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  • How to open a special account in Sberbank for the state defense order. How to open a special account in Sberbank business online

    How to open a special account in Sberbank for the state defense order.  How to open a special account in Sberbank business online

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    Starting from September 26, 2018, Sberbank added to the general list of services provided to its clients the possibility of opening special accounts for participation in electronic auctions in public procurement under Federal Law 44 and 223. Under what conditions are special accounts for trading opened at Sberbank, what documents are required for registration ? And most importantly - at what tariffs are they serviced?

    How to open a special account in Sberbank

    Sberbank allows you to open a special account for participation in trading in the following ways:

    1. With a preliminary online application. At the same time, an application is submitted on the official website for reserving a bank account, then the client contacts the branch where he is served, signs an agreement.
    2. No prior online application. In this case, the client immediately applies to the bank branch with the necessary package of documents, signs a service agreement.
    3. With a change in the form of the current bank account. In the "online" mode, an application is submitted to change the type of bank account, then the client applies directly to the bank branch and signs an agreement.
    4. Through the Sberbank Business Online system. In this case, all documents can be sent electronically. But later you still have to visit the bank branch to sign the contract. This scheme simply allows you to speed up the account activation process.

    In any case, you can not do without visiting the bank office.

    Expert opinion

    Svetlana Alexandrova

    RKO selection consultant

    Representatives of Sberbank claim that in the future it will be possible to make an instant reservation of a special account number, after which it will be immediately possible to use it.

    But for the final activation of the account, you still have to apply personally to the bank branch - this is a requirement under Federal Law 44. An exception may be those cases when the applicant has previously opened a bank account and also received an EDS (electronic signature). But such functionality will be added a little later and will probably only work if the client is also registered with Sberbank-AST (an application with an electronic signature is submitted through this site, which allows you to accurately identify the applicant without his personal presence). All this is provided as part of the E-invoicing service.(electronic document management system from Sberbank).

    It is also possible to open a special account through Sberbank Business Online, but only if the client has a valid electronic signature and can send signed electronic copies of all requested documents to the bank. Again, all this is done as part of the E-invoicing service for business clients. But even in this case, you will still need to visit a branch of Sberbank once to sign the contract and receive its paper copy. Only after that the account will be activated, it can be replenished, used to financially secure applications for auctions.

    What documents will be needed

    Presently the following documents are required to open a special account with Sberbank:

    • charter (in its absence - a copy of the memorandum of association);
    • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRIP - for individual entrepreneurs);
    • signature samples and seal imprint (from the accounting department);
    • a copy of licenses giving the right to carry out activities (if they are necessary for the specified legal entity);
    • statement of official duties (which indicates those persons who will be able to manage the special account, you can also set individual restrictions on financial transfers).

    For individual entrepreneurs, opening a special account with Sberbank is carried out in a similar way, but instead of the charter, a copy of the applicant's identity document is attached to the application.

    At the discretion of the bank, the applicant may be required to provide other documents, but only upon written request. If for any reason the user does not agree with the actions of the bank, he has the right to file a complaint with the FAS. However, in FZ-44 there are no clear requirements for the documents that are requested from the user to register a special account.

    The procedure for opening a special account in Sberbank

    1. Passing accreditation on the electronic trading platform according to the rules established by the operator.
    2. Submission of an electronic application for opening a special account with Sberbank (via the official website).
    3. Contacting the bank branch where the user is served.
    4. Signing an agreement.

    Sberbank, for its part, guarantees that the ETP operator will be informed about the opening of a special account as soon as possible after the signing of the agreement. The term of its registration is up to 3 banking days (bank representatives claim that the registration process is the same as when opening a current account), in most cases its activation is performed on the day of application. After successful account registration, the client is notified of this by any available means (e-mail message, SMS message, written notice from the bank, notification through the ETP portal, and so on).

    It should be noted that now Sberbank opens special accounts for participation in public procurement for a period of 12 months. At the end of this period, you must reapply. Apparently, the bank deliberately introduced such a restriction in order to change the conditions for servicing the client's special account in the future in order to increase or decrease the cost of tariffs (since banks compete quite actively with each other).

