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  • Summary of drawing classes in the younger group
  • Conversation in the younger group “Books are best friends Summary of drawing classes book baby
  • Summary of the lesson "drawing a book - babies." Conversation in the younger group “Books are best friends Summary of drawing classes book baby

    Abstract lesson

    Reading the book "Classes in visual activity in the second junior group of kindergarten. Summaries of classes" (page 13)

    Option. Drawing "Shovels for dolls"

    Software content. To teach children to draw a quadrangular object with a straight stick, to correctly convey its structure and proportions. Learn how to paint in one direction. To fix the ability to rinse the brush and dry it.

    The methodology of the lesson. Consider the shoulder blade with the children, offer to name its parts, their shape.

    Call the child to show the method of depicting the shoulder blade at the blackboard. With the movement of the hand in the air, fix the technique of painting.

    Remind children how to rinse and dry the brush. Give the guys who quickly finished the drawing an extra sheet of paper.

    Ready-made drawings to consider with the children, note the even and beautiful shoulder blades.

    Materials. Shoulder blade. Paper size 1/2 album sheet, red and yellow gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child).

    Lesson 63

    Software content. To teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts of the same shape, but of different sizes, tightly pressing the parts to each other. Cause the desire to decorate the item with small details (pompom on a hat, buttons on a dress). Clarify ideas about the size of objects. Strengthen the ability to sculpt neatly. Cause a feeling of joy from the created.

    The methodology of the lesson. Consider a tumbler with children; determine what parts it consists of, clarify their shape and size. Fix the technique of rolling clay.

    In the process of modeling, remind children of the need to achieve the correct transfer of the shape and size of the parts of the tumbler, their fastening by pressing tightly against each other.

    Invite the children to decorate the fashioned tumblers with details (buttons on the dress, pompom on the cap).

    Materials. Tumbler toy. Clay, boards, sticks to indicate details (for each child).

    Games with dolls, tumblers (draw children's attention to their clothes, beautiful details (frills, hats, buttons)).

    Lesson 64. Sculpting "Little Masha"

    Software content. To teach children to sculpt a small doll: a fur coat is a thick column, a head is a ball, hands are sticks. To consolidate the ability to roll clay with direct movements (column - fur coat, sticks - sleeves) and circular movements (head). Learn to compose an image from parts. Cause a feeling of joy from the resulting image.

    The methodology of the lesson. Invite the children to mold a small doll. Show them a similar doll (you can mold and color it in advance). Invite the children to highlight the parts of the figure (fur coat, hands, head), name their shape; ask how you can mold a chrysalis, where is it more convenient to start.

    If the children do not answer or answer incorrectly, say that it is more convenient to start with the largest part - the fur coat. Therefore, a lump of clay (plasticine) must be divided in half. From one half you need to mold a fur coat. Break off a piece from the remaining half and mold the head of the doll out of it. Then roll out the sausage and divide it in half - you get two hands. All parts must be connected, tightly pressed to each other.

    Remind the children to sculpt carefully.

    Put all the molded figures on the board, tie scarves of different colors from corrugated or thin colored paper on the heads of the dolls. Admire the dolls with the children, praise the guys for a job well done. Read them a nursery rhyme: “Our Masha is small, she has a scarlet fur coat on her ...”

    Materials. Clay (plasticine, plastic mass), boards (for each child), stand for finished work.

    Relationship with other occupations and activities. Games in the play corner, role-playing games, looking at toys, illustrations; reading poems, nursery rhymes.

    Lesson 65. Drawing "Draw whoever wants something beautiful"

    Software content. Develop aesthetic perception. Learn to see and highlight beautiful objects, phenomena. To consolidate the ability of children to draw with different materials, choosing them as they wish.

    The methodology of the lesson. In the days preceding the lesson, talk with the kids about the beauty of the objects and phenomena surrounding them (snow sparkles beautifully in the sun; tree branches intertwine beautifully if you look through them, standing below, at the sky; white fluffy clouds floating across the sky are beautiful; the sun warming earth; children's clothing; toys). On the day of the lesson, invite the children to find something beautiful in the group room or remember what they saw beautiful on the way to kindergarten.


    Anton M., 2nd junior group

    Invite the children to draw what they want beautiful. To say that children can choose what they will draw with: pencils, paints, felt-tip pens.

    Materials. A4 paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, gouache paints (colors of children's choice), brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child).

    Lesson 66

    Software content. To develop the ability of children to choose from the named objects the content of their modeling. Cultivate independence. Fix sculpting techniques. To form a desire to sculpt something necessary for the game. Develop imagination.

