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  • Birthday omens customs prayer conspiracies. Prayer conspiracy signs for a birthday

    Birthday omens customs prayer conspiracies.  Prayer conspiracy signs for a birthday

    Each of us has his own guardian angel who protects and protects in difficult times. On his birthday, a person becomes closer than ever to him. Therefore, you should not miss the opportunity to turn to your angel with some kind of request. It is impossible to carry out a ritual aimed at negativity on your birthday. All rituals must be of exceptionally good content. Often people use this day to change the line of fate, a kind of rebirth.

    birthday rituals

    Few people know that the usual “Happy Birthday” greeting, like candles on a cake, are already attributes of white magic. Saying wishes from the heart, your loved ones share with you a particle of positive energy. And if a candle on a birthday cake burns simultaneously with congratulations, then the effect of white magic will only intensify.

    As soon as you wake up, go to the mirror and look carefully and intently into your reflection.. Magicians recommend looking directly into the eyes. At the same time, say the following words: “My dear and beloved Angel, thank you for being with me all year and protecting me from misfortune. I thank you for your help and I ask you not to leave me in the future. Help me set my life in order, wealth and happiness.

    This ritual is the main one, and it should be said from the very morning of the holiday, as soon as you wake up.

    What to do on your birthday:

    • Do not engage in black magic, love spells and inducing damage. Everything you do on this day will come back to you.
    • Perform rituals against everything that bothers you, whether it's overweight, lack of money or quarrels in the family.
    • You can't harm anyone, no matter how much you want to.
    • Rituals aimed at strengthening health, gaining love and prosperity are becoming relevant.

    All the negativity that you attract to yourself will be very difficult to remove. In addition to troubles, you may experience mental disorders: various fears and manias.


    There are many tips that you should follow so that luck is on your side all year. What should be done on a birthday and what are the signs?

    Conspiracies and rituals according to the lunar calendar

    To carry out such a ritual, two candles are lit, which are placed on the table. One of the candles should be green, which symbolizes prosperity, and the other should be red.. If you have problems on the love front, then replace the green candle with a white one.

    After you have lit them, say the following words: “Go away misfortunes through a black pipe, through a high window, and come love (wealth) through the gate to my table. I will give you a hare lip and three bones from a calf. Let luck be on my side, fish misfortunes, misfortunes. I lock the door with a key, I close the gate, I don’t let troubles in. Amen".

    Both candles should burn to the end and go out on their own. Collect all that is left of them in a clean small handkerchief and hide in a safe place. Let them lie in a secluded place as long as possible. They can not be thrown away - only burned or buried.

    Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

    You should definitely retire so that no outsider sees the ritual. Stand in any comfortable place, close your eyes and imagine how the rain of gold pours on you.

    You should feel warmth and energy. Silently repeat the following words: "I am one with the whole universe."

    Think about your innermost desire and say clearly out loud what you want.. When using meditation, imagine that your desire is a bundle of energy that is sent upwards.

    Ritual with a cross

    You should go to the crossroads, stand in its center and turn to face east. Such a ritual can attract attention, so spend it either early in the morning or late in the evening.

    You must bow first towards the east, then north, west and south. At the same time, repeat the following words: “Earthly forces, eternal forces. I bow to you, I hope for your kindness. State your desire in a clearly articulated sentence and bow again. Throw a small coin at the crossroads, say: "Paid" and go home.

    It is very important for the complete implementation of the ritual to imagine before your eyes what you have thought of.. Thus, any desires materialize. On the way home, you can’t look back, and you can’t return to this place for several days, you can’t pick up a coin either.

    If you are interrupted, then such a ceremony will be considered failed, and you will have to look for another crossroads.

    Change of fate

    This ritual will be able to remove the curse, as well as protect the future from evil people.. You will need the following things:

    • One liter of holy water.
    • Two icons.
    • Candles thin church in the amount of seven pieces.
    • Matchbox.
    • Two small mirrors.
    • Salt.

    Be sure to fast before the ceremony, and after it, go to church, light candles and distribute change to the poor.

    Mirrors are installed in such a way that both have your reflection. Place the icons between the mirrors, and put candles in front of them and behind them. Around the place where you will sit, draw two circles, one of which will be of salt and the other of holy water. And the salt circle should be inside.

    After you have sat down, read the following plot: “It is dark in the heart like in a mirror. I turn to you Lord, illuminate me with a clear light and drive away evil spirits. I bow to you, mother, I call on the Father and the Son. Do not leave the servant of God without protection. Amen". During the conspiracy, you should cross yourself three times. After you get up from the chair, be sure to cross yourself again and let the candles burn out.

    Ritual for the fulfillment of a cherished desire

    No one should know about your desire, as well as that you are going to conduct a ceremony. For the ritual you will need the following:

    • Holy water.
    • Candles church thin - three pieces.
    • White saucers without a pattern - two pieces.
    • Cinnamon - two sticks.
    • Large peas of allspice.
    • Red fabric pouch.

    The ceremony is performed the night before the birthday. You retire to a place where no one from your family should see you. Remove pets and any other obstructions. If you are disturbed, then the rite will be considered failed.

    Place one peppercorn on one of the two saucers and a cinnamon stick on the other. Light the candles and, watching the fire, say the following words: “With your great help, Lord, my desire will be fulfilled. I hope and hope for you. Give me strength and faith to wait for its fulfillment. Drink some holy water and say the following: “I address you with a pure heart. Forgive the help, let everything come true, as I planned. Amen".

    Mentally, you think about your desire, but do not say it out loud. Pour pepper and cinnamon out of saucers and crush. Then collect the spices and put them in a bag. Be sure to use a red cloth as it is a powerful love energizer. Now this bag will become your talisman, you can carry it with you or just keep it at home in the bedroom. As soon as the wish comes true, hide the talisman away from your eyes and do not touch it for at least a year.