    It is also possible to transfer an existing account with Sberbank AST to a special account. But in practice, the procedure will be the same as when registering a new one, so it does not always make sense to perform it. It’s just that the text of the application indicates that the client has already been accredited with Sberbank AST and has an active account there (from January 1, 2019, all of them are deactivated, so this function is temporary).


    An application for opening a special account with Sberbank is submitted only in writing (the version of the form is set by the bank itself). The application contains the following information:

    • Name of the applicant;
    • name of the legal entity;
    • the text of the application (a sample will be provided at the bank).

    But there is no need to confirm accreditation. You can go through it initially on any trading platform (and starting from January 1, 2019, this is done through a single UIS portal, in accordance with the innovations of Federal Law 44). The bank will check the availability of accreditation on its own when registering a special account, you will not need to receive any documents for this on your own (in some other banks, the user himself does this).

    Tariffs for opening and maintaining a special account

    Maintenance and opening of a special account for participation in trading in Sberbank performed under the following conditions:

    • registration of a special account - free of charge;
    • monthly fee for maintenance of the financial account – none;
    • replenishment and withdrawal of funds - under the terms of standard transactions with a current account;
    • operation to block funds for the financial support of the application - 50 rubles for each blocking cycle (regardless of whether the client subsequently wins the auction);
    • accrual of funds for the use of bank finances stored on the account - at a rate of 0.01% per annum (credit is performed at the end of the month).

    As for replenishing a special account or withdrawing funds from it, the commission directly depends on the method used. For example, no commissions are provided for replenishment from a current account, since such an operation is counted as a transfer of funds between the bank's internal accounts. And for replenishment through the bank's cash desk they charge from 0.5 to 1%. The highest commission is when replenishing a special account through a payment card registered for an individual - up to 4% (depending on the type of card used). All these conditions are described in detail in the signed contract (it is an offer).

    Another nuance - Sberbank reserves the right to use regional billing for servicing special accounts. That is, tariffs for clients from the Moscow region and, for example, the Leningrad region may differ. At the moment there are no differences, but in the future they may appear. You can get information about all such innovations at

    The amount of the maximum bank guarantee for each user is set by the bank individually, based on its possible solvency. The size of the same guarantee, according to the words of a Sberbank representative, will be higher if the bank also maintains the client's current account. Information about such security is entered into the general register, access to which is available to the ETP operator.

    As for blocking and unblocking funds on a special account, the following rules now apply:

    • the blocking of finances on the special account is carried out within 1 hour from the moment the request is received from the ETP operator;
    • unblocking of funds on the special account is carried out within a working day from the moment of receiving a signal from the ETP operator (that the participant did not take part in the auction or that the contract was signed by another user following the results of the auction).

    Another nuance is that the money stored on a special account can be used solely for the financial support of applications at electronic auctions. It will not be possible to cash out money without transferring it to another transit account.

    The client reserves the right to open several special accounts at once for financial support of applications at state auctions. But for now, there is a restriction according to which a single account can be used on each individual site. Now there are nine such ETP operators. It simply does not make sense to register a larger number of accounts.

    In total, you can open a special account for trading at Sberbank only when you personally visit a bank branch that serves a bank client. Tariffs are favorable, only a fee for each blocking of funds on the account is obligatory - 50 rubles. A prerequisite for registering a special account with Sberbank is accreditation on one of the electronic trading platforms.

    What to do if the special account is not visible in the personal account of the operator of the electronic platform?

    Check and update the TIN and KPP of your organization:

    • . In Sberbank Business Online, go to the "My organization" section and check the data. To update, use the service "Introduction of amendments to a legal matter", after which the bank will send updated data to all electronic platforms.
    • . To update the data in the personal account of the electronic platform, use the instructions for your electronic platform.

    What package of documents is required to open a special account?

    The standard list of documents for opening an account and other information are available in the "Documents and Tariffs" section.

    To open a second or subsequent account of a procurement participant, you only need an application for accession, re-submission of a package of documents is not required.

    How long does it take to open an account?

    Opening a special account takes the same time as opening a regular current account.

    Where can I open a special account?

    An account can only be opened at the office where you are served.

    Can I open a regular account and then transfer it to a special one?

