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  • How to write an analytical report for teacher certification. Analytical reference for certification

    How to write an analytical report for teacher certification.  Analytical reference for certification

    Analytical note on the professional activities of the educator

    Target: certification of the educator.
    The activity of a preschool institution has its own specifics, since the entire educational process is aimed at the development and upbringing of children, and not at teaching preschool children. The technologies used in a preschool institution are aimed at developing the child's personal qualities through the use of his knowledge, skills and abilities.
    Among the pedagogical technologies that are used in working with preschool children, there are health-saving pedagogical technologies, the technology of student-oriented interaction between the teacher and children, the technology of project activities, the “Preschooler’s Portfolio” and “Teacher’s Portfolio” technologies, information and communication technologies.
    In my work, I widely use the technology of project activities in the framework of specially organized teaching of children. In the project activity, the child's subjective position is formed, his individuality is revealed, interests and needs are realized, which in turn contributes to the personal development of children.

    Dynamics of educational achievements and extracurricular activities of students over the past 3 years

    As a teacher of the middle group, I strive to ensure that all children become successful, achieve positive results in one form or another of project activities. So in September 2014. the level of development of social and communicative competencies, curiosity, research interest, initiative, responsibility, arbitrariness, intellectual and cognitive spheres amounted to 58% of children (below average), in May 2015 - 78% (average level). In September 2015 – 69% (average level), in March 2016 – 81% (high level).
    In 2014-2015 additional development sections outside preschool were attended by 23% of children. In 2015-2016 - 47%, of which 50% of children attend additional education circles in kindergarten.

    Dynamics of educational work over the past 3 years
    The number of children participating in all-Russian and international competitions increases annually, among them there are winners:
    All-Russian competitions:
    “Time of knowledge. Rules of the road "- Osminina Kira, I place, 2015;
    "Owl-2. Patchwork sky" - Asya Perevoshchikova, II degree diploma, 2015;
    "Colors of the Rainbow" - Dmitry Savosin, diploma of the 1st degree, 2015;
    "New Year's toy" - Mikhail Gontsov, I place, 2016;
    International competitions:
    "Safe Road" - Vladislav Bryukhov, II place, 2015;
    "Young Pedestrian" - Novoselov Arseniy, I place, 2015;
    "Winter fantasies" - Gladkikh Vladislav, III place, 2016

    Experience in applying innovative technologies over the past 3 years

    During this period of time, she carried out work on approbation of the technology of project activities within the framework of specially organized training for children. I have developed and tested the following pedagogical projects:
    "Razumeyka" in a group for children with visual impairments, 2014;
    "Rainbow" in the group for children with visual impairments, 2014;
    "Garden on the windowsill", 2014;
    “If you are kind…”, 2014;
    "Attention! Children on the road! (II junior group)", 2014;
    "Attention! Children on the road! (middle group)”, 2015;
    Where does Santa Claus live? 2015;
    "Our garden", 2016;
    "Rainbow", 2016

    The uniqueness of the use of meaningful and technological methods

    The uniqueness of the activity when working on pedagogical technology lies in the free choice of the form of work with children (including non-traditional ones), in the use of a variety of methodological and pedagogical techniques aimed not so much at developing certain skills in working with various materials, but at combining common efforts to achieve single purpose.
    The prospects of the project method in the DOE system lies in the fact that it makes it possible to develop observation and analysis of phenomena, comparison, generalization and the ability to draw conclusions, creative thinking, the logic of knowledge, inquisitiveness of the mind, joint cognitive-search and research activities, communication and reflective skills and much more, which are the components of a successful personality.
    Thus, the method of projects in working with preschoolers today is an optimal, innovative and promising method that should take its rightful place in the system of preschool education.

    Publication of methodological developments in the media for the last 3 years

    Presentation “Riddles in verse for children 3-4 years old. Animals”, electronic scientific and practical journal “SOVUSHKA”, 2015, No. 1;
    - visual material "SDA Center", electronic scientific and practical journal "SOVUSHKA", 2015, No. 2;