    Magic amulet of good luck

    Any jewelry donated on this day can become an amulet of good luck.. Only first you have to carry out the ritual and charge it with magical energy. To do this, you need ginger, a green ribbon, seven green candles, small coins and a magnet.

    They begin the ritual in the evening and continue it for seven days. Every day one candle is lit and placed in front of the magnet. Coins are strung on a magnet, and an ornament tied with a ribbon is taken into the hand, and a plot is read.

    “From my sprout grows a big and strong tree. This is how my money will multiply and multiply. Let it be until I change my mind." The candle should burn out completely. The next day, perform the ceremony again, but only with the addition of new coins to the old ones.

    After seven days, the magnet with coins and ribbon is removed for six months.

    Magic for love

    This energy ritual will help girls get a long-awaited marriage. Spend it late in the evening or at midnight. To do this, you need two candles: one pink and the other white. On red paper, write down all the qualities of the man you would like to meet.

    It is even better to draw it. A sheet of paper is burned in the flame of candles, while pronouncing the following words: “I protect and expect love. Come to me, dear, hurry up. After that, the candles can be extinguished and hidden.

    Remember that on this day the Universe favors you. So take the opportunity to fulfill your deepest desires. All birthday prayers for the fulfillment of a wish must be pronounced exactly.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    Birthday is a special date for every person. Often it is he who becomes the main impetus for the reassessment of all values, for making serious decisions. And yet, according to the esotericists, it is the birthday that is considered the best time to turn to higher powers for help.

    Many magicians insist that most of the conspiracies are most effective on a person’s birthday. In such cases, the result appears quite quickly and acts for a longer time.

    The main reason lies in the fact that it is on such a day that all higher powers are most favorable to a person. The universe favors people who know exactly what they want, and therefore correctly performed rituals, desires and rituals will certainly come true.

    Such a favorable attitude applies to both Orthodox prayers and various conspiracies. At the same time, that conspiracy or that prayer that was read without fail at the exact time of birth has the greatest effectiveness.

    Also, higher powers can forever turn away from such a person. Therefore, it is allowed to conduct rituals and read prayers only to yourself.


    In order to be convinced from personal experience of the high effectiveness of all the rituals described below, it is necessary to remember that:

    • the best time to conduct them is the exact time of birth, if it is not known, prayers should be read at sunrise, but no later than before sunset;
    • each conspiracy takes away the strength of the person who read it, which is needed to activate it, so you should not read all of them in one day;
    • one should never tell anyone about the rituals performed, especially when the desire has already been fulfilled;
    • it is worth doing all the rituals on your birthday all alone, there should also be no animals in the room.

    Do not forget that all prayers and conspiracies are pronounced in a half-whisper, all words must be clear and precise, you must not go astray or interrupted, because it will be possible to redo the ritual only after one year.

    Read 1 time to fulfill a wish so that it comes true

    Every person has the most cherished dream and it is the birthday that is the best time for its implementation. And this will help a special conspiracy, which is read strictly at sunrise.

    It is necessary to take a shower and put on light and preferably new underwear, go outside and, looking at the horizon, say three times:

    After reading the plot, you must clearly and briefly pronounce your most cherished desire.

    On our birthday, we are given a special opportunity to fulfill our deepest desires and dreams. This can be done with the help of esoteric practices or magical rites. This video details one esoteric method:

    For rejuvenation

    Such a ritual is especially relevant for women over the age of 35, but the most important thing is that it is really effective.

    The words are as follows:

    “Lord My God, I will hide myself with spring water, I will wipe myself with the heavenly sun, I will hide myself in the blue sky, I will remove old age from myself. God bless and help, take sickness and old age away from me. Let your shoulders be smooth, your eyes clear, and your arms and legs strong. Let everyone be amazed, but I rejoice in him. Amen".

    The words of this spell should be pronounced in full voice and once at sunrise.

    Attention! Such a conspiracy is read for 10 days in a row, followed by a seven-day break, after which the ritual is repeated for another 10 days in a row. But you certainly need to start reading the conspiracy on your birthday - this is the main key to success.


    The famous Siberian healer Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova enjoys well-deserved respect and honor. Her conspiracies are, in fact, special prayers that always bring the desired result. For reading on her birthday, she offers a special conspiracy that will help protect herself for a whole year from any illnesses, ailments and misfortunes.

    In the morning on your birthday, you need to go to church and buy a white candle. Exactly at 12 noon, you need to light a candle and say the following words three times:

    “I speak myself to the servant of God (name) from ailments, pains and misfortunes. I send from myself all the sorcerers and healers, old men and women, To the open field, to the wide expanse, to remove the disease from mother's land. While I am alive, no one will mutilate me, will not bewitch me, will not cover me with illness. No one will harm the servant of God's servant (name) - Not in word, not in deed, not in a bad chapel. Christ and the Mother of God will protect me, save me from the evil eye and damage. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After reading, it is necessary to let the candle burn out completely, and take the cinder to the temple the next day.


    Text of the first prayer:

    “Guardian Angel, my patron saint, keep me both in the field and at home, and at any time of the day and from all evil. Amen".

    Text of the second prayer:

    “Our Father, who art in heaven. May your name be hallowed, may your will be done, may your kingdom come, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread and forgive us our sins, just as we also forgive our debtors.

    Third prayer- this is Psalm 90, it is his clergy who consider it one of the most powerful and reliable. It will also not be superfluous to read the symbol of Faith, which is found in any prayer book.

    Reference. Unlike magicians, the ministers of the Orthodox Church say that it is better to spend this day in prayers and after reading them, ask the Lord for health and all the best, but not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

    good luck

    The following conspiracy will help turn fortune to face you for the next 365 days:

    “Our heavenly father, send a good fate. I take off everything evil from myself in the mirror, they send it to a happy fate, I change it. failure and evil leave me, stay forever in the looking glass, and turn to me with good luck. Amen".

    Before pronouncing the words of the ceremony, it is necessary to place a small mirror in the center of the table, and a yellow candle opposite it.

