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  • Mikhail Khazin. The Russian “elite” is preparing to flee Mkhazin v contact

    Mikhail Khazin.  The Russian “elite” is preparing to flee Mkhazin v contact

    And he was the host of the program "Economy in Russian" at the "Russian News Service". One of the hosts of the program "Economics" on the radio station "Moscow speaking". Author of numerous publications in the magazines "Profile", "Expert", "However". As an invited expert, he repeatedly spoke on the Echo of Moscow radio, the Odnako television program and various Internet channels.

    He is the creator and regular author of the website, which hosts reviews of the state and forecasts for the development of the global and Russian economies, as well as geopolitical analytics.


    Mikhail Khazin is the son of the leading researcher Leonid Grigorievich Khazin. My father studied the theory of stability at the institute. Mother taught higher mathematics in. Khazin's grandfather Grigory Leizerovich received the Stalin Prize in 1949 for his participation in the creation of the Moscow air defense system with the official wording "for the development of new equipment." The younger brother of Mikhail Khazin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Andrey Khazin, was a member of the Council of the Federation, a professor at the State University - Higher School of Economics, currently the head of a department at Moscow State University.

    Khazin was born in Moscow on May 5, 1962, graduated from the mathematical class of the 179th school. By his own admission, he dreamed of studying at Moscow State University, but was forced to enter Yaroslavl State University in 1979. In the second year he transferred to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1984 with a degree in statistics (Department of Probability Theory). According to the distribution, he got into Alan Grivtsov, where he was engaged in the theoretical substantiation of applied problems of chemical physics from 1984 to 1989. On the website of the Physical Institute. Lebedev, annotations of several works of Khazin on statistical physics are given.

    In 1992, he headed the analytical department of ELBIM Bank, and in 1993 he moved to the civil service. In 1993-1994, Khazin was an employee of the working center for economic reforms under the Government of Russia. Since 1994, he worked at the Ministry of Economy, in 1995-1997 he headed the credit policy department of the ministry. According to Khazin, in 1996 he was supposed to become deputy minister (at that time the ministry was headed by Yevgeny Yasin), but the appointment was blocked by Yasin's first deputy, Yakov Urinson. Disagreements with Urinson arose because of Khazin’s report, prepared for the November collegium of the Ministry of Economy on non-payments, in which Khazin argued that “a reduction in the money supply in Russian conditions does not lead to a decrease in inflation, but to an increase” . From 1997 to June 1998 - Deputy Head of the Economic Department of the President of Russia. He is a real state adviser of the Russian Federation III class, retired. Khazin believes that he was fired from the public service "for a categorical unwillingness to compromise," and adds that after his dismissal, he was "not allowed to travel abroad for ten years."

    From 1998 to 2000 - a private consultant, then until 2002 he worked in the audit and consulting company "Modern Business Technologies", since the end of 2002 - the president of the expert consulting company "Neocon", specializing in strategic forecasting and relations with government agencies (GR ) . At the same time, Khazin, together with Oleg Grigoriev and Andrei Kobyakov, developed the theory of the modern economic crisis, which was reflected in the book “The Decline of the Dollar Empire and the End of Pax Americana”, published in collaboration with Kobyakov in 2003.

    From autumn 2002 to spring 2015, he was the president of Neokon Expert Consulting Company LLC. In 2015, he founded the Mikhail Khazin Foundation for Economic Research.

    Khazin is a member of the Expert Council "Economics and Ethics" under the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

    In 2016, he joined the Rodina political party and participated in the elections to the State Duma in 2016.

    Economic theory

    Describing his work in the civil service, Khazin says that he considered the main task "to understand how the economy really works and eliminate problems in the way of economic growth" in Russia. In October 1997, the economic department sent a report to the president in which they predicted the development of the crisis in Russia in the summer of 1998, with the current financial and economic policy at that time.

    In his annually published forecasts, Khazin consistently develops the theme of the inevitable global economic crisis. His main theses include the impossibility of continuing to stimulate final demand and expanding markets, the fall in financial and economic indicators, the decrease in the level of division of labor and the collapse of the world economy into several currency zones.

    Khazin, together with the head of the economic management department, Oleg Vadimovich Grigoriev, after leaving the state service, continued to study the causes of the default. In 2001, while studying the inter-industry balance of the United States, Grigoriev put forward the concept of technological zones. By the end of the year, the main points of the theory had already been formulated and the scale of the expected crisis was visible. Khazin himself sees the main problem of the crisis as the loss of the middle class, which is the basis of the socio-political stability of society. Khazin believes that the main cause of the crisis is the exhaustion of final demand, aggravated by excessive stimulation of consumer demand and uncontrolled issuance of the dollar.

