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  • How to cook pork steak. Pork steak cooking recipes

    How to cook pork steak.  Pork steak cooking recipes

    Pork steak is a real find for lovers of nature trips and picnics. This dish is best obtained on the grill, but you can also cook it at home using an air grill, slow cooker, oven, and even a regular frying pan.

    Steaks came to us from America, where they are still considered one of the must-have dishes on the festive table, or outdoor dinner..

    Pork steaks can be bought already prepared in the supermarket, or you can cut the meat yourself. The acceptable thickness of the pieces depends on how you fry the meat afterwards. If we are talking about a pan, then it is better to make thin slices of 1-1.5 cm. For meat on the grill or in the oven, on the contrary, the steaks should be large - 3-5 cm in thickness.

    Before frying, the steaks must be placed in the marinade for at least 30 minutes.. If the meat is old, or the pieces are large enough, then the marinating time should be much longer. Marinades with wine, cognac, beer, kefir and honey are best suited for pork. They also add various spices for meat, salt, pepper and herbs. Rosemary and garlic go especially well with pork.

    Steaks are served to the table with a side dish or sliced ​​​​fresh vegetables. You can also prepare a sauce for them, for example, garlic, or sweet and sour, decorate the plate with sprigs of dill, parsley, or basil.

    Secrets to cooking the perfect pork steak

    Pork steak is exactly the dish that can feed even the most hungry guest. A variety of sauces and marinades for pork meat will allow you to add a new twist to steaks every time, which will surely please gourmets of all ages. If you still have questions after reading the recipes, how to fry pork steak, the secrets of professionals will help answer them:

    Secret number 1. Pork is a rather fatty meat, therefore, when baking it in the oven, it is not necessary to additionally grease the baking sheet.

    Secret number 2. The longer the pork is marinated, the softer the finished steaks will turn out, so it's best to leave it in the marinade overnight.

    Secret number 3. Before making steaks, the meat must be washed and all membranes, veins and bones removed.

    Frying meat in a pan is a simple task, especially if the meat is pork. Pork steaks always turn out soft and juicy, and if you choose the right spices, the dish will fill the whole house with an appetizing aroma. Pork neck is best for steaks.


    • 1kg pork;
    • 7 sprigs of rosemary;
    • 1 tsp ground allspice;
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
    • Salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the pork, dry it, remove the inedible parts;
    2. Cut the meat into equal steaks, no more than 1.5 cm in thickness;
    3. Brush each piece on both sides with olive oil and season with pepper;
    4. Put a sprig of rosemary on top of the steaks, slightly pressing it into the meat;
    5. Marinate the meat for 30 minutes;
    6. Heat the pan well and fry the steaks on both sides for 2 minutes without adding oil;
    7. Reduce the heat and continue to fry the meat until tender, turning the steaks frequently.

    Interesting from the network

    Most of the juice in meat is preserved in the oven, especially if you bake it in foil. In addition, the steaks are evenly fried, and there is no raw meat left inside. The wine used in the gravy will give the meat a pleasant aroma and an unusual aftertaste. You can use red, as in the recipe, or replace it with white.


    • 300g pork;
    • 2 onions;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • 50 ml dry red wine;
    • Greenery;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the meat, clean from films and veins;
    2. Cut the meat into pieces 3-5 cm thick;
    3. Cut the onion into rings, as thin as possible;
    4. Cut garlic cloves in half;
    5. Cut the foil into pieces, each of which should be twice the size of the steak;
    6. Put the foil on a baking sheet and pour a little red wine on each sheet;
    7. Put the onion on the foil in one layer, put the steak on top;
    8. Make indentations in the steak with a knife and place the garlic in them;
    9. Salt and pepper the steak evenly;
    10. Grind the greens and pour on top of the meat;
    11. Drizzle the steak lightly with the remaining wine;
    12. Wrap the steaks tightly in foil and pierce it with a knife in several places;
    13. Bake pork for 40 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 degrees.

    The steak prepared according to this recipe is commonly called Irish. This is due to dark beer, which will serve as a marinade for pork. Usually such a dish is cooked in a pan, where it must be carefully monitored, constantly turning over. This problem disappears by itself if the house has such a miracle of technology as a slow cooker.