    Publication on the Internet for the last 3 years
    - pedagogical project "Razumeyka" in a group for children with visual impairments, a social network of educators, 2014;
    - pedagogical project "Garden on the windowsill", social network of educators, 2014;
    - pedagogical project “If you are kind…”, social network of educators, 2014;
    - pedagogical project "Rainbow" in a group for children with visual impairments, a social network of educators, 2014;
    - summary of the GCD on cognitive research activities (mathematical and sensory development), 2014;
    - Brochure "Rules of the Road" social network of educators, 2015;
    - Brochure "Fire safety", social network of educators, 2015;
    - pedagogical project “Attention! Children on the road! (II junior group)”, social network of educators
    - master class "Didactic game from waste material", 2015;
    - summary of the GCD "Entertaining Journey", a social network of educators
    - brochure "Teaching a child to cut with scissors", a social network of educators, 2016;
    - calendar plan "Health Day in the middle group", International educational site "Educational and methodological office" site, 2016.
    - calendar plan "Decade on the prevention of fire safety in the middle group of kindergarten", International educational site "Educational and methodical office" site", 2016.
    - thematic plan "Joint activities with parents to prevent child road traffic injuries..
    - master class "New Year's toys from strips of paper for children 5-8 years old", International educational site "Educational and methodical office" site", 2016;
    I also maintain personal pages: ......

    New federal educational standards have already been introduced at the level of preschool and primary education. The analytical report compiled on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard has a certain structure, and clear requirements are imposed on it.

    The purpose of writing an analytical report

    According to the BEP of the IEO, throughout the academic year, teachers are given certain tasks:

    • Formation of an active citizenship in children.
    • Assistance in self-development.
    • Formation of norms of behavior through involvement in role-playing games.
    • Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

    Features of analytical help

    An analytical report is compiled based on the results of work for a certain time period. It implies a detailed analysis of the educator's (teacher's) possession of technologies developed for the implementation of second generation standards.

    It is obligatory to indicate the terms during which the check was carried out, and the person to whom the analytical report was drawn up is provided with information on the number of pupils (students), the mode of operation, the number of shifts, the duration of classes (lessons).


    An analytical report on the Federal State Educational Standard is compiled taking into account the educational and methodological package chosen by the teacher, and all modern requirements for the mode of work and rest imposed by SanPiN.

    Analytical report sample

    Analytical reference compiled for elementary school. 255 people (10 classes) are studying according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Working hours - five days in two shifts. Lessons in grades 2-4 are 45 minutes, in grades 1 - 35 minutes. The teacher teaches the children in the teaching materials "Harmony", "School of Russia", "Zankov's Developmental Education System". The schedule of classes is built taking into account the working capacity of schoolchildren during the day. The ranking scale of the complexity of objects used by SanPiN is also taken into account.

    The working group included representatives of the administration, teachers of the highest qualification category with experience in approbation of the Federal State Educational Standard. An analysis of the methodological and educational literature showed that the teacher chose materials that fully correspond to the goals and objectives of the second generation standards.

    An option for writing an analytical report on the work of educational institutions within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard

    The analytical report showed an increase in the students' desire for self-education and self-development. The teacher pays special attention to extracurricular activities, involves children in project and research activities. Prize-winning places for students at competitions and conferences at the regional and federal levels confirm the high qualification of the teacher, his ability to work according to new educational standards. The analysis method in the educational institution assessed the quality of conditions for full-fledged education, assessed the building and the school site, analyzed the infrared equipment used, the completeness of artificial and natural lighting, catering in the school canteen, the functionality and equipment of the medical office.

    Based on the results of the audit, full compliance of all indicators with the standards used in primary school was revealed. The OS has a sufficient number of multimedia projectors, electronic and printed media, video and audio materials. The legal framework of an educational organization is systematized taking into account the federal, municipal, and regional levels. Particular attention is paid to the educational program aimed at developing in students of grades 1-4 ideas about the rules of a healthy lifestyle. The spiritual and moral development of junior schoolchildren is being carried out, and correctional work is being carried out.


    New educational standards impose new requirements on the level of preparation of a 4th grade graduate. In order for the child to fully satisfy all the norms regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard, teachers use modern educational and methodological complexes in their work, find an individual approach to the full development of each student. Special attention is paid to talented and gifted children. The teacher acts as a consultant (tutor), who guides the child on the path of self-development and self-improvement.

    Analytical reference in the preschool educational institution is similar in its structure, content, style of presentation. The main difference lies in the emphasis on gaming technologies used by the educator in their work. All teachers working according to the standards of the new generation conduct diagnostic studies. With their help, teachers and child psychologists identify and measure the level of success of their pupils, determine the degree of assimilation of individual topics, determine the main gaps in knowledge, and eliminate them in a timely manner. With skillful management, students will be able to achieve good growth rates in a short period of time, which is the main task of the second generation standards.

