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  • What does a payroll look like? How much does it usually cost to maintain a Sberbank salary card

    What does a payroll look like?  How much does it usually cost to maintain a Sberbank salary card

    Russian banks offer their customers various types of plastic cards. But all of them can be combined into three groups: credit, debit and salary. Our fellow citizens already know what a "credit card" is, since this product is very popular. But what is the difference between a debit card and a salary card - every consumer should know these nuances.

    Main differences

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    A debit card is opened for the purpose of depositing own funds into it and using them for settlements. They do not have a credit limit, so the client has access to a balance in the amount of money deposited by him.

    Salary cards are opened by a bank at the direction of the enterprise, which will pay wages, advance payments, bonuses, vacation pay, travel allowances, social benefits due to an employee in accordance with the Labor Code. The bank signs an agreement with the organization for settlement and cash services and maintaining a salary project.

    An employee may refuse to open a salary card in this bank and issue it in another financial institution in private. He provides the details for crediting the salary personally to the accounting department.

    It is possible to connect a credit limit to this card. It is often referred to as an overdraft. The cardholder makes payments at his own expense, and, if desired, can use credit resources. The maximum overdraft limit is from 1 to 3 salaries.

    Basic comparison

    The process of issuing each of the cards has its own characteristics. It is very important to study the tariffs for their service, since any banking service has its own price.

    Pick up individually

    As we noted above, the salary card is opened to all employees of the organization within the framework of the salary project centrally. You can issue a debit card of your choice and apply to any financial institution. The main requirements are the presence of a passport document and the age of the client from 18 years old.

    You can get both a debit card and a salary card at the same time from the same bank. You will have two checking accounts. Wages are credited to one, and funds contributed by the holder himself are transferred to the other.

    It is also possible to issue an additional card to the main account in the name of relatives. The main holder can set spending limits for each additional card at his discretion. This is a great way to plan a family budget and control expenses.

    Merger with overdraft

    A credit line or overdraft is established for debit and salary cards. This is a short-term loan that the client can use at any time.

    When a payment is received on the account, the debt is automatically repaid. The bank charges interest for the use of credit resources. Their size is indicated in the plastic card service agreement.

    Having issued an overdraft, the client can use not only his own, but also the bank's funds. For example, a credit card is intended only for making payments at the expense of a bank. The limit on it is set higher than on the debit. But a credit card is much more expensive to service.

    There is also another advantage of a debit card - cash withdrawal from an ATM is carried out without commission. For a similar operation on a credit card, its holder will need to pay up to 4% commissions.

    An overdraft is a short-term loan. For its use, the bank charges a fee, which is indicated in the contract for the service of "plastic".

    The owner of the debit card must have the following information:

    • Is it possible to connect an overdraft to the account.
    • Maximum limit .
    • What balance will be shown to you in the ATM and SMS message when making the transaction (only own funds or taking into account the overdraft). Otherwise, you yourself, unwittingly, can constantly borrow from the bank.

    In most cases, in ATMs and statements, the balance of funds on the account is indicated taking into account the overdraft. To determine what balance is “your” money, you need to subtract the limit of the established overdraft from the available balance. Let's look at an example.

    You can withdraw by card from an ATM 50 thousand rubles. The bank has set an overdraft limit for you. 30 thousand rubles. Accordingly, your funds on the card only 20 thousand rubles.

    If you withdraw more than this amount, you will borrow from the bank. And for the use of credit resources you have to pay interest.

    If there are good turnovers on the card, and the client is actively using it for settlements, the bank, at its discretion, may increase the overdraft limit. However, this is not always reported to the client. Therefore, if the balance on your card has unreasonably increased, contact the branch or call center and find out what kind of money it is.

    The bank cannot establish an overdraft on a card without the consent of its holder. All conditions for its execution are necessarily stipulated in the contract.

    If you use credit resources, you must regularly repay the debt. Not always wage income will be enough to pay the debt. Be sure to specify the amount of the debt and pay the missing amount through the cashier. This will allow you to avoid the accrual of fines and penalties for late payment.

    Parallel with credit

    A credit card or simply "credit card" is a form of bank loan. This is the same consumer loan that is issued on a card. Unlike debit, credit can only use the bank's funds within the established limit.