    After the crisis, according to Khazin, the US dollar will cease to be a global currency, but will become a regional one, other regional currencies will be: the euro and the yuan; it is also possible - Indian rupee, dinar, ruble and some currency of Latin American countries.

    Khazin opposed Russia's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). He expressed his position at the V International Congress "Open Russia: Partnership for Modernization" on March 25, 2011.

    Public performance

    Many Russian media, including the RBC-TV channel, Expert and Itogi magazines,, Izvestiya and Komsomolskaya Pravda newspapers, and the Interfax newsgroup, refer to Khazin as a well-known Russian economist. According to Professor Dmitry Ognev, Khazin's performances combine lively language and accessibility for a wide audience.

    Khazin actively opposes the ideology of neoliberalism, plays the role of the economic "Cassandra" of globalism and the global financial system. He consistently propagates the idea that the West and the American-centric system world economy are doomed for objective reasons of the finiteness of capitalism.

    In 2000, an article by Khazin and Grigoriev was published in Expert magazine, in which they predicted an economic crisis in the United States, expected in the same year and leading to a drop in average consumption in the world by 1.5-3 times.

    On September 10, 2001, at the Expert magazine forum, he warned of a high probability of major terrorist attacks against the United States ( )

    In October 2008, Khazin described the prolonged and large-scale nature of the global financial crisis that had begun, according to estimates arising from his theory, he predicted: “as a result, the US economy will decrease by at least a third. The world will fall by 20 percent. After that, the planet will face 10-12 years of severe depression. In the US and Europe, I think many will be starving. And the car will become a luxury item. Explaining these words in an interview with Pozner, Khazin speaks of a deliberate sharpening of the topic, that he needed to challenge the then prevailing "liberal" idea of ​​​​the unshakable state of the US economy as "City on a hill".

    At the end of 2009, speaking to Ural businessmen, Khazin predicted that the current world economic system would inevitably collapse, the middle class would cease to exist, the WTO would collapse in 2-3 years, but Russia, thanks to this, would have a chance to survive - because all countries will soon have to start from scratch.

    In his forecast for 2012, Khazin predicted “the beginning of a powerful emission in the United States, which is almost impossible to avoid. More precisely, it is possible in the event of tightening monetary policy, but before the US elections, such a scenario is unlikely. So, as soon as the emission is launched (at the latest - at the beginning of the summer of 2012, so that it can have a positive impact on the result of the US presidential election, for Obama, of course), energy prices rise sharply and strongly - perhaps up to 150- $200 per barrel. At this moment, many representatives of the Russian elites and managers will have the feeling that happiness has returned, but this prosperity will not last very long. Then, in 3-5 months, a powerful inflationary wave will begin.

    In 2013, Khazin made a forecast about the development of the economy of Kazakhstan: “I think it will be possible to maintain 5-7% economic growth even against the backdrop of a global recession. And the world economy will "fall" the way it "fell" in the United States at the time of the Great Depression - by about 30-35%. The GDP of Japan and the EU countries will “fall” by about 50%. US GDP will “fall” somewhere by 55% -60%” .

    Khazin regularly acts as a leading or invited expert in the programs of the Russian News Service and Ekho Moskvy radio stations. According to 2013 data, he leads the TOP-7 invited guests of the Ekho Moskvy radio, most often appearing in the Credit of Trust program, and was also the most popular RSN host with the Russian Economy program (in the last issue of 2013 there were announced his departure from the program). Khazin regularly speaks in the genre of "answering listeners' questions live" and gives comments on the topic of the day on RSN and Ekho Moskvy. Khazin was also a repeated guest of the "Opposite to the World" program on the Voice of Russia radio.

    In 2007, Khazin hosted the Five in Economics program on the Spas TV channel, which was the only weekly economic program on Russian television at that time. As part of this program, Khazin took an hour-long interview with Lyndon LaRouche, which was broadcast on May 18, 2007 and was widely discussed on the Internet. In 2011, RBC-TV launched a series of programs hosted by Viktor Gerashchenko, Mikhail Khazin and Sergey Aleksashenko. The involvement of well-known economists, according to RBC Holding, made it possible to expand the audience of the channel. Khazin hosted the program "Dialogue with Mikhail Khazin". Khazin is also one of the experts of the television program "However" on Channel One.