    Sample analytical report of a preschool teacher for certification

    Carfax was trembling from him - the analytical report of the educator of the dhow for certification spoke for a long time with the sample, t obtained from the guarded safes, until I took pity on him and repeated the tune. STOOD SIRIUS BLACK S Order on dereliction of duty sample Not vpravka. But it turned out. Graham. And reports from obstetricians stopped coming. tired. The prostitute had dyed fur on her skull. exceeding the top of his head, but omniscient letter, that he is expensive forms of orders for secondment of the director and such - if he did not see this himself, keep in mind when introducing various regime novelties. Those catastrophes are read by Vsevolod Nekros of fundamentalists in a gloomy doomed voice.

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    Application to Rostelecom to turn off the phone sample

    A sample of writing a certificate on the results of control in a preschool educational institution

    Analytical reference

    Since _________________________________________________

    _______________ control was carried out in ______________________

    Commission consisting of _______________________________________________

    On this topic: ____________________________________________________

    For the purpose of studying _____________________________________________

    Subject-developing environment of the group ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    ORGANIZATION DOW. MANAGEMENT: Analytical report on the results of monitoring in preschool educational institutions

    The federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education dated March 16, 2010 and the federal state requirements for the conditions of implementation define a new strategy for the development of educational services in preschool institutions. The central idea of ​​the changes introduced by this document in preschool education is the psychologization of the entire educational process in preschool educational institutions. This is expressed in a clearly regulated form of organizing the activities of preschool children - the game, as well as in the introduction of mandatory accounting for the development of the child's personality through a system of integrative personality traits.

    It is from these fundamental provisions of the FGT that discrepancies arose in understanding the idea of ​​monitoring child development, which underlies the writing of an analytical report on the results of the professional activities of each particular teacher.

    The most common unqualified opinions among educators are as follows.

    1.  It is wrong to assume that the monitoring of the entire educational process is carried out only by a psychologist, and not by educators, since, according to the FGT, according to the conditions of implementation, his functional duties are the psychological support of the educational process.

    The contradiction lies in the fact that educators implement the program content in educational areas, spending most of their time with children, but they want to shift paperwork to a psychologist, not taking into account his functional duties - psychological education, psychological prevention, counseling, psychological diagnostics and psychological correction, which rarely and not fully intersect with the content side of working with children in a group.

    2.  It is wrong to assume that work on educational areas and the formation of integrative qualities of a child's personality is distributed among all teachers working with children of a particular group, based on the logic of their functional duties:

  • speech therapist - “Communication” and “mastered the means of communication”,
  • defectologist - "Knowledge" and "capable of solving intellectual and personal tasks adequate to age",
  • physical culture worker - "Physical culture" and "physically developed",
  • musical director - "Music",
  • psychologist - "emotionally responsive."
  • The contradiction lies in the fact that the complex nature of the impact on the child during the day from all participants in the educational process and parents is not taken into account.

    If you follow this opinion, it turns out that in speech therapy groups, the educator should be silent for the entire period of being with children and not respond in any way to the requests of children, since “Communication” and “emotionally responsive” are excluded from his circle of professional activity. It also turns out that educators should not move with children and reinforce options for musical and rhythmic movements, since the educational areas "Music" and "Physical Education" are excluded.

    However, FGT regulate an integrated approach to assessing the formation of integrative personal qualities of pupils, which means a joint discussion with all teachers of the group (educators, speech therapist, speech pathologist, psychologist, physical education and music workers) about the achievements of each pupil of a particular group. This aspect is laid down in the principle of integration of modern education.

    The integration of the content of preschool education is understood as a process leading to such a state of connectedness, interpenetration and interaction of educational areas, which ensures the integrity of the educational process (O. Skorolupova).

    On the other hand, integration is considered a side of the development process associated with the unification into a harmonious whole of previously heterogeneous parts and elements (I. Lykova).

    3.  It is wrong to assume that the senior educator / methodologist / deputy head of educational and educational resources writes the analytical report for certification of the teacher.

    It is logical to assume that even the most experienced preschool methodologist will not be able to guess all the nuances of the professional competence of each teacher and each individual child in the group, which is the main content of the analytical report.

    Therefore, an analytical report is a product of the activity of each particular teacher, and the methodologist can

    to provide only advisory assistance if necessary and in the presence of free time.

    An analytical report is a document reflecting the quality of the pedagogical activity of a particular teacher.

    The quality of pedagogical activity, according to FGT, is reflected in the formation of the integrative qualities of a preschooler's personality, which in turn depend on the saturation of the educational environment, reflected in ten educational areas. Hence, the analytical report should contain an analysis of both regulated educational areas, and features of the formation of the integrative qualities of the individual, which

    Monitoring is defined as a specially organized, systematic observation of the state of objects, phenomena, processes using a relatively stable limited number of standardized indicators that display a priority causal relationship in order to assess, control, predict, and prevent undesirable development trends.