    If the credit line decreases as it is repaid, then it is considered non-revolving. In the event that the funds deposited on the card are again available for settlements, the line is called renewable.

    On the balance of the debt on the card, the bank calculates interest every month. Their borrower must repay within the next 30 days. All the nuances and procedure for making payments are determined by the loan agreement.

    What is the difference between a debit card and a payroll card?

    As we noted above, the salary card is opened based on the decision of the company's management. Employees are simply confronted with the fact in which financial institution they will open an account for the payment of wages. For its registration, the client, as a rule, does not apply to the bank.

    The accounting department centrally provides all the documents for employees that are necessary for this procedure. After the cards are issued, they are issued to employees and all documents are signed with them. Issuing a salary card for a client is absolutely free. All commissions are paid by the company.

    To issue a debit card, the client personally applies to the bank branch. He provides his passport and pays a fee for maintaining an account.

    Both salary and debit cards are registered, and the bank will need about 10 business days to issue them

    Which service is more profitable

    So, we already know how a debit card differs from a salary card, but which card is more profitable? A payroll card has the same functionality as a debit card.

    The benefits of a debit card include:

    • accrual of increased interest on the balance of funds in the account;
    • availability of funds for settlements;
    • the holder of "plastic" can use it to pay utility bills, make installments on loans, make payments on the Internet and the trading network, withdraw funds from electronic wallets to it, replenish a mobile phone account;
    • cards are automatically connected to online banking, which greatly simplifies the process of making transactions.

    But for this product, a monthly service fee is set, its size is indicated in the tariffs of each bank. The higher the class of "plastic", the more expensive it is to maintain.

    Opening and using a salary card is absolutely free for its owner. All fees are paid by the company. Service on preferential terms is the main advantage of a salary card compared to a debit one.

    Also, the advantages of the product include:

    • cards can be used for payments abroad;
    • there are no commissions for crediting and withdrawing funds from the account;
    • the ability to connect a credit line at a minimum percentage and without providing a certificate of income;
    • holders of salary cards can always count on receiving a loan for large amounts on favorable terms.

    Getting a job, for the first time, many people think about which bank to open a salary card, and according to what criteria to choose plastic for payroll. We will try to answer all these and many other questions using the example of a Sberbank salary card.

    Sberbank salary card: what is it, how to get it, features, advantages and disadvantages

    In addition, we will compare the conditions of Sberbank for debit cards with the offers of other Russian banks and choose the most profitable and attractive offer.

    But first, let's define the main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing the issuing bank of your future salary card:

    • availability of an extensive network of ATMs and subdivisions (offices, branches, departments),
    • availability of self-service terminals,
    • free service,
    • the ability to withdraw the entire amount from the plastic at any convenient time,
    • possibility and ease of overdraft processing,
    • availability of additional bonuses and options like cashback for purchases,
    • accrual of interest on the balance,
    • availability of remote service channels – Internet banking, mobile banking,
    • the ability to connect SMS notifications about transactions carried out from the card.

    In addition, the following factors influence the choice of a payroll card - Sberbank or some other financial institution:

    • bank client status,
    • turnovers on the salary card account,
    • average monthly balance on plastic,
    • Are you planning to travel abroad?
    • plans for the use of transferred wages - non-cash payments or cash payments.

    If the plastic holder has high incomes and often travels abroad, it is most profitable in this case to open a Gold or Platinum salary card in the selected bank, for example, Sberbank. Although in this case the service will be paid, gold and platinum plastics provide some advantages, have an additional degree of protection and can be used without restrictions outside the Russian Federation.

    How can Sberbank salary cards please their owners, and what they are.

    Sberbank salary card: overview information

    First of all, let's find out what a Sberbank salary card is.

    Sberbank of Russia is the leader in the branching of the ATM network and the volume of issued payroll plastics. The most popular bank in the country offers debit cards of the following payment systems:

    • WORLD (classical),
    • Visa (classic, gold and platinum),
    • Mastercard (standard and gold),
    • Visa Electron and Maestro (the most simple and budget).

    Most often, a salary on a Sberbank card is credited to the plastics of the Mastercard and Visa Classic payment systems.