    At the moment of pronunciation of the first word, the candle is lit. The plot is pronounced once and allowed to burn out completely. Mentally in your head you need to imagine how all the failures that happened last year turn into successful things in the coming year.

    For money

    Perhaps the rite of raising money on your birthday is considered the most popular and not surprising, because it really helps to significantly improve your financial situation.

    First you need to exchange 100 rubles for small coins and mix them with wheat intended for sowing. At dawn, one should go to a plowed, but not yet sown field and backhand throw money with grain there. At the same time, you should say three times:

    “I’ll get by with a small gift, I’ll be enriched a hundredfold. The grain fell into an ear and turned, the coin fell into the bag and turned. Lord help, give money. Key, language.

    Reference. Residents of the city can go to the park or to a small private garden. It is important that the grown wheat is not pulled out of the ground before the spikelet is formed.

    On your birthday, you can not only perform a purification ceremony and make a wish, but also attract money into your life. The money bath will help you with this. More in the video:

    For love

    This is what often makes people do the most fearless, and sometimes terribly thoughtless acts.

    If it is necessary to attract a really bright and sincere feeling into your life, then on your birthday you should read the following conspiracy:

    “I don’t sweep the garbage, but I drive the suitors to my home. A hundred or two hundred, but with only one I will be together forever. Amen".

    Early in the morning, while everyone is sleeping, you need to go to the stairwell or to the street and sweep some garbage into your home, saying these words. You can remove rubbish from your home only the next day. Therefore, it is better to sweep it into a corner in the hallway room.

    On a handkerchief

    There is another very effective ritual for attracting true love into your life. But it is suitable only for those women who wear a headscarf or scarf. This piece of clothing must be in use.

    On your birthday, you need to fold it with all 4 corners to the center and say the words loudly once:

    “The 4 directions of the world always meet, the corners of the scarf add up, So it would be for you and me to converge and never part for eternity. May it be so, the Lord bless and unite our hearts forever. Amen".

    After reading the conspiracy, the handkerchief, when unfolding, should be removed behind the icons or in any other secret place where it cannot be seen, much less picked up by strangers. There he must be until love appears in life. Only after that it can be deployed and used further for its intended purpose.

    A lapel from a wife with a divorce setting Girls who have fallen in love with a married man or boyfriend are looking for ways to independently make a husband’s lapel from his wife, and for this purpose the following lapel conspiracy with great power is suitable, which is done at home on a wedding candle with a divorce setting. It is not for nothing that knowledgeable people advise keeping wedding candles for the rest of their lives behind the icon of the house where the spouses live. Only in this case, the lapel on the wedding candle will not work and save the family. If a mistress wants to make her husband’s lapel from his wife, it is necessary to defend the service in the church beforehand, buy a wedding candle without taking change, after the service, take communion. Give small money to the poor at the porch. As night falls and stars appear in the sky, open the window in your room, cross yourself three times and read Our Father three times. Then put a white plate without patterns on the windowsill and place a wedding candle on it. Light the flame of a candle, read the words of the lapel on it:

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  • How to independently remove damage from yourself You can independently remove damage from yourself or another person at home, but the most effective way is a church or on the banks of a river. If you perform a magical rite to remove the induced damage correctly, then the result will come very quickly, but still it is best to go to church even after removing the damage, which will help to finally remove the previously induced negative and put protection against repeated induction of strong damage.

  • SPELLS FOR A MEETING WITH THE RIGHT PERSON This conspiracy acts on a quick meeting with the right person who avoids meetings and calls, but it is very necessary to meet him. You can use a defiant plot at any time of the day or night. The best part about a conspiracy to meet is that you can do it yourself and there is no need to use the services of hereditary magicians and witches. After the event, you will definitely meet with the person you are calling, so take a piece of paper and a pen and write down how to make a conspiracy for the meeting yourself. For a magical ritual, take a white scarf without a pattern, 12 buttons, a red thread with a needle and a knife with a wooden handle.

  • LOVE SPELL FOR THE OLD NEW YEAR Do you want to bewitch your loved one? We will teach you how to make a strong love spell on the night of the old new year. To complete this ceremony, you need a church candle, a round mirror and a photo of your loved one you want to bewitch. Do not worry if you did not have time to make a love spell for Christmas, there is an old effective love spell that you do on your own on the night of January 13-14. Five minutes before the onset of the Old New Year, put a round mirror on the table in front of you, and on it a small photograph of the chosen one

  • Love spells are considered the most powerful in love magic. The best time when you can independently and forever bewitch your loved one is holy holidays. To conduct a love spell, you must have the following items prepared: a white handkerchief without a pattern, which has never been used, two church candles and a photograph of a loved one that can be printed from your phone.

  • A strong love spell for love without consequences and without sin should be read in order to quickly and without consequences for the bewitched and without harm to the bewitcher (the one who did the love spell for strong mutual love) to bewitch - to fall in love with a person. I am often asked why a love spell does not work without harmful consequences. Reading a strong love spell is a very old custom that helps with the help of white magic to bewitch a loved one forever by falling in love with him. To bewitch a person to yourself, you need to read the words of a love spell 7 times. Love spell spell

  • Well firstly, you must, of course, find a free hour to make wishes for the next year, plan it - express on paper what you want to achieve and receive this year.

    Secondly, tune in to the most positive in life, to love, kindness. Mood and morale on this day plays a very important role in later life.

    Also, you need to pay attention to the next 12 days, because each day after the birthday symbolizes the next month. Therefore, you need to live these days as best as possible so that next year will be successful. You can then pay attention to the fact that as you lived the day of a certain month, so it will pass for you.

    For example, you were born in April, your birthday symbolizes the month of April (from the day you were born to this date in May), and your year as a whole, since this is your Birthday, the next day - symbolizes May, then the day - June, etc. Well, I hope I explained it clearly.