    Khazin's articles are published by many newspapers and magazines, including Komsomolskaya Pravda and Expert. Until 2009, he was one of the authors of the Profile magazine, after 2009 - of the Odnako magazine. Khazin repeatedly communicated with readers of the Arguments and Facts newspaper, gave forecasts and answered questions. Interviews with Khazin and quotes from his speeches were published in the media outside of Russia: Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Ukraine. Khazin is one of the authors of the information and analytical service "Russian People's Line".

    In his review of the book The Decline of the Dollar Empire and the End of Pax Americana, Pavel Bykov notes a huge amount of background information, systematically presented and deeply worked out. He notes that the authors of the book present their vision of the history of the development of the US economy, which is accompanied by a forecast of further events with many scenarios.

    In early 2009, Forbes magazine columnist Leonid Bershidsky believed that “Khazin’s economic forecasts, which mainstream economists scoffed at, have recently tended to come true, they are beginning to listen not only to him, but also to those whom he advertises - carriers of even more unequivocal ethical judgments.

    In 2009, Khazin's article "Famine will begin in Eastern Europe in three years" was published in the Special Letter newspaper. Vladislav Inozemtsev in a special interview criticized Khazin's article, noting that the article "has some truth and some very serious exaggerations." So, Inozemtsev notes a number of Khazin's incorrect statements, in particular that the United States after the war bought more than it sold, and that there will be famine in Eastern Europe in three years. Khazin Inozemtsev attributes the last judgment to “a symbiosis of alarmism and incompetence”

    Mikhail Leonidovich, what does the fact that Putin did not accept any of the economic strategies proposed to him indicate? Is it possible to assume that he has a "fallback" option? Or is the president playing for time in anticipation of some event? And if so, what could it be?

    For those who have read our book Stairway to Heaven, it is obvious that the question is not worded correctly. It is correct to say this: why did the political Power of the country start talking about economic strategies? Since the only topic that Power cares about is the question of power - therefore, the topic of strategies began to seriously affect it. Why?

    The fact is that it has already become clear to almost everyone that the development model (it can be conditionally called the “Washington consensus” model in the interpretation of Gaidar-Chubais), which has been implemented in our country for the past 25 years, has reached a dead end. It can no longer provide economic growth, and its continuation means an inevitable intra-elite war in the near future, as a result of which none of the current members of this elite can guarantee their security. This means that either the model needs to be radically changed, or it needs to be seriously reformed.

    But the trouble is that over these 25 years a generation has changed, a stable state elite has formed. Within the framework of this model, educational institutions have been prepared, people have been prepared. And not just people: the children of the first graduates have already entered the same universities, studying the same methodology. That is, a stable social stratum has been formed, rigidly tied to this model. And as a result, a change in this model is an elite revolution, a radical change in a significant part of the ruling elite. Regardless of whether such a task is set directly or not, a change in the development model will require such changes!

    And if we take into account that it was within the framework of this model that privatization was carried out, then something will inevitably need to be done with it: it is within the framework of this model that state functions have been privatized today, due to which officials are enriched ... Kudrin speaks of the need to continue privatization for good reason: without it, the elite, created over the past 25 years, will not be able to exist, the existing resource of the state is insufficient. If it is not carried out, intra-elite wars are still inevitable.

    So, from the point of view of Putin, who is not just the head of state, but also the leader of the political elite, a revolution is an extremely unpleasant thing. I'm not even talking about the fact that he does not at all want to be the leader of a country in a state of acute crisis for another 10 years - this is generally a dubious pleasure. For this reason, for him, such decisions are a very difficult thing (and very scary!). Let me remind you again: either a change in the model with an inevitable purge of the elite from above (and those who are being purged will resist, Khodorkovsky is an example of this), or a continuation of the current model with an inevitable intra-elite war, in which control by the authorities will be severely limited. And Putin himself raised the issue of the new strategy as an attempt to modernize the current scheme. He is trying to say: guys, come up with an evolution scheme for me. Actually, the notorious programs are just attempts to invent such a modernization.

    And what do we see? That all attempts to come up with something evolutionary hit a wall. That is, it turns out such squalor that it is inconvenient to even discuss them. And this is, in a sense, a disaster for Putin. I think he understands that he has an alternative. Or he does nothing and (I repeat for the third time) as a result, the matter may end in an uncontrolled intra-elite war (of which he himself may fall victim). Or he should start a targeted extermination of his own elite - well, a kind of cultural revolution, as Mao Zedong did.

    That's where his problem is! Note that this is a fairly common occurrence. For example, Lee Kuan Yew faced such a choice in Singapore. He also partially eliminated his elite! How did he explain it? "Until you plant two or three closest friends, no one will believe that you are serious."