    Regarding the MIR payment system, it is worth noting that it appeared in 2015 as a response to the massive blocking of hundreds of thousands of Visa and Mastercard cards of Russian banks by the United States. The plastic holder of the MIR payment system can use it on a par with Visa and Mastercard, but only in the territory of the Russian Federation and only in rubles. At the same time, you can be sure of the safety of money and their protection from unauthorized blocking.

    Features of cards for salaries of Sberbank

    The presence of a Sberbank debit card for salaries allows its holder to take advantage of the following benefits and bonuses:

    1. free issue of plastics and their maintenance (in fact, the cost of maintenance is from 0 to 750 rubles in the first year and from 0 to 450 rubles in subsequent years, but usually these costs, if any, are covered by the employer who draws up a salary project with the bank) ,
    2. cash withdrawal through an ATM without any commissions (within the established limit, which for classic cards is 1,500,000 rubles per month and 150,000 rubles per day),
    3. the possibility of issuing additional cards,
    4. preferential loan offers (as well as when applying for an overdraft) for holders of Sberbank salary cards,
    5. purchase of goods at a discount from bank partners,
    6. managing funds on plastic via the Sberbank Online Internet bank and a mobile application,
    7. the possibility of replenishing the card through a mobile bank by sending an SMS message,
    8. online informing about the transactions performed by sending SMS (SMS informing),
    9. the ability to set up automatic transfers and automatic payments,
    10. bonus program "Thank you" from the Savings Bank,
    11. it is possible to pay with one touch and contactless payment using smartphones through Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay services.

    Early or regular re-issuance of a classic Sberbank card is free of charge, and for re-issuance due to loss, change of personal data or loss of a PIN code, you will have to pay 150 rubles.

    The main advantages of the Sberbank salary card according to reviews can be called:

    • availability for their holders of preferential consumer loans in the amount of up to 3,000,000 rubles for a period of 6 to 36 months at a rate of 15.9% per annum,
    • consideration of a loan application within a few hours (due to the availability of information about each potential borrower),
    • branching of the ATM network,
    • payment for purchases in the Russian Federation and abroad is possible,
    • the presence of a free Piggy bank service that helps to accumulate money by deducting a given amount from each salary to a specified account,
    • the ability to link electronic wallets - WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money,
    • access to round-the-clock service through the contact center of the Savings Bank,
    • bonus program "Thank you", which allows you to accumulate bonuses and exchange them for purchases,
    • the possibility of instant blocking of plastic through remote service channels in case of its loss,
    • the presence of a pre-approved personal offer of the Savings Bank allows its customers to get a consumer loan or overdraft very quickly and on favorable terms.

    Classic debit cards can be issued at any Sberbank office with an identity card. Additional requirements for obtaining a basic card are the presence of registration in the territory of the Russian Federation (permanent or temporary), age from 14 years.

    Among the shortcomings of salary plastics issued by the Savings Bank, the following are noted:

    • if the daily limit for cash withdrawal is exceeded, a fee is charged,
    • the possibility of changing the terms of service on the part of the bank unilaterally (although such a moment is present in all financial institutions),
    • Due to the great popularity of Sberbank plastics, they are most often the object of close attention of scammers who send out fake SMS messages and use phishing and scamming technologies to obtain private information.

    Although debit cards are issued and reissued for payroll projects free of charge, if the plastic is lost, the employee will have to pay for its restoration and reissuance.

    Payroll projects of other banks

    No wonder they say that everything is known in comparison. To make sure that the chosen Sberbank salary card is the best in your case, it makes sense to compare its capabilities, advantages and disadvantages with similar offers from other domestic banks. What we will do now, having considered the best salary projects of Russian banking organizations in 2017.

    VTB 24

    VTB24 can be called a worthy competitor to Sberbank in terms of the quantity and quality of the benefits and bonuses offered for plastic card holders, where wages are transferred. Why are VTB payroll cards so good:

    • the ability to pay for purchases in Russia and abroad without commissions,
    • preferential terms for VTB24 clients when applying for loans and overdrafts (lower interest rate, longer term, etc.),
    • availability of convenient Internet banking and a mobile application,
    • the possibility of registration of additional plastics, including chipped ones,
    • bonus program "Collection", which provides for the accrual of bonuses, miles and cashback from the bank itself and its partners,
    • secure online payments,
    • free sms informing,
    • extensive ATM network,
    • withdrawal limits: per day - 100,000 rubles, per month - 1,000,000 rubles (for the classic service package),
    • the opportunity to open a savings account with a rate of 8.5% per year, accrued on the balance of funds,
    • the possibility of obtaining a credit card with a 50-day interest-free period.