    Birthday is the starting point. On the day of conception and the day of birth of a person, it is laid the program of a person's life, and it is in these days that you can change it. Tune in to light feelings and love.

    It is at this moment that you need to thank the Universe and the guardian angels for what you have in life and for what you want to receive in the future.

    If you realize that your fate is in your hands, then you can do a little action on this day, most importantly with love and pure thoughts.

    Thank your guardian angels for everything. It's better to do it like this:

    “I ask the Guardian Angels for permission to reprogram my future life for success, love, harmony and prosperity.

    From now on, I become Love, Pure Light and a harmonious personality.

    Nothing threatens me, everyone around cares and loves me.

    I now live in peace and joy.

    I thank the Universe, my Guardian Angels for their help and support. Amen"

    This will set you up for bright feelings and change your worldview for the better. Therefore, it will change your life for the better and they will help you with this, no doubt.

    The sages in antiquity believed that each person is born on a certain day and hour, and leaves at the appointed time. After all, the date of birth determines the fate, character of a person. Therefore, people pay attention to celebrating their birthday. It is believed that on this day the Guardian Angels of a person come, which are given to him from birth. That's why you should celebrate your birthday. We thank God that we have come into this world.

    Before this day, it is advisable to pay off debts, finish the things you can, forgive everyone who was offended, and take stock of the past year.

    It is important to make plans for next year. These can be general plans, but we draw up more specific plans for the new year within a month.

    It is very good if you celebrate your birthday in new clothes. On the eve of buying something from clothes, and before dressing, say:

    "I put on a new thing,

    I'm forging a new career

    I will have service and friendship,

    Success at work

    There is understanding among people."

    A new thing should be worn for 3 days, at least for a short time. Then rinse the thing in clean water and sprinkle your workplace with this water (threshold, chair, office).

    FROM in the evening or in the morning we take a money bath:

    1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 4 teaspoons of parsley, 8 coins (of any denomination) pour 5 cups of water.

    We fill the bath with water, adding a cup of broth, we say:

    “Money flows like a golden river and stays with me forever!”

    And so 5 times, completely immersed in the bath, all the while adding a decoction. Then we lie in the water for 8 minutes, concentrating on improving our finances. Without wiping, we leave the bath and dry naturally. This bath can be done 5 days in a row after the birthday for best results.

    It is also very good to stand in the cool salty water for 10 minutes in the morning, imagining how the water “takes away” all the bad things that happened in the past year. It is good to hold a church candle in your right hand.

    You need to read a prayer to the Guardian Angel:

    « Angel of my birth

    Send me your blessing

    From trouble, grief deliverance,

    From my enemies nine nine times,

    From slander and blasphemy in vain,

    From a sudden and terrible illness,

    From the tip in the dark, from the poison in the bowl,

    From the beast in the thicket, from the gaze of Herod and his army,

    From anger and punishment

    From animal cruelty. From eternal cold and fire

    From hunger and a black day, save me, save me.

    And my last hour will come, my angel, be with me.

    Stand at the head, ease my departure.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

    Looking in the mirror, without blinking, read the plot 3 times.

    "Through the mirror reflection,

    Through self-seeing,

    Through my doppelgänger

    May my wish come true

    I want to (name what)

    How I see myself

    That's how I see it,

    That my wish is fulfilled.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    T A prayer is also read:

    “Lord God, Lord of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and summers of my life depend on Your Holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live one more year. I know that because of my sins I am not worthy of this mercy, but You show it to me according to Your inexpressible love of mankind. Extend your mercy to me, a sinner (oh), continue my life in virtue, tranquility, in health, in peace with all relatives, in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and all that is necessary to satisfy my needs. Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, passing into eternal life, I would be honored to be the heir to Your Kingdom of Heaven. Himself, Lord, bless the year I begin and all the days of my life. Amen."

    E that prayer is read only once a year, on the day of his birth.


    Birthday Prayer

    “Lord God, Lord of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and summers of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live one more year; I know that because of my sins I am not worthy of this mercy, but You show it to me according to Your indescribable love for mankind.
    Extend Thy mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, in health, in peace with all relatives and in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and all that is necessary to satisfy my needs.
    Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, passing into eternal life, I would be honored to be the heir to Your Kingdom of Heaven.

    Himself, Lord, bless the year I begin and all the days of my life. Amen"

    And of course, on this day you need to show as much love as possible. Gather your family friends and give your love and attention. Do something nice for your spouse and children.

    There is a custom to give in your Birthday present. Yes, it is to give, not to receive. I find it very revealing.

    To attract good luck
    Birthday comes to each of us only once a year, but not many people are aware of its exceptional value from an occult point of view. If luck has turned away, then on the day of your birth (in the first half of the day), put a mirror on the table, light a church wax candle, place Thursday salt and a vessel with holy water to the right of it.

    Read the prayers in sequence: Our Father», « Let God rise», « Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice", Then (thrice) such a conspiracy:" Lord! Heavenly Father! Send me a good fortune. I leave the evil share, I send it to the mirror. Go away, bad luck, into the far distance, stay there, don’t come back, I’ll stay happy, I’ll close myself with Crosses from you.

    Dip your fingers in holy water, make the sign of the cross over your chest, saying: “In the name of the Lord I close myself with the Cross”, then again: “In the name of Jesus Christ I close myself with the Cross”, then draw the third cross over the body, saying: “In the name of the Holy Spirit I close myself with the Cross . Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Eat a small pinch of Thursday salt, drink three sips of holy water, bow, make the sign of the cross over your chest. Let the candles burn out completely.

    The next day in the church, put candles about your own health to the icons of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity and the Mother of God.

    Before you leave the temple, make a feasible monetary donation for its needs. But alms cannot be given to the poor (needy people) on this day.

    birthday magic

    Birth- this is a process during which a being (in our case, a human) begins its independent, independent of the mother's body, life. Energetically, until the moment of birth, the fetus and mother are a single energy structure. And only when the child is born, at the second when the umbilical cord is cut, and the child begins to exist "autonomously" - only at that moment does a person acquire his own energy bodies.