    That is, in other words, the problem is not in the economic programs! The problem is that Putin must clearly understand this dilemma for himself: that there is no evolutionary way to correct the economic situation, because the model has reached a dead end.

    Yes, if there was even a minimal alternative to this controlled purge of the elite, he would certainly try to avoid it. Apparently, he (not being a specialist in economics) still calculates: what if there is some kind of solution! “Guys, you are so smart, find it!”

    He hopes: what if he manages to agree with the West that he will give money. And suddenly, for some reason, oil prices jump, and suddenly something else happens. But, it doesn't work...

    Also, let's not forget what will happen if he launches an attack. Remember: removing the one and only Khodorkovsky, what a howl arose. Now imagine that you need to remove twenty Khodorkovskys, thirty Khodorkovskys!

    All those people who are today's elite - they have the closest ties with the West! And they will say to him: how is it, how dare you touch this man?! He's got our money behind him! In this situation, he should say: guys, why on earth do your people do this, that, and that. And they answer him: and with this one! It doesn't concern you at all! We agreed with our man, and you have no right to touch us. You have arranged freedom and democracy here...

    Putin can do something only on the condition that in this situation he speaks on behalf of the people - and a certain public position has been formed. And the problem is that there is no public position! It is completely emasculated, including by those people who will have to be "liquidated" in the process of change.

    In addition, we should not forget that there are very few people who understand what an alternative model could be. They are incredibly few! And how to bring them to power is also unclear. Because if you take one, then it will be exterminated and destroyed. We must immediately bring in a large group, at the same time creating a "power cover" for this group.

    That is, in other words, it is very difficult and (to be honest?) bloody work. Let me remind you that in order to produce a cultural revolution, Mao Zedong did not just prepare a few Red Guards. He trained millions of people! And they acted extremely cruelly. And Putin will have to take responsibility personally.

    Are steps already being taken to prepare these new people to be brought into power? That's a very difficult question. The thing is, we can't know for sure. We have no information to understand: these are signs or just some random things. Yes, of course, there are always some coalitions, some groups. And we cannot be sure whether this movement is just people who are united around one of the Kremlin towers, or whether an operation is underway, and Putin personally stands behind the Kremlin tower.

    It is pointless to discuss this, but every minute of delay before a decision only increases the threats and the cost of this choice. The discussion of the programs of Kudrin and Titov showed that there can no longer be evolution: they have enough money to “buy” for themselves any person who could come up with something. Since they failed, therefore, there is no solution in principle, no one can come up with it.

    And this means that Putin has once again faced a serious problem, and he will no longer be able to maneuver.

    Mikhail Khazin

    12 Comment for

      The Chinese version of Mao Tse Tung will only destroy the country and give impetus to such chaos on the territory of Russia that the third world war will result in the complete destruction of mankind. Stalin's version is able to solve the problem, but he relied on the ideology of socialism and the economy corresponding to it, without private ownership of the means of production. Only this helped Stalin to get the maximum support and trust of the country's population in his activities. And within the framework of the economy of capitalism, GDP will never have a “backup option”. She is a dead end.

      And why should the president maneuver, he is at one with them. It is beneficial for him himself - power with the help of these renegades is in his pocket and he himself is not a poor man. In Lima last year at a summit, Lagarde told him that the IMF was destroying the Russian economy systematically and consistently with the help of those who came to power in the 90s. From the 90s to the present day. This information was published in the media by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economic Development Voskresensky, who was present at this personal conversation. Did the president fire someone, on behalf of the needy people? No, he strengthened the position of the same Kudrin and put in place of Ulyukaev exactly the same Oreshkin, with whom Kudrin and Nabiullina, one of the main destroyers of the country's economy, are very PLEASED.

      • Yes, you calm down, Svetlana Lee! Someday you will be ashamed of your words! The corruption team was created under Yeltsin, and only now the GDP has the opportunity to start making reforms. In many regions, governors and officials have been arrested and removed. The country's defense by a powerful army allows this to be done. Therefore, there is such a powerful agitation against Putin. It is not possible to immediately raise the country. Stalin prepared from 1924 to 1937. And Putin is not obliged to report to Khazin what problem he is facing and how he will solve it! Fools can’t prove anything. At this dangerous moment, we need to rally and give the GDP unlimited power in order to sweep away all this evil spirits, like Stalin in the thirty-seventh, only not with blood, but simply removed from key posts.