    The most attractive can be called the project "Individual salary card", the holders of which are offered many bonuses, including: cashback up to 10% in the categories Cafe and Auto, cashback up to 2% on any purchases, up to 10% per annum on a savings account, miles or bonuses up to 4% in the Travel category. Plus up to 5% on your account balance.

    There are a number of additional paid services:

    1. reissuing a card to replace a lost one - 600 rubles,
    2. card reissuance in case of change of personal data or damage - 375 rubles,
    3. changing the PIN code at an ATM - 30 rubles,
    4. balance request at ATMs of other banks - 15 rubles,
    5. cash withdrawal through ATMs or cash points of other banks - 1%.

    Well, since there is no barrel of honey without a fly in the ointment, we note several shortcomings identified when using VTB24 salary plastics:

    • additional costs are possible when connecting the full package of Internet banking and mobile banking,
    • upon dismissal, the costs of maintaining the plastic are paid by its holder.

    In VTB24, you can open classic or premium salary cards of MasterCard and Visa payment systems.

    Home Credit Bank

    More recently, Home Credit Bank issued a debit "card that can do anything!". This is exactly the slogan with which this plastic called "Cosmos" is promoted to the masses.

    The Kosmos card is a Visa Platinum premium plastic, so all the privileges from the Visa payment system are also accompanied by it.

    And this is what this “space” card is attractive for, which can be used as a salary:

    • if the balance on the card is more than 10,000 rubles (and not 30 or 50 thousand, like other banks), but less than 500,000 rubles, 7.5% per annum is charged,
    • the issue and the first year of service cost nothing to the plastic holder, and from the second year you will have to pay 99 rubles per month, but only if the daily balance is less than 10,000 rubles; if you maintain a balance of more than 10,000 rubles, you will not have to pay for the service,
    • the release of additional plastic will cost 200 rubles, and the reissue for the first time at the request of the owner is free, but the second time is already 200 rubles,
    • the cost of an interbank transfer through the Internet bank is only 10 rubles,
    • the ability to withdraw cash without commission at any ATMs not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world - up to 5 times a month, subsequently, 100 rubles will be withdrawn from you for each withdrawal (at Home Credit Bank ATMs, you can always withdraw money without commission, the main thing is to meet daily limit of 500,000 rubles),
    • the presence of the bonus program "Benefit", similar to the Savings Bank "Thank you",
    • the possibility of contactless payment PayWave,
    • free SMS informing about each transaction without indicating the balance, indicating the balance - 59 rubles per month,
    • interest on the balance is credited monthly,
    • card balance is insured by the state.

    However, not everything is as rosy as it seems, and Cosmos has its own "black holes":

    • unlike the popular Sberbank salary card, it is rather difficult to replenish Home Credit Bank plastic: these are ATMs with a cash-in function and cash desks of bank offices; at the same time, in the Internet bank there is no possibility of replenishing from another plastic without a commission - you will have to pay 0.8% for crediting money,
    • there are very large commissions (up to 20% of the amount) for transferring and withdrawing money in excess of a certain amount - these are the so-called anti-transit restrictions,
    • you can apply for plastic via the Internet or at the bank office, but delivery will take 2-3 weeks, although for the delivery period you can use a non-named instant issuance card "Key",
    • the Internet banking implementation is so outdated that it needs urgent improvement as it is very inconvenient to use.


    In 2017, the debit card of remote Rocketbank, which is part of the Otkritie financial group, became one of the most profitable and desirable both in terms of the opportunities provided and in terms of the quality of service.