    First of all, it must be remembered that New Year for each individual person, it comes not according to one or another folk calendar (for example, December 31 or March 22), but on his birthday. This is the beginning and end of the personal countdown of the year.

    It often happens that on the eve of a person’s birthday, troubles follow: he may quarrel at home or at work, he may catch a cold, he may be in a bad mood, and in general, for most this day is perhaps the most unfortunate of the year.

    To avoid major inconvenience, the day before your birthday, you should not start any serious business. It is better to entrust preparations for the holiday to relatives or to do it earlier.

    Remember: you are born, it is stressful for you, as well as for your whole body and soul - save yourself! However, in addition to a variety of pleasant and not very accepted, the day of your birth can be used for your own benefit. To do this, you just need to “help” your guardian spirits a little with the help of various magical actions.

    birthday conspiracy

    It is best to read the plot in the morning, when the sun has just risen, thus starting your birthday.

    Birthday is a special day, not without reason all cultures on our planet celebrate it with special festivities. But we celebrate this day not only according to tradition, but also because on the day of birth the annual cycle of human development ends, on this day a person is, as it were, born again and throws off the burden of the previous year. A person who practices magic has the ability to make the most powerful birthday wish spells.

    Stand at the window or go outside, it is best if you see the rising sun during the conspiracy. If you have long hair, then loosen it. Crossing your palms and pressing them to your chest, read these words:

    “I will get up, the servant of God (name), blessing and crossing myself, wash myself with clean water, go out of the hut, say goodbye to my father, bless my mother. I will go from the hut to the vestibule, from the vestibule to the porch, from the porch to the open field. Behind that field is the ocean-ocyan, and in that ocean is the island of Buyan.

    There are three towers on the island.

    The first wooden tower, in that chamber is Mother of God, I will go bow to her and say: “Mother of God, as you looked after Jesus when he walked the earth, look after me while I walk on the earth and give me damask health and bright beauty.”

    The second golden tower, in that tower Saint Paraskeva, I’ll go bow to her and say: “Saint Paraskeva, give me good luck in money matters, so that I don’t lack anything.”

    The third tower of jasper, in that tower are Saints Peter and Fevronia, I will go bow to them and say: “Saints Peter and Fevronia, I ask you for hot blood, a heart seething with love, and
    the spirit is strong for family harmony.“

    As the door to the jamb is pretending, so my words are pretending to me, all days, all hours, at noon and midnight, day and night. Amen"

    Rejuvenation ritual.

    These words should be read on sunrise on your birthday. And do so for 10 days. After a week break, continue. On the days when you read, you should not eat meat products.

    « Lord, I wash myself with spring water, wipe myself with the heavenly sun, hide myself in a bright sky, smile to heaven and earth, and with you, Lord, I am blessed for a long and healthy life. Well, body, hold on! Amen».

    Ritual of protection for the coming year

    What can you do on your birthday? For example, hold ritual for protection for the next year of life. To do this, it will be enough to give someone close (ideally - parents) jewelry, trinkets or some small memento.

    No clothes, shoes, or anything that you will not constantly wear and wash are suitable for this purpose. Ideally this should be pendant or ring that you will be comfortable wearing all the time. It is also important who gave you this thing - you must be completely sure in this man, in that he does not wish you harm.

    The selected item must be cleared- for this, a glass of clean running water will be enough (in no case boiled, such water is considered dead), into which the amulet is lowered and left on the window for the night.

    After that, in the morning, it is necessary to pull out our talisman, wipe it clean (ideally, with new ones, but you won’t get enough new towels for each time, so just a clean one is enough) with a towel, then, holding it in your right hand, clearly imagine what we want: if protection, then from what, in what aspects and for how long.

    Don't ask too much! If you “make friends” well with the amulet, it can be recharged in exactly the same way. All these operations should be carried out the next day after the birthday (that is, the amulet should be cleaned on the night of your birthday the following day).

    Magic ritual for a career
    On the date of birth (number), you need to put on any new thing and wear it for three days. Before that, say: “I’m putting on a new thing, I’m breaking through a new career for myself, I will have service and friendship, prosperity in work, understanding among people.” Then rinse the thing in clean water and sprinkle the workplace (threshold, chair, office) with this water.

    The rite of returning a happy fate, correcting Karma.

    He also removes the curse, removes the attacks of astral entities, protects from damage.
    This rite can be performed on January 7, on your birthday, on your name day, June 5, on the birthday of the Blessed Virgin or on Trinity.
    Need to have:
    holy water
    7 church candles
    icon of Jesus Christ
    Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir
    Thursday salt (if not, you can use church incense)
    2 mirrors
    Put mirrors on the table on the right and left so that your image is in both and they themselves are reflected in each other. There are 4 candles between the mirrors of the icon in front of them, and 3 more candles are closer to you. To your right is a cup of holy water. Around the table and chair on which you will sit, protection is made clockwise, first with holy water, then with Thursday salt (or incense). Outer circle of holy water!
    Now you can sit down and start.
    The mirror is dark, the heart is black. Lord, help, sanctify the soul. I light a candle (light all 7 candles) and in a prayer I ask: the servant of God, the prince of Darkness, put the seal of Hell on me, reflect the fire of Christ that black seal that the evil people put on me, the servant of God, protect, Jesus, inexhaustible protection. Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, I make three bows: For the first time (cross yourself), do not turn away from me, the servant of God, for sins free and not free. Amen. For the second time (cross yourself), grant salvation to my soul, Lord. Amen. For the third time (cross yourself) to the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, protect me as a servant of God with an indestructible cover, an indestructible protection. Amen. Time after time, cross after cross, lock me, Lord, with your finger. I lay three crosses with holy water (make a cross on the body with holy water), in the name of the Lord I close with a cross (another cross) in the name of Jesus Christ I close with a cross, (another cross) in the name of the Holy Spirit I close with a cross. Amen.
    Now cross yourself and bow. The candles must burn out.
    The plot is read quietly, but clearly. The water on the body will dry itself (the ritual is performed naked to the waist)
    Before and after the ritual 3 days of fasting. The next day, go to church to buy 12 candles and put 3 to the icon of Jesus Christ, 3 to the icon of the Holy Trinity, 3 to the Mother of God, 3 to Panteleimon the healer.

    magical rites for birthday

    By blowing out all the candles on the birthday cake, while making a wish, you are already performing a magical ritual, as well as when you invite your guests to your birthday. Having celebrated your birthday, you create a clot of energy around you, which throughout the year will keep those people near you who came to congratulate you on this day. But this is not a conscious use of magic. If you use magic essentially and consciously, then you can perform rituals for happiness, for a whole year, wealth and good luck.