    You can remotely reserve an account on the bank's website and contact the branch to open a special account on any day starting from September 24, 2018.

    Can I transfer my current account to a special one in order to use it for purchases under 44-FZ and 223-FZ?

    Since amendments are being prepared in 44-FZ and 223-FZ regarding the regime for using special accounts (a limited list of operations), the bank opens new accounts for customers so as not to do this twice later.

    Do I need to be accredited on an electronic platform to open a special account?

    To open a special account, you must be accredited to any of the electronic platforms that are selected to work under 44-FZ and 223-FZ (see list). When opening a special account, the bank checks that customers have valid accreditation.

    When does the bank inform the operators of electronic platforms about the opening/closing of a special account for a procurement participant?

    The Bank sends information about the opening/closing of a special account of a procurement participant to all authorized operators of electronic platforms on the day of opening/closing a special account of a procurement participant.

    Which operators of electronic platforms does Sberbank interact with under 44-FZ and 223-FZ?

    Sberbank interacts with all operators of electronic platforms approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 12, 2018 No. 1447-r:

    • . Joint Stock Company "Agency for the State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan"
    • . Joint Stock Company "Unified electronic trading platform"
    • . Joint Stock Company "Russian Auction House"
    • . Joint Stock Company "TEK-Torg"
    • . Joint Stock Company "Electronic Trading Systems"
    • . Closed Joint Stock Company "Sberbank-Automated Trading System"
    • . Limited Liability Company "RTS-tender"
    • . Limited Liability Company "Electronic Trading Platform GPB"
    • . Limited Liability Company "Automated System of Bidding of the State Defense Order"

    What do I need to provide to confirm accreditation on the electronic site?

    You do not need to provide anything, the bank will check for accreditation automatically when opening an account. It is enough for you to have a valid accreditation on any of the electronic platforms.

    For the purchase of goods, payment for work, services in order to meet state and municipal needs, on the basis of Federal Law N 44 of 04/05/2013, an account is reserved in Sberbank for the state defense order. The special account is designed to conduct safe transactions and protect the interests of both parties.

    A separate account for the state defense order is a special account in a financial and credit organization opened by the main executor who has concluded a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the execution of the defense order. Such measures are necessary to guarantee the security and transparency of settlements, as well as to control the distribution of state budget funds.

    According to Art. 8.1 of the Federal Law N 275 of December 29, 2012 “On the State Defense Order”, Sberbank PJSC is one of the banks authorized to work with special accounts.

    To reserve a separate settlement account for the state defense order with Sberbank, there is no need to visit the office, an application can be made online on the official website To do this, you need PSRN, TIN, organizational and legal form of the organization, ID of the State Defense Order, mobile phone number, e-mail.

    365 calendar days are given to open a special account. During this time, the contractor must submit supporting documents to the bank branch. Otherwise, the procedure will be canceled and the funds received will be returned to the sender.

    For settlements between the parties to the state defense contract, it is necessary to conclude a banking support agreement. It is also required to connect the Sberbank Business Online service in order to electronically control the execution of the state defense order. The application for accession is in the appropriate tab on the official website of the bank.

    After the account is reserved, the documentation is checked, transactions can be carried out.

    Spending money from a separate current account of the state defense order

    Sberbank serves government contracts on the basis of the previously mentioned Federal Law No. 44 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 963 dated September 20, 2014 “On the Banking of Government Contracts”.

    In order not to make a mistake when working with a special account, you need to be guided by Art. 8.3 of the Federal Law N 275 of December 29, 2012 "On the state defense order". It contains the following regulations:

    1. The contractor has the right to spend funds from the RS exclusively on advances for services, goods, work or on equipping the needs of the state defense contract.
    2. You can dispose of funds only if the GOZ ID is indicated in the order for debiting.
    3. Deductions should be made to specially created accounts for the defense order.

    There are exceptions to the last rule. These include:

    • payment of taxes, insurance premiums;
    • payment for products if the cost is controlled by the state;
    • settlement payments with foreign contractors who took part in the State Defense Order;
    • other expenses in the amount of less than 3 million rubles.

    On the basis of Article 86 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a bank may terminate operations on special accounts in order to recover fines, penalties, forfeits and other delays.