        • Svetlana Lee

          Nadezhda, what words would I be ashamed of? About the President's personal conversation with Lagarde and her response, which was announced to all the media in the Russian Federation by Deputy Minister of Economic Development Voskresensky? You read about this conversation between the president and Lagarde, there is a lot of detail, and if you draw OTHER conclusions after reading carefully, I will SORRY to you. Am I not satisfied with Kudrin alone?

      Ludmila Fionova

      Creating our networks of honest and smart people is the way out. Together, step by step, we will develop a scheme for the evolution of the thieves' regime into the people's.
      Here are a few steps for your discussion - the proposal of the experts of the Committee
      1. We are being defeated by an information war, which means that the main task is the creation and dissemination of our information. In this sense, the Krasvremya website is at the forefront.
      2. Take part in any positive public initiatives in the form of rallies, petitions, pickets, appeals. Don't sit!
      3. Gather like-minded people, focusing on the young, children. To transfer information to them, to involve them in actions, to fill their social networks with our content.
      4.Understand and explain to the children - we are the power. You can't trust your uncle to lead the country.

      Dear Lyudmila Kuzminichna! Relying on "honest and smart people" is a necessary but not sufficient condition for "coming out" in the fight against the "thieves' regime". As proof, I will cite the words of A. Peccei (the founder and first president of the Club of Rome, who, like you, was concerned about the global problem of human development): “With special emotion, I remember Salvador Allende, the President of Chile, who was assassinated in 1973. The sad fate of himself and his country should serve as a stern warning to all .... He was a charming, cordial and eminently humane man. He sincerely tried to achieve democratic implementation of his socialist ideas. But life has clearly shown that good wishes alone are not enough for this. Even the solution of much less important tasks than the leadership of an entire country, such as managing a bank, an airline, an education system or a municipality, requires, first of all, a group of competent and educated like-minded people who know their job and know how to work” - http://nichukanov. In other words, in order to defeat the "thieves' regime", we need not a network structure, but a political one.

      Khazin doesn't have it. And Putin and Medvedev have as much as they want. The next option will be - Kudrin in the Premiere. And try to blather someone - it was already - Rokhlin, Evdokimov, Lebed, Budanov, Ilyukhin .. and many others. So calm down people, go to the polls for the only and irreplaceable President and his party for another 20 years.

    Mikhail Khazin is a Russian economist and analyst who is known for his sharp statements about economic and political events and news.

    Mikhail Leonidovich is popular in the blogosphere, he is often invited as an expert in television and radio programs. Khazin's forecasts often cause heated controversy both on the part of the professional community and among the townsfolk.

    Childhood and youth

    Mikhail Leonidovich was born on May 5, 1962 in Moscow. His father, Leonid Grigoryevich Khazin, was a researcher at the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and was engaged in the theory of stability. Mom also devoted herself to science - she worked as a teacher of higher mathematics at the Institute of Electronic Engineering.

    Khazin's grandfather, Grigory Leizerovich, was a prominent creator of the defense shield of the motherland - he participated in the creation of the Moscow air defense system. For this he was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1949.

    Since childhood, Misha dreamed of following in the footsteps of his parents. The boy studied at a mathematical school, was going to enter the Mekhmat of Moscow State University. By coincidence, he was forced to first submit documents to Yaroslavl University, but already from the middle of his second year he transferred to Moscow State University. Mikhail was assigned to the Department of Probability Theory, where he learned mathematical statistics. Mikhail defended his diploma with a degree in statistics.

    His younger brother Andrei Khazin is an academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, historian and art critic, professor at Moscow State University.

    Many are interested in the nationality of Mikhail Khazin. Judging by the grandfather's name and patronymic, Grigory Leizerovich Khazin was a Jew, but according to the repeated assertion of Mikhail Leonidovich himself, they are Don Cossacks on the maternal side.


    Khazin first worked at the Institute of Statistics of the USSR State Statistics Committee with Emil Ershov. Then he became the head of the analytics department in a private bank. After that, Mikhail Leonidovich enters the civil service and begins a difficult career path through the Ministry of Economics to work in a specialized department under the President of the Russian Federation.

    Mikhail's career prospects were greatly spoiled by his personal qualities (uncompromisingness, harshness, arrogance) and his bright, but "uncomfortable" public speeches, reports and articles for colleagues and superiors. He is fired from the service, so Khazin moves to work in the private sector, creates a business based on advising on building relationships with government agencies, as well as on auditing.

    Gradually, he returns to work with large influential services and social institutions in the state, and in 2016, as a member of the Rodina political party, he takes part in the elections to the State Duma.