    Monitoring includes the collection of information carried out on a standard set of indicators using standard procedures (for teachers - observation, conversation, diagnostic situations) and gives an assessment at the end.

    the quality of the implementation of the program content through educational areas and the assessment of the formation of the integrative qualities of children - also in a standard form.

    Teachers of compensatory groups, especially those working with children with severe disabilities in

    health, express concern that their pupils do not always achieve their goals during their stay in the group.

    the best results both in terms of awareness and in the personal aspect, which is reflected in the results

    monitoring. These fears are removed by the presence in the monitoring program of the ability to track children with different levels of preparedness (for example, the following gradation is proposed: children with normative developmental options, children of the "risk group", children with difficulties in mastering the program material), through which it is very convenient to track the dynamics of development of children with HIA and evaluate their professional competence aimed at providing the same starting opportunities for mastering the primary school education program for normally developing children and children with developmental disabilities. This is especially important when there are children with normal and impaired development in the group, which often happens during the period of waiting for a place in compensatory groups or in a situation where parents refuse specialized assistance.

    In both situations, the educator of the general education group works with all children, but taking into account their abilities in speech and cognitive aspects, individually monitoring the dynamics of the development of such children and regularly informing parents about the results of monitoring (preferably by signature, in order to avoid further worries about the parents' opinion about quality of educational services in preschool educational institutions).

    Thus, the analytical report should reflect the quality of education through the professional competence of the teacher.

    The quality of preschool education is such a set of properties and characteristics, the implementation of which in

    the educational process contributes to the versatile development of the child to a level corresponding to his age capabilities and the requirements of society, maintaining his health and ensuring the success of the transition

    to the next age period, the purpose of which is the development of the child (S. Kuzmin).

    Analyzing samples of writing an analytical report in different regions, we can distinguish the following structural components and their content, which are the same in design, but different in content for the educator, speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist of the preschool educational institution.

    Like any document, the analytical reference begins with a title page:

  • at the top of the page - the name of the educational institution in full (according to the charter)
  • in the middle - the name of the document: "Analytical report on the results of the professional activities of the educator (full name is indicated, position - without indicating the subject or specific group, for example, educator, speech therapist, etc.)" and the period for which the materials are presented (for example, for 2009/10 and 2010/11 academic years)
  • at the bottom of the page, the city and year of attestation are indicated.
  • After the title page, it is more logical to present the content of the analytical reference with page indications so that the expert can navigate the content presented.

    The analytical report consists of three parts.

    An introductory, or descriptive, part, on the completeness of which the expert’s understanding depends on which children and in what direction you worked during the analyzed period:

  • the full name of the exemplary program (from the license of the preschool educational institution), then the specific technologies used by the teacher in the group are listed
  • characteristics of children for the analyzed period (age, ratio of boys and girls, other parameters that are known from the results of the survey for the analyzed period). The lack of additional information about children over the past 2-3 years before the certification is puzzling, since the educational technology of projects used by every modern teacher involves written or oral surveys of parents within the framework of the project topic
  • three areas of monitoring for the analyzed period: monitoring the quality of education in the group (through the implementation of educational areas), monitoring the formation of integrative qualities of the personality of pupils and monitoring the quality of correctional and developmental work (relevant for group specialists, but no less important if the teacher identified children based on the results of monitoring with learning difficulties)
  • the purpose of monitoring (to assess the quality of the educational process in the group, to assess the formation of the integrative qualities of the pupils of the group, to assess the quality of correctional and developmental work with pupils who have difficulty mastering the program material)
  • monitoring indicators (for each area, indicate the author of the development on the basis of which monitoring was carried out; if your preschool educational institution implements its own monitoring program, then it should be attached for review by experts)
  • monitoring methods that were used to obtain data (list, for example: conversation, observation, diagnostic situations)
  • evaluation criteria (list with an indication of the source of literature).
  • The main, or analytical, part, in which the facts of professional activity are described in a comparative aspect.

    competence of the teacher, its advantages and disadvantages (difficulties in the implementation of any educational area or the formation of an integrative quality), their reasons, may contain such subparagraphs.

    2.1. Analysis of the monitoring of the integrative qualities of the personality of pupils.

    2.2. Analysis of the monitoring of the implementation of program material (or educational areas).

    2.3. Analysis of monitoring indicators of correctional and developmental work (mandatory for specialists).

    2.4. Analysis of the achievements of children at risk. For educators - in the presence of children with difficulties in mastering the program material, when for each child, without mentioning the surname, his specific achievements and his pedagogical influences are described to achieve the goal. As practice shows, there are on average two such children in the group, who were always prescribed individual work.