    You can make a charm for next year

    Beforehand, you need to prepare some items:

    Dry leaf of oak or clover

    • 12 candles

    • You need to prepare ribbons of red, white and green, where red is a charm in business, white is health, and green is good luck (to correctly measure the length of the ribbons, grab them four times with your wrist)

    • The last "ingredient" is your photograph, which you must take 7 days before your birthday.

    When all the things we need are ready, put the ribbons together and tie them in twelve knots. When tying knots, for each finished knot we name months, starting from the month of your birth.
    Fold the ribbon with knots into a circle. Place candles on the outer side of the knots, and put your photo in the very center of the circle. A leaf of clover or oak, of course, is placed on the chest of the photograph.
    Lighting the candles clockwise, read the prayer as many times as you are old.

    After reading the prayer, you need to extinguish the candles. When collecting ribbons, plant leaves, and candles, wrap them in new white or red cloth. Store, be sure, in the eastern part of the house. Attach your photo to the album.

    On your birthday you can wash off alone

    Nine days before your birthday, prepare "silver water", that is, dip a silver object into spring water, just make sure it's not a ring! On a table covered with a white cloth, put a crystal bowl with "silver water" and, circling clockwise, read the spell eight times:

    Having done this, you need to drink a stan of water from this bowl, and pour the rest of the water from head to toe.

    Attracting love into your life

    To perform this ritual, you need to take a bath with oils called "Ylang-lang". On paper, you need to write the name of the person you love. Then burn nine petals of a dry rose, and on the flame of a red candle, burn a piece of paper with a name. Mix the ashes from the petals and pieces of paper and scatter in the wind, saying these words:

    I'm waiting,
    I will accept love with my heart
    I will repay love with love.

    It's not a secret for everyone that the date of our birth affects our destiny. But not many people know that the natural factors that prevailed on your birthday also affect your destiny.

    If you were born in bad weather, you need to perform the following ritual

    It is important to remember that such a ritual is carried out only in clear weather! In case of bad weather on your birthday and this year, the ritual will have to be postponed until next year. And so, get up early in the morning, at dawn, raise both hands up, and read three times, in one breath, the following words:

    Pure water in the spring
    clear sky,
    bright Star,
    so my share is clean! Amen.

    When you have finished reading the words, bow three times at the waist. It is good to carry out magical rituals on your birthday. A huge number of different rituals, it is very good on such a day to perform rituals for prosperity, wealth and well-being

    To perform the ceremony, you need to buy a gray poppy, but remember, poppy is not bought from masculine persons and change is not taken! Arriving home, lay a black handkerchief on the table. On a handkerchief with soap used by one person, draw a circle. Put the poppy you bought in the center of the circle and with your ring finger, on the poppy, draw a cross, reading the following words:

    Attracting money

    A very simple rite that can be performed anywhere. We take a candle, pull out a wick from it, then set fire to the wick from both sides and say very quickly simple words:

    Eternal fire, my spirit is marked with silver, gold and all good things. Amen.

    Ritual "Money bath"

    Take one teaspoon of cinnamon, 4 teaspoons of parsley and toss eight coins. All this pour five cups of water and brew. Then, take a bath and, pouring a cup of your broth into it, say the following words:

    Money flows like a river of gold and stays with me forever!

    After saying these words, plunge into the water five times, and then, for eight minutes, lie completely still in the water, thinking about improving your financial situation. After you get out of the bath you do not need to dry yourself, the body should dry on its own. For best results, take a bath this way five days in a row after your birthday.

    Ritual "Achieving Your Goal"

    For the ritual, you need to take a candle that is directly related to your goal.

    Candle colors and their purposes:

    1. Pink - a candle heals spiritual wounds

    2. Green candle - attracts finance

    3. Red candle - attracts passion

    4. Yellow candle - helps to overcome stiffness

    5. Silver candle - will help you raise your ability for self-realization.

    6. Golden color - a candle helps to find and make the right decisions, and direct your talents in the right direction.

    On the candle you choose, write your wish. Also, you need a white candle, which will symbolize the purity of your intentions. You also need a third candle, which will symbolize you.

    In the center of the table we place a white candle, and on the left side of the table, a colored candle with your desire, and light it. The candle that symbolizes you, place it on the right, light it last. The words are spoken aloud:

    A colored candle is brought closer to the middle of the table, then you need to say the same words again, and move the candle that symbolizes you to the center of the table. Repeat this until the candles are nearby, then, without taking your eyes off, look at the three candles burning together, saying the following words:

    “My intentions are pure, My will is strong, This goal is mine. From now on. Forever. Forever and ever"

    When you feel that you can no longer concentrate, put out the candles.

    A few rules of what not to do on birthdays!

    • A week after your birthday you can not go to cemeteries and funerals

    • Do not raise your voice and do not quarrel with anyone

    • Don't cry and spread gossip

    • It is strongly not recommended to gnaw seeds this, and eight days after, if you plan to have children next year

    • Spitting on the ground is also prohibited.

    • Be sure to recommend to make peace with relatives, friends and relatives, if you are in a quarrel with them.