    • 500g pork;
    • 300 ml dark beer;
    • Seasoning for meat;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the meat into steaks 1 cm thick;
    2. Put the steaks in a deep bowl, pour beer and marinate for 1 hour;
    3. Rub each steak on both sides with salt, pepper and seasoning;
    4. Lightly drizzle the meat with vegetable oil;
    5. In the multicooker menu, select the "Frying" mode and slightly warm the saucepan;
    6. Put the steaks on the bottom of the saucepan and fry for 10 minutes on each side.

    Pork steaks are a great dish for a meal in the open air. What could be tastier than grilled meat? However, many people have a question about how to marinate pork so that it does not become tough and dry during cooking. This recipe describes one of the most popular and proven marinades, which will give the meat a tender texture and pleasant taste.


    • 150 ml red wine;
    • 2 onions;
    • 4 tablespoons olive oil;
    • 4 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 tsp thyme;
    • 1 tsp rosemary;
    • Bay leaf.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the onion into rings, garlic into circles;
    2. Put the onion with garlic in a deep plate, add spices;
    3. Pour wine and olive oil into a plate, mix;
    4. Place the meat in the marinade for 3-4 hours, or overnight.

    Now you know how to cook pork steak according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

    The recipe of which they are well aware of, since often a fresh piece of meat turns into a dry and like a rubber “sole” in a frying pan during heat treatment. Often the reasons for this result lie not in the heat treatment process itself, but in the wrong choice of meat and its illiterate preparation for frying.

    The fact is that according to all culinary rules, only 8-10% of pork carcass is suitable for a steak. Therefore, buying real meat for cooking this dish seems to be an expensive pleasure for ordinary housewives. It is also not recommended for steaks. And this rule is often violated, because in our understanding, the best is the freshest. Steak meat must be aged for at least 20 days. And if you purchased a piece of frozen pork, then in no case do not defrost in a bowl of cold water or in a microwave oven. Defrosting meat should be done only in the refrigerator and for at least 24 hours. You should also take care to purchase a wooden mallet for beating meat, since a metal tool will oxidize raw meat, which will lead to a deterioration in the taste of the finished dish.

    When frying steaks, it is very important that the meat comes into contact only with a very hot surface - this is how a crust forms immediately, which prevents the juice from flowing out of the meat, and your dish will no longer be dry.

    How to fry pork steak: recipe

    Cut the pork (loin) into steaks 3 to 5 cm thick and beat each piece with a mallet on both sides. Prepare spicy spices: freshly ground allspice and black pepper, rosemary, thyme, basil, tarragon (you can just buy a ready-made bag of Pork seasonings).

    Rub each steak with salt and two kinds of pepper. Place the meat in an enamel bowl and pour over warm, but not hot, green tea. The drink is prepared in the usual way - large-leaf tea leaves are poured with hot water (90 degrees) and infused for about 7 minutes. Leave the pork soaked in tea for 40-50 minutes - so your steak from which we do not mean marinating the meat, but soaking it, will be very delicate in taste.

    Heat a frying pan with olive oil over high heat and put the pieces of pork on it. After three minutes (no more), turn the steaks over and cook for another three minutes. It will be very convenient to use a timer to count the time.

    Now sprinkle each steak with dry spices on both sides and continue to fry them, turning every two minutes already. The readiness of pork can be judged by the appearance of a golden crust. Turn off the heat, let the steaks “brew” under the lid for 5 minutes and you can serve juicy meat to the table.

    Pork Steak: Oven Recipe

    Pork steak will be no less tasty and aromatic if you cook it not in a pan, but bake it in the oven. Cut the bone-in ham (1 kg) into 3 cm thick steaks. On each piece, make several cuts with a knife and insert garlic slices into them. Cut a couple of large onions into rings.

    Pour light beer (100 ml) into a baking sheet, put onions, and then pieces of meat. Top the pork with salt and your favorite dry spices (or curry) and finely chopped fresh herbs and drizzle with beer. Cover the baking sheet with baking foil and press down carefully so that there are no gaps and steam does not escape from the dish during cooking. Make 5-6 cuts on the foil.

    Place the baking sheet with steaks in a preheated oven (up to 200 degrees) and bake for 40 minutes. Those who love meat “with blood” are advised to reduce this time to 25 minutes. After the required time has elapsed, remove the baking sheet, remove the foil from it and put it back in the oven for 10 minutes so that a ruddy and very appetizing crust appears on the steaks.