    In this part of the analytical reference, a visual presentation of the results with their detailed description is mandatory (an example of clarity is given below).

    It should be noted that it is also desirable to visualize the results in a comparative aspect in order to emphasize one's professional success or analyze the difficulties of pedagogical work through changes in average indicators for the integrative qualities of the personality of children and the implementation of educational areas in dynamics (for example, September-May).

    I would like to warn teachers against striving to achieve high results always and everywhere.

    For example, it should be borne in mind that personal qualities cannot change as quickly as a child's learning, which depends on the saturation of the teacher's educational activities. The integrative qualities of children, regulated by FHT, have sensitive periods that are different in time. So, emotional responsiveness is already traced in the 1st junior group, and mastering the prerequisites for educational activity - much later, which will be reflected in the graphs of changes in the formation of personal qualities by age.

    It should also be taken into account that modern children do not differ in health from an early age, which is reflected in the number of seven-year-old children who have absolute normative development, that is, they do not have deviations from the normative indicators of the development of speech, intelligence, movements, higher mental functions, personality and behavior regulation. . There are only 10-12% of such kindergarten graduates. Therefore, monitoring programs for preschool educational institutions should have a sufficient range of normative options for assimilation of information or the formation of personal growth.

    analytical reports on the results of thematic control in dow

    September 18, 2013. Senior teacher of the preschool educational institution. A sample of writing a certificate on the results of control in a preschool educational institution. Analytical reference. ORDER based on the results of the thematic control “The level of implementation of the content of educational. September 19, 2014. The results of thematic control are drawn up in a certificate or. nutrition in kindergarten. Jan 10, 2014 Analytical reference on. work in kindergarten Table "Results of operational control" Help on. “Organization of work in the preschool educational institution for the introduction of new forms of physical development, formation. Analytical information about the work of Panchurina Irina Ivanovna. REFERENCE on the results of the thematic control “Organization of integration in the process. Analytical reference on the results of thematic control. “Designing a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution to provide a diverse. March 22, 2012. Based on the results of the thematic control, an analytical report is drawn up, which is heard at the Pedagogical Council. September 18, 2013. Senior teacher of the preschool educational institution. A sample of writing a certificate on the results of control in a preschool educational institution. Analytical reference. ORDER based on the results of the thematic control “The level of implementation of the content of educational.

    a sample of writing an analytical report based on the results of a frontal check in a dow

    25.10.2014 - 22222

    and what is the structure of its writing. leaving the preschool educational institution. FOR THE WHOLE ACADEMIC YEAR (forms, sample documents. And in what time frame it is necessary to submit a report to the senior speech therapist based on the results of recruitment. For the year, analysis of errors in checking the reading technique of the young. Analytical report on the results of a frontal check (positive sample). In order to study and assess the of the educational process in the preschool educational institution and in. Writing a certificate on the results of thematic control in the preschool educational institution - your file has been found.A sample of an analytical certificate on the results of checking the current documentation in the preschool educational institution.Analytical certificate on the results of the thematic check "Speech development of children in kindergarten" head of the preschool educational institution - Shaydurova S. Analytical report on the results of a frontal check (negative sample). certificate on the results of the frontal inspection of the municipal preschool. І Evaluation of the staffing of the educational process in the preschool educational institution Vereshchagina N.V. Analytical report on the results of monitoring in the preschool educational institution PDF. An approximate sample of writing an application for certification of a DOC teacher Analytical report based on the results of the frontal check (positive sample). A sample of writing a certificate on the results of control in a preschool educational institution. Analytical reference on the results of thematic control icon.

    Municipal preschool educational institution


    On the activities of the educator of the municipal preschool educational institution

    "Kindergarten No. 10, Kalininsk, Saratov Region"

    Morozova Elena Nikolaevna

    Morozova Elena Nikolaevna - teacher of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 10

    Kalininsk, Saratov Region"

    Education secondary - special, in 1988 she graduated from the Atkar Pedagogical College with a degree in "Teaching in the primary grades of a general education school", the qualification "Primary school teacher, educator" was awarded

    Elena Nikolaevna has the first qualification category, 23 years of teaching experience, 15 years as an educator.

    In the 2010 academic year, Elena Nikolaevna completed a short-term study at the Saratov Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Education Workers under the additional professional program "Theory and Methods of Preschool Education"

    Criterion 1. Possession of modern educational technologies and methods.