    By following these simple rules, your year will be dominated by happiness and good fortune.

    Most popular birthday quotes

    Give at least a small gift to each guest on your birthday- A rich life is provided for you. Signs for a birthday very important. In many ways, how a person behaves on this day also depends on how he spends the whole next year. Indeed, it did exist in the old days. For this reason, every birthday person who invited guests to his birthday prepared small gifts for his guests. In rich families, it was customary to give:

    • lighters for men

    • and perfume for women.

    This sign is connected with the fact that every birthday good spirits come to a person who can give him good luck and wealth. But the patronage of these spirits still had to be earned. Just the generosity of the birthday man was an indicator of how much a person deserves the protection of good spirits. Today, this sign is almost completely forgotten. But what it does is true.

    Festive cake - wealth will bring. In the old days, there was a custom to bake a pie stuffed with eggs and buckwheat porridge. This pie was not meant to be eaten. It was necessary to break this cake into two parts over the head of the birthday boy before he drinks the first cup. When the celebration ended and all the guests left, the one who celebrated his birthday had to take both halves of the pie to the nearest crossroads and leave them there. It was believed that in this way a person treated both dark and light forces. They stopped fighting among themselves, and if the forces of light do something good to the birthday man, then the dark forces no longer interfere on this day. After all, when the light forces try to help, the dark ones usually always try to prevent them.

    Congratulations on your birthday - good luck in the house for a whole year. This tradition is as old as the world. If congratulations and wishes addressed to the hero of the occasion sound sincere, from the bottom of the heart, then this is a kind of spell that programs a person for happiness, luck and wealth. But if you feel even the slightest falsehood in the words of the one who congratulates you, you need to defend yourself. At the same time, mentally say: "your speeches, yes to your shoulders". These words will help you protect yourself. But if you say these words to all the guests, you will not receive that charge of positive energy that aspired to you from a pure heart.

    An odd number of guests - trouble for the birthday boy. This is not a sign, but a superstition, although this sign has its own explanation. It is believed that the guest who does not have a couple can envy and jinx the hero of the occasion. But, the fact is that without a couple there can be two, four, and six guests. And jinx the one who came with his pair. Therefore, you should not adhere to this sign, it is far from accurate.

    If there are 13 guests at the festive table, then the one who gets up from the table first will die in the near future. I really want to say that this sign is not true. But, unfortunately, then it will not be true. Indeed, you should not invite guests if the total number of people at the table is 13. It is worth worrying about this in advance. Well, indeed, do not sit at the table until the end of the century, someone, anyway, will have to get up first.

    Blow out the candles on your birthday - any wish will come true. This sign is associated with the star under which a person was born. It has always been believed among the people that at the moment when a person is born, a new star appears in the sky, and when a person dies, this star goes out. It is believed that the star that lit up at the time of the birth of a person is able to fulfill any desire of this person. And the candles on the festive cake are associated with just this star. Therefore, if you succeed in blowing out the number of candles, how old a person is, and at the same time make a wish, then it will certainly come true. Of course, with each new year there are more and more candles, and it becomes more and more difficult to blow them out at once. But if you succeed, then you can make a more complex wish, and every year it becomes more likely to come true.

    You give a birthday man a loan - you give yours. Indeed, there is such a sign. In no case should you borrow a birthday boy. The day before - please, but not on your birthday. If you do not follow this rule, then you can give your happiness, and your health, and your well-being. Such a sign also belongs to the same category that it is impossible to re-gift to another person for his birthday what was bought for himself. By doing this, you also give what was important to you in this life. Even if you do not use this thing, then present it on any other day, but not on your birthday. Otherwise, you run the risk of giving away your well-being along with this thing.

    practical birthday tips

    The birthday boy will change clothes twice– will lose what was once acquired. There is a popular belief among the people that if a birthday person gets dirty during the celebration of his birthday, then he was attacked. Not physical, of course, just someone thought badly of him, but a person is completely open on this day, and all bad thoughts stick to him very quickly. If it happens that you need to change clothes, then when you change clothes, do not forget to say: "not for worse, but for good". After that, you can change clothes even ten times during the evening.

    Don't celebrate birthday earlier- major health problems. This sign is completely correct. The fact is that earlier you can only go to the cemetery and remember the departed relatives. If a person celebrates his birthday earlier, then he attracts death to himself. It doesn’t matter if you believe in this sign or not, but you shouldn’t tempt fate.

    Pancakes on a birthday - commemorations on the doorstep. Even if you love pancakes very much, eat them on another day. Usually pancakes are baked for commemorations, the only exception is Shrovetide. Not to be confused with ordinary days, pancakes are baked there when you want. But making this dish festive for your holiday table is a big mistake. You can bring on your head a lot of problems.

    If guests are in the house, then the dog is in the courtyard. This sign is connected with the fact that guests very often like to tighten drinking songs at the table. And some dogs have perfect hearing. They love to sing along to singing people. That's just a sign when a dog howls, not a very good one. And this is still very mildly said. If a dog howls, then its owner is waiting for a quick death. Therefore, in order to avoid such an incident, the dog is taken outside when guests gather in the house.

    Cheerful birthday - a successful whole year. This is the main sign at the meeting of the New Year. But for the birthday, this sign is also true. The fact is that in addition to the New Year, each person's year begins when he celebrates his birthday. And, as they say, how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. Therefore, this sign is true for every birthday person.

    Signs for a birthday fair to every person. You shouldn't ignore them. Although, of course, sometimes you want to disown them and forget. Because there are too many of them. But you should not do this. Every year is your life. If you live a whole year the way you would not want to live it, then consider that you have lost a whole year of your life. On a birthday, a person is as open to the whole world as on the day when he was just born, so you need to be very careful. At such key moments in life, you need to live by the rules, then everything in your life will develop as it should.