    Pork steak: recipe for pork ribs

    Buy pork on the ribs (1 kg) and lightly freeze before cutting. Cut pieces of meat according to the thickness of the ribs. Prepare the marinade for steaks: mix in an enameled bowl (pan) 3 tablespoons of any vegetable oil (sunflower, sesame, olive, etc.), a pinch of ground black and red hot (sweet) pepper, lemon juice (a tablespoon), salt (teaspoon). Coat the meat in the marinade and refrigerate for 3-4 hours (or you can marinate it yesterday and start cooking in the morning).

    Make a seasoning: mix a couple of tablespoons of your favorite ketchup, a bunch of finely chopped dill, 3 garlic cloves crushed in a press and one piece of chopped hot capsicum.

    Place a frying pan with vegetable oil over high heat. You can turn on the oven right away. When the smoke begins to rise from the oil, place the ribs in the pan and fry for 1.5-2 minutes on each side until golden brown. As practice shows, the meat will reach "condition" after 5 minutes. Put the fried steaks on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 10 minutes.

    And here's how to cook the perfect pork steak in the cook's pan in the best restaurants. On a surface heated to 250 degrees, a steak is fried for 20 seconds, and then the meat grasped by the “crust” is transferred to another, less heated surface (150 degrees). There, the meat is already brought to the degree of roasting that is necessary. By the way, there are as many as six such degrees, and all of them are presented on the menu of any self-respecting institution.

    Meat steak in a pan is a classic cooking option for a popular dish. The right steak is very juicy and its main advantage is a rich meat taste without unnecessary seasonings and spices.

    It seems to be ordinary fried meat, but this dish can surprise any gourmet. To prepare a meat steak, you must first take care of the quality of the meat used.

    It is preferable to choose pieces that were not used by the animal when walking. It's mostly clipping.

    Experienced chefs order meat for steaks from trusted butchers, rather than buying it in stores.

    Pork steak in a pan - general principles of cooking

    Pork for steak must be fresh or chilled. Its color should be slightly pinkish. It is better not to take frozen or fresh meat for steaks, during primary processing it will lose a lot of precious juice. It is desirable to cut the meat against the fibers, so it is better to fry and it will be easier to chew. The width of the piece should not exceed 3 cm.

    If the meat is fried without marinade or simply rubbed with dry spices beforehand, then such a piece must be dried well so that the meat does not stew. If the meat will be pre-marinated, then on the steaks you need to make a couple of cuts with a knife and only then lower it into the dressing. Keep the steaks in the marinade for at least half an hour and in a cold place.

    The readiness of meat is very simple to determine, for this you just need to pierce the meat with a sharp thin knife, and transparent meat juice should stand out. If the juice is red or pink, you need to continue frying. If there is not much time for cooking, you can cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat of the stove. After the steak is fully cooked, the lid must be opened again. The meat should be fried on both sides for a few more minutes until golden brown.

    Pork steak goes well with spicy sauces and pickles. As a side dish, potato dishes, steamed, grilled vegetables or fresh vegetable salad are suitable.

    Pork steak in a pan - a classic recipe


    450 g pork tenderloin;

    Ground black pepper;

    Red ground pepper;

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the meat, dry well with a paper towel. Cut the tenderloin into pieces 2-3 cm thick, be sure to cut across the meat fibers.

    2. Heat a frying pan with oil and put meat on it, fry on both sides until cooked. Pork steak must be completely cooked through.

    3. Then sprinkle the steak with black pepper, red pepper and salt, wrap in foil and leave for a few minutes. This will soften the meat and soak it with salt and pepper.

    4. Remove the steak from the foil and serve slightly cooled down along with herbs and vegetables.

    Pork steak with sauce in a pan


    450 g fresh or chilled pork;

    Two bulbs;

    Hot red ground pepper;

    Vegetable oil;

    Ground black pepper;

    80 g mayonnaise sauce;

    A couple of cloves of garlic;

    60 g of hard cheese.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the meat thoroughly, dry and cut into pieces for steaks.

    2. Fry the steaks in a frying pan hot with oil, constantly turning over, until golden brown.

    3. Peel the onion, wash, cut into large rings and pour over with boiling water. So the onion will not be bitter.

    4. You can take any cheese, but always hard varieties. For example, Swiss or Russian cheese, grind it in any convenient way. Can be grated or cut with a knife into small cubes.

    5. Peel and chop the garlic.

    6. Sprinkle the steaks with ground red pepper and salt.

    7. Lay the onion rings on the steaks. Put the sauce on them.

    8. For the sauce, mix cheese, garlic, mayonnaise and ground black pepper.

    9. Put the steaks in another pan and bake until golden brown over low heat for at least 30 minutes.

    10. Serve the dish in portions with slices of white bread and herbs.

    Pork steak with dry herbs in a pan


    Three chilled pork steaks;

    50-60 art. l. olive oil;

    7 g dry basil;

    7 g dry mint;

    5 g dried dill;

    A pinch of ground black pepper;

    Half a lemon.