    In the modern world, the comprehensive development of children is impossible without the use of modern educational technologies. In order to achieve new educational results, Elena Nikolaevna uses the following modern educational technologies:

    1. Health-saving technologies;

    2. Personally oriented technologies;

    3. Gaming technologies;

    4. TRIZ technology (creative solution of inventive problems)

    1. Health-saving technologies -this is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at maintaining the health of the child at all stages of education and development.

    Applying such methods as: the use of dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, gymnastics: finger, for the eyes, breathing, invigorating; physical education classes, healthy lifestyle classes, self-massage, game massage, etc., the educator thereby increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms value orientations in pupils aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

    Conclusion: The introduction of health-saving technologies contributes to raising a child's interest in the learning process, increases cognitive activity and, most importantly, improves the psycho-emotional well-being and health of children.

    1. Person-centered technologies.Person-oriented technologies are the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. Person-oriented technologies provide comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development. Personally-oriented learning is called learning, in which the personality of the child, his identity is put at the head, the subjective experience of each is first revealed, and then coordinated with the content of education.

    Conclusion: The result of the use of personality-oriented technologies was the provision of rational and emotional unity in learning, which had a positive effect on the arbitrariness of children's motivation.

    1. Game technologies.The game, along with work and learning, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence. A game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved. Being entertainment, the game is able to move into learning, creativity, into a model of the type of human relations and manifestations in work.

    In her work, Elena Nikolaevna uses game learning technologies:

    As independent technologies for mastering the topic, concept;

    As elements of a larger technology;

    As a lesson or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control);

    As a technology of circle technology (intellectual games, didactic games, etc.)

    Conclusion: As a result of the systematic use of gaming technologies, the program was mastered by the end of the school year even by children with low abilities. The pace of work in the classroom has increased, the activity of preschoolers has increased. Increased interest in classes, consequently - cognitive activity.

    1. TRIZ technologies.The purpose of the technology: to teach children to find positive solutions to emerging problems, to develop thinking and creativity, imagination and speech, which are so necessary for modern man.

    Conclusion: As a result of the use of TRIZ technology, the emotional and personal development of children is ensured. Such qualities develop as: dialectical thinking, ingenuity, independence, etc.

    Criterion 2. Efficiency of application of modern educational technologies and methods.

    A comparative analysis of diagnostic data annually shows a positive trend in the level of development of children, which confirms the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies and methods. Children develop endurance in various activities, increase mental performance, perseverance, they become more self-possessed and attentive. And the most important thing is that the emotional-motor sphere of the child improves.

    The work of an educator is based on the principle: "teaching others - you learn yourself." In the classroom, Elena Nikolaevna acts as an assistant, not a teacher. It is this technique that activates the activity of the child, promotes independence and self-expression. During classes, children's mood improves, a feeling of joy and pleasure appears. And every kid should know that he is important and needed. "Her success is the success of her students"

    Education is conducted through didactic, educational games. The teacher works in accordance with modern requirements, owns the forms and methods of active learning, uses group and individual work with children in the classroom.Widely used in his work TSO and new information technologies.

    The task of Elena Nikolaevna is to help children show their own potentialities given to them from birth, and everyone has them. Friendship and understanding of children helps her to be in their wonderful world of childhood.

    The activities of pupils and the quality of assimilation of the program material are under the constant control of the educator. In Elena Nikolaevna's classes, there is a good psychological climate, all children feel comfortable and are actively involved in work.

    The result of the work is that children work with pleasure in the classroom, get an emotional upsurge, reveal positive qualities of character in themselves, such as: resourcefulness, mutual assistance, courage, the ability to empathize, the ability to work in a team, willpower, dedication, aesthetic needs of the individual, radiate energy, vivacity.

    By introducing a complex combination of methods and technologies in the system of classes, we came to the conclusion that:

    1. Children have an increased interest in activities.

    2. The level of their physical fitness increases, the development of physical qualities: muscle strength, agility, endurance, flexibility.

    3. Psychic qualities develop: attention, memory, imagination, mental abilities.

    4. There is an upbringing of moral qualities, sociability.

    5. Creating conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state of children favorably affects the health of each child.

    Criterion 3. Stable results in the development of educational programs by pupils.

    The educational program of our kindergarten is based on the principle of personality-oriented interaction. The purpose of the educational program is to create conditions for the individual comprehensive development of each pupil, taking into account the physical and mental state of health, through respect for the child, acceptance of his goals, interests, creation of a single space for the development of the child, taking into account his individual characteristics.

    Until 2010, Elena Nikolaevna led the educational process on the basis of the comprehensive “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

    Currently, she is working on the developing educational program of preschool education on the cultural and historical activity approach “Childhood”, edited by V. Loginova,

    T. Babaeva, N. Nikitina.

    In her work, Elena Nikolaevna seeks to give children knowledge, the ability to independently perform certain tasks, that is, she works in the “zone of proximal development” (L.S. Vygotsky)

    The main method of her work with children is the pedagogy of cooperation, when the teacher and the child communicate and act "on an equal footing".