    What so attracted payroll clients in this plastic:

    • free issue and maintenance, subject to purchases from this plastic in the amount of 30,000 rubles or more (or while maintaining a balance of this amount),
    • 7.5% per annum on the card balance,
    • an additional bonus of 500 rubles for opening plastic on the recommendation,
    • every month you can choose your favorite stores, which provide cashback from purchases up to 10%, in other stores 1% of the amount spent is always returned,
    • the presence of a mobile application,
    • the possibility of opening additional currency cards in US dollars or in euros also with free service,
    • replenishment from other cards, free transfer of money to other banks and cash withdrawals up to 5 times a month - free of charge,
    • the ability to order a card on the Internet, besides, it will be delivered to a place convenient for you.

    Disadvantage: exclusively remote service, which is not convenient for all customers.

    Bank Tinkoff

    The Russians also fell in love with the Tinkoff Black debit card. This premium bank card has the following advantages:

    • issued in three versions: Visa, Mastercard or MIR Premium,
    • no interest for the issuance of cards and the subsequent transfer of wages to employees,
    • no commission is charged for withdrawing money through ATMs and transfers to other financial institutions,
    • you can additionally issue up to 5 cards - for all family members or in your name, moreover: you can issue plastics from different payment systems, for example, for online shopping and trips - MasterCard Platinum, and for purchases in Russia - MIR,
    • up to 7% per annum is charged on the balance of funds,
    • plastic can be issued online, after which it will be delivered to the holder by a bank employee,
    • cashback for purchases from partners of Tinkoff Bank can reach 30%, and in certain categories - up to 5%.

    Minus: the lack of bank offices, which is not always convenient.

    After analyzing the data on payroll cards of Sberbank, VTB24, Home Credit Bank and Otkritie Bank, we can say that Sberbank and VTB24 are leading in terms of service costs, services and bonuses offered, as well as the branching of the ATM network. The maximum cashback is offered by Tinkoff Bank, and favorable interest on the balance is offered by Rocketbank.

    Currently, almost all adult citizens of the Russian Federation have bank cards, moreover, for different purposes. The most common plastic is the Sberbank salary card. What options for such a card exist and how to issue this payment instrument? In this article, we will provide answers to these questions.

    Description of the overdraft on the salary card of Sberbank

    Many users do not understand the bank's products and consider the payroll card as a separate offer with their own tariff plans and conditions. In fact, any debit card can be used for payroll, the main requirement is that it must be issued within the salary offer.

    Basically, corporate cards are provided to each employee of the organization and it is more difficult to attach your card to an existing salary account, and therefore such requests are often not fulfilled. Payroll cards are not attached to a credit account, so there are no borrowed funds on them.

    The exception is the permitted overdraft established by the bank. As a rule, the amount is not significant, not more than the monthly wage, which the client has the right to use by receiving finance at an ATM, or by paying for purchases and leaving the account with a negative balance. Overdraft is issued for a short-term period and is fully repaid upon the first receipt of funds to the account. If there is not enough finance to write off the debt, the remaining debt is repaid upon subsequent receipt.

    Basically, an overdraft is automatically activated on the account and makes it possible to use a certain amount of the bank before receiving wages if there is a shortage of own funds. A user who does not want to use this service must go to the bank's office to fill out an application and reset the overdraft amount to zero.

    Is it possible to transfer money from a credit card to a salary

    Many clients are interested in the possibility of moving money between current accounts, including credit. It should be noted that Sberbank offers its customers many ways to transfer finances between debit accounts. You can make transfers both between your cards and to third parties.

    It is possible to transfer money from debit plastic to credit, and thus pay the loan debt. However, money from a credit account cannot be transferred, since these funds are used only to pay for goods and services, and transfers to a current account are commensurate with cash withdrawal operations.

    If replenishment of the salary card from a credit account is required, the client can apply workarounds. For example, transfer finances to a Qiwi wallet, and then transfer funds from there to a corporate card. It should be noted that this method extends to the interest-free period on a credit card, which makes it possible to save on interest payments, since this option involves fewer commissions for the operation.

    Salary card Visa Classic of Sberbank

    We will provide information about what Sberbank salary cards are, types and costs of service in 2020. For the purpose of crediting salaries, plastic cards of different payment systems are used: MIR, Visa or MasterCard. The disadvantages include that the payment system is determined by the employer himself. Co-branded offers can also be used as payroll cards, but then the payment for the maintenance of plastic falls on the employee's shoulders.