    Cooking method:

    1. Take the steaks out of the refrigerator and put them in any bowl. Let stand at room temperature for half an hour.

    2. Prepare marinade for steaks. To do this, mix mint, dill and basil with warmed olive oil, add ground pepper, salt and juice of half a lemon.

    3. Rub the pork with the marinade and place back in the bowl, close the lid on top, and leave for several hours in the refrigerator.

    4. Remove the steaks from the marinade and fry them on both sides in a pan until cooked.

    5. Serve hot with cheese sauce.

    Pork steak with ginger and soy sauce in a pan


    Three pork steaks;

    50 ml soy sauce;

    30 ml fresh lemon juice;

    1 tsp Sahara;

    . ½ tsp dry ginger;

    One clove of garlic or a pinch of dry garlic;

    Vegetable oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel and mash the garlic.

    2. Rinse the steaks, dry them and make small cuts in each with a sharp knife. So the meat is better marinated and fried faster.

    3. In any bowl of a suitable volume, mix soy sauce, dry ginger, lemon juice, sugar. Add garlic.

    4. Place pork steaks in a bowl with marinade, mix, cover with a lid or a layer of ordinary foil. Put in the refrigerator overnight.

    5. Fry the steaks in a pan with vegetable oil until tender.

    6. Serve with soy sauce and croutons.

    Pork steak in kefir marinade in a frying pan


    500 pork tenderloin;

    400 ml of kefir;

    1 st. l. table mustard;

    Ground black pepper;

    50 ml of lemon juice;

    One bulb;

    Vegetable oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the onion from dry scales, wash and cut into thin rings.

    2. Add mustard, ground black pepper, salt, lemon juice and onion to kefir.

    3. Wash the tenderloin with cold water, air dry and cut into portions about 2-3 cm thick.

    4. Put the pieces of meat in the kefir marinade, close the lid and leave for a day or night in a cool place.

    5. Fry such meat in the usual way in a pan with vegetable oil. To do this, spread the meat from the marinade into a heated pan. Fry until crispy on the surface. During the entire frying, the steak can be turned over several times for better frying. If the steaks start to burn, you need to turn down the heat of the stove, and you can pour a little liquid marinade into the pan.

    6. Serve steak with mustard and black bread.

    Grilled pork steak with honey


    Three pieces of pork loin for steaks;

    10 g mustard seeds;

    2 tbsp. spoons of honey;

    . ½ tsp black peppercorns;

    Vegetable oil;

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the steaks, dry and beat off a little. To do this, put the meat in a plastic bag and beat it with a hammer on both sides until a piece of meat is uniform in thickness.

    2. Place mustard seeds, black peppercorns in a mortar and grind to a powder with uniform particles.

    3. Grate the steaks with a spicy mixture from a mortar and honey.

    4. Fry the meat in a hot pan with vegetable oil until fully cooked on both sides

    5. When the steaks are completely cooked, put the meat on a piece of foil and sprinkle with salt. Close the foil and leave the meat for a few minutes.

    6. You can serve such a steak with any side dish and green onions to your taste.

    Pork steak in sweet and sour sauce in a pan


    3 fresh pork steaks;

    a spoonful of fresh ginger root;

    Half a lemon;

    A couple of cloves of garlic;

    1 small chili pepper;

    45 ml soy sauce;

    ground coriander;

    A spoonful of light liquid honey;


    90 ml brandy;

    A couple of pinches of dried rosemary;

    Half lime;

    Two tablespoons of olive oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the steaks under cold running water and pat dry with paper towels.

    2. Rub each piece with salt on all sides and remove the meat for 6 minutes.

    3. While the meat is “resting”, you need to prepare the marinade. Pour cognac, honey and soy sauce into a bowl. There also give out lime and lemon juice with the help of hands or a juicer.

    4. Next add rosemary, coriander and paprika.

    5. Peel the garlic, ginger and pass them through a fine grater into the same bowl.

    6. Rinse and finely chop the cheli peppers on a cutting board. Transfer to the same bowl.

    7. Mix everything and use a special silicone spatula.

    8. Put the steaks in a bag and pour the marinade over them. Close the package and shake. Leave the meat to marinate for 12 hours. During this time, periodically shake the bag.