    The methodology of the lesson. Talk to children about their love of playing with dolls, going to visit with them, giving dolls lunch, etc.

    Invite the children to fashion treats for their favorite dolls, bears, bunnies.

    Clarify what exactly can be blinded for them. Encourage independence in choosing the content of modeling.

    At the end of the lesson, note the variety of fashioned treats.

    Materials. Clay (plasticine, plastic mass), boards, sticks for decorating products, paper plates for laying out treats (for each child).

    Relationship with other occupations and activities. Children's games with dolls.

    Lesson 67

    Software content. To teach the shaping movements of drawing quadrangular shapes with a continuous movement of the hand from left to right, from top to bottom, etc. (you can start the movement from either side). Clarify the method of painting by hand movement from top to bottom or from left to right. Develop imagination.

    The methodology of the lesson. Consider baby books with children, pay attention to their shape.

    Invite the children to show the technique of drawing a quadrilateral in the air. Call the child to the board to show the sequence of work. During the lesson, monitor the correctness of the shaping movement.

    Remind children that in order for baby books to be beautiful, they need to be drawn with felt-tip pens of different colors.

    When the children draw 2-3 books, offer to color them. So that the children remember how to paint beautifully, call a child who has mastered this action well to show to the board.

    Put the finished drawings on the board, note the variety of books (in size, in color). Invite the children to name which books are drawn (give the children the opportunity to dream up).

    Materials. Album sheets, felt-tip pens (pencils) (for each child).

    Relationship with other occupations and activities. Examining and reading books (emphasizing their brightness, beautiful illustrations). In the process of examining, draw the attention of children to the shape of the books, invite them to circle the book along the contour with a continuous movement of one, then the other hand, fixing the turn of the hand at the corners.

    Lesson 68. Application "Napkin"

    Software content. Learn to make a pattern of circles and squares on a square-shaped paper napkin, placing the circles in the corners of the square and in the middle, and the squares between them. Develop a sense of rhythm. Strengthen the ability to stick parts neatly.

    The methodology of the lesson. Consider a finished napkin with children; offer to name the figures that make up the pattern, determine their location (in the corners, on the sides, in the middle).

    Invite the children to lay out the figures on a napkin, admire the resulting pattern, and then stick the figures.

    Make sure the children work carefully.

    At the end of the lesson, put all the napkins on the board. Emphasize how beautiful, colorful, neat they are. Invite 2-3 children to say what kind of pattern they got on a napkin, name the colors of the elements of the pattern.

    Materials. Napkin pattern. Paper squares with a side of 12 cm; paper mugs (diameter 2 cm) and squares with a side of 2 cm of the same color (each table has its own color), glue, glue brushes, napkins (for each child).

    Relationship with other occupations and activities. Examine with children beautiful ready-made napkins, beautiful fabrics, decorative items, patterns on children's hats and scarves; note their color, the location of the elements of the pattern.

    Lesson 69. Drawing "Draw something rectangular"

    Software content. To teach children to independently conceive the content of the picture, to apply the acquired skills of depicting various objects of a rectangular shape. Learn to select pencils of the right colors for drawing. Practice drawing and painting rectangular objects. Develop a sense of color, imagination.

    Budgetary preschool educational institution

    municipal formation Dinskoy district "Kindergarten No. 9"

    (BDOU MO Dinskoy district "Kindergarten No. 9")

    Drawing "Baby Books"

    Educational field: artistic creativity

    junior mixed age group No. 6


    Shinkar Elena Vasilievna


    Theme: "Baby books"

    Program content: To teach the shaping movements of drawing quadrangular shapes with a continuous movement of the hand from left to right, from top to bottom, etc. (you can start the movement from any direction). Refine the technique of painting by moving the hand from top to bottom or from left to right. Develop imagination.

    Relationship with other educational areas: Examining and reading books (emphasizing their brightness, beautiful illustrations). In the process of examining, draw the attention of children to the shape of the books, invite them to circle the book along the contour with a continuous movement of one, then the other hand, fixing the turn of the hand at the corners.

    Materials: Album sheets, felt-tip pens (pencils) (for each child).


    Educator: Guys, today we will go to the exhibition and look at baby books with you.

    What do you think, how should one behave at the exhibition?

    Children: Calm and quiet.

    Educator: Correctly. And in order to relax and calm down a little, I have a surprise for you - a magical music box, which we will now listen to.