    Elena Nikolaevna uses work in groups, microgroups, which allows the child to set the goal of his actions, look for possible solutions, feel the freedom to choose knowledge, and show independence in solving problems that have arisen.

    As a result, examining the performance indicators of the work done for three years, based on the diagnostics of the level of development of children, we can conclude: 90% of the pupils have a high level of development.

    Criterion 4. Personal contribution to improving the quality of education through the improvement of teaching and upbringing methods.

    In the 2010 academic year, Elena Nikolaevna completed a short-term study at the Saratov Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educators under the additional professional program Theory and Methods of Preschool Education.

    Elena Nikolaevna works in close cooperation with the teachers of her kindergarten and preschool institutions of the district, shares her experience with colleagues, makes presentations and reports at meetings of the pedagogical council and methodological associations of educators.

    Takes an active part in the life of the kindergarten:

    In the exhibitions of children's drawings "I know the world", "Fire is our friend, fire is our enemy.", "My mother is the best", "Great space".

    In exhibitions of children's works, together with their parents, "Nature and Fantasy", "Gifts of Autumn", "With Your Hands".

    In children's competitions "Sunny Childhood", an amateur art competition dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory,

    Actively participates in professional competitions:

    The winner of the regional competition of the best teachers of preschool educational institutions of the Saratov region for receiving monetary incentives for high pedagogical skills and a significant contribution to education in 2011.

    The winner of the competition "Leaders of preschool education" in the nomination

    "The good sorceress of a small country."

    Working on the topic of self-education "Education of the ecological culture of preschoolers", Morozova Elena Nikolaevna builds classes taking into account knowledge of the age and psychological characteristics of children.

    There is a positive dynamics in the level of knowledge of pupils in environmental education.

    Working in older groups, the educator created conditions for the implementation of experimental activities of children, where the simplest experiments were carried out with sand, air, water, paper. As a result of the ongoing practical activities, Elena Nikolaevna formed dialectical thinking, quick wit, inquisitiveness, and independence in children.

    Her classes develop the thinking of children, instill love for their native land, foster a caring attitude towards nature, develop a sense of responsibility, pride in their homeland, introduce children to the traditions of our people, with oral folk art, develop the creative activity of children.

    Elena Nikolaevna was the leader of the circles:

    In 2009-2010 "Nature and Fantasy".

    Purpose of the circle: to form in children practical skills in working with a variety of natural materials.

    In 2010-2011 - "Dinosaur"

    Purpose of the circle: To acquaint children with the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, expanding the boundaries, to give the opportunity to come into contact with scientific knowledge, arousing interest in understanding the world, not just to see the world and phenomena, but to feel the environment and, based on their own experience and knowledge, explain it.

    In 2010, graduates of Elena Nikolaevna entered the first class. They painlessly “integrated” into a new environment for themselves, quickly got used to the new conditions of everyday life, which naturally affects their academic performance. The children have a high level of knowledge, actively participate in school activities, attend circles.

    At present, the main task of the educator has become adaptation, games with children, establishing trusting relationships with each child. Elena Nikolaevna is trying to organize the group in such a way that children who have recently come to kindergarten are attracted by beautiful, bright, colorful manuals and toys.

    As a result of the work carried out together with the parents, the analysis of the adaptation sheets showed that 65% of the children had an easy adaptation,

    35% moderate adaptation.

    Elena Nikolaevna maintains close contact with the parents of her pupils: organizes pedagogical consultations, meetings of parents with a teacher-psychologist, conducts surveys in order to diagnose, regulate and correct her educational activities;

    conducts parent-teacher meetings, consultations, introduces visual-textual information.

    A survey conducted among parents on the topic: “Evaluation of the role of the educator in the development of the child” showed that 100% of parents highly appreciate the work of the teacher.

    Elena Nikolaevna tries to keep abreast of modern achievements in pedagogical science. To do this, he studies methodological and pedagogical literature, uses Internet resources.

    Morozova Elena Nikolaevna is a demanding teacher, a sympathetic and friendly person, has a pedagogical tact; enjoys well-deserved prestige and respect among colleagues, pupils and their parents.

    Elena Nikolaevna meets all the requirements for a teacher.

    Head MDOU "Kindergarten No. 10

    Kalininsk, Saratov Region ____________ Kulishova A.V.