    Mikhail Leonidovich is a prominent economist, therefore, in his work, he pays special attention to the economic component of the largest events in recent world history. Being an experienced analyst who is able to consider historical events from a different angle, he creates a number of theories about the global crisis and the reasons for its formation. It is not surprising that some of them are reflected in his publications. Several books about the crisis came out from Khazin's pen.

    Together with like-minded Sergey Shcheglov, Mikhail Leonidovich publishes the book "Stairway to Heaven", which makes the reader rethink the concept of Power and the unspoken rules of action if a person has it. The authors analyze events in politics and economics, otherwise they tell the stories of the formation and collapse of the owners of corporations with a worldwide reputation and the reputation of "unsinkable".

    In 2017, he presented his new literary work - The Black Swan of the World Crisis. The book includes his articles from 2003 to 2017: results, forecasts, comments on the topic of the day. In fact, this is a chronicle of the development of the crisis that the world economy has been experiencing for about ten years now.

    Mikhail publishes all his thoughts and comments in a blog on his own website, and also regularly voices them through the media. The economist at various times was the host and author of a number of socio-political programs on radio and television. His photos and author's columns were published in scientific and specialized economic journals. Now Khazin is a permanent guest expert on Ekho Moskvy radio and a columnist on their website.

    Mikhail Khazin is a prominent figure in the media space. Each of his performances becomes an occasion for public discussions, the assessment of Khazin's words sometimes turns out to be polar - some call him "second", others take Mikhail's words for groundless "nonsense of a madman". One thing is clear for sure - the analyst is able to convincingly sort out his version of the development of events so that it is accessible and understandable to the general population. He uses a living language, speaks with warmth and passion.

    In the early 2000s, Mikhail became the founder of a new economic theory that predicts a global crisis and a complete transformation of the world market. The analyst assigns the main role in this process to America. Therefore, Mikhail Leonidovich repeatedly predicted certain changes that subsequently actually took place in the United States of America.

    Khazin was one of the first to talk about as a real candidate for the presidency of the country. Mikhail Leonidovich carefully analyzed the trends among lobbyists and the mood of citizens, also added to this the events predicted by the United States according to his author's economic concept, and said that Trump would be the winner.

    Mikhail Khazin on Donald Trump's reforms

    The analyst also announced Trump's victory in advance - according to his calculations, the US elections were democratic, and this is what allowed Donald Trump to win. He was voted for by the middle class and businessmen who wanted to keep their finances and corporations for the next four years.

    He also predicted that the US president would dramatically change course in the political arena and be the first to advocate the redistribution of the spheres of influence of the United States, Russia, China and India in the world. Thus, these four countries will be responsible for maintaining peace in each of their spheres of influence. In the meantime, the US will be busy saving its own economy, even if it means a crash for the global market.

    Mikhail Khazin in the studio "Echo of Moscow"

    However, not all of Mikhail Leonidovich's predictions come true. For example, in 2009, he predicted a famine in Europe in three years, predicted oil at $25 per barrel and the dollar at 45 rubles, and millions of unemployed clerks on the streets of Moscow.

    Personal life

    Mikhail Khazin tries not to advertise his personal life. It is known that he has a wife, Alexandra, whom he married in 1993. In an interview, Mikhail Leonidovich let slip that he has a daughter. The girl lives in Japan, in Kyoto. And judging by Mikhail's social networks, her name is Anastasia. Whether the economist has other children is not known for certain.

    Mikhail does not support relations with his younger brother Andrei. They haven't spoken in many years.

    Khazin is a socially active person. Perhaps it is in all modern social networks. He maintains a blog on LiveJournal, has pages on Facebook,

    I saved old text biographies Khazin Wikipedia, which was first removed from the site, and then replaced by a negative one. The very fuss with the page Khazin Wikipedia is recognized as the desire of Russian liberals in power to silence the name of Khazin for Internet visitors. Clearly, deleting a page M Khazin from the site showed the political bias of the editors of this online encyclopedia.

    Biography text Mikhail Khazin Wikipedia you will find in the middle of the page, and for those interested - I reprinted at the end Khazin's article

    Mikhail Khazin was the president of Neocon, an expert consulting company (now dispersed), which will be remembered because of the name neocon word happened. many Khazin M L known for interesting speeches, as he is a colorful television and radio publicist. He leads the internet Mikhail Khazin's blog khazin, and Khazin's website is the most informative on the topic world crisis.