    9. Pour vegetable oil into the grill pan and heat it up. Put the steaks and fry them on both sides for 4 minutes. Then pour the remaining marinade and close the lid. Cook for another 40-45 minutes over low heat.

    10. 5 minutes before readiness, remove the lid and fry the meat again on both sides.

    11. Serve the steaks on serving plates with grilled vegetables.

    Pork Steak in a Pan - Tricks and Tips

    If a piece of meat has a fatty layer, then it will turn out much juicier and softer.

    So that the meat is well saturated with spices and turned out soft, after cooking, wrap it in foil for a few minutes.

    Use any spices that season the meat for the marinade.

    Add a little cognac to the marinade for meat to speed up fermentation.

    Try not to overcook the meat, otherwise it may turn out tough.

    Let the cooked steaks rest a bit.

    Good day, my dear cooks! Did you know that the history of the beloved juicy steak goes back to ancient Rome? Yes, yes, it was then that they began to fry large pieces of meat on fire. True, they did it not for food, but for sacrifice. Today, steak is a popular dish. But not everyone can cook it. There are so many subtleties and nuances. But don't be afraid. This can be learned. I will tell you how to fry a pork steak in a pan.

    Until recently, steak was cooked exclusively from beef. But "progress", as you know, affects all areas of life and cooking is no exception. Therefore, today you can cook it from anyone, even from an antelope. But today we will cook pork steak.

    When buying pork, pay attention to its color. It should be pinkish, without iridescent tints. The darker the meat offered to you, the older the animal. Also note its "marbling". This term refers to the uniform distribution of fat throughout the meat. But fatness and "marbling" are not the same thing. For steak, try to choose such cuts of pork, where there will be an optimal amount of fat, but not excessive.

    The tenderloin steak is guaranteed to be the softest and juiciest. She has soft meat that is difficult to spoil

    Just pre-cut the film from the meat. It is quite easy to remove with a knife.

    But the choice of pork is only part of the story. A perfect steak has 3 ingredients:

    1. Take it out of the refrigerator 20 minutes before cooking. And then you get cold meat inside with a burnt crust.
    2. The piece of meat that you cook should be thick. Not less than 2.5 cm, but not more than 4 cm.
    3. If you have purchased uncut pork, you need to properly cut the steaks. Remember that you only need to cut them across the fibers!

    How long to cook

    And how long to fry the meat depends on what kind of steak you want to get. Love the delicacy "raw", which means that the fried piece can be thicker. Yes, and meat provides for different degrees of roasting:

    Minimum done (very rare)- On each side, fry the meat for no more than 1-2 minutes. Pork remains bluish-pink on the cut, and the texture is tender. Cooked meat is slightly warm inside.

    Rare (rare)- cook on each side for 2-3 minutes. In this case, the texture of the meat will remain soft and porous. And on the cut, the piece will have a red color.

    Medium (medium)- the most common way to fry meat: it is a little bloody. Fry for about 4 minutes on one side, and then turn the piece over. And cook the second side for 3-4 minutes. As a result, the meat will have a firm texture and retain a reddish color in the center.

    Well done steak (welldone) Cook each side for at least 3 minutes. In this case, pork should be fried over high heat. After that, the meat is brought on low heat for 6-8 minutes. The finished steak has a dense texture and a uniform brownish tint.

    Do you want to learn how to cook steaks like in a restaurant? The recipes I prepared with photos and videos will help you with this. For softness and juiciness of meat, you can marinate it. Here is a selection of 5 proven pickling options.

    Step-by-step recipe with photo of pork steak with spices

    An easy way to cook pork meat. By beating the pork, the meat is so tender and soft. And it is prepared with a minimum of oil.

    • 2 pieces of pork;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • Provencal herbs;
    • spicy paprika;
    • olive oil.

    Cut the meat up to 2 cm thick and beat it well with a kitchen hammer. The best way to do this is to wrap the meat in cling film. So the fibers soften and the meat will cook faster and be softer. Sprinkle with herbs and spices on both sides.

    Grease a grill pan with a thin layer of olive oil. Lay out the chopped pork pieces. Fry on both sides until brown and characteristic stripes from the furrows of the grill pan.

    Serve with boiled potatoes, tomatoes and lightly salted cucumbers.

    How to cook pork loin steak on the bone

    To make the meat in the pan tasty, you must first marinate it in spices. In this recipe, we will prepare a marinade from lemon zest, garlic and chili peppers.