    Basically, the employer pays the obligations for servicing payroll accounts, including the annual commission for the card. However, this does not apply to co-branded products and other premium cards.

    Visa "Classic" is the most popular card issued as part of payroll projects. Because the cost of annual maintenance, the tariff plans for transactions have an acceptable rate.

    • Annual maintenance cost 750 rubles for the first year, from the second year - 450 rubles. The validity of the plastic is three years.
    • Restrictions on making transfers per day no more than 500 thousand rubles.
    • Limits on cash withdrawal per day up to 300 thousand rubles. Funds are deposited to the account without commission.

    Visa is one of the most well-known payment systems and is the best option for payroll, transactions both in the region of registration and for trips, including foreign ones.

    Such cards can be used in the bonus offer of Sberbank to accumulate bonus points for non-cash payments. They are equipped with contactless payment technology.

    Production time for a salary card from Sberbank

    How to get such a card? As noted above, a salary product includes a product designed as part of a dedicated project. They are made for each employee and financed by the employer. In addition, the employer is in no hurry to attach the finished card to the salary account, since it is more convenient for him to order a new one, due to the laboriousness of the procedure. The presence of an employee when applying for the manufacture of plastic is not necessary, he only needs to contact the bank office to receive an envelope with a card.

    If the organization does not have a salary project, the employee has the right to go to the accounting department to file an application for the transfer of wages using the details provided. In addition, any active card can be used to transfer money, it is acceptable to provide credit card details, but its use is not profitable.

    Re-issuance of a salary card is carried out automatically and, as a rule, by the end of the old one, a new one already arrives at the bank office for issuance. Plastic goes to the same department where the previous card was issued. The initial production of a card account is carried out within 2-3 weeks. As a rule, the banking organization informs the user about readiness. As a result of receipt of the notification, the client must contact the office to receive a payment card.

    When you are employed, you get a separate card, on which wages are calculated. It is not uncommon for an employee to create a separate salary card himself, the number of which is entered by the accountant into the accrual system, after which every month the accrual is made to this card.

    What is a payroll card?

    A salary card is the same as a debit card, you have no credit limit, but you can make the same transactions as with a regular card.

    Types of salary cards of Sberbank

    Since the salary card is a regular debit card, we can use one of the many types of Sberbank cards:

    Salary cards MIR and Visa, what are the differences?

    Civil servants, state employees, began to issue MIR cards, instead of the usual Visa. If you do not work in a government institution, you can choose any card and designate it as a salary card, but if you receive it in the civil service, you must change your salary card to MIR by July 1, 2018.

    What is a salary card "MIR"?

    MIR is an analogue of Visa and MasterCard, in order to strengthen the economy, it was decided to create its own payment system. This decision was prompted by the imposition of sanctions.

    Benefits of the payroll card "MIR"

    • Free service (not valid in all banks, Sberbank is just starting to develop a program with free service)
    • Free transfers to Visa or MasterCard

    Disadvantages of the salary card "MIR"

    • Only ruble accounts
    • Inability to pay for purchases
    • Works only in Russia
    • The service price is the same as for Visa or MasterCard

    The price of servicing a salary card of Sberbank in 2018

    • Premium card - service 4900 rubles per year
    • Gold card - service 3000 rubles per year
    • Classic card - service for the first year 750 rubles in subsequent years 450 rubles
    • Youth card - service 150 rubles per year
    • Virtual card - service 60 rubles per year
    • Aeroflot card - service 900 rubles per year
    • Momentum card - service is free

    How to get a Sberbank salary card?

    A salary card, except for the Momentum card, can be ordered online on the Sberbank website. The instruction below is written for the most common classic Sberbank card, the design of other cards does not differ significantly:

    How long does a map take?

    It is impossible to give an exact time, on average, the preparation of a card and its arrival at the department take 10 days.

    Advantages of a salary card from Sberbank

    There are no advantages of a salary card, you get bonuses and promotions, just like on a simple debit card. Benefits of a debit salary card:

    • Expense management with Sberbank Online
    • Bonus program "Thank you from Sberbank"
    • Convenient payment for services and purchases
    • Safety of funds even if the card is lost

    Disadvantages of a salary card from Sberbank

    • If you are a government employee or a student on a budget, you cannot choose a card
    • Switching to the MIR card type

    How to close a Sberbank salary card?