    Guys, look how many small books are at our exhibition, pay attention to what shape they are?

    Children: rectangular (quadrangular).

    Educator: Let us in the air, first with one, then with the other hand, draw a rectangle.

    Call several guys to the easel to show the sequence of work. During the lesson, monitor the correctness of the shaping movement.

    Educator: Guys, look at what beautiful baby books we have. They are all very bright and colorful. In order for you to get such beautiful baby books, you need to draw them with felt-tip pens (pencils) of different colors. But before we get down to creativity, we need to warm up well.


    These are the eyes - here, here.

    These are ears - here, here.

    This is the nose, this is the mouth.

    Back there, belly there.

    These are pens clap, clap.

    These are legs top, top.

    Oh, tired, wipe your forehead.

    Educator: now we can start drawing.

    When the children draw two or three books, offer to color them. So that the children remember how to paint beautifully, call a child who has mastered this action well to be shown on an easel.

    Put the finished drawings on the board, note the variety of books (in size, in color).

    Invite the children to name which books are drawn (give the children the opportunity to dream up).

    Literature: Komarova T.S. Artistic creativity. The system of work in the second junior group of kindergarten. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012. - 112 pp.: color. incl.


    1. Developing. Give children an idea of ​​how a book is made.

    2. Educational. To continue to expand and refine children's understanding of books, their preservation and respect for them.

    3. Nurturing:

    - To cultivate respect for those professions of people who are involved in the production of the book.

    - Raise interest and love for the book as a source of knowledge.

    Demonstration material: slides - books, trees, all-terrain vehicle, timber rafting, timber processing plant, printing house, bookstore.

    Vocabulary work: lumberjack, combine, sawdust, printing house, artist, alloy, bookstore.

    Lesson progress

    caregiver : Today we have not an easy lesson. And what it is dedicated to, you will now guess - I will guess one riddle for you:

    Not a bush, but with leaves.

    Not a shirt, but sewn.

    Not a person, but tells.

    Children (Book)

    Educator: That's right, a book.

    Opens the "book" slide.

    The stranger appears.

    Stranger: Where did I go?

    Educator: To visit us. You Dunno, we recognized you. You always get into different stories, because you don’t know much, that’s what your name is Dunno.

    Dunno: Guys, maybe you can help me learn more about everything?

    Children: Yes, help!

    caregiver : Well, first of all, you need to read a lot of books.

    Dunno: Guys, what are the books?

    Children: New, beautiful, big, small, interesting, fabulous, with beautiful drawings, without drawings.

    Educator: Do you know how long it takes for a book to reach us? How much work is invested to make an interesting book. Books do not immediately become bright. Guys, the life of any book begins in the forest.

    Sit down, Dunno, with the guys and listen:

    All these books were born in a dense forest. At first there was a small pine tree, then it became a pine tree, years passed, the top of the pine tree reached for the sun. But one day lumberjacks came to the thicket and cut down this mighty tree. A tractor hurries to help the lumberjacks, in the taiga it is called a forest all-terrain vehicle. Lumberjacks cut branches, knit trees.

    The river is the most spacious road for the forest. Like huge fish floating logs on it downstream.

    The blue road will lead the trunks to the timber processing plant. They will make paper out of them. Trees are sawn and crushed into sawdust. Further boiled to get a fibrous mass similar to batter. Machines pour and roll out paper dough, then the strips are turned into paper, which is wound into huge paper rolls. These rolls are cut into sheets.

    The book must be written. Who is writing the book?

    Children: Writers.

    Educator: Correctly. Writers need to know a lot to write an interesting book. And in order for the book to be colorful, it is also necessary for the artists to work.

    In the old days, the book was written by hand - it was a rarity and was valued very dearly. Then people thought: “After all, many people wanted to read the book. How can you reproduce a book?

    And now the book is not rewritten by hand, but printed in a printing house.

    The printing house is a book factory. As in any factory, there are many workshops. Paper is prepared in one workshop, paints in another, and machines in each workshop. Now the book is made by machines. Blank white paper is fed into the printing machine, and comes out with texts and pictures. Next, you need to fold the sheets, pick them up correctly, the pages should go one after another. The book still has a long way to go until it reaches the machine that makes the cover for it.

    Then the books go to the bookstore, to the library.

    This is such a long way for a book to turn from a tree into a book. This is a very big work of people and we must protect this work, respect the book.

    Dunno: Oh, how hard it is for me to listen. I'm even tired, tired!!

    Educator: Well, then you need to take a fun break.