    • 2 pork loins on the bone (about 2 cm thick);
    • 1 tsp red chili pepper;
    • zest of 1/2 lemon;
    • 2 large cloves of garlic;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil;
    • salt - to taste.

    Rinse the meat and pat dry with paper towels.

    Finely chop the garlic and chili pepper. Pour olive oil into a bowl, add chopped garlic, chili pepper, grated zest of half a lemon. If you have sage leaves, tear them into small pieces and add to the marinade. Stir the finished filling.

    In this marinade, roll the meat on all sides and set aside for at least 30 minutes. This way it absorbs the flavor better.

    Grill in a pan on each side so that the meat is well cooked. At the end of cooking or on a plate, sprinkle with salt to taste.

    Delicious and quick pork steak recipe

    Juicy, fragrant pieces of meat with garlic and fragrant spices, fried in a pan. What could be better for a delicious lunch or dinner?

    • 3 pieces of soft boneless pork;
    • 3 tbsp olive oil
    • salt and pepper - to taste;
    • garlic oil.

    Cut the pork pieces into 2 cm thick pieces. If you have them in the refrigerator, take them out 30 minutes before frying. Meat should be at room temperature. Grease future steaks with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Let them marinate for 30 minutes. Heat the grill pan well and lay out the pieces of meat.

    Grill the steaks for about 7-10 minutes. Depends on their thickness and size. On both sides, they should acquire a golden brown hue, as in the photo.

    At the end of cooking, put a piece of garlic butter on each chop. To do this, mix softened butter with chopped garlic and dry herbs. And then put it in the refrigerator. After frying, put this garlic oil on the pieces of meat for literally 2 minutes. The steaks will “rest” and acquire a fragrant taste.

    Ready-made pork steaks are great friends with vegetable salad or baked potatoes. Or you can make your own delicious burger. It will turn out much tastier than store-bought 🙂

    How to grill tenderloin in a grill pan

    For this delicacy, take:

    • 400 gr tenderloin;
    • frying oil.

    Delicious recipe from Gordon Ramsay

    For this gourmet pork take:

    • 2 steaks;
    • spices for meat or just ground pepper;
    • salt;
    • oil for frying;
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
    • 20 gr butter;
    • good mood 😉

    I'll tell you a secret: this is a recipe from Gordon Ramsay. It is very easy to cook it. First of all, season the meat with spices and salt it.

    For frying, you can use a regular non-stick frying pan. As soon as it warms up well, pour in the oil. And then put the steaks on the hot oil, just away from the sides of the dishes. The meat will begin to sizzle in the pan. Do not be afraid!) This is how it should be.

    After a minute, turn the pork over with tongs. Literally after 30 seconds, you will see that the meat has acquired a golden color. If the thickness of the pieces is large, then put the pieces of meat sideways to the pan and fry too.

    Then add garlic. You don't need to clean it. Just lightly press on the cloves and send to the pan. To avoid burning the meat, turn it every minute. This way it will cook evenly. If necessary, you can add a little more vegetable oil for frying.

    Next, take the butter and put it on the meat. Let it soak the steaks. Spoon melted butter over almost cooked meat. And rub the pork with fried garlic. When the steaks are ready, put them on a plate and cut.

    To better understand all the intricacies of cooking, see the detailed step-by-step recipe. Here is a link to youtube

    How do you fry steaks? If you post your signature recipe with a photo in the comments, I will be very grateful to you 🙂 I like something new and unusual. And if you want to be the first to know about my culinary discoveries, do not forget to subscribe to updates. I take my leave and say: bye-bye!

    Delicious steaks are obtained not only from beef, you can also fry juicy steaks from pork. They can be cooked in a skillet or in the oven. Next, you will learn how easy it is to make pork steaks at home.

    Quick pork steaks

    We need: frying pan with a thick bottom.


    Step by step cooking

    video recipe

    In the next video, you can clearly see the whole process of quick cooking pork steaks in a pan.

    Pork steaks in the oven

    Cooking time: 65-70 minutes.
    We need: foil, baking sheet, brush.
    Servings: 4.


    Step by step cooking

    video recipe

    You can see the entire recipe described above in the next video.

    Pork steaks in the oven with cheese

    Cooking time: 65 + 180 minutes.
    We need: brush, bowl, baking sheet.
    Servings: 6.


    Step by step cooking

    video recipe

    You can see a detailed recipe for fragrant steaks with cheese and tomatoes in the next video.