    The account is closed after notification of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about the execution of the state defense contract.

    List of invalid operations

    Not all transactions can be carried out on a separate account of the State Defense Order. The prohibited ones include:

    1. Calculations on loans of the executing institution.
    2. Provision of funds to create the authorized (reserve) capital of a third-party company.
    3. Transfers to individuals, transfer to charity. The exception is the remuneration of employees, the payment of insurance premiums.
    4. Purchase of precious metals, foreign currency, stocks, securities.
    5. Execution of the cession agreement (assignment of the right to claim).
    6. Write-off of funds to other accounts opened with a financial and credit organization.


    You can reserve an account with Sberbank under the state defense order through the official website. Within a year, supporting documentation must be submitted to the bank branch, otherwise the procedure will be terminated.

    Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can open a special account with Sberbank on the day of application.

    A minimum set of documents is provided to the bank office. To ensure the fulfillment of the terms of the contract being concluded, the bank offers to issue an appropriate bank guarantee without collateral and surety.

    Why create a special account?

    Are you planning to participate in public procurement? For electronic procedures, a special account is required.

    To participate in a competition or auction held on the relevant ETP (electronic trading platform), you must have a certain amount of money on a special account.

    Sberbank is a reliable partner that offers high quality service and promptly provides banking services to its customers. It is included in the list of credit institutions authorized to open special accounts under FZ-44 and FZ-223. The Bank cooperates with all accredited ETPs.

    Individual entrepreneurs and companies can open one special account for public procurement with Sberbank or apply for opening several such accounts.

    Do you already have an account with this bank?

    Formally, you can change its status by submitting an appropriate application to the bank office, but experts strongly recommend opening a separate account.

    Conditions for opening a special account with Sberbank for participation in auctions

    Applications are accepted from companies and individual entrepreneurs wishing to participate in procurement.

    Registration of the corresponding account and its further maintenance are carried out free of charge. The cost of other transactions is determined by standard bank rates.

    For example, at the request of a specific ETP, the bank must block a certain amount of money to ensure participation in the auction.

    This service is paid. Each site application is accompanied by a commission in the amount of 50 rubles. You can get acquainted with other tariffs of Sberbank on a special account on the official website, through a call center or when contacting a branch.

    Clients have access to SMS notification of all ongoing transactions. The service is connected to the phone specified in the application form and is not accompanied by any commission.

    The account is opened in Russian rubles. 0.01% per annum is charged on its balance.

    Representatives of small businesses can order the following types of bank guarantees to ensure the fulfillment of the terms of a government contract:

    • "Business Guarantee";
    • "Business Contract".

    In the first case, the amount available to clients is from 50,000 to 15 million rubles. The contract is concluded for a period of up to three years. The commission starts from 2.66% and is determined personally. No insurance or collateral is required.

    In the second case, the amount of funding ranges from 50 thousand to 200 million rubles. For certain regions, it is possible to approve a guarantee in the amount of up to 600 million rubles inclusive.

    The conditions for the provision of services depend on the solvency of the client and the specifics of the contract being concluded. The rate starts from 11% per annum. The contract can be concluded for a period of one month to three years.

    How to open a special account in Sberbank?

    The procedure for issuing a special account for participation in the auction is the following sequence of actions:

    1. get accreditation for the ETP or the EIS;
    2. visit the nearest bank branch;
    3. hand over a package of documents to the specialist and conclude an appropriate contract;
    4. credit the money to the account and apply for participation in the competition/auction.

    You do not need to inform the ETP operator about the opening of the corresponding special account. The information will be transferred to the sites along with the bank details of the account by the bank employees.

    There is no need to confirm accreditation in the EIS or ETP. Sberbank specialists will independently verify this information.

    After concluding an agreement and gaining access to a special account, the client can take part in public procurement at any of the accredited sites.

    Documents for registration of a special account for trading in Sberbank

    The minimum package of documentation is provided by individual entrepreneurs.

    They need to prepare their passport, an extract from the USRIP, a TIN, SNILS certificate, available patents and / or licenses that allow them to engage in certain activities.