    In the life of any person there is one special day - this is his birthday. The day the birthday boy is born is a real gift of fate, which can be used to perform various witchcraft rituals that attract positive energy and favorably affect the entire next year of life. Magic conspiracies read on a birthday are aimed at fulfilling desires, luring love, wealth and good luck.

    The day when a person is born into the world is special in every sense. On this day, he begins to exist separately from the mother's organism (with which he had previously been a single energy structure), receives his own energy shell.

    Birthday can be called a personal new year of a person - it is from him that each next year of life is counted.

    For a child, the day when he is preparing to appear in this world is especially difficult. The birth process is a huge stress for both the body and the soul. Because of this, it often happens that for a person who is already an adult, the day on the eve of his personal holiday is hard, brings a lot of trouble and is practically the most unfortunate day of the year. Therefore, in order to protect yourself as much as possible, you should not take anything serious before the date of your birth, and it is better to lay all the responsibilities for preparing for the celebration on the shoulders of relatives and friends.

    Conspiracies and rituals on your birthday

    Birthday is a unique event that can be used to your advantage by resorting to the help of your invisible guardian spirits. On this day, you can perform various magical rites, pronounce conspiracies. In particular, they may be aimed at:

    • fulfillment of a secret desire;
    • attracting love;
    • attracting good luck;
    • protection from troubles, troubles and grief;
    • getting rid of poverty, attracting monetary wealth, etc.

    I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the content of some of these conspiracies pronounced on your birthday, and the rituals that accompany them. By applying them, you can significantly improve your life, fill it with pleasant events.

    Wish Fulfilling

    1. A strong conspiracy to help fulfill a cherished desire

    The text is spoken on the birthday for 3 lit candles (they need to be allowed to burn out completely). The number of readings is 12 times. The words:

    “Lord my God, have mercy and bless. Olya-yaksh, yes, the devil-knight himself, through the gate, through the window, through the black pipe to my oak table, pass, gilded dust, crushed hare lip, bring me 3 bones from the heifer. As the moon goes through the heavens at its hour, so do I, the servant (slave) of God (God) (own name) , from now on, let it be lucky. Sand - in the sea, word, deed - on constipation. Key, lock and tongue. Amen(3 times) !”

    1. Another conspiracy that fulfills a wish - on your shadow

    The conspiracy is pronounced by the birthday man on the street, 1 time and quickly, on his shadow (it is important that the shadow does not come into contact with the shadows of other objects). Text:

    “My shadow does not live without me, like night without a day. As God created day and night, so on my birthday he gave me an earthly shadow. Shadow, grant my request: (voice your wish) . In a word, I seal the case, I complete this conspiracy. Amen".

    For good luck and protection from troubles and troubles

    This charm-charm is read at the window, by the light of a lit red candle, acquired on the eve of the birthday. The time of pronunciation should coincide with the time of birth of the birthday person (if this information is not known, the words should be read after 10 pm). The text is as follows:

    “The angel of my birth, send me your blessing, from grief and misfortune of deliverance, from my enemies nine nine times, from vain blasphemy and slander, from a terrible and sudden illness, from an edge in darkness, from poison in a bowl, from a beast in a thicket, from Herod's troops and his gaze, from punishment and anger, from the torment of beasts, from eternal cold and fire, from a black day and hunger - save me and save. And my last hour will come - my Angel, come with me. Get up at the head, ease my care. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!"

    attracting love

    Love occupies one of the key places in human life. If she has not yet managed to settle in your destiny, then use this conspiracy for your birthday, but do not forget to buy its main attribute in advance - beautiful scarf. Having tied a scarf, go outside on your special day, show off in front of people, try to get as much of their attention as possible. Then return home and speak the handkerchief:

    “Blessed, I will get up, cross myself, go out: I will leave the hut, from the yard, I will go out onto a wide street, I will stand with my back to the east, with my eyes to the west. On the western side sits the betrothed, sees and looks at the lady of the Most Holy Theotokos. May God's servants look at me like that all the time and rejoice. Bow to the father, bow to the mother. Always and forever. Amen".

    The charmed handkerchief must be hidden under your pillow.

    For marriage

    On your birthday, go to the temple and buy 12 candles there. Leaving the church, hold the candles in your hands, close your eyes and say a conspiracy. An important condition is that the text must be read by heart, so memorize it first. The words in it are:

    “Angel of Heaven, my faithful guardian. Follow me through the miserable life. Do not give up in failures, save from torment, and on my birthday the teaching went again: forgive and love, do not get angry and do not sin, pray to the Lord as hard as possible. My angel, do not leave me on a long journey. May my legs not break in weakness, may my hands rule and my heart beat. On my birthday, I will pray again. Amen!"

    After saying the spell, cross yourself and go home. Put the candles in a secluded place at home. If some difficulty suddenly happens in your life over the next year, take out a candle, light it and read the same prayer. In one month, you can use no more than one candle!

    Be sure to watch this video:

    Important signs on your birthday

    The energy of a person on his birthday is more vulnerable than usual, therefore it is very advisable to try to comply with certain ones that will help to avoid misfortune and trouble.

    1. You can’t celebrate your birthday in advance, it’s also not recommended to do it later.
    2. It is considered an unkind sign if someone congratulates you on your holiday prematurely. If this still happened, be sure to say to yourself: “May God live and survive all enemies!”
    3. Do not cry on this day - a bad sign. The exception is crying with happiness.
    4. Do not borrow on this day and do not lend money - you will scare away money luck for the whole next year.
    5. A birthday celebration should be modest if a man turns 40, a woman turns 53, and a child turns 13.
    6. Try to invite an even number of guests - this will attract happiness and good luck.
    7. If you do not want to shorten your life, try to organize the number of guests at your holiday so that they are not 9, 13, 18, 21, 50, 99 and 100.
    8. Do not decorate the festive table with candles. And if you really want to, make sure that their number does not reach 3, 9, 12, 18. This does not apply to candles on the cake.

    Don't take your relationship day lightly. Remember that this date is extremely important. Use it for good, and magic will help you.