    A Sberbank salary card can only be closed at a branch of Sberbank, the procedure for this is as follows:

    1. You need to write an application for the closure of the card
    2. Withdraw cash or close existing debts, it is important that the card account is zero
    3. Give a closed card to a bank employee

    Do I need a reissue for a Sberbank salary card?

    A salary card needs to be reissued like any other. The validity of the issued card is 3 years. Before the expiration date, a new card is produced, and you will be informed by SMS about your arrival at the Sberbank branch. You must come to the branch of Sberbank with a passport and pick up the card.

    What to do with a salary card after dismissal?

    You are free to use it. Of course, such cards as "Momentum" and "Mir" are not very suitable for paying for purchases, but you can use these cards to transfer funds. If you do not want to use the card, you need to close it, because when using the classic card, a service fee is charged.

    Can I get a payroll loan?

    The loan is easily credited to the salary card. Also, the owners of salary cards are more willing and faster to issue loans, since the employer has all the necessary information about you. On some cards there is an overdraft, you can spend a little more than you have on your balance sheet, and return the spent amount with interest.

    Reviews about the salary card of Sberbank

    Below are reviews of real payroll card holders:

    Review 1:


    Convenient, profitable, informative


    Yes, Sberbank offices pay attention to the fact that payroll card holders are provided with special lending conditions. But I have not used these conditions for these five years. When it was necessary to take a loan, the lending conditions from our native Sberbank turned out to be worse than the conditions of another bank, so we turned to their competitors. SMS often come to a mobile phone with an offer to take a loan from Sberbank on special conditions, but after calculating all the interest, it turns out that there is too much overpayment. But if there is a vital need, maybe we will take advantage of their offer.

    So, to summarize all of the above, I am satisfied with my salary card of Sberbank of Russia and will continue to use the services of the bank. I hope they don't change their payroll at work.

    Review 2:


    for me no;


    expensive service;

    In general, the map is not bad, it opens up many possibilities. The only problem is, I don't actually use any of it. I don’t have a salary card, I don’t go abroad, it’s too early to order a card for a child. Well, I’ll use it for a year, since I already paid for it and I’ll go and refuse.

    For those who travel a lot, it will be a good option to connect auto payments or issue additional cards. Well, or those who receive a salary for it. After all, many employers cooperate with Sberbank.

    Review 3:



    bad service, spelling mistakes

    The appeal to Sberbank was like that. First, they accepted a statement of complaint. Saying if it's their mistake they'll re-release it. I wonder whose fault it might be? My what? Funny! Illiterates! Within the specified period, they should have been contacted and announced the decision on the application. No response from Sberbank. Calling the hotline, the operator said that they admit their guilt, that they did not correctly indicate the last name, but they would not reissue the card for free, you need to pay 150 rubles.

    The conclusion is this: when you order a personalized card, and issuing one costs money, if Sberbank messes up with the last name on the card, they won’t reissue it for you for free, you will need to pay them again, for their own mistakes, even if they admit their guilt.

    Review 4:


    Sberbank-Online rules


    They did not provide a contract for the card! Offering additional services.

    Most recently, our organization switched to payroll cards of Sberbank of Russia. Representatives of the Bank came to issue cards directly to our work. And they brought with them something like a portable terminal of the Bank. We issued it very quickly, since the employer provided all the necessary information in advance and they already brought us ready-made cards. To my question: Where is the agreement on the card? I received an answer: Here's a card for you, here's an envelope with a password - you don't need anything else ... It's somehow strange in my opinion ... Then we were offered to activate the card immediately on a portable terminal. And the employee of the Bank, without asking, begins to connect the Mobile Bank service to me. To my objections, I receive an answer that the first two months the service is free. When I persistently refuse the additional service again, I get a delusional version of supposedly activating the card without this is IMPOSSIBLE! What? What kind of nonsense? If my review is now being read by Bank employees, answer: isn't it enough to just check the balance of the card to activate it? Why don't they give you a contract when you sign up? And why impose an unnecessary extra. service? I can perform all the necessary operations by accessing the Sberbank-Online application from my smartphone absolutely free of charge. Why do I need your paid Mobile Bank?