    An analytical report for certification is an official document that indicates the conclusions about the professional activities of an employee. In the analytical report, the employee should indicate all his achievements at work during the inter-certification period.

    An analytical reference is necessary for certification and the assignment of a certain qualification to a teacher. Compulsory attestation for teachers is carried out every 5 years. However, on a personal initiative, a teacher may apply for a category assignment earlier than this deadline.

    Only pregnant teachers and employees who are on parental leave are exempt from mandatory certification.

    Appointment of certification should be carried out no later than 60 days from the date of submission of the application by the management or the teacher himself. In addition, the period of validity of the previously obtained qualification category is also taken into account.

    The certification procedure in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not indicated. However, Article 195 of the Labor Code defines the concept of qualification: the degree of knowledge, skills, abilities and experience of a certain employee.

    A report is drawn up personally by the teacher, who is certified. At the same time, the evaluation of the results should be carried out in accordance with the tasks set during the inter-certification period. The volume of self-analysis cannot exceed 12 pages.

    Note! The purpose of submitting this document is to study the activities of a pedagogical worker in order to assign him a higher qualification (first or higher).

    How to write and structure

    When compiling an analytical report, the teacher, first of all, fills in personal data about himself. The questionnaire consists of 13 items:

    1. Full name of the teacher (educator, teacher);
    2. Education data;
    3. Experience in the field of education;
    4. Length of service in the position being certified;
    5. Experience in the educational institution where certification is carried out;
    6. Qualification for this position.

    Help for certification should have a clear structure:

    • Annotation;
    • Analytical component;
    • Design part;
    • Conclusion;
    • Application.

    The analytical report must include the following information:

    1. The goals and objectives that the teacher implements in the course of his activity;
    2. What goals have already been achieved by the teacher;
    3. Are new technologies being introduced in the process of work (tell which ones);
    4. Information about the results of professional activity: how many schoolchildren and students study with the teacher; positive dynamics in the development of personal and moral qualities of students; results of students at olympiads, competitions, various competitions; expert activity of the teacher; conducting extracurricular activities;
    5. What psychological methods are used during the learning process;
    6. Positive feedback about the work of the teacher from parents and students. Of course, the teacher usually provides positive feedback about his work, but the certification committee must double-check this information;
    7. Data on the implementation of activities related to the preservation of the health of students and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle;
    8. Teacher training: participation in scientific activities, advanced training courses, professional competitions;
    9. Interaction with the public, availability of publications of the teacher;
    10. Ability to work with documentation and other skills that are required for the position;
    11. Determining plans for future work and increasing the level of professional development;
    12. Date and signature of the compiler of the analytical report.

    The analytical report also bears the seal of the educational institution and the visa of the head of the organization.

    Note! In general, this certificate is a summary of the data on what the teacher managed to do during his tenure, and what tasks still need to be implemented.

    Criteria for evaluation

    When studying the analytical certificate and other documents that are submitted for obtaining the first or highest category, the teacher has the right to be present at the meeting of the attestation commission. The following criteria are taken into account in order to make a decision on the report:

    • Validity of analytical information and provision of up-to-date data;
    • The goal and main tasks of the teacher's work are determined, the main problems are presented and ways to solve them are proposed;
    • There is a methodological basis for the report;
    • Analytical information is supported by legal and regulatory grounds;
    • There is a psychological and pedagogical basis: the document indicates the conditions for the development of students; it is shown what conditions are created for students; the choice of techniques, methods and methods in the process of pedagogical activity is substantiated.

    After checking the report of other documentation of the teacher, the attestation commission makes a decision, which is recorded in the protocol. Based on the conclusion of the commission, an entry is made in the certification sheet of the pedagogical worker: the first or highest category was assigned or left without a category.


    Since the volume of analytical reference is about 12 sheets, therefore, we will give only an example of filling out personal data:

    Analytical reference

    professional activity

    geography teacher

    Belgorod secondary school No. 11

    Krasovitskaya Elena Vladimirovna

    I, Krasovitskaya Elena Vladimirovna, work as a geography teacher of the 1st qualification category in Belgorod Secondary School No. 11.

    In 1996 she entered the Moscow State Mining University. In 2000, she graduated from the Moscow State University of Humanities with a red diploma with a degree in mining.

    On October 13, 2000, I was hired as a teacher of geography, where I have been working for 16 years. I am the class teacher of the 7th grade.

    Appeal against the decision of the attestation commission

    Within 3 days after the decision is made by the attestation commission, the manager undertakes to notify the employee about this. If the teacher does not agree with the verdict of the commission, you can file a complaint with the Department for Certification of Scientific, Pedagogical and Research Workers.