    Companies provide to the bank office:

    • Charter or memorandum of association;
    • documents confirming the powers of the chief accountant and the head (for example, an order for election to a position);
    • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
    • passports of officials;
    • patents, licenses (if any).

    You can clarify the full list through the call-center or by personally contacting the territorial branch of the bank. Specialists have the right to request additional documentation, for example, a notarized power of attorney, if the application is submitted by the legal representative of the client.

    Benefits of contacting Sberbank

    Entrepreneurs and companies can open any number of special accounts with Sberbank. This service is provided free of charge. You don't have to pay for their service either.

    The main advantages of contacting Sberbank include:

    • accrual of interest on the balance of the balance;
    • the ability to connect to the account of any services and options;
    • providing the minimum number of documents for signing the contract;
    • the possibility of issuing a bank guarantee on optimal conditions;
    • prompt consideration of the application;
    • opening the corresponding account on the day of contacting the bank branch;
    • favorable rates;
    • individual approach to applicants;
    • no restrictions on the amount of replenishment of the balance;
    • the opportunity to participate in auctions on any accredited site.

    It should be noted that customers will not be able to order a corporate card and link it to a special account. At the same time, it is possible to withdraw money from the balance within the balance, however, until the bank blocks a certain amount at the request of the ETP operator.

    Are you about to open a checking account?


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    RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

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    • Opening r / s - 0 r.;
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    RKO in VTB. Open an account

    More about current account

    • Opening an account - free of charge in 5 minutes;
    • 3 months of service 0 rubles;
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    More about current account

    • 0 rub. opening an account;
    • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
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    RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

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    RKO in LOKO Bank.

    From the first day of 2017, all executors of state defense orders must work using special accounts. Prior to this, such a condition was only for those fulfilling orders for the Ministry of Defense. The level of companies among the executors of the state defense order does not matter when compiling a separate account. Starting from March, any contract related to the State Defense Order is accompanied by the Federal Treasury, with the exception of orders for mines. defense.

    Sberbank offers two types of banking support:

    1. Extended. It offers:
    • remotely control all expenses from the account of any contractor;
    • it is proposed to evaluate the progress of the implementation of the contract;
    • the client receives an anatomical report on all results.
    1. Selecting "Simple" gives:
      1. account statement for each participant;
      2. monitoring of accounts.

    If the conditions are satisfactory, and the tariff is selected, it is necessary to activate banking support. This is done as follows: you will need to draw up an agreement that must be signed. When concluding a contract for support, it must be signed by both parties. Opening a separate account under the State Defense Order is carried out only after the submission of a package of documents.

    To open a special account for the state defense order, you will need to submit copies of the following documents:

    • a certificate confirming the state registration of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity;
    • tax return and accounting for the previous year of work;
    • if there is a license;
    • founding papers (the number depends on the organization)
    • audit report;
    • identity documents of the founders.

    All submitted documents must be certified:

    • at the notary;
    • an employee of Sberbank who will accept the questionnaire and application;
    • at the head of the firm.

    You can close your account after completing the order. To close a special account in a bank, you must submit an application. Further:

    1. The customer sends a notification to Sberbank that the state contract has been completed.
    2. The parent customer will be informed of the receipt of the notification.
    3. Then he sends a document in which he asks to close a separate account.
    4. Sberbank will inform all participants of the firm about this.
    5. The account is closed.

    Rules for using a separate account when working with the state defense order

    According to the rules for using separate accounts:

    1. It is allowed to write off finances only after specifying the identifier in the contract in the order.
    2. Write off finance only to a separate account. The following points are an exception:
      • payment of fees and taxes. Namely, customs payments, insurance premium to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
      • payments for expenses related to the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services at a cost related to state regulation. The entire list of works and services is established by the government;
      • transfer of part of the income, which is agreed by both parties at the time of signing the contract and is provided for by the terms of the contract;
      • if you use partial deductions to the main executor of money, if the result of partial execution is an accepted product. The amount is agreed with the contractor and if it does not exceed the amount of income, which is subject to be applied to the price of the product.
    3. All prohibitions are written in article 8.3 F3.

    It is also not allowed to give money to an individual, if it is not wages. Closing of the account under the State Defense Order is carried out in accordance with the agreement.

    Video "State defense order for small business"

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