special talent, which lies in the fact that if he cannot do the job himself, he will always find a person to whom he can entrust it.

    But in a love relationship, the Gemini-Ox, rather, can show a Gemini approach. He is amorous and easily switches from one "beloved" girl to another, and this can go on for quite a long time.

    Gemini - Ox woman

    The Gemini-Ox woman is very cheerful, energetic, loving communication and able to truly make friends. She always says what she thinks and suppresses all sorts of gossip and idle chatter. She always helps in difficult situations, is positive and open, which attracts many fans.

    Born in the year of the Ox, she easily organizes leisure and is able to stir up any boring company.

    Can achieve success in any business where creativity is required, but especially where it is necessary to express oneself with movement - it can be dancing or rhythmic gymnastics.

    The Gemini-Ox woman is an optimist and a merry fellow. She even builds a career jokingly, easily and playfully. It is not difficult for her to achieve recognition in almost any field. Endurance, efficiency, intelligence, the ability to set everyone on a positive wave, helps her achieve her goals in the shortest possible time.

    In the financial sector, she is also lucky and knows how to properly manage money.

    The family for the Gemini-Ox woman is very important and she, as a rule, seeks to marry. But, at the same time, despite her desire to start a family, she also strives for solitude.

    Therefore, family relationships can be very peculiar. Relatives should remember that loneliness for a Gemini-Ox woman is an opportunity to put her thoughts in order, get new ideas and develop ways to achieve them.

    In personal relationships, the Gemini-Ox woman, along with the men of the same combination, is a reliable and devoted partner, sensitive and attentive, loving her home and relatives. She is calm, balanced and prefers rest with her family to all other types of entertainment.

    Thanks to her creative nature, she knows how to organize unique conditions for recreation and living for her family.

    Gemini - Ox man

    A man born under the sign of Gemini in the year of the Ox is very unique. He combined the features of both signs so well that he received many advantages. He is very sociable, charming, able to find the key to every woman. In work, he is a conscientious hard worker, able to calmly, patiently and efficiently perform his work.

    It is worth noting that the Gemini-Ox man can make a double impression. It is difficult to “recognize” him and it is difficult to predict his actions. He is very talented and can prove himself in different fields.

    On the one hand, he may have literary abilities, and on the other hand, he can work well with his hands. At the same time, he is smart and physically hardy.

    He can also feel comfortable in military service and in state institutions with a strict charter, where all his rights and obligations are sorted out and subject to some specific regulation. In general, his career should be connected with various practical areas.

    He has the ability to apply even grains of knowledge in such a way as to get an excellent result. He can reach high career heights, but he will need time. But money for this man is not an end in itself, although it is nice when there are a lot of them. The main thing for him is to learn how to develop his various talents and go towards his goal.

    In love, the Gemini-Ox man is fickle, as he is always looking for adventure. He can often change girls, looking for some kind of ideal. In women, first of all, he appreciates the ability to conduct a conversation, and only then, everything else. He can endow the object of sighing with qualities that he really likes, and then be disappointed when he does not find them.

    It is worth noting that with age, the Gemini-Ox man begins to understand the value of communication and can completely change his criteria for choosing a spouse. It is easier for him to decide on marriage if he meets an extraordinary woman who can replace everyone around him.

    Born in the year of the Ox, and an attentive spouse, for whom the best vacation would be to stay with family and close friends. But, he will be happier if he marries at a mature age, when youthful maximalism and the desire to expose and criticize a partner will be behind, and the desire to receive support and warmth will come first.

    For the Gemini-Ox man, it is important to learn how to allow a woman to be herself and not try to analyze and calculate her actions. If by the time the family is created, the Gemini-Ox man can realize this, then it will be easy for him to get all the joys from family life.

    He will be especially happy when the children are born. In education, he is not strict, but he does not allow pampering. He feels the golden mean between punishments and rewards.