    Physical education minute

    One - rise, stretch,

    Two - bend, unbend

    Three - in the hands of three claps,

    Three nods of the head

    Four - arms wider

    Five - wave your hands

    Six - sit quietly in place.

    Educator: Dunno, look at what a beautiful chest we have here. What do you think is in there?

    Dunno: Perhaps toys? Can you guess what lies there, and the guys will help me?

    Educator: Okay, then let's get started!

    A stranger makes riddles:

    1. She was a friend of the gnomes

    And, of course, you know.

    Answer: Snow White

    2. Heals young children,

    Heals birds and animals

    Looking through his glasses

    Good doctor...

    Answer: Aibolit

    3. My father had a strange boy,

    Unusual - wooden,

    On land and underwater

    Looking for a golden key

    It has a long nose everywhere.

    Who is this?

    Answer: Pinocchio

    4. The nose is round, patchy,

    It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

    Small crochet tail

    Instead of shoes - hooves.

    Three of them - and to what

    The brothers are friendly.

    Guess without a clue

    Who are the heroes of this tale?

    Answer: three little pigs

    5. Near the forest, at the edge,

    Three of them live in a hut.

    There are three chairs and three mugs,

    Three beds, three pillows.

    Guess without a clue

    Who are the heroes of this tale?

    Answer: three bears.

    6. It flies in a mortar,

    Children are kidnapped

    In the chicken hut

    Leg lives.

    Answer: Baba Yaga

    7. So quickly the maiden ran from the prince,

    That she even lost her shoe.

    Answer: Cinderella

    Educator: Look, Dunno, how children solve riddles, because they read a lot of books and know a lot of fairy tales.

    Dunno: And now I will guess such riddles that you will never guess!

    Hurry was hungry

    I swallowed an iron ....

    Answer: cold

    Dunno: Try to solve this riddle:

    At Avoska under the pillow

    Lying sweet...

    Answer: Cheesecake

    Educator: You see, we guessed all your riddles, because children read books about you.

    Dunno: About me?? Show me this book!

    Hooray! They also write about me in books!

    Dunno chooses the book "Adventures of Dunno".

    Educator: Yes, Dunno, this book is about you, and we give it to you.

    Dunno: Thank you, I promise I will read a lot. After all, I learned a lot about the book and I will cherish it. Goodbye, guys!

    Educator: Guys, here we are with you and found out how long the book goes. How are we going to handle the book?

    Children: (Answers of children).

    Purpose of material: exchange of experience with colleagues in the production of didactic materials together with children.

    In the process of making baby books, you can implement the following tasks:

    1. The development of coherent speech (where the child says what he is doing and how)

    2. Improving the level of accumulated practical skills through productive activities (working with glue and scissors)

    3. Development of fine motor skills of hands

    4. Formation of the ability to select the appropriate material for blanks (pictures, poems, riddles, proverbs); reasoning for your choice

    5. Showing interest in creating your own books

    6. Continued education of friendly relationships, the ability to work in pairs.

    7. Education of aesthetic taste

    The idea of ​​​​the creation of books - babies. Since the work in our group is based on the study of lexical topics, we began to study them in the form of project activities. The essence of using project methods is that in the process of learning, children create a game project. When working on which they use both theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom, and practical knowledge gained from personal experience.

    Every day, interacting with children, you understand well what really interests my children, is close to them. And since the final stage of the project activity is a mandatory presentation of the results of work. I decided, together with the children, to design baby books on each lexical topic. Completion of work on the manufacture of the book leaves the child with a sense of pride in the result achieved. After finishing work, children have the opportunity to demonstrate the result of their work to peers, parents, guests of the group, use the books they have made in role-playing games: library, family, kindergarten.

    Children were asked to work in pairs, because in the future, in almost all activities, children will have to work in a team, and the experience gained is very useful.

    So by the end of the year, we made 28 baby books!

    These books are an excellent didactic tool for preschoolers.

    Children really like books, they often look at them (they make riddles to each other, remember poems, cherish them). There was a special shelf for books.

    The photo shows our baby books

    Publication date: 04/07/17

    Project in the second junior group

    « Books - babies»

    Project passport

    Theme "Books - babies"

    Project type:

    by type of activity: educational and productive

    by number of participants: group

    by time: short

    By form: integrated (speech, socio-communicative, artistic, aesthetic and cognitive development).

    Leaders: group teacher

    Project participants: children of the second younger group, group teacher, parents of pupils.


    actualityt: Children have little interest in books.