    Mikhail Khazin

    Predictions M Khazina have a scientific basis on the basis, therefore economist Mikhail Khazin today is a sought-after publicist and commentator. I want to draw attention to how helpless the representatives of the official liberal economic mainstream look, who cannot even imagine the scale of the present crisis, since their "religion" forbids them to even think about the possibility of the end of capitalism. Economics adherents consider today's economic crisis to be ordinary, offering old and, in their opinion, proven solutions that simply do not work. Actually, this is proved by the actions of the leaders of the US Federal Reserve System, who have not been guided by the mantras of economics for a long time. That is why the Russian economic power looks inadequate with its stupid adherence to the textbooks of neoclassical economic theory, which has already been abandoned in the developed countries of capitalism, having switched to manual management of the economy in a crisis.

    I draw the attention of readers, what all materials by Mikhail Khazin my site can't accommodate, so Khazin last search on the page Mikhail Khazin

    This article is written as an explanation to the heading and placed by me in the dictionary and has a permanent link: http://site/page/hazin

    Khazin biography

    I think in order to imagine who Khazin Mikhail Leonidovich biography further will be posted as a quote from the site. The biography of such a person as Khazin Wikipedia described as follows:

    Mikhail Khazin Wikipedia

    September 18, 2006 Khazin M L on his resource published an article entitled “Kudrin is preparing a new default”, where he suggested the possibility of an imminent default of Russia: “In general, the picture is so reminiscent of the end of 1997 that it becomes scary.”

    In October 2008 Khazin predicted such a development of the crisis that had begun: “the US economy will decrease by at least a third. The world will fall by 20 percent. After that, the planet will face 10-12 years of severe depression. In the US and Europe, I think many will be starving. And the car will become a luxury item.”

    November 17, 2011 in Astana at a meeting of the discussion club "Expert" at the National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" Mikhail Khazin predicted the division of the economic world into “pieces”: “I can say that this will all end in 5–8–10 years with the division of the world into separate pieces. As a result, the rules we are used to will change.”

    Khazin books

    Kobyakov A. B., Khazin M. L. The decline of the dollar empire and the end of "Pax Americana" - Moscow: Veche, 2003. - 368 p. - (New angle). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-9533-0143-X

    Khazin M. L. “The Dead End of “Catching Up” Development” and “The Return of the “Red” Project” in the book “Fortress Russia: Farewell to Liberalism”: Sat. articles. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2005. ISBN 5-699-12354-7

    Khazin M.L. Preface to the publication in Russian of the book “This time everything will be different. Eight Centuries of Financial Folly" - Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth S. Rogoff [trans. from English. D.Storozhenko].-M.: Career Press, 2011.- 528s. ISBN 978-5-904946-02-9

    Khazin Mikhail biography which is interesting for its twists and turns, stood along with at the very beginning of the creation of a new economic theory. I consider Mikhail Khazin's main scientific achievement to be fruitful specifically for Russia. In addition to the Wikipedia site, I found another biography of Mikhail Khazin.

    How the article about me was destroyed on Wikipedia

    Editor's note: "Erasing personalities" from encyclopedias and reference books is traditionally considered a sign of the totalitarian structure of communities. Due to the fact that such a dystopia is practiced by the so-called. "free encyclopedia", we consider the explanations of the famous economist and our author about the motives of its leaders to be illustrative.

    The article about me was removed from Wikipedia.

    This process went on for two days, and during this time quite a lot of people tried to explain to the functionaries of this resource that this was not entirely correct. Of course, this did not work out, and therefore I consider it appropriate to explain why Wikipedia suddenly decided to do this right now (after many years of the existence of the corresponding article), and why the functionaries of this site could not have behaved differently.

    First of all, you need to understand one very important factor: our main achievement in economic science is the creation of a theory that explains the mechanisms and consequences of the current economic crisis.

    All the popularity of our site and the views on economics and politics expressed on it is due to the fact that this theory, which arose in the late 90s and early 2000s, allows us to draw conclusions that more adequately reflect reality than mainstream liberal economics, which scores today as professional publications and other media.

    Both Wikipedia itself and its functionaries are (including) just a mainstream project aimed at introducing a “correct” understanding of life into the uneducated (by the efforts of the modern elite) masses. In terms of economics, of course, economics. And here begins the most serious disagreement, which cannot end with any agreement. It is connected with the fact that within the framework of economics there is not and cannot be an adequate theory of the crisis - I wrote about this many times. And if there is no theory of crisis in economics, then, from the point of view of adherents, it should not be in any other place, since it is economics that is the “only true” economic theory.