    The paycheck arrives on time. Through Sberbank-Online it is very convenient to make payments and make transfers. For that alone, I recommend it. And for the work of employees in imposing services, a huge minus ...

    All the best!

    Review 5:


    free service, bonus program


    Surprisingly, despite the not very positive attitude towards this bank, the service turned out to be very good. Money on the card comes the same day, without delay. A large number of ATMs, where you can always withdraw money without any problems. Card maintenance is completely free.

    Plus, a small bonus turned out to be a bonus program from Sberbank Thank you, according to which small bonuses are awarded from all purchases made. A trifle of course, but still nice.

    So this time Sberbank was a pleasant surprise.

    Today, every adult Russian has a plastic payment instrument in his wallet. Someone receives a monthly salary or pension on the card, someone keeps savings on it, and someone uses funds borrowed from the bank credited to. Below we will talk about how it differs from salary, whether they have similar characteristics, what are the pros and cons for the user of each type of plastic.

    Salary project - what does this phrase mean?

    An agreement on the opening and maintenance of a salary project, the maintenance of settlement and cash services with a financial institution is concluded by the employer. the employer himself chooses, it can be Sberbank, VTB, Sovcombank and any other organization. In turn, the employee can choose a financial institution of his choice and notify the employer in writing. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

    The employee is issued a plastic card, to which the employer credits all payments in the prescribed manner:

    • wages;
    • premium;
    • holiday and travel allowances;
    • social benefits;
    • and other charges.

    The tariffs for using the card are set by the bank, the type of card and its functionality are usually agreed with the future user.

    What is the difference between a debit card and a salary card and how are they similar?

    If we consider external data, then all cards are similar to each other. On the front side of each of them is the card number, last name and first name of the owner, expiration date in month/year format. They may differ:

    • design;
    • belonging to a certain payment system;
    • presence/absence of bonuses;
    • premium;
    • functionality.

    If we consider in detail how a debit card differs from a salary card, then there are significant differences. Let's start with the fact that the debit card is used by the owner to accumulate and save funds. A savings or savings account is attached to it, to which the user can independently transfer funds. Map Features:

    • there is no limit on the amount of replenishment;
    • the card can be used for payments, cash withdrawals from ATMs are available;
    • at the disposal of the cardholder the entire amount credited by him to the account, with the exception of the minimum balance;
    • some can be opened as part of salary projects.

    The table shows a comparative analysis of three debit cards of Sberbank, from which it can be seen that in their series they also differ from each other, there is a significant difference in service rates.

    In fact, salary cards can also be characterized, they also differ in annual service, currencies available for settlements. What then is the difference between a debit card and a payroll card? In order:

    • a salary card is issued by the partner bank of the employer, and a debit card must be ordered from the bank by submitting a written application;
    • the procedure for issuing a salary card does not apply to the employee, the employer centrally transfers information to the bank and all the necessary documents to the bank;
    • salary card (most often) has more favorable terms of use. We are talking about the opportunity to apply, get a discount of several percent when applying for a loan at the bank that issued the card, about the implementation of bonus programs for participants in salary projects and other opportunities;
    • banks issue salary cards free of charge, and when ordering a debit card, they present the amount for payment for registration and issuance;
    • on the balance formed on the salary card at the end of the month, banks often charge an increased percentage.

    Let's start with the fact that the user can get both of these types of cards in the same bank. A debit card is issued on a declarative basis with minimum requirements for the recipient. On the list of requirements:

    • Russian citizenship;
    • age 18+;
    • registration in the area where the bank is located;
    • having a valid passport.

    There is only one nuance. If the client has a debit and salary card, the difference will be in the accounts attached to them: savings (debit) and salary. The user can independently make transfers between these accounts through the Internet banking or mobile banking systems.

    Sometimes one of the bank cards issued as part of a salary project acts as a debit card. The bank may initially offer a package consisting of several cards or, at the request of the client, issue one or two additional cards for relatives. For each of the additional cards, the client can determine the spending limit for a specific period of time.