    The generation of today's preschoolers in the mass does not want to read books. Any child is a reader, even if he cannot read, but only listens to the reading of adults. It should be recognized that developed television, "fancy" telephones, computers and the Internet generally do not contribute to the younger generation's familiarization with book culture, good literature. Children develop, first of all, a psychological attachment to television, the Internet, social networks and mobile terminals. All right, but is it worth dramatizing? It should be understood that reading is, in general, a rather difficult creative act, in which complex mental processes are involved: attention, representation and imagination. In the process and as a result of reading, each person in his own way represents the characters and events. Television and cinema serve everything ready-made. Many parents think this way: why should a child read if he can watch a movie, download cartoons from the Internet, etc. And teachers are sounding the alarm: children do not know how to reason, logically and consistently express their thoughts. The value of a good book in a person's life is difficult to overestimate. A reading person is a thinking person. That's why it's so important to instill a love of books in children from early childhood. After all, the book helps to expand the horizon of children's knowledge about the world, helps the child to learn patterns of behavior embodied in various literary characters, forms the initial ideas about beauty.

    Problem: superficial interest of parents in familiarizing children with fiction: insufficient attention is paid to reading fiction by parents to children; replacing the book with cartoons and a computer.

    Target project : the formation of children's interest in a children's book by creating a baby book.

    Project objectives:

    arouse interest in the book;

    enrich and activate the vocabulary of children through new words; improve dialogic speech (the ability to enter into a dialogue, express a judgment so that it is understandable to others);

    to develop the artistic and creative abilities of children, to form an emotional and figurative perception of works. To promote the manifestation of independence, activity in the game with characters - toys;

    educate love and respect for the book;

    enrich child-parent relationships with joint reading;

    increase the level of involvement of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions;

    create an atmosphere of goodwill, comfort of communication: parent - parent, parent - teacher, parent - child.

    Expected Result:

    • Introduction to the world of art and the system of theoretical knowledge about baby books will equip project participants with artistic skills and abilities in this area.
    • The acquired skills will help develop students' interest in fiction.

    Project product:

    Exhibition of works "Books - babies with their own hands"

    Project organization

    • preliminary stage

    1. Determining the theme of the project.

    2. Formulating the goals and objectives of the project, predicting the result.

    3. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the main stage of the project.

    4. Selection of information, visual and technical material for the project.

    2. Main stage

    Working with children:

    conversation with children: “My favorite book”, “Where did the book come from”, “Where do books live”;

    situational conversation: "Celebrating International Children's Book Day"

    joint integrated educational activities: artistic and aesthetic (drawing and application) and speech development "Illustration in a baby book" based on the work of K.D. Ushinsky "Vaska";

    joint educational area on speech development (speech development): Reading the work of K.D. Ushinsky "Vaska" with viewing illustrations

    Target: develop auditory perception; to form the ability to listen carefully, analyze the behavior of the hero of the work, perceive the material by ear.

    Game activity:

    Mobile game: "Cats and mice"

    Target: teach children to react quickly, be smart and coordinate their movements.

    - didactic games: "Find a couple" (a game for matching the characters of children's fairy tales);

    - puzzles with the plots of fairy tales.

    work activity: work in the book corner

    Target:inculcate respect for books.

    Working with parents:

    survey of parents "Family Reading" (Appendix)

    design of the information and educational stand "Why read books?", "April 2 - International Children's Book Day".

    attracting parents to participate in the exhibition of works "Book - baby" (to make a book with a child - a baby of a work, fairy tale or poem beloved by the child).

    3. Final stage

    Organization of an exhibition of self-made "Books - babies"


    • "Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 Moscow)
    • Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms SanPin
    • Alyabyeva E.A. Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten: Planning and notes / E.A. Alyabyeva. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.


    "Family Reading"

    Dear parents!

    Please answer the questions in this survey.

    Your opinion is very important to us.

    1. Do you have a library at home, and what does it look like?

    several bookshelves;



    other ___________________________________________________________.

    2. Does your child have his own corner with books?



    3. How often do you read books to your child?


    when asked;

    every night before bed;


    4. Please name your child's favorite books: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    5. Please name a few works that you have recently read to your child: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    6. Do you talk with your child about what you have read?




    7. Can your child name recently read books with you?



    don't know.

    8. Can your child retell an excerpt from a favorite fairy tale or work?



    don't know.

    9. Do you subscribe to children's magazines? Which? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    10. Make a book with your child - a baby of your favorite work, fairy tale or poem with your child.

    Thank you for your cooperation!