    For this reason, adherents of economicsism can never admit that such a theory can exist somewhere - it is simply impossible, since it is self-discrediting. This is taboo. As a consequence, they fundamentally deny that we have such a theory. And if there is no theory, then we are automatically cheaters, charlatans and hoaxers who lie to the masses for the sake of gaining popularity for some personal purposes. Well, within the framework of their understanding, most likely, material. To believe that we are simply explaining how things are, I repeat once again, they cannot, because within the framework of their understanding of the theory of crisis there cannot be.

    In this sense, it is very funny that they included in an article about me (now deleted) a forecast from an interview in Komsomolskaya Pravda, which I gave in the summer of 2008, even before the start of the September deflationary shock. It spoke about the fall in the average standard of living of the population after the crisis, which not only has not yet ended, but is at its very beginning. And the administrators of Wikipedia, apparently, considered this text as a sign of severe inadequacy. And, by the way, this text was always remembered as my unfulfilled forecast - although, I repeat once again, the time has clearly not yet come to this, structural imbalances in the world economy have not yet been compensated.

    For a while, adherents of economicsism (including Wikipedia functionaries) simply ignored our existence. Then they fought back in different forums, but as the crisis developed and the popularity of our economic theory (“neoconomics”) grew, they began to experience severe cognitive dissonance. More precisely, even two. First, their own "gurus" clearly could not explain the causes and extent of the crisis, and therefore their attacks on our theory drastically reduced their authority among the public.

    Secondly, like all adherents of a theory that is not quite adequate for today, but terribly aggressive theory, they highly value their “mission”. This is clearly seen from the discussions in the process of deleting the article about me, in which the mentioned functionaries were actively rude to the new participants in the discussion, clearly demonstrating their personal importance to them. In addition, this is very clearly visible on their own pages, on which they hang each other with various regalia, from the number of which the “personally dear Leonid Ilyich” would most likely drool. And since the popularity of our theory is growing all the time (I repeat once again - for the reason that it gives clear and verifiable explanations of the events that have occurred and already has a fairly long history of verifiable forecasts), it becomes more and more difficult to refute it, and most importantly, participation in such refutations is clearly lowers the status of the members.

    Judging by certain circumstances, the significance of our theory in the eyes of society, and not only Russian, has recently grown significantly. And this seriously excited the participants in the economicsist movement. They cannot openly oppose our theory, since they are not able to give arguments against it. They can no longer say that the theory does not exist, because too many people can object to them, and this undermines the monopoly claims of economicsism. Therefore, one must pretend that the theory does not exist.

    The State Duma in the last days of its work adopted a number of laws that deserve special attention. One of them lowers the threshold of criminal liability of citizens for the use of physical force. That is, for beating people for the first time, an administrative punishment is provided, for repeated beating - a criminal one. There is only one exception - intra-family situations. That is, if you spank your child for bad behavior, keep in mind that it is now a criminal offense. At the same time, if you are subjected to criminal punishment, then, according to the norms of juvenile justice, the child will be taken away from you. Thus, our deputies, despite the statements of the president and other politicians that the family is the basis of society, anti-family laws are being quietly pushed through. This happens for many reasons, but the main one is that the homosexual lobby around the world is seeking to legalize the adoption of children by same-sex couples. Since such couples cannot give birth themselves, they need a market for children. The current Russian legislation makes it possible to take away children from quite prosperous parents, even on administrative matters. It is mainly well-to-do families that fall under the blow, because healthy, smart children with good heredity are valued on the market. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to return children back to their parents. I think we all need to make every effort to stop this lawlessness, and ask ourselves: why do our deputies vote for such laws and who pays them? It is known that we have foreign companies that sell children not only to homosexual families, but also for organs. So maybe it's time to deal with these companies?

    The second, in my opinion, important law allows creditors to demand repayment of debts from their borrowers without a court decision. This does not yet apply to mortgages, but affects all other types of lending. While all over the world, financial companies are beginning to call for accountability, in our country they are actually being given a free hand. For example, in the United States, the main task of the bankruptcy law is the preservation of business entities. That is, if there is a problem plant, after bankruptcy it should continue to work, and everything else, as far as possible. In our country, the director of such a plant, under the threat of criminal punishment, must stop production, fire people and sell all his machines. Given the current situation in our economy, we will have to close half of all factories in the fall. And against this background, the deputies adopted a law that will finally kill business.

    It is especially useful to reflect on these and other laws adopted by the outgoing State Duma on the eve of the upcoming parliamentary elections. Do we really need such deputies?